
=== mfisch` is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest96749
chilicuilhi, does anyone could help me to mark as triaged bug #1010534 with 'low' priority?03:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1010534 in newt (Ubuntu) "whiptail manpage says exit code -1 not 255" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101053403:44
=== Guest96749 is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest95055
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, uno momento :P04:23
* TheLordOfTime puts the final touches on a debdiff for a security bug04:24
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: un momento* (if u wanted to speak spanish ;) and thanks for looking at it04:25
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, autocorrect is evil :P04:25
* TheLordOfTime is working on an english system :p04:25
TheLordOfTime... STUPID EVIL PATCH!  *kicks the znc package to /dev/null*04:25
* TheLordOfTime looks at your bug\04:25
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, was this ever filed upstream?04:26
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: not for this one, but in the past I've seen that the debian maintaner has send patches for the program documentation, in fact, the project has a man page because of him04:27
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: and now the debian mantainer is (or will be) aware of it04:28
TheLordOfTimedoes upstream maintain *any* documentation?04:28
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: not actively04:28
TheLordOfTimeso realistically any and all documentation exists solely in Debian?04:28
TheLordOfTimes/exists/is maintained/04:29
chilicuilyep, it's seems to be maintained in debian04:29
TheLordOfTimeTBH the last several manpage-only bugs i've seen've always never really been "triaged" per se.04:30
* TheLordOfTime yawns.04:30
TheLordOfTimebleh, being awake for 23 hours is evil04:30
chilicuilyep, I know how it feels04:31
=== Guest95055 is now known as mfisch
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, i'm going to leave your bug alone, just in case i mark it wrong, i don't typically consider manpage-specific fixes as a true "low" bug...05:13
TheLordOfTimebut i'm a tad hypervigilant on some things ;P05:13
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: ok, I'll leave it that way too, I hope debian maintainer can do something, I'll continue triaging05:14
TheLordOfTimechilicuil, other bugcontrollers may mark it low/triaged, but... i won't.  i've seen mixed statements from several others regarding manpage-only bugs.05:15
chilicuilit's ok for me, I just like to follow the procedures05:16
micahgTheLordOfTime: you consider it highrt?05:16
TheLordOfTimemicahg, i consider it a non-issue, lower than low, but... *shrugs*05:17
TheLordOfTimemicahg, i've also been AWAKE for 24 hours05:17
* TheLordOfTime yawns05:18
micahgTheLordOfTime: low is as low as we go :)05:18
TheLordOfTimei'm going to... go sleep.... :P05:18
micahgwishlist is wishlist....05:18
* TheLordOfTime might fall asleep on his keyboard otherwise.05:18
TheLordOfTimemicahg, and now you know why i don't touch manpage-only bugs much :P05:18
* TheLordOfTime yawns05:18
TheLordOfTimeseriously, though, i've been awake 24 hours straight, time for rest.05:18
chilicuilTheLordOfTime: go to have some rests, good dreams =)05:19
TheLordOfTimemicahg, so manpage-only bugs can be triaged as low?05:20
micahgTheLordOfTime: I'd say it depends on the bug :)05:20
TheLordOfTimemicahg, so for Bug 1010534?05:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1010534 in newt (Ubuntu) "whiptail manpage says exit code -1 not 255" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101053405:20
TheLordOfTime(which is the bug in question)05:20
micahgyeah, that's probably low05:20
* TheLordOfTime shrugs05:21
micahg(as in not higher)05:21
TheLordOfTimei'll mark that, then kill my computer for segfaulting on my precise VM.05:21
* TheLordOfTime needed that to test a CVE fix, but apparently the VM doesn't want to behave05:21
TheLordOfTimeNOW i'm going to go rest.05:23
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=== ara is now known as Guest40446

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