
satellitmjrosenb: http://support.google.com/chromeos/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1080595   how to recover chromebook00:00
mjrosenbsatellit: as I said earlier, I can recover it00:02
mjrosenbalso, I suspect that won't work on my laptop00:02
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dholbachgood morning07:55
mjrosenbthat is from my pandaboard, I just tried to upgrade a fresh install to 12.10, and got a black screen.08:24
mjrosenbI also got this in dmesg08:25
mjrosenb[    7.703308] init: Failed to spawn hybrid-gfx main process: unable to execute: No such file or directory08:25
mjrosenbok, I have the sd card plugged into my laptop, and I want to enable the ssh server... is there an easy way to do this?08:31
infinitymjrosenb: You're missing libdrm-omap1, looks like.09:01
infinitymjrosenb: Also, it's not so much "enabling" the ssh server as installing the package, which you'd need to do either on an ARM machine, or with emulation.09:02
mjrosenbqemu-system-arm does not have an omap4 option from what i can tell09:02
mjrosenbi'm actually kind of surprised there isn't a pandaboard option09:03
infinityI'm not.09:03
infinityEmulating a Panda isn't something qemu upstream would care to do, and TI didn't see the value in writing a board-specific emulator (most vendors don't)09:04
infinityAnyhow, I didn't mean full system emulation.09:04
infinityqemu-user-static would be fine.09:04
infinityMount your SD card to somewhere (we'll say /mnt), apt-get install qemu-user-static && cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /mnt/usr/bin && chroot /mnt su -09:05
infinityPresto, you're in your ARM system as a chroot.09:06
infinityapt-get install ssh libdrm-omap109:06
infinityapt-get install pvr-omap4 # if you wanted some non-free 3D action.09:07
infinityWhich is probably necessary, if you're running Ubuntu/Unity.09:08
mjrosenbfor whatever reason, ssh seems to already be installed09:11
mjrosenbbut it isn't starting09:11
mjrosenband it isn't bringing up the network09:11
hrwinfinity: can you share /var/log/Xorg.0.log from panda with opengles support?10:10
infinitymjrosenb: If your network is wireless-only, that could explain it.10:12
infinityhrw: My Panda has no X right now.10:12
mjrosenbinfinity: nope, eth0 is the pandaboard's onboard connection10:14
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infinitymjrosenb: Oh, curious.  Maybe it hates you/10:15
hrwinfinity: ok10:16
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mjrosenbsweet, I can ssh into my pandaboard again11:25
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mjrosenbok, I know I did this on my last install; what do I need to run in order to get a non-hf library installed?12:26
mjrosenbor better yet, what on earth is it called?12:27
mjrosenbi'm searching for multilib12:27
mjrosenbbut that is giving man irrelevant results12:27
infinitymjrosenb: Depends on which non-hf library you need.12:45
infinitymjrosenb: If it's just libc6 (and a gcc that can build sf binaries), there are multilib versions.12:46
mjrosenblooks like the answer was12:46
mjrosenbdpkg --add-architecture armel12:46
mjrosenbwhich is surprisingly hard to find via google12:46
infinitymjrosenb: If it's more comprehensive, you want multiarch (dpkg --add-architecture armel && apt-get update && apt-get install libfoo1:armel)12:46
infinityThat said, I wouldn't rely on armhf/armel multiarch going forward, since we've dropped armel in raring...12:47
infinityWhat are you doing that *needs* soft-float libraries?12:47
mjrosenby'all are making my life really hard, you know that?12:47
mjrosenbi'm testing fennec, which is supposed to run on android which is armel.12:48
infinity.. unless it's newer Android, then it's not. :P12:48
mjrosenbhow does that work from a packages' point of view?12:49
infinityThat said, fennec could be rebuilt...12:49
mjrosenbdo they need to upload two .apks, one for armel, one for armhf?12:49
infinityI have no idea how Android is handling the sf/hf transition.12:49
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infinityThen again, most apps aren't C binaries, so the point is moot for them.12:50
mjrosenbyou know what version they made the transition in?12:50
infinityIt could also be that this is all a bit different with bionic, I have no idea.12:50
infinityI just know they were doing the transition (or maybe had done so).12:51
sveinseDoes anyone know if Network Manager regularely scans for a list of available networks in precise? We're having some problems with communication locking up for 2-3 seconds and wondering if this could be related to nm scanning the networks12:51
infinitymjrosenb: It's possible they haven't actually made the switch yet for bionic-based systems (ie: Android), though they definitely did for ChromeOS.12:51
infinityConfusing world.12:52
infinitymjrosenb: Still, for an open-source project like fennec, surely you'd want to build it for Ubuntu to run it on Ubuntu anyway?12:52
infinitymjrosenb: Since an Android build wants bionic, which means running shims and other horrors.12:52
mjrosenbinfinity: we don't build for ubuntu, ubuntu does :-p12:52
infinitys/Ubuntu/glibc/? :P12:53
* mjrosenb googles12:53
infinitybionic is Android's libc.12:53
infinityIt's not even remotely compatible with glibc.12:53
infinityThere is a project that produces a disturbing translation shim that allows glibc systems to run bionic binaries with an LD_PRELOAD.12:53
infinityIt's not pleasant.12:53
infinityI don't recommend it for a project you actually have the source to.12:54
mjrosenbwe already have NSPR12:54
infinitymjrosenb: Err, NSPR doens't give you portability at runtime, but at build-time.12:55
infinityA bionic-using nspr won't do you a lick of good on a glibc system.12:55
mjrosenbyeah, but I don't think it has ever been our goal to have a single executable that runs on all arches.12:56
infinity(bionic is vaguely BSD-derived, think about how well it wouldn't work to take a binary from FreeBSD and run it on Linux, even if you had the kernel syscalls emulated)12:56
infinityNo, it shouldn't be your goal to run a binary on multiple arches.  I agree.12:56
infinityHence why I'm suggesting you might just want to rebuild it.12:56
infinityCause libc6:armel still won't be bionic, so multiarch isn't going to help you here.12:56
mjrosenbahh. yes, but I like testing in an environment that is as close to what we'll be seeing in a shipping product as possible12:58
mjrosenbthe js engine doesn't really have to deal with libc that much12:58
mjrosenbbut it does need to deal with the likes of math.sin math.atan212:58
infinityThe wrapper lies, it's linux-ti-omap4-tools-3.5.0-21512:58
mjrosenbwhere the armel/armhf distinction comes into play12:58
infinityOh, wait.  You're doing this to test for Android?12:59
infinityThen you should build an Android chroot.12:59
mjrosenbthat sounds neat.12:59
infinityTesting against glibc won't really tell you anything.12:59
mjrosenbas previously stated, I have basically 0 interaction with glibc.12:59
mjrosenbbut I *am* intrigued by the concept of an android chroot.13:00
infinityWell, you must have some, or would wouldn't care about ABI.13:00
infinitySince if you were talking to the kernel directly, it's meaningless.13:00
mjrosenb  Error: sys_perf_event_open() syscall returned with 19 (No such device).  /bin/dmesg may provide additional information.13:00
infinityI didn't say perf would work, just pointed at the package that ships it!13:01
infinity(Sorry, I haven't slept in a while, that's about as helpful as I can be right now)13:01
mjrosenbas previously stated, there are math functions that are called that I need to be able to call correctly.13:01
infinityI should probably nap instead of being flip on IRC.13:01
mjrosenbnot a problem, I may have to build my own kernel, wouldn't be the first time13:01
infinityWell, you'll also want an Android kernel for your test environment, so yeah.13:02
infinityThough, Linaro provides Panda Android builds that might be up your alley.13:02
mjrosenbwell, I like using linux because it has a sane debugging strategy13:02
suihkulokkithe disturbing shim thing is called libhybris: https://github.com/stskeeps/libhybris13:03
suihkulokkicurrently does libgles and stuff, but should be adabtible for any libraries13:03
mjrosenbright now, getting perf to work is a higher priority.13:05
mjrosenbwas the source for linux-image-3.5.0-215-omap4 provided by linaro?13:46
Jef91Morning folks sfeole are you around?15:16
sfeoleJef91: i am15:16
Jef91sfeole: I was told you are the one to speak to about finding current docs on how the Ubuntu fastboot image is created for flashing to the nexus 715:17
sfeoleJef91: hm, give me a few15:21
Jef91Sure sfeole - I'll be lurking for the better part of today.15:21
mjrosenbhuh, was CONFIG_PERF_COUNTERS removed from the kernel?17:53
mjrosenbunrelatedly, is there a way to un-brick a chromebook that does not involve re-initializing all of chrome's state?18:47
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mjrosenbok, I have built my own kernel, but I am not sure how to get a bootable uimage out of it19:57
mjrosenboh, make uImage, evidently19:58
vanhoofmjrosenb: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/ubuntu-nexus7/build_script20:03
vanhooflook at the abootimg bits20:03
vanhoofline 7120:04
vanhoofmjrosenb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445967/20:06
mjrosenbmake uimage sounds much easier20:06
vanhoofmjrosenb: likely, but just givin' ya whats easiest for me :)20:07
mjrosenbwell, thank you for that20:07
mjrosenbhopefully, i'll remember that if i'm ever in a situation where that is more aprpriate than make uImage.20:08
mjrosenbtar -xzvf $TARBALL $packaged_path/initrd.img-$kver $packaged_path/vmlinuz-$kver20:19
mjrosenbthat makes it look like the initrd is a tarball?20:19
mjrosenboh no20:19
mjrosenbi am a fool $TARBALL is a tarball.  it has two files in it20:19
mjrosenbvanhoof: you happen to know anything about perf?20:20
Tassadardid password/user in raring for nexus 7 changed? It says "Login incorrect" when I try ubuntu/ubuntu20:28
vanhoofTassadar: should boot to oem-config20:31
vanhoofTassadar: choose your own user/pass20:31
Tassadaryeah, it does not start GUI, it just stays in tty1, so I am trying to find out what is wrong20:31
vanhooffirst boot is a bit slow20:32
Tassadaryeah, I know, but not 5-10 minutes slow20:32
vanhoofi sometimes see a few sec delay from tty1 to oem-config on vt7 (i assume)20:32
vanhoofyeah not that slow20:32
vanhoofoem/oem should get you in20:32
vanhoofbut it should launch oem-config20:32
Tassadarwell, it does not, so I am trying to log in to tty1 to find what went wrong20:34
Tassadar(it might not be [probably is not] ubuntu issue though)20:34
Tassadarwell, I guess I'll just chroot into it from recovery and change the password/create my own user20:39
mjrosenbok, different approach, does anyone have perf working on an omap4 running 12.10?20:42
Tassadaroh, yeah, I guess that read-only root is not such a great idea :)20:44
mjrosenbrelatedly, I followed the directions at http://seabright.co.nz/2011/03/29/building-the-ubuntu-pandaboard-kernel/ -- how do I build an initrd now?20:46
vanhoofTassadar: how did you flash the device20:54
vanhoofTassadar: make sure cmdline is tty0 if you came from quantal20:55
Tassadarit's okay now20:55
vanhoofah ok20:55
Tassadaronboard still does not show up in oem-config for me, though20:55
vanhooffresh flash?20:55
Tassadaryeah, basically20:55
vanhoofi flashed friday on 8gb model, no issues w/ onboard20:55
vanhoofmjrosenb: played w/ perf on x86 not on arm, but should be in linux-tools binary wise20:58
vanhooflinux-tools-nexus7 iirc20:58
Tassadarall the ext4 partitions on my nexus7 has the same UUID, what the hell Oo21:09
mjrosenbvanhoof: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/200244721:09
vanhoofmjrosenb: looks like we need21:10
vanhoof  Fatal: No CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS=y kernel support configured?21:10
vanhoofmjrosenb: mind opening a bug against lp/ubuntu-nexus7 ?21:10
mjrosenbvanhoof: this is on a pandaboard.21:12
mjrosenbmrosenberg@panda:~$ grep CONFIG_PERF_EVENTS /boot/config-3.5.0-215-omap421:13
mjrosenbso unless /boot/config-`uname -r` is out of sync with the kernel, I should have that.21:14
vanhoofah i thought you were talking n721:14
vanhoofwill have to look at omap421:15
mjrosenbI realize that the perf event system is basically totally hosed on omap421:15
mjrosenbbut I just need the timer-based perf working21:16
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Tassadarvanhoof: could you please check which version of onboard is installed on your n7?21:27
mjrosenbso nobody uses a pandaboard in here/21:28
SailorMoonHow do i install the nightlies?21:29
SailorMooni downloaded them in .gz format or whatever and every tool i have to open a .gz shows a .raw file21:30
SailorMooni dunno how to get an .img from them21:30
vanhoofSailorMoon: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer21:43
vanhoofTassadar: gimme a sec, charging atm21:43
Tassadarit looks like something crashes, because a while after I tap into the textfield, the windows lose the decorations (the title bar)21:45
vanhoofTassadar: want an older nightly?21:47
Tassadarhmm, yeah, I suppose I could try that21:48
vanhoofi need to let this guy charge up for a bit21:48
mjrosenbspeaking of which, does the upgrade process know how to upgrade the kernel on a chromebook21:48
vanhoofmjrosenb: doubtful21:49
vanhoofat least I dont think so21:49
mjrosenband if not, I assume that I need to do it myself21:49
vanhoofi could be wrong21:49
mjrosenbis there a time of the week when people knowledgable about the pandaboard or chromebook would be online/22:03
vanhoofmjrosenb: january 2nd? ;)22:03
vanhoofmjrosenb: not sure, no cb experience here myself22:03
vanhoofTassadar: http://people.canonical.com/~vanhoof/tassadar/UbuntuNexus7.tar.gz22:07
vanhoofTassadar: from thursday'ish last week22:07
Tassadarnah, does the exact same thing :(22:32
vanhoofi get through just fine22:33
* vanhoof wtfs22:33
Tassadarit is probably my fault, I am dual-booting it and probably got something wrong22:33
Tassadarseems kinda weird though, it is doing exactly the same thing as it did when it didn't work for anyone22:36
inph^are there any nexus 7 ubuntu forums?23:01
mjrosenbchecking whether the chosen combination of compiler flags (-march=armv6 -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=hard) works... configure: error: no23:19
infinitymjrosenb: Do I want to know why you're targetting v6?23:26
mjrosenbinfinity: because i have a raspberry pi.23:28
infinity(Though, that combination should work, in theory, it's what Raspbian uses)23:28
infinityI'd assume the configure test itself is doing something silly.23:28
infinityLike possibly tacking on a -mfpu=neon or something? :P23:28
mjrosenbconfigure:5745:1: sorry, unimplemented: Thumb-1 hard-float VFP ABI23:29
infinitymjrosenb: Give it a -marm23:30
mjrosenbi already tried that, it produced executables that don't run :/23:32
infinitymjrosenb: Though, if you're cross-compiling from Ubuntu, you may find that you'll also end up compiling in static bits from our toolchain, which are v7/thumb-2, and it will all fail to run on the Pi anyway.23:32
infinitymjrosenb: Jinx. :P23:32
mjrosenbugh.. -march=armv6 should mean 'don't do that'23:33
infinity"Don't link the static bits that you need to run the binary" is a tall order.23:33
infinitylibgcc_s, crt*.o, etc.23:33
mjrosenbi mean, how does a gcc that can target both x86 and x64 handle that?23:34
infinityWell, crt*.o should be pure ARMv5 or so, but you get my point.23:34
infinitybiarch GCC relies on having two copies of everything.23:34
infinityAs does our biarch armel/armhf GCC.23:34
infinityBut ours was never designed to target older CPUs.23:34
infinityJust as a biarch Ubuntu x86 GCC can23:34
infinity't actually build binaries for i386.23:34
infinityWell, probably not.  Again, it depends on if any of the static bits use [456]86 instructions.23:35
infinityWhich, in the ARM case, they do use v7 bits.23:35
mjrosenbthis is a toolchain acquired from emdebian from well before ubuntu properly supported cross compilation23:36
infinityAn armhf one though, right?23:36
infinityDebian's armhf has always been armv7-a/thumb-223:36
mjrosenbarmel, with -mfloat-abi=hard23:37
infinityAs has nearly everyone's, to be fair.  Raspbian is one of the only strange attempts to do armhf on v6.23:37
infinitymjrosenb: Err, what?  "armel with -mfloat-abi=hard" *is* armhf.23:37
mjrosenbwhat is the difference/23:38
infinityOr do you mean this is an ancient compiler that was only armel?  If so, you're producing binaries that don't run for other reasons.23:38
infinityEither because the static bits aren't armhf or because you're cooking in the wrong path to the PI.23:38
infinityWhat's the failure mode when you try to run the binaries?23:39
mjrosenbthis compiler has been producing binaries that have worked on armv7el and armv7hf systems for quite some time.23:39
mjrosenblooks like it is getting confused about thumb mode.23:39
infinityOr that it's compiling in some v7 bits.23:39
mjrosenboh hey23:39
mjrosenbi am using the armhf compiler23:39
infinityThis is a well-known problem among Pi people trying to cross from Ubuntu.23:40
mjrosenbsounds reasonable23:40
infinityYou can manually copy various static bits like libgcc from your Raspbian system to your cross environment.23:40
infinityThere's also a Raspbian cross toolchain.23:41
infinityThat targets the right thing by default.23:42
mjrosenbyeah, as hacked as this system is, i don't like having programs installed that aren't managed by my package manager23:42
mjrosenbi'll have to find some way of making a .deb out of the cross toolchain23:43
ubuntubhoydoes anyone here have any input on the Nexus 7 install wiki page ?23:58

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