
=== drubin_ is now known as drubin
magespawnMorning all.05:40
barrydkGoodmorning everyone05:45
magespawnMorning barrydk05:48
magespawnHey Kilos05:59
Kiloshi magespawn 05:59
theblazehen  Hi.06:37
theblazehenAnyone mind if I let SeeBorg talk ?06:37
Kiloshi theblazehen  06:38
Kilosthey will complain06:38
theblazehenmaybe put him in another channel :)06:38
theblazehenany ideas ?06:39
Kilosyou want to just test it?06:39
Kiloshi sakhi 06:39
Kilostheblazehen, find one without a bot06:40
Kilosor temp to my channel06:41
Kilosbut not much chat there06:41
theblazehenok I have a list of other channelt though06:41
Kilosalways check first if they have a bot06:42
Kiloslol some of the peeps with bots in a channel already dont want others as well06:43
theblazehenI dont care if they ban me ...06:43
theblazehen /join #bots now06:43
theblazehenit funny06:44
Kiloshi jrgns 07:04
Squirmit's nice being able to wake up late :)07:06
Kiloshehe hi Squirm 07:06
magespawnHey Squirm, a change is as good as a rest.07:12
jrgnsmorning Kilos07:15
magespawnMorning jrgns07:16
jrgnsmorning magespawn07:16
Squirmmagespawn: to an extent07:18
Kiloshi symbolsi 07:23
symbolsihi kilos07:23
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za07:23
symbolsithanks kilos07:25
magespawnSquirm that is true.07:41
mazalMorning everyone07:49
magespawnHey mazal07:55
mazalhmm , kernel update I see07:56
mazalwbb , gotta reboot08:03
Kiloshi mazsup08:03
Kiloshi superfly 08:04
superflyhi Kilos08:08
Maazsuperfly: By the way, Kilos on freenode told me "tell superfly Sorry" 2 hours, 5 minutes and 44 seconds ago08:08
Kiloshi mazal 08:11
mazalMôre oom Kilos 08:11
mazalBtw , I saw yesterday my Ubuntu still deletes files out of the apt cache , so that setting doesn't work08:12
mazalLast week had 370 odd files08:12
mazalNow only 270 odd08:12
mazalHave you checked yours yet ?08:15
Kilosare you using apt-get clean or autoclean08:15
Kilosthey delete them08:15
Kilosthen i dunno08:15
Kilosrsync them after an upgrade to somewhere else08:16
mazalFortunately I do seperate archive backups once a week on a seperate backup drive08:16
mazalSo they "should" stack up there08:16
Kilosthen rsync them back before running update next time08:17
Kilosthat too ya08:17
mazalIt's anyway only in a VERY VERY worse case scenario cos I make my own iso mos that I use for re-install and that has everything in it already08:18
mazalSo it will only be neccesary if that iso fails for some reason08:18
* mazal checks his to-do list and see he has plenty of work tonight :P08:40
mazalCan someone help me with an easy command that I can't get right08:49
mazalWhat switch must you add to the ls command that it shows the total number of files08:49
Kilosls -la08:50
Kilosi hope08:50
mazalnope a don't work08:50
mazalGoing through the man page but can't find it08:51
Kilosyou see nothing from that command?08:51
mazalI see the files , but I want it to tell me how many files it is08:53
mazalI want to know the total number of files in a said directory08:53
mazalI use ls -lh which shows everything but not the number of files08:54
mazalMaaz google show number of files in cli08:56
Maazmazal: "command line - Find number of files in folder and sub folders? - Ask ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/34099/find-number-of-files-in-folder-and-sub-folders :: "Command Line File Count [Archive] - The macosxhints Forums" http://hintsforums.macworld.com/archive/index.php/t-23074.html :: "Short command line tips" http://www.robvanderwoude.com/shorts.php ::08:56
Maaz"Command Line Basics: Count Files | Tux Tweaks" http://tuxtweaks.com/2010/01/command-line-…08:56
Kiloshi nlsthzn 08:57
nlsthzngood morning uncle Kilos 08:57
mazalAhh , tree works nice :)09:03
nlsthznxmas tree?09:05
nlsthznlava tree09:09
nlsthznthat is new09:09
Kilostoilet man09:10
* nlsthzn feels like he is missing something.. more than usual09:11
Kiloslol correct spelling is lavatory09:11
Kilosway peeps speak it sounds like lavatree09:11
nlsthznoh haha... ok09:12
mazalno , the app called tree09:15
mazalTells me how many files in the current folder09:16
mazalAlthough piping ls -lh to wc -l also works09:24
inetpromazal: find /folder -type f | wc -l09:33
mazalThanx inetpro 09:33
mazalCheck out this one as well : tree -phugL 109:33
mazalor just tree -L 1 if only a summary is needed09:35
inetpromazal: way to much info for answering your basic question09:35
mazalYeah I found the wc -l , but then started playing with tree as well09:35
mazalGives a little more info , even just on summary09:36
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
mazalBye for now all10:31
mazalGotta go see specialist10:32
magespawnAfternoon all11:25
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
barrydkBuy all going home now, looks like a storm coming from Joburg side12:45
maiatodayI went in to the wiki page for the re-approval. It looks great. Thanks everyone who added edits and testimonials. 12:52
maiatodayI'll see everyone tonight. 12:54
kbmonkeyhello hello14:52
magespawnHey kbmonkey15:34
magespawnLater all see at the meeting15:40
=== Kanchi is now known as Cantide
kbmonkeyhi magespawn. 15:57
kbmonkeyhi Kilos 16:19
Kiloshi kbmonkey hows ya16:19
Cantidei might not make the meeting ;_;16:20
Kilosaw why16:20
Cantidedidn't sleep last night16:20
Kilosugly word might16:20
kbmonkeyfine Kilos hows you?16:20
Cantideand feeling very sick today16:20
Kilosok ty16:20
Cantideso i will stay up and see how i feel16:20
Cantideif i feel too tired, i'm off to bed :p16:20
kbmonkeyhope you feel better Cantide 16:20
Kilosnap now with alarm set16:20
Cantidethanks .-.16:21
KilosCantide, drink lotsa coffee16:21
CantideKilos, that's an idea, but i'm not very good at napping16:21
kbmonkeyKilos is the team review held in this chan?16:21
Kilosyou sicker?16:21
Cantidemy stomach is on fire, not drinking coffee today :p16:21
Kilosnope kbmonkey on #ubuntu-meeting i think16:21
kbmonkeymust have been some public holiday, Cantide :}16:21
Kiloswassup tummy Cantide ?16:22
Kilosyou been drinking petrol?16:22
Cantidenah, i think i ate too much spicy food .-.16:23
Cantideand not being able to sleep last night didn't help either .-.16:23
Kilosmilk, bycarb rennies16:23
kbmonkeyi find the potassium in bananas help16:24
Cantidebrb water16:24
Kilosya nanas are good food16:24
kbmonkeyis the meet at 19h30?16:24
Kilos2200 kbmonkey 16:25
Kiloslate but what can we do16:25
Kilosi mailed the lists just now as well16:25
kbmonkeythanks :)16:25
Kiloshope i got it all right16:25
kbmonkeywell that gives time to update my cv16:25
Kilosyou job hunting again?16:26
kbmonkeyyes before this one ends16:26
kbmonkeyyup yup16:27
Kilosi dont understand some of the lists peeps not wanting to use irc. ubuntu was built on irc16:28
nlsthznnot everyone is a developer and or cares for IRC16:29
Kilosbut they dont mind getting free cd's16:29
kbmonkeysome of them are probably flooded by other social networks to worry about irc16:31
nlsthznUbuntu is not aiming for the people that like to wait until 10 at night and use IRC to have a "meeting"16:31
nlsthznjust saying16:31
* nlsthzn goes and eats dinner now... kthxbai16:31
kbmonkeythat reminds me of something16:31
kbmonkeyback when before cellphones were everywhere, we had to organize to do stuff in advance. 16:32
Kilosyeah by snail mail16:33
Kilosor fone calls16:33
kbmonkeyand if plans failed, you had to either wait around or find a payphone. ha ha16:33
CantideI experienced that in Korea haha - my cellphone could barely pick up wireless there, so i was restricted to email and pay phones16:34
Cantidemoral of story: don't get the cheapest android phone and expect it to work well16:34
Kilosdid expensive fones work?16:35
Cantidei bet they do16:35
Kilosno man16:35
Cantidemy phone has really bad wifi range16:35
Kiloswireless is wireless16:35
Cantidebut the range..16:35
Kilosyou were inna bad area16:35
Cantidei had to virtually sit on top of a router haha16:35
Cantidein many areas16:36
kbmonkeywireless is wireless? try tell that to apple ;)16:36
Kilosoh do they come with stronger transmitters/receivers16:36
Cantideapple like to create their own propriety junk16:36
Cantideno thanks :p16:36
kbmonkeytheir one model had bad signal. their solution: hold the phone a certain way.16:36
kbmonkeyno thanks!16:36
Cantidehaha, i remember that :D16:36
CantideiPhone 4 maybe >.<16:37
Kilosim sure its the signal from their towers thats bad16:37
Cantideno, it was a specific model of phone16:37
Cantidethat had a design flaw16:37
Cantideanyway, their products are overpriced and 'trendy'16:38
Cantidenot for me :16:38
Cantidebesides, Android is awesome '-';;;16:38
charl_good evening16:45
Cantidehey charl_ '-'16:46
charl_hi Cantide :)16:46
charl_how's it going16:46
Cantideokay! just feeling a little under the weather16:46
Cantidewhat about you?16:46
charl_tomorrow second-last day of work left for this year16:46
charl_from friday i have holiday until the 2nd january16:47
Cantidewow :)16:47
Cantidei used up all my leave already :'(16:47
CantideDecember is our busiest time :-S16:47
Cantideare you planning to travel at all?16:47
charl_i did a pretty poor attempt of taking up leave this year16:47
charl_yeah i might go to switzerland or somewhere in germany16:47
Cantidenice :)16:47
charl_but i haven't decided yet, a colleague of mine is an expert on switzerland so i want to ask him tomorrow16:48
CantideI want to go to Germany someday .-.16:48
charl_but most likely i will just end up going somewhere in germay16:48
charl_it's a nice country, i try to spend some of my free time there16:48
charl_i live very close to the border so it's about a 20 mins on the train16:48
charl_but i will probably travel a bit further in now16:49
charl_i like it that you can order a potato as a dish :) that's not something you can do in most countries16:49
charl_hi zeref 16:50
Kiloshi charl_ 16:51
charl_hi Kilos 16:52
charl_how's it going16:52
Kilosok ty16:52
Banlamcharl are you in france?16:53
charl_Banlam: nope NL16:53
Banlamah k, up north16:53
charl_even though i am part french i don't speak a word of french :)16:53
Cantidecharl_, you are so close!! 20 minutes?! you could just go over whenever you feel like it!16:54
Banlamhad a friend from belgium16:54
Banlamspoke english and dutch fluently16:54
Banlamhis french was pretty good16:54
Kilosi was part french too. bled it out first time i cut my finger16:54
Banlamand german wasn't too sabby either16:54
Kiloshi Banlam 16:54
charl_Kilos: good one!16:54
Banlamhey kilos16:54
charl_Banlam: speaking multiple languages is normal if you live in europe :)16:54
Banlamcharl, not always16:55
Banlami found in germany16:55
Banlamlots of people speak only german16:55
Banlamwith some english16:55
CantideKilos :D :D16:55
charl_that is actually quite true but the german-speaking world would be an exception16:55
charl_i live in a small country so that's different ;)16:55
charl_problem with living in a small country is that you need to speak the languages of the countries around you16:56
charl_even if you don't speak them well, you need to understand / speak some basics16:56
charl_in belgium, northern belgium speaks a dialect of dutch (not proper dutch mind you haha)16:56
Cantidei wish i could speak more languages .-.16:56
charl_southern belgium speaks french and eastern belgium speaks german16:56
Banlami wish i could speak more languages too16:57
charl_switzerland is part german and part french with some other minority languages16:57
Kilosdont most peeps learn english as secong language16:57
Banlambut they use it during school16:57
Banlamand then don't really get another opportunity to use it16:57
Banlamday to day, germans only have to speak german16:57
charl_lol except for on the internet16:57
charl_if you can't read english on the internet it's limiting16:58
Banlamchrome + auto translate :P16:58
charl_but reading and writing / speaking a language is something very different16:58
charl_yeah but that translation feature is a hit and miss16:58
charl_i use it myself sometimes16:58
Banlamyeah, for sure16:58
charl_sometimes it works surprisingly well and other times it screws up16:58
Banlamit helps if you know some of the language16:59
charl_very true16:59
Banlamand you can put things in context16:59
charl_if you only need to look up some words16:59
Banlamand figure out the actual meaning16:59
charl_problem is a lot of words are very context specific16:59
charl_and then you have certain sayings and expressions16:59
charl_so it makes translating without a thorough understanding of the language pretty hard17:00
charl_but usually you don't need to fuss about the details if you are just reading it17:00
charl_and mostly you can "fill in the blanks" by looking at the context17:00
charl_even though my german is far from perfect i can figure out what people mean by thinking about similar words and context17:01
charl_and that's an opportunity to learn as well of course17:01
charl_ok i'm off to do dinner bbl17:07
kbmonkeysame here, going to snack before its too late17:25
* nlsthzn fires up Steam on Ubuntu and is going to play some TF2 until the meeting starts... 17:46
smilehi :p18:00
charl_hi smile 18:04
charl_ooh nice and full now :) good dinner18:04
smilehi charl_ :D18:06
smilehi theblazehen & maiatoday 18:16
maiatodayhi smile, theblazehen-phon18:17
smilemaiatoday: how are you? :)18:17
maiatodayI'm ok18:17
theblazehenhi smile18:34
smilehi theblazehen:p18:34
theblazehenlol not paying much attention18:35
nlsthznso... all systems go for the meeting, or are there still some issues that need attention/18:49
smiletheblazehen: me neither :p19:03
theblazehenYeah... Minetest is a awesome game19:04
* nlsthzn tried it yesterday... still prefer the original19:06
theblazehenyeah. Not on a netbook though19:10
theblazehenMinetest with minimum graphics gives me max 13 FPS19:10
inetprogood evening19:13
inetproKilos: wb19:13
Kiloshi inetpro evening all19:13
Kiloswas quite a storm we had19:14
inetproKilos: hmm, was it windy?19:14
inetproor thunder and lightning?19:15
* inetpro didn't even notice19:15
Kilosya heavy and thunder lots and 20mm in 30 mins19:15
Kilosthe sunshine19:15
* inetpro was way to busy again19:15
Kiloshehe you were inna office19:15
inetproyebo yes19:15
inetprojust noticed some wet roads when I drove home19:16
inetprothen again, I did realise that it was raining earlier19:16
inetprobut didn't realise there was a big storm19:16
Kilospower died three times here19:17
Kilosplayed a bit with hdparm19:19
Kilosvery interesting19:19
Kilosand smartd19:19
nlsthzngood mornign all19:22
Kiloshi nlsthzn 19:22
inetpronlsthzn: good morning sir19:22
inetprodid you sleep well?19:22
nlsthznso we are rocking and ready for da meeting?19:22
Kilosstill 38 mins to meeting and eyes keep drooping19:23
Kiloshiya maiatoday 19:23
nlsthznpffttt... not even 10 over there yet19:23
inetprolet's hope that the authorities are ready for the meeting19:24
Kilosarent you 2 hours ahead of us nlsthzn ?19:24
Kilosoh over here19:24
Kiloslets hope inetpro 19:24
Kiloshope its short and sweet19:25
inetproKilos: you had enough sleep man19:25
inetproyou was gone all day19:25
Kilospc slept not me19:25
inetprowb magespawn_19:27
Kiloswb magespawn 19:27
magespawn_evening guys19:27
magespawn_i can't connect to my core19:27
Kilosthere we greeted them both19:27
mazalEvening everyone19:27
Kiloshi mazal 19:27
Kiloshey theblazehen wake up19:28
magespawn_hey mazal19:28
smilesee ya tomorrow :)19:29
smilebig hug nlsthzn , Kilos , magespawn, mazal :)19:29
smilegood night19:29
Kilosyou not staying for the meeting smile 19:29
magespawn_night smile19:29
mazalBye smile :)19:29
nlsthznnight smile 19:29
magespawn_hhm inetpro19:29
Kilossleep tight19:29
smileKilos: :(19:29
smilehad to go :(19:29
inetprosmile: lekker slaap19:29
smilelike now19:29
smiledankie inetpro :)19:29
Kiloseek theres 192 peeps at the meeting channel19:31
mazalEk sal in die hoekie sit :P19:31
Banlamis the meeting not here?19:31
Banlam"Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting19:34
Banlamthat what we're there for19:34
Kilosre-approval as a loco19:34
Kiloswe all loco anyway19:34
maiatoday hi all19:35
mazalHi maiatoday 19:35
nlsthzno/ Maaz 19:36
magespawn_here is some info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda19:36
nlsthzn\o maiatoday (and anyone else I may have missed)19:36
magespawn_and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines?action=show&redirect=LoCoCouncil%2FLoCoTeamReApproval19:37
maiatodayhi nlsthzn19:37
magespawn_o/ nlsthzn 19:37
magespawn_hey maiatoday 19:37
maiatodayhi magespawn_19:37
nlsthzncan I just say a thanks to all of you guys for being so awesome and all the amazing things you are doing in SA... perhaps one day I will be back then I can come and give you all a pat on the back in person :D19:38
maiatodaythe testimonials on our approval page are so awesome, thanks everyone :)19:39
mazalyw :)19:39
mazalI just looked at it myself19:39
magespawn_cool so we going to do this thing then? no doubts?19:39
Kilosof course19:39
nlsthznif the council shows19:40
nlsthznbut they should, even if they are very busy19:40
* nlsthzn had a meeting with them about a month ago, one of the loco members was on the beach on his laptop for the hangout... lekker by die see19:40
maiatodaymagespawn_ do you have doubts? 19:40
magespawn_i might have to track them down of they don't19:40
magespawn_not me no19:41
maiatodaythere are 2 agenda items for tonight for them 19:41
magespawn_was looking at the other teams page but i do not read Spanish or Mexican or Portugese19:42
nlsthznwell I see some of the loco lurking there so it seems to be all systems gogo19:43
* Kilos wonders who ubuntuMx is19:44
Kiloshandele handele ariba19:44
* mazal is hungry now :P19:45
Kilossaw that some time back in clint eastwood movies19:45
nlsthznsounds like speedy Gonzales...19:45
maiatodaytheir page is pretty19:45
magespawn_maiatoday: i see they give out conference packs to loco teams that have a ubuntu booth at a conference19:46
magespawn_are they still doing that?19:46
maiatodaywe have a table cloth and a banner19:46
Kilosyeah they got lotsa spare time with all the siesta time19:46
nlsthznthey notta speakinging da englishish 19:46
maiatodayI dunno what else is in the conference pack19:46
nlsthznah, ok I see there application page, nicely done.19:47
magespawn_looks like some nice stuff, especially for promoting 19:48
* inetpro wonders whether drubin, superfly and tumbleweed will make it to the meeting19:48
superflyI'm around19:48
Kiloswb kbmonkey 19:48
inetprowho else here has not said anything yet this evening19:48
inetprowb kbmonkey19:48
magespawn_hey kbmonkey 19:48
kbmonkeyhi inetpro 19:48
kbmonkeyback :)19:49
maiatodaymagespawn_ we could try to get a conference pack but up to now we haven't needed it19:49
nlsthznhi kbmonkey :)19:49
nlsthznoh and hello superfly 19:49
magespawn_ping lurkers19:49
inetpronuvolari: you have 10 minutes to wake up and get here19:49
magespawn_maiatoday: if the need arises it would be nice19:49
nuvolarihi I'm here19:49
kbmonkeyhi nlsthzn 19:49
kbmonkeyo/ nuvolari 19:50
nuvolarihi kbmonkey!19:50
nuvolariwhere were you last night? 19:50
* nuvolari taps foot19:50
nlsthzno/ nuvolari 19:50
inetproah, slowly but surely the room is filling up19:50
Kiloshey nuvolari 19:50
maiatodayalso with the banner and the table cloth, it is difficult to get it to whoever wants to use it. At the moment it is at UCT, I should track it down19:50
inetprowb nuvolari19:50
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 19:50
nuvolarigood evening maiatoday, inetpro, kbmonkey, magespawn_, nuvolari, Maaz and anyone else present19:51
* nuvolari likes talking to himself19:51
kbmonkeypings lurkers19:51
maiatodayhi nuvolari19:51
mazalHi nuvolari , inetpro 19:51
nuvolarihi mazal 19:51
inetpromazal: hi19:51
magespawn_hey nuvolari 19:51
nuvolariok, so what's the MO for the meeting?19:51
inetproMaaz: coffee on19:51
* Maaz puts the kettle on19:51
nuvolariMaaz: coffee please19:52
Maaznuvolari: Righto19:52
nlsthznMaaz: tea please19:52
MaazAs soon as the kettle boils I will pour boiling water into your cup if you have the tea bag in already19:52
magespawn_Maaz coffee please19:52
Maazmagespawn_: Yessir19:52
KilosMaaz, coffee please19:52
MaazKilos: Righto19:52
magespawn_Maaz. large19:52
MaazIn a beer mug just for you magespawn_19:52
KilosMaaz, large19:52
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Kilos19:52
nuvolarinow I'm stressing19:52
inetpronuvolari: you join #ubuntu-meeting and keep quiet unless you are spoken to19:53
inetproor until19:53
nlsthznsounds boring can't we cheer and such?19:53
kbmonkeyMaaz coffee please19:53
Maazkbmonkey: Sorry, there aren't any more cups left19:53
* nuvolari gets excited like a little doggy and pees his pants19:53
nlsthznthat is one down :/19:54
inetpronuvolari: but I'm only joking, I'm sure they won't mind if you speak up19:54
magespawn_okay then19:54
nuvolari#ubuntu-meeting is extremely quiet...19:54
magespawn_6 minutes19:54
maiatodayI can't remember how it went last time19:54
maiatodayThey may ask some questions19:55
magespawn_\me hums suitable suspenseful theme song 19:55
nuvolaridoes that mean we're up first?19:55
maiatodayI hope so19:55
* magespawn_ hums suitable suspenseful theme song19:55
* nlsthzn wonders if dubstep is the best music for the occasion... perhaps I should switch :/19:55
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro, nuvolari, magespawn_ and Kilos!19:55
KilosMaaz, ty19:56
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:56
inetproMaaz: dankie19:56
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend19:56
nlsthznMaaz: and my tea?19:56
Maaznlsthzn: Excuse me?19:56
nuvolarithanks Maaz 19:56
nuvolariMaaz: botsnack19:56
kbmonkeyI'd settle for some instrumental classical19:56
Maaznuvolari: thankyou!19:56
nlsthznas long as the guitars are plugged into electricity!!!19:56
maiatodayhaha I am just hearing that Jaws music, dadadadadada19:56
kbmonkeyhow about some electric violin19:56
kbmonkeywith distortion19:56
magespawn_ditto maiatoday 19:56
Banlamelectric violins look amazing19:56
* nlsthzn hits the goth... let us all got down and dark19:57
Banlamwell i've seen some amazing looking ones19:57
magespawn_Vannesa Mae19:57
mazalFeels like a "Team ZA is in da house !!!" moment :)19:57
Banlammaaz put on a dress19:58
MaazBanlam: *blink*19:58
Banlammaaz do you have a dress19:58
MaazBanlam: I already know stuff about do you19:58
Banlammaaz banlam19:58
MaazBanlam: *blink*19:58
superflywhat's the channel again?19:58
Banlamoh do19:58
Kilos#ubuntu-meeting superfly 19:58
inetprococooncrash: ping19:58
nlsthznwe need Maaz in a dress with pom pom's asap19:59
nuvolariwho's representing us?19:59
superflyI thought maiatoday was?19:59
maiatodaynuvolari: I'll introduce us if you like19:59
maiatodayI am there19:59
Kilosmust be maiatoday surely?19:59
Kilosand we support19:59
maiatodayI am not sure if we should ping anyone19:59
theblazehen  /join #ubuntu-meeting20:00
maiatodaywe'll give them a few minutes20:00
magespawn_so we are the ones wearing the pom pom then20:00
inetpromaiatoday: I guess we have enough support20:00
maiatodayyes we are well supported20:00
* inetpro just thought the idea to dress up Maaz was classic20:01
inetprosomething that cocooncrash should see20:01
nlsthznshould ask maaz to join in the channel and when ever a specific council member says anything he should reply "Objection!"20:02
nuvolariI think the testimonial section is enough to grant us re-approval success20:02
mazalYeah , that adds the power to the punch20:02
nuvolarihmm, running 2 minutes off :-/20:03
Kilostumbleweed, you going there?20:03
maiatodaythe previous meetings started at 20:0320:03
maiatodayI wonder if it would be rude to ping someone20:03
mazalWhere are these okes , we from Africa and even we are on time :P20:03
magespawn_maybe they are on daylight savings time20:04
inetprowho's on the LoCoCouncil?20:10
maiatodayI hope I did everything, as far as I could see we only had to add our agenda item20:10
maiatodayI already pinged someone20:10
maiatodayI wish drubin was here20:10
nuvolarior a bug report?20:10
maiatodaysomeone just said they had the times messed up20:12
maiatodaythey didn't realise they had to be there already20:12
maiatodaysorry for the delay guys20:12
kbmonkey_oh dear :p20:12
kbmonkey_okay :}20:12
inetprowell I'm sure we can wait20:13
Kilosnot you maiatoday 20:13
magespawn_one of those things20:13
kbmonkey_hmm, 3g not too good. lets try 2g20:13
kbmonkey_glad the pain meds are kicking in. mental note: bend legs when lifting heaving machinery20:13
magespawn_what is heavy machinery?20:14
=== kbmonkey_ is now known as kbmonkey
kbmonkeypc towers magespawn XD20:14
kbmonkeymoved office today20:14
magespawn_ahh right20:14
nuvolarimeh :-/20:15
inetprosomeone please ping me when it starts20:15
nuvolariwill it be 23:00 now?20:15
magespawn_going to need power before then20:15
inetpromagespawn_: go get power now20:16
inetprobefore it's to late20:16
Kilosso what time is the meeting gonna be20:17
magespawn_got to go inside anyway the mozzies are killer tonight20:17
* mazal goes looking for a snack20:17
maiatodayI'll let you know as soon as I know20:17
nuvolariwe're waiting for a response oom Kilos 20:17
maiatodaybit of an anticlimax :(20:17
Kilosi just read there ty20:17
nuvolariya :-/20:17
nuvolarifor their mistake they owe us automatic re-approval :P20:18
maiatodayok it's starting20:18
nuvolarinlsthzn: get back here20:18
Kilosinetpro, go20:18
inetprothanks Kilos20:19
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos 20:19
nlsthznI mean nuvolari 20:19
nlsthznah both then20:19
inetpromagespawn_: I hope you have power now and are ready20:20
nlsthznvery slow meeting thus far... can'20:20
nlsthzncant we ask for nuvolari to chair20:20
inetpronlsthzn: haha20:23
Kiloslooking good20:24
nlsthznsomeone smack superfly :p20:25
nuvolarihmm, that's the first time I've seen that event list :P20:25
nuvolarilooks impressive IMO20:25
nlsthznnuvolari: is it on our re-application?20:25
magespawn_maia, maia she our gal, if she can't do it no one can20:25
nuvolarinlsthzn: I don't think so20:26
nuvolarilet me check20:26
nuvolariI don't know where they dug out that link...20:26
nlsthznah, when ever a meeting or event is registered it goes there...20:28
nlsthznit is the go to place to see what is happening in the loco 20:28
nlsthznor is supposed to be20:28
nlsthzngood job all :D20:32
magespawn_well that was painless20:32
magespawn_awesome maiatoday 20:32
tumbleweednicely done, everyone :)20:32
nuvolarithanks maiatoday 20:33
inetprothanks maiatoday20:33
nuvolarithanks everyone for your support in there20:33
Kilosyoooohoooo ty maiatoday and everyone20:33
mazalThank you maiatoday 20:33
nlsthznsomeone do that karma think for maiatoday  cause I don't know how :/20:33
kbmonkeyyay that is good news :}20:33
nuvolariMaaz: help with karma20:34
Maaznuvolari: I'm afraid I don't know what you are asking about. Ask "what can you do" to browse my features.20:34
nuvolariMaaz: karma20:34
Maaznuvolari: *blink*20:34
nlsthznoh well20:34
maiatodayno thank you to everybody for not disappearing when I was busy20:34
* nlsthzn can go sleep now... weeeee...20:34
nlsthzncheers all20:34
nuvolarinight nlsthzn 20:34
nuvolarisleep well20:34
nuvolarithanks for waiting up at this time of the night20:35
Kilosnight all . sleep tight20:35
nuvolarinight oom Kilos 20:35
Kilosthanks again20:35
maiatodaynight Kilos20:35
kbmonkeywish I could have been around more maiatoday, but resolutions are coming up :}20:35
mazalGood night everyone20:35
magespawn_night kilos20:35
kbmonkeynite Kilos 20:35
nuvolariMaaz: maiatoday++ for being awesome20:35
Maaznuvolari: Excuse me?20:35
maiatodayno worries kbmonkey20:35
nuvolarisies Maaz :(20:35
maiatodaywe all just do a little bit then it is easy20:36
nuvolariyeah, I think the last 6 months or so went awesome20:36
magespawn_kbmonket resolutions?20:36
kbmonkeynew years resolutions, magespawn 20:36
nuvolariok, need to catch up with the family quick20:36
nuvolariwas out all day20:36
superflyyay! all approved!20:36
magespawn_do not believe in those20:36
kbmonkeycheers nuvolari 20:37
magespawn_later nuvolari 20:37
nuvolarinight evenyone :)20:37
maiatodaybye nuvolari thanks for the support20:37
nuvolari:> you're welcome20:38
kbmonkeythat reapproval page is so well done,wow!20:38
maiatodayyeah they have a pretty page20:38
kbmonkeyI mean our ZA team page20:39
maiatodayoh :)20:39
maiatodayok I'll write a blog post about this tomorrow20:40
maiatodaynight all and thanks again for everything20:40
magespawn_i am off  to bed, good night y'all20:40
kbmonkeygnite magespawn and maiatoday20:41
kbmonkeytime to regenerate the body20:42
kbmonkeynite all20:43
drubinI am sorry guys!!!!21:08
drubini was waiting for the reapproval but I missed it :(21:08
queeryI'm late where's the meeting21:10
queeryDid I miss it? 21:12
queeryIt's only 7past 1121:12
queeryWas it a 10?21:12
inetprodrubin: np21:23

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