
xubuntu375Hi. I'm currently using a fresh Xubuntu 12.04 installation. I'm using the "Places" applet for the panel but for some reason the "Recent Documents" menu item there always stays empty?00:09
Chad__Right click the applet, select properties, then check "Show recent documents"00:12
xubuntu375It's checked. The thing is the menu item "Recent Documents" is there in the applet but when I open any files they don't get listed.00:14
Chad__Do the files still exist?00:15
xubuntu375I've also just realized the file .local/share/recently00:18
xubuntu375ups, sorry, typed too fast.00:18
xubuntu375I've also just realized the file .local/share/recently-used.xbel isn't updated when opening files.00:19
xubuntu375my user account got read and write access to it.00:20
Chad__Hmm. Maybe delete the file and see if it repopulates. I honestly don't know.00:21
xubuntu375already tried that - didn't help. anyway thank's for your time.00:22
Chad__Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'll keep looking for something.00:27
ZelouilleDoes someone use a netbook or keyboard without CapsLock LED ? What i found are applets for gnome-panel.00:38
drcMaybe you're looking for this?  http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-kbdleds-plugin00:44
rhin0Zelouille: I found the solution for that01:24
rhin0the best one01:25
rhin0will fetch the link01:25
rhin0essentially: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tsbarnes/indicator-keylock && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install indicator-keylock01:26
rhin0gives you a nice caps lock applet01:26
rhin0sudo apt-get install indicator-keylock01:26
rhin0its on that url anyway01:26
rhin0thats for xfce4 .. caps lock indicator applet01:27
Zelouillerhin0: isn't that for gnome-panel ? (I use xfce4-panel)01:45
rhin0i have it installed on xfce4 - that works on xubuntu 10.04 here01:46
Zelouillerhin0: also, it's not very clear... Do you have to clic on the applet to see the state of the... "LEDs" ?01:46
rhin0its clear01:46
rhin0im not sure - if it has scroll lock01:47
rhin0num lock01:47
rhin0caps lock was all I needed01:47
Zelouillemmh.. ok, it display the Caps lock all the time, and if you click on it, you see the state of the others locks, right ?01:47
rhin0i dont know - not on that machine01:48
rhin0try it .. apt-get remove will remove01:48
rhin0install installl (etc) the commands are on the url01:48
Zelouillei'm gonna test that in virtualbox.01:49
Zelouilleyup thanks :)01:49
Zelouillefor now i have loosy hacked a script that pop up notification when you press CapsLock or NumLock... It worked great on another computer, but not really on this one.01:52
rhin0http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1867007  I addressed it here a while back01:54
rhin0thats where I got the url above from01:54
rhin0theres another solution there too01:54
Zelouilleoh right, the first link is an indicator, not an applet, so it works on xfce. Cool :)02:03
ZelouilleIt behaves a bit strangely on the VM (i had to hold CapsLock to si the "CapsLock on"). But i think it's because Virtual box.02:04
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Zelouillerhin0: works great on the netbook. Thanks for your help.02:42
MrDyneIs there a free Cpanel like web interface for ubuntu that can deal with e-mail, dns, ftp, lamp, domains, etc.03:02
Fudgemaybe webmin03:25
johnhi folks03:44
johnI am an intermediate xubuntu user...came here to ask a GNOME Do question...03:45
johnanyone here somewhat knowledable about GNOME Do?03:45
qasimdoes anyone know how to access  a shared folder over a LAN via xubuntu?10:35
jlxmkays this seems to wokr at least lol12:21
jlxa question binding keys to multiple mouse buttons how  and working  solution in the passt there was btnx but now all i find is crashing software12:22
kondi!help newly installed fonts not working.13:33
ubottukondi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:33
kondiI have installed all of the lohit fonts through software center13:34
kondinone of them work13:34
kondiXubuntu 12.1013:35
ochosikondi: in what application are you planning on using them?13:39
ochosiand more importantly: did you reload your session or restart the application13:39
kondiI want to use these fonts with abiword13:41
kondiI also regenerated cache files13:42
Qasimhow to access computers on my LAM?13:43
narwhalCould anyone tell me how to use this .run file to install TeamSpeak 3, all that happens is it opens a word document upon opening...13:43
kondiochosi: the fonts' name doesn't appear in Character Map13:46
ochosikondi: and abiword also doesn't show them after a restart?13:47
kondiit does appear in Character Map13:47
kondiappears in abiword too. But they don't work13:47
Qasimhow to access LAN computers and shared folders through xubuntu..please help13:48
kondiochosi: anything I can do?13:55
qasim_solve my lan problem ..lol13:56
ochosikondi: not sure, i'm not sure what "doesn't work" means in your context13:58
kondiwhen I select some font, say lohit-gujarati, and I type I see latin script not gujarati13:58
kondiqasim_: LMGTFY http://bit.ly/UyVaog, open the first link (seems similar to your problem)13:59
qasim_i dont know how to connect with other computers on my LAN... its not like something doesnot work..i dont know how to make it work :(13:59
qasim_olrite kondi13:59
=== kondi is now known as kondi|akf
qasim_thanks kondi14:02
kondi|akfno problem14:04
qasim_i have read the link fully..it asks me to download (libapache2-mod-dnssd )... but i have checked  it is some thing related to advertisements or something14:13
qasim_should i go ahead and download it?14:13
CatbuntuOn Xubuntu, even with Nvidia drivers, there's no Sync Vblank?17:45
CatbuntuAnd when I see a YouTube flash video fullscreen it's blurry, it doesn't happen on Mint :S17:46
nyRednekis there an app to use in xubuntu that works with qr codes to snap and go via webcam?17:51
baizonnyRednek: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22871/software-to-read-a-qr-code17:54
nyRednekbaizon: thanks17:57
baizonnyRednek: np17:57
ZelouilleCatbuntu, you probably know it, but you may have to enable it in nvidia-settings (there are two "Sync to Vblank" checkbox).18:01
CatbuntuI have it checked on nvidia-settings, at least one of them.18:02
Catbuntuhuh, where's the other Sync to vBlank checkbox?18:15
falconhi all18:43
Qasim_is it fine to install samba 4..for files and folder sharin g over a network?19:34
Qasim_how to invoke ubottu?19:37
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:37
TheSheepyou can also /msg it19:37
TheSheepthis way you don't spam the channel19:37
Qasim_oh ok19:38
XATRIXI guys, i have troubles with my system20:51
XATRIXMy cpu is running up to 100%20:51
XATRIXSince i load the system up20:51
XATRIXAnd i can't get rid of it20:52
XATRIXI found that the process that cause the lag, is /bin/init that has pid of 120:52
XATRIXI don't know what to do with it20:52
XATRIXAlso if i do strace -p 120:53
XATRIXI receive tons of a : fsync(4)                                = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)20:54
XATRIXNothing else20:54
ZelouilleCatbuntu, i've got one vsync checkbox under « X Server XVideo Settings » and the other under « OpenGL Settings »22:39
CatbuntuI'll try it tomorrow :322:39
CatbuntuI'm on android now.22:39

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