
ejatyofel : u here?02:59
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jussiWas someone working on the ownclod packaging? 07:34
soeegood morning07:55
jussimorning soee!08:22
soeeyohoho :)08:36
soee4.10 RC1 soon 08:36
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Riddelljussi: I've done bits, why?10:15
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* apachelogger stares at Riddell10:28
* Riddell is used to stares, being so good looking and all10:29
apacheloggeroh noes, my stare has failed10:29
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Riddellumm, did I forget to put out the recycling last night?10:30
* apachelogger is in a troll mood10:33
Riddellok I give up, what have I done wrong?10:33
apacheloggerjust trolling :P10:34
apacheloggerdid you write the new qml systray?10:34
Riddellnot one of my acomplishments that10:34
apacheloggertoo bad10:34
apachelogger    property variant  __att_icon:          __has_task ? task.attIcon : __getDefaultIcon()  <- attIcon is always a QIcon, __getDefaultIcon is either a QString or a QIcon ... that is an actual type variant, in that its type depends on the moon10:36
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* apachelogger may be able to do useful things soonish again :P12:45
rbelemhi all :-)13:02
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rbelemRiddell, hi :-)13:03
rbelemRiddell, i have more changes for icecc. if you have some time to take a look on it... :-) media.rbelem.info/icecc_0.9.8~git2012121601-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz media.rbelem.info/icecc_0.9.8~git2012121601.orig.tar.bz213:05
rbelemRiddell, now with libcap-ng :-)13:06
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apacheloggerjussi, agateau: sni-qt icons fixed13:16
jussiapachelogger: nice13:17
jussiapachelogger: fixed upstream?13:18
apacheloggernow I can continue triaging bugs13:18
Riddellrbelem: groovy, all upstream?13:31
Riddellshadeslayer: did you still need amarok tested?13:35
shadeslayeryes please13:36
Riddellmm, actualy not sure that'll work in a chroot or an ec213:36
shadeslayeryou're on raring?13:36
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1088772] Broken icons in plasma tray @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1088772 (by xapienz)13:38
Riddellshadeslayer: yes13:38
shadeslayertest the raring package in -proposed ?13:38
* shadeslayer is still perplexed as to how lastfm stuff worked without us shipping the lib that's needed13:39
Riddellshadeslayer: amarok depends on liblastfm1, what else is needed?13:40
shadeslayernah, we didn't ship usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so13:41
shadeslayer!find usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so quantal13:41
ubottuPackage/file usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so does not exist in quantal13:41
Riddellwhat does that do?  we have /usr/lib/kde4/amarok_service_lastfm.so13:41
shadeslayerthat lib depends on usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so13:41
Riddellare you sure it's not a new thing in what you're packaging?13:42
shadeslayerat runtime13:42
shadeslayerRiddell: don't think so, the build logs for 2.6.0 show usr/lib/libamarok_service_lastfm_shared.so 13:42
shadeslayerit's a run-time lib needed by amarok_service_lastfm.so13:42
Riddellhmm, well maybe it didn't work indeed :(13:42
Riddellit needs someone with a payed for last fm account to test13:43
shadeslayeroh really?13:43
shadeslayerI thought it worked with free accounts as well13:43
Riddellnah, they blocked that ages ago13:44
Riddellbut you could still use the desktop client13:44
Riddellas I understand it13:44
Riddellbut the desktop client is going payed-only from next month waa13:44
apacheloggernot working in quantal it seems13:46
agateauapachelogger: \o/ thanks!13:47
agateau(for sni-qt, that is)13:47
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: nvm, it refused to remember the login data... seems to work fine13:48
Riddellshadeslayer: amarok installed and working in raring13:48
Riddellapachelogger: what's working?13:48
Riddellapachelogger: you pay for your scrobbling then?13:48
shadeslayerRiddell: I really think scrobbling is free :P13:49
apacheloggergod no, a friend :P13:49
apacheloggerscrobbling is free, yes13:49
Riddellapachelogger: mm, fancy /msging me the password? :)13:49
apacheloggerno :P13:49
Riddellapachelogger: but you wouldn't want this important feature to go untested!13:50
apacheloggerI just tested it :P13:50
* apachelogger ponders lunching while workspace builds13:51
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Riddellshadeslayer: amarok broken on arm, are you on the case?14:49
shadeslayerI know, but can't be helped at the moment14:49
shadeslayerneeds opengl14:49
Riddellshadeslayer: can be helped, don't install that file on arm14:49
shadeslayerhmm 14:51
shadeslayerI'll give it ago14:51
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Riddellshadeslayer: I don't think there's an easy way of doing that, needs removed from the .install file then explicity cp command in debian/rules14:53
shadeslayerbuild-deps say : libqt4-opengl-dev [!armel !armhf]14:55
Riddellyeah but I don't think there's an equivalent for .install files14:56
Riddellyou could have amarok.install.i386 and each of the platforms but that's not very elegant14:57
shadeslayerplus, think of the delta :P14:57
DarkwingIf anyone has my email listed at linux@wonderly.com... Please change it to linux@opendarkwing.com Just sold wonderly.com.14:59
RiddellDarkwing: your namesake wanted a vanity domain?15:00
Riddellshadeslayer: any idea why digikam isn't being moved to release?15:00
shadeslayerScottK knows why15:00
shadeslayeropencv transition iirc15:00
shadeslayerbut could be wrong15:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: Did you fix the amarok beta?15:01
DarkwingRiddell: Someone starting a video podcast for geek girls and they liked the name wonderly...15:01
shadeslayerQuintasan: yes :)15:01
Darkwing3K USD this close to Christmas will be nice. 15:01
Quintasanshadeslayer: Why no update in staging?15:01
Riddellnot an offer I'd refuse for sure15:02
QuintasanI'd try getting more out of them if I were Darkwing15:03
DarkwingLOL No, I like what they are trying to do.15:03
Quintasanbut 3k is nice nontheless15:03
Riddellmust be a very well funded podcast15:03
Riddelldid you point them at some of our geek girls for role models and interviews?15:04
Quintasanshadeslayer: Rohaaaaaan15:04
Quintasanwhere be me update15:05
RiddellQuintasan: did you do any update to maliit?15:05
QuintasanRiddell: Uhh, no.15:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: its in staging15:06
RiddellQuintasan: any planned?15:06
QuintasanRiddell: The packaging is done and the errors you mentioned need to be fixed upstream or I'll have to patch the source myself15:06
shadeslayerI'm trying to setup ktp daily builds15:06
Quintasancurrently lib look like15:06
DarkwingRiddell: I'm actually building a base with the owner. I'll be doing a lot of that in the coming weeks / months.15:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: amarok - 2:2.6.90-0ubuntu2~ubuntu12.10.1~ppa115:07
Quintasanlintian complains about the first soname15:07
Quintasanshadeslayer: ...15:07
Quintasanguess what15:07
Quintasan2:2.6.90-0ubuntu2~ubuntu12.10.1~ppa1 < 2:2.6.90-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.10.1~ppa1 apparently15:08
shadeslayereh what15:08
shadeslayerthen how did the PPA accept that version15:08
Quintasanor it's not built for amd64 yet15:08
shadeslayernope, built for am6415:08
* Quintasan whines15:09
shadeslayerdpkg says 2:2.6.90-0ubuntu2~ubuntu12.10.1~ppa1 is bigger15:09
QuintasanI'll just force it15:10
RiddellQuintasan: well it comains that the .deb doesn't match the library name, that's easily fixed in the packaging15:11
QuintasanRiddell: because the library is named in a dumb manner?15:11
Quintasaneven upstream agreed on that15:12
Quintasanit should be libmaliit.so.<soname>15:12
QuintasanRiddell: I could change the package name but then we would get15:12
Quintasanlibmaliit-1.0.0 0.93.0-0ubuntu115:13
Quintasanmakes perfect sense, eh?15:13
RiddellQuintasan: so will upstream change it?15:13
QuintasanHe said yes but not exactly when so I emailed him about it yesterday or two days ago15:13
QuintasanI heard he is on vacation15:13
Riddellok worth waiting for then15:14
QuintasanI should have asked him to tell me who to poke about this so I would be on their necks right now15:14
Riddellshadeslayer: how did your active packaging progress?15:14
shadeslayerRiddell: we contacted upstream regarding patches, they said we can apply the patches for the desktop as well15:15
Riddellshadeslayer: mm so just add them to the packaging then?15:16
shadeslayerwe should talk with active people as to what can be applied for the desktop and what can't 15:16
shadeslayerRiddell: the patch doesn't fully apply against 4.10 :P15:17
* shadeslayer goes to poke sebas15:17
Riddellshadeslayer: so I'm confused, "we can apply the patches for the desktop" doesn't git with "talk..as to what can be applied for the desktop"15:18
shadeslayerwell ... the patches for kdelibs can be shipped for the desktop but doesn't apply cleanly15:18
shadeslayerwe didn't talk about kde-workspace15:18
Riddellnever easy15:20
shadeslayeryeah, I've asked him for patches against 4.10 and which patches can be shipped for -desktop15:21
Riddellhim being sebas?15:22
Riddellhoew badly do they not apply?15:23
shadeslayerapplies half heartedly :P15:24
shadeslayer<sebas> it looks quite messy, as if it's master taken against 4.915:25
Riddellupstream really needs to learn how to communicate with upstream15:26
Riddellwait..does that even make sense?15:26
Riddellrbelem: icecc uploaded, make sure to send changes to debian15:28
rbelemthanks Riddell 15:28
* rbelem hugs Riddell :-)15:28
rbelemshadeslayer, do you need help with something?15:29
shadeslayertalking with active people regarding patches :(15:30
shadeslayerwe can skip ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/active/3.0/src/patches/kde-workspace-no-hibernate-button.diff15:30
rbelemRiddell, almost everything is upsteam. Only build system patches are not upstreamed. I will make some more changes and will merge request them :-)15:32
apacheloggermeh, initramfs busted -.-15:33
* apachelogger gives up for today15:33
rbelemshadeslayer, last relase i spend lots of time to get active patches in the packages. Lots of adjustment :-/ 15:34
apacheloggerbecause patching is crap15:35
* rbelem nods15:36
rbelemit should be in the repository15:36
rbelemeven with ifdef would be better15:36
Riddellapachelogger: are you on quantal?15:46
Riddellor have you given up for today?15:46
apacheloggerneed to download iso and fix my initramfs15:46
apacheloggernot sure how to fix it though as I only update-initrafms'd it ^^15:47
soeeim on quantal :}15:47
Riddellsoee: could you stop cups with  sudo stop cups15:49
Riddellthen see what errors appear in ~/.xsession-errors15:49
Riddellhmm, my battery is about to die15:49
soeeRiddell, you want whole xsession-errors content ?15:52
Riddellsoee: no I just want to knoe if KCupsConnect start spamming it15:54
soeehow can i check it ?15:54
Riddelltail -f ~/.xsession-errors15:54
Riddell(control-c to stop it)15:54
Riddellsoee: got print-manager running in the systray?15:58
soeeRiddell, nope16:01
Riddellsoee: could you add it?16:10
Riddellright click->systray settings->tick on print16:10
soeeplasma-desktop(2296) KCupsConnection::renewDBusSubscription: Request failed 128216:12
soeeterminal is spamed with 16:12
shadeslayerRiddell: do you want to ship ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/active/3.0/src/patches/kde-workspace-kwin-touch-mouseevents-translation.diff16:21
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/626888/16:29
Quintasanapachelogger: Can I play cue files in amarok?16:35
Riddellsoee: thanks :)16:38
soeeno problem, 4.10 rc1 comming this wednesday ?16:38
Riddellshadeslayer: well i think we have those three items16:40
shadeslayercool :)16:40
Riddellalthough I've not tested myself but the whole multitouch thing is an ubuntu speciality16:41
Riddellsoee: no sign of it yet16:41
shadeslayerRiddell: it's just that do we want that for the destkop since the patch is a bit of a hack16:42
soeeuhm whats the name to get zlib installed ?16:42
* shadeslayer checks16:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: how would I know?16:43
Riddellshadeslayer: I /think/ we either want it for both or neither, and I /think/ we want it for both16:44
shadeslayerokay so, we just need to build kde-workspace with said patches16:44
Quintasanapachelogger: You are the multimedia overlord16:45
shadeslayerI'm going to upload PA stuff to https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active/+archive/ppa/+packages17:02
shadeslayerthen ask vHanda for his exoPC to test17:02
Riddellshadeslayer: go for it17:03
soeehow can i restart krunner ?17:04
Riddellsoee: not like that :)17:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: I think we can drop the kwin active packages17:19
shadeslayerand not do 2 builds etc17:19
shadeslayerbut what do we about the split packages17:23
Riddellshadeslayer: split packages?17:23
shadeslayerkde-window-manager-active and the likes17:23
Riddellshadeslayer: well replace them with the non-active equivalent no?17:25
shadeslayersure, but upgrade paths17:25
shadeslayerand seeds17:25
* shadeslayer deletes sections for now17:27
RiddellScottK: bug 1091354 and bug 1091340 for sru review17:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1091354 in qjson (Ubuntu Quantal) "qjson does not serialise floats" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109135417:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1091340 in print-manager (Ubuntu Raring) "print-manager spams .xsession-errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109134017:29
shadeslayerRiddell: we still need dual builds17:34
shadeslayerdifferent profiles17:34
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Riddellshadeslayer: mm17:36
RiddellScottK: that issue with kdesdk having FDL with invariant sections is a non issue, it's just a template for potential use17:39
jussiagateau: for your extra mile... https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31184118:05
ubottuKDE bug 311841 in general "No apply button in systemsettings/workspace appearance/window decorations/configure decoration" [Minor,Unconfirmed]18:06
jussianyone feel free to go confirm that for me...18:06
ScottKRiddell: SRU bugs needs test case, etc from the SRU template.18:10
ScottKRiddell: Thanks for checking on the FDL thing.18:10
RiddellScottK: I fixed the template anyway18:11
Riddelltest case added to bug 109134018:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1091340 in print-manager (Ubuntu Raring) "print-manager spams .xsession-errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109134018:12
Riddellafiestas: got a test case for bug 1091354 ?18:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1091354 in qjson (Ubuntu Quantal) "qjson does not serialise floats" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109135418:12
jussiwho is the lead for Lancelot do we know? 18:14
Riddellno idea18:15
Riddellwho needs lancelot when you have homerun?18:15
RiddellScottK: while I agree no Messages.sh is a bug to be fixed I don't see how it's grounds for rejection when there's no .po files shipped with it?18:16
ScottKRiddell: I thought it was you that told me it was because it was part of the build system and for freeness reasons it needs to be shipped.18:17
RiddellScottK: yes it was18:18
Riddellbut now I'm wondering how that is affected if the .po file is shipped entirely separately18:18
Riddellbut that's all a bit academic :)18:19
ScottKThe freeness stuff often is.18:19
RiddellScottK: I'm very confused about this kdegames translation, there's no Messages.sh in git or in the old svn setup18:33
Riddelland tsdgeos seems not to be around today18:33
ScottKGo ahead and reupload the one i rejected for that and I'll acceptit.18:34
ScottKi'll leave it to you to sort out later.18:34
RiddellScottK: kiriki 4:4.9.90-0ubuntu1 (New)18:42
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RiddellScottK: oh it's hiding away in src/Messages.sh19:19
Riddellso nothing missing19:19
ScottKEven better.19:19
ScottKThanks for checking.19:19
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shadeslayerQuintasan: if you're about, can you also test ktp 0.5.220:22
shadeslayerabout to upload it20:22
shadeslayerfor quantal20:22
shadeslayerwe could then potentially SRU it20:25
dantti_laptopwhich 4.10 package is plasmoidviewer now?20:27
dantti_laptopit used to be in kde-workspace-bin...20:28
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: uh yeah20:44
shadeslayerdantti_laptop: we need to set some variable which was not set in the release20:44
shadeslayermore specifically the profile we're building, so all those tools are now gone20:45
yofelapachelogger said that it's part of plasmate now - whatever that is20:46
dantti_laptopI see no plasmate package :P20:46
shadeslayerplasmate hasn't been released20:47
shadeslayerso no package yet20:47
dantti_laptopcmd not found report wrong stuff tho20:47
dantti_laptopoh... 20:47
dantti_laptopat least I can kill plasma-desktop, just not much productive.. :P20:47
soeeKDE Telepathy 0.5.2 Released21:26
shadeslayersoee: already in kubuntu staging ppa :)21:32
shadeslayerbut there are some issues I'm trying to sort out21:32
shadeslayerupstream tarball is broken21:32
shadeslayersoee: apart from the kded module, everything is built : https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging21:50
shadeslayersoee: fixed ktp-kded uploaded as well22:12
soeeshadeslayer, ok thank you22:12

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