
=== slank is now known as slank_away
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
pabs3is there a way to update the description of a bug using the email interface?03:44
pabs3based on the wiki page about it there does not seem to be: https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface03:44
wgrantpabs3: The email interface lets you specify the description when filing a new bug, but it can't change a description afterwards.04:00
wgrantOnly the API and web UI can do that.04:00
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== rafael is now known as Guest57323
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== slank_away is now known as slank
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
bachi jam15:25
czajkowskibac: loving the pics15:26
czajkowskilooks so pretty there right now15:26
bacczajkowski: it is, and warm15:26
bacczajkowski: we've cooled down to a high of 29C today15:26
czajkowskibac: no need to rub it in mister! I'm at a mild 7C here today, with no rain or snow :-)15:27
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
semiosisyesterday i uploaded to my ppa, as i normally do, and i got a rejection email from launchpad saying my ppa did not exist in another user's account15:44
czajkowskisemiosis: what are the ac names?15:44
semiosisi uploaded a second time and then got the acceptance email15:45
semiosisac names?15:45
czajkowskiyou siad another users ac15:45
czajkowskiwhat is your ac name and the other ac name15:45
semiosisassuming ac = account15:45
semiosismine is semiosis, others is trevormosey15:46
semiosisi can forward you the rejection email if you like15:46
czajkowskisemiosis: no it's ok for a moment15:46
czajkowskisinzui: have you ever heard of anything like this happening before ??15:47
semiosistimestamp on the email is 18:15 EST (-0500)15:47
semiosisin case that helps15:47
czajkowskiI've no access to any of the mails15:47
sinzuisemiosis, have you confirmed the incoming lines in your ~/.dput.cf points to your lp-id15:50
semiosissinzui: i use it often and it's always worked... like i said, i re-uploaded the same thing a second time and it worked like normal15:51
semiosisdidnt change anything on 2nd try15:51
sinzuiare you certain that the odd reject was for your package...it was not really an email to someone elses about their package?15:52
* sinzui wants to see the raw email to investigate further15:52
jo-erlendwhen a bug I'm subscribed to is marked as a duplicate of another, then I automatically get subscribed to the other one, yes?15:53
semiosissinzui: pm me your addr15:53
dobeyjo-erlend: afaik, yes15:54
semiosisto recap, sinzui pointed me toward https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/68445015:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 684450 in Launchpad itself "Totally unrelated PPA referenced in subject of upload rejection email" [High,Triaged]15:55
semiosiswhich describes a typoed ppa causing this rejection15:55
semiosisand on closer inspection, i /did/ typo it :(15:55
semiosisbut must have fixed that and forgot (it was late) on the 2nd try15:56
jo-erlenddoes LP have a REST API or something? For instance if I'd like to include a few specifics about one particular bug in an external website?16:03
tsimpsonjo-erlend: it does https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/1.0.html16:08
tsimpsonit's actually what ubot5 uses to get bug information16:09
dobeyis there any way to inform consumers of a certain PPA that they should switch to a different PPA?16:10
sinzuidobey, no16:13
sinzuiits would be nice to help people transition.16:13
jo-erlendtsimpson, heh, thanks. I should've realized that. :)16:22
czajkowskisinzui: you were commenting on the answer yesterday re email address being added to the LP profile, any ideas what is up there?17:20
sinzuiczajkowski, wgrant was going to test his won loco address17:28
czajkowskiah ok17:28
czajkowskishall I assign it to him17:28
sinzuiczajkowski, Canonical's servers could be losing some or all loco addresses17:29
czajkowskihttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/216931  I'm also struggling with today :/17:29
czajkowskisinzui: we'd surely have had more issues than 1 person though17:29
sinzuiwgrant suspects his own loco is blocked.17:30
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
xnoxczajkowski: that format of branch may require an older version of bzr to clone.18:19
xnoxczajkowski: something like the one shipped in lucid, or maybe even before that.18:19
xnoxczajkowski: redirect the question to bzr folks ;-)18:19
dobeyxnox: you could "bzr upgrade lp:~user/project/branch" to upgrade the branch on the server without needing a local checkout18:29
xnoxdobey: sure but does local and/or launchpad bzr still know about " RepositoryFormatKnitPack5RichRoot "18:30
dobeyxnox: yes18:31
dobeyxnox: the problem isn't that bzr can't handle it. it's that the branch is stacked on a branch that has been upgraded, and the versions are in conflict, so bzr can't resolve the history18:31
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
shadeslayerI believe nasl is broken, chroot issue, could someone fix it?20:36
shadeslayermaxb: ping21:27
shadeslayermaxb: I remember that you had some setup where you pushed some failing imports for project neon manually21:27
shadeslayercould you tell me what setup you used?21:27
shadeslayer( iirc you said you did a git fast-export and then a bzr fast-import )21:28
ActionParsniphey guys, quick question about karma if I may :)21:33
ActionParsnipHow much karma is a request for information worth, an answer worth and a question being marked as solved worth please?21:34
czajkowskiActionParsnip: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma21:36
ActionParsnipit doesn't give any actual numbers though21:38
ActionParsniplike "If a user reports a question as solved you get 100 karma" etc21:38
shadeslayerusually answering questions on launchpad gives you ton of karna21:39
shadeslayerbut 'don't judge people by their karma' is my usual policy :P21:39
ActionParsniptrue but I'm after the actual numbers, do they exist please?21:40
ActionParsnipJust seeing how long it will take me to overtake Martin Pitt :)21:41
ActionParsnipIts close now so I'm treating it like a game21:41
shadeslayerI thought cjwatson had the highest karma21:42
ActionParsnipNar, it's Martin, then me21:42
ActionParsnipwatson is #421:42
shadeslayerapparently not21:42
shadeslayerI see21:42
shadeslayergee .. I only just touched 11K21:43
shadeslayerI think the highest I had was 14K21:43
czajkowskikinda explains it herehttps://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma#How_Launchpad_calculates_the_score_for_each_type_of_work21:43
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: its all good tough :)21:43
shadeslayerActionParsnip: yeah :P21:43
czajkowskibut tis only karma nobody looks at it tbh21:43
czajkowskiand it does decrease over time21:44
ActionParsnipIts why I keep it up. I'm gonna be the top :)21:45
shadeslayerthen some sneaky ubuntu dev will try and topple you21:45
ActionParsnipi'll ust keep pushing. I have few ubuntu issues so its the only way I can learn my OS21:47
ActionParsnipjust started a job today with a tonne my Linux in. Lots of Mandriva and Debian servers :)21:49
dobeyi wonder how much karma i'd get for a launchpad branch to remove karma21:59
lifelessall the karma21:59
maxbshadeslayer: hi23:02
maxbSo, last time the problem was simply that Launchpad wasn't running a new enough version of bzr and bzr-git23:02
maxbSo it was simply a matter of having trunk versions installed, and doing a cron-ed 'bzr pull && bzr push'23:03
shadeslayerI see23:04
shadeslayermaxb: well ... we're facing issues with a git repo which *had* a submodule23:05
shadeslayerand doing a git fast export and bzr fast import seems to work23:05
shadeslayerbut that opens up security holes if I do it on a server with my private ssh key on the server23:06
maxbOh, right. The stalled nature of bzr nested trees support is a real pain23:06
maxbI'm not particularly familiar with the incremental abilities of fast-import/export23:07
shadeslayerwell ... uhh .. I don't care about the history really :P23:07
shadeslayermy primary concern is mainly that bzr should have the latest and greatest code from the repo23:07
maxbRe security - presumably the only bit you need a ssh key is for uploading the result to launchpad?23:08
shadeslayerplus I've never been able to get ssh-agent to work properly, so that's another issue that would need to be looked into23:09
maxbIn which case it sounds like a good place to use a secondar/dedicated account23:09
maxb* secondary23:09
shadeslayerah a *secondary* account23:09
shadeslayersounds like it23:10
shadeslayermaxb: ever had ssh-agent successfully run on a server? :P23:10
maxbWhy would you need an agent?23:10
shadeslayeroh passwordless ssh key?23:11
maxbIf it's a dedicated account, I don't see any harm in letting the key be passwordless23:11
maxbI have a secondary account for cron-driven PPA uploads, for example23:11
shadeslayerI see23:12
shadeslayerI think this is the first time I'm actually logging out of launchpad23:12
shadeslayermy email address's are all registered with LP23:15
maxbCreate a dedicated one?23:15

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