
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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pittiGood morning07:35
pittijasoncwarner: hey Jason, how are you? Still online?09:49
LaneyCan someone tell me how to handle d/changelog in the daily autolanding branches?09:50
Laneylooking at https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu-themes/remove-desktop/+merge/13926409:50
* mitya57 thought that the automatic uploader would replace the "-- " line anyway09:55
mitya57like here ^^09:57
LaneyI thought they were generated from the commit messages10:00
Laneyjibel: hey, ^-- do you know perchance?10:00
DavieyLaney: I thought the mail to -devel said it wasn't doing that.. You might want to read for clarity.10:06
LaneyDaviey: thanks for the clue, let me check10:07
LaneyDaviey: Do you have a reference? I can't seem to find it ...10:09
DavieyLaney: Re: [ubuntu/raring-proposed] libunity-webapps 2.4.3daily12.11.29-0ubuntu1 (Accepted) - 29th Nov, Thread starter Micah10:09
LaneySo it says it's autogenerated from bugs or NEWS10:10
Laneydo you think that means it's OK to fill it in in the absence of those things?10:11
jibelLaney, changelog is generated from the bugs fixed by the upload10:11
Laneyjibel: Should we avoid touching debian/changelog then?10:13
Davieyjibel: I was going to chime into the thread, but it seemed wise just to 'give space' as it was close to bikeshedding.. But what we do with openstack uploads built from VCS is.. Use the first line of the VCS commit message, and wrap at 80 chars.  If it has a LP bug reference, we look up the bug title and use that instead.10:13
Davieyscripted obv.10:13
DavieyRequires discipline on the committers to have a clean commit log.10:14
Laneyso mitya57 should link the bugs to the branch and not change the changelog or?10:14
jibelLaney, from the code direct modifications to debian/changelog should be merged as it is not considered a packaging change, but that'd require a confirmation from didrocks10:20
Laneyjibel: will anything break too badly if we try it and see?10:21
jibelLaney, no, the worst thing that might happen is to force a manual publication10:21
Laneyalright, let's see ;-)10:22
Laneymitya57: what about the pngs?10:33
* mitya57 looks10:36
Laneyinfact then places becomes completely empty if those are removed10:37
mitya57$ find . -name *.png10:38
mitya57what pngs?10:38
Laneyfor example10:39
mitya57What is that doing outside ubuntu-mono-*? I'll remove it.10:40
mitya57should I remove my debian/changelog part and link the branch to a bug?10:43
Laneynah, leave it, I want to see what happens10:43
Laneyplus it's better than just a bug title anyway10:43
mitya57yes, but titles sometimes say the reverse to what should be in the changelog10:46
mitya57"- libunity9 now depends on unity-common which depends on compiz (LP: #1062099)" - example10:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1062099 in libunity (Ubuntu Quantal) "libunity9 now depends on unity-common which depends on compiz" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106209910:46
mitya57I've updated the branch, btw10:47
LaneyI don't think bug titles are a really good thing to use here on their own10:47
Laneyperhaps "Commit message10:47
Laney  - fixes <bug title> (LP: #xxx)"10:47
Laneyta, pullin'10:47
Laneymitya57: merged, thank you!10:57
mitya57nice, thanks10:58
Laneyapparently I can push to that branch ;-)10:58
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mhr3desrt, gdbus question - say i have an object that i'm about to export (ie call register_object), but need to wait on something async before doing so, is there a race-free way to do that?14:48
desrtthis is a very old question :)14:49
desrtyou mean like waiting to see if you successfully acquire a name? :)14:49
mhr3i know, and old answer was no afair :)14:49
desrtit's still the same.14:49
desrtdo the export preemptively14:49
mhr3i can't14:49
desrtyou won't get any calls on the object until after you return to the loop14:50
mhr3the object has props that are initialized async14:50
mhr3so i'm screwed14:50
mhr3i'll go cry to david then14:51
desrti was going to recommend that :)14:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
mterryDoes anyone know about the youtube webapps SRU that robru was working on?  I have a note from didrocks to help it along this week.  I don't see any SRU bugs for it15:43
Laneymterry: try asking #webapps15:46
mterryLaney, fair enough15:46
LaneyI did however just notice that unity-webapps-youtube is newer in quantal-updates than raring ...15:46
* Laney whips up some SQL to find out if anything else is like that15:47
mterryLaney, :-/15:47
micahgLaney: I thought the AAs have a warn script for stuff like that15:57
Laneymicahg: I dunno16:06
Laneyit's only libimobiledevice unity-webapps-twitter unity-webapps-youtube if my script is right16:06
qenghoDo we have a meeting today?16:27
qenghoAh, okay.16:28
qenghoI'll dump my status anyway.16:28
qenghoLooking okay. Falling prey to Hofstadter's Law.16:29
qengho1) Still working on getting all stable-ubuntu released, but actually releasing is postponed until #2 is fixed.16:29
qengho2) A new bug that makes webapps ask for permissions unnecessarily. Could be because of outdated unity-chromium-extension packages. ##webapps knows of it. Normal maintainer is on baby-leave, so I'm looking too.  LP#109133416:29
qengho3) Someone volunteered to translate a new language, so I guess I have to give mo16:29
qenghore thought to launchpad translations soon.16:29
micahgqengho: 1 is only blocked on 2 for quantal, we can still update the rest16:30
micahgqengho: and if that's only with .97, let's push .9516:30
qenghomicahg: Hrm, I don't know if it's only .97.  Will check .95 too.16:31
qenghomicahg: I'm still working on the others.  Context-switching on long runs of compiles.  I might have a few ready today.16:31
qenghoLunch.  Back in a bit.16:33
Sweetsharkstatus here:16:48
Sweetshark1/ beta2 tagged upstream: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=core.git;a=commit;h=4104d660979c57e1160b5135634f732918460a0516:48
Sweetshark2/ QA Marathon running, supported by ubuntu bibisect and prereleases: http://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/libreoffice-test-marathon-bibisect-4-0-and-ubuntu-packages/16:49
Sweetshark3/ https://plus.google.com/113210431006401244170/posts/E7Ktup1Aq4M bug and fix identified, applied upstream, next release in end of Jan., we should fasttrack that16:50
Laneycyphermox: dude! you here?17:36
mterry_Anyone here with 12.10 w/ an intel GPU that wants to help verify an SRU?  Wooo!17:38
Laneyor someone who knows abotu webapp packaging17:39
LaneyI want to upload those no-change rebuilds but I'm scared about touching the packages17:39
mterry_Laney, I know that they generate the various source packages from a template17:39
Laneyyeah I saw that it's all bundled into one repository17:40
LaneyI don't want to pull in whatever upstream changes there happen to be though17:40
mterry_Laney, is this a separate thing from pushing the SRU into raring?17:40
Laneyit's exactly that17:40
LaneyI could just add a .1 on the end17:41
mterry_Laney, yeah, I'd just do that17:41
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mlankhorstdid I miss meeting?17:45
mterry_mlankhorst, didn't have it (holidays)17:45
cyphermoxLaney: I'm there, sorry I didn't see your ping18:47
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robrudoes anybody know what it means when D-Feet gives the error message "nn:expected value"? I think it might have something to do with dbus method signature errors, but I'm pretty sure I have the method signature correct, so I don't really know what it's trying to tell me19:52
brycerobert_ancell, not seeing RAOF or TheMuso, and jasoncwarner is apparently without internet.  I've been on vacation since the last meeting and only been doing bug work today so have nothing to report.  You have anything to discuss?  If not, short meeting yay.22:02
robert_ancellI like short meetings :)22:02
brycerobert_ancell, great, well have a nice day.  :-)22:11
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