
TheLordOfTimeanyone here able to help me resolve an issue with quilt patches?00:26
TheLordOfTimei'm trying to write a quilt patch using quilt new [patchname], quilt add [relevantfile], edit the file, do quilt refresh...00:26
TheLordOfTimeafter that point, should quilt pop remove the codechanges?00:27
TheLordOfTimeor rather undo the changes i did when i edited the file?00:27
TheLordOfTimebecause in the current case, the patches all get their diff stuff, which then doesn't apply.00:27
TheLordOfTimecomplains about the headers :/00:27
RAOFTheLordOfTime: quilt refresh will *not* pop the changes. It'll just update the diff.00:29
TheLordOfTimeyou missed a line00:29
RAOFIf you want to pop the changes off, you'll need to ‘quilt pop’00:29
TheLordOfTime<TheLordOfTime> after that point, should quilt pop remove the codechanges?00:29
RAOFSo I did.00:29
TheLordOfTimeafter i said what i've doen :p00:29
RAOFMove along :)00:29
TheLordOfTimeRAOF, but then when i go quilt push -a to check if it works with all the other patches, it errors00:29
TheLordOfTimelemme see if i cant dredge up the logs00:30
RAOFYeah, that'd be helpful.00:30
TheLordOfTime... okay, the patches disappeared, i wonder if my system segv'd...00:31
TheLordOfTimegive me a moment.00:31
TheLordOfTime... huh00:40
TheLordOfTimethat's... interesting.00:40
TheLordOfTimeapparently its not erroring now00:40
* TheLordOfTime wonders if the dget on the package was broken.00:40
RAOFHurrah for the passive fix :)00:42
TheLordOfTimewell, lets hope adding the next CVE patch and the one after don't cause this breakage00:42
TheLordOfTimenot to mention lets hope quilt correctly adds the dep3 tags00:42
TheLordOfTimesince it failed to do that last time when i told it to00:42
TheLordOfTimebut first...00:42
TheLordOfTimeis there an easy way to add DEP3 tags to a quilt patch?00:54
TheLordOfTimerather than me hand-adding them.00:54
RAOFTheLordOfTime: I don't know; I generally get the DEP3 tags from the VCS I did the patch in.01:07
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Guest95055micahg: you awake still?04:55
micahgcan I deny it?04:55
Guest95055sorry this is mfisch04:55
Guest95055micahg: so a question on a new rev of transmission04:56
Guest95055micahg: I pulled it down and built it and it requires no changes at all04:56
Guest95055micahg: I mean just uscan/uupdate and build, well a small changelog edit04:56
Guest95055micahg: but it generates a 3.7MB debdiff04:56
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Guest95055is that still what I should attach to the bug?04:57
micahgwell, we're "in-sync" with Debian, maybe get it updated there first?04:57
micahg(it's a merge)04:57
Guest95055we have a couple changes from debian04:58
micahgright, but Debian has 2.73 as well04:58
Guest95055getting it updated there would certainly avoid us having a 96644 line debdiff to read04:58
Guest95055micahg: thanks04:58
micahgGuest95055: you diff the debian dir instead of the whole thing04:59
micahgbut either way, I think it's best at this point if the Debian maintainer is open (which he appears to be) is to get it there first04:59
Guest95055micahg: with a debdiff?04:59
Guest95055our bzr is way outdated because I tried that route as well05:00
Guest95055micahg: okay thanks for the advice05:00
* Guest95055 keeps smacking the nickserver without much luck05:00
Unit193Guest95055: /msg nickserv release nick pass05:01
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mfischthanks, I was tyring to ghost it instead05:01
dholbachgood morning07:55
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* Laney arghs at mysteriously losing a tab with a fairly lengthy bug comment in it15:17
Laneythere must be an extension to get form content back15:17
micahgLaney: undo close tab?15:19
Laneyjust got some random tabs15:19
Laneyi thought perhaps i accidently navigated away, but going back just took me elsewhere :(15:19
* Laney retypes15:20
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micahgRhonda: well, no change backports are a little easier than changeful ones18:05
xnoxLaney: in chromium it prevents me from navigating away/closing if there is "typed" content that I may destroy by going away.18:05
Laneymmm, I don't think FF does that18:06
Laneysome websites do though18:06
micahgFeed the Google with more content...18:06
xnoxmy approach to privacy is to generate as much FUD content about me as possible, then it makes it harder to find the gems of personal information that did leak through.18:08
xnoxif one is over-cautious, the only bit of private information that will eventually leak will also end up on top the front page search result for your name.18:08
micahgxnox: so, that story about you braving the rapids by Tiera Del Fuego is a cover?18:09
* xnox no comment18:09
xnoxmicahg: so what is the process for $universe package USN?18:12
micahgxnox: none18:13
xnoxmicahg: do I make patches for affected releases & subscribe security-sponsors?18:13
xnoxmicahg: does it even go into -security pocket? or simply -updates?18:13
micahgxnox: yep (ubuntu-security-sponsors)18:13
oVeRMiNDhello world!19:00
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jtaylormicahg: why does backportpackage print build depende twice? :( e.g. 109141121:11
jtaylorand ping ipython :)21:11
jtaylornevermind seems fixed in trunk21:16
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Laneyoh backports21:20
LaneyI hope to find more time for you21:20
micahgjtaylor: can it wait until next week when I'm on vacation?21:38
micahgno idea why it does that (ISTR a bug being filed and maybe even fixed021:39
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