
=== Juzzy- is now known as Juzzy
LostMonksup people02:43
cyberangerhey LostMonk03:25
wrstLostMonk: how you doing?20:46
crazyqhola everyone, hmm seems like it's been awhile since I was last seen in here! Glad to be back though, hopefully for good!20:57
wrstcrazyq: hello20:58
crazyqWow wrst: ur still here I see20:58
crazyqI just recently returned back to linux last week, been having fun and also some frustration here and there but managed to work them out!21:00
wrstcool crazyq what are you running?21:01
crazyqUbuntu 12.0421:01
wrstcrazyq: btw they just can't get rid of me21:01
wrst12.04 seems to be pretty solid21:01
crazyqI started off running 12.10 but was running into issues with graphics drivers cough cough nvidia21:02
wrstcrazyq: running noveau or nvidia proprietary?21:03
crazyqso I started asking one of my linux buddy's about 12.04 and he said its solid21:03
crazyqwhich ever one that has me using bumblebee to make sure everything runs right21:04
wrsthmm crazyq ahh you have dual cards in your laptop?21:04
crazyqyes sir21:04
wrstintel/nvidia combo21:04
wrstyeah that's a beast to get right sometimes i hear21:05
crazyqyea I had to install 12.04 3 times to get it right after finding the right install thread21:05
wrstthat sounds like a pain i'm just on cheap o' intel on my laptop but it works nicely without fuss21:06
crazyqI jus bought this laptop and I got it mainly for my DJ gigs but since it has a nice size hdd and I been itching to return back to linux I decided to use some of the space for ubuntu21:08
chris4585I've heard about bumblebee and it sounds awesome21:09
wrsti think nvidia is possible working on something that actually works and is supported by them... or i think i heard that21:09
wrstthat would be part of the driver21:09
wrstthey they put out21:10
crazyqyea its great, i ran into an issue for 2 days trying to install diablo 3  and I found that running a command in the terminal while installing d3 with playonlinux will help it start everytime.21:10
crazyqwell for systems that don't depend mainly on the intel ichip usually works great with nvidia21:11
crazyqbut for the systems that use them well its something wrong there21:12
chris4585wrst, I believe I may purchase a flash drive, read about 220mb/sec and right about 100/sec and possibly might use that for my OS drive22:03
wrstchris4585: that could have some nice portability options22:04
chris4585yes, especially with usb 3, and if it works then I'm more than satisfied, flash is a little bit more dependable imo and a safer buy if it does work out22:06
chris4585yes, hopefully it will work like I want it to and the read speeds will be faster than a regular HDD22:17
chris4585or should be...22:17
wrsti woudl think so especially with usb322:23

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