
kaushalI am using pidgin version 2.10.6 on ubuntu 11.10 along with pidgin-awayonlock version 0.5.2-1 I am running unity desktop. when i lock the screen, the status message does not change to "I am not here right now or Away". Any clue?08:02
diploMorning all08:50
Ivankamorning diplo08:51
diploGlad I didn't add 'Good' to that this morning, just had a phone call.08:57
diploI'm a developer supposedly, well out of 3 'hardware' people in our office, not one has turned in08:57
czajkowskimorning folks09:08
bigcalmGood morning eeps :)10:11
dwatkinseep eep10:43
dogmatic69Every time I run updates ubuntu requires a restart :/10:52
czajkowskidogmatic69: there is a bug about that open re restart later10:53
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:00
constrictorgood morning11:14
mungojerryis there still an ubuntu one offer to get 20gb when you buy a song?13:48
czajkowskimungojerry: only thing I see is https://one.ubuntu.com/help/faq/#account_referrals15:42
DJonesDoes anybody here have a Nexus 7? Debating whether to get one at for Christmas as a "family" present and wondered how well the multiple user accounts work? Does each user have seperate email accounts, google play accounts etc, or do they still get lumped under one account and its just backgrounds, home screens that are tailored to each user15:48
popeyi do15:49
popeyeach user has effectively separate everything15:49
popeythe only shared thing is if user A installs an app, and then user B installs the same app, it shares binaries15:50
popeyso as not to waste storage15:50
Laneyirritates me that only the 'owner' can use google talk15:50
sprmttcan you create admin accounts?15:50
DJonesThanks, that was what I was hoping would be the answer, makes sense to share the binaries in cases like that15:50
popeybut if user A pays for an app, user B has to pay for it if they want it too15:50
popeyi dont see a way to share paid apps15:50
popeysprmtt, what is an admin account?15:51
sprmttwell, I just figured that you could set it so only one person can install stuff15:52
popeyeach user can15:52
popeyif they have a play store account15:52
popey(google account)15:52
sprmttfair enough15:52
DJonesre paid accounts, I saw something mentioned for people with 2 tablets, set your own email as primary on one with your wifes as a secondary account (but not set to sync), and on the 2nd tablet, set your wifes account as primary and your own as a secondary (but not set to sync), that way each tablet has access to both users play store apps, don't if something similar could be done on a single tablet15:53
popeysounds cunning15:53
sprmttI had wondered about doing that myself15:54
DJonespopey: Post 10 on this link http://forums.androidcentral.com/google-nexus-7-tablet-forum/220066-any-tips-multiple-nexus-7-household.html15:54
sprmttI wondered why one account couldn't be secondary on 20 different devices15:54
popeyI'm not too fussed about that tbh, I have bought so few things from the android store15:54
popeyneed to figure a way of putting films on the n715:55
DJonesI've only ever bought one thing .... Minecraft when it was 99p or something like that15:55
popeyneed to shrink them too15:55
DJonesWould airdroid work for copying films over?15:55
popeywill have to re-learn libav/ffmpeg15:55
popeywill have a play over xmas and load the thing up for a flight to sfo in the new year15:56
Azelphurlol, pirateparties tpb proxy got blocked16:28
Azelphuronto the next proxy \o/16:28
shaunodo I get the impression the only reason anyone uses tbp anymore, is to spite the sensors?16:30
daftykinsi'd imagine all the coverage makes them even more high profile too16:32
popeywhy even bother looking for a 3rd party proxy which may go down or be blocked, just run a private proxy on your vps and tunnel to it16:44
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
dave101010hi all17:20
MartijnVdS\o dave10101017:20
dave101010hows you17:20
MartijnVdStired after work :)17:21
dave101010well you deserve a voka17:21
dave101010well it is up to you what kind of mods you got on your linux17:24
dave101010or has any one got any good mods to put on a ubuntu 12.04/12.10 system17:26
daftykinswhat exactly do you define by 'mods'?17:26
dave101010themes desklets screenlets tweaks desktoys any thing that makes it more fun to be on linux than it alredy is17:27
shaunodo go-faster stripes count?17:28
dave101010lol yeah17:28
dave101010is that on the case or the desktop17:28
daftykinswhy not both, for good measure17:29
dave101010lol i got a eeepc 701 900mhz cpu maby that is what i need17:30
dave101010i made my eeepc look like a mac at the moment17:32
dave101010got a few screenlets and caroi dock as well17:32
FLHernedave101010: KDE instead of Unity?17:33
dave101010i use gnome on ubuntu 12.0417:34
dave101010i dont like unity all that much17:35
dave101010i tried that joilos as well it is ok but a cpu hog for a clould os17:37
Azelphurali1234: 1st! https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/2012/December/2012-12-18-191727_1205x906_scrot.png19:18
* Azelphur hangs head in shame19:18
SuperEngineernearly time for a uupc? - you know, an Ubuntu UK Pantomime cast - whoopee! [I hope]19:58
MartijnVdSnah, it's time for 144 hours of charity radio on Dutch public radio :)20:03
MartijnVdSpulseaudio 3 has support for runtime filter parameter editing20:14
salzb #wrongplanet22:17
Azelphurali1234: you awake?22:45
AzelphurI actually have a good USB question for you :p22:45
Azelphurali1234: so someone wrote bitfenix recon drivers, in C++, only supports one recon though and I have two, so I've been trying to patch it22:50
ali1234in english this means what?22:50
Azelphuryou remember, the funky fan controller we were playing with a while back22:50
ali1234oh yeah22:50
Azelphurso yea, it just picks the first one and connects to that, doesn't have any multi device support at all22:51
AzelphurI'm trying to patch it, I managed to use hid_enumerate to loop through a list of devices22:51
Azelphurhid_open seems to want a serial number, which I assume is what you should use to differentiate between multiple same devices connected22:51
Azelphurbut, the device serial number is null, so I can't do that22:52
Azelphurso basically, I'm not sure how to open a specific device, but I can loop through them, \o/22:52
ali1234is this libusb?22:52
AzelphurI don't think so22:53
ali1234most devices dont have a serial number22:53
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/6ftr8d8P have some code :p22:53
Azelphurline 18 through 33 are the part I'm playing with22:53
ali1234show h file please...22:54
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/SuYDTFtu looks like a bit of a stub for hidapi, I'll paste that too22:55
Azelphurhttp://pastebin.com/YdMZB48d here's hidapi.h22:55
ali1234use path to identify them22:57
ali1234you need a factory for this really22:57
Azelphurbut hid_open doesn't take a path arg?22:58
ali1234use hid_open_path then22:59
Azelphuroh, that definitely sounds like the answer :D22:59
ali1234all your code does not belong in the class23:00
ali1234it goes in the factory function23:00
ali1234which enumerates all devices and passes the paths to the constructor instead of the IDs23:00
ali1234then it will return however many devices23:01
ali1234probably in a vector23:01
Azelphurhehe, this is just a temp hack really until they implement it properly23:01
Azelphuror maybe I'll learn enough to make some sense of things, and redo it properly23:01
AzelphuroO, I did it, got it workin :D23:05

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