
dholbachgood morning08:00
emscorsahi there13:56
emscorsaist the video is online now?13:56
strixbgemscorsa: no, the hangout will start at 16:00 UTC, i.e. 2 hours from now13:59
emscorsaim in spain14:00
emscorsaist 15:0014:00
=== apt-get_install is now known as apt-get_install-
apt-get_installwill it start?14:59
apt-get_installmissed that the time was in UTC, and not in UTC +115:01
dholbachyeah, in an hour15:02
dholbachjust a quick note: if you're on ubuntuonair.com and can't see "Ubuntu Development Hangout with Chris Wilson" as the title of the video you might have to reload the page15:58
dholbachand we're live in a couple of seconds16:00
faroukim here! :p16:02
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apt-get_installQUESTION: Will the better support for games and applications mean bigger malware risk? (Flash, Java in browser, etc)16:03
exiladalike android :)16:04
exiladahims voice16:04
frozenforestrunning ubunt and love it but the wifi dus not work16:06
DavidMszrs12.10 is a bit slow :|16:06
DavidMszrsany ideas?16:06
apt-get_installMark questions as QUESTION: <question>16:06
exiladaits about gnome16:06
DavidMszrswell... using unity and cannot install mate 1.216:08
apt-get_installQUESTION: Will antivirus in Ubuntu will needed?16:08
DavidMszrsno, you won't16:08
DavidMszrsit's a linux system16:08
apt-get_installDavidMszrs: linux has malware too16:09
DavidMszrslinux doesn't need protection, unless you have enemies out there trying to catch you up16:09
SriramHas there been any development on a kernel fix for the battery life and overheating problem?16:09
Sriram<Question>  Has there been any development on a kernel fix for the battery life and overheating problem?16:10
DavidMszrsthere isn't any, as far as i know16:11
insomnia_which are the main reasons that linux is superior to windows considering networking?16:11
baqtiooWhy no more update for backbox linux16:12
deedumThis may sound naive, but how does one get started with contributing to Ubuntu as a developer?16:12
hatalar205Is there a cooperation between Google and Ubuntu?16:13
ubumusicthanks for all you have done Life is better because of Ubuntu :)16:13
frozenforestmy wifi is not working aspire 9410z16:14
apt-get_installQEUSTION: Recently, the search results in Dash is sended to Amazon. I don't care how encryped the information is, it is still my private searches. Can I be sure that NO INFOMATION at all is sednded to Amazon or any third parties if I turn off logging in the System Setting, or must I log my own outgoing traffic?16:14
farouk@frozenforest this is not a place to seek support16:14
frozenforestasking quastions16:14
frozenforestwell good by16:15
apt-get_installor something16:16
apt-get_installIt's still my private searchs.16:17
Sriram<Question>Will older graphic cards particularly the AMD 3000 Series and the AMD 4000 series still be supported as official support from AMD will soon be phased out?16:17
tuxkalle_will the kernelteam in Canonical have a hangout her?16:18
apt-get_installItsn't it better to have a lens for Amazon shopping?16:19
tuxkalle_<Question> will the kernelteam in Canonical have a hangout her?16:19
elionlinewere more ubuntu downloads or ubuntu useres detected since start of steam beta? and what's about the manufacturers of graphic chips, are they more interested in linux now?16:20
apt-get_installtuxkalle_: yea, he said next time, i think16:20
TioQUESTION : any thoughts about Zorin OS, an Ubuntu based Operating System which has become more and more popular. Am just curious....16:22
apt-get_installTio: Cent=S is Ubuntu-based, isn't it?16:23
Tiodon;t know about *CentOS16:23
xenteit's not16:24
apt-get_install"CentOS is a free operating system distribution based upon the Linux kernel. It is derived entirely from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution"16:24
Raed667what are we doing ?16:24
Michele__When will we, or better, would we ever get an official Ubuntu for Android we could run on our Android Terminals? Is some other company (let's say Google) interested in this project?16:24
apt-get_installtalking about steam16:25
TioI started using Zorin OS instead Ubuntu, and that's because they offer more flexibility in terms of customisation adn comes with an Ultimate pack for all apps you may need for it. Therefore makes it very handy.16:25
Raed667Well .. i never pay for ANY soft or game .. soo ... steam ... I really won't use it ..16:26
druellan<Question> Are there plans to improve the Ubuntu Software Center? The actual version is starting to feel old and slow in comparison to other stores out there...16:26
xentesecond that question16:26
jihadis it on??the hangout16:26
xente(about Ubuntu on Android)16:26
TioI asked about Zorin OS because they offer something Ubuntu could offer : a package of pre-installed apps for multimedia, gaming, and so on. It makes it easier to install it and is very handy.16:27
Tioonce I installed Zorin OS, didn't had to install anything. From video codecs, to video editing software, music, web browsing, flash, and so on16:28
ceren<QUESTION> Will be there Raring's alpha and beta releases? Is there a certain decision about that?16:28
Raed667i belive Mint offers the same thing .. (14 -- based on 12.10 )16:28
apt-get_installQUESTION: Proprietary drivers vs open graphics drivers? (security, stability)16:29
Michele__Is Canonical going to release an SDK for Ubuntu? For those mithological people who are half geek and half developer would really enjoy having something "downloadable" rather than some boring webpages telling you "how to get started".16:30
TioQUESTION : is there any Ubuntu official versions for multimedia, gaming and so on ? Am referring to pre-installed apps and setups.16:30
baqtiooWhy ubuntu not provide malay languages in their distro..love to see one.. i;m from malaysia, and malay is my language16:31
xenteUbuntu Studio16:32
tuxkalle_<Question> Will still have daily build?16:32
tuxkalle_have a great day :-)16:33
cerenThank you Daniel, I read an article about that, so I want to ask.16:33
phillipubuntu 13.0416:34
notgaryCan anyone here or see me?16:34
notgaryThe hangout crashed on my end16:34
Raed667where can we find the hangout  :noob:16:35
apt-get_installRaed667: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Pjvn3OAY0QA16:35
Raed667thx apt-get_install16:35
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apt-get_installRaed667: np16:35
RemixmabixHi guys ;)16:36
Remixmabix<no sound>16:36
Raed667also .. after alot of install partys .. ubuntu should have an iso that doesn't need any internet connexion when installing ..16:37
apt-get_installRaed667: it have?16:37
Raed667well every dvd i seem to get my hands on seems to be getting some packages when installing ..16:38
Raed667from the net *16:38
apt-get_installRaed667: really?16:39
apt-get_installi installed ubuntu using the ubuntu-12.04.1-dvd-amd64.iso-file, no packages was needed to be downloaded16:40
DomY_DomA LibreOffice online would just make Ubuntu One so much better and able to compete with Skydrive, Dropbox or Google Drive16:40
Raed66712.10 install party ... 16.dec ... i wasn't the one buring the DVDs .. but it was annoying that during the install it was dowloading stuff (language packs and stuff )16:40
apt-get_installRaed667: ah, language packages isn't in the dvd, no16:41
elionlineis planned a version of ubuntu for tablets, yet?16:41
apt-get_installelionline: it alrealy exists16:41
apt-get_installelionline: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIYKKLX8lJM16:42
D0mY_DomChris, one question: What would you reply to this proposition of improving Ubuntu One to embed an online LibreOffice ("A LibreOffice online would just make Ubuntu One so much better and able to compete with Skydrive, Dropbox or Google Drive") ?16:43
=== johnny is now known as Guest19465
elionline@apt-get_install: i don't meant this. my question was whats about an extra version of ubuntu (not a desktop version that runs on tablets)16:45
dholbachDo you have questions for Chris?16:45
apt-get_installelionline: ah, Ubuntu for Android will be releaseed soon.16:45
elionlinebut why always android?? why not ubuntu as host system?16:46
apt-get_installelionline: well, android is a linux-based os16:47
apt-get_installso, the kernel will be shared with andois16:47
apt-get_installthat means u can switch between the two OSes without rebooting16:48
druellanChris: how about the reaction on upstream teams: they get involved, they know about the project?16:48
D0mY_DomHow do we ask questions to Chris Wilson concerning the Ubuntu On Air?16:48
elionlinehow does this work?! is ubuntu then just an "app"?16:48
apt-get_installelionline: no, android and ubuntu will share the same kernel16:49
RemixmabixI have just begin to start hearing the show, Ubuntu is multi architecture processor capable. What is the problem with new technologies like tablets or smartphones to have a real new experience with touchscreens ?16:50
apt-get_installso, if u need to call, just switch to android, then back to ubuntu for eg libreoffice16:50
elionlinethat sounds very good :D16:51
Sriram<Question>  What news is there about dual booting with Window 8's newest UEFI boot system apart from using Microsoft generated keys ?16:51
apt-get_installyeah, but it isn't released yet16:51
elionlinein which country takes the hangout place??16:51
apt-get_installSriram: the linux foundation bought a key i think16:52
TioQUESTION : is there any Ubuntu official versions for multimedia, gaming and so on ? Am referring to pre-installed apps and setups.16:52
apt-get_installi'm fast16:52
notgaryMore technical difficulties16:52
notgaryStay tuned16:52
Raed667QUESTION :Ubuntu and Mint .. friends or foes .. ?16:53
elionlineBerlin?! lol I'm also in Germany :D16:53
apt-get_installQUESTION: Proprietary drivers vs open graphics drivers? (security, stability)16:53
TioPerfect! Will take a look16:54
AskingCamelQUESTION: Are there any plans for Ubuntu Apps like iLife (iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, ...)16:54
slythecooperQUESTION: Will Ubuntu 13.04 move to Python 3.2 or will it stick to Python 2?16:56
D0mY_DomWhat do you think about Ubuntu with less consuming features, as in different versions / themes that would work better on machines which have smaller specs because GNOME 3 is great for machines that work well but I have to use older versions of Ubuntu or Xubuntu for older machines, what do you think?16:58
D0mY_DomQuestion 2: There is no mail client for Ubuntu with which you can use Microsoft Exchange Server, I needed to use something called DavMail with Thunderbird that was pretty glitchy, anyway this is going to get fixed?17:00
xenteGoogle and Amazon offer those same services, eh?17:00
D0mY_DomQuestion 3: Anyway of installing Ubuntu on a Mac in dualboot ?17:00
druellanChris: how about tools and scripts that help users and devs for report and solve bugs. Papercuts is going to have a report app?17:01
=== amit is now known as Guest13269
RemixmabixThank you guys, have a nice holiday17:02
dholbachthanks a lot everyone17:03
dholbachyou were great!17:03
emscorsase you17:03
druellanThanks notgary17:03
D0mY_DomFrohe Weinachten :P17:03
notgarydruellan: Thanks for coming along and helping out in here :)17:03
druellanNo prob. My connection was messy too, I'm going to rewatch the whole thing later :P17:04
dholbachbig hugs to you all! :)17:05
notgaryThanks a lot for coming out guys17:06
notgaryReally appretiate it.17:06
dmiller309Is there any chance of Ubuntu getting window close buttons/menus that don't autohide? It confuses the heck out of my grandparents.18:07
dmiller309I think that the Ubuntu Netbook remix used to always show the window buttons and menus, but now that the desktop has been merged with it the window controls are gone.18:08
baqtiooHi, ''m from malaysia...18:09
=== wonk is now known as Guest61541

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