
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
jrgiffordpaultag: awesome wallpaper.13:36
paultagjrgifford: thanks, man :)13:36
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
terryrhey paul18:28
paultagwhat's goin on?18:28
terryralmost done with the painting.18:28
terryrjust got a refill of oils.18:28
terryrhere is a headson view.18:32
Cheri703terryr: we try to be at least relatively family friendly here, and....that's...not really18:33
Cheri703so...perhaps chill with the links18:33
terryrnot family friendly?18:35
terryrmy four year old walks past this 20 times a day18:35
Cheri703not going to argue it with you. I'm asking you to stop posting the links18:35
Cheri703the ubuntu-us-oh room is not somewhere folks would expect to come across links to semi-nude women. so...not the place for it.18:36
terryrits a painting of mine, its oil not a real lady.18:48
Cheri703yet again: not going to argue with you. Especially the fact that you're just posting links with no explanation or warning. nudity, whether photo or painting is not welcome in this room. The End.18:49
terryrI did say that it was a painting that I've been working on and its almost done.18:50
Cheri703you are being intentionally obtuse.18:50
terryrI wont post any more of them, dont worry about that.18:51
terryrNo point where its not appreciated.18:51
Cheri703that's correct: Nudity is not appreciated, welcome, or allowed in the public IRC room for the Ubuntu Ohio team.18:52
Cheri703Any further comment on the issue, whether direct or passive aggressive will result in you being removed from the room.18:52
dzhoterryr: so, uh, hi?18:56
dzhoyou have an interest in Ubuntu?18:56
terryrI do, I used it all the time.18:57
dzhopast tense or typo?18:58
dzhoterryr: well, let me just suggest that if you have anything to say about Ubuntu in particular, now might be as good a time as any.19:11
dzhoinappropriate ;-)22:35
Cheri703sod off ;)22:35
dzhonow playing:  The Grinch22:36
dzho(boris karloff version)22:36

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