
ubottuescott called the ops in #ubuntu (dingoateyourbaby)00:00
ubottudingoateyourbaby called the ops in #ubuntu (escott)00:00
ubottudingoateyourbaby called the ops in #ubuntu (please answer my question)00:02
Jordan_UFlannel: I don't know if you've had a chance to read the whole scollback, but it's more than enough already to warrant a ban. (which I'll soon give if they continue).00:05
FlannelI didn't, no.  Go right ahead if he continues!00:05
FlannelI saw him acting like a jackass, but didn't go back further since there was plenty of more recent context right there.00:06
k1l"dingoateyourbaby> Greetings and Salutations, bitches." that was a false start from the beginning00:07
Jordan_UAnd to their main point, unless I'm mistaken Lubuntu still ships by default with a non-pae kernel, and people with hardware that needs such a kernel are probably not going to be happy with a regular Ubuntu installation anyway.00:08
Flannellubuntu maintains their own kernel?00:09
FlannelI guess it's no different than ubuntu studio, but still.00:09
Jordan_UFlannel: No, they just ship the non-pae kernel on their install media by default (again IIRC).00:10
Flannelso... you can install non-pae, but once it's installed, you can't upgrade it to non-pae?00:11
Flannel(that doesn't make any sense to me)00:11
k1llinux kernels are dropping 386 from 3.8 on, just read anywhere these days00:11
Flanneloh, huh.  Apparently they do.00:11
Jordan_UHmm, maybe even Lubuntu now ships with a kernel requiring PAE in 12.10.00:13
Jordan_Uk1l: Dropping support for 386s is far different from dropping support for non-pae CPUs.00:14
FlannelYeah, 12.10 seems to indicate that, 12.04 is the only one that has a special one00:14
Myrttidropping 386 :-(00:14
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [binary_glitch] (~binary-gl@24-116-68-250.cpe.cableone.net): binary-glitch64   long incessant trolling rant05:57
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:57
IdleOne!guidelines > srhb06:32
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (klasa)08:05
Piciboozewooz again .__.13:17
DJonesPici: Is woozbooze in #u the same as boozewooz that you've just removed13:25
PiciDJones: very likely13:25
ubottuIn #ubuntu, sgtkilljoy said: ubottu: ntfs-3g is included no?18:22
Piciikonia: looks like Magiobiwan was klined actually21:23
ikoniaoh really21:23
ikoniahe wasn't doing anything bad in #ubuntu21:23
ikoniajust looked like a bad connection21:23
Pici16:20:43 >>>> Magiobiwan (IRC@unaffiliated/magiobiwan) has quit [K-Lined]21:23
Pici(from #freenode)21:23
ikoniaremove the ban then21:24
PiciJust wanted to keep you in the loop.21:24
ikoniano point having a ban there21:24
Fuchsthese k-lines (for join/excess flood parts) are usually rather short21:30
Fuchsjust as a sidenote21:30
Fuchsit might be handy to still have a forward in place, there were cases where the k-line fixed it, and cases where they just came back, bouncing some more21:30
ikonialeftist -> myhero again22:18
k1ldidnt ban leftist because he was silent after my kick22:42
ikoniamuted him22:55
ikonianothing more22:55
k1lahh, i read +b in my hurry, sry22:56
ikonianot a problem22:56
ikonianot much difference in a lot of ways22:56
k1lwell, you can join with a +q, but cant with a +b22:57

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