
TiagoTiagoI want to have Ubuntu on a USB drive that i can use on "any" machine, do i need it to be the "livecd" or can i just do a normal instal and it will still not have issues booting on different machines?00:00
dingoateyourbabyTiagoTiago: My question takes precedence, please wait your turn00:00
Claireinit 6 completey removed my ssh it seems00:00
escott!ops | dingoateyourbaby00:00
ubottudingoateyourbaby: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:00
dingoateyourbaby!ops | escott00:00
ubottuescott: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:00
TheLordOfTimeClaire, init 6 is the reboot signal00:00
WR47HANZle sigh00:01
TheLordOfTimeClaire, it should reboot your system (if the system doesn't come back up you need to contact the datacenter, which is what i said you should've done initially)00:01
escottTiagoTiago, not all machines support usb boot. many do00:01
Flanneldingoateyourbaby: Please be courteous and polite.  Thanks.00:01
TheLordOfTimeClaire, your system has to reboot :P00:01
Ben64TiagoTiago: it should not have any problems booting, but the video driver stuff might be weird00:01
OerHeksTiagoTiago, live cd is universal, if you install on an usb device, you might get trouble if the machines have different videocards and such00:01
dingoateyourbabyFlannel: I am. I am just waiting for a reply00:01
TheLordOfTimeClaire, again, if it doesn't come back up and/or throws additional errors again, you'll need to have the hardware checked, and you'll need to contact the datacenter you're colocating at for that.00:01
TiagoTiagoIs there a way to have the compatibility benefits of the livecd AND the full power of a normal install?00:02
Flanneldingoateyourbaby: Your topic is a great discussion topic, but not for this channel.  This channel is for technical support.  You should try #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic.  Those would be more appropriate.00:02
dingoateyourbaby!ops | please answer my question00:02
ubottuplease answer my question: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:02
TheLordOfTimeClaire, since you've said you don't have access (and you should), then the techs at the datacenter'll have to respond and check the system00:02
escottTiagoTiago, you would probably be ok if you installed a msdos partitioned bios boot system on a usb as an installed system for any computer built from 2007-201500:02
dingoateyourbabyFlannel: how is it "off-topic"00:02
TheLordOfTimeClaire, and that's not usually free00:02
dingoateyourbabyCompare my issue to TiagoTiago's.00:03
* TheLordOfTime has colo'd a box before, and always makes sure he has access to the box when necessary00:03
dingoateyourbabyHe's looking for something that's easily googable.00:03
escottTiagoTiago, but the full compatibility of the livecd is not something you can get from a real install00:03
dr_willisdingoateyourbaby:  its not support specific. we dont have insight to r4easons for  canoical doing stuff.. other then their blogs and other reports.00:03
Ben64TiagoTiago: if you don't need 3d acceleration, it should work on pretty much anything00:03
TheLordOfTimedr_willis, you were ninja'd ;P00:03
Flanneldingoateyourbaby: This is a support channel, for technical support questions.  Your question isn't a support question, but instead a discussion.  The people here aren't likely to be the same people you want answering your question anyway.00:03
Clairethank you i got to go00:04
TiagoTiagoThe livecd doesn't do 3d acceleration? Is that the only difference?00:04
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dr_willisTiagoTiago:  it depends on your video hardware.00:04
dingoateyourbabyFlannel: it is a support question, I want to know who's bright idea was it for canonical not to support older 32-bit cpu hardware without pae. And was this decision due to conceit.00:04
escottTiagoTiago, no. the livecd has a fat partition and an ext4 casper image mounted as a loopback device00:04
fizikzhi there, i'm having trouble getting a live usb of ubuntu to boot on a macbook pro. is this the right place to get help?00:04
dr_willisdingoateyourbaby:  no its not s support question.00:04
Flanneldingoateyourbaby: No, it's not.  Please take it elsewhere.00:04
escottTiagoTiago, ie the livecd is VERY different from the early boot perspective00:05
TiagoTiagoI see, hm...00:05
dr_willisBottom line. manpower is limited. and the LTS release still supports non pae..00:05
TiagoTiagoBut regarding the system itself, after the machine is instructed to boot it, does it matter if it is the livecd image or an image from a regular install?00:06
dingoateyourbabywe can agree that a question is "an act or instance of asking" and that support is to mean "aid"00:06
escottTiagoTiago, for the most part no00:06
escottTiagoTiago, unless you have things configured for proprietary modules00:06
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TiagoTiagoTo not hog you guys much, is there a tutorial i can follow to make a USB install that has both the compatibility benefits of the livecd and the full power of a regular install?00:09
escottWoogie, please don't do that00:09
dr_willisTiagoTiago:  i just do full installs..  you COULD do a full install and then make a grub entry to boot an iso file.00:09
Woogiesorry, must tweak my xchat.00:09
dr_willisthat would be usefull trick00:09
Jordan_UTiagoTiago: The only benefit that I can think of to a liveCD is that it's compressed. You can do a normal install to a USB drive and boot it on many machines.00:10
dr_willisif you moved the usb around from differnt pcs' a live option may be nice.00:11
escottJordan_U, my understanding is that some older bioses don't like to boot non-FAT formatted usbs00:11
TiagoTiagoIf i do that, what things will i not be able to do? (like, setup multiple monitors, 3d acceleration etc)00:11
Jordan_Uescott: Older BIOSs shouldn't know anything about filesystems, and while it's possible (there are many odd firmware bugs out there) I've never encountered such hardware.00:12
escottJordan_U, i guess i dont understand the rational for the casper image then. it would be trivial to just unpack the casper image or dd it directly to the disk00:13
AltairesPhotorec did not recover the file I wanted, which was the last paper I was typing up before my computer blue screened. Is it safe to assume that my paper file is corrupt beyond recognition?00:13
escottAltaires, or that it is so scattered that photorec can't find it amongst the pieces00:13
TiagoTiagoOr will it just revert to the basic most compatible settings when the hardware changes?00:13
Altairesescott: is there ANY way I can salvage it?00:14
Jordan_Uescott: Do you mean the squashfs image?00:14
escottJordan_U, yes00:14
Ben64Altaires: what file system00:15
AltairesBen64: Win 700:15
Ben64thats an operating system :|00:15
escottAltaires, there is testdisk you could try that. but this being an ubuntu channel not a lot we can advise wrt windows00:15
Jordan_Uescott: Squashfs is a read only compressed file system, by using it they can fit what installs to about 2 GiB in less than 700 MiB (which was even more important when they were still trying to keep media at a size that it could be burned to a CD).00:16
Jordan_Uescott: Squashfs isn't used for normal installations because it's read-only.00:16
Altairesescott: thanks, I used test disk to find the hidden partition already. I don't think it would be better than photorec to actually recover the files however. It's more of a fix and find kind of tool.00:16
Ben64Altaires: you could try Recuva, I've had success with it where I couldn't with photorec00:16
escottJordan_U, i guess i never realized how well that casper image packed down00:17
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fizikzi'm trying to boot a live usb of ubuntu 12.04.1 on a macbook pro using grub-efi. i get to the grub menu, but when i try to boot ubuntu it freezes on the following:00:17
fizikzRAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM dsik image starting at 0. No filesystem could mount root, tried: ext3 ext4 fuseblk00:17
fizikzKernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)00:17
WR47HANZescott you still around?00:18
WR47HANZhttp://imgur.com/EVVOy I took a screenshot of what the screen looks like00:18
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zoidberg-Does anyone have a fix for the issue that when using ssh keys to login to a remote ubuntu box (that has an encrypted home directory) the home drive is not mounted, i have to manually mount it by doing ecryptfs-mount-private, i then have to source my .bash_profile.. I managed to get ssh/keys working by moving the authorized_keys file to somewhere outside my home dir, now i would like the home directory mounted upon logging 00:18
WR47HANZthe installer shows up fine, but after installation and I reboot the computer that is what the display looks like00:18
escottWR47HANZ, what kind of graphics card was this? perhaps i lost your response when the dingbat came into channel00:19
WR47HANZnvidia gtx 560ti00:19
escottzoidberg-, modify /etc/ssh/config to look for the auth key somewhere outside of $HOME00:19
Jordan_Ufizikz: How did you setup this LiveUSB?00:19
zoidberg-escott: That problem was fixed earlier.. i've done that, it is now not mounting my homedirectory..00:20
zoidberg-so i manually have to mount it, then source my bash_prfile which is a right pain.00:20
zoidberg-I was wondering if there was a fix for that00:20
fizikzi formatted the usb flash drive as FAT, copied onto it the /efi and /efi/boot directories containing the bootx64.efi file and a grub.cfg, and the iso of the ubuntu desktop edition is in the root directory00:21
escottzoidberg-, you could try adding that mount command to your auth_keys file before running the bash commmand00:21
escottzoidberg-, honestly for a server i would disable encrypted home00:21
bobdinhi everybody00:22
zoidberg-escott: Yeah, I am regretting setting it, is there a way to disable it without re-installing?00:22
escottzoidberg-, copy the plaintext out to another directory, change your home, verify it works, remove the old home00:23
escottzoidberg-, rather umount, remove the old home (including the ciphertext in $OLDHOME/.Private)00:23
Jordan_Ufizikz: That grub.cfg was not designed for loop booting, which is what you're doing by keeping the iso file as an iso file. Create a grub.cfg following the template here: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F00:23
zoidberg-probably easier to re-install not entirley sur ewhat you mean00:24
zoidberg-why add something that breaks soemthing so fundamental00:24
Dark_Haseodoes a single "home" directory works for varius linux distros if it is in a diferent partition?00:24
escottzoidberg-, encrypted home mounts the ciphertext in ~/.Private over ~ using ecryptfs which is a FUSE filesystem00:24
escottDark_Haseo, not the best idea. different versions of desktop software may have conflicting config options00:25
zoidberg-meh im going to reinstall thanks for your help00:25
escottDark_Haseo, you can share a single /home partition and have inside if username_ubuntu and username_fedora with symlinks to a shared username_data for all the subdirs00:26
Dark_Haseook thx escott00:26
fizikzthe relevant bit in grub.cfg (latest iteration so far..) is:00:26
fizikzmenuentry "Ubuntu (Macbook1,1)" {00:26
fizikz search --no-floppy --set -f /boot.iso00:26
fizikz loopback loop /boot.iso00:26
fizikz linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/boot.iso video=efifb fbdev noefi --00:26
fizikz initrd (loop)/casper/initrd.lz00:26
FloodBot1fizikz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
Dark_Haseocan i install ubuntu on a usb ?(not live)00:26
TiagoTiagoWhat do i loose, and what do i need to be aware of, if i install  Ubuntu on a pendrive to use on different machines, instead of just going the liveCD/USB route?00:27
escottDark_Haseo, yes00:27
Dark_Haseoany recomended size?00:27
escottDark_Haseo, the base system is usually on the order of 10-20GB00:28
Jordan_Ufizikz: Try following the template that I linked to (and next time please use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com for anything over one line).00:29
fizikzok sorry about that00:29
TiagoTiagoAnd is there a variant or distro that by default uses a flash friendly file system?00:30
escottTiagoTiago, i never really get the "flash friendly" bit. there is potentially faster if it is a CoW filesystem and the block size matches the underlying blocks, but that doesn't make it any friendlier00:31
diverdudeHello. i am trying to change the dns i am using. i have changed /etc/resolv.conf to have nameserver, but whenever i restart it has been changed back to nameserver How do i change it for good and how do i ensure that its actually which is being used?00:31
TiagoTiagoI mean a file system that was designed to reduce the wear on flash storage00:32
Jordan_UTiagoTiago: ext4 is flash friendly enough. For the small writes done for journaling to decrease the life of the drive the wear leveling in the drive would have to be terrible.00:32
TiagoTiagoI see00:33
escottTiagoTiago, a write is a write. the only way to reduce the wear level is to write less. the firmware will amplify the writes anyways00:33
Jordan_Udiverdude: Change the setting in network manager.00:34
TiagoTiagoI have to go now :(00:40
TiagoTiagoThanx for everything, cya00:40
dr_willis trying to track down why i got some very slow usb hd transfer speeds on my Ubuntu box. Could it be I grabbed some USB1 Cables and using them on usb2 ports is slowing them down?00:43
escottdr_willis, if they were longer cheaper cables sure00:43
konamhi guys00:46
limachi i installed centos and i installed its bootloader and added ubuntu to the bootloader options (during centos installtion) but now when I try to boot from ubuntu, I get Error 13: invalid or unsupported exec. format00:46
limachow might I fix that?00:46
rexi am unable to stream files through plex server/00:47
konamthere is a package, i don't remember the name but after you install that one a lot of icons appear next to the text in a lot of menus00:47
jrf012126any dns gurus?00:47
konamcan't remember the name now, but i installed it because a script required it00:47
konambut i also don't remember the name of the script now :s00:47
konamfor example, right now the bookmarks of firefox don't show a folder next to a bookmark folder, after installing that package a folder will appear next to them00:48
Jordan_Ulimac: I would let Ubuntu control the bootloader rather than CENTOS. You can re-install Ubuntu's grub from either CENTOS or an Ubuntu (or other) LiveCD by following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot00:51
limacthank you Jordan_U for that!00:53
Jordan_Ulimac: You're welcome.00:54
ForSparePartsI just installed awesome under 12.10 and launched a session, and everything's fullscreen, regardless of my tiling mode. Any idea why?00:54
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konamok, it was just a matter of enabling the 'menus have icons' on ubuntu tweak00:54
sushubinhello, i am using the 12.04 LTS, but when i run the music player "audacious" to add files in the folder, I computer get crashed and cannot do anything except moving the mouse!00:54
XxXxXHey I have x window forwarding, I want to know if its possible to use screen on an xwindow so I can detach + reattach it ?00:56
escottXxXxX, not exactly. what do you mean by forwarding?00:57
XxXxXescott, ok so i have a strange setup00:58
fizikzJordan_U: i copied the template you referenced (substituting the TITLE and PATH bits) as an entry into my existing grub.cfg . when i selected the entry, it froze on a blank screen, perhaps due to video issues. from the ubuntu mac forum, people indicated that they needed to add "video=efifb" and "noefi" options to the "linux" line in grub.cfg. how can i incorporate them into the template?00:58
dr_willisXxXxX:  dosent work that way. screen would work for terminal/cli apps.. but not X apps. There were at one time some apps/tricks to detach/reattatch X apps.. but ive not seen those in years. You Could have a small vnc session for specific apps if you wanted00:59
XxXxXescott, I have ubuntu, with ssh + x forwarding, and I do stuff on my other computer (windows) but right now im running a windows VM (vmplayer) on the ubuntu machine I want to be able to control it from windows w/ x forwarding (thats working fine) I can even run the app in screen but Idk how to detach + reattach it so if I shut down the windows pc00:59
dr_willisXxXxX:  you could have a hidden vnc desktop you could detatch/reattatch to01:00
XxXxXhow do I do that ?01:00
escottXxXxX, so there is an X migration but its not well supported. what you can do is run gui programs in an xnest session or through freenx's virtual x server01:00
dr_willisinstall a vncserver, start it.. connect to it with a vnc client. run whatever apps you want. it will stay there even after you detatch the client01:00
dr_willisFreeNX is simniler but ive never gotten freenx working well01:00
XxXxXescott, well what is my best option vnc or that ?01:01
dr_willisvnc works - but freenx may give better preformance.,but may be harder to setup.01:01
escottXxXxX, its all basically the same idea just different protocols. vnc/freenx/xnest all create hidden virtual x servers and run the gui programs through those01:01
XxXxXescott, ok, so if you were me which one do you do01:03
escottXxXxX, never used any of them can't recommend one in particular01:03
Jordan_Ufizikz: Unfortunately you can't add kernel parameters when using a loopback.cfg entry. I would recommend though that you look at the entry in /boot/grub/loopback.cfg (in the iso) as a beginning for what other kernel parameters should be passed and add to that.01:03
XxXxXescott, ive used vnc in the past01:03
Jordan_Ufizikz: Are you booting 64 bit Ubuntu?01:03
escottXxXxX, vnc/nx are easier to setup than xnest01:03
AltairesCan you read windows 7 bsod .dmp files in ubuntu?01:04
magn3ts... How can the deluge package not been updated to properly depend on python-libtorrent?01:04
XxXxXescott, so if I install vnc server on the ubuntu box, I can simply vnc in load vmware and vnc out and it will keep running ?01:05
dr_willisXxXxX:  if you run a seperate vnc session, yes.  it will keep running even with no clients attatched.01:05
escottXxXxX, should work. what i dont get is why vmware doesn't support detaching natively01:05
dr_willisXxXxX:  this is nto the same as how Gnome with vino does it.01:06
limacJordan_U: in that link, for step 6, what do they mean by: "Only if you have a separate boot partition..."?01:06
XxXxXdr_willis, any link on how to set up a 'seperate' vnc session ?01:06
dr_willisXxXxX:  install a vncserver, and run it.01:06
XxXxXescott, dr_willis also is the vnc server I want x11vnc ?01:06
dr_willisGnomes 'shared desktop' is not quite the same.01:07
dr_willisx11vnc and vino share the CURRENT desktop.. thats the BIG differance01:07
dr_willisvncserver can be ran and have no visible display. untill you connect to it with a vnc client01:07
XxXxXsharing the current display is fine01:07
dr_willistightvncserver and vnc4server are the 2 common vncservers01:08
dr_willisXxXxX:  you have to be logged in first to get that mode to work..  and you cant log out.. vnc4server could run  with a headless display or just by sshing in. or you can have several differnt vnc sessions.01:08
dr_williscurrent display = use the gnome shared desktop feature.01:08
XxXxXim getting more confused by the second honestly01:09
dr_willishidden persistant desktop = use a seperate vncserver01:09
XxXxXso how do I set up a seperate one!?01:09
XxXxXexport the $DISPLAY variable ?01:09
dr_willisyou install a 'vncserver' like tightvnc, or vnc4server01:09
XxXxXk i did that01:09
dr_willisssh in, run vncserver, connect with a client.01:10
dr_willisthe 'shareed current desktop' is a special case of vnc ussage. and untill recently was not common on linux. ;) on windows its the ONLY way vnc works..01:10
dr_willisthis confuses people. they think its  the only way vnc works. ;)01:11
limacwhat is meant here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot in step 6, when it says "Only if you have a separate boot partition..."01:11
escottXxXxX, are you sure that vmware whatever doesnt support session detach?01:11
dr_willislimac:  you can have /boot/ on its own partition.  ie: sda1 is /boot/ and the rest of / is on sda201:11
dr_willisescott:  i thought it did. ;) but i dont use vmware01:11
XxXxXescott, vmware player idk01:11
XxXxXdo I need to run the vnc server as root if i need root permissions on the vmware player ?01:12
AltairesCan you read Win 7 BSOD dump files with an Ubuntu Live CD?01:12
escottXxXxX, if this is the free player maybe, but if i paid for a virtualization solution and it was unable to detach from my session i'd be rather angry01:12
dr_willisXxXxX:  the vncserver will be showing a desktop. you use it as you would any other desktop. no need to run the server as root.01:12
XxXxXescott, free ;-p01:12
limacok thx dr_willis01:12
escottXxXxX, you could still ask for your money back ;)01:12
dr_willisits best to use a light/minimal window manager in vnc. it can get laggy. openbox would work fine.01:12
XxXxXescott, dr_willis so Im getting a connection refused ?01:13
XxXxXthis is over lan btw...01:13
fizikzJordan_U: yes, i am booting a 64 bit iso. are there differences between 32 vs 64 bit to be aware of for the live usb booting processes? the entry i copied went into /efi/boot/grub.cfg. this refers to the loopback.cfg in the iso which has some kernel parameters, but not the ones needed for a mac. the procedure i followed and the grub.conf i had made is based on this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11637610&postcount=3401:13
dr_willislook at your vnc logs in the .vnc dir.01:13
dr_willisXxXxX:  you did start a vncserver?01:13
XxXxXdr_willis, yes01:13
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dr_willisit said vncdesktop running on  or some ip/port ?01:14
limacI am getting an error "mount: special device /run does not exist" any suggestions how to fix that?01:14
XxXxXdr_willis, I was able to log in with Media:1 just not the ip01:15
XxXxXnow it says gnome session not found01:15
XxXxXim using xfce01:15
dr_willisXxXxX:  i always use the ip. ;)01:15
dr_willisedit your .vnc/xstartup to run what window manager you want. kill/restart the vncserver01:15
XxXxXdr_willis, it wouldn't work witrh the ip for some reason01:16
dr_willismy normap vnc xstartup is like 2 lines.......    xterm &     then exec openbox01:16
dr_willisabout as minimal as it gets. ;)01:16
XxXxXdr_willis, mine says /etc/X11/Xsession01:17
dr_willisthe default xstartup i think tries to run your normal desktop or other things. I want total controll.01:17
XxXxXi don't have an /etc/X11/Xsession01:17
dr_willisso i make it run EXACTLY what i want01:17
XxXxXdo I just do exec xfce ?01:17
dr_willisi would run just a terminal, and a window manager to start.01:18
dr_willisthe terminal in case the wm fails to startup.01:18
XxXxXyea idk how to get xfce to start01:18
XxXxXjust put exec xfce in ~/.vnc/xstartup ?01:18
dr_willisperhaps 3 lines..     xterm &      exec windowmanager    then perhaps a exec xterm     after that.. in case the wm fails.01:18
dr_willisI dont know what commands start xfce01:18
dr_willisa full xfce desktop may be a bit heavy for vnc01:19
SachDoes anyone use pdfsam on ubuntu?01:19
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XxXxXdr_willis, guess this is over my head01:21
XxXxXdr_willis, getting this... _XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed01:22
XxXxX_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running01:22
XxXxXFatal server error:01:22
XxXxXCannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running01:22
dr_willisyou did close/kill the other vncservers?01:22
dr_williscnxserver --kill :1 (i think)01:23
dr_willisvncserver --kill :1 (i think)01:23
galaxinafor usb external sound, are there any prefered chipsets, or will any old generic unmarked item do just as well?01:23
dr_willisgalaxina:  better to do some reasearch and find stuff thats known to work01:23
kevinchhi, I have an ubuntu server, and I'd like a solution to backup a mac and a win7 pc to one of its drives over the network incrementally that's easy to use.  Any suggestions?01:23
XxXxXdr_willis, x@Media:~$ vncserver --kill :101:24
XxXxXCouldn't start Xtightvnc; trying default font path.01:24
XxXxXPlease set correct fontPath in the vncserver script.01:24
XxXxXCouldn't start Xtightvnc process.01:24
dr_willischeck vncserver man page.. it may be -kill or the # may be differnt01:26
escottkevinch, i think your "easy to use" is making it harder than it is01:26
dr_willisvncserver -kill :1   worked here01:26
dr_willisnote the single dash01:27
kevinchokay how about has a webgui instead01:27
dr_willis!ebox | kevinch01:27
ubottukevinch: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).01:27
escottkevinch, again i think that makes it harder than it is. what would the webgui do01:27
kevinchyeah nvm01:27
dr_williskevinch:   with backups its all about the details of what you are doing and how much data and how often.01:27
kevinchjust easy to setup01:27
dr_willisunison may have a port for all 3 os;s01:27
dr_willis!info unison01:27
ubottuunison (source: unison): file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.40.65-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 616 kB, installed size 1690 kB01:27
XxXxXdr_willis, damnit the kill command worked, but it still says its already running same error as before01:28
kevinchI tried setting up backuppc and had some difficulties, could never get it working dr_willis01:28
dr_willisXxXxX:  check your ps output - kill all teh vncservers, then clean out the pid files in .vnc   and then try again and check the logs01:28
Jordan_Ufizikz: Unlike with BIOS based booting, with [U]EFI based booting the kernel needs to match the architecute of the boot firmware, or it won't be able to use [U]EFI services, some of which are important for graphics.01:28
dr_willisXxXxX:  it may be the pid files.. each time vncserver runs it can start a NEW seperate session01:28
XxXxXdr_willis, no pid files in ~/.vnc01:29
XxXxXdr_willis, nothing running with vnc in name using ps -ef | grep vnc01:29
Jordan_Ulimac: What command did you run that gave that error message?01:29
galaxinadr_willis, the majority of cheap usb sound interfaces never say what chipsets they use and when there's a brand name it's usually meaningless01:31
fizikzJordan_U: i wonder if the 'fakebios' entry in the grub.conf in post i sent before has something to do with that. i'm really just stabbing in the dark here. however, that grub.cfg did work for the poster, so i wonder what i need to do to get it working for me01:31
Jordan_Ufizikz: Did that poster have exactly the same hardware as you?01:32
XxXxXdr_willis, google is my friend, had to do vncserver :101:32
dr_willisXxXxX:  so whats your exact xstartup file look like? and whats the exact erorr message01:32
XxXxXall working now!01:32
XxXxXdr_willis, btw xfce is /usr/bin/startxfce401:32
fizikzJordan_U: the hardware is the same as the one i intend to run the live usb on. the current hardware i have to test with is a bit newer.01:33
dr_willisI dont plan on using xfce any time soon. ;P01:33
kevinchdr_willis any backup solutions pop into your head?  don't really care about webgui as long as it won't take days to try and setup to do xplatform01:33
XxXxXdr_willis, xfce is awesome01:33
XxXxXdr_willis, so I can close the vnc viewer and it will stay the way it is right ?01:33
dr_williskevinch:  i just pop in a external usb hd.. and do it the old fashioned way01:33
dr_willisXxXxX:  it should01:33
kevinchah ok01:33
dr_willisXxXxX:  you could caonnect with differnt vnc viewers from differnt machines also01:34
Jordan_Ufizikz: The problems you're having are very hardware specific, what will work on one machine is likely to fail on another and visa-versa, especially with the combinations of linux-unfriendly hardware found in macs.01:34
dr_willisXxXxX:  have fun. ;)01:34
XxXxXdr_willis, I always do once I get something to work01:35
XxXxXdr_willis, escott thx so much01:35
galaxinafor some reason, xfce is depressing to look at01:36
fizikzJordan_U: do you have a clue as to the cause of the kernel panic error? what confuses me further is that the poster's solution doesn't involve loopback.cfg as you mentioned01:37
Sachhow do i install java from terminal?01:37
TheLordOfTimeSach, sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre01:38
TheLordOfTimeSach, if you need the JDK, then sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk01:38
SachTheLordOfTime: I'm trying t install a .exe file, which says I need to install a Java Runtime Environment01:40
TheLordOfTimeSach, um... a .exe is a windows executable01:40
TheLordOfTimenot an Ubuntu executable01:40
SachTheLordOfTime: yes, I know.  I'm using Wine01:40
TheLordOfTimeSach, you'd need to download and install the Windows version of Oracle Java01:40
TheLordOfTimeand that i dont think you can do via command line01:40
TheLordOfTimenor do i think it'll be 100% stable01:41
SachTheLordOfTime: do you know how I install a windoes version f oracle java?01:42
TheLordOfTimeSach, should be obvious if you've used windows, go to java.com and find the correct installer, download it, run it.01:42
Jordan_Ufizikz: That kernel panic appears to be caused by the init scripts not being able to find the partition containing the iso, though I don't understand why it's a kernel panic rather than dropping you to an initramfs shell. It might be that the kernel for some reason (like bad drivers) can't access the USB drive.01:42
ChathWhat would be the best shell to use with compiz at the moment? It's almost but not quite perfect with gnome fallback01:42
fizikzJordan_U: is there something i can do to narrow down the problem?01:43
TheLordOfTimeSach, http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp01:43
TheLordOfTimeSach, download the Windows Offline insttaller for the architecture you're on (32-bit or 64-bit)01:43
Jordan_Ufizikz: There are two reasons that the poster probably didn't use the loopback.cfg method, first because it's not well known, and second because they wanted to add additional kernel parmaters.01:43
ChathOnly problem I'm getting is compiz isn't using the virtual desktops the gnome is showing01:44
Jordan_Ufizikz: Try booting from the netinstall kernel and initrd, from there you'll have a very minimal system even if the kernel doesn't have the needed USB drivers. But ideally you want to be debugging problems on the hardware you're actually going to try to install Ubuntu to.01:45
fizikzJordan_U: unfortunately i don't have access to the actual hardware it's meant to run on. that is 3000km away... how do i boot the netinstall kernel and initrd?01:46
Jordan_Ufizikz: Actually, before that I would recommend trying an Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit iso, using the loopback.cfg method. [U]EFI support is under heavy development and many improvements were made between 12.04 and 12.10.01:50
ouyesAfter a fresh installation of UBUNTU 12.10 amd64, the system can't detect the wired ethernet, so I install the compatiable wireless driver ( as the google search results) and both the wired and wireless works, but new problem comes, the led of my wireless doesn't light up01:51
ouyesdo you have any ideas?01:51
Jordan_Ufizikz: If you want to try the netinstall kernel and initrd, grab them from the minimal iso and (at least at first) try loading them with *no* kernel paremeters, just "linux /path/to/linux; initrd /path/to/initrd.gz".01:53
fizikzJordan_U: ok, i'm downloading it and i'll give it a try. thanks for the ideas.01:54
Jordan_U!minimal | fizikz01:54
ubottufizikz: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:54
Jordan_Ufizikz: You're welcome.01:54
ouyesany good calculator in ubuntu ?01:55
fizikzJordan_U: ok, i'll try the minimal iso and no kernel parameters too01:55
Jordan_Uouyes: The default GNOME Calculator is quite nice, as is "bc" which also comes by default (on the other end of the spectrum). What type of calculator are you looking for?01:57
ouyesJordan_U, do you remember the ubuntu 10.04 's calculator, you can choose advanced function like programming scientific01:58
ouyesJordan_U, the default calculator of ubuntu 12.10 is too small01:59
Jordan_Uouyes: GNOME Calculator still has scientific and programming modes, you can switch to them from the "Mode" menu.01:59
dodo3773ouyes: gcalctool has scientific02:00
ouyesJordan_U, where is the Mode menu02:00
fizikzJordan_U: do you mean i should try the netinstall idea with the loopback.cfg template entry in grub.cfg, or the entries similar to the poster's grub.cfg (minus any kernel parameters)?02:02
mikodoSo, you old-time gurus here. Where did you get your knowledge? IT tech, Comp science, Self taught What? My self teaching with my casual usage is too slow!!02:03
dodo3773mikodo: Google + diy ditros02:03
mikodododo3773, Whats diy02:04
Jordan_Umikodo: That's a question for #ubuntu-offtopic.02:04
dodo3773mikodo: do it yourself02:04
mikodododo3773, cool02:04
dodo3773mikodo: Jordan_U is right though. It is pretty offtopic02:04
mikodododo3773, OK #ubuntu-offtopic it is Thx.02:05
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dodo3773mikodo: I am there.02:06
escottouyes, or just install octave02:07
Jordan_Uouyes: In Ubuntu 12.04, at the top of the window. In Ubuntu 12.10 there is no separate Mode menu, you just select the mode from the "Calculator" drop down menu at the top of the screen.02:09
Jordan_Ufizikz: The mini.iso doesn't have a loopback.cfg, so you can't use the loopback.cfg template with it. For mini.iso you could use an entry like this: menuentry "Mini (netboot) iso" { search --set=root --file /mini.iso; loopback loop /mini.iso; root=(loop); linux /linux; initrd initrd.gz; }02:10
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WXZwhy doesn't compiz grid properly resize virtualbox?02:10
Jordan_Ufizikz: The full entry, with newlines rather than ';', would be http://paste.debian.net/plain/21668702:15
Jordan_Ufizikz: And that assumes that you put the mini.iso in the root of the filesystem, named 'mini.iso'. (I mentioned extracting the kernel and initrd from the iso earlier, but this example doesn't require you to do that).02:16
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fizikzJordan_U: thank you. about the "linux /linux" part, it is not needed to have it prepended by "(loop)" ?02:18
Jordan_Ufizikz: Correct, it is not. If you don't specify a device name as part of a path in grub it defaults to the value of $root, since we have "root=(loop)" "linux /linux" is exactly the same as "linux (loop)/linux".02:19
wd_hey ya'll, i've got a Brother QL-500 label printer... can anyone help me get it up and running?02:23
BlakeI highlighted everything Photorec recovered (although it wasn't on when I woke in the morning to check it...) It only showed 48.9 gigs of info, but when I checked the disk 400 gigs of space had been taken up. What's up with that? Where can I find the rest of my 352 gigs of info?02:24
escottBlake, photorec never claims to be able to recover all or even a substantial fraction of your data02:28
Blakeescott: well then why is there an extra 400 gigs of space taken up on the drive I recovered the data to?02:30
garethpSo I find myself somewhat bored and I was wondering if anybody could point me in the direction of an entertaining IRC channel?02:30
escottBlake, are there any hidden files? there is a utility baobab that will analyze and identify where your disk usage is coming from02:31
BlakeHidden files? From the original OS? No. I never hid any files there. I used disk usage analyzer after I saw ubuntu claiming all of the recovery folders I highlighted amassed to be 50 gigs. It showed an extra 400 gigs full on my 1 tb drive i had recovered the data too02:33
aprilharei am using ubuntu 12.04 and have a external mac formatted hard disk. it's a hfs+ (journaled) hard disk to be exact. it mounts read-write in ubuntu. isn't it supposed to not support journaling?02:33
escottBlake, filenames that begin with a "." are hidden by default02:34
Blakeescott: does photorec automatically hide them during the recovery process? If so, where do I find the hidden files?02:36
escottaprilhare, (a) they are always working to enable rw with journaling so one day hopefully it just mounts rw (b) it can be forced to rw with journaling (the kernel warns against this) (c) there may be a userspace driver for HFS+ check the output of "mount" to see what driver you are using for the HFS02:36
escottBlake, i've never used photorec so i couldnt tell you. use baobab to figure out where the 400GB, just keep drilling down into the larger folders02:37
aprilhareescott: thanks for the info. how do i use the mount command to do that?02:37
Blakeescott: thank you  I will try that02:37
escottaprilhare, "mount" and look for where your hfs+ partition is mounted. see if it says "fuse"02:38
aprilhareok thanks02:38
Henesyalright so I have a pi running raspbian and a laptop running ubuntu, I have been trying to bridge them to share the wireless connection's internet on the laptop for awhile now and I have failed so far, ideas?02:40
escottHenesy, you mean bridging eth on the ubuntu02:40
Henesyeth0 to eth002:41
Henesywell, eth1 has the wireless and eth0 is connected to the pi02:42
escottHenesy, have you tried a static ip for the rasberry02:42
dr_willisso its ... pi --> wired --> ubuntu --> Internet02:43
dr_willisso its ... pi --> wired --> ubuntu - wireless -> Internet02:43
dr_willisthe pi can ping the ubuntu box and visa versa?02:43
escottHenesy, i wonder if you can even do that. the encrypted packets over the wireless are they fixed to the MAC address of the receiver02:43
dr_willisIp masquerading - can do it. also called 'NAT'  i belive02:44
Henesynot sure how you want me to ping the pi/vice versa without an ip to look at02:44
dr_willisdone it years ago.. only was going pc1 wired -> pc -> dialup02:44
dr_willisyou may want to put a dhcp server on the ubuntu box.02:44
fizikzJordan_U: tested the netinstall mini.iso and the Ubuntu 12.10 64bit iso. in both cases the screen froze immediately after selecting the entry for it in grub. it seems to me whether using the loopback.cfg or not, without the kernel parameters, it gets nowhere.02:44
dr_willisthat way the pi gets an ip and other info02:45
dr_willisor else you will need to setup static ips02:45
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing02:45
KI4ROCan't seem to get restart to work.  I've changed grub and even wiped out the old one and reinstalled but it still doesn't restart; just gets to a certain spot and the screen goes black and that's the end02:47
BlakeThen perhaps it's a miscaliber of Ubuntu's highlight/data size counting algorithm, because baobab is showing the document which contains all of my recovered data as being where the 400 gigs are.02:48
escottHenesy, you might ask in ##networking if this can be done without NAT02:48
Henesythanks all02:48
escottBlake, again you only highlight visible files so something hidden could be very large02:49
SigisI am having a problem installing ubuntu 12.10 from usb...if anyone could possibly assist me?02:49
escottBlake, there are a host of other reasons why computations of file size can be off. as filesystems have gotten smarter the "size" of a file is a much more qualitative vs quantitative art02:49
znusgyhello -- i've just come back to my computer after two weeks and grub freezes after showing its menu, the countdown stopping at 8s or 9s -- any ideas?02:50
SigisI am getting the error ubi-Language failed with exit-code 1 ... any ideas?02:51
SigisI had gotten it earlier and selected continue, so now my grub isn't loading any more as the installation hung after completing the copy of the files...02:51
xui23does anybody know how i can test h.264 with an intel hd 3000 graphics card? how would i know it is working02:55
distopic_collam i here?02:56
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lynx7os5hey all, i have a box running lucid (10.04 i think?), not sure what happened to it but the sound doesnt work anymore, any suggestions by chance?02:56
xui23lynx7os5: get a usb sound card; thinkpenguin.com02:57
lynx7os5lspci -v gives this: Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel02:57
almoxarifexui23: play this, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiKIZ0zdDuo02:57
Slagwaghey peeps02:57
Slagwaganyone use spidertools training videos?02:57
escottlynx7os5, laptop?02:57
konamwhere do i change the color of the highlighter (the one that appears on the menus when you hover over them) in ubuntu 12.10?02:57
schnoodles-eAnyone know of any good password storing tools for Linux kind of like 1password ?02:58
lynx7os5sound prefferences dont even show any hardware either02:58
lynx7os5escott: yea, it is02:58
escottschnoodles-e, seahorse02:58
distopic_colltry running alsamixer in a term it will tell you about your hardware setup02:58
distopic_collcard chip/codec etc02:59
xui23almoxarife: do you know how i can tell if it is graphic accelerated or cpu accelerated though?02:59
lynx7os5Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP65 High Definition Audio (rev a1) if this help02:59
Slagwagschnoodles-e - i just stick to lastpass but that mainly is for browsers02:59
Slagwagruns on linux distros though02:59
schnoodles-eYeah mine is mainly for browsers02:59
almoxarifexui23: what are you using to play the vid?02:59
escottlynx7os5, lots of laptops ship with intel HDA but they all have different pin complexes (what is wired to what) so its possible that sound is being output to something like the headphone jack or maybe a non-existent digital output jack.03:00
lynx7os5i tried alsmixer, nothing happens.. alsamixer03:00
lynx7os5cannot open mixer: No such file or directory03:00
xui23alomoxarife: well, vlc, or adobe flash would be good03:00
escottlynx7os5, there is a good tutorial on debugging intel hda on the alsa website03:00
almoxarifexui23: specifically what did you use to play the link?03:00
xui23almoxarife: firefox on ubuntu 12.04 with adobe flash plug-in installed03:01
lynx7os5escott: mkk, thanks, ill check03:01
xui23(adobe flash
almoxarifexui23: then run firefox from terminal, look for the output when the vid starts03:01
almoxarifexui23: terminal output that is03:02
lynx7os5oh also, since im here, how or where can i go into the kernel: i mean.. like menuconfiig?03:02
deper29lynx7os5: cd /usr/src/linux/ and you should be able to 'make menuconfig' in there03:03
distopic_collhi dakotawulfy03:03
xui23almoxarife: i don't see anything in the terminal after running it03:03
almoxarifexui23: does firefox have debug mode, otherwise i have no idea03:04
lynx7os5deper29: bash: cd: /usr/src/linux: No such file or directory03:04
xui23almoarife: hmm, i don't know03:04
lynx7os5deper29: theres a bunch of linux-headers-* though :\03:04
mrdavidI'm trying to ssh tunnel my web traffic from my local machine to a remote machine. I setup the ssh connection with: ssh -C2TnN -D 8888 username@remote.com. I set my browser proxy to port 8888. I'm not able to connect to any sites. Any ideas?03:05
mrdavidI get "connection reset"03:05
deper29lynx7os5: you want this for your current kernel?03:06
escottdeper29, those are just headers there are no c files in /usr/src03:06
lynx7os5deper29: sorry, yeah, please03:07
deper29lynx7os5: 'uname -a' that will tell you your current kernel. then you cd into the kernel directory in /usr/src03:07
lynx7os5deper29: cool, thanks03:08
lynx7os5i feel dumb now :p03:09
deper29lynx7os5: no problem. i've asked worse questions here03:09
dem0nhey guys i have just ran into a weird situation with linux and vmware player, for no reason my internet just stopped working on ubuntu. Windows 7 is my main host os, and ubuntu linux is my guest os. Okay so internet just stopped working so i tried "ping google.com" and i would get the message "unresolved host" which is weird, so i rebooted and tried again but linux still has no internet connection. However, when i switch ubuntu over to "bridged" as my network03:10
dem0nAnyone have any ideas why this might be?03:10
dem0ni didn't alter/touch any host/route files, it litteraly just stopped working03:10
WXZgiven a list of packages, how do I figure out the least amount of packages to install so that it installs all the packages?03:11
escottdem0n, you switch over to bridged what happens03:11
escottWXZ, why not just install all of them03:11
WXZbecause there's a lotttttttttt of them03:11
WXZand I'm trying to be a bit more selective03:12
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WXZbasically I installed a bunch of packages, but I only want to know the "head" packages I installed03:12
bkc_WXZ: it doesn't matter, dependencies are checked anyway :)03:12
dem0nescott, when i switch to bridged it works fine03:12
schnoodles-eAnyone know where screenshots usually get saved ?03:12
WXZbkc_: it's to figure out which packages I wanted to install, not to reinstall all the packages03:13
bkc_WXZ: ooh, check for dependency-flags :)03:13
schnoodles-eahh dw worked it out03:13
escottdem0n, in NAT mode the windows dhcp server is probably not providing a DNS03:13
WXZbkc_: how do I do that?03:13
bkc_WXZ: apt-get --help OR man apt-get ;)03:13
bkc_should give you a hint on how to do that :)03:14
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dem0nescott: i figured it probably had something to do with dhcp, any ideas what i can do to fix this?03:14
konobiis there a way to install esound without the pulseaudio on precise?03:15
dem0nwhen i do ping i get this...03:15
dem0nping: unknown host www.google.com03:15
escottdem0n, verify it is true by trying to ping the windows host or
escottdem0n, if you can ping then the problem is on the windows side03:16
dem0nping'ing works03:16
bkc_dem0n: set the dns-servers to, :)03:16
WXZbkc_: no, that's not it, I basically want to know the relationships between an arbitrary set of packages03:16
dem0nand when i ping my router "" it works too...03:17
WXZbkc_: kind of like a dot graph, but where I don't know the edges03:17
bkc_WXZ: dependency == relationship, and it should work for arbitrary packages :)03:17
escottdem0n, my guess is something like "the vm is coming up before the windows host has connected to the network" and that the windows computer doesn't know a DNS to give the guest, but it can set the route to itself03:18
dem0nescott: how can i go about doing that?03:18
escottWXZ, but why do you want to know this03:18
bkc_WXZ: try debtree :)03:18
bkc_WXZ: http://collab-maint.alioth.debian.org/debtree/03:19
WXZbkc_: I have03:19
escottdem0n, in the network settings you can set it to DHCP addresses only and set your own DNS, or you could only start the VM when the host is online03:19
bkc_WXZ: is it what you want?03:19
schnoodles-eIs tasksel still the default way to set up a lamp server?03:20
bkc_WXZ: ooh, "multiple packages" is on the ToDo-list -.- sorry nvm :)03:20
WXZbkc_: but I don't know how to use deb_tree with multiple inputs, I kind of have to go through each package (and there's tonnes of them, then check which package it installs); basically, if I have a set of 18 packages, I have to do 18^2 checks03:20
dem0nescott: i was looking at my adapter settings for windows and it has two adapter for vmware vmware network adapter VMNet8 and VMNet103:20
WXZescott: to figure out which packages I marked for installation03:20
dem0nescott: when i hit "diagnose" on windows for both of those adapters it says that DHCP is not enabled for this adapter03:20
WXZescott: history tells me which packages I installed, but not the ones I marked for installation initially03:21
dem0nescott: but it said that also when i was in "bridged" for vmware player, and remember my internet works on "bridged"03:21
escottdem0n, yes. the host would act as the dhcp server so dhcp would not be set for those adapters03:22
escottWXZ, xargs, unique03:22
WXZescott: hmmm?03:23
WXZescott: that was a bit vague03:23
escottWXZ, for each of the 18 packages you want to know if it appears in the output of debtree for the other 17 packages. seems pretty straightforward03:23
WXZescott: it is, but imagine that in about 80 groups of 5-20 packages03:24
escottWXZ, for $package in () do debtree $package > $package.depends; done; for $package in () do; grep $package !($package).depends done03:24
konobianyone with any idea on how to install esound?03:24
escottkonobi, pulse should provide an esound emulation library03:25
Slaybackyesterday i saw a group of kids i went to high school with but rarely talked too, i ran up to them extremely fast and said "HEY DAN!!! FRIEND!!!!" because i thought it was funny and put my hand out greet them and then clenchedd my fists together and had an extremely serius look on my face and  said "im trippin balls"03:25
WXZescott: aah, so you're saying I should write a script?03:25
Slaybackthen we went to mccdonalds where i said "tripping at mccdonalds" a few times durign our conversations a bit loudly while inside.03:25
konobiescott: do not have pulseaudio03:25
fainaDoes anyone know how to set a package back to automatically installed apt-get installed it?03:26
fainaerr, installed after you apt-get installed it03:26
konobiescott: i'm using plain old alsa... working just fine... i just want esd03:27
dem0nescott: so what do you think is my best option?03:27
escottkonobi, yeah i dont care03:27
konobinor do i03:27
konobibut since apt is fucking me over, i have no choice put to ask03:27
mark_pulseaudio does an esd wrapper03:28
escottdem0n, not sure what you mean. if you want NAT mode then set it to dhcp addresses only03:28
escottmark_, he is one of those anti-poetterists03:28
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dem0nescott: when i look at my "ipconfig /all" output it tells me that for my vmware ethernet adapters that dhcp is not enabled?03:29
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dem0nescott: yes i would like to use "NAT Mode" for my guest os with is ubuntu03:29
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escottdem0n, i dont know what to tell you honestly. this is a vmware/windows problem. neither of which i know anything about03:30
konobii attempted to use pulseaudio, but it kicked the can when it came to supporting surround sound on my machine03:30
dem0nescott: okay..03:31
gotoguyany one know how to install a local file using apt-get ?03:32
OerHeksgotoguy, use dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb03:34
gotoguyGreat Thanks !!03:34
gotoguyI was looking a the wrong, command thanks again !!!!03:34
OerHeksgotoguy, do not forget 'sudo'03:35
gotoguyOerHeks, yes thanks.03:35
konobiscrew it install from source time03:35
gotoguyOerHeks:  Will that also pull any needed dependancies ?03:37
escottgotoguy, i don't believe so, but it will complain03:39
OerHeksgotoguy, i am not sure, depends on what you try to install, installing manually can be tricky03:39
dem0nokay i am going to try something...03:39
OerHeksthe error will give you a clue03:39
gotoguyescott and OerHeks , to both of you thanks !03:39
dem0nescott: tell me what you think of this...i went into the IPv4 settings for my vmware adapters (on windows 7) and the only thing filled in was ipv4 address:" and subnet: and dns was blank03:40
dem0ni told it to get the ip address automatically03:40
dem0ni am going to try and reboot and see if it works...03:40
dem0nbrb wish me luck everyone03:41
alusionIn my home network, I use a router to bridge the connection between my pc's and the main router/modem. When port  forwarding, whatever ports I forward on my bridge router I forward on the modem one too. Like connecting pipes right  or connecting bridges yes?03:41
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dr_willisalusion:  so its   pc ==> router2 ===>router1 ==> internet03:43
alusiondr_willis: yup.03:44
alusiondr_willis: if there is a better alternative to my home network setup let me know, but I just wanna be clear with port forwarding03:44
dr_willisalusion:  i would think you would forward on each router. Some routers have a 'bridge' mode - not sure if you would need to in that case03:44
dr_willisjust a switch or hub would work instead of router2 i would think.03:45
alusiondr_willis would I note be prone to mac flooding / arp spoofing then?03:46
alusionwouldn't I *03:46
dr_willisspoofing by whom?03:46
dr_willisthis is a home lan>? school? business?03:46
alusionlol. home. but.. I wanna know this information for professional sake03:47
dr_willisI dont think you gain anything by having nested routers...03:47
dr_willisunless you are scared of whoever is on the first router.03:47
dr_willisyou sort of have 2 seperate networks.  which may or may not be what you want.03:48
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akazergHow to make profile-user(non-sudo), though Terminal?03:49
alusiondr_willis yeah for the sake of having a home lab to test things with. I guess the config is good for now, I just want to host some services on one of my machines03:49
alusionthanks for the tip ^_^03:50
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo03:50
dr_willisakazerg:  you mean a 'normal' user?  (not sure what you mean by profile-user)03:50
aeon-ltdakazerg: click the link03:50
dr_willissudo adduser billgates     ;)03:50
akazergok... I am opened03:50
WXZescott: that was pseudo-code you gave me, right?03:51
escottWXZ, yes03:51
WXZyay, now I have to learn bash03:52
akazergthx, added03:52
She153will apt-get update && apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-current-modaliases nvidia-settings get current nvidia drivers ?03:53
She153i need to install nvidia driver on  here03:54
dr_willisive neer had to install anything then nvidia-current ;) the other packages got pulled in i think03:55
dr_willissudo apt-get install nvidia-current then reboot.. then run nvidia-settings to tweak it how i want03:55
waspinatorhow would I start openvpn during boot? I can start it now using sudo openvpn client.ovpn03:59
akazergHow to see, ports which opened on my ubuntu?04:00
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escott!info nmap | akazerg04:02
ubottuakazerg: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 6.00-0.1 (quantal), package size 4223 kB, installed size 14862 kB04:02
akazergnmap support IPv6?04:03
escottwaspinator, there is rc.local but an initscript would be better04:03
escottakazerg, i dont see why it wouldnt04:03
waspinatorescott: I can't even seem to start it using service openvpn start04:04
waspinatoreven though I copied the client.ovpn file to /etc/openvpn04:04
escottwaspinator, does it have an init script?04:05
waspinatorI assume you mean this: /etc/init.d/openvpn?04:05
waspinatorit has that04:06
waspinatorI didn't write it though04:06
waspinatorjust came with apt-get install openvpn04:06
escottwaspinator, is it a sysvinit script or an upstart script? (if it were upstart it would be a symlink to /lib/init/upstart-job)04:08
waspinatorescott: it's not a symlink so I guess its a sysvinit script04:09
escottwaspinator, i think those are handled with rc-update04:10
escottwaspinator, man update-rc.d04:11
escott!upstart | waspinator probably has more docs04:11
ubottuwaspinator probably has more docs: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:11
robertzaccouris there a big performance difference between mate and gnome shell?04:13
waspinatorescott: I tried starting it using update-rc.d but it gave me an error. I'm a linux idiot. is there a tutorial on how to use openvpn? I tried https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/openvpn.html#openvpn-simple-client-configuration but it didn't work04:14
tripelbWhat is wrong here /join #ububtu-offtopic04:15
escott!vpn | waspinator04:15
ubottuwaspinator: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN04:15
tripelbI don't join it04:15
waspinatorescott: that's useless. thanks anyway04:15
escottrobertzaccour, they are so different that im not sure a meaningful comparison could be drawn04:16
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robertzaccourescott, is there a performance difference?04:17
sunil1Hi, I had a grub issue (dual boot win 7 &ubuntu), so i installed ubuntu 12.04, i lost all my win7 partitions , any help?04:17
sunil1Hi, I had a grub issue (dual boot win 7 &ubuntu), so i installed ubuntu 12.04, i lost all my win7 partitions , any help?04:18
escottrobertzaccour, sure there is04:19
robertzaccourescott, which performs better?04:20
escottsunil1, what is the output of "sudo parted -l" use paste.ubuntu.com04:20
escottrobertzaccour, at what?04:20
robertzaccourescott, video editing/recording, and speed.04:20
escottrobertzaccour, neither MATE nor gnome-shell can edit or record video04:21
sunil1escott, here is the paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/1444525/04:21
tree88hey hi frens my wired internet connection is not working in my hp dm4 note book it is like toggling betn connect and disconnect can any one help m please04:21
robertzaccourescott, I know, just wondering which is less resource intensive04:21
tree88hey hi frens my wired internet connection is not working in my hp dm4 note book it is like toggling betn connect and disconnect can any one help m please04:22
tree88hey hi frens my wired internet connection is not working in my hp dm4 note book it is like toggling betn connect and disconnect can any one help m please04:22
escottsunil1, partitions 3 and 4 are ntfs04:22
sunil1I had data in my E: drive & F: drive , and they are not visible now04:22
escottsunil1, can you not boot one of those partitions? 3 or 404:23
sunil1i am able to boot into windows 7, but dont see my partitons04:23
sunil1i only see c: (OS drive)04:24
escottsunil1, how many partitions did you have initially for windows04:24
sunil1c, e, f04:24
escottsunil1, that doesn't mean much to us since we don't use drive letters. i see 3 windows type partitions. 1 which is 100MB, 3 which is 16GB and 4 which is 108GB04:25
corvaxiaIf I am using an ubunutu LiveUSB, will my other USB ports still be usable while running the live instance?04:25
escottis C the 108GB partition04:25
escottcorvaxia, yes04:26
escotttree88, anything notable in dmesg04:26
sunil1escott, yes C is 108GB04:26
escottsunil1, how big were e and f04:26
escottsunil1, and can you find the 100MB and 16GB filesystems in windows04:27
sunil1escott, No i just see the one04:27
sunil1escott, e and f were around 100 gb each04:27
corvaxiaescort Thank you04:28
corvaxiaI seem to be having some issues. I have a LiveUSB of Ubuntu 12.10 32bit and its being used on a MacbookPro 9,2. When I try to plug in any other usb device it doesn't seem to recognize it in the system. Can I manually mount a specific USB port and force it to recognize the other usb device/drive? To be honest I am trying to root my phone without installing Ubuntu on its own partition04:28
phunyguy_t430sdoes anyone have a fix for firefox with dark GTK themes, some sites have black input boxes with black text, or white input boxes with white text...04:29
escottsunil1, its possible you selected the wrong option during the install and deleted those other partitions04:29
escottsunil1, not sure why windows would hide partitions from you, but thats windows for you04:29
sunil1escott, i had a dual boot and grub got corrupted, so i just reinstalled ubuntu12.04 with options a dual boot. I was not asked any other option04:30
sunil1escott, is there a way to see these partitons in ubuntu, i dont see these as well(sorry, i am new to ubuntu)04:31
escottsunil1, they should appear in nautilus as the 100MB and 16GB filesystems numbered 1 and 204:31
escottcorvaxia, what does lsusb show04:32
Jordan_Usunil1: If grub got "corrupted" then something went seriously wrong. If you have fewer partitions now than you had before grub got "corrupted" then grub failing is probably a symptom of whatever happened that deleted the partition(s) (i.e. the partitions were already gone before you re-installed Ubuntu).04:32
corvaxiaI do not have it set up at the moment so I will have to check back when I have the liveUSB running again04:33
sunil1jordan_U, thanks. is there a way to get the data ?04:33
escottcorvaxia, its possible that the bootloader does something weird to hide the usb interface from the usb stick during early boot and maybe a different usb port would work04:33
escott!info testdisk | sunil104:33
ubottusunil1: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (quantal), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB04:33
escottsunil1, if thats the case though you have already written over much of it04:33
Jordan_Usunil1: It depends on what exactly happened, but don't get your hopes up too much.04:33
escottsunil1, or at least some subset of it04:34
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sunil1escott, just ran testdisk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1444535/04:34
sunil1Jordan_U, just ran testdisk, not sure whats next http://paste.ubuntu.com/1444535/04:35
sunil1ubottu, ran testdisk, not sure whats the next step http://paste.ubuntu.com/1444535/04:35
escottsunil1, none of that is helpful since it doesn't mention any NTFS partitions04:35
ubottusunil1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:35
sunil1escott, "EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 507 GB / 472 GiB"  does this mean something?04:36
escottsunil1, yes it means "EXT4 Large file Sparse superblock Recover, 507 GB / 472 GiB"04:37
escottsunil1, testdisk has always seemed to be needlessly cryptic, but since you are looking for windows partitions you are looking for NTFS not EXT404:37
chris_grGood morning,anyone had success installing themes with gnome-session-fallback?04:38
phunyguy_t430s!anyone | chris_gr04:38
ubottuchris_gr: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:38
alusiondoes anyone here use mailx or mail?04:39
escott!anyone | alusion04:40
ubottualusion: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.04:40
theDeadSinger_hi! so, i'm using a nvidia geforce Go 6800, and Lubuntu, but i don't think the drivers are installed, the computer doesn't seem to have any information about them. and i ask because i think my laptop should perform better with the right drivers.04:41
alusionI was wondering how to scroll down the messages list in mailx, also I have a question in regards to the address I receive mail from [[currently using it for snort]] can I send mail from other servers to it?04:41
escotttheDeadSinger_, does it have nvidia optimus?04:42
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theDeadSinger_no idea! that info would be somewhere in the computer specs i could look up online?04:43
escotttheDeadSinger_, it might have a sticker. is it an intel cpu04:43
alusionI just want to be able to scroll through my messages and see my latest new ones04:44
theDeadSinger_it is, but that sounds like newer tech... this is a centrino from 2005. i'll check the bottom...04:44
escotttheDeadSinger_, thats a good sign actually. see if you can install the nvidia drivers through software sources04:45
phunyguy_t430sdoes anyone have a fix for firefox with dark GTK themes, some sites have black input boxes with black text, or white input boxes with white text...04:45
escottphunyguy_t430s, you could probably setup an override css for every page to detect any textboxs with those properties and fix the colors04:46
phunyguy_t430sescott, I dont know CSS....04:46
phunyguy_t430sand I couldnt find one that actually worked 100%04:46
phunyguy_t430swasnt sure if someone already had a working solution04:47
aeon-ltdphunyguy_t430s: mod the gtk theme, find the parameter change the hexadecimal color code04:47
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phunyguy_t430saeon-ltd: thats not the issue - it is an issue with sites ignoring potential dark themes when creating pages.04:48
phunyguy_t430sthey hardcode the text color and not the background, or vice versa04:48
theDeadSinger_i downloaded what i thought was the correct legacy driver, it came out as a .run text file, which i tried to install, and i don't know where i am on that, i tried to make a "nvidia-xconfig" file, which kept telling me it was corrupted. then i tried to restart the x server with ctrl+alt+backspace, but nothing happened04:48
aeon-ltdoh, then yeah overriding css is probably the only option04:48
escottphunyguy_t430s, CSS isn't that bad. the only hard part about CSS is the cascading which you dont care about04:51
schnoodles-eHey I just created a really simple vhost (ServerName and DocumentRoot) and when I try to access it in the browser my logs show ---- [Mon Dec 17 15:50:17 2012] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/josh/Development/work/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable04:51
schnoodles-eI have no idea why they are trying to look for a .htaccess file there when the DocumentRoot is set to /home/josh/Development/work/lh/04:51
binary_glitchlooking for suggestions for cloud alternative, basicaly I want to access my files that are on my 1TB portable USB HDD that's connected to my home computer from any computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone over the internet as if those files where on the device accessing them. Ideas I'm considering are FTP, VPN, SSH, and other Remote Desktop technologies.04:52
escotttheDeadSinger_, you should install through the software sources application not by downloading a run file04:52
phunyguy_t430sescott, ok.04:53
escottbinary_glitch, don't use ftp, use sftp. don't use VPN unless it is over ssh. dont use RDP. which leaves SSH04:53
chris_grschnoodles-e maybe you have a Require Directive on the vhost?04:53
schnoodles-echris_gr, whoops sorry this question would be better suited for apache's channel I was just using ubuntu. I will have a look :)04:54
theDeadSinger_@escott good to know, which ubuntu/lubuntu application am i looking for? additional drivers brings nothing new, update manager?04:54
binary_glitch<escott> thanx for the response will look up your suggestions, ie the diff between ftp and sftp... what would you advise?04:55
escotttheDeadSinger_, lubuntu i dont know04:55
BonziBuddyhow can i completely lock a user, account login lock with passwd -l does not prevent someone from sshing into given user for example, how do i completely lock/unlock users?04:55
kvothetechescott: what you have against vpns?04:55
kvothetechescott: vpn's have a lot of good uses...rdp is a joke as is normal ftp04:55
escottbinary_glitch, ftp=insecure junk, sftp=actually just ssh04:55
kvothetechsftp you might as well just use scp04:56
escottkvothetech, i dont have anything against vpn's but a vpn is just going to be an ssh tunnel anyways04:56
kvothetechescott: a vpn is not an ssh tunnel..though you could use an ssh tunnel like a vpn04:56
escotttheDeadSinger_, you could just install nvidia-common04:56
binary_glitchOpenVPN uses OpenSSH by default form what my research tells me...04:57
escottkvothetech, i actually misread it initially as VNC initially not VPN, but all roads lead to ssh anyways04:58
kvothetechescott: lol vpn can use ssh but there's other protocols that are better for it.04:59
binary_glitchjust not sure how easily I could use it to say watch a movie on a phone, one of my goals... ik watching a movie on a phone is crap, but it could have made my day recently.04:59
theDeadSinger_thanks for your help!05:00
escottbinary_glitch, is your upload speed fast enough for that anyways05:00
theDeadSinger_thanks! i'll try that!05:00
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binary_glitchi would have to be able to download the whole thing first... I'm at little more than dial-up speed lol05:01
theDeadSinger_can the "sudo lshw -C video" command be reading the card i have wrong?05:01
escottbinary_glitch, whatever you do will not end well05:01
escotttheDeadSinger_, not likely05:02
theDeadSinger_that might be the problem, thinking i have a different card than i do.05:02
binary_glitchI know that going in, I'm a man of extreemly limited means... like one gig ram, 1.5 mhz processor, and not two penies to rub together to make a difference in it, I've computed this far behind times my whole life and pulled off some amazing feets... lol I'm runing compiz on this thing with no lag and my cube spins a virtual box of xp lol amazing05:04
binary_glitchI do it with work, sacrifice, and patience...05:05
=== thomas is now known as Guest16108
Easton_When I start 12.04 LTS, the menu/taskbar thing does not appear, the only thing that does appear is the wallpaper and mouse. Any solutions? (It does appear when I run Ubuntu in recovery mode.)05:12
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: yes?05:13
theDeadSinger_if i uninstall the nvidia x.org current driver app from the app center, will that send everything back to the default drivers? especially if i never got the nvidia drivers to work?05:13
Toph3Easton_,,, do you also lose all the panels?05:13
Easton_And by panels, do you mean the icons on the left side?05:13
binary_glitchdid I mention that this is a live setup that resides on the HDD in question and thus can be implimented on a much more capable machine... Please don't discount it as a lost cause05:13
Toph3Easton_,,, no,, i understand they are gone, but I mean the top panel with the time, etc05:14
Toph3Easton_,,, i had the same,, i was installed on a ssd and after I switched some cabling around on my MO and reinstalled, the problem disappeared05:15
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: i wasn't paying attention earlier, what do you need help with?05:15
Easton_What exactly do you mean by MO?05:15
Guest16108trying to setup raid for two drives that are setup through mb in soft raid but cannot get them to build as md1 in ubuntu 12.04.  I keep getting either the busy/not available or no superblock errors.  Does anyone have suggestions?05:16
Easton_Well, I'm using a laptop without a SSD, so I can't easily access cables.05:16
Toph3Easton_,,, my system stayed up the better part of a day before it crashed to leave only the wallpaper and pointer05:17
binary_glitchI want to access my hdd files from anywhere on any device, without using the cloud, I want to even be able to dl my movies from my home computer to my phone.05:17
heoyeasetup a file server05:17
Toph3Easton_,,, ok,, i never did find how to correct it05:17
Easton_Toph3,,, that's unfortunate.05:18
Ben64binary_glitch: you will need a server, and sync your files to the server where you can access it anywhere05:18
kvothetechbinary_glitch: scp? owncloud? http server...05:18
binary_glitchi'm thinking about using OpenVPN but want to be able to use it from a Win box, android, Ipad, whatever....05:18
heoyeamaybe get a pogoplug05:19
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: roll your own cloud, then host a website aswell05:19
binary_glitchI've consittered an FTP/SFTP server, but I would need to be able to use that same hardwhere as a desktop too.05:19
heoyearasberry pi for ur cheap server05:20
binary_glitchalso a big part of the point is that I cant pay for cloud serviec much less to host my own websight.05:20
binary_glitchno money.05:21
escottGuest16108, its called fake raid05:21
wrapids2I've booted from usb with the current laptop and current version of ubuntu before, suddenly I'm just getting "boot error" when I try to boot from it. The usb drive is working fine on a few other laptops, but for some reason it just wont boot on minfe05:21
wrapids2And I'm certain it was the same usb drive that i booted it from previously.05:22
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: the website would be run on the same server, no domain name w/static ip - bookmark this. this would be free, but with security risks05:22
Guest16108escott: yes understood, just trying to figure out how to fix from ubuntu05:22
escottGuest16108, what personality is it right now05:22
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Guest16108escott: it isn't showing anything for the personality05:23
escottGuest16108, in the bios what personality is it05:23
wrapids2I've also checked my BIOS settings, the only USB options I have in it are to enable/disable legacy drivers. They are currently enabled, BIOS can see the device (obviously) as it's trying to boot from it.05:23
binary_glitchand if (due to the lack of money) I am kind of aquiring my internet from my neighbor (but I pwn the router) could I still set up a static IP?05:24
Guest16108not sure, didn't check there yet05:24
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: ok i'm gonna stop here if you are going to use these methods.05:25
escottGuest16108, well if its stripping then its doubtful you will ever get it to boot. if its mirrored you might get it to boot, but mdadm would be better than fake raid so its best if you disable it05:25
Guest16108escott: I set it up in the bios as mirror and would like to setup that way in ubuntu that way as well.  So if I am understanding you right, I need to disable bios and run only through ubuntu?05:26
escottGuest16108, fake raid is junk. and junk tends not to attract the interest of developers. mdadm will work better, with some dm drivers you might be able to get your fake raid mirror to read, and with some more hacks grub can boot but without a reason for using it05:28
discosruleHi all, anyone help me with a SSH setup that i currently have>? Currently have an SSH server on my Home network and connect to it from work, everything works great. The issue I have is that the machine I connect from at work has a little webserver on it that I want to access on ALL the machines at home.  I currently can only access it on the SSH server at home. i use the command ssh username@server -p22 -r1234:  can anyone help>?05:28
binary_glitchIt is for lack of options... sorry, I don't mean to be a bad guy... I physically don't get to choose when and where I am, I'm only by passing the cruelty the people who control my life are imposing on me.05:28
binary_glitchat least I'm honest05:28
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: wut?05:28
Guest16108escott: so could having the bios fake raid set be causing the mdadm to reflect it as being busy when trying to create md1 through it?05:29
escottGuest16108, mdadm is a pure software implementation it will not work with fake raid05:29
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: you are justifying breaking someones encrypted wifi so you can host a private file server to stream your media wherever you want.05:29
sin_taxHello, is there a good method to take a MDADM RAID 1 array of 2 disks and revert to just normal two drive behavior without mirroring, but to retain the data on at least one of the drives?05:30
escottGuest16108, you may be able to find a dmraid "driver" for your fake raid05:30
Guest16108escott:  I would prefer to run just through mdadm, so if that means I need to go back through bios and disable then so be it.05:30
escottsin_tax, break the array. and at that point either continue to use in degraded mode or convert the table to a non-mdadm table05:30
escottGuest16108, thats the best supported and best performing solution05:31
sin_taxescott, thanks, how would I convert the table, is that a mdadm deal or would I use another command?05:31
=== carlos is now known as Guest89235
binary_glitchI'm 31, and my stepmother has gardienship over me bacause she foold the courts, now I'm held against my will, and cant get the freedom to fight this... it is criminal, I want to move video evidence to locations in an elaberate plan to stop this injustice, cuz attempting to contact athorities has caused me great duress in the past.05:32
escottsin_tax, with parted (just changing the flags) obviously do this with the device broken off the array to make sure its non-destructive05:32
Guest16108escott: thanks, I'll go that route then.  I also had two other drives that were setup as raid1 initially when I had my old ubuntu load on this machine and it mounted it just fine, but now since upgrading to 12.04 it is jacked, should I do the same for it?05:33
sin_taxescott, thanks much for the info05:33
lolcatbinary_glitch: What are you trying to do?05:33
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: nice story.05:33
escottGuest16108, just don't use fake raid. thats the universal recommendation05:33
binary_glitchand I broke no encription... I only figured out that the password to the unchangeable username was well, password...05:34
Guest16108escott: so once I remove from bios and load back in to ubuntu, is that going to cause issues with the data on the two drives that had been there previously?  What is the best way to recover the data?05:34
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: it's still stealing05:35
cnzhow do I restart my /etc/network/interfaces again?05:35
escottGuest16108, if its a mirror you might see two copies of the data. but i dont really know05:35
cnzwithout a reboot05:35
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: if you are 31 why can't you get emancipated?05:35
Guest16108escott: ok, I'll give it a try.  Thanks for the info.05:35
binary_glitchand the sarcasim about my "story" is exactly the type of thinking that caused me to have an even harder time geting this done. and yes it is stealing , would you not steal to save yourself from a life of faulse imprisonment, I'm not saying it's right...05:36
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: you should be talking to a lawyer05:36
binary_glitchI'm just saying, it's the thing I must do right or wrong!05:37
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: explain how streaming media would help your emancipation?05:37
aeon-ltdbinary_glitch: http://lawyers.findlaw.com/lawyer/practicestate/family-law/arizona this is where you should be looking, not breaking laws to justify your freedom. life isn't a movie05:40
binary_glitchonce again tried that, now I live somewhere else with fewer resorces... just help me be sneeky with moving some files, with whatever technology is available when I get where I need my evidence to be and ... you know what fuck you all, never mind, I'm outta here, I need this precious time to do my own research...05:40
FloodBot1binary_glitch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
dchernivwth was that all about05:48
tripelbI cat join #ubuntu-of ftopic. Why not?05:57
tripelbThis. -->/join #ubuntu-offtopic05:58
AltairesI have 350 folders I have to change permissions for. Is there any way to do it without having to monotonously do each one individually?05:59
rumpe1Altaires, recursively?05:59
Jordan_UAltaires: What is your exact situation?06:00
Altairesrumpel: how does one do this recursively?06:00
AltairesJordan_U: I just recovered files from a HDD and they are not movable/deletable without changing the permissions06:01
AltairesJordan_U: I used Photorec for the data recovery process06:01
Jordan_UAltaires: What type of files are they? (It's important because if they're for example system files you might want to preserve their permissions).06:02
AltairesJordan_U: I'm sorry, folders. Not files.06:02
=== Administrator is now known as Guest70673
justn_You could use bash to loop through the folders and use chmod to change the permissions but it would probably be easier to just right click poperties in nautilus (the folder viewer) and change the permissions their06:03
AltairesJordan_U: Within the folders are my pictures and my music06:03
Jordan_UAltaires: Are all of these directories within another directory?06:03
=== optikx is now known as nullhax
AltairesJordan_U: you mean like one giant folder where all the directories are contained within? Nope, it's dispersed all throughout my home folder06:05
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
ZaNeIuManyone home, and used openelec? i got an issue, the system crashed cause i messed up a file but not it will not boot, how can i gain access to it, to delet the file06:06
ZaNeIuMi put the drive on windows system with ex2 support but i only see system and kernel files?06:07
Jordan_UZaNeIuM: Try #openelec06:07
ZaNeIuMJordan_U: no ones home06:07
ZaNeIuMi guess its like some image or somthing06:08
Altairesjustn_: I clicked properties and clicked on the permissions tab. It says owner: root group: root and folder access is greyed out along with execute. It then says at the bottom You are not the owner, so you cannot change these permissions06:08
Jordan_UZaNeIuM: We can help you mount your OpenElec partition from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB and delete a given file, but what file needs to be deleted or how to do so from within Windows are both clearly offtopic for this channel.06:08
Jordan_UAltaires: That makes things more difficult. My guess is that testdisk saved all of the files as root, so you'll want to make them all owned by your user (which I will walk you through).06:09
ZaNeIuMok i wont mention windows06:09
AltairesJordan_U: Okay. Ready when you are.06:09
ZaNeIuMbut its not a regualar setup it seems like is a virtual image on dev106:09
justn_Altaires: if you execute 'sudo nautilus' in terminal you should be able to change the owner from there06:10
Jordan_UAltaires: Do *not* do that.06:10
AltairesWhoa lol okay almost tried that. What harm would it do?06:10
Jordan_Ujustn_: Altaires: You should never run GUI applications with just sudo, use gksudo instead, and I think this will probably be more easily and safely done from the terminal.06:11
Jordan_UAltaires: It might have prevented you from loggining in the next time you booted (or otherwise logged out and back in again).06:11
AltairesJordan_U: And I'm just hearing this now?! Ah! I've been using sudo for everything. I learned it from googling06:12
justn_Jordan_U: Why not?  Please correct if I don't understand.  But you would still have to use sudo if you did it from terminal.06:12
Jordan_U!gksudo | justn_ Altaires06:12
ubottujustn_ Altaires: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:12
ZaNeIuMjordan could you just look at it?06:13
AltairesJordan_U: Do I still need you to walk me through this? Or are you saying I can just run nautilus within the terminal to do it so long as I use gksudo06:14
Jordan_UAltaires: I think this is better done via the terminal personally, though you could use nautilus. First, "find ~/ -maxdepth 1 -user root" should list all files and directories in your home directory that are owned by root.06:15
AltairesJordan_U: I typed that in the terminal and nothing happened06:17
Jordan_UAltaires: I assumed that when you said "scattered around your home directory" you meant that all of the dirctories were immediately below ~/, but now I see I misinterpreted your statement.06:18
Jordan_UAltaires: Do you know where all 350 directories are? Could you give example paths to two of them so I have a better idea of the situation?06:19
CayceHI need help with getting opengl version 3.1 on ubuntu version 12.1006:20
AltairesJordan_U: Sorry about that. Not too fluid in tech jargon. When you say directories you're referring to the folders that photorec recovered named "recup_dir.1" right?06:20
Jordan_UAltaires: "directory" means the same thing as "folder".06:21
Jordan_UAltaires: Could you give the full path to two of these "recup_dir.1" directories?06:22
Altairesfilesystem-->Home-->User-->recup_dir.2 Jordan_U:06:24
Jordan_UAltaires: OK, so they're all named "recup_dir.number" and they're in your home directory?06:25
srhbAltaires: Usually one writes that as /home/username/recup_dir.106:25
AltairesYes, and there are 380+ of them that I'm trying to change the permissions of.06:25
Jordan_UAltaires: What is the output of "ls -ld ~/recup_dir.1" ?06:26
AltairesJordan_U: Do i need to run that as gksudo?06:26
Jordan_UAltaires: No.06:26
mrdavidhow are default applications configured? I was using transmission for bt. I installed a new bt client and now bt links go to the new app06:27
Jordan_UAltaires: Firstly because that command doesn't need to be run as root, and secondly because you only need to use gksudo instead of sudo for GUI apps (ls is not a GUI application, it's a terminal based one).06:27
savrbroken images links: https://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/quantal/man/maas-cli.8.html#api-key06:28
Altairesdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 20480 Dec 12 08:09 ~/recup_dir.106:28
Jordan_UAltaires: Though using gksudo instead of sudo for non-gui apps doesn't hurt anything.06:28
bkerensasavr: thanks for letting us know I'll notify the proper people06:29
savrthanks bkerensa06:29
AltairesJordan_U: Ah okay. Now I understand the proper use of gksudo. Did you see the terminals response I posted? Forgot to tag you in it.06:29
Jordan_UAltaires: Odd, my find command should have listed it then. We can easily change the permissions, but I'm guessing that you're probably also prefer to have all these directories inside another directory so that you can move them around as one and work with them more easily.06:29
Jordan_UAltaires: Do you want to move these all within another directory, like "testdisk_recovered_files"?06:30
AltairesJordan_U I just want to fucking delete themmmmm argg this shouldn't be this hard. I already copied them over to another HDD I don'06:30
Altairest need them06:30
Jordan_UAltaires: Please watch your language.06:30
srhbIs #ubuntu PG-13 ? :P Weirdo Americans.06:31
RiXtErwow I read that as LS instead of is06:31
Altairesexcuse me for being vulgar I've been working on trying to recover my data for a week now. Pretty frustrating06:31
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Jordan_UAltaires: If you just want to delete them you can do that with a single command, but we need to be careful that we get it right. Does "echo ~/recup_dir.*" list all of the directories you want to delete, and nothing else?06:33
justn_Altaires I would just used 'gksudo nautilus' in terminal and move the files around/delete the files that way, terminal is great until you make a mistake with rm or rmdir and can't easily press undo06:33
srhbI think the "right" way to solve this is just to fix the ownerships of the whole glob, since they SHOULD be owned by him anyway.06:34
srhbRunning GUI stuff with superuser privileges is at least as scary as a wrong sudo rm :)06:35
AltairesJordan_U: Yes but in some weird zig zag pattern with the directories not being listed in order06:35
Jordan_Ujustn_: I'm guessing that it will be pretty tedious and error prone to delete all 350+ directories with nautilus run as root as well.06:35
Jordan_UAltaires: Good, then all you need to do is run "sudo rm -r ~/recup_dir.*" but be sure that you type it exactly, adding an extra space for example could delete your entire home directory instead.06:36
Jordan_UAltaires: And if it wasn't clear, that will just delete all the directories rather than changing their permissions first.06:38
almoxarifeAltaires: is your graphical file manager broke?06:38
justn_Jordan_U: true it would probably be best to just change the ownership to himself like srhb proposed06:38
srhbalmoxarife: No, the files are owned by root.06:38
srhbalmoxarife: Due to [long, long talk]06:38
almoxarifesrhb: great, thats what gksu is for06:38
srhb350 directories... that's what the terminal is for. :-)06:39
AltairesJordan_U: Oh okay. Now before I do this. It copied these files over to another HDD when I tried to move it. Are those files the same as the ones I'm about to delete? I know, it seems stupid but I'm just erring on the side of caution because I'm a low skill tech user06:39
almoxarifesrhb: its 'ubuntu' , not arch, gui is cool in ubuntu, thats the point of it06:40
mrdavidwhere are default applications defined in Unity?06:40
mrdavidie if I download a file of type foo, where is it defined what app opens it?06:40
srhbalmoxarife: I respectfully disagree, the terminal is great for all things batchy, regardless of the distribution. :) But I'm certainly glad you feel that way!06:41
Jordan_UAltaires: In other words, you tried to move the files with the file manager and it successfully copied them, then complained that it couldn't delete the originals?06:42
AltairesJordan_U: Yes exactly06:42
srhbmrdavid: Usually, xdg-open takes care of that.06:43
srhbmrdavid: eg, when I open a magnet link, what is actually called is xdg-open magnet://...06:44
Jordan_UAltaires: Then I expect that they all were copied successfully, but I can't be sure. Looking at the size of a few of the directories (including the 1st and last) will probably give you a good enough evidence that they've been fully copied over if you're really paranoid.06:44
AltairesJordan_U: Wow you are right. Why didn't I think of that already haha. Thank you for your help I'm going to try running that command and I'll be back if I have any more questions06:46
mrdavidsrhb: the any idea how to change it? I installed a new client and it's picking that over Transmission06:46
mrdavidsrhb: I want transmission to handle all torrent/magnet links06:46
Jordan_UAltaires: You're welcome.06:46
srhbmrdavid: Are you comfortable with some terminal footwork?06:48
mrdavidsrhb: absolutely06:48
mrdavidsrhb: just point me at the config file06:49
DoyleHey. My scree keeps turning off every 1 minute. Screensaver is set to 20m, and power saver is disabled. Any ideas?06:49
srhbmrdavid: I'm actually not sure where it is, but I'm sure you can manipulate it with gvfs-mime06:49
srhbmrdavid: So try gvfs-mime --query x-scheme-handler/magnet06:49
srhbmrdavid: What you want is probably gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/magnet transmission-gtk.desktop06:50
mrdavidsrhb: bingo. thanks a lot06:50
mrdavidsrhb: I was hoping to find the file where the definitions are and set it that way. But this worked as well06:51
srhbmrdavid: That only helps for the torrent links though, I assume.06:51
srhbmrdavid: Er, magnet.06:51
mrdavidsrhb: I supposed I could strace the process to see where it writes to06:51
srhbmrdavid: lsof will probably be simpler than the trace06:51
SeptimaDoyle: did you disable the power saver or screensaver from startup?06:52
AltairesSuccess! Thank you everyone and to Jordan_U especially06:52
DoyleI reinstalled the screensaver after I had no luck earlier06:53
srhbmrdavid: for the files, this should do: xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop application/x-bittorrent06:53
srhbmrdavid: Ah, here we go. ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list06:55
srhbmrdavid: And the system-wide one is in /usr/share06:55
Doyle... well I enabled all the screensaver options, set the times to large values, and the issue seems resolved. Disabling them just sets all values to minimum...  Thanks Septima for giving me the idea.06:55
DoyleProblem solved.06:56
mrdavidsrhb: thanks, noted.06:56
AltairesHey Jordan_U, what was that terminal syntax again? sudo rm -r ~/recup_dir.* ?06:57
=== andrea is now known as Guest29210
exeterI have install ubuntu on a pendrive and bootloader configuration for the same on hard disk on which there is a pre installed windows 7. But the problem is now i want to uninstall ubuntu from pendrive as well as the bootloader config for the same ans install ubunton my harddisk. How to do that???06:57
srhbAltaires: Yes, and you can always make sure by replacing rm -r with echo to have it print all the names of the directories rather than delete them. Once you're satisfied that it's not deleting something you don't want gone, drop in rm -r again instead of echo06:58
Altairessrhb: awesome thank you06:59
CayceHsrhb: smart06:59
aaasany one familar with avconv?  docs say the '-f' flag 'forces file format'  is this for teh container? or for the format of one of the streams?06:59
aaasavconv = ffmpeg07:00
Jordan_UAltaires: Yes, "sudo rm -r ~/recup_dir.*"07:00
IpsilonI'm having difficulty finding an appropriate irc in which to ask this. I wanted to learn the premise under which the microsoft core fonts are distributed in linux.07:02
IpsilonMostly out of curiosity07:02
srhbIpsilon: Do you mean the licensing conditions?07:03
IpsilonYeah. How people get their hands on the fonts...and what are my rights as a user.07:03
=== marowanna is now known as ar0nic
IpsilonI know they are proprietary...but is it akin to "cracking" the fonts, etc.07:04
IpsilonI mean, if it is under the same terms as windows people...I would not mind having Georgia and Trebuchet on my system.07:05
srhbIpsilon: http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/eula.htm07:05
dchernivaaas, never used -f07:06
srhbIpsilon: Specifically this bit: You may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; provided that each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may not be distributed for profit either on a standalone basis or included as part of your own product.07:06
dchernivaaas, think07:07
IpsilonOh, thanks! I was in the wrong sourceforge that had a redacted EULA which was sketchy07:07
evol-loseI couldn't enter any chat room of icq, What's wrong? ubuntu12.04/pidgin07:07
srhbIpsilon: I'm fairly sure I was presented the EULA when I installed the fonts on Ubuntu, in fact. :)07:08
Ipsilonah, that's good. I wanted to figure this out before I installed them.07:08
IpsilonBeautiful fonts...EULA is not too bad.07:09
srhbMeh, I'm not a fan. Just need them for wine. :-)07:09
IpsilonGeorgia is amazing for websites.07:10
IpsilonTrebuchet is almost irreplacable for subtitles.07:10
nir2142tell me anyone here was able to download FULL circle ubuntu magazine 67?07:11
IpsilonThat's not to say that some linux fonts are better than the rest ;)07:11
cfhowlettnir2142: downloaded 67 without problems07:14
Sven_vBhi :)07:29
Sven_vBi think i found a bug (and fix) for ubiquity. is there any chance to search their repos for changes to a selected line of code? so i can see whether they fixed it already, and if their idea of a fix matches mine.07:31
almoxarifeSven_vB: you mean the source code, correct?07:32
FancyPotatoI just installed Ubuntu, and am getting distorted splash screen, then just goes black.  I have a feeling it has to do with my nVidia card, but I'm not sure what to look for to fix.  Any help?07:33
Sven_vBit could also help if someone could point me to their repo at all - i tried searching it on launchpad, but without luck07:33
ubottuFancyPotato:: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:34
Sven_vBFancyPotato, i'd first deactivate the splash and see if the text screen is distorted as well07:34
FancyPotatoOkay.  We'll give that a shot.  Thanks for the help.07:34
kllovealli everyone, so, I'm having major computer issues. I've no idea why this happened, however, I installed sparkleshare yesterday (a drop box-like thing) and everything was going great, however, I reboot my computer today and I can't login. The login screen comes up and I enter my password, the screen goes black and then the login screen appears again. After much Google searching I've figured out its the X server crashing (o07:39
Sven_vBklloveall, so, did you check the x server logs for an error message?07:40
klloveallWhich ones?07:41
FancyPotatoOkay, tried nomodeset and nosplash, and the screen was still distorted.07:41
Sven_vBi'd start with .xsession-errors in your home directory.07:41
Sven_vB@ klloveall07:41
FancyPotatoWe've had an installation working on this machine before, but we just cant remember the proper boot parameter.  I seem to remember the command having to do with vga07:42
Sven_vBFancyPotato, if you happen to have backups that include an old syslog, your kernel parameters are probably in there.07:43
FancyPotatoSven_vB: I sure don't, this was a bit ago that we had this working.07:43
Sven_vBFancyPotato, http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/svga.txt says you should try "vga=ask", enter "scan" and you should get a list then07:44
klloveall@ sven, there's quite a few, the last (and assuredly fatal one) being "gdk-warning: nm-applet: fatal IO error 11 (resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0"07:44
Sven_vBklloveall, i think that is a secondary error, some program unable to use X because X already crashed. try and find a nopaste service (maybe in channel topic) and paste your error log there please, so we can see more.07:46
klloveallIs there a way to do that from terminal? Lol07:47
Sven_vBi once stumbled upon a program that does it from terminal. i'll ask apt07:47
Sven_vB"pastebinit" (package name) should be able to to that07:48
klloveallHuh. That's awesome. It's at paste.ubuntu.com/144474307:50
klloveallHold on a second... Those critical errors at the bottom weren't there before.... Odd...07:51
atriusanyone seen a case where "df -h" gives wrong or stale information on an NFS mount?07:51
Sven_vBklloveall, what does "echo $HOME" say?07:53
klloveallIs says "/home/kennyloveall"07:54
Sven_vBi wonder what dconf wants with /run/user/kennyloveall/dconf then. /run/user doesn't even exist on my host.07:54
klloveallNot sure. /run/user/kennyloveall does exist, is owned by me and has permissions of 700, however it's empty.07:56
chef_00 Hi where can I find PPA of nginx-extra package , I need nginx of its stable version (1.2.x)07:56
FancyPotatoI didn't see anyting in the vga list that looked familiar, and I still have the corrupted screen after using nosplash and nomodeset07:56
chef_00I essentially need nginx with all extra modules compiled in , I need latest stable version (1.2.6+) , Does anyone know which package repo has it?07:57
FancyPotatoAlso, setting acpi=off is what let me go through the installer.07:57
srhbchef_00: Huh? Is that not in the default repos?07:57
srhbchef_00: Oh, 1.2.6+...07:58
chef_00srhb, no07:58
chef_00default on my distro is 1.1.something07:58
Sven_vBFancyPotato, what did the installer do without acpi=off?07:58
srhbchef_00: Don't think there's such a PPA. You'll have to roll it yourself if you want it.07:59
chef_00I can see nginx (https://launchpad.net/~nginx/+archive/stable) but its useless unless I have nginx-extra (which has all the relevant modules)07:59
FancyPotatoSven_vB:  Corrupt screen in stead of installer.08:00
Sven_vBFancyPotato, you could try acpi=off as a boot option then08:00
srhbchef_00: Plus it's 1.2.408:00
FancyPotatoSven_vB, yeah.08:00
Sven_vBhowever, if that does work, come back to check whether it is a heat problem. because just ignoring it might not be the best option then.08:01
klasa1b18Siema booty08:01
klasa1b18haha :)08:01
srhbchef_00: It does have the extras package though.08:01
FancyPotatoSven_vB:  Okay, I used the command vga=off and it showed the ubuntu splash screen, and then a corrupt black and white screen.08:01
klasa1b29How can I unblock flash on lesson ? (haha)08:01
srhbchef_00: So if you're fine with 1.2.4, that's great for you/08:01
klasa1b18LUBIE BOOTY08:02
klloveallSven: I just tried making the folder myself and that got rid of those errors, so the error log now looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/144475308:02
klasa1b10ja tez lubie boty08:02
Sven_vBFancyPotato, try and get rid of the splash screen (remove "quiet" and "splash" from boot options) so you have a chance to glimpse an error message before the screen goes corrupt08:02
Sven_vBklloveall, is that folder still empty or might there be a file "user" in it?08:03
klloveallThere is...08:04
klasa1b10yyy swider to edzio listonosz bo rozwozi listy08:04
klasa1b29chyba ty08:04
klasa1b18Ale zes pojechal08:04
klasa1b10santa claus08:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:05
klasa1b18Santa claus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!108:05
klloveallAnd it contains "^@^@"08:05
ubottuklasa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!08:05
Sven_vBklloveall, I see in line 23 "Unity is not supported by your hardware." maybe you could try another window manager?08:05
dacsgood morning08:05
cfhowlettdacs: greetings08:06
klasa1b10good morning08:06
Sven_vBklloveall, also, there's something strange with your home directory. on my systems, that dconf file is always in $HOME/.cache/dconf08:06
FloodBot1klasa1b10: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:06
klloveallWell it's been working for months now, so I know it can.08:06
Sven_vBklloveall, it works because unity falls back to software rendering. it could be that some software thinks your hardware supports 3D (because why would you use unity if it doesnt?), makes a 3D request and X server panics because it can't do 3D.08:07
dacsi am noticing that my ubuntu box box is taking a long time to response to anything (browsing internet, connecting to it from another pc..etc) what could be the problem08:07
WXZare dual monitors hard to install?08:08
WXZbetter yet, can I have 1 huge monitor and then split it into 4 monitors?08:09
EaglemanDoes some one know why my script is working when i execute it mannualy but not when its in a cronjob?  http://pastebin.com/dcyH7d3s08:09
Sven_vBdacs, maybe system load is too high. use htop to check resource consumption of your programs.08:09
klloveallWhy would that have changed? And I know it does support 3D (my hardware that is)08:09
WXZbetter yet, can i assign a different workspace to each monitor?08:09
EaglemanWXZ use a chainsaw08:09
FancyPotatoSven_vB, Okay, now I just get a purple screen, then the same corrupted screen I've been seeing.08:10
=== nano_ is now known as NanoIT
WXZEagleman: oh no, I'm not falling for that one again08:10
NimbleEagleman, do you know what kind of error you are getting?08:10
Sven_vBFancyPotato, do you have a way to access that machine's syslog? maybe via network08:11
EaglemanNimble no errors, it looks like its not executing the subliminal part, the timestamp on the cronpost file changes and matches the time with the cronjob08:11
Nimblewelp, I'm not good enough at bash to really help you then, I usually rely on errors.08:12
Nimbleyou say it works when you run it yourself?08:12
EaglemanYes it does08:12
NimbleI would imagine it's some sort of file permissions issue then08:12
EaglemanIt downloads subtitles for my series, it does not in the cronjob08:12
Nimblebut don't quote me on that :)08:13
klloveallSven_vB, apparently I somehow uninstalled my nvidia drivers, I'm going to reinstall those and see if that fixes the issue.08:13
Eaglemancronjob is executed as root, but it also works when i execute it as root08:13
Sven_vBklloveall, good idea. :)08:13
Nimbleadd in some echos08:14
Nimblethat append to a file08:14
Nimbleso you can see which parts it runs08:14
Nimbleecho "relevant info here" >> cronjob.log08:14
dacsEagleman: did you 'chmod +x <script file>08:15
FancyPotatoSven_vB, Yeah.  We found it (we're accessing it via the recovery console).  What exactly are we looking for?  Looks like there might be some errors for the ACPI, but what strikes me is the "agp bridge not found".08:15
Eagleman-r-x------ 1 media media  405 Dec  6 17:03 cronliminal08:15
ms__hi all, I want that the info of music which I'm listening in amarok will be shown in my pidgin status. The plugin "Music Tracker" is already checked in pidgin08:16
Sven_vBFancyPotato, that's good. so now you're not dependent on the screen, you could try with acpi enabled again and look for acpi diagnostic messages.08:16
klloveallSven_vB, well hot Damn. Somehow they were still installed but altered (I didn't think I was silly enough to uninstall them). So the installer repaired them and now I can log in again. Thank god. Lol. Thanks for all your help!08:17
Sven_vBklloveall, you're welcome :)08:17
ms__ someone can help me?08:18
ms__I want that the info of music which I'm listening in amarok will be shown in my pidgin status. The plugin "Music Tracker" is already checked in pidgin08:19
Sven_vBbtw, if someone could point me to the source repo of ubiquity, i'd still appreciate that. :)08:19
jussiSven_vB: Im gonna go ahead and guess: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk08:20
cfhowlettgae: greetings08:20
dacsSven_vB: two cpus and they are running at 2% max08:21
FancyPotatoSven_vB, there are no ACPI errors.08:21
Sven_vBjussi, thanks... dunno how i failed to find that.08:21
jussiSven_vB: :D08:21
Sven_vBFancyPotato, anything about thermal? (also search for "degree")08:22
Sven_vBdacs, there are more factors for system load. there should be a "load average" on the top right in htop, what does that say?08:23
FancyPotatoSven_vB, Yeah, I've got "thermal LNXTHERM:00: Registered as thermal_zone0".08:23
Sven_vBFancyPotato, is that the only thermal message?08:24
dacsSven_vB: 0.00 0.01 0.0508:24
FancyPotatoSven_vB, Yes, that is all that grep "thermal" /var/log/syslog prints.08:24
Eagleman./scripts/media/cronliminal: line 8: subliminal: command not found08:25
Sven_vBdacs, ok, then at least the slow reaction is not because of system load. as i checked the symptoms again, i see you mentioned only network related actions. so are offline acivities not affected?08:26
Sven_vBFancyPotato, then the good thing is, it's not the same what forced me to turn acpi off in the installer. bad thing however that then its not the same solution either. =)08:27
=== gary is now known as Guest31908
dacsSven_vB: this is a headless box, and i get get to my webserver (hosted in that same box) but i can't ssh to it (connection times out). and it will take a huge delay to display a simple txt based html08:29
Sven_vBFancyPotato, well, then it seems to really be a driver problem. if none of the vga modes seemed similar to the old one, maybe you can still find one that works by testing some in the list?08:29
FancyPotatoSven_vB, we actually wound up getting to boot by starting it up in reduced graphics mode.08:30
FancyPotatoTrying to install the drivers now, but Ubuntu is throwing a few errrors when I load the additional driver manager.08:30
Sven_vBdacs, i think you should check how busy your network cards are and busy with what. however, i don't know from head how to do that.08:30
dacsSven_vB: i can do that with ddwrt and i am not seeing anything that is suspicious to me08:32
Sven_vBFancyPotato, then let's hope that the driver manager succeeds nevertheless.08:32
dacsSven_vB: any ways man i just thought to ask here and maybe someone had the same symptoms as i do thats all08:32
EaglemanI guess it should work now, it was not able to find the command so i pointed it to the directory where the command is08:33
FancyPotatoSven_vB, got it fixed.  Had to install the drivers via terminal, but got it worked out.08:38
FancyPotatoThanks for all the help!08:38
Sven_vByou're welcome :)08:40
=== daniel is now known as Guest92844
LunaVoraxI'm having some trouble to connect on the internet with Ubuntu Quantal08:43
LunaVoraxIt looks like a DNS problem, but it's weird, I can connect to direct IPs only but not URLs08:43
=== gary_ is now known as Guest7837
LunaVoraxex: If I type www.google.com in Firefox it just doesn't work, but it works if I write the IP assigned to it08:44
LunaVoraxSame goes for otjher softwares like ping or the update manager08:44
=== kari is now known as Sodanlaulu
LunaVoraxI have no idea what's going wrong so far :(08:44
luckyassanyone in here know if ubuntu has a net install like debian but with firmware included in the net install. i only have wifi not able to hook up to ethernet for net install. i just want a bare install though08:47
srhbluckyass: Firmware?08:48
KousKousKlanOMG +1566 users!!!! probably the largest IRC channel :/08:49
=== lewq_ is now known as lewq
KousKousKlanWho is HUMAN ? lol08:49
srhbluckyass: If you burn the mini iso and try to boot from it, you'll be able to see if it can get network capabilities. It should, for most nonesoteric cards.08:49
xetiusWhen I copy a file to a USB Memory Stick, using the GUI, the file appears to copy really quickly, then it seems to wait, usually a lot longer than it takes to copy the file.  Is this normal?08:51
vltxetius: What do you think how long it actually takes?08:52
EaglemanDoes some one has an idea why my x11 forwarding is so slow when i am remote, it only uses like 0.5MB/sec and i have 10mb/sec bandtwidth remote, its way faster when i am in the same network08:52
xetiusa 300MB file takes about 20 seconds to copy, then it waits about 5 minutes08:52
xetiusso if I drag 2 files, it copies one, then waits 5 minutes, then copies the second, then waits again08:53
vltxetius: So, 300 MB take 5 minutes. What is your question now?08:54
vltxetius: 5'20" actually08:55
xetiusvlt, The progress bar gives the impression that it is copying a lot faster08:55
xetiusvlt, is this because it is copying to some kind of cache first?08:55
vltxetius: Yes.08:55
xetiusvlt, is there a way to get gnome to reflect the actual copy better?08:56
vltxetius: I don’t know whether there’s a way to ask the kernel how much it has written already.08:56
EaglemanDoes some one has an idea why my x11 forwarding is so slow when i am remote, it only uses like 0.5MB/sec and i have 10mb/sec bandtwidth remote, its way faster when i am in the same network08:57
vltEagleman: Have you measured those 10 MBs?08:58
srhbxetius: It is a known bug.08:58
wrapidsI seem to be having a problem with xinerama and scrotwm. It seems that scrotwm is treating my dual displays as one large display, and I'm not quite sure how to go about fixing this.,08:58
vltEagleman: You could use something like iperf to do this first.08:59
Eaglemanvlt its fiber so it wont have a lot of fluctuation08:59
Eaglemanspeedtest.net shows 6.55 mb/sec09:00
srhbxetius: If you want to weight in, mark yourself as affected by this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/100157909:00
Eaglemanstill more than enough for x1109:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 1001579 in Linux "Incorrect file transfer progress bar" [Medium,Confirmed]09:01
srhbxetius: Don't expect it to be fixed anytime soon though.09:01
xetiusThanks srhb, I will09:01
vltEagleman: But did you measure it in the right direction? Do you KNOW that there’s 10 MB/s between the X11 server and client available?09:01
EaglemanThere is a max of 6 mbit at the other side09:03
BlackPanxcan someone forward me to fix for ntp + java leap second fix ? on this new year's eve there will be leap second added probably and i dont want to hit this bug again.09:08
invariantHow can I see the options of how php was compiled? They are not visible in phpinfo when run from the command line.09:08
somsipinvariant: php -m any good to you?09:11
invariantsomsip, no, I want to see the actual configure command used.09:12
somsipinvariant: worth a try09:12
xetiusWhich IRC client do you guys use in Ubuntu09:13
Eaglemanvlt RDP seems to be way faster09:14
EaglemanI guess the x11 and vnc connection causes some overhead09:14
vltEagleman: It definitely is.09:14
vltEagleman: I still recommend measuring the actual available bandwidth.09:15
EaglemanHmm i have to setuip several clients/servers to test iperf09:19
riqdiizHi all.Is there away to customize win to work like  DSL distros09:20
invariantriqdiiz, Windows is kind of off-topic here.09:23
invariantriqdiiz, and by kind of, I mean totally.09:23
riqdiizany direction?09:24
invariantriqdiiz, not using Windows at all would be the best direction.09:24
invariantriqdiiz, failing that, buy a new computer.09:25
KousKousKlanWe all love Open Source OS.. freedom. But windows XP Pro is the best Food for a Computer machine09:26
My_JoneHello everyone09:27
KousKousKlanEllo everyone My_Jone09:27
TomyLobohi. i did "apt-get install xrdp tightvncserver". I RDPed into that, logged in and it works ok09:28
TomyLobo...until i try to do something09:28
TomyLobothen the session just closes09:28
ouyesDO you know any good music player to play high quality music like the ape format?09:29
invariantouyes, do you have an example file for ape?09:29
TomyLobothe ubuntu crash reporter thing says Xtightvnc is crashed09:29
invariantaudacious is not good.09:29
TomyLoboape is a proprietary format iirc09:30
TomyLobotry flac instead09:30
TomyLoboit's also lossless09:30
invariantTomyLobo, you should really try to answer the questions that people ask.09:30
ouyesinvariant, I get a few cds09:30
TomyLoboi thought i did09:30
invariantTomyLobo, if I am having a problem with my Volvo, you don't tell someone to get a Ferrari instead.09:31
TomyLobohe said "like the ape format"09:31
luckyassthanks for info above srhb i had to download the debian firmware net install my card was not detected at first not even ethernet09:31
invariantTomyLobo, which clearly meant that he had actual ape files.09:31
luckyassabout to boot into it now09:31
TomyLobomaybe. but in that case, i still did answer the question09:31
luckyassBus 001 Device 003: ID 050d:945a Belkin Components F7D1101 Basic Wireless USB Adapter v1000 [Realtek RTL8188SU] and r8712u is the driver i use09:31
ouyesactually I just bought the akg 450 headphones so I want to try it on my computer, mainly I use sony cd player09:32
TomyLoboit's a proprietary format and that means the only decoder is the one from the format's inventors09:32
invariantTomyLobo, or encoder.09:32
TomyLobohmm it used to be that way anyway09:33
invariantTomyLobo, and even that is not true.09:33
invariantTomyLobo, there are no general rules, just rules of thumb.09:33
TomyLoboanyway, download this, fire it up in wine and convert your stuff to flac :) http://www.monkeysaudio.com/download.html09:33
TomyLobothat way you can easily play it in just about everything09:34
luckyasscan someone tell me what programs i need to burn a .mp4 movie to dvd for home dvd player?09:34
luckyassdo i need to convert the mp4 to something else09:34
TomyLobodvd is inferior to mp4, so there will be some loss, luckyass09:34
invariantTomyLobo, you are again not answering the question.09:35
luckyassi honestly dont care about perfect hd type picture TomyLobo09:35
luckyassso can mp4 actually work on a home dvd09:35
TomyLoboi suggest winff to convert.09:35
invariantluckyass, search for dvd authoring tools in synaptic.09:35
TomyLoboi dont remember if it has a preset for mpg though09:35
invariantluckyass, or in the software center (I don't use that).09:36
TomyLoboyeah, what invariant said is probably better09:36
widowlarkhi there09:36
luckyassok i dont use software center either. hopefully in a couple years synaptic stays09:36
invariantluckyass, that said, I recommend to everyone to reduce the reliance on optical media.09:36
widowlarkI was wondering if someone could help me with IRC09:36
luckyassthat was my main q though was if it HAD to be converted09:36
invariantluckyass, synaptic will likely never go away.09:36
invariantluckyass, it has 10+ million users.09:36
TomyLoboa preset for dvd*09:37
luckyasswhat was it though that did invariant oh it was automatix i think09:37
ZehleWhere cna oyu find a chanelllist for freenode? OFF TOPIC09:37
luckyassi never got a chance to use it but screenshots it looked ok09:37
ouyesTomyLobo, I think there will be a loss during the format convert09:37
ZehleEhere can you find a channel list for freenode?09:38
TomyLoboZehle freenode has thousands of channels. the list is so huge that it's not really useful.09:38
luckyassso it is possible though that mp4 will be recognized by a GENERIC home dvd player?09:38
TomyLoboyou'll have better luck googling for a channel :)09:38
luckyassi dont care about quality really. my tv aint that good09:38
ZehleTomyLobo: Oh, okej, I wanted to know if there was one about solar energy :P09:38
TomyLobomaybe #solar or #solar-energy ? :)09:38
auronandace!alis | Zehle09:38
ubottuZehle: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:38
ZehleTomylobo: I tried some different, couldn't find any people but i'll try thoose ;)09:39
TomyLoboluckyass got an RW to try things out?09:39
TomyLoboif so, just burn the mp4 onto it and put it into your player09:39
ubottuGuest1234: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:39
luckyassunfortunately no TomyLobo just R. that is why i was tryin to get this down pat for sure or i would do trial and error09:39
TomyLoboregular dvd-with-files09:39
luckyassjust figured someone knew for sure what i needed09:39
TomyLobotry to look up your dvd player's specs on the interwebs09:40
TomyLoboto see if it supports playing mp4 video files from a data dvd09:40
luckyassthats what i am sayin though. if you know what a CHEAP ASS dvd player plays. that is it lol09:40
luckyassthe cheapest of cheap09:40
luckyassyeah it dont support data dvd i tried already09:41
TomyLobook, so get a dvd authoring thing and burn a proper video dvd09:41
luckyassso proper is mpg all the way or what?09:41
luckyassmp4 is not proper at all?09:42
Ben64Ubuntu 12.04, my dhcp server isn't starting on boot - how can I make it?09:42
invariantluckyass, you should read the manual for the devices you buy.09:42
luckyassit is just one that has sat around for couple years i cant buy nice stuff invariant  lol09:43
TomyLoboluckyass the only proper way in terms of video dvd is mpg, yes09:43
invariantluckyass, manuals can be found online.09:43
TomyLobompeg-2 iirc09:43
invariantluckyass, just plugin the model number in to google and you get it out.09:43
Alx212 /join #ZionOps09:44
luckyassgot ya. just though there was a generic format that always plays on crap dvd players too09:44
Alx212 /join #ZionOps09:44
luckyassthanks TomyLobo  i will keep mpeg2 in mind. i will just google it09:44
TomyLoboluckyass muon lists bombono, mistelix, tovid, kmediafactory, dvd styler09:44
TomyLobouse one of those tools09:45
TomyLobothe highest rated of those is dvd styler btw09:45
TomyLoboAlx212 stop advertising your channel please09:45
luckyassk. yeah TomyLobo  i just knew there were alot of programs that dont always got repo's on the machine09:45
TomyLoboluckyass huh? those are in the 12.04 default repo09:46
luckyassno no. i meant like how you can surf the web and find a program that is not in the repo09:46
luckyassthere are tons of them that way09:46
TomyLoboyeah, that's why invariant told you to use the software center :)09:46
pznI connected to ubuntu using "ssh -X", which is the name of the command to configure printers?09:47
luckyassi dont got it. thanks later09:47
TomyLobopzn ssh -X is rather primitive. it really only does the display (and a tty)09:48
notwistpzn: if youre only running terminal commands you might as well just ssh regularly09:48
pznTomyLobo, notwist: all I need to know is the name of the command to open the ubuntu printing configuration screen, so I can run it remotely09:49
EaglemanWhy am i able to acces ( \\ ) every folder i shared using a windows 8 guest OS running on KVM on the same host?09:50
EaglemanWithout entering credentials09:50
=== mark_ is now known as mladoux
pznTomyLobo, notwist: found! what I needed was "system-config-printer"09:55
notwistpzn: great :)09:56
mladouxNetworking issue -- OS Ubuntu 12.10 x64 server edition, issue: I've got 4 interfaces with ipv4 addresses, but only one ipv4 address responds to interactions from a remote location. server is in sweden, i'm in the US, doesn't get much more remote. All IPv6 address react as expected. I'm not sure what relevant information you need, but feel free to ask and I will provide the data.09:57
EaglemanWhy am i able to acces ( \\ ) every folder i shared using a windows 8 guest OS running on KVM on the same host? Without entering credentials09:58
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
stef__i have a quick question10:10
stef__when will samba 4 will be in the repository10:10
opalepatrickjust trying to get my head around symlinks. I am setting up arbtt for instance that requires a file ~/.arbtt/categorize.cfg however I would prefer that data to be on a partition that I can use with other distros, etc. Can I locate the file there and link to it from where arbtt expects to see it?10:12
somsipstef__: looks like it's planned for 13.04 as the 12.10 and 12.04 packages are showing beta or even alpha https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba410:12
somsipopalepatrick: yes10:12
stef__thanks a lot10:12
opalepatricksomsip, cheers do I read up more on symlinks?10:13
somsipopalepatrick: man ln10:13
mladouxopalepatrick on the command line, I'd recommend first running the following command: man ls10:14
mladouxI'm looking for some better more detailed information for you.10:15
mladouxbut that should get you started for now10:15
opalepatrickcheers somsip mladoux10:15
mladouxnot ls10:15
opalepatrickI misread it anyway! :-)10:16
mladouxlol good10:16
mladouxopalepatrick, here you go --> http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/10/linux-ln-command-examples/10:17
mladouxpretty good guide10:17
mladouxbit more english for people who don't understand man pages very well.10:17
mladouxexplains what is actually happening too10:18
opalepatrickcheers mladoux that is great. man page is great but just needed a bit more hand holding10:18
mladouxno worries, we've all been there10:19
KlojumI would like some help in setting up correctly my temp directories into my ram disk. This is my fstab contents: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1444974/  How can I link/forward my temp folders to my ramdisk, so my harddisk / SSD won't have to take care of them? PC has 16GB internal memory. Thanks :-)10:20
KlojumAnd.. How can can verify that all is done by through the ramdisk?10:21
mladouxKlojum --> http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/11/overview-of-ramfs-and-tmpfs-on-linux/ try this10:21
mladouxI love that site, such good info.10:22
KlojumEvery bit of help is welcome, thanks!10:22
mladouxI don't think it answers the whole question though, but it should be enough to get you started.10:22
blami_hi. In libreoffice, when launched from nautilus or mc menu does not appear in indicator area. Is there way to fix it?10:23
KlojumWell, I have started but not sure how to finish and doublecheck if all is correct10:23
mladouxwell, type mount10:23
mladouxit should list what is mounted and where.10:23
mladouxthat will verify if your ramdisk is mounted where you think it is.10:24
mladouxif it shows the ramdisk mounted at the correct place, then you did your job10:24
AssWobblesHey big ops make a backup10:26
AssWobblesmake a backup10:26
AssWobblesHey big ops make a backup10:26
mladouxthe fstab the fdisk entries look correct Klojum10:26
AssWobblesmake a backup10:26
AssWobblesHey big ops make a backup10:26
AssWobblesmake a backup10:26
AssWobblesHey big ops make a backup10:26
mladouxwhy did I type fdisk in there.10:26
FloodBot1AssWobbles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
DJonesAssWobbles: Stop that10:26
AssWobblesmake a backup10:26
Klojummladoux: FYI, here is the mount listing:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1444984/10:26
AssWobblesHey big ops make a backup10:26
mladouxKlojum, looks like you did it proper10:27
mladouxI think you're good10:27
mladouxsee lines 14 - 1710:27
mladouxthose match what's in your fstab.10:27
mladouxthat means that it's working.10:27
KlojumOkay... Can you also tell if any temp files by Ubuntu will be handled in the ramdisk?10:28
mladouxwell, as long as you put them to those paths, it will be10:28
mladouxnothing else is mounted on those folders10:28
mladouxso there shouldn't be any conflicts10:28
KlojumI've just started my learning curve on Linux ... ;-)10:28
mladouxI think you're doing pretty well so far.10:28
KlojumGood to hear, thanks again10:29
mladouxnow if I can figure out how to make routing symmetrical instead asymmetrical on my server, life will be perfect.10:30
KlojumYou gotta have something to live for, a perfect life would become boring10:31
wibbyHi, I want to install Ubuntu 12.10 from a USB stick I made with UNetbootin. It boots into busybox though. What boot options do I need to get to the installation program?10:34
dr_williswibby:  try some tool other then unetbootin to make the flash would be my advice. theres several listed at the pendrivelinux web site.10:34
antivirtelhello! I have 12.04, can I somehow change the background image remotely? (eg. change a file's content)10:35
Klojumwibby: HP USB Storage Format (Windows) tool cleans the boot sector properly of a USB stick or SD card (don't know of any Linux method)10:36
dr_willisantivirtel:  ssh would be one way10:36
mladouxlol, yeah, but right now, you can only access my server over ipv6 or the ipv4 address on eth110:36
mladouxthat's 3 ipv4 addresses not functioning right10:36
antivirteldr_willis, yes, but which file?!10:36
mladouxbecause it is only putting outgoing on eth1, so the bgp router is throwing a fit i think.10:37
dr_willisantivirtel:  no idea what you are wanting to do...10:37
mladouxI'm not sure, it's over my head at this point.10:37
dr_willisantivirtel:  the default wallpaper used to be in  /usr/share/backgrounds/10:38
antivirteldr_willis, if there is file, where the current image's location is stored, I could change it, and it will change the current background10:38
dr_willisif the user has changed it.. it could be anywhere.10:38
mladouxAnyway, I wish I could have your problems again Klojum, those were the days, I was so naive back then.10:39
antivirtelno, the setting file can not dr_willis10:39
mladouxbut it was easier to get help.10:39
wibbyKlojum: dr_willis: UNetbootin is the only one that will run on my broken debian machine :|10:39
dr_williswibby: you can simply 'dd' the iso file straight to flash and not use any other tools.10:39
dr_willisand often thats the easiest way and most reliable.10:39
dr_willisbbl. gotta head to work10:40
pratzHello guys10:40
wibbydr_willis: ok, but won't i still need proper boot flags or something? I mean, it does boot from the stick, just into busybox.10:40
pratzhow can a login in to root user with single command10:41
pratzex - sudo su  - asks password on next line, how can i do it one line ?10:41
Eaglemanwhy would you want that anyway?10:41
mladouxsudo -i10:41
mladouxbut you need to configure your sudoers file to login without password10:42
mladouxif you want a root shell with only one command10:42
mladouxpratz here's an example of how to configure your /etc/sudoers http://maestric.com/doc/unix/ubuntu_sudo_without_password10:43
mladouxonce you have it set up ( replace jerome with your username of course ) you will no longer need to provide a password. If you do sudo -i the next line will be a bash prompt.10:43
mladouxby default you will always be prompted for a password.10:43
mladouxI wouldn't recommend this setup on a production environment, it's fine for home personal use though.10:44
mladouxmake sure that it's at the bottom of the file10:45
mladouxoh, one last thing, make sure you leave the root shell up and test it in a new terminal window before you exit root, because if you typo, there's the potential of locking yourself out of root, at least via sudo.10:46
=== themill_ is now known as themill
mladouxlol, it's funny, I had no thought of helping anyone when I came here, but the questions bring back so many memories of when I started on slackware 7 i think it was, and FreeBSD 4.2, that I can't help myself.10:51
vltmladoux: It only works that way. Experienced users need to stay here.10:54
patchi there! I get problems using gnome-session-fallback with fresh ubuntu 12.04.1. Workspace switching problem. Does work perfectly on VM which was created with beta version and upgraded all the way. Any idea please?10:57
SimpsonTPhi, I'm having a issue on ubuntu 12:04 that flash movies in firefox bleef throug on other tabs, I already disabled hardware acceleration10:57
antivirteldo someone know file locations of gsettings schemas?10:58
mladouxlol, yeah10:58
mladouxI'm just hoping someone more experienced than I will have an answer for my issue. The Cog on the forums was responding too it, but I got tired of waiting and started looking at other issues.10:59
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
insmodin virtualbox anyone know howto resize the screen it's still small and only has resolution upto 800x64011:04
mladouxwhat OS is running in it?11:05
patcinsmod: tried to install virtual box guest additions?11:05
sgtkilljoyinstall guest additions11:05
insmodpatc did11:05
mladouxpatc that's what I was thinking11:05
mladouxyou should be able to just resize the window if guest additions are installed, and the OS should automatically resize itself.11:06
patchm... yes, try to resize the window of the guest (full screen and back to normal11:06
patcsometimes does the trick11:07
insmodmladoux, i installed it after the OS should i reinstall the OS11:07
mladouxyou can't install it before the OS, so I don't see how that would make a difference.11:07
mladouxI'm assuming you're talking about the guest additions there.11:07
insmodpatc how do i know it's guest11:07
mladouxdid you remember to reboot the vm11:07
mladouxanything running in virtual box is a guest.11:08
insmodmladoux, i installed vitualbox then OS then addon11:08
=== Albastos|off is now known as Albastos
mladouxdid you reboot the OS?11:08
patcinsmod: yes and then reboot11:08
mladouxthat sometimes will do the trick11:08
patcthe guest11:08
mladouxinsmod for future reference. Guest refers to the OS running in the virtualbox virtual machine.11:09
mladouxI should really go to bed now.11:09
mladouxgoodnight people.11:09
patcmladoux: GN11:10
patcanyone for my worspace switching problem?11:10
mladouxeh, what's happening?11:10
mladouxyou peeked my interest, I'm so bad at sleep11:10
patcusing gnome session fallback and workspace switching is broken11:11
patcif I click on lets say 2nd workspace, all pannels disappear and no way to come back to 1st11:11
patcexcept pressing ctrl alt del11:11
mladouxhmmm.. that's wierd, gimme a sec. I think I remember this from somewhere, lemme see if I can find it.11:12
patcthis functionality works OK on a VM I installed in beta version and that was upgraded, but on my laptop, doesn't... fresh ubu 12.04.1 install11:12
patcI found that it's possible to tweak it with compizconfig-settings-manager but I want to be sure it doesn't cause any other trouble. And as I was trying to understand, I was dropped off my graphical session... strange...11:14
ubottupippo444: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:14
mladouxhave you tried alt+tab to select a running application to see if it switches you back?11:15
mladouxof course, you'd have to have something running on the first workspace first.11:15
mladouxnot optimal, but will tell us if things are just broken...11:15
pratzmladoux: thanks buddy, that worked11:15
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patcI din't have any, but wait i'll try (i think it won't)11:16
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sgtkilljoyinsmod: try "VBoxManage setextradata global GUI/MaxGuestResolution any" on your host11:17
mladouxdoes fallback have mouse menus? try right-click and middle click ( right+left for two button mice ( do those even exist anymore? ))11:17
mladouxon your desktop*11:17
patcmladoux: nothing11:17
mladouxmeh, worth a shot.11:18
patcjust have the wallpaper11:18
mladouxIt's Gnome 3 in fallback mode, I'm assuming, correct?11:18
patcclicking doesn't have any effect11:18
mladouxyeah, I wasn't sure. I've not used fallback mode, so I was going based on memory of gnome 211:18
mladouxa lot of that stuff doesn't work anymore11:18
mladouxso it was a shot in the dark anyway.11:18
patcsince I toggled in compiz settings manager, I can use it, but if i change the settings from right clic preferences, it does reset the crappy setting :(11:19
mladouxooh, had an idea11:20
mladouxthat should get you a run dialogue11:20
patceuh... I'm not that much expert... i don't want unity, so that I installed gnome-session-fallback... is it gnome 3?  euh...11:20
mladouxthen start a program11:20
mladouxand then right click on the title bar11:20
mladouxselect move to desktop and pick a desktop11:20
mladouxthen alt-tab11:20
patcyes alt f2 does work, as does ctrl alt del...11:20
mladouxYeah, but you get where I'm going with this right?11:21
patcit brings back to workspace 111:21
mladouxthat's what I was hoping for.11:21
mladouxso did it work?11:21
patcyeah, thanks, but still crappy lol11:21
mladouxI know that11:21
mladouxideally, you'd fix it so the panel was on all desktops11:22
patcI'm back to 1st workspace, but 2 3 and 4 are "nowhere"11:22
mladouxI don't know enough about gnome to do that.11:22
patcok, thanks for your help mladoux, I'll check that more in details11:22
mladouxI wonder11:23
patcwhat is strange is that the behaviour is different on 2 installs...11:23
mladouxif you right click on the panel, do you get a menu, and if so, is there an option to make it sticky?11:23
mladouxthat should make it on all desktops.11:23
patcone upgraded from beta version and the other one fresh install of latest version... the latter being the one that doesn't work...11:23
mladouxat least that's how it worked at one point in time.11:23
mladouxyeah, well, fallback mode is being phased out, so it's hardly surprising.11:24
patcit's in french but i suppose "etendre" is equal to apply to all desktops...11:24
mladouxI'd honestly recommend switching to something like XFCE if you need fallback mode, it's going to be more like old gnome.11:25
patcso yes11:25
mladouxand it's not a bad environment.11:25
patcoki i'll try this out, are you using unity?11:25
Sab3rvois antaa kyl11:25
mladouxno, I hate unity, I like gnomeshell better. ( more organization in the application window )11:25
sgtkilljoylxde if vary nice11:25
patceuh... gnome shell... never tried... apt-get install gnome-shell?11:26
mladouxsgtkilljoy, yes, I like that one too. I was only pointing out XFCE because it's closer to gnome, and probably more like what he's used too.11:26
patcI've been using 10.04, so if possible trying to find something looking like old gnome 2 i think11:27
mladouxI wouldn't recommend doing it that way, you're better off using gnome remix. Gnome-shell directly from apt seems a little dodgy unless you're ready to do a lot of hacking.11:27
sgtkilljoyaye xfce is good too11:27
mladouxbesides, if you're a fallback guy, I don't really think gnome shell is what you're looking for.11:27
mladouxjust sayin11:27
patcgnome remix? i'll check it out too... lol  maybo do I like it11:28
patcno idea how it's like11:28
mladouxhey, what's the worst that could happen11:28
mladouxyou end up hating it, and trying something else.11:28
mladouxOf course, I didn't like gnome shell when I first tried it, it was only after I used it for about a week that I really got to admire it.11:29
mystblade9I've been searching the net for a good Linux wireless adapter (either USB or internal PCI) for a few hours now.. Every time I think I found one that works out-of-the-box (a review tells that it works on Linux), it turns out that you have to jump through all kinds of hoops (such as installing drivers from the vendor, editing configs, etc) just to get the wireless to work. I could use some help.11:29
patcok understand11:29
mladouxnow I wouldn't use anything else.11:29
mystblade9What wireless adapters are absolutely guaranteed to work on Ubuntu?11:29
mladouxstrange how that works out11:29
patcthanks for your advices mladoux, i'll check this out!11:29
mladouxthe things that I thought were stupid about it ended up being my favorite features once I realized what they did for my productivity.11:30
patcbut i think i won't use unity ;)11:30
dchernivmystblade9, get anything with intel 3945 chipset11:30
MonkeyDustmystblade9  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported11:30
patcyour advice to install gnome shell so? gnome remix? for the moment got no idea...11:31
mladouxif you're going to use gnome-shell, I recommend using gnome remix to do it, and adding the gnome3 ppa11:31
patcoh is it a full other os?11:31
mladouxno, it's ubuntu11:31
patcor just a GUI like fallback and so on?11:31
mladouxthey just have some updates that weren't included11:32
mladouxit's closer to unity11:32
mladouxthat's why I didn't think it'd be something you'd want.11:32
patchm... and how do you install it? is it a package too?11:32
mladouxit's just a GUI on top of gnome.11:32
mladouxyes,it's a package, here, let me get you a good manual for it.11:32
patcok i understand11:32
mladouxgnome3 needs gdm... if you run lightdm as your display manager, you will likely have problems.11:33
mladouxat least for gnome shell11:33
mladouxand don't try to run unity and gnome shell on the same machine ( I don't even think you can )11:33
patclol pffff... have to tweak everything lol11:33
mladouxpretty much11:33
patcI see11:34
mladouxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.10 <-- fresh install, my recommended way of doing it11:34
mladouxI'm getting you the apt instructions next11:34
anthonybwhello, i m a new bird, new some help on installation11:35
anthonybwcan someone help11:35
MonkeyDustanthonybw  if you're sweet11:35
eternalCreepy :-$11:35
anthonybwMonkeyDust, how are you11:35
allexmbsweet like dust11:35
mladouxwhat version of ubuntu are you using patc?11:35
anthonybwtried both 10.04 & 10.1011:36
MonkeyDustanthonybw  10.10 is out of order11:36
anthonybwsorry, should be 12.04LTS & 12.1011:36
mladouxtry those instructions, they should work for you.11:36
mladouxthat way you don't have to re-install11:36
patcas for now 10.04 but migrating to 12.04.1 and discovering these issues11:36
eternalThose are pretty old releases try 12.04 or 12.1011:36
anthonybwmay I illustrate the whole process11:36
MonkeyDustanthonybw  in 1 line11:36
mladouxbut there may be issues doing it that way, at least I had some. so yeah, I recommend a fresh install over that method.11:37
anthonybwwhen installation comes to "select user image", then quit without any sign11:37
mladouxbut how you do it is totally up to you, best of luck patc11:37
mladouxif you get stuck, you know where to ask11:37
patcoki maybe i'll try it in a VM before installing for real :)11:37
mladouxthat sounds like a good idea to me, lol11:38
patclol vm are pretty cool :D11:38
patcyes thanks again for your help mladoux11:38
anthonybwMonkeyDust: when installation comes to "select user image", then quit without any sign11:38
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: do u have webcam conncted?11:38
MonkeyDustanthonybw  can you not skip 'select user image'? i've never set one myself11:38
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: yes I do, it's an intergrated cam11:39
patchave a good sleep now mladoux! ;)11:39
anthonybwMonkeyDust, I do not have chance do anything, when it comes to the stage, then the installation quit11:39
mladouxpatc thanks, but that's unlikely11:40
mladouxI already gave up on that and poured myself more coffee.11:40
MonkeyDustanthonybw  cd or usb? and have you checked the checksum?11:40
mladouxI have to be up in less than 4 hours.11:40
anthonybwMonkeyDust: cd11:40
patcmladoux: oh... so wish you a good sleep.... tomorrow... :s11:40
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: yes I do, it's an intergrated cam11:40
mystblade9MonkeyDust: The webstores I am visiting don't tell what chipset is in their wireless adapters11:41
mladouxI'll just be doing email support all day anyway.11:41
patc:) See you! Good bye here!11:41
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: see hear "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/875297" part about installing camera driver11:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 875297 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installer hangs on "Choose a picture" screen. Never recovers. Installation not bootable." [Undecided,Fix released]11:42
sgtkilljoylol beat u 2 it11:42
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: thanks, I will try11:42
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: the page does not exist11:43
mladouxso any network/routing guru's on?11:43
anthonybwMonkeyDust: cd. indeed I have tried many ways of installation11:44
mladouxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2095518 <-- my issue, still unresolved. If you can fix it, I'll give you virtual cookies11:44
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/87529711:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 875297 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installer hangs on "Choose a picture" screen. Never recovers. Installation not bootable." [Undecided,Fix released]11:44
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: thanks, I got it, reading it11:45
mladouxrouting isn't really my expertise, so any help is appreciated.11:45
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mladouxooh, a friend of mine who happens to be a network guru just came online.... mebbe he can fix it!11:49
sgtkilljoymladoux: why do  u have 2 interfaces on same subnet?11:51
mladouxsgtkilljoy I just do11:54
mladouxthose two just happened to be assigned to me.11:54
EaglemanIs there a way to hide this stuff from sftp?  .bashrc11:54
EaglemanI am not even sure if i need those files11:54
mladouxshould that matter?11:54
mladouxEagleman that's your shell configuration, you should probably leave that alone11:55
EaglemanI dont want my users ( they dont have linux knowledge at all ) to see that stuff11:55
mladouxah, I see11:56
mladouxwhat are you using for SFTP, a ftp server, or straight ssh?11:56
sgtkilljoymladoux: try change subnetmask to for those 2 interfaces?11:56
mladouxsgtkilljoy I don't control the router, that's not in my realm of control. If I do that, they'll stop working entirely.11:56
jribEagleman: well if you're not giving them shell access it wouldn't much matter if they have a .bashrc or not11:57
mladouxyeah, just delete the file.11:57
Eaglemanwont those files get recreated everytime they connect to the sftp server?11:57
jribEagleman: but hiding dot files -- that would be some setting on the client they are using (if such a setting is implemented)11:57
mladouxit configures the bash shell11:57
jribEagleman: .bashrc is copied to the user's home when you create the user's account11:58
mladouxif it's not there, it will just use the system configuration11:58
Eagleman.cache  .bash_logout .profile also exists11:58
mladouxyou can stop them from populating on new accounts by removing them from /etc/skel11:58
mladouxunless it's been moved somewhere.11:58
eternalWoot cm10.1 nightlies :-D11:58
mobherohi, unable to mount location, failed to retrive sharelist from server, pls help on this..11:58
jribit's still /etc/skel/ mladoux11:58
mladouxjrib I thought so11:59
mladouxsome distro's like to place them in a subdirectory of /usr/share11:59
jribEagleman: .bash_logout and .profile are similar.  They aren't going to be relevant to a user that's only using sftp11:59
Eaglemanok, i have removed them, but they are still able to login in the shell with puty right?12:00
jribEagleman: ... yes.  Except now their shell will look like crap and they may have a different PATH, no aliases, etc.12:00
mladouxyeah, it just configures the behavior of their shells when they are logged in. it's customization at a user level.12:00
Eaglemanif they are not using it it should be better if i can restrict acces to ssh and only allow acces to sftp12:00
Noriandirhi. I'm having a problem login in into gnome on 10.04. it just goes back to the login screen12:01
JohnnoBI have the weirdest problem. All of a sudden my machine powers down if a usb drive is attached. I have two drives and both of them do the same thing. Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit on an AMD processor. Can anyone help?12:01
Eaglemannot sure if thats possible12:01
Noriandir(using irssi on tt1 right now)12:01
sgtkilljoymobhero: how are you trying to ccess to smb share?12:01
Noriandirany one knows what can be doing this?12:02
mladouxit is12:02
mladouxEagleman --> http://blog.swiftbyte.com/linux/allowing-sftp-access-while-chrooting-the-user-and-denying-shell-access/12:02
``qhello, i am trying to create " a locked down " user  on Ubuntu 12.04 TLS .   The user should be set on "auto login", and can only run ONE application (which i start up automagically), but not open terminals,  use CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE, or do anything else (except for log out), right click, start menu, ...12:02
mladouxtry that, pretty good tutorial12:02
``qany hints ?12:02
mladouxbut kind of insecure12:02
mladouxum, let me find a better one12:02
jribEagleman: it's possible12:03
mladouxtry that.12:03
JohnnoBI have the weirdest problem. All of a sudden my machine powers down if a usb drive is attached. I have two drives and both of them do the same thing. Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit on an AMD processor. Can anyone help?12:03
mladouxthere will be a .bashrc, but they won't be able to edit it or delete it. and it will cause them to logout if they try to use a regular shell.12:04
JohnnoBCould it be that my USB ports have bitten the big one?12:05
ubottuandrea_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:05
JohnnoBciao andrea_12:05
Eaglemanmladoux when i log in with one of the users that are in the group sftponly, the putty connection will close after logged in12:05
JohnnoBok. Nice to talk, but no one answering.12:06
Eaglemani guess ForceCommand internal-sftp will cause that12:06
mladouxJohnnoB it could be, have you tried another USB device.12:06
sgtkilljoyjohnnoB: psu problem mabe?12:06
mladouxEagleman try my second link as a solution instead12:06
mladouxhttp://supportcenter.verio.com/KB/questions.php?questionid=351 <-- Eagleman12:06
JohnnoBI've tried two different USB drives. Both had the same result12:06
mladouxdo they work in another computer or usb port?12:07
JohnnoBBTW, they work on my laptop (ubuntu 12.04 as well12:07
mladouxand do they work on another usb port on the same computer?12:07
mladouxif so, the port is dead.12:07
sgtkilljoyjohnnoB: dose it power down compleatly?12:07
JohnnoBnope...Tried another usb port, but got the same result12:07
jribmladoux: can't the user just execute custom commands?  Or change his shell and use a different shell?12:07
mladouxthere may be a problem with your os settings.12:07
JohnnoByes sgtkilljoy. It actually cuts the power12:07
mladouxjrib not if you don't allow him too12:08
JohnnoBThis happened all of a sudden today.12:08
mladouxyou can restrict access to those features12:08
EaglemanWhat is the difference with what i have now mladoux12:08
sgtkilljoyhave you got a multimeter?12:08
jribmladoux: well, how do you do that then :)12:08
mladouxlet me see what you have now again.12:08
JohnnoBYes, actually, I do. Do I know what the heck I'm doing with it......No. :)12:08
JohnnoBI can measure continuity and probably get away with a current measurement12:09
JohnnoBBoth the drives are powered by ac adapters and not from the USB port12:09
mladouxjust a moment.12:09
jribEagleman: your solution seems better to me12:10
JohnnoBI think it might be time for a new computer. This one is about eight or nine years old.12:10
mladouxjrib I agree12:11
mladouxI had to read up on it12:11
sgtkilljoyJohnnoB: its possible that by connecting the usb devices you are overdrawing on u psu12:11
JohnnoBsgtkilljoy - is that possible with a powered usb drive?12:12
JohnnoBI mean, it shouldn't be drawing power, should it?12:12
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sgtkilljoyJohnnoB:  i c what you you mean, but i still wouldnt rule it out entirely, perhaps try disconnecting an optical drive or second hdd and see what happens12:14
JohnnoBActually, I already tried a second HDD. It did the same thing. I've successfully booted with no USB's attached. I really think it's the USB ports themselves. That's OK. Either that or it's probably the usb processing circuitry on the motherboard. This is an old PC. I replaced the PSU last year as the old one died. The onboard video died many moons ago and I put a new video card in. I think it's just preparing to join the heavenly choir. :)12:15
InspectorCluseauJohnnoB, Maybe install a voltage measuring capability ... lmsensors and gkrellm12:16
EaglemanAny idea why this is failing:      ChrootDirectory /chroot/sftp/%u/home/%u  and this is not     ChrootDirectory /chroot/sftp/%u/home/  ?12:16
JohnnoBThanks Inspector. I'll take a look. I'm just at the end of the year, at the end of my patience, and the end of the evening.12:17
JohnnoBI appreciate the help miadoux, sgtkilljoy, and Inspector Clouseau. Have a great night.12:17
sgtkilljoyJohnnoB: ya, i think it might b time 2 put it out of its missery12:17
JohnnoBOr day, depending on where you are.12:17
JohnnoBBye for now.12:17
EaglemanAny idea why this is failing:      ChrootDirectory /chroot/sftp/%u/home/%u  and this is not     ChrootDirectory /chroot/sftp/%u/home/  ?12:20
MonkeyDustEagleman  looks like a simple syntax error12:23
Eaglemanshould it be %u/ ?12:24
MonkeyDustEagleman  if the second command works, there should be no problem, why do you want another command?12:26
jribEagleman: why are you using those directories?  Does the directory exist?  Does it have the proper ownership (see sshd_config man page)?  What exactly do you mean by "failing"?12:27
EaglemanChrootDirectory /chroot/sftp/%u/home/%u/  =  Network error: Software caused connection abort12:30
tree88hi fren can any one tell me how can i find add on to my chromium browser to download youtube and other video i m using ubuntu 12.1012:30
tree88hi fren can any one tell me how can i find add on to my chromium browser to download youtube and other video i m using ubuntu 12.1012:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest38202
EaglemanChrootDirectory /chroot/sftp/%u/home/  =  they have to double click on the folder %u = mathew for example12:32
MonkeyDusttree88  clive is a nice command line tool to donwload videos12:32
mjrosenbhey, anyone know command I need to run in order to be able to install armel libraries on my dev machine?12:32
MonkeyDust!info clive12:32
ubottuclive (source: clive): video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and others. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.3-2 (quantal), package size 14 kB, installed size 72 kB12:33
mjrosenbiirc, it is "edit something in /etc/apt"12:33
kwtm7If my (k)Ubuntu GUI screen is frozen but I can still ssh into the system remotely, what command-line can I give to reboot the GUI (X server) without rebooting the entire computer?  I presume there's a command-line equivalent of Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.12:33
tree88how to use that tool monkeydust ??12:33
Kartagiskwtm7: sudo service gdm restart12:33
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: i have tried, but that solution does not work for me12:33
anthonybwMonkeyDust: cd. indeed I have tried many ways of installation12:34
tree88hey and when i shut down the system does not shut down properly and need to do forceful shut down what can i do for that plse say12:35
MonkeyDustanthonybw  did you checksum? the iso may be corrupt12:35
anthonybwMonkeyDust: the iso is fine12:35
MonkeyDustanthonybw  then i have no clue, i'm sure someone else can help better12:36
anthonybwand this is an issue, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/875297, but this does not work for me12:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 875297 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu installer hangs on "Choose a picture" screen. Never recovers. Installation not bootable." [Undecided,Fix released]12:36
MonkeyDustanthonybw  you can add your name in the list of affected users12:39
BlueMintHi there. I have 4 monitors and just installed Ubuntu. Currently monitor 1 and 2 are being used, with monitor 2 mirroring monitor 1. How can I control what the monitors do?12:40
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: sorry back, you tried blacklisting the driver for your webcam?12:40
BlueMintSomebody please help12:41
srhbBlueMint: Patience.12:41
Ravii_Chennaiwith what blue?12:41
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: i do not know which device is webcam, seems like videodev, but unable to disable it due to it was linked to anothe device12:41
kwtm7Kartagis: Thx. Will probably try kdm instead of gdm but I will check to see if that's the right service.  Thx.12:41
BlueMintRavii_Chennai: I have 4 monitors and just installed Ubuntu. Currently monitor 1 and 2 are being used, with monitor 2 mirroring monitor 1. How can I control what the monitors do?12:42
kandinskifor yum/apt, is it recommended to iterate through the package names by using name=$item and having the package names in a with_items list?12:42
dr_willisBlueMint: what video cards?12:42
BlueMintsrhb: it's been a long day. Sorry ):12:42
kandinskior would that call yum/apt for every package?12:42
BlueMintdr_willis: inbuilt motherboard and some shitty Radeon one12:42
kwtm7How do I get a list of service-names that I can use with   "sudo servce <ServiceName> restart" ?   I was looking for the dhclient service yesterday but didn't know what it was called.12:42
BlueMintI just migrated from windows12:43
kandinski(other option is to use command: yum install -y and just have a long list of packages)12:43
kandinskibut which is recommended?12:43
BlueMintAnd with windows you just right click the desktop and it is there12:43
dr_willisBlueMint:  tried the monitors/display tool?12:43
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: perhaps the easiest thing for you to do is use the alternate installation image?12:44
dr_willisati may need the fglrx drivers12:44
BlueMintdr_willis: how do I get to that?12:44
dr_willisinstall the fglrx drivers with the package manager12:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:45
BlueMintI'm installing some driver now12:45
BlueMintThat it told me to12:45
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: the link you suggested is eaxactly right, that's the issue of webcam, it's just unknown solution to it12:46
BlueMintBe right back, restarting12:46
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: i have tried many different version of images and different machine, the problem remains, so the issue is webcam12:47
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: i would not say that it is deffently, for sure the webcam, tho it deffently looks that way.................12:50
sgtkilljoythe ubuntu aleritive installation is text based, have you tryed that?12:51
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: be more specifically, it's the issue of SONY internal webcam12:51
BlueMintI'm back12:51
BlueMintWhat did I need to install?12:51
sgtkilljoyanthonybw: alternitive installations hear http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads12:52
AltairesWhat is the difference between free and available space?12:55
anthonybwsgtkilljoy: I think this is nothing to do with iso file or image issue, this is the compatibility issue with SONY VIAO internal cam, hence if this is not resolved, I will never be able to resolve it. that;s why I always get to the same stage and quit12:55
sgtkilljoythe alteritive installation is text based, it will not get to that stage, as there is no that stage see..................12:56
sgtkilljoyhear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi-VPj4jzrg,12:56
AltairesCan I recover files from an Image.dd onto the same partition where it is located?12:57
AltairesUsing photorec?12:57
BlueMintPlease, whoever was helping me before, please tell me how to get that driver12:57
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AltairesThe Image.dd is from a different HDD if that makes a difference12:57
opalepatrickanyone use hamster-applet across distros? Trying to work out which file is the one carrying all the data. Thought it was hamster.db but just tried it, no good.12:58
opalepatrickor not completely good, it works in ubuntu using a symlink to a shared partition12:59
opalepatrickbut not in mint using same.#12:59
sgtkilljoyAltaires: no you can not apply an image to a patition from a file on that same partition, think about it12:59
rzsim using ubuntu 12.10. Im trying to install Virtualbox 4.2 for i386b using the deb file downloaded from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads. But on opening the file in software center it says 'Cannot install libpython2.7:i386'13:00
rzsI want to install and use vagrant, and virtualbox-ose in the repo seems to be having some issues with it, so im downloaded the deb file from the virtualbox website13:02
Altairessgtkilljoy: So not only do you need a drive for the image of the disk in order to recover data from it, you have to have another drive that you can recover that data too13:02
sgtkilljoyAltaires: do disregurd me, i read your question wrong :)13:03
kwtm7This is incredible! "sudo reboot" fails to reboot the system --the X-server is still frozen on that same screen! Is there another command-line I should be issuing to reboot the system?13:04
Altairessgtkilljoy: Is it possible then for me to take the image from the other HDD and export its contents onto the same partition it's located?13:05
sgtkilljoyAltaires: so you want to extract only certin file from the image? im not sure if this possible13:06
Altairessgtkilljoy: No I want to extract ALL files from this image13:06
=== cinka is now known as BoozeWooz
zilloro-O hi13:10
=== zillor is now known as _BoozeWooz
_BoozeWooztheres not so much talk inside of here13:11
invariantkwtm7, this is a problem which is caused by the architecture of the PC.13:11
BlueMintCould someone PLEASE help me. I am trying to get my multi monitor setup working, but only 1 of the monitors are being detected.13:11
_BoozeWoozYou're problems are not mine13:11
invariantkwtm7, please invent a new architecture which doesn't have this problem.13:12
_BoozeWoozBluemint: what videocard do you have?13:12
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invariantkwtm7, it is completely impossible to get out of that state without a reboot by manually resetting the machine.13:13
BlueMint_BoozeWooz: I am not sure, 670 or something. But I also use my inbuilt motherboard graphics13:13
invariantBlueMint, nvidia?13:13
_BoozeWooz670 = nvidia? Have you tried to put it from the nvidia center?13:14
BlueMintinvariant: AMD I think13:14
invariantBlueMint, this is something you should know 100% sure.13:14
_BoozeWoozPlease verify wihch one it is13:14
BlueMintHow do I get to the nividia centre?13:14
BlueMintThe additional drivers says it is a AMD graphics driver13:14
BlueMintinvariant: amd13:15
sgtkilljoy"BuleMint, this is something you should know 100% sure," i agree13:15
BlueMintIt is AMD13:15
dr_willisthen its not  nvudia13:15
dr_willisamd/ati has its own  control center app13:16
invariantBlueMint, you need to configure amdccle to use xrandr.13:16
sgtkilljoyuse lspci | grep VGA13:16
invariantBlueMint, amdccle is a command13:16
invariantBlueMint, xrandr is a command too13:16
BlueMintHonestly, I have used windows 7 all my life. I have had Ubuntu for 20 minutes.13:16
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BlueMintAwesome thank you for the help13:16
invariantBlueMint, in that case, find a friend who also uses it.13:17
BlueMintNone of my friends do13:17
invariantBlueMint, unless you are hyperintelligent of course.13:17
dr_willis!manual | bluemint13:17
ubottubluemint: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:17
invariantBlueMint, setting  up multi-monitor successfully is non-trivial, because of bugs in the drivers.13:17
BlueMintAhh damn13:18
BlueMintI was told Ubuntu was super multi monitor friendly13:18
dr_willisdepends on thecards13:18
invariantBlueMint, Ubuntu could be with about 10 lines of shellcode.13:18
blami_BlueMint: uh theres plenty space for improvement.13:18
invariantI don't get why they don't do that.13:18
BlueMintI think it might be the 6770 actually13:18
invariantMost likely they are busy for their enterprise clients.13:19
BlueMintSorry guys. I am having an anxiety attack, shit is rushing13:19
dr_willis2 difrerent chipsets make things harder13:19
blami_BlueMint: especially when it comes to Nvidia Optimus systems with external ports hardwired to discrete card while panel into internal ones13:19
sgtkilljoyBlueMint: what card exactly use "lspci | grep VGA" command in a termal window13:19
blami_Xorg can't handle these13:20
invariantdr_willis, that's called a conditional.13:20
invariantdr_willis, first used in a programming language in about 1940.13:20
BlueMintOkay, the 'Intel Corporation Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller (rev 09)' and a 'Intel Corporation Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller (rev 09)'13:21
invariantThe only reason things don't work out of the box is that probably nobody is paying for it to work great.13:21
blami_BlueMint: Ivy Bridge laptop?13:21
sgtkilljoyblami_: optimus is easy setup with bumblebee13:21
BlueMintOkay, the 'Intel Corporation Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller (rev 09)' and a 'Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Turks [Radeon HD 6670]'13:21
blami_sgtkilljoy: actually it is not. Trust me13:21
BlueMintblami_: nope not a laptop13:21
invariantI thought optimus was not supported.13:21
blami_invariant: in fact it is not13:21
sgtkilljoyblami_: using optimus now :)13:21
invariantOr rather not in the way it works on Windows.13:21
blami_sgtkilljoy: not to serve multihead I guess13:22
blami_sgtkilljoy: just using that ugly insecure hack that launches second xserver under root and using optirun redirects programs to render on its display while copying back using virtualgl, right?13:22
woozboozeMy box has been broken...13:23
woozboozeAfter trying to update from 10.04 to 11.1013:23
woozboozeAll packets: "depends on [x] but version not good, so not going to be installed"13:24
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RedMintAhh, that is better.13:24
woozboozeWhat is?13:25
RedMintOkay, so how can I fix my problem13:25
RedMintwoozbooze, going from webchat to XChat13:25
dr_willishow are you upgradeing woozbooze13:25
woozboozesudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:25
blami_BlueMint: if you're on desktop I would recommend to you to disable cpu builtin graphics and rely on ATI only (not sure how much supported is 6670)13:25
dr_williswoozbooze: thats why then13:25
woozboozeIs it bad?13:26
dr_willisthats NOT how yiu do a upgrade to a new release13:26
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:26
RedMintblami, my 6670 can only support 2 monitors though. I use 413:26
woozboozedr_willis: alright, cheer. thanks!13:26
blami_RedMint: there's no way to mux multiple cards using xrandr13:26
RedMintOh fuck13:27
RedMintI have to go back to windows then?13:27
blami_RedMint: pieces of experimental code for gpu offloading landed in xorg repository last month13:27
kwtm7invariant: Is it then no longer possible to use "sudo reboot"?  Has something changed since previous releases, or is it just that I am in a different situation than the previous times when I rebooted/halted as root?13:28
RedMintI don't think I should be playing with experimental code. I only 'sudo apt-get' thus far13:28
invariantkwtm7, you didn't read what I said.13:28
sensesOn 12-21-2012 from 12am to 12-22-2012, 12.10 am, there are possibilities of mass attacks being carried out by some people in the name of mentally-ill religious fundamentalists, in the name of doomsday cults and in the name of non-religious people.13:28
invariantkwtm7, I said this is due to the architecture of your machine (the PC architecture).13:28
blami_RedMint: we're on same boat :)13:28
kwtm7invariant: My apologies; please explain.13:28
sensesWe should all be on the alert and also watch the backs of our friends, loved ones, families and relatives.13:29
blami_RedMint: I would like to use all four possible monitors with my laptop13:29
DJonessenses: Thats not really an Ubuntu support question13:29
sgtkilljoyblami_: see https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/Multi-monitor-setup13:29
domieis 12-21-2012 even a date?13:29
invariantkwtm7, all PC machines (anything most consumers and servers run) have this problem.13:29
RedMintfuck fuck fuck fuck I fucked up. Oh god. I deleted windows. I have nothing now but one shitty working monitor13:29
kwtm7invariant: I guess I'm trying to see what is different between now and when I was using, say, 8.04 or 10.04 and using the "sudo reboot" command.13:29
invariantkwtm7, there is no difference.13:29
blami_sgtkilljoy: "NOTE: Even though all three screens are in use, you will not be able to move windows between the screens."13:29
sgtkilljoyoh, just read back.... nv :)13:29
invariantkwtm7, GPU drivers for example can put it in this state.13:30
CrazyZurferHi guys, is there a way to change the language but just to the terminal, not the whole operating system?, the problem is that when I want to ask for help I receive messages in spanish (my lang) :)13:30
kwtm7invariant: ?? What do you mean there is no difference?  But I used "sudo reboot" successfully previously.13:30
woozboozewel I got to go. Cya13:30
invariantkwtm7, like I said, there is no difference.13:30
invariantkwtm7, you just hit a GPU driver bug.13:30
invariantkwtm7, there is absolutely nothing you can do.13:30
blami_sgtkilljoy: thats not what I call reliable multihead. Also I am not allowed to use bumblebee as it imposes security risks13:30
kwtm7invariant: I guess the difference is that previously I did not hit a GPU driver bug?13:30
invariantkwtm7, yes, but that was just luck.13:30
invariantkwtm7, all AMD GPU drivers are full of bugs.13:31
Tm_TRedMint: language...13:31
kwtm7invariant: Ok. I will sudo sync and then shut down manually...13:31
sgtkilljoyblami_: wait for real drivers? could be a loooooooong wait13:31
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Martijn-NL_Hi everyone - i have installed Virtualbox on my host system (Windows 7). At Virtualbox I have created a new VirtualMachine (guest) with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (desktop-edition). I have mounted the DVD-rom drive, but it shows not up in Ubuntu? I added vboxsf to my administrator user. But I can't find the DVD-rom drive in my media folder... does anybody know how to fix this? =D13:31
kwtm7invariant: Oh, you can tell I have a AMD GPU driver?  Does Ubuntu use that even though I don't have a GPU card?13:31
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invariantkwtm7, if you get that without a discrete GPU card, you should report the bug.13:32
invariantkwtm7, because that's something which definitely should not happen.13:32
blami_sgtkilljoy: no, there's fix in progress in Xorg13:32
blami_sgtkilljoy: also wayland could solve a lot13:32
invariantkwtm7, and because you run Intel graphics, it can be fixed by developers.13:32
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kwtm7invariant: Not sure what you mean ... get what, the X server not responding?13:33
EaglemanWhy is there no stuff inside the folders: Media and SABnzbd ?  http://pastebin.com/Zs4CKs5N13:33
blami_sgtkilljoy: I would like to stick with Nvidia proprietary driver if I could. Unfortunately I can't use nvidia only on my lapotp13:33
invariantkwtm7, you said it was completely locked, didn't you?13:33
invariantkwtm7, that is, you cannot move the mouse pointer for example?13:33
invariantkwtm7, also, next time be more specific immediately.13:33
EaglemanWhen i mount a folder other mounted folders in that folders are not included with the mount?13:33
kwtm7invariant: I guess I'm a bit confused ... the X server has locked on me before, starting with v6.06 ... I guess it's just something that happens from time to time (say, every few months)13:34
blami_sgtkilljoy: I had numerous talks with dave airlie who's blessed person regarding all this stinky stuff. GPU offloading that goes to 1.14 is first step ...13:34
invariantkwtm7, there are different levels of locking.13:34
invariantkwtm7, some are completely fatal, some are not.13:34
kwtm7invariant: And in the past, I've been able to use "sudo reboot" to reboot.  However, this time when I do it, it fails to reboot.  I get the command prompt back.13:34
invariantkwtm7, this is then a different kind of crash than your previous ones.13:35
kwtm7invariant: But I *was* specific.  I focused specifically on the fact that sudo reboot did not reboot the system.  I did not ask for help at all about the graphics.13:35
invariantkwtm7, please.13:35
kwtm7So the question specifically, is, why doesn't "sudo reboot" reboot the system, instead of giving me the command prompt back?13:35
invariantkwtm7, are you now seriously suggesting that you have any idea about what you are doing?13:35
invariantkwtm7, the very first thing I said is the right answer still.13:35
kwtm7invariant: No, I'm not suggesting that ... otherwise I wouldn't ask for help.13:35
invariantkwtm7, just report your bug for the love of millions of systems with the same hardware.13:36
invariantkwtm7, but you should upgrade first, btw.13:36
kwtm7invariant: Ok, so you are saying that "reboot" does not reboot the system because of my PC architecture, but the same command worked before, so I'm trying to see what the difference is now, since the architecture hasn't changed.13:36
invariantkwtm7, I already told you that.13:37
invariantkwtm7, it's pure luck.13:37
Hatorikwtm7,look at your log,messages or syslog ...13:37
invariantkwtm7, the bug likely already existed before, but you just didn't hit it before.13:37
kwtm7invariant: Oh, wait, I see --there is something new on the "reboot" man page.  I'm supposed to do "sudo reboot -f" to force it.13:37
invariantkwtm7, no...13:38
kwtm7invariant: Ok, thx for your help anyway.  Will report the bug.13:38
EaglemanWhy is there no stuff inside the folders: Media and SABnzbd ?  http://pastebin.com/Zs4CKs5N13:38
TomyLoboshutdown -r now13:38
EaglemanWhen i mount a folder other mounted folders in that folders are not included with the mount?13:38
invariantTomyLobo, wrong.13:38
invariantTomyLobo, if your machine is really locked, you cannot do that.13:38
TomyLobothat's how i reboot my system when not in a gui13:38
invariantTomyLobo, it has _no_ effect.13:38
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down the windows does not shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can13:38
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down the windows does not shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can13:38
TomyLoboi'm not "frens" with spammers13:39
dr_willisEagleman: clarify what you mean13:39
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can13:39
Hatorisysrq magic key can be used ....13:39
EaglemanWhen i open sftp and go to the folder Media, there is nothing inside13:39
sgtkilljoyblami_ hmm... ive got some reading to do later... thanks man, Xorg fix sounds good, wayland....well :P13:40
Eaglemanhowever if i use samba there is stuff inside those folders13:40
TomyLoboinvariant in that case i'd just cycle power or something :P13:40
invariantTomyLobo, now, it would help if you would have read what I had said before.13:40
invariantTomyLobo, because I had said that 10 minutes ago already.13:41
RedMintI don't have permission to do something. How do I get into root, or whatever it is called?13:41
blami_sgtkilljoy: wayland is interesting piece of tech. I understand some basic principles of compositor inner workings thanks to it13:41
RedMintblami, also, I may have a fix if this works13:41
blami_sgtkilljoy: good ground for prototyping if nothing else at moment13:41
dr_willisRedMint: sudo command13:41
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can13:41
RedMintdr_jesus, what is the sudo command?13:41
blami_RedMint: you can override xrandr and disable it13:41
dr_willis!sudo | RedMint13:42
ubottuRedMint: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:42
RedMintThat makes sense13:42
blami_RedMint: then you will be able to mux both cards and outputs. There's glitch that you will loose acceleration (2D or 3D) on monitors connected to intel, so Unity won't work.13:42
sgtkilljoyblami_: internesting yes, also scary, i dont like change :)13:42
RedMintHow would I go about saving a file over one I don't have permission for?13:42
TomyLobough, why is ubottu rate-limited in queries?13:43
blami_sgtkilljoy: it's very early prototype still. They need at least one DE to jump in and fix a lot of things13:43
Eaglemandr_willis there is nothing in media at /chroot/sftp/user/home/user/Media  But there is at  /media/harddisks/data/users/user/Media/   SO it looks like the a mounted folder does not include other mounted folder in it13:43
PiciTomyLobo: use http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi if you need to look for a lot of information13:43
blami_sgtkilljoy: I understand youre scared but it is very soon to be scared. It will take a couple of years to have it production ready with all those fancy whistles an support from major proprietary driver makers13:44
dr_willisEagleman: ounds like a chroot issue.13:44
RedMintblami_ , how do I save a file I don't haave permission to save?13:44
blami_sgtkilljoy: on the other side valve and cannonical can help there a lot13:44
Eaglemanhow dr_willis13:44
blami_RedMint: sudo $EDITOR /path/to/file and then just use save in editor13:45
dr_willisEagleman:   dont use chrooted sftp.. no idea13:45
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can13:45
TomyLobo!repeat | tree8813:46
ubottutree88: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:46
RedMintblami, it says command not found :/13:46
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sgtkilljoyblami_: hopefully enough time 2 wrap my head round it so i dont hit head on :)13:47
ouyesTHis really is a nighmare, after I installed a wireless drive, and I cann't boot into my kernel , I have to choose a older kernel to boot in,13:47
mariannestill having flash issue freezing the computer in both Chrome and Firefox. Any ideas?13:48
BeastI just installed 12.10 onto a Toshiba with a 64 bit AMD athlon X2 which is rated at 2 Mz, while my macbook pro with a 2.16Mz x2 intel processor feels so much slower. Might the LVM install on the toshiba (the fact that the macbook pro was a standard partition install and/or an older install?) be responisible for the difference in feel?13:48
mariannerunning 12.04 AMD13:49
sgtkilljoyblami_: thaks 4 the insight man, g2g got a job on..... a windows based job, now that IS scary(or just painful)13:49
sgtkilljoylater guys13:49
blami_RedMint: better use 'sudo editor /path/to/file' in terminal. Should work.13:50
TomyLobohow about kdesu/gksu?13:51
ouyesok, I manually installed a wireless driver, when I try to reboot, I get a black screen, and it sucks, now I had to choose an old kernel to boot in, what is the problem, pls help me?13:52
RedMintblami, thank you. Now the moment of truth!13:52
Kartagiswhen someone sends a message, pidgin displays a smiley until I see the message. this happens with KDE. is there a way to do the same thing with cairo?13:52
TomyLoboouyes what do you mean by "manually"?13:53
TomyLoboouyes via "Additional Drivers" or some other way?13:53
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and gets stuck trying to shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can13:56
ouyesTomyLobo, download the source and compile it and install it13:56
ouyesTomyLobo, I reinstalled the kernel, I have to reboot, I hope I will see you again13:58
=== abailarri is now known as matxi
ujjainHow I disable the autodimming?14:01
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and gets stuck trying to shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can14:02
Alex____OK so I've just install Gnome 3 on my Ubuntu installation (Via Ubuntu Repos) When I try and login to the desktop all I get is a blank screen with just the Gnome 3 wallpaper. Any ideas ?14:03
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and gets stuck trying to shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can14:03
cowdog1i tryed to install amd drivers on ubuntu 12.1014:04
cowdog1it was a bad idea14:04
=== seednode1 is now known as seednode
tree88hi ssednode hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and gets stuck trying to shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can14:05
Picitree88: please stop repeating so often.14:06
cowdog1it sound like you hard drive is going14:06
CrazyZurferwhen I run apt-update, I get "W: Impossible to obtain http://ppa.launchpad.net/gwibber-daily/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found "14:06
CrazyZurferWhat is going on there? :)14:06
tree88pici i did if sme new entered could give me solution :S14:07
cowdog1its not the os its your comuter crazy14:07
cowdog1lol i mean comput14:07
mlkushanHi All, Could someone please suggest me a good tutorail for Ubuntu Server Hardening for Security?14:08
ujjainIt's a shame that so much configuration how to be done via command-line14:08
cowdog1look it up on youtube14:08
ujjainThere are not even brightness options, auto-dimming, almost no chanable settings14:08
mladouxso happy, my server is getting fixed14:10
Alex____mladoux: I just googled that and found serveral.14:10
Alex____Wrong person14:11
mladouxthought so14:11
mladouxno worries14:11
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Do you have any idea what that ppa was used for when you added it?14:11
b14d3Or realistically anyone can answer that I suppose. It's not one I recognize.14:12
Alex____Sounds to me like he's failing to connect to the HTTP protocal14:12
CrazyZurferb14d3: Nope :/14:13
b14d3Well I'm trying to figure out if A) he still has the software related to that ppa installed, and B) if it would be safe to remove it.14:13
CrazyZurferb14d3: Ah, i wanted to install caffeine: https://launchpad.net/caffeine14:14
CrazyZurferand I followed the steps14:14
tree88hi frens i just installed ubuntu 12.10 but i have problem in shutting down it does not shut down completely and gets stuck trying to shut down and i have to forceful shut down every time plse help me out if u can14:14
CrazyZurferb14d3: as i see the steps don't work :(, Any idea how to remove it? :)14:15
cowdog1its you computer bro14:15
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Keep looking into them, and see if the domain for the ppa changed, first. Don't want you to miss any updates.14:15
ckoneReboot computer see if there is an error in network disable firewall14:15
CrazyZurferb14d3: I'm new in ubuntu, don't know what you mean :)14:16
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Give me just a sec, I'll see what I can find out.14:16
Alex____I think people that don't know stuff shouldn't be answering questions in here.14:16
CrazyZurferb14d3: okay :)14:16
joey8Alex____→ free information is worth as much as you pay for it :¬)14:17
Alex____Not if it's wrong14:17
Alex____I notice it quite a lot in here14:17
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Alright, do you have any idea when you installed the software?14:17
CrazyZurferb13d3: Yesterday :P14:18
CrazyZurferb13d3: really, I haven't installed it yet, just added the PPA14:18
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Ah ok, since it doesn't look like the PPA is working, you can download it from the website. I'm going to go under the assumption that you're more comfortable using the gui anyway, is that a fair assumption?14:19
usr13CrazyZurfer: What are you wanting to install?14:19
CrazyZurferBut tried to install it before, by using the .deb but didn't work14:19
usr13CrazyZurfer: What happened?14:19
Alex____CrazyZurfer: You use "sudo dpkg -i something.deb" ?14:19
fripim booting ubuntu in a VM but when I click try ubuntu it lods but I cant click anything14:20
CrazyZurferusr13: it is for disabling the screensaver when I'm in full screen mode (watching a movie for example)14:20
fripnothing is selected on clicking it14:20
CrazyZurferAlex____: not yet14:20
fripubuntu 12.1014:20
carreraGreetings!  :)14:20
Alex____CrazyZurfer: It's the easiest way, the ubuntu software centre is horrible14:21
Kartagiswhen someone sends a message, pidgin displays a smiley until I see the message. this happens with KDE. is there a way to do the same thing with cairo?14:21
carreraI just installed tomcat7 on 12.04 Server. Does anyone know which port it listens on by default?14:21
b14d3CrazyZurfer: First, let's remove the ppa. You're going to need some of the information here, namely the path to the ppa. "sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:[path]"14:21
SelaIs there a channel for super-beginners? As in always used windows and just downloaded the latest ubuntu .iso14:22
usr13CrazyZurfer: Are you on 12.04?14:22
ckoneSela lol :)14:22
Alex____Sela: You can always Google your problems, before asking :)14:22
Sela12.10 i think14:22
CrazyZurferb14d3: ppa:gwibber-daily/ppa?? I'm in 12.1014:22
Toph2Sela,,, i believe you are in the right channel14:22
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Run sudo apt-get update again, as it should give you the full path that you need (the one that errors from your original question)14:23
marianneSela: have you looked for online documentation? There is a lot out there and it's very helpful for the beginner14:23
SelaThanks ^.^ just checking in seeing how friemdly it is here, might be back later14:23
usr13CrazyZurfer: did you do: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:caffeine-developers/ppa  ?14:24
usr13CrazyZurfer: And then:  sudo apt-get update  ?14:24
marianneSela: I've gotten a lot of very good advise here. just be patient when you post an issue. it may take a bit for them to get to you14:24
usr13CrazyZurfer: And then:  sudo apt-get install caffeine14:24
fripim booting into ubuntu 10.12 live but the cursor wont click anything14:25
CrazyZurferusr13: didn't run install command, but the rest is true :P14:25
usr13CrazyZurfer: Run install command14:25
frip12.10 sorry14:25
b14d3usr13: He was having a problem with a 404 at the ppa.14:26
CrazyZurferusr13: but if source is broken, shouldn't work14:26
usr13CrazyZurfer: Adding the repository was not successful?14:27
ckoneSounds like outdated ppa14:27
ZabrienIs there any way to install Ubuntu on a computer with preinstalled win8 without doing so from an external media (ie, no cd or usb flash drive)14:27
b14d3usr13: Adding it was, but I think he added the wrong path. That's why I was trying to help him remove that first.14:27
CrazyZurferusr13: Don't remember, I'm having err 404 when update14:27
usr13firefox http://ppa.launchpad.net/caffeine-developers/ppa/ubuntu/  does not give error14:29
usr13CrazyZurfer: Let me check.14:29
IdleOne!details | frip14:30
ubottufrip: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:30
IdleOnetry to keep it all in one post so it isn't fragmented and disjointed and complicated to follow14:30
frip just booted into the ubuntu 12.10 ISO14:30
fripI clicked test run but now the cursor does not click anything14:31
fripim using vrtualbox14:31
dtonalHello :-) Is it possible to install different linux distributions on one System?14:31
MonkeyDustdtonal  technically yes14:32
CrazyZurferb14d3: Don't know why update is getting so long :S14:32
fripso what do I do14:32
ckoneDtonal: try live usb or live cd play with it before install14:33
b14d3usr13: So what I was going to have him do was remove the ppa that's giving him a 404, and install it from the website. Not the ideal option, no; but it would get it installed for him and we could help move him through the ppa-adding steps later.14:34
dtonalOkay, that's a good Idea. I will try the live usb versions first. Thank you.14:34
MonkeyDustfrip  as soon as someone has the answer, they will try to help14:34
TomyLoboubottu recomments to do "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart"... if you have multiple window managers installed but not running, doesn't that start up all of them?14:34
ubottuTomyLobo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:34
ckoneFrip we are here. I just dont mess with virtual box anymore since live usb multi pass14:36
ckoneWell got to go have good day14:37
usr13b14d3: Well, yes, you are correct. If he has a bogus ppa, that would be the thing to do.14:39
b14d3usr13: That sound like a good series of steps to you?14:39
b14d3usr13: Hah, sorry about that. Slight lag in irssi14:39
usr13CrazyZurfer: sudo apt-get update gives errors?14:39
CrazyZurferb14d3: Here's the result http://pastebin.com/fh1XniAx14:39
usr13b14d3: No, that was me.14:39
CrazyZurferyup, these errors14:40
b14d3CrazyZurfer: What was the link to the steps that you said you followed?14:40
CrazyZurferb14d3: https://launchpad.net/+help-soyuz/ppa-sources-list.html14:42
usr13CrazyZurfer: Run  software-properties-gtk14:42
usr13CrazyZurfer: Find the offending ppa's and dissable them.14:42
usr13CrazyZurfer: dissable ppa's shown at  http://pastebin.com/fh1XniAx14:43
almoxarifeCrazyZurfer: you are pointing to a distro (quantal) that does not exist within the ppa, hence 40414:43
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Follow what usr13 is saying.14:43
CrazyZurferok, disabled, now checking apt-get update again :)14:45
ouyeshello everybody, luckily I can get here, I don't know what is wrong , this is really strange, I get a black screen when boot in, but if I boot into recoverymode and do nothing just choose resume, and I can boot in without any problem. so why I get a black screen when boot in via a normal way?14:45
b14d3What are the different ways (via cli) to get an app to run at login? I can't seem to find the way that I did it for an application, and a friend is trying to do the same thing.14:45
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CrazyZurferb14d3: done, apt-get update worked without errors :)14:46
CrazyZurferb14d3: now, how do I install caffeine :P14:47
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Going to test it on my machine real quick, one sec :)14:47
CrazyZurferb14d3: okay :P14:48
CrazyZurferb14d3: actually it is for adding a disable button in the top bar so you can disable the screensaver :)14:48
b14d3CrazyZurfer: I know what Caffeine is, I've used it since 2009 on Windows, I just meant adding the ppa and getting it to work14:48
almoxarifeouyes: via 'recovery' option the 'nomodeset' is employed, so you are using minimal graphics, the question then is, what is the modeset for the normal boot and why did it go south14:49
diverdudeHmm i have installed proftpd and added a linux user which can be used to login with proftpd. This seems to work fine, however when i log into ftp as this user, it seems to be possible to browse the entire directory structure on the server. Is it possible to restrict the user to only its $HOME directory?14:49
ouyesalmoxarife, I don't know what is modeset?14:50
ouyesalmoxarife, where can I find it14:50
usr13CrazyZurfer: Do you know how to cut-and-paste in ubuntu yet?14:50
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ouyesalmoxarife, should I run update grub?14:51
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Let me know when you're ready, as this will be all command line.14:51
CrazyZurferusr13: Actually I'm very newbie in ubuntu, recently installed it and i'm learning, don't be so rude14:51
almoxarifeouyes: more important question is what happened prior to losing graphics that is graphics related that may need to be undone, and update grub wont do anything14:52
CrazyZurferb14d3: ready ;)14:52
usr13CrazyZurfer: There are a couple ways:  1)  highlight text, go to terminal and hold shift key while hitting middle mouse button (if mouse does not have middle mouse button, just hit both at once).  2) Higlight text, Ctrl-c  (hold down Ctrl while hitting c)  go to terminal, hold Shift key and do Ctrl-v)14:52
b14d3CrazyZurfer: I don't think usr13 was being rude, it was a valid question, and necessary in a lot of cases.14:52
usr13CrazyZurfer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445365/14:52
dchernivdiverdude, DefaultRoot ~14:52
ouyesalmoxarife, I don't know, I have do nothing about the graphics14:52
usr13CrazyZurfer: The above commands should add the ppa for cafeine.14:53
ouyesalmoxarife, just installed a wireless driver14:53
usr13CrazyZurfer: Paste them one at a time.14:53
b14d3CrazyZurfer: usr13 is completely right, those were the exact steps I was going to have you do.14:53
CrazyZurferb14d3: ok, I just didn't know that was a nice question, lol14:54
padhuanybody give me the guidelines for indic fonts (unicode) support on scribus14:54
padhuscribus 1.4.1.. ^^^^14:54
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Generally assume that questions in here are with the best intentions. It's far better than assuming especially when someone does say that they are very new. That means different things to different people.14:54
almoxarifeouyes: go to terminal, please, run this command, 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit' <-- copy paste would be the easiest14:54
usr13CrazyZurfer: Did you successfully remove the bogus ppa's?14:55
CrazyZurferb14d3: okay ^^14:55
CrazyZurferuser13: yup, thanks! :D!14:55
Octal_Hello everybody. Did anyone manage to fully « configure » the Sony Vaio Z Touchpad on Ubuntu ?14:55
usr13CrazyZurfer: Ok the pastebin I gave you should do the trick.14:56
ouyesalmoxarife, done14:56
ouyesalmoxarife, I think I found the problem,14:57
almoxarifeouyes: ok14:57
ouyesalmoxarife, I get very slow of image refresh14:57
ouyesalmoxarife, there is something wrong with the intel vga card14:58
b14d3Can anyone tell me the different ways to get a program to load at login?14:58
CrazyZurfersomething went wrong, getting errors, trying apt-get update once again :)14:58
ouyesalmoxarife, ivb cpu get a vga card inside it14:58
usr13Maybe CrazyZurfer has network issue?14:58
almoxarifeouyes: via terminal, 'pastebinit /var/log/syslog' , share the output link14:59
usr13CrazyZurfer: What errors do you see?14:59
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Could you pastebin the errors if it does it again?14:59
CrazyZurferyup, doing it14:59
CrazyZurferb14d3, usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445382/15:00
ouyesalmoxarife, the command seems stop, nothing there15:01
b14d3Oh man15:01
almoxarifeouyes: odd, ok15:01
ouyesalmoxarife, I see the file is huge15:01
b14d3CrazyZurfer: It looks like you're getting errors on literally everything. Did it do this before you removed the ppa?15:02
CrazyZurferb14d3: nope, Wanna connect to my computer via teamviewer?15:03
CrazyZurferb14d3: as I see everything is crashing xD15:03
b14d3CrazyZurfer: I'm at work, so I'm limited in that regard.15:03
usr13CrazyZurfer: ping -c3 av.com15:03
dupondjeSomebody around here that knows alot from data recovery ? Like photorec? Got some specific question :)15:03
b14d3usr13: You may need to help here. I am unfamiliar with the method of disabling the ppa that you had him do.15:03
usr13blami_: I think he has a network problem.15:04
CrazyZurferusr13:3 packets transmitted, 2 received, 33% packet loss, time 2329ms15:04
b14d3Definitely looks like network issues now15:04
usr13CrazyZurfer: 33% packet loss....?15:05
MonkeyDustdupondje  better ask the specific question15:05
usr13CrazyZurfer: host av.com15:05
usr13CrazyZurfer: What kind of network connection do you have?15:05
dupondjeWell, is there any tool that can recover a file created with dd, which is then opened with looputil to /dev/loopX ?15:06
CrazyZurferNormal wifi at home? :)15:06
ouyesalmoxarife, http://pastebin.com/kbzJF6cc15:06
dupondjewould Photorec be able to recover such file or ?15:06
almoxarifeCrazyZurfer: http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ <-- that site is down,15:06
CrazyZurferI should try to get sources from another server? CL server is in my country15:07
ouyesalmoxarife, it seems the bios was trying to boot in via nvidia's card driver15:07
usr13CrazyZurfer: iwconfig |pastebinit15:07
Evil_Erichello predit can i help you15:08
pozhello, I am looking for assistance with partitioning when installing ubuntu 12.1015:08
Evil_Ericok what exactly are you trying to do15:08
Evil_Ericnever mind the master dr_willis_ has joined and can probally help you alot better than me15:09
pozI made 1 as boot, one as root, one as home, one as swap, and the last one I wanted to wait until later (with gpart) to format it as NTFS but it says that it is unuseable15:09
MonkeyDustpoz  try deleting it, first15:10
pozI did15:10
pozI click the new partition table thingy15:10
almoxarifeCrazyZurfer: look at the paste,   http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ <-- that site is down, it is not your connection15:10
b14d3almoxarife: He's also having connection issues.15:11
pozthe last partition has everything grayed out and says that it can not be used15:11
usr13CrazyZurfer: Link Quality=53/70  Signal level=-57 dBm    There's your problem, you're in the mud.15:11
b14d3almoxarife: Regardless of whether or not that site is down, to a completely different site he's getting 33% packet loss.15:11
pozI am wondering if there is a max number of partitions allowed?15:11
gmachine_24Greetings. I have some old hard drives I am ditching but I want to do an overwrite before I let them go. What do people recommend as a good CLI tool to accomplish this? Thanks.15:12
usr13CrazyZurfer: Improve your posittion (yours or the router's).15:12
CrazyZurferusr13: don't understand15:12
MonkeyDustpoz  max 4 primary partitions15:12
pozoh i see15:12
pozso should i make /home logical or what ever the other option is?15:13
CrazyZurferlet me try another router, I've got like 4 (it's a big house, earthquake proff as any chilean house)15:13
MonkeyDustpoz  type sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit and paste the url here15:13
almoxarifeCrazyZurfer: choose another server, perhaps 'main server' till 'cl' works15:13
usr13CrazyZurfer: When you see anything below Link Quality of 60, you're going to have problems. That's the way it is with most wifi connections.  There is a threshold somewhere around 60%, anything below is "in the mud", anything above is ok.15:14
CrazyZurferusr13: Link Quality=48/70  Signal level=-62 dBm  better? :)15:14
CrazyZurferamozarife: I'll try ;)15:14
usr13CrazyZurfer: no15:14
CrazyZurferusr13: ok, I'll walk towards the router15:15
usr13CrazyZurfer: You just have to experiment and see.  There may be something wrong with the router, could be weak radio.  Could be the wifi card on your pc, could be weak xmtr or bad antenna at either end.  Or there is just too much furnature etc. in the way.15:15
Sailapt-get autoremove gud or bad command?15:16
almoxarifeSail: good15:16
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pozmonkeydust, did you see my pastebin?15:17
usr13CrazyZurfer: 70/70 is good as it gets. 60/70 is ok,  you get down to 55/70 or below, you are "in the mud".15:17
ouyesalmoxarife, any ideas?15:17
ouyesalmoxarife, have you find the paste?15:17
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usr13CrazyZurfer: You can test:  ping -c3 av.com15:18
CrazyZurferusr13: Link Quality=70/70  Signal level=-27 dBm15:18
usr13CrazyZurfer: Good as gold15:18
Sailalmoxarife: thanx15:18
MonkeyDustpoz  seen it15:18
pozdo I need the swap?15:19
pozI have 16 gb ram15:19
Sailalmoxarife: autoremove say tht linux-headers-3.5.0-17 linux-headers-3.5.0-17-generic15:19
CrazyZurfer3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2054ms15:19
MonkeyDustpoz  on sdb, create a logical partition, inside that, create the other partitions15:19
usr13CrazyZurfer: There you go,  0% packet loss15:19
Sailthis package is not in use should i remove this package hope its not harm my system later almoxarife15:19
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pozokay, I think that is what I will do.15:20
pozMonkeyDust, Do I need the swap partition?15:20
usr13CrazyZurfer: sudo apt-get install caffeine15:20
MonkeyDustpoz  create it, you can disable it afterwards15:20
CrazyZurferusr13: before apt-get update?15:21
almoxarifeSail: what kernel is being used? 3.5.0-18? dont toss the headers if they are for the current kernel, did you remove something that you should not have?15:21
pozwell I am off to reinstall this than!15:21
b14d3CrazyZurfer: You shouldn't need to update it again, but if you want to, run it before the install15:21
pozone other question though. what is the difference between ubuntu LTS and not LTS15:21
Sailalmoxarife: no15:21
MonkeyDustpoz  longer support15:21
CrazyZurferso, it was all a connection problem? too far from the router?15:22
pozis there any support with 12.10?15:22
b14d3CrazyZurfer: I wouldn't say "all."15:22
Picipoz: There are 18 months of support for non-LTS releases.15:23
pozoh i see15:23
pozthank you pici and monkeydust15:23
MonkeyDustpoz  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#Releases15:23
CrazyZurferb14d3: it's weird, from that position I can download files very quickly 1.8Mb/s15:23
usr13CrazyZurfer: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install caffeine15:24
mladouxserver fixed, well, it will be once I stop making typos in the network config, lol15:24
CrazyZurferb14d3: how do I use caffeine :)15:25
mladouxwrong window, lol15:25
CrazyZurferusr13: thanks for all ;)!15:25
b14d3CrazyZurfer: Never used it in Linux. Check the documentation :)15:25
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usr13CrazyZurfer: send pizza and beer15:26
b14d3Does anyone know how to make a program load at login?15:26
b14d3usr13: Seconded.15:26
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CrazyZurfernow I have to figure out how to use that program xD15:27
b14d3CrazyZurfer: That site should have pretty good documentation on all of it. And, at least in Windows, it's super easy to use.15:28
oracle_I just got a 4k SSD drive.  putting Ubuntu server on it tonight and ive got a question: Does GParted use cfdisk in the background?  "man fdisk" says that cfdisk is preferred15:30
mladouxb14d3, are you talking shell or gui?15:31
CrazyZurferb14d3: windows is easier to use than ubuntu :P.15:32
CrazyZurferI've got it working now :D! Thank you guys!15:32
b14d3mladoux: The program would have to be run in the gui.15:32
usr13b14d3: ~/.config/autostart/15:32
mladouxWhat gui you running ( not all gui's honor that usr13 )15:33
almoxarifeb14d3: alt-f2 , type 'start'15:33
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b14d3Umm... good question. Anyway I can tell via cli? I haven't actually used the GUI in forever.15:35
ouyesalmoxarife, I just edit the boot configuration add nomodeset , and I can boot in now15:36
ouyesalmoxarife, but I feel that the IVB intel vga card is at it lowest performance15:37
b14d3almoxarife: I'm actually just ssh'd into my machine, so everything has to be via terminal15:37
EaglemanIs there a way to make backups of mysql the same way rsnapshot does?15:37
almoxarifeb14d3: what distro you ssh'ing into?15:37
mladouxI have to go to work now, see you all later15:38
dchernivEagleman, yes but mysqld has to be stopped15:38
dchernivEagleman, plus whats wrong with mysqldump?15:38
b14d3almoxarife: Ubuntu, running 12.0415:38
mynameisdeletedso.. my main system is another linux distro.. if I install ubuntu in a chrooted dir and run sshd there on another port like 25, and set all my linux ssh config files to ssh into that host-name (sharing a debian ip but no thostname) to use the new ubuntu port ot log into the ubuntu root fs.. does that count as also running ubuntu?15:39
EaglemanNothing i guess15:39
almoxarifeouyes: nomodeset option in regular grub options is the same as 'recovery' , mostly, recovery also sets 'nomodeset'15:39
mynameisdeletedany software that needs ubuntu shares the home dirs, kernel, and /etc/passwd files with the host debian system and kernel15:39
EaglemanI should just stick with mysqldump then15:39
almoxarifeb14d3: you can run grpahics apps via ssh, one of those apps would be the 'autostart' config, not sure what the command is though15:40
almoxarifeb14d3: hell, you should be able to run 'runner' via ssh with x11 forwarding i would think15:40
b14d3almoxarife: Hm, mine is currently working, but ~/.config/autostart doesn't exist.15:40
Zabrienhow much space is needed on a CD for the Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit .iso ?15:41
mynameisdeletedthis is alternative to running qemu or virtualbox, which I beleive is faster but less secure, but the secure issue is less if both ssystems use same homes and passwords and have the same users15:41
almoxarifeb14d3: here is nice trick to use if you have ssh with x11 forwarding, run your filebrowser, then head to /usr/share/applications , there choose the graphics app that you need to run, simple and direct15:43
ZabrienI tried to burn it to a 700 MB disc, but was told that there was insufficient space15:43
ouyesalmoxarife, why I get very slow image15:43
SeptimaZabrien: its just under 800 mb15:43
almoxarifeouyes: no idea15:43
SeptimaZabrien: you'll need a dvd or a usb15:43
b14d3almoxarife: And that allows the program to always run at boot?15:44
almoxarifeouyes: you are using nomodeset , that usually drops you down to the worse of graphics capabilities15:44
ZabrienSeptima: thanks. Mty computer won't boot from USB for some reason, so I guess I'll need to go find an empty dvd15:44
almoxarifeb14d3: did you mean root?15:44
b14d3almoxarife: No. I meant at boot, or at login.15:44
ouyesalmoxarife, but if I don't use nomodeset then I can't boot in15:45
ZabrienIs it possible to install an older version of Ubuntu (old enough to fit on a regular CD) on a system that has to boot via EFI?15:46
almoxarifeb14d3: it would if you configure some app to start at login, usually those are 'user' apps15:46
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SeptimaZabrien: i'd give unetbootin on the usb a try..15:46
almoxarifeouyes: you can use the present settings to trouble-shoot, you said that it worked fine before, before you did what?15:47
SeptimaZabrien: it's possible to install an older version and upgrade after it's installed, but it's not recommended15:47
ZabrienSeptima: I tried with USB's created using 3 different programs (LiLi, unetbootin and universal...), none would boot15:47
ZabrienSeptima: I am mainly concerned if the older versions of the live CD's will boot via EFI15:48
ouyesalmoxarife, I oclHashcat-plus-0.0915:48
ouyesalmoxarife, I think I use oclHashcat-plus-0.09 changes some settings15:48
ouyesalmoxarife, but I don't know15:49
SeptimaZabrien: some usb drives just won't boot... so it might be the drive at fault; Zabrien if it didn't boot, i'd be upset with my bios/efi at that point15:49
almoxarifeouyes: i dont know what that is or does15:49
ZabrienSeptima: I am, very much so by now15:49
Ubuntu-Userhello, my pc got accidently unplugged and turned off a few days ago, ever since, i can't access my session. i can access the guest session through which i can't access /home. anyone know what i should try next ? i need to copy my home directory to my externel hard drive and format everything and reinstall ubuntu all over again. you help will be greatly appreciated15:50
almoxarifeouyes: if you are not using that package now, purge it, sudo apt-get purge oclhashcat*15:50
SeptimaZabrien: this may be an option for you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:51
Ubuntu-Userhello, my pc got accidently unplugged and turned off a few days ago, ever since, i can't access my session. i can access the guest session through which i can't access /home. anyone know what i should try next ? i need to copy my home directory to my external* hard drive and format everything and reinstall ubuntu all over again. you help will be greatly appreciated15:51
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SeptimaUbuntu-User: you can probably access your /home via grub menu (hit E to access the command line) or via live cd15:52
ZabrienSeptima: Thanks. I found an empty dvd now. The IT-department had some I could have.15:53
Ubuntu-UserI can't boot from USB although i burned a USB copy of Ubuntu using the "dd" command.15:54
Septimai've never tried it with the dd command... always used unetbootin or something similar for usb15:54
kassimhi guys!15:54
Ubuntu-Uservia Root and via terminal, <Septima>, I can't access it. The only thing i see in my home directory are ecryptfs folders and files.15:54
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Ubuntu-Usermy home directory seems empty. i thought maybe it's because i may have encrypted it. so i tried using the command ecryptfs-mount-private and the commande ecryptfs-recover-private. neither worked. said it couldn't find an encrypted directory15:56
Ubuntu-Usercan 250 gigs disappear because of a single hard shut down ?15:56
SeptimaUbuntu-User: yeah, if they're encrypted, i don't know what to tell you... there should be a key or something somewhere to unencrypt them.. maybe almoxarife can help you there, that's something i've not done15:56
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it's possible.. do you have a hdd or ssd?15:57
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* almoxarife knows little about crypto drives :) ,15:57
Septimai assume he's talking about ubuntu's user encryption15:58
Septimawhich i never enable15:58
Ubuntu-Useri can't remember enabling it but how else can you explain my home being empty ?15:58
Ubuntu-Useri think i have ssd. how would i know ?15:59
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it's possible the head(s) on the hdd landed there and kill that section of the drive15:59
almoxarifeSeptima: me either, for the very reason he brings up, its crypto for a reason, and i dont think i am or will ever be smart enough to undo a crypto error15:59
mystblade9Hi. I'd like to switch to Linux as my main OS again (as soon as I fix the wifi network card), but there are several things I need from my computer that, as far as I know, only Windows has sufficient applications for. Those include: composing and recording music (my tool of choice in Windows is REAPER), creating special effects videos with Adobe After Effects, doing digital painting with my15:59
mystblade9Wacom tablet (tool of choice in Windows: Adobe Photoshop. I've seen some pretty impressive digital paintings done in GIMP so I know GIMP should be good enough.) <-- I'd like to avoid dual-booting because having to switch to Windows every time I have inspiration stifles my creativity. What solutions are available? Are virtual machines good enough for these purposes? (As far as i've researched,15:59
mystblade9they're not). Buying a laptop to complement my Windows desktop computer is an option, but if I can avoid spending money on a new laptop, i'd rather do so.15:59
FloodBot1mystblade9: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:59
mystblade9Wow, my message was so long that the bot regarded it as flooding? xD15:59
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oracle_bump--> I just got a 4k SSD drive.  putting Ubuntu server on it tonight and ive got a question: Does GParted use cfdisk in the background?  "man fdisk" says that cfdisk is preferred16:00
Septimamystblade9: some have got adobe products to run in wine, virtual machines may be an option, alternatives on the linux side are gimp and inkscape; if you go the vm route you'll need enough ram... i'm sure there's direct alternatives to the other stuff.. lemme look into it16:01
Ubuntu-Useranyone, please, i really need to recover my data :(16:02
srhbUbuntu-User: You're probably going to have to study ecryptfs-recover-private16:03
Septimamystblade9: http://alternativeto.net/software/reaper/?platform=linux16:03
Ubuntu-Userps : i'm such an idiot, my drive is not ssd at all. that technology is far too new and expensive. i have the regular hdd.16:03
srhbUbuntu-User: When you tried it, were you booted from the LiveCD?16:04
SeptimaUbuntu-User: i'd give the live cd a try, as it may bypass permissions better than the local install16:04
Ubuntu-Useri'm using a netbook, no dvd drive. so i burned the ubuntu iso onto a usb and tried booting from the usb to repair it. it wouldn't boot from the usb16:04
SeptimaUbuntu-User: if that doesn't work, come back and we will break out some more advanced tools16:04
SeptimaUbuntu-User: try unetbootin16:05
Ubuntu-Userok. i'll go learn how to burn an iso file unto a bootable usb using unetbootin16:05
Ubuntu-Userthanks Septima and srhb16:05
gvfttechnicien hi16:07
gvfttechnicien have a question16:07
gvfttechnicienI have a domain that I want to forward to a zentyal server which is within a lan controlled by a clearos dns proxy firewall server.16:07
gvfttechnicienI put my static isp address within the domain management (godaddy) then forward the port 80 from the main router to the clearos server then to the clearos to the zentyal server.... I still cannot reach my domain... Is it normal??16:07
gvfttechnicienHowever within my network, I can reach my domain which is registered in the clearos dns server16:07
FloodBot1gvfttechnicien: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:07
DataLate_i'd need some help with dual monitors16:09
DataLate_when i run fullscreen application on the main one, the second one gets disabled16:09
DataLate_and when i close the application16:09
DataLate_it stays disabled16:09
DataLate_i need to restart my window manager to get it back working16:10
DataLate_what's the problem?16:10
gvfttechnicienI have a domain that I want to forward to a zentyal server which is within a lan controlled by a clearos dns proxy firewall server.16:10
gvfttechnicienI put my static isp address within the domain management (godaddy) then forward the port 80 from the main router to the clearos server then to the clearos to the zentyal server.... I still cannot reach my domain... Is it normal??16:10
Septimaalmoxarife: i just read a bit on that encryption stuff.. apparently when you encrypt your home like that it gives you a popup with a key and tells you to put that key somewhere safe. if you can log in and the drive area with that key isn't damaged, you can get it; or if you can boot with a live cd and use sudo ecryptfs-recover-private, it may find the encrypted /home and key and let you unencrypt16:10
Septimawith your passphrase.. if that doesn't work, then you're out of luck without having the key backed up16:10
gvfttechniciencan somebody help me16:11
gvfttechnicienI have a domain that I want to forward to a zentyal server which is within a lan controlled by a clearos dns proxy firewall server.16:11
gvfttechnicienI put my static isp address within the domain management (godaddy) then forward the port 80 from the main router to the clearos server then to the clearos to the zentyal server.... I still cannot reach my domain... Is it normal??16:11
gvfttechnicienHowever within my network, I can reach my domain which is registered in the clearos dns server16:11
DataLate_dont spam ffs ..16:11
jribgvfttechnicien: Please stop repeating so ofter.  And please do not use multiple lines for your question.16:11
jriboften even16:11
Septimagvfttechnicien: try #networking16:11
thor1hi guys, good morning, some one knows if getdeb is offline?16:12
Septimai personally don't think it's a good idea to use that encrypted user file stuff... didn't think it was on windows either, though apparently it's crackable on windows; at the end of the day, i'd rather just use truecrypt16:13
x-warriorHey I'm trying to test USB IP, when I use sudo usbip_bind_driver --usbip 4-1 I receive a WARNING **: add 4-1 to match_busid, failed, and If I try to connect to this USB the daemon shows "not found requested device 4-1 "16:13
gacthor1: http://blog.getdeb.net/ says they've had a power outage, and according to the comments they were still offline on dec 15th16:14
gacso i'm guessing it's still down now16:14
almoxarifethor1: it getdeb a ppa?16:15
thor1gac, thank you very much,16:16
thor1almoxarife, yes16:16
krofnaHoly hell, why is doxygen package 1GB? Isn't there something more....compact  I can use to generate doxygen documentations?16:16
cfeddethink of all the code you did not have to write!16:16
pozI need some help. I reinstalled ubuntu to 12.10 and it is flipping out16:16
almoxarifethor1: as long as you see '404' error via 'apt-get update' for getdeb, they are down16:16
Septimapoz: define flipping out16:17
pozwhen I boot it, i get this black screen that says "[ o.k ]"16:17
krofnaWell thats one way to think about it :D16:17
MonkeyDust!info doxygen16:17
ubottudoxygen (source: doxygen): Documentation system for C, C++, Java, Python and other languages. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 2457 kB, installed size 7338 kB16:17
Septimapoz: maybe a bad install or corrupt installation media16:17
krofnaNeed to get 632 MB of archives.16:17
krofnaAfter this operation, 968 MB of additional disk space will be used.16:17
pozand when I open firefox it goes black for a few seconds and then I have to log in again16:17
Punish3rwhat is the best software that do the job like AutoCAD in windows for Ubuntu?16:17
cfeddekrofna: how big is your disk?16:17
gacpoz: is that in a real or virtual machine?16:18
krofnaNot paying too much attention16:18
gacah, that's a "known issue" with virtualbox, you can't install 12.10 reliably yet and I get those exact symptoms16:18
gacif it's real, then /shrug ;)16:18
Septimapoz: you said you reinstalled, did any hardware change between the installs?16:18
cfeddekrofna: also lots of the stuff is infrastructure for the whole java way of life.  As you use more and more java based tools the amount of new space consumed used will drop off.16:19
pozI used pendrive to put in on usb16:19
Septimapoz: then i'd say it's a corrupt install, something to do with X or some manager on top of it; maybe a corrupt installation media16:19
pozmaybe it was corrupet?16:19
pozyeah maybe16:19
cfeddepoz: the reistall succeeds? but the system crashes when you run firefox?16:19
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cfeddeWhy did you do the re-install the first time?16:20
Punish3rHey guys.....i was wondering if somebody knows what is the best software that do the job like AutoCAD in windows for Ubuntu.16:20
pozalso when I am in grub, and I pick ubuntu, it does not load, it just stays black with an [ o.k. ] on the screen16:20
almoxarifepoz: run firefox from terminal, look for the crash message or look in /var/log/syslog16:20
pozto log in i have to go to advanced ubuntu options16:20
dr_willis_Punish3r: try   qcad16:21
cfeddeqcad is pretty nice 2d cad.16:21
SeptimaPunish3r: http://alternativeto.net/software/autocad/?platform=linux16:21
Punish3rthank you very much dr_willis16:21
pozI can not open up pastebin, how do I get the /var/log/syslog over to you?16:23
pozDec 17 09:21:06 ComputePozUbuntu gnome-session[5045]: Gdk-WARNING: gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.#01216:24
pozDec 17 09:21:06 ComputePozUbuntu acpid: client 4835[0:0] has disconnected16:24
pozDec 17 09:21:06 ComputePozUbuntu acpid: client connected from 6441[0:0]16:24
pozDec 17 09:21:06 ComputePozUbuntu acpid: 1 client rule loaded16:24
FloodBot1poz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
pozthats what happend16:24
sajanekHi all, I have a simple question: how can I forward ppoe padi packets? I need to reach by pppoe a server, that is behind a firewall...16:24
pozsorry, i had to16:25
pozthat is what happends when I try to open firefox16:25
MonkeyDustsajanek  if it's behind a firewall, maybe it isnt supposed to forward packages to16:27
sajanekMonkeyDust it's my firewall :)16:27
sajanekI need to pass throught this packets16:27
sajanekand get a connection16:27
ghatakHi guys16:32
nocturnI'm trying to dual boot 2 Ubuntu versions, but Grub only picks up the first installed.  What can I check?16:32
nocturnVersions are 12.04 and 12.1016:32
Septimanocturn: have you tried running sudo update-grub?16:32
ghatakI have recently started to use Ubuntu 12.10. Super + S is designated shortcut to switch workspaces. everytime I use it, a context menu pops up for one of the applications in the quick launch bar as if I right clicked on it. When I have not even touched the mouse. I am really confused why is this the case ? Can anyone help please ?16:33
nocturnSeptima, that did something!  I will try rebooting now16:33
savrI've installed MAAS. I only have one server (acting as master) now that I wish to install openstack. In about two weeks I'm adding another node. Am I suppose to add my master server as a node to maas?16:35
itsjustme_hello, i'm surfing from the CD (12.10) and wanted to change my system partition, but gpartet searches for partitions half an hour, and then it says, there are no partitons on my HDD, but they appear in the task-bar and in the Programm "Disks", which dont let me resize partitions16:35
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MonkeyDustsavr  try #ubuntu-server16:36
itsjustme_can you help me more, then tha ones at quakenet?16:36
savrok MonkeyDust16:36
szxwhat's most advanced IRC client for GNOME?16:37
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  whats the output of sudo blkid|pastebinit ?16:37
fishbaitmy second monitor is being seen as crt-1 and is stuck at 640x480 can someone help here?16:38
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itsjustme_MonkeyDust, it says i have to activate universe to use pastebinit16:39
fishbaitmy second monitor is being seen as crt-1 and is stuck at 640x480 can someone help here?16:39
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ouyeshey, guys, I don't know what is wrong, I Have two kernels one is 3.5.0-17 one is 3.5.0-19, I can boot into 17 and works just fine, but if I choose to boot into 19, the IVB intel hd4000 card seems to work under very low performance, do you what could be the problem?16:41
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  system settings, software sources16:41
sajanekpppoe-replay does exactly what I want. It's a little pity that in user-space - but I have to live with it16:42
sajanekthanks for helping me16:42
fishbaiti have the full specs including h-refresh and v-refresh ranges16:42
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: I installed pastebin with ubuntu software center know, sudo blkid|pastebinit does nothing16:43
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Septimaitsjustme_: just do sudo blkid and copy it to pastebin and post us the link16:43
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  try sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit16:43
fishbaitmy second monitor is being seen as crt-1 and is stuck at 640x480 can someone help here? i know the native resoloution and rangees for the horizontal and vertical rerfresh rates. little help here?16:44
Septimahow goes it Ubuntu-User?16:44
Ubuntu-Userwell, i figured something out, but i don't know if it will work16:45
SeptimaUbuntu-User: what's that?16:45
dchernivfishbait, pastebin output of xrandr command16:46
Ubuntu-Userwhen i installed ubuntu, i partitioned it in a way where i put ubuntu on a small partition and my home on a different much bigger partition. the partition that my home is in is sda216:46
SeptimaUbuntu-User: try this: sudo ecryptfs-recover-private16:46
Ubuntu-Userso what i did was, i started a copy of my 233 Gb partition = sda2 on my external hard drive which is sdc.16:46
Ubuntu-Useri don't know if after formating and reinstalling ubuntu, i will be able to restore my sda216:47
Septimait should say it's searching for encrypted partitions.. if it finds one it'll ask you if you want to attempt opening it.. and you type in the user password associated with the /home16:47
Ubuntu-Useri already have tried this command. it says i don't have an encrypted directory16:47
Ubuntu-Useri'm sure my home is encrypted. 233 Gb of data doesn't disappear over a hard shut down. i refuse to believe it16:48
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445593/16:48
SeptimaUbuntu-User: from what i've been reading while you were away, apparently if that command doesn't work and you didn't make a backup of your mount passphrase for the encryption, then you're out of luck... excluding attempts at bruteforcing it16:48
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  what was your initial qurstion again?16:48
brokedcomputerHow is the Ubuntu 12 support for three heads on ATI cards (6850)16:49
SeptimaUbuntu-User: you could image and file carve the /home, but what you get will be encrypted most likely16:49
Ubuntu-Useri guess i have to learn how to bruteforce it then :(16:49
ghatakI have recently started to use Ubuntu 12.10. Super + S is designated shortcut to switch workspaces. everytime I use it, a context menu pops up for one of the applications in the quick launch bar as if I right clicked on it. When I have not even touched the mouse. I am really confused why is this the case ? Can anyone help please ?16:49
ZabrienI just installed Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. When starting up, it seems to be on the inital loading screen (the one there the background colour has changed but no loading bar) for quite a long time before loading. Is there something that can be done about that?16:49
itsjustme_i want to change make my partition bigger(it's just 7Gb, because thought i would just test ubuntu, but know it's my main OS16:49
Ubuntu-Userhow do i bruteforce it ?16:50
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: i want to change make my partition bigger(it's just 7Gb, because thought i would just test ubuntu, but know it's my main OS16:50
black_angelhow to know which file system I am using?16:50
almoxarifeghatak: which app?16:50
fishbaitdcherniv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/144559816:50
dchernivfishbait, whats the resolution for the monitor?16:50
SeptimaUbuntu-User: i'm not sure, we'd have to first find out what algorithm it uses, how your user passphrase incorporates, possibly develop a custom script or application, and wait for x amount of time to bruteforce it... which could be years16:51
ghatakalmoxarife: everything, pessing Super+S results in the above16:51
fishbaitcurrently 640x480 it supports 1280x102416:51
ghatakalmoxarife: if I click on window switcher button, same behaviour16:51
SuperLagI've got a GUI app that I start by running a shell script. How can I make a launcher for this that goes on to the sidebar?16:51
Ubuntu-User:O years :O16:51
fishbaitand its an lcd not a crt16:51
Ubuntu-Userit's that well encrypted ? :|16:51
black_angelI can't find out which file system i am using just used "sudo fdisk -l" command.16:51
SuperLagI knew how to do it with pre-Unity versions of Ubuntu... but Unity... ugh.16:51
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it would depend on the algorithm used and whether any vulnerabilities have been found in that algorithm16:52
black_angelso, some one has any idea?16:52
almoxarifeghatak: can you snapshot and imagebin what you are talking about?16:52
llutzblack_angel: sudo blkid or mount   |grep "/ "16:52
Ubuntu-Userwhy isn't my login password enough to decrypt it ?16:52
dchernivfishbait, run xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_50.00"  89.38  1280 1352 1488 1696  1024 1025 1028 1054  -HSync +Vsync16:52
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  my advice: backup and re-partition16:52
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.16:52
KI4ROSuperLag, Once it is running it should show up in the launcher...right click on it and select stay in launcher16:52
dchernivfishbait, then add it to DVI-I-116:53
Ubuntu-Useri mean if the ecryptfs could corrupt & is preventing me from entering my session, why can't i access it using my normal password after reinstalling all of ubuntu including ecryptfs16:53
black_angelllutz: thanks, man. That's it.16:53
Ubuntu-Usergot* corrupt16:53
llutzblack_angel: just a hint: fdisk knows nothing about filesystems really used. it just knows partition-ids16:54
dchernivfishbait, xrandr --addmode DVI-I-1 1280x1024_50.0016:54
SeptimaUbuntu-User: because there's another passphrase stored in the encryption16:56
Marvin_Leoam considering changing my 10.4.1 LTS Unity desktop to gnome3, is it a wise thing?  are there chances of instability?  I somehow dislike Unity apperance16:56
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it appears ubunu uses aes algorithm.. so yeah, probably years to brute force it..16:56
Ubuntu-Useri have absolutely no recollection of configuring the passphrase16:56
black_angelllutz: actually that's right.16:57
fishbaitx error bad match16:57
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: recognized query?16:57
fishbaitdcherniv: x error bad match16:57
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it should have greeted you with a popup at some point and told you to save the mount passphrase16:58
SeptimaUbuntu-User: looks like the 2nd image down: http://www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu/16:58
Ubuntu-Useri remember the pop up, i don't remember whether i choose a passphrase or dismissed the message.16:58
srhbUbuntu-User: Do you at least have the ~/.ecryptfs folder?16:58
srhbUbuntu-User: It was probably generated for you.16:58
Ubuntu-Useryes, that folder is present16:58
dchernivfishbait, hm16:59
srhbUbuntu-User: Is there a wrapped-passphrase file there?16:59
dchernivfishbait, pastebin glxinfo output16:59
Ubuntu-Userno there isn't. i would have checked to make sure now, but my console is in the middle of copying 233 Gb.16:59
Ubuntu-Userbut i'm pretty sure that wrapped passphrase file isn't there16:59
srhbUbuntu-User: Ah well. If you cannot recover your mount passphrase from anywhere, your data is, for all intents and purposes, gone.17:00
almoxarifeUbuntu-User: just for the record, are you cracking your own property?17:01
SeptimaUbuntu-User: you can hit alt + ctrl + f1 to access another prompt, and alt + ctrl + f7 to get back to this screen17:01
fishbaitdcherniv: paste.ubuntu.com/144562417:01
Ubuntu-Useryes, it is my laplop, my pictures, my music17:01
SuperLagKI4RO: thanks man. I didn't think that'd work, but it did. Appreciate the help. :)17:01
Septimaalmoxarife: he said he lost power to his system and it wouldn't let him log in anymore17:01
Septimai figure the drive head landed in your /home and shot the file system17:02
almoxarifeSeptima: it was a yes or no question, easy enough to answer17:02
Ubuntu-Useri know, while i'm here talking to you, ctrl+alt+f1 is copying my sda2 to my sdc17:02
srhbUbuntu-User: You really should double-check for wrapped-passphrase before giving up though.17:02
Ubuntu-Useri will srhb. and if it's there, what then ?17:03
srhbUbuntu-User: Use ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase on it17:03
SeptimaUbuntu-User: i agree with srhb, if that passphrase isn't there (which our command didn't find it), then you're pretty much out of luck in the sane realm of attempts17:03
CharcoalcatI need to do the equivalent of mapping a network drive, but I can't figure out what to search for to find instructions. I need to map a folder on my computer to a website so that I can upload files to it.17:04
srhbHow you would have lost that file baffles me though17:04
Septimasrhb: yeah, we did that earlier and he says it didn't find anything17:04
Ubuntu-Useri did that a few days ago from root and from console using sudo su17:04
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it's a good lesson in the importance of backing up :D17:05
SeptimaUbuntu-User: seriously though, i'd be sure that wasn't enabled on your new install17:05
srhbI'd also methodically make sure I had all filesystems mounted and try to search them all for that file17:05
Ubuntu-Userecryptfs-mount-private gave me an error and ecryptfs-recover-private told me no directories were encrypted17:05
dchernivfishbait, hm... did you try nvidia config tool?17:05
ghatakalmoxarife:  http://imagebin.org/239695 http://imagebin.org/239694 . First image is Upon pressing Super+S, second image is after clicking on any workspace to select it. Notice the little menu popping up on left ?17:06
v0lksman_anyone know how to troubleshoot sshfs connections?  never had a problem with them but since upgrading to 12.10 my sshfs connections don't work...End up with I/O errors trying to cd to them and they are mounted with ??????? for size and ownership17:06
opalepatrickI am trying to use a google_appengine installed on a separate partition. I set it up in ubuntu, but now would like to use same in mint. However I am getting a permission denied. The permissions appear the same but is there something I am missing?17:06
SeptimaUbuntu-User: i agree with srhb, i'd go back through and make sure all of them are mounted and run the command again; even look for the file manually again17:06
srhbI kind of feel the whole partition is somehow not mounted17:06
dchernivfishbait, not sure what to tell you really, xrandr should generally work, proprietary drivers on the other hand might have some other way of detecting/setting resolution17:06
dchernivfishbait, try to logout/log back in with external connected17:06
Septimahe has his /home on a separate partition17:06
srhbI mean, .Private should not disappear unless something terrible happened to your disk17:06
fishbaitdcherniv: yep it only see the 640x480 and shows it crt-1 i17:06
srhbAnd is it really really mounted?17:07
Ubuntu-User.Private is there.17:07
srhbYeah but that might be a new private from your recovery attempts17:07
srhbResiding on the root partition17:07
srhb(It would be shadowed by the real mount)17:07
v0lksman_it's also trying to load fd0 even though that's not in my fstab17:07
srhbUbuntu-User: Does your /etc/mtab show the home partition as mounted?17:07
Ubuntu-Userwhere could i upload a picture ? to show you what i see when i run the ls -al command in my root17:07
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srhbUbuntu-User: That doesn't help. Give me /etc/mtab instead17:08
Ubuntu-Userone second, i'll be right back17:08
Ubuntu-Useri don't have any mtab in etc17:10
srhbUbuntu-User: U.17:11
Septimasudo nano /etc/mtab?17:11
Septimathat's going to be very strange if you don't have one17:11
srhbEither very promising or very bad :P17:11
m000gleDoes anyone know of a way to remove the media banner from Nautilus/Nemo? ... This would be the banner which displays things like "This media contains digital photos/music" and has a button to open the relevant software like gThumb, banshee etc17:12
Ubuntu-Usersudo nano /etc/mtab opened something weird17:12
Ubuntu-Userpromising how ?17:12
fishbaitdcherniv: it worked before i logged out back in i swapped the cable and now after log in it shows all modes in nvidia x server setting > x server display configuration17:12
srhbUbuntu-User: Now look for a line that contains /home17:12
Septimahit ctrl + x, and type sudo cat /etc/mtab, then copy that to pastebin17:12
m000gleAn option to turn this off existed in previous versions of Nautilus, but it seems to have been removed (at least from the Preferences GUI) in the current version17:13
Ubuntu-Userfound it, it's the partition i am copying.17:13
srhbAh, so it is mounted. Sad.17:13
x-warriorWhat could be the problem "add 4-1 to match_busid, failed" when I try to add usbip_bind to a usb port?17:13
Ubuntu-Useryes home is mouted :( i knew that, i didn't think that was the information you were looking for17:14
dchernivfishbait, weird17:14
srhbUbuntu-User: It was, I was hoping the real directories were not there and you were looking at broken directories on your root partition.17:14
Septimai for one can't stand any of the file default file managers on linux... i use Krusader17:14
srhbUbuntu-User: That appears to be not the case. That brings you back to finding the mount passphrase in encrypted or unencrypted form, and barring that, giving up on your data.17:15
fishbaitdcherniv: not sure if your command was it or if the cable just wasn't fully there or what but now i have the resoloution i seek17:15
almoxarifedolphin is wonderful, cant beat it17:15
Guest87380hi, I have a step by step guide for what I am trying to accomplish with a UAV flight controller but I am new to the OS and am hung up on some steps, anyone have a min? http://paparazzi.enac.fr/wiki/Installation17:15
Ubuntu-UserI can't give up my data. years of memories. parties. birthdays. days at the beach. barbecues. friends i lost touch with. i can't.17:16
Ubuntu-Useri need to recover it.17:16
TheLordOfTimeGuest87380, i'm assuming you installed the prereqs?17:16
Guest87380I believe so, I did like apt get I believe17:16
srhbUbuntu-User: Sorry, that's not going to happen unless you gain access to a supercomputer and run it privileged for a few months trying to brute force it.17:17
Ubuntu-Userhow difficult can a passphrase be to crack ? i mean i didn't put any capital letter or numbers or special characters if i had configured it17:17
srhbUbuntu-User: terribly, that is the point. And you probably did not configure it.17:17
Ubuntu-Userugh, this is so depressing. all because of a wrongful shut down17:18
Ubuntu-Userthis can't be happening17:18
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it's my understanding the mount passphrase is generated for you.. and you use your user passphrase to unencrypt it, which in turn unencrypts your data17:18
fishbaitit has to decrypt it prior to boot right? so wouldn't that be where the passphrase is?17:19
SuperLagUbuntu-User: my apologies if this has been asked/answered already. I'm just seeing some of your comments and joining the conversation now. Do you have a backup?17:19
Guest87380I added the repository list, let me try to finish the prereq page I dont remember doing some of this17:19
Septimafishbait: the actual file that stores the mount passphrase appears to be missing17:19
Ubuntu-Useri don't have a back up, if i had i would have formated my pc already.17:19
srhbSeptima: Right.17:19
srhbUbuntu-User: Search high and low for the wrapped-passphrase, including running recovery tools on your partitions, I guess.17:20
Ubuntu-Userwhere can i try to type my passphrase until it tells me which one is the right one17:20
SeptimaUbuntu-User: it's a hard lesson... we all learn it at some point17:20
fishbaitSeptima: then he appears to have 2 options bruteforce the partition or make educated gueses based on how it generates the passsphrase17:21
CyclohexaneIs it possible to downgrade from standard Ubuntu 12 to the minimal without having to reinstall? I have windows software installed  with licensing etc that I'd rather not go through the pain of doing again..17:21
v0lksman_For the Google record: Appears latest version of ssh/FUSE requires a trailing slash on mount point paths.  Rediculous.17:21
Septimayou can do like.. sudo find / | grep passphrase, worth a shot?17:21
Ubuntu-Useri'll try that now17:22
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slankI notice that python-fuse was in lucid, but it's not in precise. Is there a replacement?17:22
Ubuntu-Useri found something !17:22
Gieruskurwa penisy jebane dawać piniondze za las !17:23
Ubuntu-Userin /usr/bin/ecryptfs-wrap-passphrase and ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase17:24
Septimayeah, those are the binaries17:24
Ubuntu-Userare they useful for my recovery or did i get excited for nothing17:24
Septimathey're the commands we ran earlier17:25
Ubuntu-Useryour mean ecryptfs-mount-private and ecryptfs-recover-private ?17:25
fripI mounted ubunti 12.10 to WINXP  the WINXP is in a virtualbox VM but the mouse curror wont click17:26
fripany ideas?17:26
fripnothing in ubuntu will open or get selected17:26
fripim test driving itnot instaling it17:26
Septimafrip: you wubi or live cd?17:27
Ubuntu-Useri need a break. thank you Septima17:27
Septimafrip: why not just live cd directly from the vm that boots the xp17:27
fripI did17:28
Septimawait, you have windows xp installed in the virtualbox or it's the host?17:28
Septimawhat's your host os?17:29
fripxp is in virtualbox17:29
Septimayour host os is like windows 7 or something?17:30
fripUBuntu is mounted to the xp OS I boot into ubuntu  when I load the windows thing17:30
Septimaoh ok17:30
fripbecasue ubuntu is editing XP when it works17:30
Septimado you have the extensions installed in virtualbox?17:30
fripguest additions?17:31
Septimano, extensions17:31
friphow do I check17:31
fripim not sure17:31
fripempty list17:31
Septimamight try it with those17:31
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fripwhere to get them17:32
Septimafrom the download page of virtualbox's website17:32
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fripFailed to install the Extension Pack /Users/krisfinney/Downloads/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.1.22-80657.vbox-extpack.  VBoxExtPackRegister returned VERR_VERSION_MISMATCH, pReg=00000000 ErrInfo='VirtualBox version mismatch - expected 4.1 got 4.2'.  Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: ExtPackManager Interface: IExtPackManager {3295e6ce-b051-47b2-9514-2c588bfe7554}17:34
fripim using a higher version than listed on the site17:35
Septimais your virtualbox up to date?17:35
Septimawhat type of mouse do you have17:35
shantornyou downloaded the 4.1.22 instead of the one for 4.217:36
fripthere isnt one for 4.217:36
fripwill I downgrade to 4.117:36
shantornyes there is, i just got it 2 days ago17:36
fripah I got it17:37
fripok installed that17:37
Guest87380where is the "create launcher" in quantal?17:37
fripdoes ubuntu use the move command17:38
Septimafrip: move command?17:38
fripin terminal17:38
Septimafrip: mv17:39
friphow do I tell it to move a folder that is in my windows OS17:39
Septimafrip: when the live cd comes up there will be a partially visible drive icon on the desktop, click that and it will mount your windows partition17:40
Septimafrip: then you can access it at /media17:40
fripthanks a lot17:40
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  keep it in the channel please, i'm not always at my desk17:40
fripcan you do mv with read only hidden or system files in ubuntu?17:41
Guest87380hey, trying to decide how to make a launcher, it used to be a right click on the desktop right?17:41
Guest87380im using 12.117:41
Septimafrip: yes, but they may not function properly if you're moving them about on the windows partition when you reboot windows17:41
fripmy cursor still isnt working17:41
Septimafrip: windows has some files it expects to be at certain locations on the drive17:41
fripill just get the windows backup17:41
Septimafrip: might try asking about the cursor in #vbox17:42
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itsjustme_MonkeyDust: <itsjustme_> you mean, copy all files to an other drive, delete partition, create new one, and copy files back? [17:57] <itsjustme_> or reinstall completely,  because anyway 6GUIs at one system are not good?17:42
Septima6 guis lol17:43
Septima(i herd you liked guis)17:43
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  6 GUI's or six systems?17:45
itsjustme_6 GUIs17:45
JoseeAntonioRhey guys! I'm having some problems. I installed kubuntu-desktop because I wanted to check how does Kubuntu looks, and after logging in and then coming back to Ubuntu, my windows have got the appearance of Kubuntu windows. I have uninstalled kubuntu-desktop and its dependencies (by autoremove) and still got the problem. You think you could please help me with this?17:46
itsjustme_on Ubuntu, i installed LXDE, Xfce, KDE, Gnome 3 and the Classic Gnome17:46
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  you have my advice if you want to resize partitions: cleanest would be to backup, re-partition and re-install17:47
iamwhoiamitsjustme_: lol:)17:47
itsjustme_you mean a complete fresh install?17:48
Guest87380i just want to make a launcher, anyone? sorry)17:48
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  yes, i resized a partition once, for testing purposes, without dataloss -- it is possible but very slow17:49
MonkeyDustvery slow: several hours, during the night17:49
Pwnnacan't go into sleep mode unless i restart my computer. dmesg log: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=pF5z9KMf17:49
sgtkilljoyJoseeAntonioR: change gtk theme in appearance settings?17:50
itsjustme_but if i reinstall completely, why backup?17:50
iamwhoiamGuest87380: unity? 12.10?17:50
Guest8738012.1 q17:50
JoseeAntonioRsgtkilljoy: I have no GTK Theme, just Ambiance, Radiance, High Contrast and High Contrast Inverse. It's now set to Ambiance17:51
cnzis there a way tu unzip multi zip files at once in linux17:51
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iamwhoiamto all, is it allowed to paste a link from a website/blog here, in the channel, in order to provide a link that contains the answer to a question?? dont know the exact rules of the channel17:52
lolcatiamwhoiam: sure17:52
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: why shall i make a backup, if i reinstall completely?17:53
iamwhoiamGuest87380: http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/create-application-launcher-add-icon-to-unity-ubuntu-12-10/17:53
llutzcnz: for zip in *.zip; do unzip "$zip";done                 in the dir containing the zips17:53
Guest87380thanks iamwhoiam17:53
iamwhoiamGuest87380: have fun17:53
PeanutHi - Ubuntu 12.04LTS, just installed nvidia-experimental-310. When I boot the machine, I get the Ubuntu splash-screen and login window - but when I then log in, I get a black screen and after a few seconds I'm back on the login. Xorg.0.log complains about the EDID of my device being in contradiction with itself, and apparently it can't find any mode - but why does the login screen work then?17:54
cnzllutz thanks17:54
fripSeptima Im not sure if they can help17:54
fripive asked but17:54
MadsRCI changed /usr/sbin/smartctl setuid to 4775, but didn't solve the problem I was trying to solve. Anyone know how to get it back to standard? with 4775, non root users can execute the program17:54
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  with a backup, you won't lose any personal documents17:54
cnzllutz that didn't work17:54
cnz-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `done'17:55
sgtkilljoyJoseeAntonioR: aperance settings select themse click customise17:55
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: Personal documents on system partitions are not very professionel :O ?17:55
itsjustme_i have a seperate partition for documents.17:56
Septimafrip: it's highly unlikely that ubuntu isn't giving you a driver for the mouse17:56
Septimafrip: i'd recommend using vmware player myself17:56
fripmy bad #vbox may help17:57
fripcan vm ware read my VDI file17:57
fripif vbox can17:57
Septimafrip: i think there's a small conversion, maybe in the metadata area.. so you might need to back it up (i can't remember exactly)17:58
Septimafrip: it'll tell you if it needs to do anything to it17:58
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  true, if you have separate partitions already, then a backup  may not be needed17:58
fripi have a backup17:59
llutzcnz: it works, check your command for typos17:59
JoseeAntonioRsgtkilljoy: I haven't got that option, this is what I see in Appearance: http://imagebin.org/23970017:59
itsjustme_MonkeyDust: Since I am 5 years old, i know that's not good to save data on system partitions, isn't it?17:59
itsjustme_and for the case that my system partition gets hurt, i have a copy on a external drive18:01
MonkeyDustitsjustme_  great, then nothing's keeping you from a fresh install18:01
itsjustme_I'm going to do that!18:02
SeptimaMonkeyDust: not sure exactly what you guys are talking aboutyay!18:02
itsjustme_This time I'll stay with Unity18:02
itsjustme_thank you18:03
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Septimaugh, mistype.. i was going to say you want two copies of your data files on different drives for backup purposes, then i realized that's what you essentially have18:03
MangledBodyHi everybody! Can anyone help me with router? I have TP-Link and its blocking youtube and wikipedia and I don't know why. I upgraded firmware and the problem remains18:03
SeptimaMangledBody: isp filtering, parental blocks?18:03
vishnu_C coders out there https://www.facebook.com/letslovec18:04
MangledBodySeptima: Nope, didn't add anything like that18:04
noirohey guys, can I combine a partition to my /home partition with the system running?18:04
DJonesvishnu_: No need to spam links18:04
llutzMangledBody: http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/18:04
SeptimaMangledBody: perhaps it's a dns issue, have you tried using the ip address of those websites instead of the domain names?18:04
MangledBodyllutz: their support doesn't work18:05
vishnu_Djones i was just posting a link for c Programmer out there18:05
llutzMangledBody: well, why should #ubuntu do tp-links job then?18:06
DJonesvishnu_: It wasn't related to Ubuntu support though18:06
noiroand/or can I add another partition to my /home partition from another harddrive?18:06
MangledBodySeptima: no... where can I find ip of wikipedia please?18:06
sgtkilljoyJoseeAntonioR: try ubuntu teak tool http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/ubuntu-tweak-gets-full-ubuntu-1210.html18:07
dr_willis_noiro:  you could mount /dev/sdb3 to /home/someusername  if you wanted  sure18:07
llutzMangledBody: wikipedia.org has address
dr_willis_MangledBody:  try just pinging it by name and ip18:07
MangledBodyllutz: I tried their support, I looked on the internet on forums, apparently, it has only problem with linux, so I'm asking for help. Does it bothers you that much?18:07
noirodr_willis_: I have an external HD and wasn't sure if I could extend storage to it.18:08
SeptimaMangledBody: try to ping facebook.com18:08
SpikesGuys, anyone know if there's a jigsaw puzzle creator that can save pieces as files available for linux?18:08
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dr_willis_noiro:  you can mount it whever you want18:08
MangledBodyllutz, dr_willis_: Unconfigured domain. It's not configured on this server18:09
SeptimaMangledBody: is facebook18:09
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MangledBodySeptima: Untrusted connection, is this the problem?18:10
Septimait just says that cause it's the ip and not the domain name18:10
notwistAnyone know of a longer guide/tutorial with the gist of "providing SSH-tunnling to people in censored countries"? I thought I'd learn iptables and ssh tunnling and do some good while I'm at it (to a limited amount of people)18:11
noiroGah, I can't seem to repartition this MyBook. :/  Windows doesn't recognize ext418:11
Septimasounds like you're pulling up the ips... so the problem is probably with the router's dns configuration18:11
Septimai'd suggest finding the primary and secondary dns fields in the router's configuration and changing them to OpenDNS18:11
MangledBodySeptima: Nope, the same as domain name18:11
SeptimaMangledBody: what does it say in the browser?18:12
thephfactorhello everyone. I am getting an error when I try to copy a folder into an external hard drive. "Destination is read-only"18:12
Septimathephfactor: the destination is mounted read only?18:13
dusty832I'm building a custom install from the minimal install, anyone know the name of the proprietary menu in Ubuntu 12.04?18:13
thephfactorI don't know... how would I fix that?18:13
MangledBodySeptima: OK, what should I put into DNS field? // Nothing, it loads, but everything is on the left, no images, nothing more than text on left side. To wikipedia it says: Cannot find server and youtube is doing same as facebook18:13
noiroGah. How often does the "No object for D-Bus interface" error going to bug me. I thought rebooting would rid me of it forever. :/18:13
sgtkilljoySeptima: use open dns server these ips
Septimawhat sgtkilljoy said18:14
Septimathephfactor: check the read permissions with sudo cat /etc/mtab18:14
sgtkilljoywrong person18:14
Septimathephfactor: ro is read only rw is read/write18:15
dr_willis_thephfactor:  what filesystem is on the externam hd?18:15
MangledBodySeptima: Well, thank you! It seems, that OpenDNS works O.O18:15
SeptimaMangledBody: awesome18:15
noirois chmod responsible for changing filesystem permissions?18:15
thephfactorI just changed it to NFTS18:15
dr_willis_noiro:  changes modes yes.18:15
Netbusis open DNS "worth" it?18:15
thephfactorSeptima: what am I looking for?18:16
SeptimaNetbus: i use it all the time18:16
dr_willis_thephfactor:  you may need to mout it with diffenr options to allos users fullaccess18:16
sgtkilljoyNetbus: there free dns servers are worth it18:16
dr_willis_Netbus:  google has free dns servers also at  and
thephfactordr_willis: how should I do that?18:16
MangledBodySeptima: I just don't understand why it was such a big deal. It worked fine in the beginning, but after a week or so, it just started to be malfunctioning...18:16
Septimathephfactor: something like /etc/sdx18:16
SeptimaMangledBody: the default dns for that router or maybe your isp is wonky...18:17
Netbussgtkilljoy: dr_willis_: is it faster than typical ISP DNS lookup?  What are the benefits?18:17
MangledBodySeptima: OK, I see... Thank you again, bye!18:17
thephfactordr_willis_: how do I mount it differently?18:17
SeptimaMangledBody: it may be that your isp is being crazy and blocking them18:17
Netbussgtkilljoy: seems like its easier for companies to monitor my requests18:17
sgtkilljoyNetbus: for me its avoiding censorship18:17
sgtkilljoyNetbus: how so?18:18
SeptimaNetbus: what sgtkilljoy said18:18
Netbussgtkilljoy: if my dns lookups are going through google, they have my requests18:18
Netbussgtkilljoy: maybe im paranoid18:18
SeptimaNetbus: your isp is probably sitting there like a hawk, watching your every query through their dns servers18:18
ZabrienIs there some simple way to get Ubuntu 12.10 to behave more like older versions when it comes to appearance and menus? (like getting the application and similar menus at the top and a bar displaying open windows at the bottom)18:18
sgtkilljoyif there going thru ur isp then they do18:18
thephfactorAnyone, what do I do to mount the hard drive differently?18:18
brokedcomputerAnyone here good with Samba4 and Ubuntu 12?18:19
sgtkilljoyi trust opendns more then my isp18:19
dr_willis_Zabrien:  theres classic style indicator applets.. or just use lubuntu18:19
NetbusSeptima: good point!18:19
Septimaagreed sgtkilljoy18:19
Netbussgtkilljoy: ok, thank you. 8)18:19
sgtkilljoynot so much google :P18:19
JoseeAntonioRsgtkilljoy: ubuntu-tweak is not officialy supported in Ubuntu18:19
Septimai don't trust google for anything anymore18:19
dr_willis_!ntfs3g | thephfactor18:19
ubottuthephfactor: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:19
noirodr_willis_: once I have navigated to a parition, what is the chmod command to give read,write, and delete permissions to everyone for that partition? (it's an external drive)18:20
dr_willis_thephfactor:  or run the 'ntfs-config' tool18:20
Septimai herd ubuntu-tweak can be used to mess your system up pretty fast if you don't know what you're doing with it18:20
dr_willis_noiro:  what filesystem?18:20
noirodr_willis_: I think this one is ntfs. The ext4 partition is getting that annoying mounting error atm.18:21
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sgtkilljoyyou can get it by adding ppa:tualatrix/ppa18:21
dr_willis_noiro:  you dont chown/chmod ntfs/vfat - you mount it with the right options18:21
dr_willis_!ntfs-3g | noiro18:21
ubottunoiro: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:21
Zabriendr_willis_: I don't mean the indicators. I mean the menu line at the top18:22
noirodr_willis_: I made this partition in linux 5 minutes ago in gparted and it says that root has read,write, and delete options. I can't make any changes to it. e.o18:22
dr_willis_Zabrien:  thers the gnome fallback stuff.. but for olf skool desktop i use lubuntu18:22
sgtkilljoyubottu: ntfs-3g is included no?18:22
Septimasgtkilljoy: no, you get it from the repo18:22
dr_willis_noiro:  is it ntfs or vfat or ext2/3/4 ?18:22
cnzwhat package is needed to be installed to install libcap18:22
Septimacnz: sudo apt-get install libcap2?18:23
noirodr_willis: how do I check to be sure?18:24
Zabriendr_willis_: thajnks, the gnome fallback looks like exactly what I want18:24
noirodr_willis: ext418:24
dr_willis_Zabrien:  its schedules to be removed in future releases18:24
dr_willis_noiro:  then you chown/chmod it to be owned by the users  you want to have access18:24
MonkeyDustdr_willis_  Zabrien gnome-shell will have a gnome2-like theme18:25
cnzhhmm it's already installed but ams isn't detecting it18:25
hoijuii used gedit, made "New File", wrote some stuff, and then gedit crashed. can i retrieve what i wrote?18:25
noirodr_willis_: Can I just give everyone access to it? And what is the proper command? I'm the only one to use this computer18:25
dr_willis_MonkeyDust:  im all atwitter with anticipation.... ;)  not..18:25
almoxarifehoijui: does the file exist?18:26
dr_willis_!permissions | noiro18:26
ubottunoiro: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions18:26
thephfactorso how do I change permissions with ntfs-3g?18:26
hoijuialmoxarife, i never did "Save As" or "Save"18:26
hoijuiso... it would have to be some temprary file18:26
hoijuilike vim has them18:26
almoxarifehoijui: sure, great place to look, the temp areas18:27
hoijuii checked /tmp18:27
dr_willis_thephfactor:  one way run the 'ntfs-config' tool18:27
Septimathephfactor: i believe if you just unmount it, and mount it back with ntfs-3g, the default is rw18:27
hoijuiwhere else?18:27
hoijuibtw... in windows.. even back when i used it, notepad never crashed!18:27
dhanasekaranwhat is Kworker?  "kworker" listed recently when I run top. There is no man page.. please help me18:27
Septimahoijui: i've seen notepad crash18:27
ZabrienMonkeyDust: Not actually sure what version of Gnome I am used to. But Unity does not really look like the sort of interface I like18:27
almoxarifehoijui: so install notepad18:27
dhanasekaranwhat is Kworker?  "kworker" listed recently when I run top. There is no man page.. please help me18:28
Septimahoijui: i like leafpad18:28
hoijuigedit should nto be default18:28
almoxarifedhanasekaran: using kde?18:28
hoijuidoes leafpad have temporary files?18:28
dhanasekaranalmoxarife: No, I am ubuntu 12.04 server, no GUI18:28
thephfactor"/dev/sdc2 is not in the fstab (and you are not root)" when I try to unmount it18:28
Septimahoijui: i think so; i think most linux users install like 5 text editors lol18:28
MonkeyDustdhanasekaran  scroll down, it's explained http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163034718:29
Septimathephfactor: could always just add it to the fstab and restart18:29
thephfactorSeptima: don't know what fstab is18:29
hoijuihmmm.. yeah.. that is kind of bad.. no?18:29
dr_willis_!mount | thephfactor18:29
ubottuthephfactor: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:29
hoijuihow comes that the most basic things are still so bad? and others seem much better already?18:30
hoijuilike.. notepad liek stuff and mailclients are mostly crap18:30
dr_willis_notepad like stuff?18:30
hoijuiand stuff like IDEs sem mosre stable and usable already18:30
Septimahoijui: the thing is with linux... there's so much variety and difference in preference, that we end up with like 30 of the same thing18:30
AcidRain2012i heard ubuntu was doing a new gnome2 shell. true?18:30
almoxarifehoijui: so you got a question?18:30
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thephfactorwhat do I type to mount with ntfs-3g?18:31
hoijuiyeah but.. ti is simplestuff.. all those 30 shoudl be more stable already18:31
Septimathephfactor: ntfs-3g --help18:31
hoijuidefinitely the default editor on ubuntu18:31
hoijuithen again.. it is of course my fault, still using gedit18:32
Septimagedit is pretty mature, not sure why it crashed on you.. but there's reasons behind everything18:32
hoijuiyeah.. it is crap18:32
thephfactorSeptima: okay, what is mount point?18:32
AcidRain2012gedit is boss18:32
Septimathephfactor: do like sudo fdisk -l to find it18:32
AcidRain2012thephfactor: mount point is a virtual link to the drive18:33
dr_willis_mount command shows mount points18:33
AcidRain2012 /mnt/18:33
hoijuii think i will investigate gedit, yeah18:33
hoijuiaehh gvim18:33
AcidRain2012gedit has syntax highlighting for almost every language, and line highlighting. bracket highlighting.18:33
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hoijuiyeah but when i loose data when using it..18:33
AcidRain2012gedit for me is how i enjoy to program. never figured out how to use all those fancy gui things18:33
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hoijuiit is still crap18:33
dr_willis_!info geany18:33
ubottugeany (source: geany): fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22+dfsg-2 (quantal), package size 1052 kB, installed size 2518 kB18:34
thephfactorSeptima: sorry, but I really don't know what I'm looking for here18:34
almoxarifehoijui: enough already,18:34
hoijuii also lost data in notepad, but that was only cuase windows crashed.. never notepad!18:34
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Septimai personally don't like vi/vim nor emacs... geany may be good, been meaning to try that one.. i used notepad++ on windows18:34
AcidRain2012notepad2 was ok. then again. never windows18:34
almoxarifehoijui: install notepad after you install wine, problem fixed18:34
Septimakinda still looking for something like notepad++ on linux18:34
MonkeyDustAcidRain2012  "The GNOME developers didn't forget about the users who prefer a GNOME 2-like layout, and it looks like they will compile and maybe help maintain a list of GNOME Shell extensions that provide such a layout."  http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/fallback-mode-classic-session-to-be.html18:35
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sgtkilljoylike notepad++ on linux........... gedit?18:35
AcidRain2012MonkeyDust: im checking it out. if this looks good, ill love being a ubuntu user once more18:35
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TheLordOfTimesgtkilljoy, close enough to it, yes.18:36
thephfactorSeptima: "Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE18:36
thephfactorlibrary. Either mount the volume as root, or rebuild NTFS-3G with integrated18:36
thephfactorFUSE support and make it setuid root." What should I do here?18:36
JudgeHi everyone! I just managed to mess up all my server's mailing and really, really could use some advice with this : The plan was to make the gid config on all our servers the same. So I first tested in a test-environment the following: 1.: Stop postfix . 2.: change gid of postdrop - group . 3.: Changed everything in /var/spool/postfix and /usr/sbin , which belonged to the old gid to the new18:36
Judgegid . 4.: Restarted Postfix.18:36
Septimathephfactor: use sudo18:37
JudgeThis seemed to work like expected; mailing from the shell worked well, so we enrolled these changes globally.18:37
thephfactorSeptima: don't know what you mean, explain?18:37
TheLordOfTimethephfactor, sudo [command]18:37
noirothanks dr_willis_! I got it figured out. chown is a lot easier than expected. e.o   All the ------ things confused me though. Why not just say rwx instead of rwx------------- or -------rw ?18:37
Septimathephfactor: just put sudo followed by a space in front of your command18:37
thephfactorSeptima: oh okay18:38
JudgeNow , when a PHP Site tried to mail, for each mailing one postdrop thread is launched, stays open and in the logfile it reads: postfix/postdrop[6206]: warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/806562.6206: Permission denied18:38
TheLordOfTime!enter | Judge18:38
ubottuJudge: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:38
JudgeWhen I set the directory /var/spool/postfix/maildrop to 1777, everything is working again, but this is only a workarround.18:38
JudgeOK, sorry, guys.18:39
AcidRain2012Judge: sounds like php doesnt have the proper permissions18:39
thephfactorSeptima: ... now I don't see it anywhere18:39
Septimathephfactor: try looking under /media18:39
AcidRain2012Judge: well this is obvious. but perhaps change the user of php?18:40
thephfactorSeptima: not there18:40
AcidRain2012or, like you suggested, add them all to 1 group18:40
JudgeAcidRain2012: How is it possible that it lacks the permissions now?18:41
JudgeAcidRain2012: This is what I need to understand.18:41
JudgeAcidRain2012: It worked before.18:41
dr_willis_noiro:  that would be like saying   200002 is the same as 2218:41
dusty832I'm building a custom install from the minimal install, anyone know the name of the proprietary menu in Ubuntu 12.04?18:42
AcidRain2012Judge: didnt u say you moved postfix out of the group that php was in?18:42
frodopwns_hey guys I am having an issue where I have moved a Domain to another server but am now going on 2 days without my ubuntu machien not picking up the change...the "host" command continues to show me the old server18:42
frodopwns_how can I update thsi manually?18:42
frodopwns_sorry bad grammar...extra negative18:42
thephfactorSeptima: okay I can't see it in the File Explorer, but the terminal is telling me it's mounted18:43
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JudgeAcidRain2012: No, I changed the GID of the group "postdrop" and chgrp'ed all files, owned by the old GID to the new one .18:43
almoxarifethephfactor: mounted where?18:43
ZabrienI now switched to gnome classic, and it seems like I can't modify the top menu bar. I can add things to it by dragging them from the menu, but I can't right click to add things, and I can't delete things once added to it by right clicking on them18:43
Zabrienwhere do I configure the top bar?18:43
AcidRain2012Judge: hang on. im doing some research. im sure as a security issue, postfix would only allow connections from localhost under a certain user18:43
thephfactoralmoxarife: in /dev/18:43
choozenhey guys can someone help me with this18:44
choozen$query = 'UPDATE `pvpgn`.`pvpgn_bnet` SET `email_md5` = \'fefe\' WHERE `pvpgn_bnet`.`uid` = 5979 LIMIT 1;';18:44
xanguaZabrien: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed18:44
choozeninside 'fefe i want to put $variable18:44
choozenwhat is the statment18:44
xangua"A number of tips and features of GNOME Classic in Ubuntu 12.04" Zabrien18:44
AcidRain2012Judge: http://cvsweb.de.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/src/external/ibm-public/postfix/dist/HISTORY?annotate=
AcidRain2012Judge: search for "postdrop" and read that18:45
Septimathephfactor: it may be easier to just set up the /etc/fstab following these instructions and restart your system: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions#Configuring_.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-fstab18:45
JudgeAcidRain2012: Thanks, I will!18:45
Zabrienxangua: thanks18:46
candtalanhi I have just installed Ubuntu 12.04 (dual boot with XP on original hd) into a second (new) sata hd and grub is not being seen on reboot. Help?18:46
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Septimacandtalan: check your bios' boot drive18:47
Zabrienis there any way to make it use the old-fashinoed sliders at the right side rather than the new ones that you need to hover over to access?18:47
Septimacandtalan: you'll want to point your bios to boot using the new hd18:47
BluesKajcandtalan, if yoiur pc booted directly into ubuntu , then run sudo update-grub18:48
xangua!info overlay-scrollbar18:48
xanguauninstall overlay-scrollbar Zabrien18:48
ubottuoverlay-scrollbar (source: overlay-scrollbar): Scrollbar overlay. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.16+r353-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 7 kB, installed size 54 kB18:48
thephfactorSeptima: would it make a difference that one of the partitions on the drive is vfat?18:48
AcidRain2012Judge: did that mean anything to you? i also run postfix, but it has been at least a year since ive even looked at its config. and ive never been brave enough to change the postfix setup because i believe there are very few people who can help you with it18:48
thephfactorSeptima: the drive was vfat and I needed it to be ntfs so I formatted it18:49
AcidRain2012so once i got it working. hell i just didnt touch what wasnt broken ;)18:49
thephfactorSeptima: but there is a partition on it that is still vfat18:49
Septimathephfactor: mount using the ntfs partition reference, not the drive's reference18:50
JudgeAcidRain2012: To be honest, I do not get the meanings of that stuff you posted ; it seems to not apply to my problem ....18:50
Zabrienxangua: hmm, it does not appear in the software center. Where do I find it?18:51
candtalanSeptima - thx - th ePC seems no to start with a bootable drive at present now.  In the ubuntu install I pointed the 'boot loader' to be the original hd (sda) where I expected XP to be booting from. I thought the mbr would be as usual in SDA18:51
JudgeAcidRain2012: The postdrop binary is not set-suid in Ubuntu ....18:51
Septimacandtalan: well then you want the original drive set to boot... you might need to fire up the live cd and .. wait a sec18:51
Septimacandtalan: here's a better answer than what i was about to give you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair18:52
root__hi, i cant boot into my ubuntu 10.04. What is wrong with my grub.cfg ? pastebin.com/12rUB5Ef        Uefi part is on arch18:52
candtalanah yes brilliant thanks, I will  use it.18:52
candtalanbye for now18:53
AcidRain2012Judge: its not set to the proper uid?18:53
JudgeAcidRain2012: Yes, it is.18:53
AcidRain2012pastebin the endings of the log file18:53
thephfactorSeptima: thank you for helping me. I finally figured it out: I needed the right mountpoint. then I just used ntfs-3g18:54
Septimathephfactor: awesome18:54
thephfactory'alls have a good day now18:54
JudgeAcidRain2012: http://pastebin.com/17iwdGjh18:57
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oVeRMiNDhello world!19:00
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Netbusleagris: hello!19:02
grymekhi everyone, i cant boot ubuntu. He dont wanna write any logs. Main partition with uefi is on arch boot. Here is grub.cfg: http://pastebin.com/vrs0n35F19:02
leagrisWow, not only launchpad is full of unanswered/unfixed bug reports, but now ridden by spammers https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/47419719:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 474197 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "gnome-volume-control lost 5.1 mixing" [Low,Invalid]19:03
leagrisIf someone having sufficient rights in launchpad, please remove this spam19:03
Septimagrymek4: have you confirmed that ubuntu 10.04 is actually at hd0,gpt5?19:03
grymekSeptima: ubuntu installed on gpt519:04
JudgeAcidRain2012: Worked!!! Thank you very, very much !!19:04
lacrymologyI've got a /etc/bash.bashrc file but it's not being run by users who don't have a ~/.bashrc file, do I need to set something up for this to happen?19:04
grymekSeptima: gpt5 because there are gpt partitions. Arch works19:04
friphi im in ubuntu live boot disk19:04
friphow do I mount my windows drive to it19:04
leagrisactually I am still unable to mix stereo output to a 5.1 output in ubuntu since this bug appeared 3 years ago19:04
fripdo I click test drive ubuntu?19:05
Septimafrip: yeah19:05
leagrisIt look like spammers take better care of bug report than the devs ;D19:05
fripthen what do I click19:05
Septimafrip: then there'll be a semi-visible disk icon on the desktop19:05
grymekfrip: open nautilus, from there you should see on your left disk icons. Someone of them is your windows disk19:05
fedorhi to everyone, could anyone tell me, is there a shortcut in Ubuntu to make a scrinshot given that I have Apple-keyboard?19:06
grymekfedor: ubuntu havent that feature19:06
leagrisHow do you make stereo streams to output to all four 5.1 speakers in Ubuntu 12.10 then?19:06
fedorthat's sad, thanx though19:07
fripI dont see the icon19:07
beandogleagris: mplayer -channels 6 ?19:07
leagrisbeandog, any way to configure this in the sound panel so I don't care to have command line parameters to any of the VLC plugins and so on ?19:08
Septimafedor: i'm sure there's some application that will do that for you19:08
ZabrienIs there any way to actually add a custom menu to a gnome panel? Both main menu and custom menu just give me a copy of the main menu (with two slightly different behaviors, but they still share exact content)19:08
beandogleagris: dunno, sorry19:08
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
leagrisBecause, now if I am playing a stereo record, I only hear poor sound in the two front speakers19:09
fripah I see it now19:09
leagrisno woofer, no sound from back speakers19:09
fripI scrolled down on the side bar19:09
friphow do I move a system file that is on that drive19:09
Septimafedor: look into a program called shutter19:10
leagristhis is a loss of functionnality from the Alsa era19:10
Septimafrip: right click it and try move to...19:10
BluesKajleagris, seems the best method for 5.1 is to senrf the spdif signal to DAC which decodes the signal19:10
leagrisbut since Ubuntu introduces pulse, I have my 5.1 castrated to stereo even for 5.1 streams19:10
almoxarifeleagris: so dont use pulse19:11
leagrisBluesKaj, not only a 5.1 spdif decoder is hard to find now a days19:11
fripdone :D19:11
BluesKajlea there seems to be a lack of work on the analog 5.1 side19:11
BluesKajleagris, ^19:11
leagrisbut how is spending on additional hardware a solution to a regression :)19:11
leagrisThis was a nice feature of Alsa by the time19:12
leagrisand the earlier gnome-sound-properties where not as dumb as it is now in gnome 3.219:12
BluesKajyeah , I know it's a difficult situation , unless you can find a driver that can run/decode v6 discrete signals to your speakers19:13
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
leagrisThis abandoned bug report of me, about this particular issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/47419719:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 474197 in gnome-media (Ubuntu) "gnome-volume-control lost 5.1 mixing" [Low,Invalid]19:13
leagrisI felt very sad as the sole news about the issue I received today is a spammer squating the thread19:14
BluesKajleagris, have you tried pavucontrol , it has some input output options that might work19:15
leagrisBluesKaj, pavucontrol has some more than gnome volume control but any change here will be broken by the gnome properties19:15
leagrisand it can not upmix stereo to 5.119:16
BluesKajreally ?19:16
v0lksman_leagris: did you report it upstream as they suggested?19:16
grymekfedor: ubuntu havent that feature19:16
grymekhi everyone, i cant boot ubuntu. He dont wanna write any logs. Main partition with uefi is on arch boot. Here is grub.cfg: http://pastebin.com/vrs0n35F19:16
leagrisIf I remember, there where several uptream bug report as such about gnome2→3 regressions19:16
just-learningnot exactly ubuntu spesific question but does anybody know how I can add the charactors "<" and ">" as strings to print to the page in html?19:17
leagrisI can blame this part on the gnome team choices the past few years19:17
leagrisjust-learning, search for html entities19:17
v0lksman_leagris: those are the bugs to track.  What you have reported isn't an Ubuntu issue, it's a Gnome issue and I believe Ubuntu is doing what it can to move away from Gnome19:17
Septimawhat page, just-learning19:17
just-learningcant seem to get google to tell me...? maybe im just not ask'n right19:17
leagriskeyword: html-entities19:18
ZabrienHow do I add an extra menu to a gnome panel?19:18
leagris&gt: &lt;19:18
just-learningjust a basic html web page... idk jsut messing with it, found dom and w3schools and though I'd poke around at it to see if I'm inclined enough to write html19:18
llutzjust-learning: you mean < &lt;  > &gt;19:19
Septimajust-learning: oh you mean character codes... &lt; and &gt;19:19
just-learningdoes &lt; and &gt; mean literly print what ever charactor follows / procedes thoes 'codes' to the screen? if so than yes19:20
Zabrienand is there some way to edit what entries I have in the "places" menu?19:21
sebastarzak__Hello all :)19:21
llutzjust-learning: so, you don't mean < &lt;  > &gt; :)19:21
just-learningI want to see " #include <header.h> " in my broeser when I look at the .html file with a browser19:23
just-learningbut when I use < and > geany thinks that's part of my code and wants to help by adding </> lol19:24
Septimajust-learning: use like the <code> tag?19:25
just-learningSeptima expound, I'm not sure I follow19:25
Septima<code>#include <header.h></code>19:26
just-learningie <code> #include <header.h> </code> ...?19:26
just-learningokay, will that change the page style / background color ?19:27
Septimajust-learning: you can decorate code with css probably19:28
Septimaif not put <code> in a div or something19:28
Septimaname the div, then decorate it with css19:28
just-learningit would be nice to set it aside... but just playing around right now too. thanks again Septima19:28
almoxarifehe got bored19:29
almoxarifegosh, o know i enjoyed html(101)19:29
just-learningidk anything about div and css yet, but thank you.19:29
lacrymologyif I minimize keepassx, it just doesn't show anywhere: neither on the unity bar nor on the upper toolbar19:31
sebastarzakI have a problem with Gwibber. This program synchronize news only for Twitter. I more use facebook, so i want get information to gwibber for facebook too.. What i must do to get what i wish ? I have ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS19:32
Septimalacrymology: strange... maybe try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --purge remove keepassx && sudo apt-get install keepassx19:33
Septimalacrymology: it works fine for me19:33
lacrymologySeptima: where do you see it19:33
Septimalacrymology: if i minimize it, it will go to the tray19:34
lacrymologySeptima: it's there now...19:35
shorty_čau žaludi .. Nevíte někdo proč mi zmizí lišta na zavíráná když mám aktivni compiz?19:35
sebastarzakshorty what is that19:35
aetcoreAnyone know of any decent PPA's or places to get PHP 5.4 on 12.04 LTS?19:35
FloodBot1sebastarzak: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
ZabrienHow do I add a custom menu to a gnome panel?19:35
sebastarzakplease translate to human language;D19:35
sebastarzakZabrien what u want add ?19:36
shorty_my english is not good, but i try it .19:36
sebastarzakMe too19:36
sebastarzaki'm not good;)19:36
Zabriensebastarzak: I want to add a menu like the main menu, but with different applications19:36
sebastarzakin gnome?19:37
sebastarzaki Try search it in network19:38
zikohow to connect to mysql db server via terminal ?19:38
shorty_Why i dont have on window toolbar as quit, maximize, minimize button when i have active compiz?19:38
sebastarzakbecause i have "unity" -_-19:38
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sebastarzakwhat u set in compiz19:38
aetcoreziko: mysql -u root19:38
sebastarzakwhat options u change19:38
Guest97022hi all19:38
aetcoreziko make sure you have the mysql-client bin installed19:38
shorty_only some desing..19:38
sebastarzaku want add menu like a games applications and other ?19:39
Zabriensebastarzak: yes, for example. Also a menu where the entries are .pdf files19:39
zikowhat command to that mysql-client via apt-get ?19:39
zikowhat command to install that mysql-client via apt-get ?19:39
aetcoreziko: sudo apt-get install mysql-client19:40
zikook im try19:40
aetcoregood luck19:40
sebastarzakYou can do it19:40
aetcoreAnyone PHP5? on 12.04 LTS? Google is filled with Bug tickets and shit -_-19:40
sebastarzakDo you want install php 5.5 on ubuntu?19:40
aetcore5.4 is fine19:41
zikoThe following extra packages will be installed:19:41
ziko  libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libmysqlclient16 libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl19:41
ziko  mysql-client-5.1 mysql-common19:41
aetcoreziko yes thats correct19:41
zikothat im correct ?19:41
aetcorefound somethign that looks close enough to what i need, http://serverfault.com/questions/388118/need-working-guide-to-install-latest-apache-or-nginx-php-mysql-for-production if anyone else wants it :D19:42
aetcoreziko: you manage to get on?19:44
aetcoreto confirm you also need to have mysql-server installed as it doesnt come by default and is seperate to the client if you still cant manage to connect19:44
aetcoreif mysql -u root fails then it means you dont have the server part to it :)19:45
zikoso im must install with mysql server to ?19:45
aetcoresudo apt-get install mysql-server19:45
zikook still waiting to finnish19:46
zikoE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?19:46
zikoFailed to fetch http://mirrors.psu.ac.th/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mysql-5.1/mysql-client_5.1.66-0ubuntu0.11.10.2_all.deb  404  Not Found19:46
aetcorethats weird sounds like it timed out or something19:46
aetcoresudo apt-get update;19:46
aetcorethis *should * fix that issue, then try installing mysql-server again19:47
Septimaziko, what you trying to accomplish in the long run?19:47
zikolong run ?19:48
Septimawhat's your goal19:48
zikowhat do you mean19:48
sebastarzakdon't turn off the computer ;D19:48
aetcoreWhat did you want mysql for?19:48
zikoaetcore: ok19:48
zikofor learn db server19:48
zikowith wordpress19:48
Septimaziko: didn't you want php as well?19:48
sebastarzakyou want install CMS19:49
zikofor backup example19:49
zikophp already installed19:49
Septimaziko: if you're setting up a webserver i'd recommend xampp19:49
OerHeksxampp is not supported here. use LAMP19:49
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.19:49
zikoxampp can run on linux ?19:49
Septimaor lamp, yes19:49
sebastarzakyes ziko19:50
sebastarzakif you want i get you link to download19:50
sebastarzaksorry for english ;/19:50
zikoyes but i wanna try it 1st19:50
zikosorry when my english so bad :/19:50
hippiehackeris there a way to move an application window from monitor one to monitor two in Unity with the keyboard?19:51
zikome to sebastarzak19:51
zikoW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found19:51
zikoE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:51
zikofailed aetcore19:51
aetcoreSounds like you have some funky stuff going on, but they should be unrelated, try again19:52
almoxarifeziko: see 404 error, the site is down! , pick another site19:52
aetcoreyou might want to sort out your mirrors19:52
aetcoreoh thats a ppa19:52
zikoim use my local mirrors19:53
zikothanks for all help all19:54
zikoverry responsive19:54
zikoi like it19:54
sebastarzakall done19:54
zikomirrors is problem19:54
sebastarzakmirrors? what do you mean19:55
sebastarzakto install ?19:55
zikonot found19:55
zikomy local mirrors dont have file what i want19:55
dr_willis_ppa is dead or down...19:55
zikodunno :/19:56
dr_willis_find another. or remove it.19:56
zikoE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:56
dr_willis_not sure why you would want a firefox ppa19:56
sebastarzakhey i can't update repository19:56
zikodunno but im use sudo apt-get update19:56
sebastarzakmaybe you right19:56
zikoall app try to update by self19:57
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:57
almoxarifeziko: see the webaddress you are trying to get to? nothing there!19:57
almoxarifeziko: why are you using a ppa for firefox?19:58
almoxarifeziko: that web-address is a ppa19:59
zikoErr http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main Sources 404  Not Found19:59
zikoErr http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main i386 Packages 404  Not Found19:59
dr_willis_ ziko  and why are you using that ppa?20:00
sgt_haggerHey guys. when I try to update my system it says failed to update res, "check internet connection." But this si the error I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1445951/20:00
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zikodunno what do you mean20:00
dr_willis_then i suggest you disable that ppa, or ignore the error20:00
zikohow to disable ppa20:01
almoxarifesgt_hagger: getdeb is down20:01
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:01
OerHekseven the mozilla site gives you 1720:02
zikoforget that all :/20:02
dr_willis_ti,e to learn your os....20:03
sebastarzakI want upgrade my ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS to 12.10 .. it's good idea ?20:03
dr_willis_you added the ppa , or someone else did20:03
Catbuntusebastarzak, I recommend you fresh installing.20:03
almoxarifesebastarzak: bad idea20:03
dr_willis_sebastarzak:  if you need the features.. if not dont20:03
CatbuntuUpgrades usually are problematic, and if Quantal by itself is a problematic release... :P20:04
* Catbuntu is using Quantal, though20:04
sgt_haggerOkay thanks guys20:04
CatbuntuBut if you want to upgrade, you can.20:04
sebastarzakok thanks guys :D20:04
aetcoreim using 12.10 and its been sweet as20:04
sebastarzakwhich version you use ?20:04
CatbuntuOpen the updates manager, and then somewhere in the menu you have to select "Show always upgrades" instead of "Show only LTS upgrades".20:04
sebastarzakYes i know20:05
CatbuntuI fresh installed Quantal today.20:05
sebastarzakwhat i must do to upgrade20:05
CatbuntuI've been using Precise since now.20:05
CatbuntuAnd well, my main distro which is Xubuntu is also Quantal.20:05
aetcoreand i have hammered the crap out of it with new WM, custom Kernal patches and everythign, and to top it off im on a macbook :D20:05
CatbuntuPerhaps the only problem on Quantal are the drivers.20:05
CatbuntuI forgot to install the linux-headers-generic :P20:05
sebastarzakYes u're right20:05
CatbuntuBut it's easily fixable with the tty120:05
sebastarzaki have big problem with drivers in quantal20:06
Catbuntuor CTRL-ALT-F120:06
CatbuntuLook, just do: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source linux-headers-generic20:06
aetcoreI will admit, randly every 36 hours or so, my wifi will cut off and i have to re-auth, but apart from that everything has been working well20:06
Catbuntuand then install the driver20:06
almoxarifeCatbuntu: or software-center or synaptic or muon or apper, they also install 'linux-headers-generic'20:06
sgt_haggerSo do I want to so "sudo ppa-purge ppa:http://archive.getdeb.net/ubuntu/dists/precise-getdeb/games/binary-amd64/Packages"?#20:07
CatbuntuMy error is that I upgraded and I did this before restarting.20:07
almoxarifesgt_hagger: no20:07
CatbuntuSo the kernel was updated and I installed the linux-headers-`uname -r` :P20:07
sebastarzaki installed it20:07
sebastarzakbut on the list20:07
sebastarzaki don;t get good drivers20:07
CatbuntuFor NVIDIA, I recommend the 310 experimental.20:07
sebastarzaki have amd20:07
CatbuntuIt works very well for me on Xubuntu and Unity.20:07
CatbuntuThen fglrx20:07
almoxarifeCatbuntu: just needed to install 'linux-headers-generic' , it will pull in the correct headers for you20:08
CatbuntuYou should have fglrx and fglrx-updates, or something like that, on Jockey.20:08
CatbuntuYep almoxarife, I realised it when Unity wasn't shown :P20:08
sebastarzakI swapped unity on docky20:09
SpaceRockethow to install Ubuntu 12.10 with full encryption but make separate /home partition?20:09
sebastarzakand F**k cannonical :D20:09
CatbuntuAt least in my computer the effects and other "graphical accesories" are better on Quantal.20:09
CatbuntuBut it's a bit more slow perhaps.20:09
Catbuntusebastarzak, then use XFCE.20:09
sebastarzaki like unity20:09
sebastarzakbut bar on left20:09
* almoxarife uses kde, the other choice20:09
sebastarzakslide to down20:09
CatbuntuCurrent Unity: http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a599/tomeuari/UnityChristmasCat.png20:09
sebastarzakis very.. irritating20:10
CatbuntuCurrent XFCE: http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a599/tomeuari/XmasCap.png20:10
CatbuntuI still try to show the Docky on the bottom on Unity, lol.20:10
sebastarzakCatbuntu I do not want xfce :D20:10
almoxarifeCatbuntu: no more cat pics, thnks20:10
Catbuntualmoxarife, I just tried to show that XFCE isn't ugly, it's just customizable.20:11
Catbuntusebastarzak, then if you want Unity... I recommend you staying on 12.04.20:11
SilverlinkI have a question about sed, if someone is available. been searching for days20:11
CatbuntuBecause if for you 12.04 is slow, 12.10 is much more slow.20:11
CatbuntuBut more fast, it's not coherant.20:12
sebastarzakNo slow20:12
CatbuntuAt least on my computer.20:12
sebastarzakSlide bar20:12
mshHello guys20:12
FloodBot1sebastarzak: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
almoxarifeCatbuntu: and i thought you wanted to share pics of your feline20:12
sebastarzaki check this word in translator20:12
Catbuntualmoxarife, I do that 24/7 on the offtopic channel, haha20:12
sebastarzakmoving belt on left side is very irritated20:12
CatbuntuWell, I have to go.20:12
Silverlinkanyone in here good with sed commands?20:13
Catbuntusebastarzak, I just advice you «don't start distro hopping».20:13
mshhow to add getdeb repo to ubuntu 12.04?20:13
fxhpSilverlink: what are you trying to do20:13
almoxarifemsh: getdeb is down20:13
sebastarzakCatbuntu thanks for advice ;)20:13
belgianguygah, stupid fglrx20:13
CatbuntuBye, have nice not-hopping.20:13
sebastarzakthanks ;)20:14
belgianguyyou can't write overheating with ATI20:14
mshalmoxarife : why ? till when ? Is there any thing like getdeb ?20:14
almoxarifemsh: ask them, its their site20:14
SilverlinkI am trying to have sed find a line of text (in a file called findsts) and replace it with text (in a file called ccore) to a file called testing.20:15
mshany thing like getdeb to add ?20:15
Silverlinkplease email me at brandongaliher7@gmail.com or use gtalk. i have to leave.20:15
sebastarzakI Brb20:15
mshAnyone knows any third party repo to add to ubuntu 12.04?20:17
mshthank you.20:17
belgianguyif my PC hung up due to heating issues, would I be able to find logs about that?20:18
belgianguyor is that purely at the hw level?20:18
OerHeksmsh lots of PPA's out there http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas but they ar UNSUPPORTED here.20:18
mshOerHeks, any thing trusted like getdeb . what would you suggest?20:20
SpaceRockethow to install Ubuntu 12.10 with full encryption but make separate /home partition?20:20
HackeMateusing dig command i see all ips from a host, but how to see a list of hosts from an ip? like this http://ip.robtex.com/
OerHeksmsh getdeb is down, i do not know anything like it.20:20
mshoenahs, so I am screwed.20:21
alusionMy scrot gives me a giblib error: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?20:21
OerHeksmsh you can find most games in softwarecentre20:22
oenahsalusion: ?20:22
Silverlink34I'm back if you remembered my question.20:22
almoxarifeSilverlink34: this is not bash support, tried #bash? or ##linux?20:23
Silverlink34Okay thank you.20:23
HackeMateso where can i ask about a dns question?20:23
mshOerHeks, thanks a lot . any suggest on a php editor with IDE enviroment.20:23
TheLordOfTimeHackeMate, technically here, but readinng your prior question, i'm not sure there's any easy way to see what hostnames a given IP is providing (reverse DNS is only so useful)20:24
HackeMatethis web does it http://ip.robtex.com/ but is very curious20:25
HackeMatei just wanted to check the blacklists for my imap server20:26
TheLordOfTimeHackeMate, there's a few ways to check if you're blacklisted, including sites like http://www.dnsbl.info/ which will query multiple DNS blacklists to see if your IP is in there.20:27
Nubtastic_Hey guys, quick question: I mounted an empty shared network folder, intending to mount it to /user/documents/thatfolder but instead mounted it to /user/documents. Needless to say, now all my documents are missing as the mounted folder was empty. Should I panic? I can just unmount it from that directory and everything is still there?20:28
HackeMatei mean i have a webmail server for some customers, and someone is creating hosts at the same ip for avoid my spamban20:28
HackeMatei will use that web then20:28
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almoxarifeHackeMate: or ban the whole route , <-- for example20:30
TheLordOfTimewhat almoxarife said.20:30
mshany good php editor with IDE env.20:30
HackeMatehm ah20:31
almoxarifemsh: what is a 'bad' one?20:31
mshsuggest the best one please.20:32
dr_willis!info geany | msh20:33
ubottumsh: geany (source: geany): fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.22+dfsg-2 (quantal), package size 1052 kB, installed size 2518 kB20:33
mattt_I've got a package that's installed but whose config has failed.  It seems like apt or dpkg commands still try and run the configuration - is there a way I can leave the package installed, but forget about the config?20:33
almoxarife!blender | msh20:33
ubottumsh: blender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro20:33
almoxarifeits the 'best'20:34
mshdr_willis, Thanks very much it is a delight to hear from you.20:36
mshalmoxarife, thanks is blender a php editor or just a 3d softare?20:37
almoxarifemsh: not sure, but i hear it is the 'best'20:38
SpaceRockethow create separate /home partition when installing Ubuntu 12.10 with full disk encryption ?20:38
mshalmoxarife, sorry my bad.thanks20:38
MonkeyDustSpaceRocket  read this, i have no experience with encryption, tho https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving20:41
nashantHi guys. Is it normal for it to take 10 mins to copy 300Mb over samba?20:41
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RajviUnable to install any Linux OS : Exit code 5 I/O Error.20:42
MonkeyDustRajvi  UEFI ?20:43
RajviI don't think so20:43
ikoniai/o errors on what ?20:43
Rajviwhile installing20:44
bassnahey i got a quick question if anybody is on20:44
ikoniai/o error on what device.20:44
RajviIts a Gateway laptop20:44
ikoniaon the hard disk, on the cd drive, on the instlal medai20:45
ikoniawhat's the error20:45
erncicNubtastic_: Don't panic. unmount and remount to correct location. Nothing is lost.20:45
guntbert!ask | bassna20:45
ubottubassna: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:45
bassnamy screen on my g2 stopped working. the phone turns on and works20:47
bassnai took it to tmobile, they are sending me a new phone out to my house20:47
bassnabut the phone itself is still rooted, but im not sure if they will be able to see that without fixnig the screen first to see20:48
ikonia....how is his an ubuntu problem ?20:48
bassnaoh im in the wrong room -_-20:48
ikoniaKScorp: ?20:49
KScorpi get this error when i wanna update20:50
KScorpin arch20:50
ikoniaright, so why are you asking an ubuntu channel20:50
almoxarifeKScorp: re-install it20:50
ikoniawhat ?20:51
KScorpsomeone may know20:51
ikoniaKScorp: #archlinux is the channel20:51
ikoniaKScorp: we only support Ubuntu here20:51
KScorpalmoxarfie : tnx20:53
b4davehey everyone. i am new to ubuntu and thought i would introduce my self and say hello.20:53
KScorpalmoxarife:  tnx20:54
ikoniaKScorp: please ignore what almoxarife said20:54
ikoniahe's been muted and won't be able to make such comments again20:54
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whoeverhow to i open .deb, i am no tring to install it , tring to get a file out of the tarbal that is in the .deb21:01
whoeveror is the only way to re dowload the source21:01
ikoniawhoever: what is hte application/package21:02
segpasswdpasswd only says "Segmentation Fault",sudo passwd returns nothing to screen, and as root passwd returns "Segmentation Fault (core dumped)". This is on a Ubuntu server 12.10 that is pretty fresh and fully updated21:02
ikoniasegpasswd: you shouldn't be "root"21:03
whoeverikonia: iaxmodem, when i got it from atitude it din't set the config file in /etc/iaxmodem/21:03
erncicwhoever: archive manager will open a .deb21:03
ikoniawhoever: what is hte application/package21:03
segpasswdikonia: i tried that as debugging, i just did passwd as my normal user first.21:03
ikoniasegpasswd: is this a vps ?21:03
dr_willissegpasswd:  sounds like somthing seriously wrong when a core app like passwd is seg faulting21:03
ikoniait's either going to be a vps or a hardware failure21:03
whoevererncic: ah, thx, I wAS tring to do it all in the terminal21:03
segpasswdikonia: this is a server I built that is sitting 3 feet from me21:03
ikoniasome sort of ocverlock21:04
dr_williscover the basics.. md5sum the disks/downloads/isos to make sure theya re good.. memtest the pc.21:04
segpasswdikonia: not vps, i am on my own server hardware - Everything else works on this box. It is a xeon 1240 v2 and ecc ram21:05
whoeversegpasswd: are your sure that is the only app that is seg faulting? withe me it was one app then another, eventualy led to hd death21:05
segpasswdwhoever: possible. This is currently running on a usb stick.21:05
erncicwhoever: ar xv mypackage.deb21:06
whoeversegpasswd: wow21:06
whoevereraggo_: thx21:06
segpasswdwhoever: it is going to be a VM host so the host shouldn't need much more than a usb stick21:07
whoeversegpasswd: usb sticks are slow with chunks of data so it could be dieing21:07
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ikoniasegpasswd: are you crazy ?21:08
ikoniasegpasswd: it shouldn't need more than a USB stick21:08
whoeverSab3r: yes but you'll hAVE data tx issues21:08
ikoniasegpasswd: ?????21:08
whoeverlike your having now but much worse21:08
segpasswdikonia: the vm's will be on a RAID 1. The host doesn't do anything other than sit there.21:09
ikoniasegpasswd: it does a LOT more than that21:09
ikoniasegpasswd: your core OS is running on a terrible interface, on a bad hardware device21:09
ikoniasegpasswd: so will things sitting on that poor OS interface run well or bad21:09
whoeversegpasswd: so yes it willl work, but be warned that these proplems will continue, i sugest createing a seperate mount point on an HD for your vm's to solv that issue21:09
nashantHi guys. Is it normal for it to take 10 mins to copy 300Mb over samba?21:09
ikoniait's like putting a 2 ton weight on a house of cards21:10
ikonianashant: depends on many things21:10
segpasswdnashant: try NFS if you can, SMB is a slow protocol21:10
ikoniaSMB is not a slow protocol21:10
ikoniaI move data around on it daily, very quick21:10
segpasswdikonia: go benchmark it :) I have21:10
nashantikonia: How the hell do I speed it up?21:10
sebastarzakHey Nashant21:10
ikoniasegpasswd: yes, but you also thing running a VM host on USB is good, so I've not got a ton of confidence21:11
sebastarzakMaybe nashant use wi-fi ??21:11
segpasswdwhoever: blegh. I can run ESXI fine off of a usb21:11
b14d3I've never had an issue with speed of SMB that wasn't related to my home network21:11
segpasswdikonia: you ever used ESXI?21:11
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ikoniasegpasswd: I've used Vmware ESX servers, yes21:11
nashantsegpasswd: I know NFS is quicker, but everything on my network apart from my server is windows21:11
segpasswdikonia: It is very standard to have ESXI on a usb stick21:12
ikoniano, it's not21:12
dhanasekaranBUG: soft lockup - CPU#10 stuck for 23s! [kworker/0:3:566] how to resolve this bug in my kerenel21:12
ikoniasegpasswd: if you think it's a good idea, carry on,21:12
nashantsebastarzak: Yup, wi-fi. But surely I should still get better than 800kb/s transfer rate, no?21:12
segpasswdnashant: If you are running over ethernet, your system should be able to transfer must faster21:12
sebastarzakYes u right21:12
sebastarzak800kb/s is not good21:13
sebastarzakin lan21:13
segpasswdnashant: it would be good to try it over ethernet to rule out wireless being an issue21:13
nashantsegpasswd: Wi-fi, but I'm sat about 2 metres from the router21:13
sebastarzakmaybe router is.. not good21:13
nashantThat's what I'm thinking21:13
sebastarzakno expensive machine21:13
nashantLinksys WRT310N dd-wrt21:14
sebastarzakonly wifi work that slow21:14
sebastarzakPlug in ethernet (rj45) and check speed21:14
nashantPlanning on upgrading to ASUS RT-N1621:14
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sebastarzakASUS RT-N16 in my country cost 289PLN21:15
sebastarzakprobably 3.421:15
nashantabout £60 here21:15
sebastarzakfor me it's expensive router21:15
sebastarzakbut i'm only student ;D21:16
sebastarzak(high school student)21:16
nashantThen yeah, expensive for you21:16
=== paddy is now known as Teufelchen
dhanasekaranHi Guys I am facing  problem my machine not boot it's still showing BUG: soft lockup - CPU#10 stuck for 23s! [kworker/0:3:566]21:17
sebastarzaki'm from poland.. here all is expensive .. :D21:17
dhanasekaranHi Guys I am facing  problem my machine not boot it's still showing BUG: soft lockup - CPU#10 stuck for 23s! [kworker/0:3:566]21:17
dhanasekaranHow to fix this , It's Hardware issue or kerenel issue21:17
sebastarzak<dhanasekaran> only one paste..21:17
whoeversebastarzak: that may be true, but i was also pointing out worse case senario for you, figuring  you mingt not want to lose data, but oc21:17
dhanasekaransebastarzak: thanks21:18
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sebastarzakdhan maybe you should write new thread on ubuntuforums.com ?21:19
sebastarzakDhan what is the cpu model21:20
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OerHeksdhanasekaran, this looks like your issue > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/101191421:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 1011914 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 23s! [kworker/0:3:566]; RIP: 0010:[<ffffffffa00c9d73>] [<ffffffffa00c9d73>] mei_timer+0xc3/0x260 [mei]" [High,Confirmed]21:20
OerHeksnewer kernel 3.5.x in Quantal solves your problem21:21
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sebastarzakwhats up guys ?21:22
mgolischwhy does nautilus think the filesystem on my external drive is write protected? even though its not, i can write to it just fine in a terminal21:25
mgolischany ideas?21:25
ikoniamgolisch: what file system is it ?21:26
mgolischikonia: its ext321:26
ikoniasounds odd21:26
patelhi guys, I have been strugling with getting ubuntu to stay connected to wpa 2 secured netowrks (such as the one at my college ) has anyone else dealt with similar issues ?21:26
mgolischyeah thats why iam asking, didnt seem to make sense to me either21:26
ikoniamgolisch: internal/external drive ?21:27
mgolischikonia: its external, connected via usb21:27
ikoniamgolisch: how did you mount it ?21:28
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mgolischbut that shouldnt realy make a difference right? i mean they are all threated as scsi disks21:28
mgolischikonia: i just automounted when i pluged it in21:28
ikoniamgolisch: for interst, unmount it and force it to mount to somewhere outside your home dir, eg: /mnt/temp or something21:29
ikoniamgolisch: see if the behaviour is the same21:29
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mgolischikonia: nope it doesnt, i can touch , mkdir just fine, but nautilus still says the target is write protected21:32
ikoniamgolisch: even when it's mounted on /mnt/temp21:32
mgolischikonia: yeah21:32
ikoniaHmmm, that's one old theory out of the window21:33
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
ryan_46I am concerned about getting a Windows 8 with uefi. Will  I be able to easily install Ubuntu on it?21:34
sebastarzakwindows speak: yes21:36
sebastarzakuefi = windows or linux21:36
sebastarzakno windows and linux21:36
sebastarzaki'm right ?21:36
viddyNo problems dual booting with UEFI21:37
OerHeksryan_46, there is a manual to do that > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:37
ryan_46OerHeks: Thanks :)21:37
douchebagwondering if anybody can take a look at pastebin of a compiling error21:38
ryan_46Also thanks viddy21:38
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douchebagI'm getting a compiling error and was wondering if someone could take a look at a pastebin?21:40
douchebagahh alas, there were no fucks given21:41
mshon ubuntu 12.04 how could I change theme.21:44
mshIt was gtk-*** something if I am right!21:45
segpasswddouchebag: don't ask to ask. Just put the link and hope someone looks at it21:46
b14d3I'd preface the link with what it is and what they should look for though lol21:49
NetbusHow can I make my mousewheel scroll the pages up and down like most OSs??21:50
NateWWhy does the gnome-color-picker widget always choose black when choosing from the screen?21:51
verdNetbus: implementing that is an application's task, not an OS's21:51
Netbusverd: arg.  so each application will have its own rule? is there a way to make the OS handle it?21:51
verdNetbus: so you should approach the developers of the application you are looking at, not those of the operating system21:52
prubini87does anybody know why Eclipse in the Ubuntu Software Center is "Indigo" and not "Juno"? - running Ubuntu Precise here21:52
verdNetbus: each application _can_ have its own rule. of course, a distribution can (and should) set guidelines, and well-behaved applications should heed them21:53
NateWSo choosing a color in any gnome application is completely useless currently.21:53
bekksprubini87: Because thats the latest release in the Ubuntu repos.21:53
NateWSince the color picker always return black.21:53
Diegonguihi, I want toHello I want to install or update adobe flash player. I already search but it's difficult for me21:53
DiegonguiI've downloaded the tar file but I don't know what to do with that21:53
Diegonguiwell, I extracted the files21:53
ubottuDiegongui: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:53
MonkeyDustNateW  try gcolor221:53
prubini87bekks: any idea who is responsible for updating the repo?21:54
codephobicI've tried installing get_flash_videos on ubuntu 12.10, but I can't seem to get it to work, would this be a sensible place to get some help or is this too specific for a ubuntu channel?21:54
bekksprubini87: The maintainers. There will be no release updates in the repos, but only security updates.21:54
NateWMonkeyDust: Always returns balck.21:54
bekks!flash | codephobic21:54
ubottucodephobic: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:54
NateWMonkeyDust: Using Unity in 12.1021:55
escottNateW, what window manager are you using21:55
Diegonguiwhat's konkeror ?21:55
NateWescott: Unity in 12.1021:55
escottNateW, unity-2d or 3d?21:55
bekksDiegongui: "konqueror" is a browser in KDE.21:55
MonkeyDustNateW  o issue here, gcolor2 in unity, 12.1021:55
DiegonguiI'm not using thatone , neither ff21:55
Diegonguijust chromium21:56
NateWescott:  3D. Isn't it all 3D now? just either LLVMPipe or hw_accel.21:56
NateWMonkeyDust: Video driver and # of monitors?21:56
ArlieHi. Got sent here - more or less - after my attempts to configure a printer caused compiz to crash.  12.04.1 desktop. Had a lot of compiz crashes21:56
MonkeyDustNateW  intel here, 1 screen21:56
NateWRunning fglrx and 2 monitors. I wonder if either one of those things is the issue.21:57
TheWickerman666_any news on fglrx with 3.5 kernel on ubuntu 12.0421:57
Arlielooks like I'm not the only person here with untiy problems ;-)21:57
prubini87bekks: mmm I'm not sure I understand... Please, just to clarify, does that apply only to Eclipse or to all software in the software central? I mean, software do get release updates from time to time, no? O.o... do you know where I can find further info about that please? :/21:57
bekksprubini87: It applies to all software in the repos.21:58
TheWickerman666_i am having a lot of problems with fglrx on my zotac zbox ad10 amd-e350 w/ radeon 631021:58
bekksprubini87: Ubuntu isnt a rolling release dsribution,21:58
NateWI'm thinking it's an fglrx issue.21:58
NateWUsing a radeon 777021:58
TheWickerman666_running 12.04.2 w/ kernel 3.5.0-21 64bit21:59
escottNateW, could be that the fglrx driver doesn't return the pixel color when queried21:59
TheWickerman666_have a lot of issues with compiz, unity and speed21:59
NateWescott: That's my guess. I'll do some testing later.21:59
codephobicAnyone here tried using get_flash_videos with brightcove?21:59
TheWickerman666_very slow flash videos21:59
TheWickerman666_anybody who can throw a light22:00
ArlieGuessing I should have just submitted the bug report, not believed the claim I should go to ubuntu support instead ;-)22:00
TheWickerman666_had to downgrade to opensource drivers from ubuntu-x-swat22:01
prubini87bekks: oh... so like, newer versions of Ubuntu *may* have more up to date software, while older version no... did I get it right?22:01
bekksprubini87: Correct.22:01
codephobicHow do I install "Data::AMF::Packet" on ubuntu 12.10?22:01
TheWickerman666_opensource display drivers better than proprietary fglrx22:02
prubini87bekks: ohh, I see! Thank you very very much for the clarification!22:02
dave101010_hi all any one ever played with ubuntu 12.04 on a eeepc22:02
TheWickerman666_dave: is eeepc with the amd e350?22:02
candtA few hours ago I posted (as 'candtalan') a problem about Ubuntu/XP dual boot and my apparent lack of a bootable drive showing up.  One of your good selves helped me (many apologies, not sure who) mentioning sata related bios settings and boot repair disc. Brilliant, it worked very well, THANK  YOU again!! I had forgotten to set the bios after adding the second HD. and I also used boot repair disc too.22:03
dave101010_i tried eeebuntu but that was dead old and would not sell22:06
dave101010_and at the mo i have to press alt to move the windows all the time does my nut in22:06
TheWickerman666_any place where i can find help with fglrx on kernel 3.5 64bit, please guys, help me22:09
mshi need to install sound and media codecs22:10
mshplz help22:10
just-learningif I use my laptop to access my desktops private IP (192.168.etc...) in the browser, I can get my /var/www/index.html webpage to come up but if I use my public IP it does not come up... also I have the same Public IP for all computers on my network... how can I make index.html accessable from the internet?22:10
mshi dont need other restricted codecs like java22:10
daftykinsjust-learning: you need to forward port 80 on your router to the internal IP of your desktop. that must also be a static IP address so it won't change22:11
dave_101010any help with eeepc would be great22:12
just-learningdo I do that in my router setting ( ?22:12
daftykinsjust-learning: yes22:12
daftykinsjust-learning: although setting the static IP is best done on the computer22:12
daftykinsjust-learning: it's also then best to set the static IP to one outside of the DHCP scope (the IP addresses your router assigns to new connecting devices automatically)22:13
leftisthey has anyone read this critical article from Freedom Software Foundation concerning Ubuntu 12.10? This is serious stuff.22:13
leftistI can't believe this.22:13
MonkeyDustleftist  wrong channel22:13
daftykinsjust-learning: so for example, if you set your desktop to, forward port 80 to that IP, then make sure the DHCP scope is only set to give addresses from .2 - .50 say, so they won't overlap22:13
leftistI remember when Intel did this stuff.22:14
daftykins!ot | leftist22:14
ubottuleftist: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:14
leftistMonkeydust, this is the right channel when the SFS is recommending not to use ubuntu for anything! You kidding?22:14
leftistI have it installed all over the place22:14
bekksleftist: How is it related to supporting specific ubuntu problems?22:14
just-learninghow would I do that? I tried, but wasn't sure about netmask, and gateway... do I keep them the same as comes up with ifconfig?22:15
MonkeyDustleftist  discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic, please22:15
leftistThis IS THE PROBLEM22:15
daftykinsjust-learning: for a 192.168.x.x address the netmask is always, then the gateway is the IP of your router so
leftistThis is the most important problem ever!22:15
leftistok ok22:15
just-learninggot that... don't want two devices on the same network with the same private IP22:15
k1l!guidlines > leftist22:15
k1l!guidelines > leftist22:16
ubottuleftist, please see my private message22:16
MonkeyDustleftist  the sun and the ocean are important22:16
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codephobicHow do I install "Data::AMF::Packet" on ubuntu 12.10?22:16
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just-learningso I'm gonna set method to manual on IPv4 since that's what my roughter uses, then fill in the fields as needed?22:17
k1lleftist: last call on you, that is not an topic for this technical support channel22:17
leftistREAD THAT22:17
OerHeksleftist, stop that please, join #ubuntu-offtopic for chitchat22:17
mshi dont need other restricted codecs like java22:20
mshi need to install sound and media codecs22:20
OerHeksmsh Restricted extra's contains openJDK, not the oracle binairy blob22:21
=== daniel is now known as Guest36960
just-learningnow on my router, how to port forward ... my options include: Basic Setup, LAN, WAN, Wireless, Firewall, Utilities...22:22
just-learningWAN doesnt seem to have any options that leat to port fwding ???22:23
b14d3just-learning: You should probably look up the documentation for your router, given that it's not an Ubuntu issue it probably won't be answered in here.22:23
just-learningtrue... sorry22:23
b14d3just-learning: The documentation for your specific router will also help you learn better, and will be specific to your router rather than conjecture of other things people have encountered in the past.22:23
mshOerHeks, yes buddy. but i am on an open wifi and the speed is triable. if i could install the sound and video codec only and by command line22:23
daftykinsjust-learning: it'll be under firewall rules / port forwarding / application support / etc22:24
OerHeksmsh sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:24
daftykinsOerHeks: error, not an OS22:24
OerHeksdaftykins, what are you referring to?22:27
daftykinsOerHeks: ah ignore me, bad eyes22:27
_andyj_I just installed a printer/scanner following directions from the manufacturers webpage, I can print, but xsane can't see the scanner.  How can I debug this?22:28
_andyj_sorry for the vague question, I can give more detail if someone has an idea of where to start22:28
OerHeks_andyj_, what brand/typ of printer/scanner combo?22:30
_andyj_OerHeks, Brothers MFC495CW, hooked up via USB.  I followed the directions here: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/index.html22:30
_andyj_OerHeks, all I get from xsane is no device found... and I'm not sure where to look to find the device manually22:31
usr13_andyj_: sane-find-scanner22:39
daftykins_andyj_: have you not run those 'brsaneconfig2' commands to /add/ the scanner entry?22:39
denverHi, can someone check my result from smart program ? http://pastebin.com/LebcUVZA SSD22:39
_andyj_daftykins, hmm I must have missed those directions. I will look them over again22:40
usr13_andyj_: What is the make and model of your scanner?22:40
_andyj_usr13, mfc495cw22:40
_andyj_usr13, brother22:40
usr13_andyj_: When you ran sane-find-scanner, did it say "No scanners found"?22:41
RajviNot able to install Ubuntu ( any version ).Error Code : 5, Input/Output. I tried evrything possible. I think i have a some bad sectors used LM KDE 13 previously. Even tried to delete, resize, change the partition, at last end up even deleting Win7 partion. Starge is that : Files skip during installation, that starange22:41
_andyj_usr13, yes it came up with no device22:41
daftykins_andyj_: i saw them on http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/instruction_scn1b.html22:41
_andyj_daftykins, I have mine hooked up via usb22:43
daftykinsoic, my bad sorry22:43
daftykins_andyj_: under USB it says run your scanning app as super user, are you doing that/22:44
_andyj_daftykins, I have been trying gksudo xsane, and even ran gimp as root to see if it could find the scanner with no luck22:44
daftykinsor have you followed the guide to do it as a normal user?22:44
daftykinsah right, weird22:44
_andyj_I think I may have installed the wrong scanner package for my device though apparently ><22:45
usr13_andyj_: http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/bsc/public_s/id/linux/en/download_scn.html22:45
_andyj_I installed the brscan2 package instead of brsan3...  woops sorry guys, thanks for help22:46
never2fari have  seen few days ago a flood attack on the server ...but the php script was changing pid very very fast ...because it was load it was easy to detect the script...but how can i detect a script if it wont make load and it will change pid very fast?22:47
usr13_andyj_: http://www.brother.com/cgi-bin/agreement/agreement.cgi?dlfile=http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/dlf/brscan3-0.2.11-4.i386.deb&lang=English_gpl or http://www.brother.com/cgi-bin/agreement/agreement.cgi?dlfile=http://www.brother.com/pub/bsc/linux/dlf/brscan3-0.2.11-5.amd64.deb&lang=English_gpl22:48
_andyj_usr13, I am getting it working now... it was the wrong driver package that I installed.  thanks for help sorry for the bother22:49
usr13_andyj_: NP22:49
bjrohanHOLA! I just purchased, (literally, have not turned it on yet) A new laptop that has windows 8. For now I would like to install Ubuntu as a dual boot. How do I go about repartitioning to do so?22:51
escottbjrohan, first thing is probably to disable secure boot22:52
gandhijee_hello.  does anyone know how to change the color depth with an xorg.conf file or having to restart X?22:53
gandhijee_*without an xorg.conf file i mena22:53
bjrohanescott: I have the Ubuntu page for that. I will try doing that first. It has a 1TB drive, my thoughts are a 50GB part for Windows as I will only use it for once in a while. On modern machines is having a partition for swap still recommended?22:54
escottbjrohan, i still follow the 2xRAM rule, but its up to you22:54
javierf_Hi! Don't know why, but my messaging menu is buggy since some months ago (ubuntu 12.04, unity). It turns blue when some messages arrive, but it doesn't show any icon or text. So, it turns blue and, when i click it, everything I see is blank rows. What I would like is to restart the indicator, but doesn't work uninstalling and reinstalling it. Any help would be great. Thanks!22:54
bjrohanescott: I have 12 GB ram, so 24 GB swap part then. Can't see it hurting, again it is a 1TB drive.22:55
escottbjrohan, pretty much my reasoning. do make sure that your hard drive and usb are configured to boot in the same manner (presumably efi)22:56
bjrohanescott: what do you mean boot in the same manner? all my other computers are 5+ years old22:57
escottbjrohan, a lot of these efi systems can boot in emulated bios mode. and will do different things for different boot devices. hard drive in bios, usb keychain in efi, cdrom in bios etc22:58
javierf_This is how it looks like: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215057/no-text-in-working-indicator-messages-after-enabling-different-icons-depending-o22:58
dankestHey everyone, I'm trying to shrink my Ubuntu partition using gparted booted from my install CD.  I've resized my main partition, but I can't seem to move the swap partition.  How can I move the swap partition?22:58
bjrohanescott: I understand as much as I can without experiencing it :-). I will bott up the machine now with live USB in drive and see what I get22:59
escottdankest, the livecd will swapon the swap by default. you need to swapoff the swap before you can move it22:59
usr13dankest: I think you'll need to do it in two separate operations.22:59
escottbjrohan, this is all preboot. in the efi setup22:59
gandhijee_dankest: i've always had to delete the swap22:59
gandhijee_then recreate it at the end of my disk22:59
dankestescott, usr13, got it, thanks.23:00
dankestgandhijee_: I'm unable to touch it, it's apparently mounted?23:00
dankestIs there a swapoff command I need to run?  Can I do this from inside gparted?23:00
escottdankest, its not mounted its "swapon" you need to "sudo swapoff /dev/whatever"23:00
bjrohanescott: any keys combo I need to hit when I turn it on then?23:00
usr13swap doesn't need to be at the end, it can be the first partition if you like, (which is my preference).23:00
escottbjrohan, board specific. often del or shift or f1-1223:01
ShortieHi all, I'm having some problems trying to install Ubumtu for the first time on my laptop, wondered if anyone could help?23:02
usr13dankest: I use:  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:03
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest90411
usr13Actually, this one:  http://partedmagic.com/doku.php?id=downloads23:04
usr13Shortie: Sure someone can help.  What seems to be the problem?23:04
cheetah100join #nzoss23:05
ShortieI've downloaded Ubuntu 12.10 (32-bit version) and burned the .ISO to a disk under windows. I booted my laptop from said disk and completed the setup successfully, including all the updates as my laptop had an internet connection at the time. However as soon as the setup completes and the laptop restarts, I get a pink screen which fades to white, and nothing else23:07
atoihey all. I'm not really used to launchpad or great with Ubuntu packaging. Is this package available via aptitude/apt-get in a repository somewhere?23:07
atoiI have all the default precise repos, I think, but when I try to do `aptitude -t 5.3.8-2ubuntu1 install php5-fpm` it tells me it's not available in the sources.23:08
escott!nomodeset | Shortie23:08
ubottuShortie: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:08
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steven__How do I install Gnome?  My video card does not get along with Unity in 12.1023:13
steven__I want Gnome 3.023:13
=== johunt is now known as joshhunt
k1lsteven__:  install gnome-shell ?23:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic23:15
diverdudeAny suggestions for a nice cli ftp client which supports sftp?23:17
g0tchahey guys, i added ipv6 tunneling to my ubuntu server and now everytime i try to apt-get it just keeps on trying and trying like this: Get:56 http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main libapt-pkg4.12 amd64 0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.7 [934 kB]23:17
g0tchaanyone know how to find out if apt-get is using ipv6 or my ipv4 ip?23:18
bakw00dsAnyone saavy with acpi and installing ubuntu?23:19
mega1how do i turn off noip2 just till i reboot23:22
bjrohanescott: You still here? I have booted into Wondoze 8 and set it up, I am now at the HP boot menu, where do/can I go from here to start the process of installing ubuntu as a dual boot?23:23
Shortiethanks guys, that worked for me :) damn Nvidia drivers!23:23
Shortieon the up side, my bluetooth, wi-fi and touchscreen all work straight out of the box :)23:25
just-learning<daftykins> you still here?23:26
daftykinsjust-learning: yep23:27
just-learningtrying to access my /var/www/intex.html from the internet... I set my privat IP as static (outside the range of my router) and set port frowarding (I think) on my router, and still can't seem to access this file??? puzzeled23:29
ikoniasounds like port forward is not setup23:30
ikoniaor the web server is not running23:30
ikoniaor your domain is not bound to an IP23:30
just-learningdo I need to put Public_IP/Private-IP in my browser...23:30
just-learningI can view it localy... form an other comp... so apache is running...23:31
daftykinsjust-learning: some routers don't let you visit the external IP from inside, can you get a friend to test? or PM me your IP and i can test/check your port forward23:31
ikoniajust-learning: you need a public IP to be visable from the router23:32
ikoniaon the publi cinternet23:32
ikoniaI'm guessing his ip is
daftykinsyeah ;)23:33
just-learningfor port forwarding I set up Virtual Servers Configuration as inbound port 80 to 80 outbound port 80 to 80 and local IP as my private static IP23:33
daftykinsjust-learning: port 80 is filtered - so your port forward isn't working23:33
emxwhat group is apache running as?23:33
ikoniajust-learning: how your portforwarding works depends on your router make/model23:33
bjrohanAnyone here that can help me install ubuntu 12.10 on a new computer with Win 8? I have disabled secure boot, and I have started ubunutu from a LiveUSB. I need help with partitioning and then installing dual boot23:33
ikoniaand your isp23:34
ikoniasome ISP's block port 8023:34
ikoniabjrohan: what are you not sure of?23:34
bjrohanikonia: It has been a while since i have done this. Select Install Ubuntu from the menu and follow the prompts? This will prompt me to partition a drive?23:34
ikoniabjrohan: yes, if you don't select automatic partitioning23:35
just-learningmy manual for my router doesn't tell me jack... I used find to search the whole thing... the only "port" is has is usb port, ethernet port suPORT etc...23:35
ikoniabjrohan: it's quite a clear message on screen as you progress23:35
just-learningso I guessed at it.23:35
daftykinsjust-learning: do you know what make and model it is?23:35
ikoniajust-learning: check the online resources for your router23:35
bjrohanikonia: Thanks.23:36
just-learningmy IP's are and
just-learningbeen googling my ass off!23:36
just-learningalot and I mean a lot of dead ends and usless irelavent information with discriptions that seem to be on the money :(23:37
bjrohanikonia: I have a question. The one time I booted into Win8, I have a C part and d part. the D part is the recovery. In the install disk set up, the auto feature asks if I want to install in partiniton #4 which is odd to me23:37
atriusgood lord... trying to write an upstart job... it never stops.. i tell it to stop via initctl.. and it does a restart23:38
ikoniabjrohan: port 80 not listening on your IP on the public internet,23:38
ikoniait looks like cableone.net maybe blocking it at the permiter23:38
just-learningArris TG85223:38
bjrohanikonia: huh?23:38
bjrohanikonia: perhaps for somone else :-)23:38
daftykinsjust-learning: what you did sounds right, source port and destination port rule creation. do you know the make and model of your router though?23:38
ikoniabjrohan: oops, sorry yes23:39
just-learningArris TG852 Touchstone23:39
daftykinsbjrohan: it might be handy to try and resize the Windows 8 C: from within Windows23:39
bjrohandaftykins: Okay.23:39
daftykinsbjrohan: usually i wipe systems and just nuke all those recovery partitions, hopefully you got a Windows disc with your system23:40
bjrohandaftykins: I did not :-( That is sucky23:43
bjrohandaftykins: I do want to do a dual boot as well. Sometimes I do troubleshooting for a website, and having Win8 on for testing would be nice, so only about 50GB for that partition out of a 1TB drive23:44
daftykinsbjrohan: i'd recommend a good 150GB+ for a growing Windows 8 install23:46
AmacidiaHey, any BONIC users around? I'm trying to figure out how to detach from a project ?23:48
bjrohandaftykins: Okay. In Win8 this thing has 4 partitions already, 2 non-labeled by Win, 400 MB (recovery part) 260MB (EFI part), c drive 903GB and RECOVERY D: 27GB, merely shrink the 903GB to 150GB?23:50
ryanbarberi need help :(23:50
ryanbarbercan someone help me??23:51
blamiryanbarber: state your problem :)23:51
IdleOneryanbarber: only if you ask a question23:51
ikoniaryanbarber: normally you ask a question to get help23:51
usr13bjrohan: Don't you need to delete the 4th one?23:51
ryanbarberokay. if i download the ubuntu installer, will i be able to use windows as well? I have win8 and wanted to try unity as i am thinking of switching23:52
blamiusr13: I wouldn't recommend deleletion of anything that's called recovery :D23:52
blamiryanbarber: download livecd and try without installing23:52
ryanbarberok thanks23:52
ryanbarberi love ubintu23:52
daftykinsbjrohan: ah, it's an EFI installation of Windows 8 then. i'm not sure if normal Ubuntu can be installed beside that23:52
usr13blami: Not the recovery partition, but isnt there another small one at the end?23:52
usr13blami: sda4?23:53
bjrohanFor those of you following my quest, have any of you dual booted a WIN 8 and Ubuntu? I have disabled the Secure Boot in the BIOS23:53
ryanbarberi can do advanced install to new partition tho i believe. do you think that will work?23:53
blamibjrohan: I have win8 ubuntu and solaris :D23:53
daftykinsblami: is win8 installed as an EFI install though?23:53
bjrohanblami: is it an EFI 8?23:53
blamidaftykins: of course, my laptop does not support legacy bios23:54
ryanbarberactually yes it is23:54
ryanbarbermaybe it wont work23:54
bjrohanblami: Would you help me out please? It is a brand new laptop. I want to leave a small part for win8 the rest for Ubuntu23:54
daftykinsbjrohan: hmm there's some stuff online http://askubuntu.com/questions/193103/ubuntu-install-and-dual-boot-with-windows-8-uefi23:54
teh_pwnererdoes a release of ubuntu use the same linux kernel for its entire lifecycl? for example ubuntu 12.04 lts23:54
ryanbarbertry a partition and dualboot to the ubuntu partition by loading a boot record23:55
blamibjrohan: to be honest ... it was solid headache. As I can't enroll my own secure boot keys etc.23:55
blamibjrohan: I started with offloading windows to external drive23:55
ryanbarberblami: try an OEM access. you can enroll keys there23:55
escottbjrohan, you would usually boot the livecd/liveusb and do the install23:55
blamiryanbarber: I can't. Its work laptop with enforced policy23:56
ryanbarberyou should be able to by booting to safe mode with terminal23:56
daftykinsteh_pwnerer: yeah they stick to a given main point then do security updates alone i think23:56
blamiryanbarber: I'm booting fedora's shim to gummiboot and then directly my custom ubuntu kernel with efi stub23:56
bjrohanescott: Gotcha, My issue had been that when I first booted the LiveUSB and went to install I was stumped there were 4 partitions already, so I went into 8 to see what was going on and shrink the partition.23:57
ryanbarberblami: have you tried shim to the liveCD?23:57
neckconI need some help and I am relitively new to Ubuntu (12.10)23:57
ryanbarberneckcon: what can i do for you?23:58
escottbjrohan, 3 of the partitions make sense. the efi partition, the windows partition, the backup windows. the fourth is probably a windows data partition. in gpt you have have as many partitions as you want so resizing shouldnt be a problem23:58
blamiryanbarber: livecd doesn't need to be signed as long as it is not usb key23:58
usr13escott: blami: bjrohan If there are 4 partitions, one needs to be deleted.  Right?23:58
escottusr13, gpt no23:58
blamiryanbarber: efi firmware boots optical discs using legacy23:58
neckconI am using the wubi.exe installer and when I boot into Ubuntu there is nothing on the desktop except for the bar at the top23:58
neckconthere is no sidebar23:59
ryanbarbermy bad23:59
blamiusr13: no, gpt does not have limit23:59
usr13escott: Doesn't the 4th one need to be the "extended partition"?23:59
escottbjrohan, you have no limits on the number of partitions you can add23:59
ryanbarberneckcon: what version of ubuntu are you using?23:59
usr13blami: gpt?23:59
escottusr13, no its gpt23:59
blamiusr13: no, there is nothing like extended23:59
orlokCan anybody reccomend a way to force account lockouts after failed login attempts? Via the X login, not ssh23:59
progre55hi guys. I'm trying to upgrade mysql from 5.1. to 5.5 on ubuntu natty. I have added a ppa, but when doing the upgrade, it fails with "dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)" because of mysql-client "trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/mysql.1.gz', which is also in package mysql-client-core-5.1 5.1.54-1ubuntu4". Any suggestions, please?23:59
ryanbarberhola senor23:59

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