
phillwhi xnox01:02
xnoxphillw: hello.01:03
phillwxnox: is there a set of instructions so that I could pull in the proposed fix for suggested at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libguestfs/+bug/1086974/comments/201:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1086974 in libguestfs (Ubuntu Quantal) "libguestfs: error: cannot find any suitable libguestfs supermin" [High,Confirmed]01:05
xnoxphillw: well, I've tried to do it & it turns out that picking that change is non-trivial: because both ubuntu UDD imports are out of date & debian vcs history is out of date.01:07
xnoxotherwise it would have been a one line $ bzr merge -rX..Y lp:ubuntu/libgestfs into the quantal branch =/01:07
* xnox has filed bugs in ubuntu UDD & debian upstream about missing revision histories.01:08
xnoxphillw: sorry for the delay. I will manually reconstruct changes from debdiffs and upload something.01:09
phillwxnox: hmm okies... as there is a larger (more critical) problem, I'm really at a loss here. bug 1088692 I haven't asked ikonia if he's had chance to follow up on it.01:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1088692 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Screen corrupt when installing 13.04 using KVM" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108869201:09
xnoxbut it's 1AM now here and I am falling asleep.....01:09
phillwxnox: you share the same time as me :) I was just checking mails before heading for bed :) Have a good sleep :)01:10
xnoxphillw: well. that one is a duplicate. currently we have two types of screen corruptions one affected desktop background only & another affecting any video.01:11
xnoxand your screenshot shows a mixture of the two =/01:11
xnoxphillw: i'll escalate it.01:12
xnoxtomorrow =)01:12
xnoxgood night!01:12
phillwballoons: FYI ^^01:13
balloonsgot it01:17
phillwballoons: good :)  as Jackson asked a little while back, is there any further work to do on http://pad.ubuntu.com/communitywebsite-contribute-quality before it can become a draft wiki page so we can begin the process of splitting it into its areas?01:20
balloonsphillw, should be ready to go at this point01:27
balloonsthe further work is to update the page we linked to of common questions01:27
balloonsI need to ping everyone about the ide01:28
phillwdo you want me to transfer it to WIP wiki page, so people can work on the grammar / tidy up?01:29
phillwFor the FAQ, we can set up one as best as we know, but that area will be better populated from the feedback we get on the classroom sessions :)01:32
balloonsit's the tutorial page01:33
balloonsit's linked from there01:33
balloonsyou can see the basic idea01:34
balloonsi've got to run atm, but feel free to leave thoughts and I'll ping back tomorrow01:34
phillwI'm going to try have an early night tonite. I'll be about from about 15:00 UTC 19th Dec (Christmas shopping to do).01:35
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pittiGood morning07:35
jibelGood morning pitti07:41
dholbachgood morning08:06
Noskcajevening guys08:25
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sugaI want to get the knowledge on QA automation approach which handles on Ubuntu12.0409:13
sugaAppreciate if anybody respond about this.09:14
sugaappreciate if you give some explanation about is there any automation tool handled for QA part on Ubuntu12.0409:17
xnoxsuga: I cannot understand your question. Have you google for project called "jenkins" ?09:43
sugaAtually I want to know the QA automation approach handled on Ubuntu12.04 release09:52
sugaFor example; LDTP framework is used by ubuntu11.04 QA team.. Like that, what is the QA automation approach on Ubuntu12.0409:53
xnoxwe use jenkins, auto-pkg-tests, UTAH, xpressor, auto-pilot.09:55
xnoxsee: http://qa.ubuntu.com/automation/09:55
xnoxbut we should update that page as we no longer use mago: but instead auto-pilot & https://launchpad.net/xpresser09:56
xnoxjibel: ^^^^09:56
jibelxnox, right, I don't have privileges to edit this page though :)09:59
jibelgema, do you? ^09:59
gemajibel: not last time I tried, but I filed a ticket, it may be fixed now10:00
* gema trying10:00
gemajibel: I seem to be able to, I am not sure how to change it though10:01
gemasuga: can you explain to me all you find confusing about the page?10:01
gemajibel: or shall I just remove the mago part?10:02
gemajibel: at least until we get to it10:02
xnoxgema: please remove the mago bit, and someone should write a paragraph about xpresser.10:05
gemaxnox: I am on the writing something about xpresser bit10:06
gemaI do not have permission to preview drafts10:08
gemaI wonder if it'll allow me to write x)10:08
gemaxnox: feedback please, before I leave typos on the page: http://qa.ubuntu.com/automation/10:08
xnoxgema: looks good.10:09
xnoxsuga: see updated http://qa.ubuntu.com/automation/10:09
gemaxnox: I even added the way to contribute testing to utah x)10:14
gemasuga: thanks for pointing us out that there was old information there10:16
gemapointing out to us, even10:17
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xnoxpitti: jibel: gema: me & jodh tried to reproduce the usec assertition failure as seen in jenkins, but locally. We didn't managed to (even with using auto-package-test branch/scripts)12:18
xnoxis there a chance to get ssh into the --login kvm instance of that failure?12:19
xnoxsyslog / dmesg from the failure whould be nice as well.12:21
pittixnox: yes, I'm sure that we can arrange something14:22
xnoxpitti: cool. i think jibel promised to setup stuff for me in a private message ;-)14:23
pittixnox: might it be related that you and I usually try on a raring host, but the VMs in the DC run on a precise host kernel? or kvm itself being older there?14:23
jibelxnox, yeah I promised, and will do ... soonish14:24
pittijibel: if you are busy, I can take this14:24
pittiI was thinking on logging into the temporary VM and setting up an ssh tunnel to some place xnox can reach14:25
xnoxpitti: me can reach qalab vpn...14:26
pittixnox: ah, good, that'll make it simple14:28
pittijibel: I'm on it14:34
pittijibel: ok, xnox has something to play with :)14:38
jibelpitti, ahah, many thanks!14:39
jibelxnox, you owe pitti a green dot ;)14:40
pittioui, j'aime le vert!14:40
pittila rouge est très mauvaise14:41
pittixnox: upstart fails locally for me as well, but much later (in user_sessions, there is stderr output "No LSB modules are available.")14:43
xnoxpitti: that is known. And by the way "No LSB modules are available" is printer, because of a hook call if any tests failed.14:44
xnoxpitti: on a passing user_sessions there is no stderr.14:44
pittiah, ok14:44
xnoxbut that is also fixed in trunk =)14:44
xnox(just to please adt ;-) )14:45
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xnoxpitti: i think qa lab machines are simply too damn fast15:17
pittixnox: yeah, they have umpteen cores and GB of RAM and15:17
pitti"a supercomputer is a machine which can perform an endless loop in just two seconds"15:18
xnoxpitti: so the machine has nanosecond resolution, yet utmp records only store microsecond resolution and hence upstart test-suite fails -> expecting a different time between two writes, while it can actually be within same microsecond.15:19
* xnox rolls eyes15:19
roadmrbut let's do this, ask her to do the change in salesforce (she'll do it in 2 minutes, I will take all morning figuring salesforce out)15:22
roadmrthen, if c3 doesn't change, I can frob the database easily (takes 2 minutes)15:23
roadmrtotal time = 4 minutes15:23
xnoxroadmr: wrong channel?15:38
roadmrxnox: sorry :/15:38
=== balloons changed the topic of #ubuntu-quality to: "Welcome to Ubuntu Quality | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam"
zygaroadmr: heh17:10
Noskcajcan someone contact the testdrive devs and get netboot added to it somehow, or autoconfig for ppc. both would help hugely19:35
phillwbug 108472919:40
ubot5bug 1084729 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "manual partitioning fails to create a partition table" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108472919:40
phillwbug 1087823, bug 108517319:44
ubot5bug 1087823 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Raring) "in the manual partitioning page the "new partition table" gets more buttons every time you click it" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108782319:44
ubot5bug 1085173 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "partitioning window opens on the top left corner of the screen and cannot be moved away" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108517319:44
Noskcajcan someone confirm bug 1087848, vbox is need i believe19:44
ubot5bug 1087848 in lubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "no login background lubuntu daily 13.04 amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108784819:44
phillwNoskcaj: I have vbox on my local machine, is only vbox that it is seen on?19:45
Noskcajphillw, that i have seen it on, i haven't check for it for about a week however19:46
phillwNoskcaj: I'm zsyncing up the lubuntu amd13.04 daily. I'll check it on KVM and VBox a bit later (My fave T.V. programme is about to start :) )19:48
Noskcajok, thanks. and what show would that be?19:49
phillwStargate SG1 :)19:50
Noskcajphillw, ok, never seen it. i will be online all of today as school finished for the year yesterday19:50
phillwokay. I'll be back in ~ 1hour 15 mins.19:51
phillwI'll have a play with manual partitioning of lubuntu 13.04 and check if the display is there.19:52
phillwfor netboots, that would have to be done on my dedi server owing to the amount of data needed to download.19:53
Noskcajphillw, understandable. netboot in general is broken. turns out i won't be online all day, i have to babysit my 3 year old brother19:57
phillwhe he... just when you thought you had a free day :)19:58
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