
Kiloshi all08:41
inetprogood mornings09:59
Cantidehello hello '-'//10:00
Kiloshi inetpro magespawn Squirm Cantide 10:59
Squirmafternoon Kilos 11:00
CantideI keep going AFK11:07
Cantidethen coming back11:07
Cantideshould be in and out for the next 30 minutes still11:07
Cantidehttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/36318710/P1010008.JPG the finished lamp :)12:09
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zanuvolari: How did you ever get used to this12:45
Trixar_zaDvorak is hard12:45
Cantidejust installed an Audigy... and no sound..12:52
Cantideused alsamixer, got sound out, need to test mic still12:58
Cantidebut now how can i get the sound settings icon in the systray/12:58
Cantideno need actually, i can just run it from the dash if i ever need it... now why isn't my mic working..13:07
charl_good afternoon14:01
charl_hi Cantide 14:01
Cantidehey charl_ :)14:02
Cantidei almost greeted ChanServ haha14:02
charl_yup happens :) first three letters are the same14:02
CantideHoe gaat het?14:06
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Squirmmeh. ran out of international bandwidth at home14:34
* Squirm loves an ssh tunnel14:35
superflySquirm: ran out of bandwidth? why don't you have untapped?15:01
Squirmcause they have things called AUP's15:02
charl_Cantide: heel goed dank je, zelf?16:26
CantideI am well :)16:27
CantideI wanted to try some Dutch16:27
Cantidenot sure if i got it right :D16:27
charl_perfectly :)16:27
Cantidenow i'm eating dinner16:28
Cantideso partially afk16:28
Kiloshmm one hand typing and other in the pap16:37
KilosMaaz, supper please16:39
MaazKilos: Go get it yourself!16:39
Kilosswine bot16:39
KilosMaaz, supper please16:39
MaazKilos Spaghetti bolognaise is ready to be served16:39
* Cantide high fives Maaz 16:40
Kilosfirst gotta give one a hard time16:41
KilosMaaz, swine16:41
MaazIf you call me names Kilos you will make you're own coffee and do your own googling!16:41
KilosMaaz, sorry16:41
MaazKilos, no reason to be sorry16:41
magespawnhey all just got back and on my out again17:02
magespawnlater all17:03
Kilostoods magespawn 17:03
Kiloshi theblazehen 17:09
theblazehenhi kilos.17:09
theblazehenremember me ?17:09
Kiloswhew yeah from a while back hey?17:10
Kiloswhere you been17:10
theblazehenyeah. I've just been busy with exams and stuff. I've now moved to Arch though17:10
Cantidehow is Arch?17:11
Cantidei almost moved to Arch about a year ago17:11
Kilosyou like it?17:11
Cantidebut i stuck it out with ubuntu and grew to like it again17:11
theblazehenquite nice and not really difficult at all. I enjoy it alot17:11
Kilosyou gonne be here tomorrow evening at 19.30?17:11
theblazehen+Cantide perhaps you should install it in a VM?\17:11
Kilosmonthly meeting17:11
theblazehenyeah sure.17:12
Cantidemaybe i will try it on a spare HDD17:12
theblazehenGood idea :)17:12
Cantidei don't like trying things in VM17:12
Cantideit's not the same..17:12
theblazehenyeah me neither. 17:12
CantideKilos, I will try :p17:12
theblazehenAnyone wanna see my desktop ?17:13
KilosCantide, dont try , do it17:13
Kilosbe here17:13
Cantidei might go out to see the Hobbit17:13
Cantidetheblazehen, me me me '-';;17:13
Kilosya theblazehen link?17:13
theblazehenWhat you think ?17:14
Kilosthats ugly17:14
Cantidevery nice background :)17:14
theblazehen:( why you say that Kilos ?17:15
theblazehenCantide thanks17:15
Kilosim hooked on this kinda purple background17:15
theblazehenlink ?17:15
Kilosand the gray kde one17:15
theblazehennot sure which one...17:15
Cantidetheblazehen, looks good to me!17:16
Kiloswhew you gotta wait some i sukkel to get images somewhre17:16
CantideI would run that :)17:16
Cantidetheblazehen, do you have a link to your background? although i can only really use it if i run Arch lol17:16
theblazehen+Cantide thanks. How does yours look?17:16
theblazehengimme a min17:17
Cantidehttps://dl.dropbox.com/u/36318710/Screenshot.png like so... but my desktop is usually clean - just got some stuff on there while i sort my HDDs out17:18
theblazehen+cantide i dont have a link but I can upload a 1920x1080 or 1024x600 for you17:19
Kiloshow do i do this image thing Cantide 17:19
Kilosto where17:19
theblazehen+cantide http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg17:20
Cantidei took the pic of snow myself, too :)17:20
theblazehen+Kilos try apt-get install scrot17:20
CantideKilos, I'm using dropbox... maybe you can use tinypic?17:20
theblazehen+Cantide nice pic17:20
Cantideor that :p17:20
theblazehenscrot will take SCReenshOT17:21
Cantidetheblazehen, 1920 x 1080 please :)17:21
Kilostaking forever to get to imageshack17:21
CantideUbuntu already has a screenshot app17:21
Cantidewhich works nicely imho17:21
Cantidebut the uploading.. yeah.. that's up to Kilos :p17:21
theblazehen+Cantide gimme a minute17:22
* Squirm puts xubuntu on his netbook17:22
Kerberoi like lubuntu better for a netbook17:22
Kiloslo Kerbero 17:23
Squirmnot a fan of lxde17:23
Cantidealso, be jealous of my lamp -> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/36318710/P1010008.JPG17:23
Squirmso I'll try fxce first17:23
Squirmdon't really like it much either17:23
Squirmbut it's lighter than Mint17:23
Cantidetheblazehen, tyvm! saved on my desktop lol :p17:24
theblazehen+Kilos not really much differences between all unity desktop hey?17:24
Kilosyeah i got hooked on the background with 8.1017:25
CantideKilos, your setup looks very vanilla :p17:25
theblazehen+Cantide no problem17:25
Kiloswhats vanilla apart from flavouring17:25
Cantideunchanged, standard17:25
nlsthznunity ftw ... my system is also stock at the moment (then again it is another fresh install)17:26
Kilosoh ya i dont mess with things17:26
theblazehenKilos: why not?17:26
Kiloson kde i got one workspace with a kiff background but forgot how i did it so other 9 are gray17:26
Cantidemine is a fresh install + faenza icons17:27
Cantidethat's it... and a few apps of course17:27
Kilostheblazehen, im scared i break things17:27
nlsthzn+1 for faenza17:27
Kilosthis unity install has been very stable and reliable17:27
Kiloshi nlsthzn 17:27
nlsthznalso, the guy that created faenza is creating some icons for ubuntu now :)17:27
theblazehenKilos: dd if=/dev/sda of=external_hdd17:27
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos , all17:28
Kilosgood ty nlsthzn and there17:28
Kilosdont say always good17:28
nlsthznsometimes good thanks17:28
nlsthznlike now :p17:28
Kilosyou also get flu17:28
Kilosarab flu17:28
Cantidenlsthzn, yeah, i heard about that :) i bet 13.04 will look nice :)17:28
nlsthznyeah, about time17:29
Kiloswhew theblazehen im even more scared of dd commands17:29
Kilosthe fly says stay away from them17:29
theblazehenyeah. mixed them up once when I tried to restore from backup :/17:30
Kilosi use the one to zero a drive and the one to copy mbr to another drive17:30
theblazehenah. Ever use it for it's intended purpuse ... to Destroy Disk ?17:31
SquirmI use it for writing ISO's to a flashdrive17:31
Squirmalong with indirectly using it to clone hdd's17:31
nlsthznI made my ubuntu iso 0kb when I got it the wrong way around :/17:31
Squirmwith Clonezilla17:32
Squirmlol nlsthzn 17:32
theblazehen+Squirm tried that once with an iso from remastersys. didn't wokr17:32
SquirmI did that with my Rasbian17:32
Squirmtheblazehen: works well17:32
theblazehen+Squirm how is the Pi ?17:32
* Squirm shrugs17:32
Squirmhaven't found much use for it17:32
theblazehenever think of xbmc ?17:32
Kerberoxbmc is awesome on the pi17:33
Squirmno need for it17:33
Kerberoit supports CEC17:33
Kerberobut it can't handle my media collection17:33
theblazehen+Kerbero why not?17:33
Squirmthat's the only issue, it's slow17:33
Squirmbut I see they come with 512Mb of RAM now :/17:34
SquirmI'm annoyed with that17:34
Kerberomine is 51217:34
Kerberobut it has a hardware bug17:34
theblazehen+Squirm TBH it's graphics is better than my netbook17:34
Kerberocrash when it heats up17:34
theblazehen+Kerbero Buy a small freezer17:34
Cantidethere is a board that supplements the Pi which interfaces with various things17:35
Kiloswbb gotta go eat17:35
Cantideso you can have it drive servos17:35
Cantideor control something17:35
Cantidewhich is really cool17:35
Cantidei could put one in my lamp and have it connected to the internet so that i can control my lamp remotely! '-'17:36
Kerberonah the pi is overkill for that17:37
theblazehen+cantide how about doing that with a video feed and let people on the internet turn it on and of17:38
Kerberojust use a avr+eth module17:38
Cantidethat would be fun :)17:38
Cantidejust need a pi, that board, a cam.. eh17:38
KerberoCantide: http://www.jpmeijers.com/powermeter/17:38
Kerberoi use an arduino for that17:38
Kerberoalso a bit overkill though17:38
Kerberoa pic would've worked fine17:38
Cantidevery nice :)17:39
theblazehen+Kerbero whats the cause for the daily electricity spike ?17:39
Kerberogeyser on a timer17:39
theblazehenand whats up with weekly temperature17:40
Kerberoyou can see on the daily graph i turned my computer on at 13:3017:40
Kerberoand the hourly dips are the fridge17:41
Kerberothe temperature is normal as it is colder at night17:41
* theblazehen facepalms17:41
theblazehenanyone hear about http://project-byzantium.org/17:42
Kerberourgh, i'm still full of glitter from last night17:42
theblazehen+Kerbero what happened last night ?17:43
theblazehen /join #reddit17:43
nlsthzntheblazehen: can never be to prepared for zombies17:43
theblazehen+nlsthzn I think its a nice concept that i would like to try out17:44
Kerberotheblazehen: MCQP17:45
Kerberoi wonder what protocol byzatium uses17:47
theblazehenThink its on their about page17:47
Kerberolikely batman17:47
theblazehen"At this moment in time, Byzantium has packaged two mesh protocols for  full-scale testing, Babel and BATMAN-advanced.  Rather than quote their  documentation verbatim I encourage you to take a look at the projects’  introductory documentation and see for  yourselves why we chose these  two protocols."17:48
Kerberoahh ok17:48
Kerberoi'm actually doing my masters on ad hoc networks17:49
Kerberobut on low speed telemetry networks17:50
theblazehen+Kerbero awesome. Can you please explain the basic differences between them ?17:50
Kerberobetween mesh and ad-hoc?17:50
Kerberoor between the different protocols?17:50
theblazehendifferent mesh protocols17:51
Kerberowell mainly it has to do with what they use as metric17:51
Kerberometric is the thing that gives weight or priority to routes/links17:51
theblazehenwhat do you mean by "what they use as metric"17:51
Kerberosome will try to save power17:51
Kerberowhile others will try and get the shortest path17:52
Kerberosome guarantees delivery with an extra overhead17:52
Kerberowhile other go for speed17:52
Kerberoyou can't have your cake and eat it17:53
Squirm.:Cantide:. i could put one in my lamp and have it connected to the internet so that i can control my lamp remotely! '-' <<--- I'd use it to control my house remotely17:53
Kerberobut the computer scientists try to17:53
Squirm.:Cantide:. there is a board that supplements the Pi which interfaces with various things <<--- Gertboard is one of them17:53
CantideSquirm, well that, too, but i need to start somewhere :p17:53
KerberoSquirm: indeed that will be a better use for it17:53
theblazehen+Kerbero why can't they both save power and take the shortest path ? wouldn't taking the shortest path lead to less power usage as less power is used passing the message/17:53
CantideSquirm, Gertboard is exactly what I was thinking of :)17:53
Squirm.:Kerbero:. but it has a hardware bug <-- Try stick a small heatsink on the cpu?17:53
Kerberotheblazehen: going over a mountain vs going around17:53
KerberoSquirm: i did :P17:53
theblazehenok  I get it. (I think)17:54
SquirmI saw someone stick and LMR90(Analogue Thermometer) onto the CPU and automatically control a cooling unit17:54
Kerberoif you use solar panels to power the nodes, going through a forest will be more costly as around it17:54
Squirmwas overkill, but cool to see it work17:54
Squirmbbl, food17:54
theblazehen+Kerbero which one is BATMAN and which one is Babel.17:54
Kerberoi don't really know those two that well17:55
theblazehen+Kerbero. ok . Do you believe that mesh networks will be able to build an alternative to the internet freenet style 17:55
Kerberolonger links = slower speed17:56
Kerberothere are internasional wireless ad-hoc networks up and running17:57
Kerberobut you can't use them for anything more than text messages17:57
theblazehen+Kerbero Thats why I mentioned freenet. Each user stores parts of websites and then others connect to them and ask for the part  and if it's not available they ask the neext node17:58
Kerberoon small scale i can see that can work17:58
Kerberobut it won't scale that well17:59
Kerberotoo much overhead17:59
theblazehen+Kerberos. Ok17:59
Kerberoand it also won't work for dynamic websites17:59
Kerberowell i have to go17:59
Kerberochat later!17:59
theblazehen+Kerbero why would there be too much overhead ?17:59
theblazehenby Kerbero18:00
smilehi :)18:00
theblazehenhi smile18:00
Kerberohi en bye smile18:00
smileKerbero: :(18:00
smilebyeee :)18:00
Kerberogaan hou vir jaendre geselskap18:00
smilehi theblazehen :)18:00
smileKerbero: good night18:00
theblazehenhi :)18:00
theblazehenwhats up?18:01
theblazehenanyone see http://www.masswerk.at/google60/18:01
theblazehengoogle in the 60's18:01
Kilosand tuesday evening at 8pm too theblazehen 18:03
Kilosreapp thing18:03
theblazehenKilos: Ok18:03
theblazehenreapp thing?18:03
theblazehen+Kilos ok. BTW if it wasn't for Ubuntu and Kubntu CD's I would not be using linux today18:05
Kilosnuvolari, ping18:05
theblazehenMust say i didn't like gnome2 that much18:05
Kilosoo i prefer it to everything18:05
nlsthznI see there is still some info missing, like how many people on IRC etc... do we have that someplace or should we remove the ????18:06
Cantidei liked gnome2 <318:06
Kilosstill run maverick on one pc18:06
theblazehenI remember having a 8.04 Kubuntu and a 9.04 ubuntu and i still used kubuntu18:06
theblazehen+Kilos why not mate ?18:06
Kilosi dunno nlsthzn we change here so much18:06
nlsthznjust something to keep in mind then before tuesday18:07
Kilosi used mate here theblazehen but it stopped giving me sound on xchat so removed it18:07
Kilosmate is good18:07
theblazehenkilos perhaps it broke something?18:07
Kilosyeah theblazehen but finding what was too much work18:08
Kilosso now we unity and kubuntu18:08
theblazehenAh. 18:08
Kilosand maverick of course for serious stuff18:08
theblazehenpersonally i dont have much internet so im forced to fix stuff18:09
Kilosme too18:09
Kilosbeen a boon getting 8ta last bunch of months18:09
Kilosthere were times i stretched 100 meg a month18:10
superflynlsthzn: I've got a sort of a list of people in Ubuntu-ZA over the last year or so, I need to fix it up though18:10
Kiloshiya superfly 18:10
theblazeheni HAVE A 10 gig CAP.18:10
nlsthznsuperfly: time is few :p18:10
superflyhi Kilos18:10
superflynlsthzn: yeah, I know, but tomorrow is a public holiday here :-)18:11
nlsthznah because today is a sunday... ah ok, nice18:11
Kilos10 G and you say you dont have much. hehe18:11
nlsthznah, why am I typing ah so ah much18:11
* superfly doesn't know how he'd survive on a cap anymore18:11
Kilosmurder hey superfly 18:12
theblazehen+Kilos I like my torrents... Also it's for the whole family.18:12
superflyAh, no wonder I'm not getting alerts here... I'm still logged in on my phone...18:12
nlsthzngot to say the 1gb cap on my android is working out... very efficient use of info18:12
Kilosbut all the time with min data taught me how to stretch things18:12
* superfly logs off his phone18:12
superflythat should work better18:12
Kiloshope maia is here tomorrow evening18:13
superflynlsthzn: with wifi at work and at home, my 500 meg databundle on my phone was just not being used, figured it was costing me more than just taking the R2/meg out-of-bundle18:14
theblazehenwho's maia?18:14
superflythe LoCo co-ordinator18:14
Kilosour team contact18:14
theblazehen+superfly why not cellc? they have R0.99 / MB18:14
nlsthznsuperfly: I am also finding I am not fully using my data... have the wifi at home and I am not allowed my phone at work :/18:14
theblazehen+superfly+kilos ok18:14
superflytheblazehen: I've been on Vodacom for the last 10 years and I'm not lus to go to the effort of porting my number18:15
theblazehenthought it was easy ?18:15
superflytheblazehen: also, my phone is not the only one on my account18:15
theblazehen+superfly ok thats a bit more effort ...18:16
superflytheblazehen: I'd also have to find Cell C equivalents of the contracts myself and my wife have18:16
theblazehen+superfly ok18:16
superflytheblazehen: it's not like it's a huge cost every month... my and my wife's cellphone bills together almost never exceed R400/month18:17
superflyand without the data bundle, that'll be lowered to R250/month18:17
Kilossuperfly, you need a long leave18:17
theblazehenAlso anyone see linux format is available at exclusive books?18:18
superflytheblazehen: aka, the effort to go to Cell C is likely far more hassle than the R3/month I'm saving going to Cell C18:18
theblazehenthats not much data.18:18
superflytheblazehen: never really bought those magazines, they go out of date too quickly18:18
theblazehendo you have sync disabled?18:18
superflytheblazehen: I don't have an Android18:19
theblazehen+superfly yeah but the DVD's have nice stuff.18:19
superflytheblazehen: that I can't download with my uncapped internet?18:19
theblazehen+superfly ok. I was wondering how you did it18:19
* nlsthzn strokes his S3... there there... it will be ok...18:19
theblazehen+superfly true...18:19
theblazehen+nlsthzn I have S2 with CM1018:20
superflytheblazehen: I *mostly* use the data on my phone for IRC and a little bit of browsing18:20
Kilosthe fly has a cool fone18:20
* superfly has a REAL Linux phone18:20
theblazehen+superfly what phone do you have? meego?18:20
superflytheblazehen: Maemo, the N90018:20
nlsthzntheblazehen: running my s3 with a Resurrection Remix ROM.... gives me JB 4.1.2 with some 4.2 apps18:20
theblazehen+superfly ok18:20
theblazehen+nlsthzn ok. Never really understood why people choose non-AOSP ROM's. Any advantages as I might upgrade to 4.2 soon18:21
nlsthznRR is based on CM which is based on AOSP if I am not mistaken18:22
Kilosinetpro, ping18:22
Kiloshes gonna say we talk too much again18:22
theblazehen+nlsthzn ok. Just wondering about RR vs CM18:23
superflytheblazehen: you don't need to add the + in front of our names18:24
nlsthznCM has to many holes with the S3 that they don't care to fix... so even with RR somethings aren't working and some things are wonky :/18:24
theblazehenJust a habbit...18:24
theblazehenah. whats wrong with the S318:24
superflytheblazehen: also, if you press the tab key, it can autocomplete nicks18:24
Kilosfrom where theblazehen 18:25
theblazehenkilos what do you mean ?18:25
Kilosother peeps use the @18:25
theblazehenthanks superfly18:25
Kilostwitter peeps18:25
theblazehenkilos still dont get what you mean18:25
Kilosi mean where did you get the habit18:26
theblazehenlarge irc channels18:26
theblazehenwith multiple discussions18:26
Kilosah i dont go to others18:26
Kiloscant keep up18:26
theblazehenok. Me neither. the best wayis to save the logs and read them i think18:27
Kilosmy multitasking is breathing while i type18:27
theblazehenhaha yeah I can barely reddit and IRC18:27
superflyif anyone wants to set up forums in the near future, I really recommend Vanilla - it's really awesome18:28
Kiloslike the main #ubuntu channel18:28
Kilosonly tried once there for help18:28
theblazehenalso #linux18:28
superflyyou folks are too slow18:28
theblazehenwhy superfly18:28
superflyI'm watching about 5 IRC channels, writing replies on forums, and listening to music :-)18:29
superflyI've at least managed to get the kiddos to stay downstairs18:29
superflytheblazehen: a little less on the foul stuff, asseblief?18:30
theblazehenalso just checked and reddit.com/r/ubuntuza exists18:30
theblazehensuperfly ok 18:30
* superfly doesn't reddit much18:30
Kiloswb magedroid 18:30
* theblazehen reddits way too much18:30
magedroidGood evening all18:30
Kilosmagedroid, you got tons to read lad18:31
Kilostheblazehen, note he is also a droid user18:32
superflyyo magedroid18:32
superflytheblazehen: maybe that's your problem?18:32
theblazehenthanks for info kilos18:32
theblazehensuperfly maybe whats my problem?18:32
superflytheblazehen: redditr18:33
Kilostheblazehen, you onna pc now or cell18:34
theblazehenon pc18:34
Kilosthen type first three letters of a nick and hit tab18:34
Kilosmuch easier18:35
theblazehenKilos: ah thanks18:35
superflyKilos: thanks, I tried to mention that earlier, but I am too direct18:37
Kiloswe all from that funny little town18:37
theblazehendid my /away work?18:38
nlsthznnope you are still here18:38
Kiloson xchat you only see that if you right click on the nick18:39
theblazehenim using pidgin18:39
magedroidHey superfly18:39
Kilosi only mxit msn and aim on pidgin18:40
theblazehenwhy not irc?18:40
Kilosfb and irc too much like work18:40
theblazehenhow so?18:41
Kilosscreen to small to see all the peeps18:41
theblazehenset it all up in 5 min or less18:41
Kilosi show offline buddies18:41
theblazehenthats why they have scroll bars18:41
Kilosso need a tall screen18:41
theblazehenoh yeah i should enable that18:41
Kiloswhew that even more work18:41
theblazehenand done...18:42
Kilosxchat on its own workspace is lekker18:42
Kilosim sure im the only unity user with 10 workspaces18:42
magespawnstrange quasseldroid does not connect but laptop quassel through tablet does18:42
superflypidgin is an IM client, leave it be an IM client18:43
superflyuse a proper IRC client for IRC18:43
magespawnKilos what do I need to read?18:44
theblazehenIt works well enough... Why should I  use a alternative IRC client ?18:44
Kilosthe scroll back18:44
superflytheblazehen: pidgin is not an IRC client18:44
Kilosthese peeps can chat man18:44
theblazehenI have logs18:44
magespawnanything in particular?18:44
theblazeheneven sorted by date18:45
Kilospidgin keeps lekker logs18:45
magespawncool will check it out18:45
Kilosis reddit also on freenode?18:46
magespawnsuperfly what client are you using on the phone for irc?18:46
superflymagespawn: Quassel2Go18:46
superflymagespawn: and QuasselDroid on my Kindle18:46
Kiloswhew too many peeps there18:47
magespawndid not know you got it for the n90018:48
magespawnwill check it out18:48
superflymagespawn: You should find it in your package manager, IIRC18:50
* magespawn goes to get the phone18:51
superflymagespawn: otherwise I'll hunt around for the deb and send it to you18:51
superfly*sigh* toddlers18:53
* superfly wraps some christmas presents18:55
magespawnthink i have found it18:58
Kilostook long enough18:59
Kilosyou getting old18:59
superflywouldn't talk if I were you, Kilos :-P18:59
superflyyou know, two keyboards take up a lot of room on one's desk...19:00
magespawnnot me that is slow, more like the internet19:00
Kilos2 on one pc?19:00
superflyKilos: ya19:00
superflyKilos: at work I have 2 keyboards AN D2 mice19:00
Kiloswho uses the second one19:00
superflyat home I only have 1 mouse19:00
superflyKilos: me19:00
superflyKilos: why do you think I type so fast?19:01
Kilosno wonder your fingers are getting shorter superfly 19:01
Kilosno man superfly that doesnt make sense19:02
smilehi oom kilos, magespawn & superfly :p19:02
superflyKilos: must i take a photo?19:02
Kiloshi smile 19:02
smilefrench tomorrow :)19:03
magespawnsuperfly which repo is it in?19:03
Kilosno man superfly  i believe you but they on same pc so doing same job or not19:03
superflymagespawn: hrm, not sure19:03
Kilosto same places i mean19:03
Kilosas in they both can type to here?19:04
Kiloslol and 2 mice19:04
superflymagespawn: which package manager are you using?19:05
Kiloswhen do you decide to use which one?19:05
superflymagespawn: I can't seem to figure where mine is from19:05
magespawnsuperfly found a deb here http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Quassel2Go?content=13682819:05
magespawnnot sure either the one that came with the phone19:05
superflymagespawn: yeah, I was just about to search there19:05
superflymagespawn: ah, use "Faster Application Manager" - you can select multiple packages at the same time19:06
superflyit's more like a traditional Linux package manager19:06
magespawnwill be good to have it on the phone19:11
magespawnof course takes for ever to update the phone19:16
superflymagespawn: yeah, that's a pain19:16
Kilossuperfly, with 2 mice you got one or 2 of them arrow goodies19:18
Kilosi tried 2 and both move the same arrow19:19
magespawnman the connection is all over the place tonight19:28
magespawnsuperfly i cannot update the catalogues. will try in the morning19:29
magespawndissconnected three times\19:30
Kilosmagespawn, you gonna be at work tomorrow19:30
Kilosor here anyway19:30
magespawnyup have stuff to do 19:30
magespawnhere as well19:30
smilebyeee :p19:30
smilegood night :DD19:30
Kilosremind me to get info from the pro for the twit place please19:30
magespawnnight smile19:31
Kilosnight smile 19:31
Kilossleep tight19:31
magespawnwill do19:31
smilethanks :D19:31
Kiloshad a terrible job to do this morning19:32
Kiloshad to install xp to get diskmagic to burn a bootable cd19:32
Kilosso stupid that is19:33
Kilosyou gotta install for it to be able to give you the option19:33
magespawnwhy did you need diskmagic to do that Kilos?19:33
Kilosno man diskmagic is to fix seagate drives19:34
Kiloslike seatools but thats in dos19:34
magespawnahh right19:34
Kilosdiskmagic is the gui goodie19:34
Kilosonce installed you can burn a cd or get the iso and use another ap to burn it19:35
magespawnno luck updating the repos here superfly19:35
Kilosdiskwizard not magic19:35
magespawni havve a similar problem on a Gigabyte Q2005 netbook, bad sectors and disk corruption19:38
superflyKilos: a single cursor19:38
magespawngoint to have to wait to tomorrow to install over adsl19:39
Kilossuperfly, so whats the point of 2 mice then?am i just being doff19:39
superflymagespawn: yeah, I mostly use WiFi these days19:39
theblazehenI noticed Maaz has support for coffee. Any chance we can add http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper_Text_Coffee_Pot_Control_Protocol19:40
superflyKilos: at work we have 2 people working together on things19:40
Kilosmagespawn, i just got an 80g drive so it dont show any bad sectors anymore19:40
Kiloswow superfly must be stressful19:40
magespawndo you get wifi all over superfly? or just for updating?19:40
Kiloshunting for where the other guy left the cursor19:40
magespawntheblazehen: you would need to talk to cocooncrash19:41
magespawnKilos did you finish the 2tb?19:41
superflymagespawn: not sure what you're asking me... I have a WiFi network at work, and one at home, so I use ADSL over WiFi most of the time19:41
superflymagespawn: well, when installing stuff19:41
superflyfor IRC and things I am usually out, so I'm using 3G19:42
Kilosnope it wont let me write anything to it magespawn 19:42
Kilosthats what the diskwizard is for19:42
magespawni know they have free wi-fi in stellenbosch, thought they might have extended it or something19:43
Squirmand theblazehen, just fyi. # dd if=./ISO/xubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdg bs=1M19:44
Kilosnight everyone19:45
Kilossleep tight19:45
magespawnnight Kilos19:45
Squirmnight night Kilos 19:45
theblazehentried that before but with a remastersys iso. didnt work19:45
KilosMaaz, announce Monthly meeting tomorrow night all19:45
superflymagespawn: wifi is just a wireless network19:45
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Monthly meeting tomorrow night all19:45
Squirmtheblazehen: is it an iso for a bootable cd?19:45
Squirmthen I don't know19:46
theblazehenbooted when I used the pendrivelinux.com usb creator19:46
magespawnyup i know but you do get wan wi-fi19:46
SquirmI don't know theblazehen 19:46
theblazehenyeah. don't matter tho. Don't need to do it anymore19:47
Squirmit should also work creating an ISO. you just reverse the if and of19:48
theblazehenYeah. strange .19:48
Squirmdd is fun19:48
theblazehenexcept when you are doing backups and mix up if and of19:48
Squirmespecially making a Gb file with zero data :P19:48
theblazehenbitch please 30 GB swap file here :/19:49
magespawnSqurim can be lots of fun if you mix if and of with an empty and a full disk19:49
Squirmlol magespawn 19:49
magespawngreat mindsd think a like19:49
Squirmalso creating a few tasks to create many Gb worth from /dev/random on someones pc19:50
theblazehenwhy not /dev/urandom? 19:50
theblazehen/dev/urandom is pseudo-random19:50
theblazehenwont stop if out of entropy19:50
* Squirm shrugs19:51
Squirmnever heard of it :P19:51
Squirmmakes more sense19:52
Squirmbut there is always data19:52
SquirmI think the IO off the hdd generates bits19:52
Squirmbut not sure19:52
theblazehenalso timing between keypresses and mouse movements methinks19:52
Squirmif usage too19:53
Squirmthe boredom :|19:54
theblazehenyeah :/ busy pllaying thepowdertoy.co.uk now19:55
SquirmI think I should just go to bed19:56
theblazehenyeah. Good night19:56
magespawngood night all20:07
theblazehenhello SeeBorg20:48

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