
=== jono is now known as Guest79679
mlankhorstbjsnider: I still saw someone using twm in 2008, so why not :p08:54
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bjsnidermlankhorst, are you around at the moment?17:38
bjsniderhave you got any matroska files handy?17:42
mlankhorstwhat for?17:45
bjsnideri need someone to test mkvtoolnix-gui17:46
bjsnideron my system it is not on the open with list for the files it creates17:46
bjsniderusing nautilus anyway17:46
mlankhorsthm dont see any mkv locally17:47
bjsnideryou can install the app, open a video with it and create one17:47
bjsniderit will just switch containers from avi to mkv17:48
mlankhorstdoes it work for mp4 videos too?17:48
bjsniderit will switch that container17:48
mlankhorstok then17:48
bjsniderjust add the file, and then click start muxing17:49
bjsniderafterwards, right click on the mkv17:49
mlankhorstwhat release?17:49
bjsnideri'm assuming you're using gnome with either quantal or raring17:49
bjsniderthis problem started with quantal17:50
mlankhorstnope, kde + precise (quantal xserver)17:50
bjsnidernot sure how kde handles mimetypes and whatnot17:51
bjsnideranyway, forget it. thanks anyway17:52
mlankhorstlaptop has raring though, or whatever I tell it to boot through nfs17:52
ricotzbjsnider, mkvmerge seems to work fine here17:53
ricotz5.9.0 on raring17:53
tjaaltonupdated -intel to 2.20.1618:24
bjsniderricotz, works fine in the sense that it is associated with mkv files?18:42
ricotzbjsnider, ah, i missed that part, and no, it isnt listed in "open with" here19:00
bjsnideroh, good19:00
bjsnideri was beginning to think bad thoughts about my system19:01
ricotzi though the app itself isnt working for you19:01
bjsniderso it isn't associated with the very files it creates19:01
bjsnideri wrote mosu about this and he says he isn't aware of the issue19:01
bjsniderone thing i noticed is the desktop file is not named after the package19:02
ricotzthere is no need for matching names19:03
bjsniderthose are the correct mimetypes19:05
ricotzinterestingly it doesnt contain "application/x-matroska"19:08
ricotzshouldnt be a problem19:08
Sarvattbjsnider: like http://ubuntuone.com/0jMspt3dTZiT4AiAjjmYhW ? quantal19:11
bjsniderthat's quantal?19:13
bjsniderusing lightdm>19:13
Sarvattyeah just a standard unity session, nothing out of the ordinary on the desktop side19:14
bjsnideri'm using gdm, so that's one difference19:14
bjsnideri don't necessarily see how that would affect anything19:14
Sarvattand ppa gnome packages? :P19:15
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bjsniderSarvatt, when you took that screenshot, which version of nautilus was that?21:15
bjsnideri just mean major and minor21:15
bjsnideri'm assuming it was pre3.621:15
Sarvattyep 3.4.221:15
bjsnidermaybe that's it21:15
bjsnidermaybe they made some changes in nautilus 3.621:15
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