
antarusas usual, d-i scares the shit out of me02:46
antaruscjwatson: user reported setting his hostname to 'port' and trying an install; claims that the automated installer tried to make /dev/$(hostname) and failed (since /dev/port exists already)02:47
antaruscjwatson: any idea where that might happen? ;p02:47
* antarus will verify the bug tomorrow, hopefully will get a decent log02:55
antaruswell, hopefuly it will be a false bug report ;p02:55
infinityantarus: That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, as /dev/$(hostname) isn't something that exists on any system I know of.03:35
infinityantarus: As usual, a full syslog from the failed install would help figure out what really happened.03:35
antarusyeah the user re-imaged already, so I will try to repro tomorrow03:53
StevenKMight it be because of LVM and setting the VG to the hostname?04:40
infinityStevenK: Perhaps, but isn't that all in a subdirectory of /dev/?04:41
infinity/dev/vg/foo, etc?04:41
StevenKinfinity: VG name of port will try and make /dev/port/04:42
StevenKWhich will fail04:42
infinityOh, hrm.  That could be it, then.04:42
infinityOh, indeed, I have /dev/loki/*04:43
StevenKWhich is probably "Don't do that, then."04:43
infinityYeah, though partman could try to gracefully detect that situation and tell you to get stuffed.04:43
infinityOr even permute the VG name to something that doesn't clash.04:44
infinity/dev/port-vg/ or such.04:44
infinityxnox: ^04:44
StevenKstat /dev/$VG and if it exists, append '-vg'04:44
infinityMight need more than a stat, since your /dev might not be fully populated.  Though, having a static list of well-known devices sounds like overkill too.04:45
infinityMight not be awful to just always append -vg04:45
infinitySince I can't see that clashing with anything.04:45
infinityIt's a bit uglier that way, but...04:46
StevenKinfinity: If it isn't fully populated, the install will work, but then you have a race during boot, I guess04:46
infinityI'm a bit puzzled as to why I even need the /dev/VG hierarchy.  Seems redundant.04:47
infinity(base)adconrad@loki:~$ ls -l /dev/mapper/04:47
infinitytotal 004:47
infinitycrw------- 1 root root 10, 236 Feb 20  2012 control04:47
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       7 Feb 20  2012 loki-root -> ../dm-104:47
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       7 Feb 20  2012 loki-srv -> ../dm-204:47
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       7 Feb 20  2012 loki-swap -> ../dm-004:47
infinity(base)adconrad@loki:~$ ls -l /dev/loki/04:47
infinitytotal 004:47
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Feb 20  2012 root -> ../dm-104:47
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Feb 20  2012 srv -> ../dm-204:47
infinitylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Feb 20  2012 swap -> ../dm-004:47
infinity^-- How many different ways do I need to access those devices? :P04:47
StevenKinfinity: Don't look under /sys, then.04:47
infinityYeah, but sys is a bit smarter about it.  Its 17 different ways to get at things are fine.04:48
xnoxinfinity: sounds true. VG name defaults to Hostname if known upfront, but the /dev/vg symlink should not be mandatory but rather a convenience.08:29
xnoxinfinity: StevenK: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=56594708:41
ubot2`Debian bug 565947 in partman-auto-lvm "debian-installer: creation of volume group (LVM) fails if hostname corresponds with an existing device name" [Minor,Open]08:41
admiral0is it possible to port ubiquity to other non-deb distros? Or  is it tightly coupled within?08:50
xnoxubiquity is a front-end to debian-installer & there are a lot of assumptions about the installer image layout, package names, partitioning & setting the system up.08:54
xnoxadmiral0: try looking into porting debian-installer first.... if you really want to. What distro do you want to port it to?08:55
admiral0i am (a quite inactive) dev of chakra. Was just studying alternatives08:56
admiral0i don't feel like porting d-i08:56
admiral0i like the GUI part08:56
admiral0especially the partitioning08:56
admiral0our installer is quite lacking in that... and waiting for KDE folks to do a Solid API is like waiting for the apocalypse08:57
admiral0you know it will come someday... but don't know when and how08:58
xnoxfor partitioning, we actually drive debian-installer / partman to actually execute partitioning.08:59
admiral0oh... i got it...08:59
admiral0thank you for the clarification09:00
directhexanother day, another try. which flags are passed to the iso generation tool used to make the official ubuntu alternate isos? the documentation is wrong WRT valid EFI image creation, and the flags i stole from debian don't seem to work on a real laptop (they work in ovmf)13:57
xnoxdirecthex: i guess you want the branches used to generate ubuntu cd-images. maybe stgraber or cjwatson can point you in the right direction.14:22
stgraberdirecthex: some of it is in https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu some more can be found at https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline14:27
stgraberand the rest isn't publicly available yet (cjwatson is working on making more of those public)14:27
directhexthe .disk/mkisofs file on debian ISOs is rather useful in this regard14:31
antarusinfinity: yeah its lvm related, and confirmed here17:44
antarusinfinity: the user suggested some sort of pre-post permutation..but in the end you can easily end up with name collisions, I've already told him to 'not name his machien dumb things'17:45
infinityantarus: Check, I think we arrived to that conclusion while you were out. :)17:45
antarusinfinity: engineers are quirky like that though17:45
antarusinfinity: is it worth it to file a bug?17:45
infinityantarus: xnox pointed at a Debian bug already.17:45
xnoxantarus: there is one already.17:45
ubot2`Debian bug 565947 in partman-auto-lvm "debian-installer: creation of volume group (LVM) fails if hostname corresponds with an existing device name" [Minor,Open]17:45
antarusoh, excellent17:45
antarusless work for me ;)17:45
infinityThe simple solution of appending "-vg" to the volume group name wouldn't be awful.17:46
infinityThough less pretty for those of us whose hostnames don't clash.17:46
xnoxantarus: we can copy it into launchpad with import-bug-from-debian tool..... if you really really want to subscribe to it.17:46
infinityIn this particular customer case, though, he can either name his macihne something else, or manually create a VG with a different name.17:47
antarusthe real problem for us is that whe the installer dies, we don't have a great UI for it17:47
xnoxor preseed default vg name to something sensible.17:47
antaruscan we preseed a prefix? :)17:48
antarus(or suffix?)17:48
infinityantarus: Oh, sure, partman should also detect the clash and give you a "that doesn't work", at the very least, rather than just dying.17:48
xnoxnot that I know of, but it wouldn't be terribly hard to implement.17:48
infinity(Didn't out default vg used to be "ubuntu" at one point?)17:48
antarusxnox: yeah, but then I need a precise backport ;p17:49
xnoxthey are, unless dhcp returns a hostname, which is then used for default hostname & vg-group name.17:49
xnoxubuntu is the fallback of all fallbacks for vg-name17:49
antarusyeah all our linux boxens are in dhcp17:49
infinityxnox: Right, so we could just drop the hostname->VG mapping and leave it defaulting to ubuntu, and problem solved.17:49
xnoxsure. or make hostname->vg automapping prefix -vg.17:50
antarusinfinity: I presume the hostname was chosen for a reason17:50
infinityUntil someone creates a /dev/ubuntu, a char device that gives you direct access to a feeling of togetherness.17:50
* xnox goes to import-bug-from-debian.17:50
xnoxinfinity: well it auto-serves african coffee =)17:51
antarusxnox: can you let me know the launchpad bug #?17:58
xnoxbug 56594718:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 565947 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffff8802677dcdde" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56594718:01
xnoxbug 109178818:01
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1091788 in partman-auto-lvm (Debian) "debian-installer: creation of volume group (LVM) fails if hostname corresponds with an existing device name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109178818:01
xnoxthe latter.18:01
xnoxstatuses updated.18:02
antarusthank you18:02
antaruswow you have a *lot* of badges18:03
xnoxantarus: i used tohave a sensible amount of badges, then i joined ubuntu-core-dev & gained a tonne and a small pile of them.18:07
* xnox wishes not to have x/l/kubuntu badges to be honest.....18:07
infinityantarus: He doesn't have that many...18:30

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