
hggdhinfinity: quantal done00:37
infinityhggdh: My hero.  Just waiting on Cert now.  Thanks for fast-tracking your bits. :)00:38
hggdhinfinity: you are welcome00:38
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apwdhanasekaran, that is most likely a kernel issue of some sort12:08
dhanasekaranapw: I need to update the kerenl12:48
dhanasekaranapw: or some I need to pass argument in boot arguments12:48
apwdhanasekaran, i cannot say with the information i have so far, i would recommend filing a bug 'ubuntu-bug linux' from a terminal13:07
apwdhanasekaran, if this problem is very new (ie just started happening) then you may be able to avoid the issue by booting an older kernel13:08
apwdhanasekaran, from the grub menu, and if so then we will know when it worked and when it stopped working13:08
* henrix -> late lunch14:24
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infinityhenrix: Shankbot appears to have failed to set tasks on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lts-quantal/+bug/108722115:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1087221 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lts-quantal: 3.5.0-21.32~precise1 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,In progress]15:46
infinityherton: (I'm going to promote it anyway, but thought you might want to look into why)15:47
* henrix checks...15:50
infinityhenrix: Oh, never mind, I know why.15:50
henrixinfinity: and the reason is... ? :)15:51
infinityhenrix: Same reason the armadaxp and omap4 bugs didn't get twiddled for quantal, they were derivatives of the previous version, which never made it to the promoted state.15:51
infinityhenrix: In this case, a bit more subtle, since it's no longer a derivative of the previous version, but you did re-use the bug that used to be. :P15:51
henrixah, makes sense15:52
henrixi guess...15:52
infinityProbably not a case worth worrying about, since this needs a bit of human smarts to determine it's "okay" anyway.15:52
hertonhenrix, yes, master-bug property on the bug should have been adjusted as well15:52
infinity(As in, I wouldn't be happy with the bot having marked those two ARM kernels, better for me to look and decide it was a good idea and do it myself)15:52
infinityBut, sure, for the re-used bug bit, you could have fixed it. :)15:53
henrixherton: ok, got it15:53
dobeyhi all, can anyone tell me if this upstream change is included in the recent kernel updates for quantal? http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~danvet/drm-intel/commit/?id=248138b59880a3cc69e9b7f0e06fb0caedd5830516:38
hertondobey, yes, should be in the quantal kernel released to updates today16:41
dobeythen i suppose either that's not the fix i need, or it doesn't work for my problem16:42
infinitydobey: Or you didn't upgrade?  When he says "released today", he literally means an hour ago or so...16:43
dobeyinfinity: i just installed the latest kernel, and rebooted :)16:43
infinityAhh, well.  Nevermind, then. :P16:43
hertonIndeed. if you have 3.5.0-21.32, you have the latest update16:44
dobeybut i'm not certain it's the right change. as dnaiel just said "fix is in drm-fixes" and from the changelog it seemed the most relevant change to my bug, which is https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5198316:44
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 51983 in DRM/Intel "[ivb DVI fdi link train fail] Multiple Displays not working on Core i7 3770S" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]16:44
infinityFor the record, I don't see that commit in the quantal kernel.16:45
dobeyoh ok16:45
infinityherton: You may have fibbed. :P16:46
hertoninfinity, I see it here, commit dd86e0283ca61727e133cfae73ae21779188fbb516:46
infinityI'm looking at the source, which doesn't contain that code...16:46
dobeywhere are the branches for the linux source packages for ubuntu anyway? lp doesn't show any in bzr16:47
hertondobey, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-quantal.git16:48
jwiinfinity: looking in ubuntu/i915?16:48
infinityjwi: Oh, no, looking in drivers/gpu/etc... Which seemed to make sense. :P16:48
jwidobey: if you're running ivb, that commit shouldn't make any difference.16:48
infinityDo we really have two copies of the code?16:48
hertoninfinity, strange, well it looks commited. Yes, we have now i915_hsw with haswell backports16:49
jwiinfinity: afaik it's the hsw enablement16:49
hertoninfinity, at ubuntu/i91516:49
infinityRight, looks decidedly more committed there.16:50
infinityThat's not confusing in the least. :/16:50
dobeywell, lunch. guess i'll worry about this a bit more later16:54
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slangasekshould I be expecting 'git clone http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git-repos/ubuntu/ubuntu-quantal.git' to work?  That's the URL listed in the source package's Vcs-Git field, but I'm getting "connection timed out while accessing".18:29
henrixslangasek: maybe that's just historical, i'm not sure. looks like it's like that since lucid.18:33
slangasekhenrix: let me rephrase the question: I'm trying to get the package source and it's not working.  Where should I be looking?18:37
henrixslangasek: the correct url should be git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-quantal.git18:37
slangasekok, thanks18:38
slangasekshould I raise a bug about the broken metadata in the package?18:38
henrixthat's probably a good idea....18:39
henrixif you do, please let me know the bug #18:39
henrixi can take a look at that and fix it18:39
henrix(or investigate why we're using the wrong url)18:40
slangasekhenrix: well, I just tried to clone from the git:// uri and that failed *too* :)18:40
henrixslangasek: interesting, i pasted the url and it seems to work18:40
henrixslangasek: maybe you have a different prob then ;)18:41
slangasekyep, works from my laptop but not from a dev box on the same network - so it's a local problem.  thanks :)18:42
infinityhenrix: shankbot's lying about promote-to-proposed being ready.  It's confirming the task before the binaries are all in.19:05
infinityhenrix: (It did this for both of Andy's lowlatency uploads, which are still building/publishing)19:05
henrixherton: ^^ do you think it's still the same problem we saw the other day?19:06
hertoninfinity, which bug #?19:06
hertonhenrix, may be, if my fix still isn't in19:06
infinity1087213 and 109012319:06
apwherton, as i was doing the task fiddling for the prepare and upload tasks i may have doen something wrong19:08
apwherton, i had assumed i should mark the upload-to-ppa etc fix released when completed19:08
apwwas that right19:08
hertonapw, ah, so you set prepare-package to fix released?19:09
apwyeah cause i had done them indeed19:09
henrixherton: do you know where the bot is running? is it on people?19:09
apwhenrix, i suspect i am missunderstanding my role ... please tell me how to do it right19:10
apwherton, even19:10
apwi had assumed i had two roles, preparing the packages, and uploading them19:10
apwand that for each i would fix release them19:10
apwwhen done19:10
hertonapw, in the bugs with two roles, like this one, the right thing to do is set prepare-package to fix released, like you did, and upload-to-ppa to in progress19:11
apwyeah, but then it was uploaded, so i moved it fix released too19:11
infinity"If Upload-to-ppa is present, Workflow Mgr. sets it to completed (status: Fix Released)."19:11
apwis that the error19:11
hertonapw, yes, that's it19:11
infinityLooks like the intended workflow is to leave it as "In Progress" and let shankbot automate the rest.19:12
apwhmmm, then the task should be upload and let build ... but hey ho19:12
hertonapw, my first question should have been if you set upload-to-ppa to fix released... the bot does that19:12
infinityThough it still feels like a bug that shankbot doesn't do the "it's all built" test before setting promote-to-proposed.19:12
apwheh i was bound to break it :)19:12
hertonapw, may be, yes, a bit confusing19:12
* apw will know for next time, soz19:12
hertonthis two roles separation is only for cases like ti-omap4 or ec2, where someone pushes to git, and other do the upload, may be lowlatency doesn't need that19:13
hertonapw, also you set prepare-package-meta to in progress, the bot takes care of that as well, when you have a new meta19:14
infinitylowlatency may again need it in the future, once Andy's sorted out getting the studio guys to do the rebases.19:14
hertonoh ok19:14
apwyeah mostly they will want it, probabally at least for a bit19:14
infinityAnyhow, I'll just be old-fashioned and wait for visual confirmation that it's all published to the PPA before I copy, no big deal.19:15
infinityI almost always double-check the bot's work there anyway, out of complete lack of trust. :P19:15
apwyeah it is all a bit odd, as if the bot checked for the things to finish and boinked the promote task19:15
apwit wouldn't have to care about the upload or prepare tasks at all, and i could close them19:16
apwand we have nothing open while building19:16
hertonapw, in summary, you set prepare-package to fix release, and all other prepare-package-* and upload-to* to in progress, bot takes care when build finishes19:16
apwnng, perhaps it should do prepare-package too, so one can just leave them all open19:17
apwas it is a little confusing to know you have one you do something different to19:17
hertonapw, it's this way now because prepare-package in this 'two roles' bugs means something a bit different, it's set to fix released when the person doing it prepared the source to be reviewed so who does the upload can push into ubuntu/ and upload19:18
hertonbut perhaps this should be refactored, may be creating a new task and stopping subverting the prepare-package task19:19
apwthen all the packages should be fix_released in that case, and all of the non-invalid ones used to select which to check for to handle upload-to-ppa19:19
apwme having to handle prepare-package one way and prepare-package-meta another in either case is very strnage and liable to trigger wrongness19:20
apwif we can eliminate that need somehow then all to the good19:20
apwherton, well i think if you just disconnect the promote-to-xxx from the tasks, makingit only wait for all packages that have prepare-* tasks which are not invalid19:21
apwthen i could use the prepares-* either way and things still work19:21
apwthey would get wacked if open, as should upload-to-ppa, but if they are already closed, who cares19:22
apwthat would make it user tollerant19:24
hertonapw, not sure about this. But I think I could just make the bot verify again that really the packages are on the ppa in any case before the promote-to-proposed is set to confirmed19:24
infinityThat's what he just said. :P19:25
apwherton, i think if the mentality for any verifiable test, like package source in the PPA (should fix release the corresponding prepare-* task), package built in ppa (close upload-to-ppa), packages in -proposed (close promote-to-ppa)19:26
apwand also set the approriate next task to Confirmed19:26
apwthen things would flow without anyone ever getting out of sync19:26
apwas if they do it then we change nothing, if they don't then we fix it for them19:26
hertonyeah, ok I'll implement these extra checks. But I still think that may be we should also remove the upload-to-ppa may be, and just not "overload" the prepare-package task with two meanings19:27
hertonand sure, everything the bot can do to fix something out of sync is good19:29
apwi think then all i have to do is build and upload them and it should just fix all my tasks right :)19:30
hertonyes, that can be done, I'll do changes towards that. If the bug has the package version, it should handle itself with no trouble19:32
infinityherton: What's the magic for making the bot and reports ignore a tracking bug?  Just invalidate all the tasks?19:48
infinityherton: 1090121 and 1090120 should just be closed out, since they're rebase requests for an x86-specific fix.19:49
infinity(And I'm sick of seeing them on the workflow report) :P19:49
hertoninfinity, just closing as duplicate of any other bug should do it19:49
infinityherton: Ahh, kay, I'll just dupe them to the previous ones I just released, that'll do.19:49
hertonyep, I was thinking of doing the same too, thanks, really they shouldn't stay open19:50
infinityherton: Done.19:52
hertoncool, thanks19:52
infinityAnd this pre-holiday SRU cadence is almost done.  Just two more kernels to verify.19:52
infinityWhich would leave us with a clean slate (and everything in sync!) going into January...19:52
* apw is on the verifications now20:05
apwinfinity, ok i have boot tested all 5 of the kernels making up the P and Q lowlatency kernels21:00
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