
frathgeberlifeless: to me it seemed like a loggerhead bug. my understanding is that bazaar.launchpad.net runs loggerhead, is that correct?00:04
frathgeberlaunchpad itself doesn't provide any automatic facility for downloading tarballs that i'm aware of (apart from explicitly uploaded files listed in downloads)00:06
frathgeberwgrant: would you agree?00:06
wgrantI would00:08
wgrantI would also strongly discourage you from using /tarball in an automated fashion00:08
wgrantGiven that it's unauthenticated00:08
wgrantOh, you're using HTTPS, at least00:08
wgrantBut it still seems odd to do that rather than just use a release tarball00:08
frathgeberyes, i agree it's not a very safe thing to do00:09
frathgeberalthough since i'm getting a tarball of an open source project it's not the same a blindly getting and installing some binary files00:13
frathgeberand i'm using https00:13
frathgeberi'm trying to find a way of specifying dependencies hosted on lauchpad as a dependency in a python setup.py and automatically install it via setuptools00:14
frathgeberwhich don't support bzr repositories...00:14
frathgeberso tarballs are my only option if the revision i depend on hasn't been released yet (be it on launchpad or PyPi)00:15
frathgeberbut as detailed in my bug report the loggerhead tarballs don't work either because of the odd folder structure they contain00:15
Saviqis there some backlog for publishing, now? my packages have built 1 hour ago, but are still not publisheD?00:36
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shadeslayerwgrant: thanks! upload was processed at 4 AM :P12:21
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stokachuis it a known issue that viewing build logs within a private ppa returns 'no such resource'?14:56
stokachuwebops, ^14:57
slankstokachu: that happens with chrome, I know14:58
gnuoystokachu, its not a known issue to me14:58
stokachuah ok im using chrome 2314:58
slanktry firefox14:58
stokachuok ill test that right quick14:58
slankI've had luck with that before14:58
stokachuslank: youre right it works in firefox15:00
achianghello, LP seems to be taking a very long time in generating diffs. expected behavior? see raring series - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/valgrind15:41
sinzuiachiang, it happens from time to time. if can ask a webops on #launchpad-ops to unscan the branch to get lp to try again16:23
gnuoysinzui, achiang, I have my finger hovering over the unscan button16:26
sinzuignuoy, I don't see which branch needs fixing16:28
gnuoyme neither16:29
achiangsinzui: gnuoy: do you need a branch name from me?16:39
gnuoyyes pls16:39
achiangsinzui: gnuoy: i actually don't know what it would be. it wasn't a bzr branch, it was just a package upload16:39
sinzuiachiang, sorry, I thought you were talking about branch diffs which do get stuck16:42
sinzuiachiang, package diffs have been stuck for a little over a day.16:44
achiangsinzui: ok, so just keep waiting?16:46
sinzuiachiang, I asked on webops if haetae needs intervention16:46
sinzuiachiang, we have disabled package diffs because there one or more are filling the machine. We may not have them for another 2 days16:58
achiangsinzui: ok, thanks16:59
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Rafael_JBHi i have a tipical problem using bzr with launchpad in a new computer, i have not permission to get or push branches due to ssh keys, i'd need some help, i cannot remember how this ssh configuration works17:29
Rafael_JBI copied my ~/.ssh directory from my old computer, why isn't it enought to can use my ssh with laynchpad bazaar branches?17:47
dobeyRafael_JB: does "ssh -v bazaar.launchpad.net" show a problem with connecting at some point?17:49
dobeyRafael_JB: and what does "bzr whoami" show?17:49
dobeyRafael_JB: maybe you need to do "bzr lp-login"17:50
Rafael_JBdobey: look: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445725/17:52
Rafael_JBdobey: files with my key pair are not .ssh/id_rsa and .ssh/id_dsa, they have a different name17:53
Rafael_JBin my old computer that worked fine17:53
dobeywell i don't know why ssh isn't finding them, but that's not a bzr issue17:54
dobeyor launchpad17:54
Rafael_JBhow can i tell bzr to look for key pair in the right files?17:55
dobeyRafael_JB: add an entry to ~/.ssh/config for bazaar.launchpad.net i guess?17:58
Rafael_JBdobey: I read about that file before, where there are a file example?17:59
Rafael_JBlooking for it.. thnaks18:00
dobeyman ssh_config18:00
Rafael_JBdobey: I have created a new ssh key, and i have added it to .ssh/config file, and I still have this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445772/18:21
TheLordOfTimedid you upload the SSH pubkey to Launchpad?18:23
TheLordOfTimeif you didn't you missed a step.18:23
Rafael_JByes i have upload it to launchpad18:24
shadeslayerhi, I'm trying to setup code imports for some projects but bzr fails to import them saying it has submodules when the project does not have submodules18:30
shadeslayerfor eg : https://code.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/ktp-auth-handler18:30
shadeslayeror this : https://code.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/ktp-send-file and https://code.launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/telepathy-kde/ktp-kded-module18:30
dobeyshadeslayer: did they used to have submodules?18:31
shadeslayerdobey: apparently18:31
shadeslayer( Before I joined the project it seems )18:31
dobeyyeah, if there are submodules anywhere in the history, it's a problem18:31
shadeslayerthat sucks18:32
dobeywell, the import does pull the history; not only the last revision. so it would need to be able to handle submodules to deal with any revisions which have submodules18:32
dobeyand yes, submodules do suck :)18:32
TheLordOfTimeRafael_JB, you said  you created a *new* ssh key, you did upload that new key's pubkey right?18:33
TheLordOfTimejust making sure you actually did that ;P18:33
shadeslayerdobey: hehe, well ... how can I make it work? :P18:33
dobeyshadeslayer: add submodules support to bzr/bzr-git?18:34
shadeslayeranyway around that ? :P18:35
dobeyadd git support to launchpad? :P18:35
dobeyor add support for only grabbing the latest revision and just ignoring history18:37
Rafael_JByes TheLordOfTime, i uploaded it18:37
dobeyRafael_JB: it may take some time to propagate18:38
dobeyRafael_JB: try again now?18:38
Rafael_JBstill not working, same error18:39
dobeydoes ssh -v show the correct key being used?18:39
shadeslayerdobey: doing a git fast-export and then doing a bzr fast-import seems to work18:40
Rafael_JBnot sure, this is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445810/18:42
Rafael_JBthis is the ~/.ssh/config content: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445814/18:45
d_edHi, I'm importing a branch from git into bzr via launchpad, is there a way to run git filter-branch inbetween git the bzr import?18:53
d_edwe're trying to import a git module that _did_ use a submodule, but doesn't any more.18:54
d_edbzr can't handle that so throws an error - however, given we only care about the head, it's not a relevant error.18:54
Rafael_JBthe ssh key only is working if I leave the default key filename18:58
d__ededit, ignore my comments, I'm saying the same thing as shadeslayer, didn't know he'd asked.18:59
dobeyRafael_JB: it looks like you're trying to use 2 home directories?19:00
Rafael_JBdobey: yes, I wish not have to create a key for each home or computer I use19:01
dobeyshadeslayer: i don't think the imports do any sort of exporting from git. it's bzr-git talking directly to the git server to pull the data, iirc. so to do that, you'd need to fix bzr-git to work that way. and then fix launchpad to use the fixed version, and to expose the option to do that in some manner19:03
dobeyRafael_JB: also have you done "bzr lp-login" on the computer in question?19:04
Rafael_JBdobey: yes I did19:04
Rafael_JBnow in this cumputer i did push sucessfully, but forced to leave the default key pair files (id_rsa, id_rsa.pub)19:05
dobeywell you only have one public key listed on launchpad19:07
dobeyi have no way of telling you which file it is on your computer though19:07
dobeyit seems like your problem is that you're trying to make a complex problem out of something simple, and creating a broken configuration in the process. there is nothing wrong with bzr or launchpad.19:07
Rafael_JBwhat must i do to can run bzr push lp:project instead of bzr push lp:~eaglescreen/project/trunk and what is the difference?19:15
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ricotztwo pretty sticky build there - https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies/+build/4064753 -- https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuone/+archive/nightlies/+build/406474519:25
dobeyRafael_JB: if lp:~eaglescreen/project/trunk is the targeted branch for the trunk series on the project, then lp:project will push to that branch19:29
dobeyricotz: ugh. yeah, arm seems to be doing this quite a bit :(19:29
Rafael_JBdobey: are they the same repository?19:30
dobeyRafael_JB: yes. well, assuming that the trunk series is the development focus, anyway. lp:project is an alias to the development focus branch. lp:project/series is an alias to the branch for that series of that project19:31
ricotzdobey, i see, although i am seeing freezes with chindi** builders too while the package is running x11-related (headless) tests19:32
ricotzdobey, or other things, pretty reproducible with certain packages19:32
dobeyricotz: i think there are some issues perhaps with qemu and building for arm with it on x86 machines in chroots. though i don't know what the issues are exactly19:33
dobeyricotz: for the u1 nightlies builds, when this happens, it's almost always showing the same thing in the build log for the stuck builds; unpacking glib2.0-bin or something19:33
ricotzbtw chindi** are amd64/i386 builders19:33
dobeyricotz: i haven't noticed any issues with running our tests under xvfb on any builders; and that's something we do plenty of in u119:34
ricotzdobey, yeah, the "wani**" problem is qemu19:34
bloouupHey, really quick, I am getting kind of sick receiving so much email. It's not too much information, just I don't like having sometimes 50-100 emails of bug notifications a day.19:59
bloouupIs it possible to subscribe to some kind of daily digest so I can keep up with everything without having one email every single time something changes?19:59

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