
Tassadarokay, my cmdline was missing these 3 parameters: "access=m2 quiet splash"00:08
TassadarI added them, and onboard works like a charm00:08
Tassadarthat is...unexpected Oo00:08
Tassadarsomething still crashes when I hide onboard and show it again, window's decorations disappear and input from onboard no longer gets into textfields00:10
Jef91sfeole you still around?01:51
vanhoofJef91: the rootfs.img is derived from live build01:59
vanhooftar/plain format01:59
vanhoofyou can download it, mount it loopback and take a look01:59
Jef91vanhoof do you know what edits are made to the file system to allow it to be setup properly from the rootfs.tar.gz on the nexus 7?01:59
vanhoofits just a quantal or raring build w/ a seed trimming out the fat, nothing fancy02:00
Jef91So there is nothing extra added to the file system to allow it to boot on the nexus 7?02:01
vanhoofJef91: checkout ubuntu-defaults-nexus7 package in the ppa02:02
vanhoofanything magic is handled there02:02
vanhoofbut those are largely quantal specific, where the image was released at UDS02:02
vanhoofnot for daily raring builds02:02
vanhoofJef91: you've seen the build.sh script, yeah?02:04
Jef91yea looking at it now02:04
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Jef91where the is ppa for that pacakge again vanhoof?02:11
Jef91nvm found it02:12
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Jef91hrm my custom nexus rootfs is giving me:03:32
Jef91"mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory" and "target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init" and then it dumps me to a busy box. Any suggestions as to what I might be missing?03:32
mjrosenbJef91: you should not be mounting /dev anywhere03:34
mjrosenb/dev/sdfoo or /dev/mmcblkbar sure03:35
Jef91if I try to install the 8gb image on a 16gb nexus 7 will it have issues?03:37
infinitymjrosenb: I assume that's an initrd moving the mount from /dev in the initrd to /root/dev before pivoting root.03:38
infinityJef91: ^03:38
infinityJef91: And the last message is also from an initrd telling you it can't find /sbin/init on /root03:39
Jef91my filesystem has a /sbin/init file03:39
infinityJef91: So, your rootfs isn't being mounted, or it's being mounted but is empty and/or corrupt.03:39
Jef91or is it referencing something else?03:39
infinityFrom the POV of the initrd, your filesystem really doesn't have init.03:39
infinityWhy that is, I can't say.03:39
infinity(It also doesn't have /dev)03:40
infinityIn other words, it's probably just not seeing it right.03:40
Jef91My file system is Debian Wheezy ARMHF03:40
Jef91But I've recompiled the Ubuntu nexus 7 packages, thinking they would work with it03:40
Jef91but that might not be enough03:40
Jef91namely I've installed the "tarball-installer" package along with "ubuntu-defaults-nexus7" any idea if I need something more than those two to make the rootfs install via fastboot?03:41
infinityDid you also generate an initrd after installing tarball-installer?03:42
infinityThat initrd is the one you should be booting with.03:43
Jef91ha whoops03:44
Jef91I did not03:44
Jef91How abouts would I go about doing that infinity?03:44
Jef91I just copied over the /boot from the Ubuntu FS03:44
Jef91I moved over /boot, /lib/firmware and /lib/modules03:45
infinityupdate-initramfs -u in your new rootfs.03:45
Jef91(that is what I have done for a number of other ARM devices, wasn't sure if this was different)03:45
Jef91Will there be any conflicts if I had copied over those directories from Ubuntu?03:45
infinityErm.  This is a bit more involved than just copying files around, if you're wanting it to *install* the same way our images do.03:46
infinitySee live-build/auto/build from the livecd-rootfs source.03:46
infinitySearch for nexus703:46
infinityWe create the boot.img with abootimg, and then create the rootfs, which is an ext4 sparse filesystem with a tarball inside it.03:47
infinityThen you flash both those bits, and the boot.img runs the tarball installer.03:47
Jef91Ahh I didn't create my own boot.img03:47
infinityIf that's not what you actually wanted, then you didn't want tarball-installer.03:47
Jef91I'd just been using one of the ones from Ubuntu03:47
Jef91I'll generate my own03:48
* Jef91 will stop trying to shortcut03:48
vanhoofJef91: what variant (8, 16, 32, 32+3g)?03:51
Jef9116 vanhoof03:52
Jef91So I need to generate a fresh boot.img even with the same kernel Ubuntu uses?03:52
vanhoofah ok, you should be good w/ p9 then for rootfs03:52
vanhoof3g is p1003:52
vanhoof(partition wise)03:52
vanhoofwell it needs to be flashed to the boot partition03:53
vanhoofsince tarball-installer does its magic on first boot then vanishes03:54
vanhoofafter that flash-kernel works as usual03:54
SailorMoonSo whats the deal with Ubuntu for Nexus 7?03:54
SailorMoonIs it being developed for fun or should we expect something serious of it?03:55
vanhoofits quite active03:55
SailorMoonfrom what ive seen, in its current state, its a bit unusable03:55
vanhoofSailorMoon: bits are still being migrated from the quantal -> raring daily03:56
Jef91aside from the fact that Unity is a memory hog it works pretty well SailorMoon03:56
SailorMooni do hope it becomes usable someday, I have an OTG cable and a USB hub i use on my N7  for a mouse and keyboard, using that on Ubuntu would be Epic.03:56
SailorMoonI did see there were nightlies, and downloaded one, but i couldnt manage to figure out how to install it03:57
vanhoofSailorMoon: thats how I do most of my work (OTG)03:57
SailorMoonWas like a .gz with a .raw inside it03:57
vanhoofusb serial is new (and nice too)03:57
vanhoofconnect and `screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200`03:57
infinitySailorMoon: The wiki has pretty clear instructions on what to do with the two downloaded files.03:57
SailorMoonThe wiki doesnt say anything about the Nightlies03:58
SailorMoonIt says how to install the .img files, wich i already knew.03:58
infinityWhich nightlies are you refering to?03:58
vanhoofinstall https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer03:58
vanhoofand if you choose to re-download, it'll pull the new daily03:58
infinityhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation#Manually_Installing_Ubuntu_13.04_on_Nexus_7 <-- How to install dailies.03:59
SailorMooninfinity: this one http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-preinstalled/current/03:59
infinitySailorMoon: Yeah, the above tells you exactly what to do with those two files.03:59
SailorMoonyeah step 2 says "gunzip", wtf is a gunzip03:59
infinitySailorMoon: "gunzip foo.img.gz"03:59
vanhoofSailorMoon: install the package from the ppa03:59
vanhoofit does it for you03:59
SailorMoonI'm running Windows on my Desktop lol03:59
infinityDo you have a fastboot binary for Windows?04:00
SailorMoonTried using 7z but it just showd a .raw inside04:00
infinityIf so, these instructions will work just fine, but yes, you'll need something to unzip.04:00
infinityLike good ol' winzip.04:00
SailorMooni used 7zip but again, file.raw inside04:00
SailorMoonAlso tried Winrar04:00
infinityOh, if they're renaming it to file.raw instead of file.img, that doesn't really matter.04:01
Jef91SailorMoon: the install instructions are pretty clear you need Ubuntu on your desktop in it's current state :P04:01
infinityJef91: Not really true.  With a sane fastboot, it should work from Win32 too.04:01
SailorMoonso i should just assume .raw is the name of the image?04:01
SailorMoonJef91: ive said like 10 times, i've installed the normal .img files fine04:02
SailorMoonthese compressed files dont contain .img files04:02
SailorMoonand confused me04:02
infinitySailorMoon: Well, it is, in fact, image.raw at one point in the build process.  We likely rename it.04:02
SailorMoonGood to know04:02
SailorMooni didnt know that before, confused me TT lol04:02
infinitySo, your unzippy thing is just being a bit too smart, I suspect.04:02
vanhoofinfinity: rename to .img?04:03
* vanhoof has no clue on win04:03
infinityThat said, you could get gzip/gunzip for Win32 from here: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/gzip.htm04:03
infinityvanhoof: The name of the image is completely meaningless, it's just a raw blob of blobbiness anyway, fastboot doesn't care.04:04
infinityThat said, gunzip will definitely give you The Right Thing, I have no idea what WinRAR for 7zip will do (though, they should be doing similarly Right Things)04:04
vanhoofcygwin? :)04:04
infinityThis gzip is native, no need for cyg.04:05
vanhoofinfinity: right, just never used fastboot on win myself04:05
infinityvanhoof: Fastboot on Win32 is far better tested than on Linux, so it better work. :P04:05
vanhoofinfinity: heh04:05
infinity(Sadly, we're not actually the dominant OS in the world... Crazy talk, I know)04:05
vanhoofinfinity: say it aint so!04:05
infinityIt saddens me too.04:06
SailorMoonwhat is dup?04:06
SailorMoonIts completely unrelated but you guys r smart n stuff04:06
infinityvanhoof: Anyhow, we could totally whip up a quick-n-dirty installer (probably not a GUI, unless you want to do actual work, but we could script something and bundle it with gzip, etc) for Win32..04:06
vanhoofinfinity: totally out of my element there, perhaps a holiday venture, if i use windows, cygwin is the first thing installed ;)04:07
infinityvanhoof: Yeah, native is much saner in this case.  Though, I tend to agree, Windows without a sane POSIX environment drives me batty.04:07
vanhoofinfinity: s!!! ;)04:08
infinityHeck, it's the only thing that makes MacOS usable.  I spent about 10 minutes trying to "intuitively" deduce how to help a friend with an OSX problem the other day before I just broke down, hit a terminal, and beat it with a hammer from the back end.04:08
infinityIntuitive GUI, my ass.04:08
vanhoofsame w/ OSX, fink!04:09
* vanhoof envisions being punched by infinity at some point04:09
infinityIf I used OSX at all, I'd likely use fink.  But, why would I use OSX?04:10
infinityThat sort of implies wanting the GUI which, as stated above, is completely unusable to me.04:10
infinityIt also implies wanting the hardware, and I'm allergic to mice with fewer than three buttons.04:10
infinityIf Lenovo ever drops the middle button, I might just find a new career, computers will be dead to me.04:11
vanhoofinfinity: im dreading moving away from my x22004:11
* vanhoof is not a fan of the new keyboards04:12
infinityOh, really?  I think they've actually done a stellar job on their chicklet keboards.04:12
vanhoofyou like em?04:12
infinityThey're about 20x more usable than the Apple/Samsung keyboards.04:12
infinityI actually really like the feel.04:12
infinityAnd they certainly gunk up a lot less than the old skool Thinkpad keyboards.04:12
vanhoofi just love my old reliable lenovo keyboard04:12
infinityI used to have to replace mine every year or so.04:12
vanhoofthought I am not a user of the lenovo nipple :)04:13
vanhoofpeople think im crazy04:13
infinityI dunno.  It's not AS NICE a touch as the classic ThinkPad keyboards, I won't pretend it is, but they've done a really good job.04:13
infinityThey're still very IBM/Lenovo ThinkPadish.04:13
infinityOnly took me a week or so to get my typing speed back into the 120+ WPM range after switching from old to new ThinkPads.04:13
infinityNow I bounce between the two, and they both work well.04:14
vanhoofinfinity: I think i'll skip the x23004:14
vanhoofsee what haswell and lenovo have in next year04:14
infinityWell, I doubt they'll bring back the old keyboards.04:14
infinityDoes Toshiba still ship them?04:14
infinityThey were the only other vendor with this style of keyboard in recent years.04:15
vanhoofnot sure, havent spent much time w/ toshiba04:15
infinity(Shame their laptops were otherwise hideous)04:15
vanhoofi dunno, big thing with me and thinkpads is accessability04:16
infinitySo, do you know any fans of the old skool keyboards who'd want to buy a near-mint T420s? :P04:16
vanhoofyeah i want a new hdd, easy ... pop in mstata in pcie, easy04:16
infinityToshiba was modular long before IBM was.04:16
vanhoofi hate having to rip apart a laptop to add in new parts04:16
infinityThough, it was more than 15y ago that I was doing laptop service.04:17
infinityI'm sure things changed.04:17
infinityA bit.04:17
infinityEither way, a quick poke at their website shows they've also gone chicklet.04:17
vanhoofnow i just need to sweet talk ogra_ into sending me a new panel for my ac100 :)04:18
infinityOh, now that's a keyboard I find unusable.04:18
infinityThe only one worse than the ac100 was the tf101.04:18
* vanhoof misses his, shame the panel decided to die04:18
vanhoofyeah but for grab and go, its an awesome machine04:19
infinityThe weight was hard to beat.04:19
infinityI eventually stopped using mine, though.04:19
vanhoofthis x220 w/ a 9 cell battery is small but heavy :)04:19
infinityI keep tossing around the idea of replacing it with a Chromebook.04:19
vanhoofsame here04:19
infinityHonestly, though, the 420s is actually stupid light and thin, for all the beef inside.04:20
vanhoofwas looking at the install for it and it looks a mess04:20
infinitySo I'm not sure I need more laptops.04:20
infinityStreamlining the Chromebook install and producing images for it was about the only argument I had for buying one.04:20
infinityCause I think it would be a lovely all-in-one dev kit to recommend to people.04:21
infinitySure beats saying "okay, go buy a Panda... And now buy a hard drive... And a monitor... And..."04:21
vanhoofi think the install could be greatly condenced, everything i've found it way to manual04:22
infinityOh, we could make it reasonably slick.04:22
infinityExcept for the initial faff to get it into dev mode.04:22
vanhoofwell same w/ n704:23
* infinity nods.04:23
infinityMeh.  Would have made a good holiday project, but there's no way I can get an American to ship me one before January now.04:24
vanhoofinfinity: i work for beer04:24
infinityvanhoof: I meant there's just no way (short of FedEx overnight, twice) that it would get here in time for me to do anything with it over the holidays.04:25
infinityvanhoof: And overnighting it from a retailer to you, and then from you to me, would make it a fair chunk more expensive than the sticker price. :P04:25
infinitySort of defeats the purpose of buying cheap hardware.04:26
vanhoofinfinity: yeah but then you owe me archive work ;)04:26
infinityOh, if you want to send me one for free, I'm okay with owing people favours...04:26
infinityIt's not like I haven't been working the last 5 days, despite being on "holidays".04:27
vanhoofyeah seriously04:27
infinityMay as well work on something I enjoy, instead of emergency SRUs for insane insanity.04:27
SailorMoonInstalling COM24 ?04:37
SailorMoonCOM32? D:04:38
* SailorMoon panics04:38
infinityUSB serial on Windows gets curious numbering.04:39
infinityFSVO "curious" that amounts to "completely nonsensical".04:40
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SailorMoonThis nightly/daily is booting different =o04:41
SailorMoonIs using Gnome/unity really a good idea on a device like the Nexus 7?04:41
infinityIt's more a proof of concept at this point than a finished product.04:42
infinityAnd a good baseline for people to go hunting memory/power/etc issues.04:42
SailorMoonSo you dont think we'll be using Gnome later on? :304:43
Jef91So I got my file system loaded up with the installer scripts04:44
Jef91It is getting kernel panic referencing various libnih .so files it is missing04:44
Jef91but I am making progress04:44
infinitySailorMoon: I can't say (because I honestly don't know -- ignorance is bliss) what direction the mobile/slate efforts will go in, but any work put into gnome/compiz/unity certainly won't be wasted effort.04:51
infinitySailorMoon: Even if it doesn't end up being used for slates, I won't mind my laptop drawing 20% less power. :P04:51
SailorMoonWe need a Dock for this :304:57
SailorMoonTurn it into a netbook lolz04:58
infinityI need a way to both charge and have an external HDD, and I'll be happy.04:58
SailorMoona dock with its own Power cable04:58
SailorMoonmake it!04:58
SailorMoonThe build im using doesnt allow for input, not from on screen keys or from usb keyboard.05:00
SailorMoonreally weird.05:00
Jef91So - I've got my file system booted up on the 7 - but the touch screen is non-functional. Any idea what ubuntu package contains the drivers so I can rebuild them?05:19
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dholbachgood morning08:00
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Jef91Anyone know which ubuntu package contains the touch screen drivers for th eneus 7?13:44
kulveJef91: something-evdev13:47
kulveif you mean the X.Org driver13:47
Jef91X on my custom image starts fine and at the right resolution13:47
Jef91but the sccreen doesn't react to touch input13:48
Jef91hrm - I already have xserver-xorg-input-evdev installed kulve13:57
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Jef91hrm, updated EV dev drivers got my touchscreen working. Just need to figure out why the touch points are being mirrored. Calibration issue odds are.15:15
Jef91sfeole: I want to say thanks for the help yesterday - I was able to get my own image going based on the 12.10 images15:32
TassadarAnyone with 3g nexus7 here? Could you please run "blkid" and tell me what does it says?15:32
sfeoleJef91: hey!  Great!, I see you had a lengthy convo last night. Glad everyone could help you16:09
Jef91mhmm - once I get the touch screen configurations right - I'll have some e17 goodness for the nexus7 to share16:10
prpplaguea gentle reminder that the Call For Participation for the Embedded Linux Conference deadline for submissions is Jan 4th! get your presenation proposals submitted soon! http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/embedded-linux-conference/cfp17:10
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Jef91Anyone know of a tool/configuration file for the evdev xorg driver20:59
stgraberjanimo, ogra_: hey, just trying lxc again on my nexus7, looks like the kernel is missing the bridge modules21:39
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