
ryanbarberneckcon: huh, thats strange. have you tried a reboot00:00
blamiusr13: gpt is different partitioning model, it supersedes dos partition table00:00
escottprogre55, you might try upgrading mysql-client-core first00:00
usr13blami: Thank you.  I didn't know that.00:01
escottprogre55, or removing mysql and reinstalling it00:01
neckconyea, I got out of windows vista and booted to Ubuntu 12.10 and the same thing there again. There is no firefox and all the other stuff thats supposed to be in the side bar00:01
neckconno sidebar at all00:01
corehookhi all00:01
blamiusr13: if you have efi machine you definitely have your disk formatted using gpt so just shrinking one of the existing partitions and creating new one (fifth) should be enough to make space for ubuntu00:01
progre55escott: but now apt says I need to do "apt-get -f install" first, which keeps failing00:01
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corehookafter apt-get update & apt-get upgrade now i cant join into notebook00:01
bjrohanescott: so go into the Kubuntu install via LiveUSB then resize partitions in the installer?00:01
corehooki mean after enter password in login screen manager00:01
corehookwhat i must do ?00:01
bjrohanescott: Or to preserve Win8 install would it be better to resize in Win8?00:02
escottbjrohan, except for the having to disable secure boot, and the making sure your livecd is booting in efi mode not gpt (so it knows to install grub-efi) and that you can have 128 partitions... its just like the old install00:02
usr13escott: blami: I don't really understand why Win7 and Win8 uses 4 partitions.  (Only three show up in "My Computer" anyway. So what's the deal?)00:03
corehookafter entering password ubuntu try to load gnome-session but drop me to login screen again00:03
corehookubuntu 12.1000:03
corehooklast updates00:03
escottusr13, at least one is a recovery partition and they dont want you messing with that00:04
nono_hi there o/00:04
bjrohanescott: It has been a while since I have done a dual boot, so help is greatly appreciated especially the whole efi bit00:04
escottbjrohan, i dont know what the 4th partition is for. do not modify the efi system partition. the others are windows specific00:04
neckconWill ubuntu 12.10 install correctly on NTFS>00:04
blackshirtneckon, i think thats a worst thing ... Stupid00:05
nono_Someone can tell me how can i create my 8GB Swap partition on my 1000.2 GB HDD (it's on a ubuntu server without any gui), so, i use fdisk, but cfdisk do the same error "Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary"00:05
usr13escott: blami The one I just did had a small fat32 at the end.  It had only a few files, which I just dumped onto sda2 and deleted it.  But no, I didn't mess with the recovery partition.00:05
neckcon Will ubuntu 12.10 install correctly on NTFS along side of vista?00:05
escottbjrohan, if you mount the ntfs partitions you might be able to get a sense of their purpose. one is windows proper. one is windows backup/recovery, my guess is the third ntfs is a windows data partition and is probably empty. if that is true you could remove that partition and replace it with ubuntu00:05
bjrohanescott: So for safety, go into Win8, resize the "C" drive to only 150GB or so leaving that much blank space then boot into live CD00:05
usr13nono_: Unless you already have free space, I do NOT recommend changing partition size of one that you have data on.00:06
blackshirtNeckon, install it in native linux filesystem, ntfs just for support ntfs partition00:06
escottusr13, "a small fat32 with only a few files" sounds suspiciously like an efi system partition which would make the system non-bootable in efi mode i removed00:06
nono_usr13 : it's a fresh new server on the rescue mode ;-)00:06
nono_I can play with my 2 HDD :)00:07
Rollinbackup your data before editing partitions if you can. pays to be safe as possible.00:07
escottbjrohan, if you want to send the output of "sudo parted -l" i can tell you what not to touch (its the fat partition labeled EFI system)00:07
escottbjrohan, for the others they are something windows related... but i dont know exactly what without either mounting them or booting windows00:07
usr13nono_: http://sourceforge.net/projects/partedmagic/00:08
nono_usr13 any other help ?00:08
nono_i can't go to the internet with my rescue mode00:08
usr13escott: It boots fine, so...00:09
neckconblackshirt, what do ya mean00:10
bjrohanescott: I took a picture of my screen for the win8 partitions in WIN8, how can I share it with you?00:10
usr13escott: What is efi?00:10
blackshirtneckcon, do you want install linux in ntfs partition ?00:10
neckconblackshirt, I am wanting to install Ubuntu 12.10 along side of windows vista. WQhere I can boot to Ubuntu 12.1000:11
dakotawulfyis there any way to use the ubuntu alternative installer for  a different ubuntu  install00:12
escottusr13, then you aren't booting efi00:12
escott!paste | bjrohan00:12
ubottubjrohan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:12
blackshirtneckcon,exactly you can dual booting,even multiple booting,00:12
diverdudeIs it possible to create a user with a homedirectory, and setup the user so that he cannot do anything at all outside $HOME ? Not even cd outside $HOME?00:13
neckconblackshirt, yes I know but I am getting the ubunbtu desktop with no sidebar and nothing but the bar at the top of the screen00:13
escottdiverdude, yes and no. its called a chroot. its very restrictive, hard to setup, hard to keep secure, and there are probably better ways with modern techniques00:14
blackshirtneckcon, but makes a room for your linux with native linux filesystem, ext4 for default,but you can choose the others that was greatly available ...00:14
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blackshirtNeckcon, place linux in ntfs partition was not recommended ways for dedicated linux partition00:15
escottblackshirt, more than "not recommended" it is impossible (excepting tricks like wubi)00:15
neckconblackshirt, I guess I do not know how to make a linux partition as your talking about00:15
bjrohanescott: Here is what I have for partitions. The main partition I can shrink to 150GB, leave the other 3 alone, and then install Ubunutu on the area left after the shrink00:15
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escottbjrohan, don't know what the first 400MB partition is for, cannot advise either way what to do about it. do not touch the 260MB EFI system partition. feel free to shrink the 903GB NTFS partition (but do so from the livecd or boot windows recovery), cannot comment on the 27GB OEM partition00:18
diverdudeescott, what better ways00:18
daftykinsyou need 4 for an EFI config on GPT00:18
daftykinsif you tamper it breaks, afaik00:18
blackshirtescott, better with wubi if he want in ntfs :d00:18
escottbjrohan, if you had access to win8 install media you could perhaps remove the 27GB OEM partition and have the win8 install disks for your recovery00:19
bjrohanescott: My thoughts exactly. Would it be best to shrink the 903 inside Windows so it does it to it's liking, or better to do in from the Ubuntu live CD?00:19
nuxusrany news on an expected release date for ubuntu for android?00:19
escottdiverdude, depends on what exactly you want to accomplish. who are you trying to isolate and for what purpose00:19
bjrohanescott: I have no WIN8 CD :-(00:19
bjrohanescott: i just bought the comp today, no CD provided, sucky deal00:19
Rollinwhat about using the gparted live cd/usb to partition ?00:19
escottbjrohan, the livecd can shrink NTFS partitions00:19
usr13bjrohan: escott I recommend using Parted Magic http://partedmagic.com/doku.php?id=downloads  *pretty* *nice*00:20
bjrohanescott: Okaey dokey, will do00:20
chovynzWhat would be an easy way to access my ubuntu server? I'm having trouble connecting to it in an easy way. what can i set up / do so that not only me, but my kids can access the info on my server also? (ATM I connect using ftp-filezilla and ssh, but i want a web interface for my kids easy access)00:20
diverdudeescott, a user which should not be able to browse around outside $HOME00:20
bjrohanescott: I turned off the secure boot in my BIOS, I should be good to to correct?00:20
escottdiverdude, but why00:20
diverdudeescott, because thats none of his business00:21
escottdiverdude, what will this user be able to do outside of $HOME that you dont want him to do00:21
escottdiverdude, its not his business to run programs in /usr/bin?00:21
usr13chovynz: samba?00:21
usr13chovynz: nfs?00:21
diverdudeescott, look at various files, modify them etc00:21
chovynzusr13: ?00:21
usr13chovynz: What is it exactly that you want to do?00:22
escottdiverdude, a user cannot execute a program that he cannot read or navigate to. so "not his business to be outside of $HOME" means that he cannot access the computer.00:22
usr13chovynz: (Was there a question in that post?)00:22
escottdiverdude, so what exactly is it that you dont want this user doing?00:22
escottdiverdude, and what do you want the user to do00:23
diverdudeescott, copy his own file to and from the homedir00:23
chovynzusr13: I want to be able to access the server, and to click on a file and the correct application opens to play / view / read, via web so that my kids can do it too, (instead of my having to teach them ssh and ftp-filezilla00:23
Rollinif you need to hide private data, i suggest encryption instead of tying to confine other users00:23
escottdiverdude, so this user is using the disk space and that is it00:23
usr13chovynz: nfs?00:23
escottdiverdude, in that case NFS or sftp00:23
chovynzusr13: what is nfs?00:23
diverdudeescott, yes00:23
hadeesi'm using foreman in ubuntu server and it just won't read my .env file I don't know why00:24
diverdudeescott, sftp and webdav00:24
diverdudepossibly also nfs00:24
usr13chovynz: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.00:24
escottdiverdude, sftp is the easiest to setup in many ways00:24
chovynzusr13: oooo! thanks. looking into it00:25
bjrohanescott: rebooting into LiveUSB now to do the install, will need guidance in the repertitioning00:25
escottdiverdude, http://www.minstrel.org.uk/papers/sftp/ you can skip to the 4.9 and up instructions and skip the building/installing steps. just do apt-get install openssh-server00:25
escottbjrohan, you can probably just select "install alongside windows" and ubuntu should do something sensible but i would review it just to be sure00:25
bjrohanescott: on the first install page it shows not connected to the internet, will it connect during install to install updates?00:26
usr13chovynz: Samba, if you also have MS Windows clients. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html00:27
escottbjrohan, depends on how you are connected. also please verify that you are booting in efi mode. navigate on the filesystem in the livecd to /sys/firmware/efi and make sure that the directory exists00:27
chovynzusr13: one other thing i should probably mention : my server is direct connected via wire to my router. The other pc's in the house get the local lan via wireless. Is NFS going to open up my server to the net or will my network stay hidden behind my stealthed (normal) router?00:28
bjrohanescott: currently I am in a menu for installing, do you suggest run from liveCD first? I can also connect via ethernet when installing00:28
usr13chovynz: It will be inside the LAN, unless you create provisions to serve it to public.00:29
usr13chovynz: In other words, no, it's not a security risk.00:29
diverdudeescott, he needs access with rsync00:29
chovynzusr13: Thanks for that. I have samba set up already to a large extent, but that doesn't answer my question of how to get the web interface working properly so that my kids don't need to learn to program.00:29
escottdiverdude, then you need to run an rsync server00:30
chovynzusr13: or am i looking at this the wrong way?00:30
diverdudeescott, ok.... and jail him with chroot?00:30
usr13chovynz: "web interface" ?   What exactly are you wanting to serve to the LAN?00:30
escottdiverdude, im sure rsync has some way of doing jails. but i wouldn't do it with chroot00:30
krywkHello there.00:31
krywkI'm in a problem here with GLC.00:31
usr13chovynz: nfs and samba are for file sharing, (not a web interface).00:31
krywkSince there's almost nobody there, I might just come here and ask it.00:31
escottdiverdude, you could also do ssh auth_key based restrictions to restrict him to rsync commands and then try to sanitize those rsync commands00:31
krywkI'm recording gameplay footage of Bioshock 2.00:31
chovynzusr13: im not sure myself lol. I just know there has to be an easier way for my kids to access the pdfs, avi's and mp3 that are on the server, rather than through filezilla, or ssh.00:31
escottdiverdude, i think the rsync in ubuntu even comes with an example script00:31
krywkIn glc-play, all sound is played.00:31
bjrohanescott, navigating to the dir, it does exist when running from LiveUSB, the /sys/firmware/efi00:31
awole20hey ubuntu, any reason why ls/find/other commands would send back "No such file or directory"? path is in tact(/usr/local/sbin:usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games), and which ls points to /bin/ls00:32
krywkBut when I encode, only the cutscene's audio is played.00:32
escottbjrohan, good. just wanted to make sure its there.00:32
krywkThis happens in any media player.00:32
krywkAny help?00:32
dakotawulfyis there a way to use the ubuntu alternative installer for another ubuntu  distro ????00:32
usr13chovynz: Ok.  nfs and/or samba is what you want, (depends on whether your PCs are Linux or mixed, (Linux/PCs etc.)00:33
bjrohanescott: return to install, and go ahead and do the guided install process00:33
escottawole20, please paste the full terminal session00:33
usr13chovynz: I prefer nfs00:33
krywkAny suggestions?00:34
diverdudeescott, example of what00:34
escottdiverdude, /usr/share/doc/rsync/scripts/rrsync.gz00:34
veriI have a problem with my colors. http://i.imgur.com/gaH8h.png00:35
veriThe menu is too bright.00:36
chovynzusr13: does this help explain what i see and why i want it different?00:37
chovynzthat is the web view of 192.168.x.x00:38
fizyplanktonif im doing a netboot install, can i shutdown my computer's DHCP server and go back to the router's normal DHCP once the installer starts up?00:38
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bjrohanescott: Once I have the O/S installed (64 bit) I assume I must reinstall all the programs I want, then I can copy over the data files from my existing Ubuntu 32bit computer00:39
Evil_Erici have a stupid question , How do i check my kernal version on ubuntu ?00:40
fizyplanktonEvil_Eric: uname -a00:40
usr13chovynz: Well, I dono, file-names are file-names, what else can it be.  If you think the file-names are not intuitive enough, pick ones that are.00:40
chovynzusr13: sharing from the server is no prob, i have that set up already. I'm more after a simpler way for my kids to access the content of my server, (e.g. self-controlled, self directed playlists for all music found on server / image viewers to display any images clicked on / avi's to play )00:40
chovynzusr13: Is there something out there that would make my kids easier to navigate to the stuff, or would i need to make an interface myself with mime-types and stuff?00:42
usr13chovynz: For that, I can only say;  Logical file management.00:42
usr13chovynz: In other words, arrange the files and directories in such a way that it is what you want them to see.00:43
escottbjrohan, sure00:43
usr13chovynz: I would just use nfs and   ^^^00:43
chovynzusr13: thanks for your help :)00:43
zerothistrying to apt-build wine, stuck in a libtiff4-dev/liptiff5-dev/libsane dependancy circle. apt-build removes the very packages required to build wine before it tries to install wine00:43
bjrohanWhen I am done the installation with WIN8 from liveUSB it will set up GRUB automagically correct?00:43
escottbjrohan, hopefully. efi is new so you might have to go in and fix it up, but hopefully it just works00:44
steven__How do I install the kde desktop environment? I would like to be able to log out and try it once in awhile00:44
bjrohanescott: fingers crossed :-)00:44
chovynzusr13: how would i go about creating a self populating list? i.e. a script that reads all the HD for certain .filetype, then appends to a file, for reading by an external app?00:45
escott!info kubuntu-desktop | steven__00:45
ubottusteven__: kubuntu-desktop (source: kubuntu-meta): Kubuntu Plasma Desktop/Netbook system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.262 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 53 kB00:45
usr13steven__: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:45
crfhi. I'm using unity but my menus look strange. I have ambiance theme.00:45
crfthe menus are all very pale00:45
escottchovynz, find / -iname *.ext > filenames.list00:45
BlueMintHow can I get my two different ghraphics cards to run my 4 monitors. I only just Installed ubuntu from windows 700:46
chovynzescott: extending that idea, how do i get that script to run every...say, 1 day?00:46
escott!cron | chovynz00:47
ubottuchovynz: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto00:47
chovynzsweet! thanks escott00:47
escottBlueMint, not sure how likely that is to work. are they at least the same kind of graphics card?00:47
BlueMintescott, nope. As opposite as they can be. An AMD 6670 and my inbuilt motherboards00:48
chovynzcrf: transparency applied ?00:48
fizyplanktonBlueMint: it is possible. you will likely have to use xcinerama and hand write an xorg configuration file by hand00:48
BlueMintfizyplankton, I wrote an xorg file by hand last night. No idea what xcinerama is though, fizyplankton00:49
escottfizyplankton, will BlueMint be able to get openGL working with that setup?00:49
BlueMintI don't play games. But I do program some 2D stuff00:49
crfchovyn this is what it looks like http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=npmhyp&s=600:50
fizyplanktonBlueMint: its a library for graphics that you will have to use instead of xrandr, the better one. it will be a LOT of work, and many graphics intense applicatoins will require xrandr, and so wont run00:50
escottBlueMint, opengl is use for compositing so its become somewhat of an expectation00:50
fizyplanktonescott: yes, but it will be slower00:50
fizyplanktonescott: BlueMint and by slower, i mean minecraft gets about 2 seconds / frame00:50
BlueMintOkay, I have heard xrandr mentioned a lot, but I don't quite know what it is. How do I get xcinerama00:51
BlueMintfizyplankton, oh lawdy00:51
escottfizyplankton, how does that work? does radeonhd pass the gem buffer to the ati for processing and then read it off and pass it back to the intel for blitting or is it pure software00:51
crfchovynz here is pic http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=npmhyp&s=600:51
steven__What is the key command to bring up the activities menu for Gnome 3.6 in Ubuntu 12.10?00:51
fizyplanktonBlueMint: in the xorg.conf file, you use option "xcinerama" "on" and it will disable xrandr00:52
fizyplanktonescott: i havent the slightest bloody idea how any of this works. all i know is that getting the third monitor to work off of a second gfx card took 14 hours00:53
rootis anyone here?00:53
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escottfizyplankton, do you still have that setup? im curios what glxinfo says?00:53
BlueMintfizyplankton, I do not quite know what I am doing. Do you mind checking if this is cortect? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446465/00:53
chovynzcrf: the only thing i can think of is try setting to a different theme?00:54
fizyplanktonescott: i still have that setup00:54
escottfizyplankton, if you have the chance. would you mind pasting your "glxinfo" output. im curious what it says00:54
dannyhello i have a nexus 7 and a blue ray copy of montypython and the holy grail i want to rip the dvd to a format readable and storable on my nexus 7 what program should i use00:55
fizyplanktonBlueMint: in my experiance, using relative words like RightOf doesnt work as well as youd like. you have to do more absolute numbers. ill post mine in a second00:56
dannyha nevermind not possible i dont have a blue ray dvd player on my computer sry dumb question00:57
Rollindanny thats more of an android question, but it depends on the video player you use00:57
BlueMintfizyplankton, thanks :)00:57
dannyRollin: i was looking for the right ripping software for ubuntu but i dont have the hardware required so no software will help but thanks00:58
fizyplanktonescott: paste.ubuntu.com/144647200:58
escottfizyplankton, that is pure software so everything is done on the CPU, and the completed buffers are passed to the GPU for display00:59
bjrohanescott, I finished the install, rebooted, and it just boots into windoze. What do I need to do to get grub to work?00:59
escottbjrohan, first check in the efi setup if it shows the linux option. also see if you need to press any keys during boot to see other boot options. if you don't see ubuntu there. boot the livecd and we can look around01:00
chovynzusr13: plex might be what im after01:02
usr13I dono about plex01:03
chovynzusr13: http://forums.plexapp.com/index.php/forum/85-linux/01:03
Rollinxmbc is more user friendly01:03
chovynzchecking it out Rollin01:04
fizyplanktonBlueMint: escott heres my xorg.conf file. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446483/. i put a note at the top to make it easier to decode my kludges.01:06
chovynzRollin: is there a stable version for ubuntu?01:06
chovynzRollin: nvm. i found it in the software centre01:07
BlueMintthanks fizyplankton! I'm going to quickly restart my system01:09
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wowstargate"Not Authorized" When Trying To Access USB Drive, Is There a way around this?01:13
dakotawulfydid it use to work wowstargate01:14
krywkI really need help01:14
dakotawulfygo back to the old kernel01:14
dakotawulfythe new one i had soame problem01:15
krywkNo one? :S01:15
wowstargatehow can i install old kernel?01:15
dakotawulfywowstargate u still have the old one on there???01:15
wowstargateall i did was an update01:15
dakotawulfydid u nuistall the other one???01:15
dakotawulfyok grub01:16
dakotawulfy will let u boot in to the older one01:16
wowstargatewhats the key to get to the Grub menu?01:16
dakotawulfypress and hold "Shift" during loading Grub.01:18
dakotawulfytry that01:18
bjrohanescott: Hey there. I search and searched. I can boot into Ubunut if I hit the esc key, go into Boot Device options, my options are OS Boot Manager, Ubunutu, Network, Boot from EFI file01:19
wowstargatek thanks bro01:19
BlueMintfizyplankton, what is the first section 'server' thing?01:19
escottbjrohan, ok so in that efi boot options you should be able to bring ubuntu to the top of the boot list01:20
bjrohanescott: Going into the BIOS, then boot options I have USB diskette/USB hard drive, OS Manager< Internal DVD, Newtork adapter where I can arrange the order, but no Ubunutu there.01:20
dakotawulfysee if that works i found it was the kernel is why usb was not working same error u had wowstargate01:20
escottbjrohan, i dont really know. sounds like grub-efi is installed01:21
bjrohanescott: perhaps now that Ubuntu is installed I can add it to that O/S boot manager01:21
escottbjrohan, if you have booted ubuntu then check the /boot/efi folder to see if it has a listing for ubuntu01:21
escottbjrohan, yeah i have no idea what o/s boot manager is presumably the windows specific efi boot menu selector01:21
bjrohanescott: thank you for all of your help so far. when I get it figured out I will let you know. I would like a GRUB, vs windows option01:23
bjrohangrr windows01:23
bjrohanand MS01:23
escottbjrohan, just make sure that grub-efi is installed, and that the ubuntu listing appears in the /boot/efi (ie in the EFI System Partition)01:23
escottbjrohan, beyond that you'll have to check the ubuntu efi docs or find someone who has an efi system01:23
zorgborghallo - tried to install rkhunter 1.4.0, removed old repos version with apt-get remove, follwed README file install instructions, output reckons install was fine except i get Invalid SCRIPTDIR configuration option: Non-existent pathname: /usr/share/rkhunter/scripts when i try to run rkhunter. any pointers much appreciated :)01:25
sarsaeoldo you have that directory zorgborg ?01:28
BlueMintfizyplankton, still there? What is the virtual thing in the screen section?01:28
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sarsaeolor.. is the error still there if you mkdir ~/scripts01:28
zorgborgnope i dont even have /usr/share/rkhunter actually01:32
Tech936hey people how is everyone??01:32
zorgborgit shouldnt matter that i mv'd the extracted dir to .rkblahblah to make it hidden b4 installing?01:33
veriaah.. i found out why my menu bar is too bright. there is a typo in the style sheet.01:33
dakotawulfyis there any way to use the alternative installer for another ubuntu distro01:33
aahok but why are you telling me, veri ?01:34
fizyplanktonBlueMint: the virtual thing is where you put the resolutions.01:35
BlueMintfizyplankton, you have a 1920x1080 resolution, but for it yet put like 1400 102001:36
verii am surprised. i didn't want to bother you, aah. you have to admit your nick name is a veri common word.01:36
fizyplanktonBlueMint: where are you talking about?01:36
BlueMintline 64 fizyplankton01:37
aahveri: that it is :)01:37
veribecause of the type the background color is set to 95% of the foreground color `style "menubar" = "dark" { bg[NORMAL] = shade(0.95, @fg_color) }`01:38
verisorry about that. :)01:39
fizyplanktonBlueMint: thats on the rightmost screen, which is a 12x10. the line that says "#ignore (i think)" is an artifact of when the system was confusing my center and right monitor reses01:39
fizyplanktonBlueMint: go by the virtual lines, not the mode lines. if you get lost, use my decriptn at the top01:40
aaasanyone know if there' sa way to determin if you're connected to 'n-mode' wireless using the console?01:41
whoeverhi all , have a question to make sure i understand :  if using aixmodem to transmit do i need asterisk  for aix to work01:42
aaasi guess the only way is to do iwconfig and check the bit rate, but that is signal quality dependent (i think), so not definitive if you have a bad reception01:43
dakotawulfytry this see if it works for u01:44
BlueMintfizyplankton, be right back. testing my config01:44
fizyplanktongood luck01:44
dakotawulfyaaas iwlist wlan0 s01:44
dakotawulfyaaas  should give u all the info01:45
aaasdakotawulfy what do i look for?01:45
dakotawulfylook at protocol01:45
dakotawulfyProtocol:IEEE 802.11b01:46
dakotawulfy after that01:46
dakotawulfy n???01:46
aaasdakotawulfy i dont have protocol01:46
aaasiwlist wlan s | grep pro -i gives nothing dakotawulfy01:47
dakotawulfy hold on01:47
aaasi see something says IEEE01:47
aaasone sec01:47
aaassays IEEE .111i01:48
aaasactually they all say i01:49
aaasi think this says if the router is capable, doesn't say whether you're connected that way01:49
dakotawulfy whats your speed01:50
aaasdakotawulfy 150Mb/s01:51
roadfishAre there any ubuntu package that can properly edit vob files? I tried gopchop, mpgtx, and avidemux but they all failed. Either got audio sync problems or the vob cut didn't work with vamps or dvdauthor.01:51
BlueMintfizyplankton, swing and a miss. ): Here is the code I was using. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446539/01:52
dakotawulfyok speed for wireless 130-150 Mbps01:52
dakotawulfyn that is01:52
fishsceneroadfish: VOB is usually a packaged format... have you tried converting it to another format?01:53
aaasdakotawulfy yes im sure im connected that way, but i think that depends on signal quality right?01:53
dakotawulfyso u should be using the n01:53
aaasso say i walk across the house01:53
aaasit could drop to <5401:54
dakotawulfy but 15001:54
aaasso it's not the best test01:54
dakotawulfy u have to be using the n01:54
dakotawulfy g does not go up that far01:54
aaasok now i want to do the same to a desktop across the house01:54
aaasit's 4501:54
aaasis it n or g?01:54
roadfishfishscene: I want to burn the vob file after trimming and shrinking it with vamps. So I really don't want to convert into another format, then trim it, and then convert back into vob.01:54
bjrohanescott: Here is what I found, and it worked https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:55
fishsceneroadfish: roger that. I'm not aware of anything (yet) that can edit vob files directly =\01:55
roadfishfishscene: in my reading, I got the impression that vob and mp4 are the same. is this true?01:55
dakotawulfywith g u only get up to 5401:56
roadfishfishscene: or is there some trivial conversion that removes some kind of simple wrapper to turn vob into mp4?01:56
escottbjrohan, as long as it doesnt break the windows boot01:56
aaasdakotawulfy or N01:56
aaaswith a weak signal01:56
bjrohanOhh, I should try that :-) booting into windoze01:57
fizyplanktonBlueMint: a few things. even tho its the same gfx card, you need to define a seperate device for each port. also, you spelles MonitorFourtch01:57
fishsceneroadfish: Nope. I believe VOB is a container format (like .mkv), and yes, I believe it has to be converted out of VOB first. I'm doing some research on editing vob files01:57
BlueMintfizyplankton, hehehe, thank you01:57
BlueMintand what do you mean a seperate device for each port. I did not understand at all in your paste01:58
dakotawulfyaaas see if u have 150 like u said01:58
roadfishfishscene: well, gopchop and mpgtx talk about editing. but they don't work well. and they don't seem to have received any development since 2005.01:58
dakotawulfy it has to be using  n01:58
aaasdakotawulfy i cant it's a desktop across the house01:58
dakotawulfy because the g does not go up that far01:59
fishsceneroadfish: Check this out: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/46454901:59
aaasdakotawulfy look i walk my laptop across the house ...it WAS 150, now it's 45... did it switch from N to G?02:00
aaasdakotawulfy i dont think that's right02:00
dakotawulfy that means your signal is week02:00
dakotawulfy but if i t can go over 54 that means it has to be using  the n02:01
dakotawulfy because g does not go pass 5402:01
aaasbut n can use <54 right?02:01
aaasok so if you see it <54 you dont know if it's g or n right?02:01
dakotawulfy it will drop if signal is week02:01
Tux|yI am having some trouble getting a wretched winmodem working, this is what lspci -vv shows for the device: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446557/02:02
dakotawulfywell should not change on u02:02
BlueMintfizyplankton, thanks greatly for your help. It is very appreciated. Be right back, testing the new config02:02
fizyplanktonBlueMint: each plug on your case counts as a device. so even tho center and right use internal, notice how i created a intdvi and intvga02:02
dakotawulfy if it at n it should not switch to g02:02
aaasdakotawulfy ok but say now i go to a different ocmputer02:02
dakotawulfyif your connected02:02
aaasand it says <5402:02
aaaswhat do you say?02:02
aaasg or n?02:02
roadfishfishscene: ok, this looks like good stuff. makes sense in terms of what I have been reading. but it seems the author (and commenters) seems to know their stuff.02:02
bjrohanescott: the windows loader works as well, with a plethora of options02:02
BlueMintfizyplankton, be right, this is the config I am using now http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446559/02:03
BlueMintfizyplankton, does not work :/02:05
dakotawulfy can u check your router02:05
dakotawulfy it should tell u there02:06
fizyplanktonBlueMint: tell me that outoput of     lspci | grep -Ei "(intel|ati)"02:06
aaasdakotawulfy well just because a router is n-CAPABLE doesn't mean your device will necessarily connect that way02:06
dakotawulfy if u go into the router02:07
dakotawulfy it should tell u what your connections are02:07
BlueMintfizyplankton, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446565/02:08
aaasdakotawulfy it doesn't for dd-wrt02:08
fizyplanktonBlueMint: what happens when you try to boot?02:10
BlueMintfizyplankton, goes to a screen where it says 'Graphics did not work properly, in low graphics mode' Or something like that. Then I have to rever the xorg.conf file02:11
BlueMintI don't think I have the right drivers installed02:12
BlueMintHow can I check?02:12
fizyplanktonBlueMint: send me /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:12
=== fisted_ is now known as fisted
binmaxhi all02:17
binmaxcan anyone help with a 12.04LTS lightdm problem?02:17
WXZ1if I want dual monitors, I need a graphics card with two D-sub ports, right?02:18
willsold yahoo chatter here02:18
bjrohankindof a newbie question, how do I get into a recover console to change/correct my username? When I go to recovery and drop to a CLI, it says it can't get a lock on /etc/password02:19
dakotawulfyyep had to find a different chat room now wills02:19
fizyplanktonbjrohan: you press shift at boot, select recovery, then you cannot drop to a shell?02:19
dakotawulfywills i miss the yahoo one already02:19
binmaxHave a desktop with 12.04LTS which will not start lightdm automatically any longer just hangs after boot, must use cmd line sudo service lightdm start to get it going any suggestions?02:19
willsi dont02:20
bjrohanI can drop into a shell fizyplankton problem is, when I type the command: usermod -l newname -m -d /home/newname oldname it says it can't get a password lock02:20
willsbinmax is your screen dark?02:20
dakotawulfybinmax easiest is to get gdm02:20
bjrohanls gives me nothing02:20
dakotawulfyseen alot of thing like that on line with light dm02:21
binmaxwills: just hang after boot on the Ubuntu screen with the bubbles have to use CTRL-ALT +F5 login then issue the cmd stated.02:21
fizyplanktonbjrohan: are you just trying to change a password?02:21
bjrohanno, I misspelled my name at install time :-(02:21
dakotawulfy u made new user02:22
dakotawulfy or chaged it02:22
bjrohanfizyplankton: I really just am looking to change my username to the correct spelling02:22
dakotawulfy and light dm does not work right now02:22
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binmaxthis happened after the user installed a pkg with ubuntu pkg manager and during the install the user said debconf came up and asked for selection kdm or lightdm they selected without knowing kdm, i have already done the dpkg-reconfigure lightdm02:23
fizyplanktonbjrohan: back up yyour /etc/passwd file, then type "sudo nano /etc/passwd" and scroll to the line that starts with your name, and change it to what you want. press ctrl-x, then y, then enter. im not sure ig this will work or nor02:23
bjrohanfizyplankton: to change my name so it is spelled correctly?02:23
fizyplanktonbjrohan: yes. im not sure if this will work, so make sure to back up that file02:24
DeliriumTremensjust installed server 12.04 and not using a window manager, it keeps turning off my display after 5m or so, how do i disable that?02:30
binmaxis there anyone here who actually knows anything or is it just bots and BS?02:30
escottbjrohan, should work from a recovery shell, but that is not the same as ctrl-alt-f102:30
escottDeliriumTremens, disable xdpms02:31
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=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
binmaxhi all anyone here???02:33
BlueMintSorry for the late reply fizyplankton, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446606/02:33
escott!patience | binmax02:33
ubottubinmax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:33
binmaxubottu: TNX! for responding.02:33
ubottubinmax: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:33
escottbinmax, i've experience the lightdm not starting but never figured out why. its either that the correct event is not being emitted to cause upstart to start the X server or upstart is misconfigured. not sure which it is02:36
dakotawulfybinmax what was your problem agin ???02:36
dakotawulfyi found \02:36
dakotawulfy binmax on the net that some problem with lightdm said to use the gdm02:37
DeliriumTremensescott: i am not finding xorg.conf02:37
=== txthinking is now known as Guest83301
escottDeliriumTremens, there is no xorg.conf02:38
escottDeliriumTremens, sure02:38
DeliriumTremenscommand not found ;_;02:38
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
escott!find xset02:39
ubottuFound: libghc-ixset-dev, libghc-ixset-doc, libghc-ixset-prof, libxsettings-client-dev, libxsettings-client-doc, libxsettings-client0, libxsettings-client0-dbg, libxsettings-dev, libxsettings0, libxsettings0-dbg (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xset&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all02:39
fizyplanktonBlueMint: are both cards only double headed? no triples?02:39
escottDeliriumTremens, are you not running an x server?02:39
DeliriumTremensi guess not02:40
DeliriumTremensi just did the default install02:40
escottDeliriumTremens, default server install? so its the console that is blanking not X02:40
DeliriumTremensi suppose, sorry02:41
escottDeliriumTremens, thats ok... i guess thats what you meant by not using a window manager... obvious in retrospect02:41
escottDeliriumTremens, no idea what controls kernel console blanking, but can probably be adjusted through /sys/something02:41
DeliriumTremensfound it02:41
DeliriumTremenssetterm -powersave off -blank 002:42
DeliriumTremenssorry to bother :P02:42
BlueMintfizyplankton, what does double headed mean? They have 3 ports, but can only support 2 monitors each02:42
fizyplanktondouble headed means two ports. have you changed the xorg.conf file since you added the 4 devices?02:43
angelpossumhey is there a chat room for youtube and mincraft02:44
BlueMintfizyplankton, this is what i had when i restarted http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446559/02:45
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fizyplanktonBlueMint: what version of ubuntu are you using?02:45
binmaxanyone else, i need help ubuntu 12.04LTS Desktop02:46
BlueMintfizyplankton, 12.04 or 12.10. Whatever one was the latest02:46
fizyplanktonBlueMint: im still on 10.04, so im not sure how this would work in newer versions. are you sure that you put the conf file in the right place? /etc/X11/xorg.conf X11 has an uppercase X02:47
BlueMintfizyplankton, yes I am positive it is in the correct place. It was a little empty when I opened it though02:48
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=== Guest26902 is now known as iaaron2
ElixirVitaeIs it possible  to replace compiz with awesome in Unity?02:51
ElixirVitaeOr is it so that compiz is integral to the unity and that brakes many things?02:52
binmaxAnyone know anything about lightdm startup problems with 12.04 desktop?02:52
fizyplanktonBlueMint: perhaps you could try downgrading the xserver to 1.7.6. thats what i have. im not sure if that is a good idea though, so it might be a better idea to get a second opinion02:53
fizyplanktonBlueMint: did you install fglrx?02:53
BlueMintfizyplankton, I have no clue what xserver is. I installed some AMD/ATI propietery FGLRX driver?02:54
fizyplanktonBlueMint: did you install that driver?02:54
BlueMintYep, says it's active in the 'additional drivers'02:54
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fizyplanktonBlueMint: uninstall it. that was the source of many of these 14 hours i spent getting the damned thing working02:55
BlueMintOkay, now what?02:55
fizyplanktonBlueMint: uninstall it, then try to boot02:55
BlueMintOkay, thanks so much for your help! I'll be back, hopefully happy02:55
Climbinghighhas anyone ever tried installing ubuntu 12.04.1 from a 700MB CD-R80?02:56
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Spr1ngsomebody say my name02:58
Spr1ngawesome thx02:59
Climbinghightrying to set up highlighting?02:59
KI4ROEasily satisfied ain't he?02:59
Climbinghighseems that way02:59
BlueMintfizyplankton, I tried 2 things. I changed one of the drivers from 'intel' to 'vesa' and I rebooted. No errors, just didn't work.03:00
fizyplanktonBlueMint: define "didnt work"03:01
BlueMintThen I uninstalled that FGLRX driver, and no change03:01
escottBlueMint, can you check if mesa is installed03:01
BlueMintfizyplankton, two of my monitors are still off, and my second monitor is still mirroring my first03:01
BlueMintescott, how?03:01
escottBlueMint, dpkg -l "*mesa*"03:02
read1does anyone know jow to prevent ubuntu from freezing.03:03
fizyplanktonescott: for the record, i have mesa installed03:03
escottfizyplankton, yeah i know you will03:04
BlueMintescott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446648/03:04
escottfizyplankton, do you have the dri mesa package installed?03:04
escottBlueMint, and what displays are coming up, the ATI or integrated03:05
fizyplanktonescott: what exactly is its package name?03:05
=== _JKL|Drunk_ is now known as _JKL1234-_
escottfizyplankton, libgl-mesa-dri03:05
escottfizyplankton, libgl1-mesa-dri03:05
escottBlueMint, "sudo apt-get install mesa-utils; glxinfo | grep renderer"03:06
read1if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it03:07
escottread1, put it in the oven.... you'll have to describe what exactly happens when it freezes03:07
BlueMintescott, done, now what?03:07
escottBlueMint, what was the output of the glxinfo | grep renderer03:08
BlueMintescott, OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x300)03:09
fizyplanktonescott: i got OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer03:09
readescott when it freeze i can't move the mouse or anything. I have to shutdown the computer with the power button03:09
escottfizyplankton, presumably thats because it is older03:09
escott!reisub | reed03:09
ubottureed: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:09
escott!reisub | read03:09
ubotturead: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:09
escottread, when you hit capslock does the light come on?03:10
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
escottBlueMint, i don't think it will tell anything useful but what does glxinfo | grep vendor say (probably just mesa)03:10
escottBlueMint, fizyplankton is i915 loaded on your systems? lsmod | grep i91503:10
readubottu my laptop doesn't have the printscreen button03:11
ubotturead: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:11
fizyplanktonescott: nope03:11
escottfizyplankton, and presumably not drm either03:11
fizyplanktonread: its likely a blue "fn" key03:11
readubottu: i did read that article too03:11
ubotturead: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:11
readescott: i did not tried that. when it happens I'll see03:11
fizyplanktonescott: what do you mean presumably not drm?03:12
readubottu: what u mean by a bot/03:12
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:12
escottread, most freezes are graphics freezes where the graphics card locks up and the kernel cannot draw to the screen, but otherwise the system is fully functional03:12
BlueMintescott, brb, I'm going to restart. I pressed ALT CTRL F1, and I got a console on my 3rd and fourth screen03:12
escottfizyplankton, ie lsmod | grep drm does not show the drm module (if you aren't using i915 then you probably aren't using drm either)03:12
fizyplanktonread: ubottu is a robot. hes not a person03:12
fizyplanktonescott: it has the results03:13
readescott: yes the system is fully fuctional until the freeze occurs. In fact I am on the computer now and so far it hasn't frozen03:13
escottread, when someone in channel !command | read you get a canned message. faster than typing things out in full03:13
fizyplanktonescott:  drm_kms_helper         29329  1 radeon\ndrm                   163779  4 radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper\nagpgart                31724  2 ttm,drm trying to save on line spamming there03:13
escottread, im saying after the freeze it may still be working. the only thing not working might be the graphics card03:14
escottfizyplankton, interesting. so you have radeonhd, but not i91503:14
fizyplanktonread: when it freezes hit ctrl-alt-f1 and see what happens03:14
fizyplanktonescott: both of my cards are radeon hds, just different model numbers03:15
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
readI tried that too fizyplankton my keyboard makes the command prompt to come up only when I use the command alt t03:15
escottfizyplankton, ahhh. right its BlueMint who is trying to go asymmetric03:15
escottread, do you have an nvidia card?03:15
RedMintSorry i froze03:16
escottRedMint, whats next GreenMint ;)03:17
fizyplanktonBlueMint: stupid idea. make sure that the second card is enabled in bios. my mobo had some stupid setting called "surround view" that only became availible when an ati card was inserted (making my $50 nvidia card worthless)03:17
RedMintescott, hahaha, yep :)03:17
Climbinghighadios peeps03:17
readescott: i tried installing an nvidia card last time and I had me huge problems come up. For example I would not be allow into the desktop. I would be stuck on login loop03:17
RedMintfizyplankton, yep, it's available in bios03:17
RedMintI just got text up on there just before :)03:17
readescott: i uninstalled it and now I can login but the computer still freezes for some reason03:17
fizyplanktonRedMint: is there an option for card priority? that needs to be set properly too03:18
escottRedMint, so one thing to keep in mind is that fizyplankton at least has the same basic driver driving the two displays (radeon) you will need radeonhd and intel and i have no idea how well that will work03:18
readescott: i want to be able to read what codes comes up as the reason for the freeze03:18
escottread, if you can properly REISUB then you can check the syslog in /var/log03:18
readescott: i do get a bug report the moment I login saying something is wrong03:18
RedMintI had it working on windows about 2 hours ago.03:19
RedMintAll four monitors, as an extended desktop03:19
fizyplanktonRedMint: is the internal gfx intell?03:19
escottRedMint, windows has a completely different architecture for graphics drivers03:19
RedMintYes, but I think the driver is vesa. When I first opened xorg.conf it had it as vesa03:19
readescott: is there a different key to sysr or print screen on a laptop?03:19
escottRedMint, things you might try include !nomodeset03:20
fizyplanktonRedMint: i dont reccommend that03:20
fizyplanktonRedMint: iv done that before, and iirc, it corrupted my kernel03:20
RedMintfizyplankton, having the driver as vesa? o.OI03:21
fizyplanktonall i remember is that i ended up needing to recompile the kernel03:21
fizyplanktonRedMint: try changing the drivers from vesa to whatever they were before03:21
readAny other suggestions?03:25
readdoes anyone know where I can look for an answer to stoping my ubuntu 12.10 from freezing?03:26
heoyeapull plug03:27
bluwhale Anyone here who can give me a hand with Synergy? Please and thank you.03:27
readheoyea: lol03:27
heoyeafreezing put on coat03:28
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html03:28
=== Bladerunner` is now known as Bladerunner
bkfitzAnyone know how to vpn using pptp command line03:29
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* Tech936 slaps people just for lulz and because im shatterd 03:30
mycahI was wondering if someone knew why my logitech mouse would have such a crappy connection with my computer on Xubuntu... If I even place my hand in between the mouse and the dongle, it stops working. Any ideas?03:31
fizyplanktonmycah: coudld the batteries be low?03:32
heoyeacheap product03:32
mycahIt's a logitech anywhere mx03:32
mycahand I've tried other mice too03:32
bkfitzok... does anyone know where ubuntu might log any vpn connection attempts through the indicator applet vpn settings gui03:32
mycahsame issue.03:32
heoyeaor interference03:32
escottmycah, is it IR03:33
mycahnot sure escott03:33
escottmycah, if its IR putting a heat source in between it and the receiver would interrupt the signal03:34
mycahIE, my hand. But I haven't seen it on any other install :/03:35
ejoif it is just wireless and not IR, sometimes there seem to be problems with nearby metallic objects.  Try locating the dongle differently... maybe you have a USB outlet extender on your monitor or your printer... or get a 6 foot usb extension cord and run it in that03:38
readubottu: what repository-name>/subdirectory can I purge?03:42
ubottu<read> wants you to know: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:42
heoyearead: in ur /etc/apt/sources.list.d03:43
readubottu: got it03:43
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
readheoyea: do you mean this: sudo ppa-purge ppa:/etc/apt/sources.list.d03:46
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
readheoyea: so bot are computers?03:47
BoomerBileread, bots are programs that run on computers03:47
readBoomerbile: so is not a person, is just a program that post possible answer to our problem?03:48
BoomerBilewell, someone had to write that program03:49
BoomerBileand someone has to control it03:49
somsip!ubottu | read03:49
ubotturead: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:49
bazhangheoyea, ?03:51
readsomsip: intersting,03:51
readsomsip: i will uravel that brain and hopefully find the answer to my question03:52
fizyplanktonBlueMint: any progress?03:57
BlueMintfizyplankton, Kinda03:58
BlueMintfizyplankton, I did get up the GUI on my third monitor03:58
BlueMintBut I could not also get it up on the first and second at the same time03:58
=== Aww is now known as GingerSnap
fizyplanktonBlueMint: send me /var/log/Xorg.0.log again03:58
BlueMintfizyplankton, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446726/04:00
bazhangheoyea, what are you talking about04:00
schnoodlesWhen installing ubuntu what option should you chose if you want to install over top of the original ubuntu install ? (reinstalling)04:01
bazhangschnoodles, for dual boot, or single boot, ubuntu only04:03
=== GingerSnap is now known as je_t`aime
schnoodlesits dual boot. its already installed but screwed from tasksel so i want to reinstall over top04:05
readsomsip: thanks for the bot Unfortunately i still haven't found an answer04:06
fizyplanktonBlueMint: try changing the "intel" drivers to "ati". just to see what happens04:06
BlueMintEye eye cap'n04:06
Septimaschnoodles: i don't remember what the options are labeled, but i'd go with the custom option and just delete and recreate the ext4 for / and select it for the installation04:07
heoyeano si04:07
somsipread: what is the question04:07
bazhang!ot | heoyea04:07
ubottuheoyea: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:07
acetolineok I have this really weird problem; I run top, and it shows several sh processes using a LOT of cpu04:08
acetolinehas anyone else seen this, and what is it04:08
fizyplanktonacetoline: how many processors do you have?04:08
BlueMintfizyplankton, It did not change a single thing04:09
acetolinefizyplankton: single 4-core processor04:09
acetolinecore i504:09
fizyplanktonacetoline: i believe top doesnt scale the proccy load. so the maximun is 400%. just divide all the numbers ny 4 to get an accurate reading04:09
escottacetoline, ps ax | grep04:10
acetolinefizyplankton: yes I did, the sum is pretty close to 100% usage04:10
acetolinei.e. 400% as reported by top04:10
escottfizyplankton, acetoline, anything above a few percent is high for sh04:10
acetolineescott: yes exactly04:10
fizyplanktonBlueMint: do lsmod | grep radeon04:10
acetolineand the system isn't even doing anything04:10
acetolineno weird scripts or anything04:11
acetolineat least that I know of04:11
BlueMintfizyplankton, it's 4 line. Can I paste to the channel?04:11
crazyzurferHi, can anybody help me installing utorrent? :)04:11
fizyplanktonBlueMint: just do the first04:11
BlueMintI have04:11
BlueMintradeon                804518  104:12
BlueMintttm                    76949  1 radeon04:12
BlueMintdrm_kms_helper         46978  1 radeon04:12
BlueMintdrm                   241921  3 radeon,ttm,drm_kms_helper04:12
BlueMinti2c_algo_bit           13423  1 radeon04:12
FloodBot1BlueMint: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:12
bazhangcrazyzurfer, just use a native one, included with Ubuntu04:12
acetolinecould I be infected with malware of some sort?04:12
bazhang!torrent | crazyzurfer04:12
ubottucrazyzurfer: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P04:12
escottacetoline, what is "ps ax | grep sh" show04:12
acetolineescott: I killed the processes04:12
escottacetoline, well thats going to make it harder04:12
bazhangcrazyzurfer, have a look at transmission and deluge04:13
crazyzurferbazhang: I know I've Transmission, but I don't like it, because if I want to add trackers, I have to do it one by one, and I'd like to add a list04:13
acetolineescott: they'll probably come back, I had this problem several days ago as well04:13
escottacetoline, probably just some badly written script somewhere that got stuck in a tight loop04:13
acetolinewill try ps ax | grep sh then04:13
BlueMintfizyplankton, did you read that ^04:13
fizyplanktonread what?04:13
BlueMintMy paste?04:13
bazhangheoyea, stop with the random commentary.  #ubuntu-offtopic for that04:13
jrphi, Im a bit confused. I set up a hardware raid1 in the bios, but when i go into the ubuntu server isntall it shows me both disks as installation targets. it should only show me one, if I understand correctly. what gives?04:13
fizyplanktonBlueMint: yep04:14
BlueMintfizyplankton, everything appear fine?04:14
escottacetoline, you will see the executable after that since when /usr/bin/script has a shebang #!/bin/sh it gets executed as /bin/sh /usr/bin/script04:14
escottjrp, don't use fake raid04:15
acetolineescott: it happened again and I tracked it down04:15
acetolineindeed, it was a badly-written script04:15
fizyplanktonBlueMint: it may be worth a try to switch around the screen numbers at the bottom of the file, in the device sectiosn. try every combination of ones and zeros. i had to do that to get mine working. in the meantime, i need food.04:15
escott!fakeraid | jrp04:15
ubottujrp: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto04:15
BlueMintfizyplankton, WAIT04:16
* fizyplankton waits04:16
BlueMintfizyplankton, so I don't do like screen 2 and screen 3?04:16
BlueMintCause that is what I have04:16
heoyeabazhang: who dis?04:16
escottBlueMint, have you pasted your /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:16
bazhangheoyea, last warning04:17
fizyplanktonBlueMint: at the bottom, where there is screen 0 and screen 1, under the device category, change these to every permutation of 1 and 0 you can. not the 0123 at the top. just near the borrom04:17
heoyeabazhang: stop flirting with me04:17
BlueMintescott, I did let me find it04:17
BlueMintfizyplankton, enjoy your food, sir! o/04:17
readsomsip: my ubuntu freezes n im not able to use my mouse key. I hear is a graphic card problem04:18
jrpescott: this is a dell perc s110, its a server class machine, this still qualifies as a fakeraid?04:18
escottread, i never said it *was* a graphics card problem, just that such a problem is common. i haven't seen you take any steps to identify the actual cause04:19
Carl_I need sine help installing ubuntu on my laptop04:19
BlueMintescott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446726/04:19
escottjrp, perhaps not just saw "bios" and assumed. what is the raid controller04:19
somsipread: the bot is probably a bit basic for help like that. Best to ask here, or check out forums for users who have the same problems with the same card04:19
jrpescott: PERC S110 from what I can tell. I apologize, Im not very familiar with raid setups04:20
fizyplanktonescott: heres a working xorg.log file for you http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446758/04:20
escottjrp, neither am i but that sounds legit maybe... i assume it cost a few hundred bugs. should be supported through dmraid04:20
jrpescott: alternatively not "Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) S110 is targeted as a low-cost04:21
read_somsip: i'm a complete bigginer and most of the answer haven't  help me fix this problem. Thanks for the advice. I hope someone knows how to fix this problem04:21
jrpRAID solution for Dell PowerEdge value systems."04:21
somsipread_: sorry I can't help you on this one04:21
escottjrp, i saw a great website that identified actual capabilities by card04:21
escottjrp, identify it with lspci for starters04:21
read_simsop: i hear you04:21
read_somsip: do u use ubuntu?04:22
escottfizyplankton, im not sure how applicable yours will be to BlueMint's the whole having two radeons is very different from one radeon + one intel04:22
somsipread_: yes04:22
fizyplanktonescott: but you can atleast kind of compare it to what it should look like04:22
Carl_I have a Dell Inspiron 15r. It has Core i-7 , 8gb ram , 30GB SSD and TB HHD. I have checked the Md5 sum of the version i am installing (64 bit desktop) but when I load the startup screen to install, it gets to the partition screen, and freezes if i click anything. I tried it on the desktop and it came up asking if i wanted to install along side or replace windows. I never got that on my laptop. I think it is a problem with the set up04:22
read_somsip: and you installed it on a pc or mac?04:23
somsipread_: pc04:23
Carl_PC sorry04:23
escottfizyplankton, yeah if i can get to the end... freaking war and peace over here04:23
escottjrp, check against this http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sata.html04:23
fizyplanktonescott: im really eager to see if BlueMint can get it working, b/c im still on lucid, and im terrified of upgrading, god forbid i should lookse my multitude of moinitors04:24
jrpescott: cool, thanks04:24
read_somsip: do you think it makes a different whether u use a cd burner to install ubuntu or a usb?04:24
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Carl_Doesnt matter, I used DVD-R and worked fine.04:24
somsipread_: it should make no difference if you have confirmed the download is good with a md5 checksum04:24
BlueMintfizyplankton, I will tell you if I ever get it working04:25
BlueMintI won't stop trying, and if I do, I'm back to windows04:25
teh_pwnereri have installed the proprietary ati drivers for my video card... i need GL.h for development though.. if i install the libgl1-mesa drivers is that giong to install the open source video drivers again??????????????04:25
BlueMintfizyplankton, escott I have to go for now. I'll be on in an hour. Thanks a tonne for all your help04:26
acetolineescott: damn, the problem was exactly that it had #!/bin/sh instead of #!/bin/bash04:26
acetolinehow did you know04:26
acetolineit used some commands that were bash-specific04:26
read_somsip: ok, well then I guess it wasn't anything I did wrong while installing ubuntu04:27
jrpescott: it looks like this is a software raid that doesnt support linux, or linux doesnt support it, whichever way you want to look at it. Ill use software raid, thank you for the help04:27
escottacetoline, /bin/sh is /bin/dash is POSIX sh not bash04:28
cute_bettonghow do i terminate a zombie process? i have two of them in top but i don't know what the actuall process is04:29
escottfizyplankton, well BlueMint took off but i was going to advise him to check [     5.721] (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.04:29
escottcute_bettong, you can't kill zombies. everyone knows that04:29
escottcute_bettong, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process04:30
escottcute_bettong, long and short a zombie process is a dead child who hasn't been reaped by its parent. it sits around until the parent waits but its completely dead so there is nothing to kill04:32
escottcute_bettong, unix manuals are great bedtime reading for your kids04:33
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somsipAnd the answer appears to be 'yes'. Changing from using the model as the key to using model.unique_attribute has got the cache working properly04:45
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somsipAnd that was in the wrong channel...04:46
sarahey im installing a tar.gz package and I don't know what to do after configuring the file04:46
saraIm reading the install file it says install libgtk2-dev befor makeing the file04:52
=== marowanna is now known as ar0nic
sarathe install txt https://dl.dropbox.com/u/108724935/INSTALL04:54
dboyis it possible to have a live usb for a macair?04:55
saradevelopment versions of GTK+ 2.10   where is it?04:56
BlueMintHi, I have xrandr disabled. How can I view my displays?04:57
sarawhere are you guys04:57
fizyplanktonBlueMint: what do you mean?04:58
steven__Algun latino?04:58
BlueMintfizyplankton, I got the desktop up on my 3rd anf 4th monitors now :) But my first and second are just showing blank, pink screens. And I can't get into the 'displays' program becuase it says I need RANDR04:59
steven__hi sara!!!04:59
xomniverseI did an Ubuntu Minimal install and just installed xorg, xfce, etc. after the fact and everything was fine, but after changing my wireless connection settings, I can only connect to the internet by launching x-windows05:00
xomniverseis there a way to change the wifi settings so I am connected on boot again?05:00
fizyplanktonBlueMint: thats what i was talking about with some programs not working correctly using xinerama. as a test, try putting a "#" at the beginning of the line that says xinerama on. you may get what looks like working quad monitors, but if you play with it, youll see its not05:00
BlueMintOkay :P05:01
makarahi. I want to disable the launcher completely. I've hidden it but it pops out whenever I drag something in any application. What2do?05:02
BlueMintfizyplankton, I now have perfect duals working :)05:04
fizyplanktonBlueMint: what do you mean?05:04
steven__somebody can help me to explain me how i can use the IRC?05:05
BlueMint1: Purple Screen2: Purple Screen3: Desktop 14:Destop 205:06
fizyplanktonis that with commenting out that line?05:06
cfhowlettsteven__  you're using it now ...05:07
kristoflibreoffice gives me the error: javaldx: can't find java runtime environment!05:07
TrewReddoes one have to register there nick or is there no need to do that?05:07
kristofI can write and save files just fine. Should I be worried?05:07
cfhowlettTrewRed: you don't have to reg the nick05:08
ftruzzihi, I can't get my virtualbox working after a update two days ago, It says i dont have the vboxdrv :\ what can I do to fix it?05:08
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
pftx1alguien sabe como evitar ataque avahi deamon05:09
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kristofpftx1: Heh, que ataque?05:09
xomniversemy wifi network changed and wicd connects me fine when I am in xfce, but when I first boot, I have no internet access at the command prompt. How can I fix this?05:09
deper29xomniverse: are you in tty?05:10
sarathe result for my make command after reading and following the install file sam@sam:~/Desktop/wabbitcode-1.0$ make make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.05:10
pftx1mira detecte que estaban entrando a mi pc con avahi deamon05:10
ubottupftx1:: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:10
kristofubottu: No es necesario. :P05:10
deper29sara: is there a makefile in the directory you're executing make from?05:10
ubottukristof: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:10
kristof...I did not notice the bang command just before that.05:11
xomniversedeper: not sure what that means? I did a minimal install, so my Ubuntu boots to a command prompt and I have to type "startx" to get into xfce05:11
pftx1alguien me puede orientar05:11
sara2 files MakeFile.am- MakeFile.in05:12
saranot exactly the same05:12
deper29xomniverse: you have to add wicd to your startup services I imagine05:13
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
BlueMintfizyplankton, what does the screen variable mean in the devices section?05:14
pftx1kristof ouedes pasarte a ubuntu-es05:14
fizyplanktonBlueMint: it means which port on the gfx card you are trying to use. catch is, it doesnt always work the way you think it does05:15
saradeper29 --- 2 files MakeFile.am- MakeFile.in05:15
ubottupftx1: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:15
deper29sara: what is it you are trying to do? Did you download source from somewhere?05:16
pftx1anyone know how to avoid attack or protect avahi deamon05:16
saraYeah it is a tar.gz emulator05:17
deper29sara: can you give me a link to the emulator?05:17
deper29where you got the source from05:18
sarafor TI calculator05:18
AndroUserSara, can u give me a link to your facebook?05:18
BlueMintfizyplankton, this is causing me too much anxiety. I think I might just switch back to windows 7 :/05:20
deper29sara: cd to the source directory of that05:20
deper29then do './configure'05:20
deper29then 'make'05:21
saramake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.05:21
saraafter make05:21
raidensnakeany mention of raspberry pi support?05:21
sarathere isn't any make file there two files MakeFile.in MakeFile.am05:22
deper29sara, did you configure first?05:22
deper29when you configured did it spit out any errors?05:23
deper29because I just did ./configure, then make and it worked fine05:23
sarathat was configure result05:24
deper29sara: can you pastebin that05:24
raidensnaketoo bad there isn't a way of running ubuntu on the 512MB raspberry pi05:25
deper29sara: you spelled configure wrong05:26
erncicsara: you Gtk failed ... last line checking for GTK... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10.0)05:26
deper29if you type './conf' then hit tab it should autocomplete05:26
saraI wrote configure again see05:27
deper29sara: my bad :P05:27
RaptorsHey guys. Has anyone every ran into this prob with evolution? MAIL FROM command failed: Authentication Required.05:27
saraI didn't find gtk05:27
sarato install it05:27
[_-S1L3NC3-_]how do i know if zlib is installed??05:27
RaptorsI read the page that it links too and I seem to comply with everything it says05:27
deper29like waht erncic said, you need higher gtk05:27
RaptorsI am completely lost as to what is causing this.05:27
deper29what version of ubuntu are you running?05:27
erncicsara: you need to upgrad gtk+ to at least 2.10.0 for the configure to get past this step05:27
sarasuch a package does not exist05:28
AndroUserMaybe u need to be sudo?05:28
saraif you know the command for it please tell me05:29
deper29!find gtk | sara05:29
ubottusara: Found: appmenu-gtk, appmenu-gtk3, apport-gtk, checkbox-gtk, emacs23, emacs23-nox, empathy-common, gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk-0.4, gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4, gir1.2-gtk-2.0 (and 508 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gtk&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all05:29
saraall of them?05:29
[_-S1L3NC3-_]!find zlib05:29
ubottuFound: libruby, libruby1.8, perl, perl-modules, zlib1g, zlib1g-dbg, zlib1g-dev, clisp-module-zlib, gambas3-gb-compress-bzlib2, gambas3-gb-compress-zlib (and 32 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=zlib&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all05:29
deper29sara: give me a sec05:30
deper29try sudo apt-get install libgtk05:31
=== Tyler is now known as Guest30065
sarahttp://pastebin.com/s09QUdHs          for apport gtk and apport05:32
saraI got an error i cannot install it05:33
erncicsara: try sudo apt-get install gtk+2.005:37
saraerncic doesn't work check url05:38
deper29sara: are you doing an upgrade or something at the same time?05:38
erncicyou have apt-get or synaptec open in another window..?05:39
sararight now im installing lost of gtk which ubuto said05:39
sarawith synaptic05:39
sarabut when i was configuring it . it was closed05:39
erncicubottu gave you a list off all packages that contained the letters gtk in the name.... not necessarily the one you need to install.05:40
ubottuerncic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:40
deper29lol ^05:40
saradid it again same result05:41
erncicsara: is synaptic still open?05:41
saraclosed it now to repead configure . did it same result05:42
saraits closed now why?05:42
erncicsara, pastebin your new .configure results?05:42
sarahttp://pastebin.com/ZeEcJXXN new configure05:44
=== thomas is now known as Guest69426
sarahttp://www.gtk.org/download/linux.php     source file for gtk05:46
sarawhich one do i need?05:46
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
deper29sara: which version of ubuntu are you on?05:47
deper29sara: sudo apt-get install gtk+3.005:48
saraE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)05:49
deper29wtf lol05:49
deper29compile from source then05:49
erncicsara: you are still using synaptic and it is holding this lock open which is stopping you. Close synaptic05:50
dooma09quick question. i can use ethernet switch for network and it works. now can i use that switch with phone that uses cat5 cable?05:50
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saraOOps yeah you right. this time I forgot to close that manager05:52
* deper29 leaves temporarily to reboot into 3.7.1 kernel05:55
sarachecking for GTK... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.10.0) were not met:05:57
sarafor 3.0 now im installing 0.205:57
saramean 2.005:57
NiteRainI am trying to compile some code, and I am getting this error:  "undefined reference to `forkpty'" libc6-dev and libc6 is installed, and the path is in /etc/ld.so.conf05:57
NiteRainwill I have to compile libc6 from source to fix this problem?05:58
sarait worked:) thanks deper69  and ernicic06:00
deper29sara: configure and make install worked?06:00
sarayeah perfectly06:01
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
rollitupi was using Ubuntu 12.04 dual-boot with windows live 7, today after doing some software update which eventually failed  and after rebooting the machine i am getting error: no such partition grub rescue > ls06:03
crazyzurferanybody knows a way to transform avi videos to mp4?06:04
dchernivcrazyzurfer, ffmpeg+x26406:04
cfhowlettrollitup: suggest you reinstall grub06:05
cfhowlettcrazyzurfer: yes.   ffmpeg would do that easily06:05
cfhowlettcrazyzurfer: ffmpeg -i myvid.avi myvid.mp406:05
crazyzurfercfhowlett: it's already instelled?06:06
fulcanhow do I fully set a program back to defaults in pkg-add? Just like the same as 'nuke'ing' it?06:07
fulcanblow out config, eveything06:07
cfhowlettcrazyzurfer: on your system?  IDK.  Run this command in terminal to see06:07
cfhowlettcrazyzurfer: apt-cache policy ffmpeg06:07
cfhowlettfulcan: go to your /home display hidden files and nuke the folders and configs.06:08
fulcancfhowlett for something like openvpn that would do nothing.06:10
cfhowlettcfhowlett: ah, well ... sorry, but IDK.06:10
cfhowlettfulcan: are you out of country?  China perhaps?06:11
fulcanwhy would that effect nuking a program?06:12
rollitupcfhowlett: should i reinstall grub by booting via USB ?06:12
cfhowlettrollitup: that would do it06:12
Patero-ngI wonder if you guys ever heard or use that software from 1988 called printmagic it was like paint that you could draw with a mouse but also had stored pictures06:13
cfhowlettPatero-ng: don't recall it.  My Paint sounds similar06:14
Patero-ngever heard of that software from 1992 called banner it was used to create advertisements06:15
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
fulcanhow do I fully set a program back to defaults in pkg-add? Just like the same as 'nuke'ing' it?  blow out config, eveything?06:15
=== Zeroedout_ is now known as Zeroedout
rushboyhello I am new to gtk programming . I am trying to build my Hello World program for gtk but when compiling using : gcc 'pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0' prog.c , I get the following message :  error: pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0: No such file or directory . Any help is appreciated :)06:25
kvothetechrushboy: install pkg-config06:26
rushboykvothetech: using sudo apt-get install pkg-config will do ?06:27
rushboykvothetech: This is what I get Reading package lists... Done06:28
rushboyBuilding dependency tree06:28
rushboyReading state information... Done06:28
rushboypkg-config is already the newest version.06:28
rushboy0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 386 not upgraded.06:28
FloodBot1rushboy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:28
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
jalcinerushboy: you're using the wrong kind of quote marks06:34
jalcineenter the following:06:34
jalcinegcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` prog.c06:35
jalcinethe backticks (`) tells bash (your current shell, I assume) to execute the text within and return its value concatonated/injected into the command06:35
Patero-nganybody here has ffdshow?06:36
jalcinerushboy: for more help, check out #ubuntu-app-devel06:36
rushboyjalcine: yes the error does not show up anymore but now I get an undefined reference to all the gtk functions used . for eg : undefined reference to `gtk_init'06:38
hanasakiwhat's a good set of tools for managing lots of vm's  kvm06:38
jalcineyou're missing some headers then.06:39
jalcinerushboy: if you're just starting off, I recommend learning Python to build up applications06:39
cfhowlettrushboy: some good tutorials are available from FullCircleMagazine06:40
paynit0help with sudo apt-get install -f .....run-parts: /etc/kernel/postrm.d/zz-update-grub exited with return code 1 Failed to process /etc/kernel/postrm.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.2.0-33-generic.postrm line 328. dpkg: error processing linux-image-3.2.0-33-generic (--remove):  subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 106:40
rushboyjalcine: Phew ! I got it finally :) Just replaced the previous command with : gcc prog.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`06:43
dchernivPatero-ng, ffdshow is windows06:43
rushboyjalcine: Thanks for the help :)06:44
Patero-ngdcherniv do u use it06:44
jalcinerushboy: no problem06:44
cfhowlettrushboy: good luck06:44
Kartagiswhen someone sends a message, pidgin displays a smiley until I see the message. this happens with KDE. is there a way to do the same thing with cairo?06:44
dchernivPatero-ng, no06:45
dchernivPatero-ng, its windows software this is ubuntu channel06:45
Patero-ngwhy do u say that06:46
dchernivPatero-ng, because you're asking about windows software in linux channel. Doubt anyone will be able to help you here06:47
paynit0what's with grub making apt-get not work  Errors were encountered while processing:  linux-image-3.2.0-29-generic  linux-image-3.2.0-30-generic  linux-image-3.2.0-32-generic  linux-image-3.2.0-33-generic06:47
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paynit0what do you do when apt-get autoremove fails with E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code   about some kernels06:51
Guest74242_hi all. asking something. my java program launches a website (which has java applet) inside firefox. essentially, what it does is Runtime.getRuntime.exec("firefox www.mywebsitewithappletinside.com"). my firefox can open the page, but it can NOT render the applet. strangely, when i run "firefox www.mywebsitewithappletinside.com" at konsole, the page can be opened correctly, and the applet is rendered well. i use oracle jre 6.3806:54
Guest74242_by the way, i am using kubuntu 12.1006:54
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NoskcajGuest74242_, the go to #kubuntu06:56
Guest74242_Noskcaj, thanks06:57
JimmyNeutronAfter rebooting my system, I lost my wireless connection.  rfkill unblock all doesn't help either.  I also try powering off, popping out the laptop's battery, and pressing and holding the power button for 30secs and that didn't help either.  Any other suggestions?06:57
Patero-ngI want to learn how to u se vi to edit some iptables on my router can anybody guide me so I can add some ips I want banned06:58
CrazyzurferAny way to transform avi to mp4?, someone here said ffmpeg --> it's deprecated :/06:58
cfhowlettCrazyzurfer: deprecated yes but still available06:58
Crazyzurfercfhowlett: doesn't work anyways06:59
cfhowlettCrazyzurfer: ok.06:59
Crazyzurfercfhowlett: generates an empty file with mp4 extension06:59
* dcherniv ffmpeg is deprecated??06:59
Crazyzurfercfhowlett: Am I using it wrong?06:59
Crazyzurferit says that I should use avconv instead07:00
Crazyzurfersame problem07:00
cfhowlettCrazyzurfer: I'd say yes but I may have given you the wrong command.07:00
somsipCrazyzurfer: do you want a ffmpeg command to try? I can't remember if its good quality or not...07:00
dchernivffmpeg is deprecated? are they out of their mind there?07:00
Crazyzurfersomsip: okay07:01
somsipdcherniv: it uses a lib that needs to be marked as deprecated. appearently it's compilicated07:01
somsipCrazyzurfer:  ffmpeg -i $1 -y -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 28 -threads 0 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -deblockalpha -1 -deblockbeta -1 -refs 3 -bf 3 -coder 1 -me_method hex -me_range 18 -subq 7 -partitions +parti4x4+parti8x8+partp8x8+partb8x8 -g 320 -keyint_min 25 -level 41 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qcomp 1.0 -trellis 1 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -flags2 +mixed_refs+dct8x8+wpred+bpyramid  -ab 80 -ar 48000 -ac 2 ${1%%.*}'.mp4'07:01
cfhowlettdcherniv: internal politics, forks, personality issues ... the usual07:01
somsipCrazyzurfer: in a batch file as avi2mp4, usage avi2mp4 file.avi07:01
ruanbig deal, they can compile it without that lib07:01
ruannot so hard07:01
Crazyzurfersomsip: so I run sudo bash avi2mp4 file.avi?07:02
fizyplanktoncfhowlett: but but but.... this is the open source world? arent we supposed to be free from that internal political bull?07:02
cfhowlettfizyplankton: LOL!07:02
somsipCrazyzurfer: you can just replace the $1 and  ${1%%.*}'.mp4' with filenames07:02
dchernivcfhowlett, somsip can i get a link to read up on that issue?07:02
cfhowlettCrazyzurfer: should not require sudo07:02
somsipdcherniv: I searched for it and found it.07:03
Crazyzurfersomsip: so this should work:07:03
somsipCrazyzurfer: it works for me, but I can't remember how well. Could be ropey quality so might need tweaking07:03
cfhowlettCrazyzurfer: fwiw I used ffmpeg to convert a .webm to .mp4 last night07:03
Crazyzurferffmpeg -i fileavi.avi -y -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 28 -threads 0 -flags +loop -cmp +chroma -deblockalpha -1 -deblockbeta -1 -refs 3 -bf 3 -coder 1 -me_method hex -me_range 18 -subq 7 -partitions +parti4x4+parti8x8+partp8x8+partb8x8 -g 320 -keyint_min 25 -level 41 -qmin 10 -qmax 51 -qcomp 1.0 -trellis 1 -sc_threshold 40 -i_qfactor 0.71 -flags2 +mixed_refs+dct8x8+wpred+bpyramid  -ab 80 -ar 48000 -ac 2 filemp4'.mp4'?07:04
Crazyzurferthat should work?07:04
somsipCrazyzurfer: at the end, lose the apostrophes at  filemp4'.mp4'07:05
dormitohello I just purchased an asus r11cx and I am trying to run ubuntu 12.10 live (to make sure it works and to lead into running an install). However the boot process hangs on a blank screen (there is only a cursor in the upper left) the ubuntu load screen doesn show up for a bit, and if I hit escape I can watch the progress, but it inevitably hangs at the same screen. I have tried different boot media (usb and dvd) and I have tried them07:05
dormitoon an older asus netbook and the media does boot properly. Is there a way to obtain more information about whats failing? or if someone knows what wrong or has ideas that would help, that would be great07:05
cfhowlettdormito: may I suggest you try l/x/ubuntu?  Netbook specs are not desktop specs.  both those distros are optimized for low spec machines...07:05
BlueMintIs this a native application to Ubuntu that allows the burning of ISO's to a DVD?07:06
dchernivblitzkrieg3, xfburn, brasero, k3b07:06
Crazyzurferreturns : Unknown encoder 'libx264'07:06
dchernivCrazyzurfer, heh, apt-get install x26407:07
deper29BlueMint: dd07:07
cfhowlettCrazyzurfer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras will pull in all the multimedia packages, codecs and drivers07:07
somsipCrazyzurfer: install libx26407:08
dormitocfhowlett: thanks I'll try look one of those up (though that shouldnt matter, as I said the live media (i386 of course) ran on an older asus netbook, the r11cx is a new asus, and while the lighter weight would be good, it shouldnt be fatal from my point of view)07:09
XMLnewbican some one help me with this, https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcnz8cl1yv4hhsm/make_ai_xml       Im not sure how to run it07:09
Crazyzurfer[ac3 @ 0xfb4fe0] frame sync error is that normal? xD07:09
somsipCrazyzurfer: if it continues, it's probably ok07:09
Crazyzurferyep, it continues, how do I know, how long will it take?07:09
cfhowlettdormito: ok.  also, don't neglect to verify the iso with md5sum...07:10
XMLnewbiI dont understand the Zrun runq ect options...07:10
somsipCrazyzurfer: compared the seconds converted with the number of seconds in the source file07:10
somsipCrazyzurfer: I'd suggest doing a 10 seconds clip and them chekcing quality, if it's a big file07:10
Crazyzurfersomsip: it's a whole movie :O!07:10
somsipCrazyzurfer: try a clip first then07:11
Crazyzurfersomsip: so. I should stop it and see?07:11
somsipCrazyzurfer: you can do what you want.07:11
somsipCrazyzurfer: i'd suggest doing a 10 second clip first. Is there an echo in here?07:11
ruanthey say it's 'no longer being developed' yet there was a new ffmpeg release just a few months after the deprecation07:11
ruana major release, even07:12
Crazyzurfersomsip: where am I getting a 10 second clip AVI07:12
somsipCrazyzurfer: add -t 10 to the comand line (from memory - check it) to get a 10 second clip07:12
cfhowlettruan: as I stated earlier ... MUCH confusion.  Also a fork or 2 is involved ...07:12
ruanI see, but ffmpeg.org is still alive07:13
XMLnewbican some one help me use this script? it does a parse .csv to make a XML. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcnz8cl1yv4hhsm/make_ai_xml07:13
XMLnewbiI have the file and the file.csv I need to parse on the desktop. Im not sure how to run the file07:14
Crazyzurfersomsip: it's the same quality07:14
sw0rdfishcan I set 2 listening ports for sshd07:14
somsipCrazyzurfer: as what?07:14
Crazyzurferas the avi file07:15
somsipCrazyzurfer: what's the same quality as the avi file?07:15
Crazyzurferthe mp4 file lol, the output is the same quality as the imput :P07:15
somsipCrazyzurfer: did you expect it to be better?07:15
AltairCan testdisk or photorec undelete HDD after an NTFS file system corruption due to a virus?07:15
AltairHDD data* sorry07:16
Crazyzurfersomsip: nope, I expected it to be worse07:16
somsipCrazyzurfer: I'm surprised too. From memory, that command did drop quality. But hey - that's memory07:17
Patero-ngI want to learn how to u se vi to edit some iptables on my router can anybody guide me so I can add some ips I want banned07:18
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CrazyzurferI've got another question. In google chrome (windows) I can listen to mp3 files with html5, but with chromium, I can't, and somebody told me that it was because chromium didn't had the codec by default, you had to add it to the OS in order to use it, How do I know if I've the mp3 codec?07:21
KartagisPatero-ng: type :help in vi07:21
Kartagisbetter use vim though07:21
somsipCrazyzurfer: so - did the video conversion work for you?07:21
Patero-ngkarakedi dude07:21
Patero-ngmy router only comes with vi appanrently is lighter07:22
Crazyzurfersomsip: with 10 seconds clip, it worked, but Im converting a large file now, so I might know in a few time (guess is going to work)07:22
somsipCrazyzurfer: k07:22
dormitocfhowlett: I just tried a 12.04 live boot, and it worked (I hadnt realised I had the file untill a little bit ago, and the xubuntu had not finished), so Im guessing that 12.10 is the problem... maybe it doesnt recognize what ever passes for a gpu on the new netbook (but has drivers for the old)07:25
XMLnewbiXML Parsing Error: no element found Location: file:///home/bill/Desktop/test.xml Line Number 1, Column 1:07:26
cfhowlettdormito: yet another reason why I recommend only LTS installs ... and DON'T feel like you have to rush out to install the latest version!  It ain't an iPhone!07:26
XMLnewbiits weird because its made to generate a XML file; so why would it need one?07:28
rollitupcfhowlett: would reinstalling the grub allow me to get the system to boot as it was before the mess ?07:29
rollitupI meant to say that would I be able to get the option to boot in win 7 or Ubuntu ?07:30
fizikzi have booted a live usb ubuntu 12.04.1 on a macbook pro (5,2), but i come to a command prompt and no gui. any ideas what could be the problem?07:31
dormitoadditionally is there a good utility for backing up the preloaded win7 install, incase I need it (I would like to wipe the hd for the (x)ubuntu install)07:32
Patero-ngI want to learn how to u se vi to edit some iptables on my router can anybody guide me so I can add some ips I want banned07:35
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CrazyzurferIn google chrome (windows) I can listen to mp3 files with html5, but with chromium, I can't, and somebody told me that it was because chromium didn't had the codec by default, you had to add it to the OS in order to use it, How do I know if I've the mp3 codec?07:36
deper29Patero-ng: vi is terrible07:37
Patero-ngdeper29 you know how to use VI!?07:38
deper29Patero-ng: yes, and I *hate* it.07:38
danabrHi, I need help setting up an SFTP server so that it logs every connection attempt and every attempted way of authentication (publickey, password, none, etc)07:38
Patero-ngexplain me how to add some ips to the iptable of the router07:38
danabrI'm using the SFTP server from the openssh project07:39
MrWibbleswhat's the best way of getting full disk encryption in ubuntu07:40
serp_Peanut: you dont need to use vi for that. any text editor will do. try nano07:40
danabrI've specified "Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server -f AUTH -l DEBUG3" sshd_config, but it does not provide much logging at all anyway (in /var/log/auth.log)07:40
MrWibblesand how much does it slow it down by07:40
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danabrDo I need to do anything special to syslog to get more verbose output from the SFTP server?07:41
cfeddedanabr: probably not.  Any configs to increase logging detail would be in the sftp server.07:42
EaglemanWhat does a ~ mean in a file ?07:42
deper29Patero-ng: you can use any editor for that. nano is probably easiest, though i prefer(and also don't recommend) emacs07:42
cfeddeEagleman: what command is showing you that?07:42
danabrcfedde: I thought so too. I expected much more output, since openssh use to be quite good at logging stuff, but I do not see any failed public key attempts for example.07:43
Eaglemancfedde ls -l07:43
cfeddeEagleman: that's part of a file name?07:43
cfeddeit's an emacs backup file07:43
serp_deper29: vi is aeesome07:43
EaglemanAny idea why it was made?07:44
serp_dont hate it just because youre too noob to use it07:44
cfeddeEagleman: an emacs session did not exit cleanly.07:44
Eaglemanwhat is an emacs session?07:44
cfeddeEagleman: emacs is an editor.07:44
deper29serp_: I prefer emacs because it seems to do a lot more than vi. on top of that, vi's default setup is based on a qwerty keyboard which made navigation for me a *pain*07:45
lynx7os5Patero-ng: http://www.vim.org/docs.php   http://www.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial/iptables-tutorial.html   check these two out07:45
fidel_hi, i got a 12.10 vm here which has issues running apt. basically i end up with errors like that: W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial.... Encountered a section with no package header. I already tried removing those partial files ....but still no success.07:45
deper29I can use it just fine, but just prefer emacs07:45
serp_deper29: just remap the keys then?07:46
deper29serp_: yeah, I can do that. I like when stuff works out of the box though :P and again, emacs still does more than vi07:47
deper29if i'm using a gui, I choose sublimetext over anything07:47
cfeddethere is more to an editor than just key mapping.07:47
EaglemanIs there a way on who edited a file ?07:47
cfeddeEagleman: not so much.  Other than the username in the ls -l listing07:48
Eaglemaneveryone logs in as root, and the timestamp is for right now, since its some sort of log file'07:48
deper29cfedde: yeah, there's the fact that when you start vi you can't immediately begin typing unless you hit i07:48
fidel_apt error output looks like that: http://pastie.org/554633907:48
scarrsI am trying to play quake 4... I have all the right files and I can run the dedicated server but when launching the client from within an x session I get the following: ./quake4.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:48
fidel_while i replaced my sources.list already once to make sure my sources arent the issue itself07:49
cfeddedeper29: we all get tp pick our own poison.07:49
cfeddeEagleman: that's kind of a problemm  Users Should each have their own account and use root sparingly.07:50
Eaglemanbut i did not setup these systems07:50
cfeddeEagleman: what is the full name of the file we are talking about?07:51
Eaglemanin /var/lib/dhcp307:51
cfeddeEagleman: ah! do you know what dhcp is?07:51
XMLnewbican some one help me use this script? it does a parse .csv to make a XML. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcnz8cl1yv4hhsm/make_ai_xml        Its makeing a file but its blank :/07:51
cfeddethat's the file that contains the leases from the dhcp server running on that system07:51
Eaglemani know07:52
cfeddeEagleman: so does the file name contain a ~ or does the file itself contain the ~ characters?07:52
Eaglemanthere was an extra file with a ~ in the end of it07:52
Eaglemandhcp.leases ~07:52
MrBarwho know why apt-move update removes up-to-date packages?07:52
cfeddeEagleman: that's part of how dhcp.leases updates itself.07:52
fizikzlive usb of ubuntu 12.04 64bit is nto being able to start the xserver (fatal server error: no screens found). in the xorg.0.log file there are a number of warning/error lines relating to graphics driver modules being loaded/unloaded. what do i need to do to get xserver running?07:53
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cfeddeEagleman: try the command watch ls -il /var/lib/dhcp307:54
EaglemanNo idea what that means07:54
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tree88hi frens i installed ubuntu 12.10 stable version but when i try to shut down it stucks to blue screen and i  have to forceful shutdown plse help me07:55
fidel_tree88: tried executing the shutdown from terminal to get some output?07:56
cfeddeEagleman: the net here is that you don't need to worry about that file.  It's just dhcp doing what it is supposed to be doing.07:56
usr13tree88: What did you install on?07:56
tree88yea i tried shutdown -h now i have installed on my hp dm4 laptop notebook series07:56
fizikzthe computer has an nvidia video card, but right now just running with vesa drivers would be fine, if i could get it to work07:57
cfeddeEagleman: man dhcp.leases includes the text "In order to prevent the lease database from growing without bound, the file is rewritten from time to time. First, a temporary lease database is created and all known leases are dumped to it. Then, the old lease database is renamed /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases~. Finally, the newly written lease database is moved into place.07:57
tree88i installed on hp dm4 pavilion 1063cl series07:58
Eaglemandamm man pages, they tell you everything :P07:58
tree88i tried shut down from terminla but the same thing happens it stucks07:58
Eaglemanshould have read that first07:58
cfeddeEagleman: some times.07:58
Kartagiswhen someone sends a message, pidgin displays a smiley until I see the message. this happens with KDE. is there a way to do the same thing with cairo?07:59
fidel_hi - i am stuck with an apt issue on a 12.10 vm. i would call myself somehow used to apt in general - but never had that specific problem. Short description can be found here: http://pastie.org/5546370 - basically apt-get update ends with some gpg and sections with no package: header errrors08:01
fidel_as i removed the partial lists several time already i am wondering: is there some kind of apt-status file i might need to delete as well to jump out of that error loop i have right now?08:02
blackshirtfidel_, are you use some old repository ?08:02
fidel_blackshirt: well i already deleted my sources.list and tried 2 other sources collections - from different countries as well. no old repositories as far as i know08:03
fidel_the box had some ppa's installed before i upgraded it to 12.10 - but those were disabled at that point and not re-enabled08:03
blackshirtmaybe better remove that ppa08:04
fidel_blackshirt: currently there is no more ppa enabled at all08:04
blackshirtstick with newest repo08:04
usr13fidel_: So, youre leaving some packages hanging, (no more updates).08:04
palassoI had an analogous experience. The PPA was supposedly disabled but when I checked the sources folder the txts were there with  errors. So I deleted them and everything worked fine.08:05
fidel_usr13: i would love to get apt back to basic work - focusing on ubuntu default packages first.08:05
fidel_usr13: right now i cant use apt at all to install updates08:05
fidel_as it always ends up in the errors listed in the pastie link08:06
fidel_if i try to execute: sudo dpkg-reconfigure apt i get: Bus error08:06
blackshirtfidel_, stick ply with terminal based program..mostly thats not depends on dbus08:07
Nortiohello what is name off the german channel?08:08
fidel_blackshirt: i am working with the cli only so far - but i dont see how your comment should help me to be honest08:08
palassofidel_ in etc/apt/sources.list.d are there any txts?08:08
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!08:08
fidel_!de > Nortio08:08
ubottuNortio, please see my private message08:08
usr13fidel_: 64bit?08:08
Nortiokty :D08:09
fidel_palasso: define txts? it is filed with repo urls yes08:09
fidel_usr13: yes 64bit08:09
palassofidel_ go to sources.list.d folder not sources.list file08:09
palassoare there any kind of files in that folder?08:09
fidel_palasso: sources.list.d is empty08:10
usr13fidel_: lsb_release -a |pastebinit08:10
fidel_so the only sources that box has right now are located in /etc/apt/sources.list08:10
vekonjahi. can someone help me with http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1785508:10
palassofidel_ what about the other folders on etc/apt ?08:10
fidel_usr13: its 12.1008:10
fidel_palasso: all folders in /etc/apt are empty besides apt.conf.d08:11
palassomaybe the problem is in sources.list Perhaps if you'd pastebin it someone could identify the problem08:12
Kartagiscan cairo use libnotify?08:12
fidel_palasso: i used http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ (a sources.list generator) to replace my old sources.list to make sure that file is not the reason already (3 times to be honesT)08:13
dormitoif I want to have a usb stick with a couple partitions containing live disks can I install grub to a partition on the usb and select at boot time which partition on to use?08:13
XMLnewbi_come some one take a look at this script? im trying to parse a CSV file and output XML for Illustrator; really could use some help https://www.dropbox.com/s/gx0sa59ynp1knzc/make_ai_xml08:14
fidel_i had those errors with german, french and swiss sources/apt-sources08:14
Nortiohello how i can deactivate keyring for internet browser?08:15
fidel_palasso: so well - i doubt it helps - but here is my sources.list: http://pastie.org/554641208:17
fedorcould anyone tell me, is there in Ubuntu12.10 total commander08:17
vltfedor: You could try mc.08:17
fidel_fedor: there are tons of mc-like commmander apps - tried searching your apt-repository before asking here ;)08:17
fedorvlt: i do not understand08:18
fidel_fedor: mc is such a program08:18
vltfedor: You could try the program “mc”.08:18
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Sara_hey I need help to make wabbitemu for linux and the instruction for making the file are abit complex for me. is there anybody who can help me?  http://code.google.com/p/wxwabbitemu/wiki/Building08:20
deper29Sara_: weren't you trying this a little while ago?08:21
Sara_yeah unfortunately that one was IDE08:21
Sara_not a emulator08:21
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MrWibbleswhat can you use for rolling backups on ubuntu?08:22
deper29Sara_: oh, I can walk you through this I suppose08:22
Sara_I have the package for windows but I need it for ubuntu08:22
deper29Sara_: yeah, i'll just download source and walk you through it08:22
deper29you just want to build and install, correct?08:23
Sara_there isn't any source right now. just instruction http://code.google.com/p/wxwabbitemu/wiki/Building08:24
Sara_I have a rom file and i need to emulate it on this software08:24
deper29Sara_: there is source. i'm downloading it right now08:26
Sara_where is it?08:26
deper29at your link, click the link near the top that says source08:26
deper29and it gives you directions to download source08:26
sgo11hi, if I use "sudo -s" for root login shell, i have no problem. but when I use "sudo -s -u www-data" for www-data user login shell, I can see "No protocol specified" messages after running some programs. how can I get rid of this message? and why does NOT root login shell have it? thanks.08:27
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Sara_sam@sam:~$ Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP. Non-members: command not found sam@sam:~$ svn checkout http://wxwabbitemu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ wxwabbitemu-read-only The program 'svn' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install subversion08:29
deper29Sara_: oh, you don't have svn. you need that to download source. apt-get install subversion08:29
usr13sgo11: You have a user named www-data?08:31
Sara_where did we post the result of command line?08:32
deper29Sara_: i'm sorry?08:32
usr13sgo11: su - www-data08:32
sgo11usr13, www-data is for apache2 and nginx. thus i have that user, but that account is disabled by login and no home directory etc...08:32
usr13sgo11: What exactly are you trying to do?  (What is your end goal?)08:33
deper29Sara_: install svn, do that command to download source from googlesource, then cd into it, then cd into the build directory, type make08:34
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Sara_what is the default directory for the downloaded files from google code08:35
sgo11usr13, su - www-data won't help. my end goal is to create/edit files with user "www-data". all files for apache2 or nginx server should be owned by www-data user. I am getting tired to chown and chmod all the time. sudo -s -u www-data seems an easy solution. only problem is the Xdislplay thing. I can fix it with xauth add I guess. but I don't want to run xauth add everytime. hopefully, my words make sense. thanks.08:35
Sara_I already donwloaded it but don't know where it is08:36
deper29Sara_: it'll be in your current directory08:36
deper29it'll be wxwabbit someithng08:36
Sara_its in home found it08:36
somsipsgo11: make the top directory sticky for www-data group08:36
usr13sgo11: Ok.  Here's what you should do.  Create user for each project and symlink to /var/www.08:37
palassoI have a Desktop PC with an AMD Radeon HD 4870 and Ubuntu 12.10. Why aren't there any options of proprietary drivers on the 'Additional Drivers' tab? Shouldn't I be expecting 3 options? (open source and enabled, proprietary-stable, proprietary-current)08:37
Sara_make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.08:37
deper29Sara_: did you cd into wxwabbit?08:37
usr13sgo11: In other words, mkdir public_html ; sudo ln -s public_html /var/www/MySite08:38
Sara_cd wxwabbitemu-read-only08:38
sgo11somsip, yeah, I knew that solution. since I am not very familiar with sticky thing, I am trying to avoid that solution even if I know how to do it. login as www-data seems easier and more reasonable solution than sticky tag.08:38
deper29Sara_: okay, now within that directory there is a build directory. cd there08:38
usr13sgo11: You can use as many symlinks as you like.  One for each site.08:38
sgo11usr13, I knew many solutions around this. but what I want now is login as www-data...08:38
deper29Sara_: the wiki is outdated it seems. if you read the README.txt in the source it tells you this08:39
usr13sgo11: SO wny not just move the files to your home dir?08:39
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=== Sornaensis is now known as Superfine
usr13sgo11: Doesn't that seem simplier?08:39
somsipsgo11: well, it's easy once you set it up. or you just set up an alias to sudo chgrp -R www-data *; find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 770; find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sudo chmod 66008:40
Sara_ok terminal is done08:40
Sara_Linking wxWabbitemu08:41
usr13somsip: sgo11 To me, it's a lot easier to just serve from /home/sgo11/public_html08:41
deper29Sara_: so in the build directory, type 'sudo make install' and that will install it :)08:41
usr13somsip: sgo11 not sure why you would want to do anything more...08:41
deper29unless you just want it to make a binary you can run, then you can just make08:41
somsipusr13: to me it's easier to chmod g+s <shrugs>08:41
Sara_there is n't anyinstal file in there08:42
Sara_make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.08:42
sgo11somsip, usr13, thanks. I prefer sticky solution than moving/linking files to home dir. and prefer login as www-data to sticky solution. ^_^ any solutions will work. maybe I just run xauth add everytime. thanks.08:43
usr13somsip: Ok, well, just seems like a long way around the block.  The user should be able to manage the files from his/her own user space.08:43
somsipusr13: and when www-data needs to create minimised files, logs and caches? but then we're OT here...08:43
=== Superfine is now known as Sornaensis
deper29Sara_: you are in the build directory?08:44
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Sara___hey sorry dper i was frozen08:47
Sara___did you say anything after i said there isn't any install file in build08:47
deper29Sara___: are you in the bulid directroy?08:47
Unclebeavzhi guys08:48
admiral0can anybody point me to the channel where ubiquity folks are?08:48
deper29Sara___: and you typed 'sudo make install'?08:48
deper29oh, no kidding, that doesn't work lol08:49
Sara___yeah didn't work and i restarted my ubuntu do i need to make again?08:49
deper29Sara___: nah, just do make08:49
admiral0found it never mind08:49
deper29no sudo, no install, just make08:49
erncicSara___: the executable is going to be in wxwabbitemu-read-only/bin08:49
Sara___this time is different ==== Building wxWabbitemu (debug) ====08:50
Sara___after make command in build08:50
Kartagiswhy doesn't pidgin-libnotify act the same in both GNOME and KDE?08:50
deper29Sara___: okay, cd up one directroy08:50
Sara___after sudo make install  make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.08:50
deper29Sara___: don't do make install, it doesn't work08:51
deper29you did make though, yes?08:51
Sara___what do you mean cd up one directory08:51
deper29Sara___: 'cd ..' will go up one level08:51
deper29Sara___: cd ~/wxwabbitemu-read-only/bin08:52
Sara___make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.08:52
Sara___in bin08:52
Sara___perfect the calculator is there08:53
deper29Sara___: then in there you will see a binary to run08:53
Sara___just one more thing . on the begining we installed svn or what?08:54
deper29Sara___: if you want to be able to execute it from anywhere, I suggest 'sudo cp path-to-binary /usr/bin/'08:54
deper29Sara___: yeah, you installed svn08:54
Sara___what was the command sudo apt-get install svn08:54
deper29that just installed subversion08:55
Sara___no it was diffenerent no svn08:55
deper29yeah, it was subversion08:55
somsipdeper29: to put it in /usr/local/bin is slightly more standardised08:55
deper29Sara___: do what somsip says08:55
deper29somsip: what is the difference?08:56
Sara___cp: cannot stat `path-to-binary': No such file or directory08:56
deper29Sara___: no, don't type path to binary, type the actual path to the binary08:56
erncicSara___: you actually want sudo cp wxWabbitemu /usr/local/bin/08:57
deper29what is the difference between local/bin and bin?08:57
somsipdeper29: AIUI, if it's not auto installed, it should be out of /usr/bin. Like: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/4186/what-is-usr-local-bin-came-across-it-in-an-script-installation-for-applescript08:58
TakeItEZdeper29: /usr/loca is the place for stuff coming not from the repos/distro08:58
deper29ahhhh, I see08:58
somsipdeper29: but no big issue08:58
TakeItEZ /usr/local*08:58
Sara___should i use that command in bin directory or home or...08:58
deper29I know it'll work either way since they are still both in PATH08:58
deper29Sara___: sudo cp wxWabbitemu /usr/local/bin/08:59
Sara___i think im ok with the file in bin folder08:59
=== Paul_ is now known as paulbanks
Sara___is this portable can i just move it around in usb?08:59
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Sara___thanks deper29  and ernicic09:03
Sara___it was great09:03
=== dankest|away is now known as dankest
FuzzlesCan someone help me find out how to install steam drivers for my card plz09:14
valroadieI have a macbook 2,1 with a Core 2 T7200 dual-core and I was wondering if a high I/OWait was normal or what could be done about this problem?09:17
=== Justasic2 is now known as Justasic
Patero-ng1622 people and no one is talking09:18
valroadieI was thinking the same thing.09:18
valroadieNot many macbook ubuntu users though I would think hah.09:19
Patero-ngnot many people awake09:19
Patero-ngisn't macbook suppose to use osx09:20
valroadieYes but can be booted with any linux version just as a PC09:20
BlackDalekis it possible to use dpkg-deb to build a deb file from files already installed?09:20
Sara___deper still there?09:21
ehscorphi all09:21
ehscorpany idea how to install bin file on ubuntu09:21
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Patero-ngehscorp did you look for mount iso on the dashboard09:23
deper29ehscorp: copy the bin to /usr/local/bin09:23
deper29Sara___: still here09:23
ehscorpam trying to install timetrex.bin09:23
ehscorptried ./timetrex.bin09:23
Sara___trying it on another computer.09:23
ehscorpsays no such directory or file09:24
ehscorpbut it exist09:24
Sara___we used make command on build or bin?09:24
Patero-ngis because is not executablebut isn't the bin a image file09:24
valroadieDo you use emulators?09:25
ehscorpnope- Its not an iso09:26
BlackDalekis it possible to use dpkg-deb to build a deb file from files already installed?09:26
bhaveshI found all my google chrome saved passwords in "passwords and keys", how do I hide them?09:26
ehscorptrying to install using terminal09:26
valroadieHm...no idea here then. Maybe use chmod +x file.bin ./file.bin09:26
ehscorpthanks anyways09:26
ehscorpwill keep you all updated if i hit anything09:27
valroadieSounds good.09:27
Sara___core.c /bin/sh: 1: wx-config: not found cc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory make[1]: *** [obj/Debug/core.o] Error 1 make: *** [wxWabbitemu] Error 209:27
Sara___what does it mean?09:28
Sara___deper29 core.c /bin/sh: 1: wx-config: not found cc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory make[1]: *** [obj/Debug/core.o] Error 1 make: *** [wxWabbitemu] Error 209:29
Hapzzzhello everyone. i run ubuntu in a vm (vbox), and i have dns issues09:30
Hapzzzping takes a long while to return a result, yet it says 200ms09:30
Hapzzz(takes it like 5~10 seconds)09:30
ehscorpdid you try abridged09:30
ehscorpor host only?09:31
Hapzzzehscorp it's currently bridged09:31
Hapzzznice guy from #vbox suggested to try ping -n09:31
Hapzzzwhich works flawlessly09:31
Hapzzzand mentioned it's a dns issue.09:31
Hapzzzi tried replacing nameserver with google's in /etc/resolv.conf09:31
Hapzzzbut it didn't help09:31
ehscorplook for the file /etc/resolv.conf09:32
ehscorpthis will help you find what the dns its using09:32
Hapzzzi just said..09:32
lynx7os5when installing 12.10, it wants to install a boot loader at the screen where you manually pick your partition, there doesnt seem to be a choice to not install a boot loader... anyway around this?09:32
Sara___anybody here knows what this means?09:33
Sara___core.c /bin/sh: 1: wx-config: not found cc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory make[1]: *** [obj/Debug/core.o] Error 1 make: *** [wxWabbitemu] Error 209:33
Hapzzzlynx7os5 do you have an OS installed already?09:33
lynx7os5Hapzzz: yes, two so far09:34
HapzzzSara___ `execvp` doesn't exist?09:34
Hapzzzlynx7os5 idk then, haven't installed in a while09:34
Hapzzzspecially not with another OS :o09:34
Sara___cannot find the package Hapzzz09:34
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
lynx7os5if i 'do' install this boot loader can i re-install one over it then? or will that mess up ubuntu?09:36
lynx7os5i think its just try to install the MBR, no?09:37
Hapzzzlynx7os5 it'll probably create a mess later on09:37
srhbHapzzz: Why?09:37
srhblynx7os5: Ideally GRUB should realize that you have several OS'es and make sure its setup for each of them.09:38
srhblynx7os5: If it doesn't, you'll have to manually adjust it later on.09:38
BlackDalekis it possible to use dpkg-deb to build a deb file from files already installed?09:38
lynx7os5srhb: yea the problem, i dont want ubuntu in control of the boot loader on this system :\09:39
lynx7os5but then i dont want to screw up ubuntu either :p09:39
srhblynx7os5: As I recall it, it is possible to tell it not to overwrite the MBR, which should mean your old boot loader will be references09:39
saTTYsomtimes wifi detects my accesspoint sometimes not09:39
RajviHi all, got a tough problem - Trying to install 12.10 32 bit, installer returns error code-5, I/O error!! I tried everything I know off.I am helpless now :(09:40
srhblynx7os5: Otherwise you just need to boot to your other OS and rerun the MBR-staging part of its bootloader.09:40
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lynx7os5srhb: ok, ill give it a go and try that route then..09:41
lynx7os5thanks guys!09:41
gerryvdm_mbpis it to be expected that entries in fstab.d/ are not mounted automatically?09:42
deper29Sara___: it looks like a c-compiler error of a sort09:43
deper29what are you trying t odo?09:43
Sara___sudo apt-get install build-essential libwxgtk2.8-dev      forgot to install it09:43
Sara___thanks deper2909:43
Hapzzzok, so first answer in this thread solved it for me. http://askubuntu.com/questions/81797/nslookup-finds-ip-but-ping-doesnt09:44
RajviPlease help me!! I am a newbie I guess09:44
srhbRajvi: One cause could be defective RAM09:45
srhbRajvi: You might want to run a memtest09:45
Rajvisrhb: the bad news is that previously i was using  lm13 kde, with was just fine, now it does not even boot!09:46
srhbRajvi: If it's not RAM, it's probably some disk related hardware error. Either way, IO errors are usually not caused by software.09:46
RajviI used the disk utility to  write zeros09:47
srhbRajvi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/24579409:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 245794 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Errno 5] Input/Output Error during Live CD Installation " [Undecided,Confirmed]09:47
srhbRajvi: Sound familiar? Might want to look through the responses, most were fixed by removing some RAM blocks.09:48
srhbRajvi: Other than that, check your disks for errors.09:48
RajviI feels like after even recreating, deleteing the partions, some datablocks are still stuck09:48
srhbRajvi: Yes, that's not the way to go about it.09:48
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srhbRajvi: You could make one great big partition on the relevant drive and fsck it.09:49
RajviYeah, that what i m gonna do09:50
srhbRajvi: badblocks would also be a good thing to try09:50
srhb(fsck -c will do that for you)09:50
srhbRajvi: Mind, if it does happen to find bad blocks, those will be marked in inodes, so you lose that protection once the partition is rmeoved.09:51
Rajvithanks lemme do a memtest fisrt09:51
srhbEr, filesystem, not partition.09:51
srhbRajvi: Also be sure to check your installation media. :)09:52
RajviI have tried to resize partion change to different formats , still i think we have something always in lost+found09:52
RajviThe installation mdia is good i tried from a cd, also a usb stick09:53
lee_how can I pass the password to the  "sudo apt-get install curl"                 myVersion is echo "passworld"|sudo apt-get install curl    ,but it doest work09:54
srhblee_: Ouch! Why would you do that?09:54
ehscorphi all i guess i found solution09:55
ehscorpfor the bin file execution09:55
ehscorpsudo apt-get install lib32gcc109:55
ehscorpthis solves the issue now am able to run a bin file09:55
lee_srhb, I want to do a alias09:55
srhblee_: If you really want to do that, check out the -S option, but be aware that you're doing it wrong. :P09:56
srhblee_: What you really want to do is make a script with the setuid bit set, I bet.09:58
srhbWell, binary really.09:58
lee_srhb,  yeah09:59
lee_srhb, it works ;  but when I  use the  git clone https://....    and how can I pass the password?10:06
srhblee_: Passing passwords is an ugly security hole, do you really need it? Can't you just prompt for it?10:06
vishal_Hi All!10:08
notwistvishal_: heyo10:08
swiftkeyhello there10:08
vishal_I have been facing a problem with Ubuntu12.04 desktop10:08
swiftkeyme as well10:08
swiftkeyi dont have icons on my desktop10:08
swiftkeybut im able to login10:08
swiftkeywhat would be the issue ?10:08
srhbswiftkey: Isn't that normal?10:09
gratefulfroganyone able to help with a wifi problem on the realtek RTL8191SEvA ?10:09
srhbswiftkey: I don't believe there are any icons on the desktop to begin with.10:09
srhbgratefulfrog: Maybe, ask your question.10:09
superkuhIs it possible to use the AMD Catalyst 12.x graphics drivers on Ubuntu 10.04?10:10
vishal_Earlier when I used to launch terminal, it did not require to source /etc/environment (until the file is updated without resetting my login session) but since last few days this is now required everytime10:10
swiftkeyi mean after upgrade10:10
swiftkeyno panel10:10
gratefulfrogsrhb: I lose thewifi connection during heavy traffic, any ideas how to fix it? Works perfectly when I boot from WIN710:10
swiftkeyi just recently upgraded from 9 to 1210:10
srhbswiftkey: Does it appear when you press the super key?10:10
swiftkeywhats the super key ?10:10
snikkercan you help me to boot win xp on the second drive? i'm using grub2 under quantal10:11
RajviI have Error 5 I/0 while installing. I did some toubleshooting memtest disappoints me :( lot of errors. This there a way to correct this!10:11
superkuhAsking on #ubuntu is like throwing a bottle with a message into the ocean. Only the bottle doesn't have a cap.10:12
vishal_anyone has the solution?10:12
swiftkeynone for the super key10:12
Rajvisrhb: i m back10:13
TeknoJucerunning with no gui, is there a way to input to the console that the person would be standing at remotely so they could watch what you are doing.10:13
srhbRajvi: Your have defective RAM.10:13
srhbswiftkey: Difficult to tell, at least for me since I'm not sure what happens during such a "far" upgrade.10:13
RajviOkay, i agreed any way to fix It just a 2 months old10:14
srhbswiftkey: You're sure unity is selected in the login panel?10:14
srhbRajvi: Sure, yell at whoever sold it to you to fix it. :)10:14
lynx7os5heheh, purging grub :p10:14
RajviHeheh Thanks bro !! Do u think windows would still install on it. I m asking what the stupid technicians would do is to install windows10:15
TeknoJuceis there any way to connect to the consoles tty so the user sitting at it can see what you are typing  if you want to show them something10:16
srhbRajvi: You should not rely on a computer with defective RAM for anything, you risk corrupting all your data.10:16
vekonjacan someone help me with http://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1785510:16
srhbRajvi: If you have more than one block, you can try removing one of them and check if the other is fine with memtest10:16
RajviYeah i have two blocks lemme remove one10:17
srhbTeknoJuce: Try reading from one of the tty devices10:17
RajviThanks for ur help. I work for Intuit/Quicken. If anyone u r family etc needs help shout at me10:18
srhbTeknoJuce: The command tty will give you the terminal device10:18
srhbRajvi: Good luck10:18
vishal_is any one having solution to my problem -10:18
vishal_Earlier when I used to launch terminal, it did not require to source /etc/environment (until the file is updated without resetting my login session) but since last few days this is now required everytime10:18
srhbTeknoJuce: You can read from that to see what is being typed10:18
TeknoJuceI want to input into it10:18
srhbTeknoJuce: You can do that, too.10:19
TeknoJuceso the person at the console can see what I am remotly typing10:19
lynx7os5aptitude search grub, can someone tell me what the 'pi' down the left means please?10:19
srhbTeknoJuce: echo "This is the right command" > /dev/pts/0 -- if pts0 is the one tty output on the remote side10:19
lynx7os5er wait a sec..10:19
lynx7os5ah, got it, man pages :S10:21
swiftkeyhold on10:21
swiftkeywhat does unity means ?10:21
vishal_is any one having solution to my problem -  Earlier when I used to launch terminal, it did not require to source /etc/environment (until the file is updated without resetting my login session) but since last few days this is now required everytime10:21
swiftkeywhere can i see that ?10:21
swiftkeyim just a regular user10:21
saTTYnothing unity10:21
swiftkeyafter upgrade10:21
swiftkeyno panels10:21
swiftkeyno right click10:21
saTTYandroirc : sounds male10:21
FloodBot1uebas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:22
gratefulfroganyone know how to setup wicd?10:23
notwist!op uebas is spamming10:24
FloodBot1uebas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:24
TeknoJucethanks srhb how would you find out if that was the correct pts besides being at the physical terminal10:25
TeknoJuceas when I did that it just echo'd it in my ssh session10:25
srhbTeknoJuce: I wouldn't10:26
srhbTeknoJuce: Ask the person you're helping to run tty. :)10:26
TeknoJucewell should I be seening the echo myself?10:27
srhbTeknoJuce: I'm not sure what you're asking.10:27
TeknoJuceI am logged onto the server via putty the user currently isnt at the terminal just wanted to get this figured out before I show them something10:28
TeknoJucewhen I ran you command it just echo'd it back to me10:29
srhbTeknoJuce: use w10:29
TeknoJuceI would personally expect it to show nothing10:29
srhbTeknoJuce: Yes, sounds like you were redirecting to your own terminal10:29
TeknoJuceso if pts0 is my terminal how would I find the other terminals? is there like an lspts or something10:30
srhbTeknoJuce: w10:30
srhbTeknoJuce: Shows you logged in users and their ttys10:30
lee_srhb, you're right.  And I found a solution   git clone https://username:password@hostname/username/projectname        it works10:30
TeknoJuceah srhb nobody is logged on as I rebooted the machine :/10:31
TeknoJuceso guess I wont be able to figure this one out10:31
srhbTeknoJuce: You want to send to a terminal that doesn't exist... No, you can't figure that one out. :P10:31
TeknoJucethanks for the nfo srhb10:32
srhbTeknoJuce: You're welcome.10:32
srhblee_: Ideally you'd use the ssh protocol to grab the clone and have your key stored on the server so no password is required.10:33
srhblee_: You can also look up credential helper10:33
srhblee_: man gitcredentials10:34
TeknoJuceis there a comman/way to force the local console pty to login remotely?10:35
=== hi is now known as ubuntu_girl
ubuntu_girlhello room, can ne1 help me , i cannot adjust brigtness on laptop , ubuntu 10.0410:36
Gyro54I have a 12.04 computer which locks up while streaming music on Firefox? Does this nearly every day?10:36
ubuntu_girlcannot adjust brigtness on laptop , ubuntu 10.04 , "cannot get laptop panel brightness"10:36
solancerubuntu_girl: lol10:38
solancer"ubuntu_girl: lol"10:38
solancer"ubuntu_girl: lol"10:38
ubuntu_girlsolancer whats so funny?10:38
MeanEYEAnyone knows how I can get charge % for my UPS from command line?10:38
ubuntu_girlcannot adjust brigtness on laptop , ubuntu 10.04 , "cannot get laptop panel brightness"?10:38
sgtjoykillerubuntu_girl: use function keys?10:40
solancerubuntu_girl: lol10:40
ubuntu_girlfunction keys don't work for bringtness solancer10:41
ubuntu_girland stop laughing at me :)10:41
srhbTeknoJuce: No easy way no, since the processes would be tied to the terminal you open, including the shell process10:41
TeknoJuceok thanks -last ditch effort ;)10:41
srhbTeknoJuce: Wait for your user to login before offering to help. :)10:42
sgtjoykillerubuntu_girl: this is just the applet hey?10:42
yhushaok so after doing some brute forcing all of a sudden the wifi wont work tried ifconfig wla0 down/up the signal connects to the router and it shows connected but no browsers work 3 of them ever come across such a thing10:42
ubuntu_girlsgtjoykiller applet also not working if i click slider nothig happens10:42
ubuntu_girlit says cannot get laptop panel brightness10:43
ubuntu_girli am googling it for past half hour10:43
ubuntu_girland feeling a headache due to increased brightness10:43
sgtjoykillerubuntu_girl: jst ajusst in power managment10:43
ubuntu_girl10.04 it is not present in power management10:43
srhbubuntu_girl: The problem is laptop specific, you'd probably get better results by asking in Ubuntu Answers with the specific model.10:44
sgtjoykillerubuntu_girl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/59774510:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 597745 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Brightness Applet: "Cannot get laptop panel brightness"" [Low,Expired]10:44
ubuntu_girlsrhb ubuntu Answers? u mean askubuntu.com10:44
srhbubuntu_girl: Sorry, I meant this one: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu10:45
ubuntu_girl$ cat /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness10:45
ubuntu_girlcat: /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness: No such file or directory   sgtjoykiller10:45
yhushais there some sort of defense that anybodies aware of that zaps browsers10:46
ubuntu_girlOMG my eyes will pop out,better go on windows for this10:46
TeknoJuceif I have no gui installed how do I findout what resolution the terminal is running at?10:48
rhumbothi all, im trying to run a jnlp file on ubuntu 12.10. whenever i tell him to open with firefox it asks again what program should be used to open it?10:48
sgtjoykillerubuntu_girl: see http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/92045010:48
ubuntu_girlthanks sgtjoykiller let me check10:48
ubuntu_girlsgtjoykiller no info on this link :(10:49
srhbubuntu_girl: You're probably short a kernel module, better go to the link I directed you to in order to solve your problem.10:52
=== txthinking is now known as Guest27208
srhbTeknoJuce: The console?10:54
ubuntu_girlthxnk srhb i have added question there https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/21706310:55
TeknoJuceI have a vga to tv device hooked up to the videocard out putting to the tv, I wasnt getting anything on it so I was wonder if the res when it boots up was too high10:56
srhbTeknoJuce: You might want to check with the fbset tool. fbset -i I think10:56
TeknoJucethe max res the device supports is 1024x76810:56
TeknoJucethough the tv might not support that high as well10:57
TeknoJuceso maybe 640x480 or 800x60010:57
srhbTeknoJuce: Set it in /etc/default/grub if you're running a recent Ubuntu.10:59
sgtjoykillerubuntu_girl:  see hear http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=287796211:00
TeknoJucesrhb is there a way to show what the current res is set to11:01
TeknoJucefor grub11:01
TeknoJucethat file has a command in it to set it but its commented out11:02
mshHi every body . How I can update ubuntu 12.04?11:02
TeknoJuceso just wondering what its currently set to11:02
srhbTeknoJuce: No, but you can do something like hwinfo --framebuffer11:02
TeknoJuce Config Status: cfg=new, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown11:04
TeknoJuceguessing it would say the res where active is?11:05
srhbTeknoJuce: Yes, I would have thought so as well11:05
mshI am ne to ubuntu 12.04 how can i update ?11:06
TeknoJuceoh well I will just force it down to 640x480 and see what happens11:06
TeknoJucein the grub file11:06
Noriandirhi. I'm having a problem with adding a new resolution to my screen (that is incorrectly detected as 1024x768)11:07
AndrzejJestem prawdziwy Andrzej11:08
DJones!pl | Andrzej11:08
ubottuAndrzej: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:08
AndrzejA ja nie11:08
Andrzejchuja w dupe11:08
AndrzejI'm looking for some girls11:08
Andrzej!pl kutas11:08
Andrzej!pl Mam na imię Andrzej11:09
ubottuAndrzej: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
DJonesAndrzej: THis is a suport channel, not a dating channel11:09
AndrzejTo chuj Ci w dupe11:09
Andrzej!pl | Andrzej dupa dupa11:09
ubottuAndrzej dupa dupa: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:09
Error404NotFoundBesides ssh what other options do i have to tunnel couple of ports from my local machine to a server available via static live ip?11:10
rootbothi all11:10
srhbError404NotFound: ssh is a nice lightweight solution, for more robustness you could go full-fledged VPN11:11
sgtjoykillerError404NotFound: various VPN prots11:11
fr4w4Hello bro11:14
BluesKajHey all11:17
JustSomeGuyhi im using ubuntu 12.04 and cant shutdown when i run /usr/lib/indicator-session/gtk-logout-helper --shutdown i get the dialog and can press shutdown/reboot but i just land back at lightdm where i also cant reboot/shutdown (which worked before i logged in)11:17
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JustSomeGuywhen i run sudo reboot in the terminal everything works fine and ubuntu reboot the computer11:17
BluesKajJustSomeGuy, try sudo halt11:18
sgtjoykillersudo shutdown now?11:18
JustSomeGuyBluesKaj, yeah that works fine too i just cant reboot with the normal applet that comes with unity11:18
srhbJustSomeGuy: I experienced this with the ATI driver, didn't find a fix.11:19
Error404NotFoundautossh ftw. Keeping tunnels up and running. Found it just when i was about to write a custom script.11:19
BluesKajJustSomeGuy, can't help there , I'm a KDE guy11:19
JustSomeGuysrhb, hmh im using the buildin intel gpu :/11:19
srhbError404NotFound: Heh thanks, I might use that as well instead of my custom scripts.11:20
Error404NotFoundsrhb: you're welcome11:21
lolcatHow can I install ALL the packages?11:22
sgtjoykillerlolcat: what packages?11:23
srhblolcat: You can't. And you shouldn't.11:23
lolcatI tried doing apt-get install e*11:23
srhblolcat: Several packages are mutually exclusive.11:23
lolcatbut it says there are conflicts11:23
srhblolcat: Yes.11:23
lolcatCan I do --force or something?11:23
srhblolcat: Don't do that. :P11:23
srhblolcat: No.11:24
srhblolcat: It would break your system.11:24
JustSomeGuylolcat, why would you like to do that?11:25
lolcatSo that I have everything I need11:25
rollitupI am using a dual boot desktop Win 7 & Ubuntu 12.04 , Today i mistakingly hit the software update button in Ubuntu, the update crashed abruptly so I had to reboot the desktop but after rebooting i get this error error:  no such partition grub rescue>11:25
sgtjoykillerlolcat: oh ALL as in ALL...... u would start running into conflicts pretty soon i shot think11:25
rollitupsomeone suggested to do a Grub reinstall11:25
srhblolcat: Install all the things you need instead :P11:25
rollitupso i prepared a Live USB stick11:25
rollitupbooted using the Live stick and now dunnow how to go forward11:26
rollitupany tips11:26
JustSomeGuylolcat, just install the the software you need and the package manager will take care of the rest (installing dependencies etc.)11:26
rollitupI hope i can get my desktop in just the way it was working prior to this update11:26
sgtjoykillerrollitup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101470811:31
rollitupthanks sgtjoykiller11:33
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sgtjoykillerrollitup: np.... remember google is your friend11:34
rollitupyes true, but i fear that in the process i really don't want to go into reinstalling windows 7 again11:34
libpenguinhow to see installed packages on system ?11:37
sgtjoykillerlibpenguin: dpkg -l11:38
srhblibpenguin: dpkg --get-selections11:38
Guest40432hi guys, i have a configured pppoe connection on a pc with ubuntu 10.10 on it, but it wont connect... it says never connected... i have 3 network adapters in the pc, all configured in some sort of way, the connection should use eth2... should i put that adapter on DHCP?11:42
Guest40432how can i do that? i have only ssh access to the pc, no monitor on it, no keyboard no mouse...11:42
sgtjoykillerGuest40432: u can set to use DHCP by editing in /etc/network/interfaces11:46
BluesKaj!cn | gaoyaodi11:46
ubottugaoyaodi: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:46
srhbInterestingly, if you _could_ install all packages in Quantal, it would only take up a bit less than 150GB11:47
BlackDalekI want to copy everything from computer1@ to computer2 (this computer) /usr/share using scp... what is the correct syntax to copy everything including subdirectories but skipping existing files?11:47
srhbBlackDalek: Use rsync and --ignore-existing11:50
BluesKajsounds contradictory11:51
srhbBluesKaj: Why?11:51
BluesKajcopy everything , but skip existing files ?11:51
srhbBluesKaj: Well, it could have been worded better. "copy all files that do not exist on the receiving end" :P11:51
srhbStill it was semantically correct.11:52
BluesKajsrhb, ok , I suspected that , but one can never be sure11:52
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: i've set it to dhcp, runned command :sudo ifdown eth011:52
BluesKajsemantically coorect is a contradiction in terms as well :)11:53
BlackDaleksrhb, "rsync --ignore-existing computer1@* /usr/share/" <-- does that look correct?11:53
BluesKajcorrect that is11:53
srhbBluesKaj: Oh, is it?11:53
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: now im restarting the pc, hopefully it will start to connect over pppoe11:53
dr_willisi need to learn rsync more.  i have 2 hard drives with a video collection, one is a backup. i need to figure out a nice way to be sure changes to the 'master' get applied to the copy.11:53
srhbBlackDalek: I think you'll need some more options on there to be sure.11:53
srhbBlackDalek: At the very least for recursion.11:54
sgtjoykillerGuest40432: no need to restart, jst bring it back up "sudo ifup eth0"11:54
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: if there is a DSL connection pppoe and eth2 is set now to dhp, it should work, right?11:54
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: i had to restart it cause it cuted off the connection with ssh11:54
BlackDaleksrhb, "rsync -r --ignore-existing computer1@* /usr/share/" <-- how about that?11:54
BlackDalekwould that work?11:55
srhbBlackDalek: Probably getting close. You're not going to get me to take responsibility for a command without you reading the manual page. :)11:55
srhbBlackDalek: I think you'd rather use the path /usr/share on both sides though, without the asterisk11:55
BlackDalekthe manual confuses me :)11:55
BlackDalekah ok11:56
srhbBlackDalek: At least read the options that you're putting on and see if that feels correct to you.11:56
srhbBlackDalek: And try a dry run with -n first11:56
BlackDalekSometimes, the options aren't immediately obvious even after reading... especially if I am not familiar with all the terminology used11:57
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: it looks like it didnt connected to internet11:57
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: im wondering why..11:57
srhbBlackDalek: Then I guess you can cross your fingers and hope you don't hose your system because of some idiot on the internet giving you wrong advice. :-) Do a backup!11:57
sgtjoykillerGuest40432: did your provider give u a static ip to use when configoring?11:58
BlackDaleksrhb, the source computer IS the backup... the destination is not so important as it is fresh/clean install11:58
Guest40432sgtjoykiller: they told us that we will have a static ip, but via dhcp, probably static dhcp11:58
BluesKajGuest40432, do you have network manager installed on the ssh'd pc ?11:59
Guest40432BluesKaj: yes, i do have11:59
BlackDaleksrhb, so if the system is destroyed by following wrong advice, it's no big problem ;)11:59
srhbBlackDalek: Follow my possibly wrong advice then :-)11:59
ktfHi All, i have a server which had redhat installed (and working), I wiped it, and installed ubuntu 12.04, but now the network is not working correctly.... the eth0 interface is there and configured, but when I tcpdump on eth0, I can ONLY see broadcast traffic (i.e. STP from the switches), ping to/from the box does not work.12:00
BluesKajGuest40432, network manager has to be setup to a static IP afaik , altho I haven't used it in yrs12:00
srhbBlackDalek: You could probably get away with the -a option to preserve ownership as well, but I think that's unimportant for /usr/share12:00
=== yavor is now known as y4h0
BlackDaleksrhb, it says -a is for "archive" though...12:01
sgtjoykillerBlueEagle: he wants 2 use DHCP12:01
srhbBlackDalek: Right, which just preserves a lot of thing. I found out my advice was wrong, by the way12:02
srhbBlackDalek: You need the trailing slash on the source, but not the destination. (That always confuses me)12:02
Guest40432BluesKaj: im going to the place where this pc is12:02
srhbBlackDalek: (otherwise you would get /usr/share/share)12:02
Guest40432i will be back from there to further instructions guys, i need to make this to work12:03
Guest40432be right back12:03
sgtjoykillerGuest40432: can i c your /etc/network/interfaces please12:03
BlackDaleksrhb, ah ok - that is probably where I went wrong last time... Last time I tried, I ended up copying over 400Gb of data from a 120Gb disk...12:03
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MrWibblesfor software developers, if they have ubuntu set up with all of their core libraries etc.. do they need root access to their machine or not?12:06
BluesKajsgtjoykiller,then network manager could be a problem , might be better of with setting up /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head , and removing neywork manager , and let the interfaces file set up his internet connection12:06
cornfeeddoes anyone know what package owns vbeinfo12:07
cornfeedthe livecd seems to have vbetool, but that does not seem to be what I am looking for12:08
Martin_cornfeed: $ dpkg-query -S vbeinfo12:08
Martin_no sorry, it's not what you want.12:09
notwistMrWibbles: depends entirely on what they are supposed to do with the machine12:09
cornfeedyeah that searches for package names12:09
srhbMartin_: You are probably thinking of apt-fie12:09
srhbMartin_: apt-file*12:10
notwistMrWibbles: they should be able to write/read their own files and compile without root, so they don't need root for something like that12:10
Martin_srhb: yes apt-file12:10
cornfeedbut if you have a command that reverses figures out a binary to the package that owns it, i need to know this commang12:10
MrWibblesnotwist:run ruby, install ruby gems, run unit tests, develop code, test code, test code in the browser12:10
cornfeedi will check it out, thanks!12:10
MrWibblesnottwist:i've got one developer being adamant they need root.. but i can't see where12:10
cornfeedMartin_: soo...which package owns apt-file :-[12:11
sgtjoykillerBluesKaj: i dont think this is nesercry at this point12:11
srhbcornfeed: apt-file12:11
notwistMrWibbles: im not sure if ruby gems are installed in the userspace, but if they are no root is required12:11
cornfeedyeah the live cd does not contain that binary12:11
cornfeedsrhb: ^12:11
MrWibblesthey are installed in ruby space12:11
notwistMrWibbles: if you don't give developers root you (or someone with root) should be available to install stuff for them when they need it12:11
Martin_sudo apt-get install apt-file12:12
srhbcornfeed: No, but it's in the packages online. :)12:12
notwistMrWibbles: otherwise the work might stall completely12:12
MrWibblesyeah exactly12:12
cornfeedMartin_: yeah i just tried that12:12
cornfeedhmm brb12:12
MrWibblessenior developers12:12
MrWibblescan install software12:12
notwistMrWibbles: if someone is around to approve installation of new software, giving root to everyone is a bad idea, it should be approved first12:12
HamtenHi all12:12
bhaveshYou can create a desktop shortcut by dragging apps from unity menu but when I am using GNOME shell, how do I create desktop shortcuts?12:12
MrWibblesnottwist: excellent12:12
notwistMrWibbles: so give someone who has a clue what they are doing root access and let everyone else go through that person12:12
Martin_cornfeed: anyway $ apt-file search vbeinfo returns nothing12:12
notwistMrWibbles: that way you also have one person responsible if everything burns up12:13
HamtenHow to add chinese surpport in debianm12:13
MrWibblesnotwist:i love it12:13
MrWibblesit's good, we had the developers run havok with the production servers12:13
MrWibblesso we had to remove their access12:13
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MrWibblesand now i'm wondering if it's a good idea on their own machines12:13
MrWibblesthen we can also automate updates and backups12:13
notwistMrWibbles: developers should develop in their userspace with the tools they are given, if they need other tools they should request them12:14
sgtjoykillerGuest40432: g2g bbl see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:14
sgtjoykillercya guys12:14
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notwistMrWibbles: well, you can do _a lot_ in Linux without root acces... so it's usually better to think by default that people shouldn't have it until they can prove otherwise12:14
=== Guest16588 is now known as Someguy123
bhaveshHow do you create desktop shortcuts (icons) on gnome shell in Ubuntu 12.10?12:15
srhbnotwist, MrWibbles: It strikes me that it should not be impossible to restrict to passwordless apt-get install'ing12:15
notwistMrWibbles: you have to understand though that from a security point of view you can never make sure someone doesnt have root if they have physical access12:15
MrWibblesnotwist:yeah.. i think you can12:16
MrWibblesfull disk encryption12:16
MrWibblesTPM chip and checksums12:16
MrWibblesunless they can root the box12:16
MrWibblesusing some known exploit12:16
Martin_cornfeed: vbeinfo is a GRUB command12:17
notwistMrWibbles: what does full disk encryption have to do with anything12:19
notwistMrWibbles: if you dont give them the key they cant use the computer12:19
MrWibblesmeans you can't take the hdd12:19
MrWibblesand mount it12:19
notwistSo how are they supposed to work?12:19
MrWibbleswith external tools12:19
MrWibblesthe TPM chip stores the encryption key12:19
MrWibblesso they can boot the machine up12:20
notwistAnd the TPM chip isn't readable if you boot from USB for example?12:20
MrWibblesnah.. it's never readable12:20
notwistIf the computer can decrypt the drive on startup, why can't a secondary OS decrypt it if you have physical access?12:20
MrWibblesbecause you've locked all that down in the bios12:21
designerhhello every body!12:21
MrWibblesand you can't add additional devices12:21
notwistMrWibbles: the bios can be reset if you have physical access to the device12:21
EaglemanResetting my password fails in mysql:  http://pastebin.com/MmtzprbC12:21
designerhhave a good day12:21
MrWibblesnotwist:then the compute rwon't boot12:21
MrWibblesbecause then the PCR registers will be different12:22
designerhi have a problem with Ubuntu 12-1012:22
cornfeedMartin_: yeah my livecd was not using apt properly or something. i ended up with the same no result too in the end...thanks for the help though12:23
notwistMrWibbles: im just saying, I still cant see how it's technically impossible for another OS to spoof the drive into thinking that it's a normal boot12:23
designerhwhen i am clicked on dash home commuter hanged up12:23
notwistMrWibbles: if you can get read/write access to the drive in any way, which you need to use it at all, you can exploit it12:24
MrWibblesyou can't write to it12:24
MrWibblesok.. so you turn the computer on12:24
notwistMrWibbles: you can't write anything to it period?12:24
MrWibblesyou can... but it's all encyrpted12:24
MrWibblesso if you write anything12:24
designerhpleas any solve to this problem12:24
MrWibblesyou'll screw it up12:24
MrWibblesthe TCM decrypts and runs the tools12:24
FloodBot1MrWibbles: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
designerhpleas any solve to this problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:25
MrWibblesthe tools then checks the registeres on the bios to see if anything has changes.. if anything has changed.. it doesn't decrypt and boot the drive12:25
notwistMrWibbles: look, I realize it's encrypted, I'm not completely lost here. What I'm saying is that I don't see how it's impossible for a third party OS (custom Linux or whatever) to play the role of a normal boot sequence and get access to the drive that way, like a normal input/output sequence that would happen when you boot it12:25
MrWibblesfor you to boot, you have to have two things.. 1. you need the TCM chip  and 2. you need to know the exact configuration of everything in the bios including the bios password12:26
MrWibblesif you don't have either of those... you can't decrypt the drive.12:26
notwistMrWibbles: Ok, so why is it impossible for another device to 1) read the BIOS contents 2) use this to decrypt the drive 3) do whatever12:26
MrWibblesnotwist: because the TPM chips have been specifically designed so that you can't12:27
designerhpleas  ,when i am clicked on dash home commuter hanged up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:27
notwistdesignerh: and if you restart it?12:27
designerhwhat can  i do to solve ?12:28
notwistMrWibbles: fine, I freely admit I don't know enough about how it works but I have a hard time understanding why [BIOS] - [HDD] cant be interrupted like [BIOS] - [Malicious device] - [HDD]12:28
notwistdesignerh: you can start by actually describing your problem. if you computer just hangs, try restarting it. does it hang again?12:28
marsfligthWhy Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit after xx mins blank screen even if has been set to stay always on? It does the same on another my Computer with the same OS. Thanks12:29
designerhyes, when i clicked on dash home12:29
MrWibblesnotwist: yeah i don't understand either.. i'm in the investigation stage.. this is how somoene i know is trying to make military computers secure from state attacks12:29
MrWibblesnotwist: also we are going to lock the computers into cages under the desk12:30
notwistMrWibbles: the only thing I know is that when you get down to the physical defense of your data the only thing that makes it harder (but not impossible) is basically gluing everything so you cant interrupt signals anywhere12:30
notwistMrWibbles: how come you trust your developers so little by the way :)12:31
notwistdesignerh: backup all your stuff, reinstall ubuntu. will save you a load of time12:31
notwistdesignerh: if you've done sane partitioning you don't even have to backup stuff since /home/ should be a separate partition12:31
MrWibblesnotwist: in china.. it's quite common for software/other research to be stolen by other companies for the purposes of a) stealing b)sabotaging12:31
MrWibblesand one of those ways is by sending developers in12:32
MrWibblesalso .. this shit is fun :D12:32
notwistMrWibbles: I see, that sucks. Well, in that case, you def. should restrict root access :) dont forget to modify permissions so that reading other peoples files isnt possible either12:32
MrWibbleswe're actually mainly doing it, because we have to give our clients machines with full copies of our software on it12:32
MrWibblesand running... thats the main reason12:32
notwistMrWibbles: so, they don't have internet access?12:33
MrWibblesso we won't even have the devices in our possesion12:33
MrWibblesnotwist: 80 and 44312:33
GrubTroubleHello, can someone tell me please how to hide a partition in the grub entries when booting?, I already tried google, tried chmod -x on the file in the grub.d, tried to comment lines in the grub.cfg, always update-grub after making changes, and no results12:33
notwistMrWibbles: well, how are you going to prevent leaks12:33
MrWibblesand that goes to a VPN we run12:33
notwistMrWibbles: you can SSH out from 44312:33
MrWibblesnah.. easy to detect12:33
MrWibblesyou'd need some shit to cloak it.. maybe something like openvpn12:33
notwistcloak what? that its SSH traffic?12:34
MrWibblesyeah.. you can detect it12:34
MrWibblesand openvpn would require root access on the machine12:34
notwisti saw some software posted just today on reddit where you can have a host answer on 443 and act as a webserver while still allowing ssh on the same port12:34
notwistyou can also tunnel SSH over HTTPS: http://dag.wieers.com/howto/ssh-http-tunneling/12:35
MrWibblesour current vpn has to do all sorts of crazy stuff12:35
MrWibblesnow that is intersting12:35
notwistso if you would do that, i suppose leaking your software could be done12:35
MrWibblesbunch of these protections + alarms12:36
MrWibbles.. what's the chance they are going to get through on their first try :)12:36
dr_willisGrubTrouble: what partitiin?12:36
MrWibblesnotwist: i bookmarked that shit.. is awesome :D12:37
notwistdepending on the size of your software i think one of the first alarms i would set is for bandwidth usage12:37
GrubTroubledr_willis:  we work with an operating system for disabled people12:37
GrubTroublecalled f12312:37
MrWibblesnotwist: yeah we thought of that.. just for uploads12:37
GrubTroublewe need to hide it because we give pendrives with many solutions and we need to hide this12:37
notwistGrubTrouble: I would say dont run update-grub. You can update the grub config manually instead (scripts)12:37
MrWibblesyeah.. also12:37
df_hello everyone! I've just installed Ubuntu 12.10 and really enjoying it, but still experiencing some problems. Firstly, why I can't access to /media/username now? Because it's owned by root/root with 750 permission, but why I had fully access earlier?12:38
MrWibblesthey wouldn't be able to run any command line stuff12:38
MrWibblesbecause we'd have logs12:38
BlessJahhi, i've got BearPaw 2448 CU Pro  scanner that isn't supported by sane, is there any way to get it working under ubuntu?12:38
MrWibblesso they'd have to do it all from within a web-browser12:38
GrubTroublenotwist:  do u have these scripts12:38
notwistMrWibbles: well depending on if they care about staying the next day or not and how often you check the logs, it might not matter :p12:38
GrubTroublenotwist:  im not programmer,thats my problem12:38
notwistGrubTrouble: lol no, hire someone who can make them12:38
MrWibblesnotwsit: true. yeah12:38
MrWibbleswe'll have to think about it12:38
dr_willisGrubTrouble: so what  fileststem is this os using?12:38
MrWibblesbut them not having root is a damn good start12:38
notwistMrWibbles: haha, yeah id say12:39
GrubTroubledr_willis:  ext412:39
notwistMrWibbles: you might even want to consider a completely offline environment to avoid leaks12:39
notwistMrWibbles: because if you12:39
notwist're online, you can send whatever you wasnt12:39
MrWibblesnah can't do that12:39
MrWibbleshit's productivity way too much12:39
MrWibblesthey need the internet12:39
notwistMrWibbles: well all of it doesnt need to be online. again, senior dev can have access, all other devs go through that one12:39
dr_willisGrubTrouble: so its seeign the ext4 and a  linux kernel?12:39
MrWibblesnotwist: good point12:40
MrWibblesdo junior devs need internet....12:40
notwistMrWibbles: if they need documentation, they can get it from him, etc12:40
MrWibblesnotwist: all the docs will be on their computers12:40
notwistMrWibbles: if its high security stuff, offline environments are standard12:40
GrubTroubledr_willis:  the current im using 3.2.0-31-generic, the one of the system i want to hide 2.6.x12:40
vilahi all !12:40
notwistMrWibbles: dont forget to glue the USB ports, good luck ;)12:40
GrubTroubledr_willis:  they are on the same pendrive12:40
MrWibblesnotwist: disable in bios12:40
notwistvila: hey12:40
notwistMrWibbles: doesnt hurt to be redundant12:41
vilaafter upgrading my precise desktop this morning (new kernel 3.2.0-35), I lost network connectivity :-/12:41
MrWibblesnotwist: yeah.. but i might want them12:41
notwistMrWibbles: you can always install extra usb ports later12:41
nori1hi guys,12:41
vilaI restored eth0 with ifdown/ifup (!!) but still lack dns. Does that ring any bell ?12:41
MrWibblesbios switch off is good enough12:41
nori1im back with my pppoe and eth2 problem12:41
MrWibblesif they reset bios.. they can't do anything anyway12:41
vilaI also tried reverting to 3.2.0.-33 which properly configure eth0 but the dns issue is still there12:42
GrubTroublevila: u edited resolv.conf,right?, how u get connected?12:43
notwistvila: try setting DNS manually12:43
notwistvila: google is great and has
vilaGrubTrouble: I touched nothing, just update, reboot12:43
GrubTroublevila,  nano /etc/resolv.conf and add your dns12:43
GrubTroubleprovided by ur ISP vila12:44
notwistGrubTrouble vila honestly id recommend googles dns first of all, isp dnses can be down12:44
vilaI get the dns from dhcp which is working fine from *this* desktop (which is also running precise and 3.2.0-35 8-/)12:44
notwistGrubTrouble vila if it works with Googles DNS manually and not with automatic DNS config, somethings wrong with the auto dns fetching so atleast you know that12:45
GrubTroublevila:  well, something isnt working, setting ur dns in the resolv wont make u problems, but maybe try to set the default gateway so, and dhclient or dhcpd12:45
GrubTroubleif u refuse to add them12:45
GrubTroublewell,someone can help me with grub please?,yesterday i tried from 9:30 till 17:30 and couldnt get it working12:46
vilaGrubTrouble: setting 'nameserver' in resolv.conf is not better12:46
notwistGrubTrouble: please explain why you necessarily NEED to run grub updates to begin with12:47
notwistvila: I wrote that to you, not GrubTrouble12:47
vilanotwist: gha, sorry ;-/12:47
GrubTroublevila: no12:47
GrubTroublevila: ur dns provided by ur isp12:47
notwistvila: what do you mean its "not better"? also, try pinging ip-adresses12:47
notwist173.194.67.100 should be Google12:47
GrubTroublenotwist:  because google manuals says it12:47
notwistGrubTrouble: say what?12:48
vilaping'ing ip on my lan works (even .local works)12:48
GrubTroublevila: just leave two lines nameserver firstdnsnumber12:48
GrubTroubleand nameserver secondnds12:48
notwistvila: and pinging external ips? if that doesnt work, its not a dns problem12:48
GrubTroublenotwist:  that after editing or making changes y must update-grub12:48
GrubTroubleotherwise changes wont be saved12:48
BlessJahanyone willing to help with unsupported by sane mustek bearpaw 2448 cu pro?12:48
GrubTroubleI also tried without saving and no difference notwist12:48
GrubTroublenotwist:  i downloaded grub-customizor but it seems new version cant hide partitions like the olds did12:49
notwistok.. well im not familiar with hiding partitions in grub, sorry12:49
vilawow, can't ping outside my network ! Wth ? Never saw that...12:49
kpmi nee a tool that i can split a subtitle from a movie12:49
notwistvila: so its a routing problem. gl hf :P12:49
kpma CLI too12:49
* vila tries to reboot the router12:49
PeanutHi folks - when I boot my machine, I get the graphical login, but after entering username/password, I get a black screen for a few seconds, then I'm back at the login prompt. I have plenty of diskspace, can log in fine over the VTs, where to look?12:50
vilanaaah, pinging external ips works from *this* desktop so the router is ok12:50
GrubTroublevila http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/6236/dns1m.jpg here an example,just sustitute these numbers for ur own dns12:50
dr_williskpm:  depends on how the subtitle is in the video file. but ffmpeg, or mencoder may be able to do it. their faq's have lots of examples12:51
PeanutThis is Ubuntu 12.04LTS by the way, Unity desktop.12:51
notwistvila: that conclusion makes no sense.12:51
GrubTroublevila:  pining ip has nothing todo with dns12:51
notwistvila: one node working does not mean that all nodes must be working12:51
kpmthanks dr_willis12:51
vilanotwist: one node sending packets through the router means the router works, the issue is on the other desktop12:51
notwistvila: 99 % of people have shitty routers under $50, they can give you all kinds of weird errors that disappear with a reboot12:52
notwistvila: im not saying i know your router is causing this, but your conclusion makes no sense and you should step away from it12:52
GrubTroubledid u try what we told u before?12:53
notwistvila: routers suddenly not accepting _new_ nodes why old ones still work is one of the most classic weird errors you get from cheap routers, it can be cause by full buffers and god knows what12:53
GrubTroubleHello, can someone tell me please how to hide a partition in the grub entries when booting?, I already tried google, tried chmod -x on the file in the grub.d, tried to comment lines in the grub.cfg, always update-grub after making changes, and no results12:54
vilanotwist: well, the router is also the adsl modem, provided by the isp, worked 24/7 for the last... years and my laptop also on the same lan works, I rebooted the router this morning nevertheless but since only a single node is failing, I can't reboot the router endlessly without visible change no ?12:54
TranshumanistCan anybody recommend a good, reasonably cheap home router? Extra points for one that plays extra well with wireless mesh networking.12:54
notwistvila: does it give out local ips? did your non-working computer get a local ip? in that case, nothing is wrong between your NIC and your router12:54
TranshumanistBelow $300 USD. Preferably Broadcom12:55
notwistvila: if you have a local ip, can ping other local ips but you are denied access to the net that is almost certainly the router doing that12:55
GrubTroubleTranshumanist:  Cisco LInksys routers are very cheap and good12:55
YokoBRhey guys, i was using postfix, but then i accidentally installed sendmail and now postfix doesn't work anymore :( Something about write permission i/o error12:55
dr_willisTranshumanist:  check the revie2ws at the smallnetbuilder type web sites12:55
notwistvila: the only other conclusion would be that the NIC in that computer is blocking non-local ips and that makes no sense unless you configured it that way12:55
notwistTranshumanist: whats you requirement on ethernet throughput12:55
GrubTroubleTranshumanist:  well,it costs around 30 dollars in  uruguay12:56
TranshumanistI'd prefer 1 Gbps12:56
researcher123I am unable to open system setting12:56
Transhumanistmy country is rolling out fibre-to-the-home and it will soon be 1 Gbps12:56
GrubTroubleim unable to hide a grub entry12:56
notwistTranshumanist: if you're ok with about 60 Mbit throughput and want a cheap, awesome linux router with great meshing capability and custom firmwares, WRT54G is the kalashnikov of the router world12:56
vilanotwist: not configured that way but is hosting vms with their own mac addresses so my router (also the dhcp server) give them proper local ips too12:56
GrubTroubleTranshumanist:  where r u from12:56
notwistTranshumanist: otherwise just get more expensive linksys/cisco variants12:56
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  the hardcore way would be to edit the grub.cfg file. but youre not really supposed to do that12:57
notwistvila: the point stands, they get a local ip so the router is doing its job12:57
TranshumanistI'm from Australia12:57
ActionParsnipnotwist: can you ping
vilaeth1 is not plugged at all12:57
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  this entry is for the whole os? or just a single kernel on the os?12:57
Transhumanistnotwist: cheers. I'll probably grab that then. It sounds cool.12:58
Transhumanistdoes it support OpenWRT?12:58
GrubTroubledr_willis:  a whole os12:58
GrubTroubledr_willis:  an additional ubuntu12:58
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  so how do you ever boot it?12:58
notwistTranshumanist: i think so, check their page12:58
researcher123how to set time & date?12:58
notwistActionParsnip: yes I can12:58
ActionParsnipnotwist: but you get no web pages?12:59
notwistActionParsnip: why would I? its a dns server12:59
vilanotwist: not sure I follow which point you're talking about, the broken host also get a local ip from the dhcp server12:59
GrubTroubledr_willis:  start the computer, and choose among the  f123,this ubuntu i want to hide, the ubuntu im using, and there is a third one which only is used to clone and restore12:59
ActionParsnipnotwist: sounded like you weren't getting web access on the box12:59
GrubTroubledr_willis:  they are located in different partitions12:59
notwistActionParsnip: i havent even asked a question here so im think you misunderstanding something12:59
ActionParsnipnotwist: likely :)13:00
YokoBRi was using postfix, but then i accidentally installed sendmail and now postfix doesn't work anymore :( Something about write permission i/o error13:00
notwistvila: any idea why you have a br0?13:00
researcher123I cant see system setting13:00
vilanotwist: qemu-kvm IIRC13:00
PeanutIs there a way to nuke the whole Unity configuration? I have a 12.04 box, and when I log in, I get a black screen and a few seconds later, I'm back at the login prompt. But when I create a new user, that user can log in just fine.13:01
GrubTroubleYokoBR:  copy paste the error then we can try to help u13:01
GrubTroublepastebin.com YokoBR13:01
dr_willisGrubTrouble: editing the grub.cfg  should work then. if its the os-prober file thats adding the entry you could disable os-prober. or edit the os-prober script to skip that entry.   the grub.cfg file will state if it was os-prober that added the entry or not13:01
TranshumanistPeanut: I had that problem too. Moving to 12.10 fixed it.13:02
notwistvila: well i have no idea, sounds like some local configuration is blocking internet access13:02
Transhumanist(it was recurrent across multiple computers)13:02
notwistvila: maybe some firewall setting, i dunno13:02
dr_willisPeanut:  deleate or rename/move the various config files in the users home.13:02
vilanotwist: no worries, thanks for the help13:02
GrubTroubledr_willis:  if i have two os prober, can i disable only one of them?13:02
Peanutdr_willis: thanks - what are those config files though? (please note I can only google through Lynx at the moment..)13:02
nokiahosthello guys13:03
PeanutTranshumanist: great solution, but a bit scary ;-)13:03
sgt_haggerHey guys, anyway to make banshee sort by track order?13:03
notwistPeanut: just back it all up. Send all hidden folders to a tar.gz file, then delete them13:03
dr_willisPeanut:  just look at them. move them ALL to a backup directory ;) move them back later13:03
neckconanyone have any idea why when I install ubuntu along side of vista...there is no side bar? msg me13:03
notwistneckcon: wubi13:03
notwistneckcon: or wait what, sidebar?13:04
researcher123system setting button stopped working13:04
notwistneckcon: also, dont request /msg - write in the channel13:04
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  theres only the one os_prober script called via the /etc/grub.d/##_scripts that i know of13:04
neckconok thx...yes wubi13:04
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neckconthere is nothing there on the desktop except the bar at the top13:05
notwistneckcon: so?13:05
neckconhow do I get the side bar with firefox, spreedsheet, write, ect13:05
nokiahostwhqts up ?13:06
notwistneckcon: unity? you might have chosen to start without it13:06
sgt_haggerbecause it has the track numbers, so it should be able to sort correctly surely?13:06
notwistneckcon: is this what you are seeing http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/gnome-classic-in-ubuntu-12-04-its-like-nothing-ever-changed13:06
researcher123when I click System Setting I dont get anything on screen13:07
nokiahostu do not see settings aplet?13:07
dr_willisheh.. except the gnome fallback has a lot of little differances then the actial gnome213:08
dr_willisjust enough to confuse people13:08
GrubTroubledr_willis: now u say, i tried to do chmod -x os_prober13:08
GrubTroubledr_willis:  do u know another way to disable it?13:08
neckconlike the 3rd image down that page. No home folder, firefox, ect... and nothing but the bar at the top that says Ubuntu Desktop13:08
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  it would not be 'os_prober'  but /etc/grub.d/30_os_prober  (or whatever its called)13:08
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  IF its that 30_os-prober thats adding the entry13:09
notwistneckcon: look at "From the Unity Greeter select the ‘GNOME Classic’ session and login.13:09
GrubTroubledr_willis:  13_os-prober-proxy13:09
notwistneckcon: see if you can change that to something else than gnome classic, if that is your choice now13:09
notwistneckcon: try "ubuntu"13:09
GrubTroubledr_willis:  and i have 15_os-prober_proxy  too13:09
GrubTroubleyes dr_willis13:09
neckconI am trying to us Ubuntu 12.1013:09
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  i dont have any of those.13:10
dr_willisrun them  as a test and they should print what they add to the grub.cfg13:11
GrubTroubledr_willis:  thats what I have, can  I pastebin u?13:12
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dr_willisGrubTrouble:  im on my phone, so cant read a lot of huge posts easially13:13
vilanotwist: good hint ! ifdown br0 ; ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth0 ; et viola, everything is working... now it's time to cleanup this br0/lxcbr0/virbr0 mess...13:14
sogeking99Hey guys, anyway to sort banshee by track order? Because it has the track numbers listed in the track column, so surely it can do it?13:14
PeanutSolved! I had an .Xauthority-file in my homedir that was owned by root.13:14
vilanotwist: i.e. I still don't know why it broke but at least I can restore some sanity and investigate13:14
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  you basically need to figure out what script is adding ghe entrys you dont want and make it not executable. (or move it out of the grub.d directory)13:15
ActionParsnipPeanut: if you run GUI apps with sudo, that happens13:15
ActionParsnipPeanut: its why gksudo exists13:15
GrubTroubledr_willis:  u mean by moving these os_prober out the directory can i solve it?13:16
notwistvila: sounds like internet is working with eth0 but not via br0, thats usually where i get stuck every time i try to set up a bridge, followed by me deleting br0 again and everything working fine13:16
GrubTroubledr_willis:  im not programmer, making a script is out of my possibilities13:16
dr_willisGrubTrouble:  IF those are the ones adding it.. run them and look what entries they create13:16
notwistGrubTrouble: do you think people are born programmers?13:16
dr_willisyou are not making a script.. you are seeing what the scripts  do13:17
vilanotwist: right, so, now all my kvm-based vms are broken ;)13:17
GrubTroubledr_willis:  thank u, good idea13:17
sogeking99anyone know?13:17
notwistvila: they probably go through the bridge.. i have no idea, i dont know jack about kvm13:17
GrubTroubledr_willis:  but both scripts  create two entries,two partitions, sda2 and sda3, while i only want to hide the sda313:17
asdklasfghi! i am in sort of a trouble,  there is an ubuntu server with apache2 (should be running, installed by somebody who was there before me),  but httpd process isnt running and when i try to start it, i get "command not found".  everything in /etc/apache2 seems fine.  Million thanks for some help13:18
vilanotwist: ifup br0 ; and they are working again, so it's probably an ordering issue, eth0 should come up before br0 or everything breaks13:18
vilanotwist: any idea if there is a way to express that kind of ordering dependency ? (Bah, let's ask google first)13:18
notwistvila: no idea13:19
notwistvila: it might be as simple as "br0 needs a working interface to binds to on startup"13:19
GrubTroubleasdklasfg: find / -name "*httpd*"13:19
GrubTroublenotwist:  well, im not too smart13:20
notwistasdklasfg: check out /etc/init.d/apache2 or similar13:20
GrubTroubleto learn13:20
notwistGrubTrouble: you dont need to be smart, you just need patience13:20
Peanutasdklasfg: How are you trying to start it, which command gives 'command not found' ?13:20
GrubTroublenotwist: i disagree, to program u must be very smart, and a very logical brain13:20
GrubTroublemathematical think13:20
notwistGrubTrouble: saying you have an illogical brain is a self fulfilling prophecy and a defeatist attitude13:21
notwistGrubTrouble: logic isnt magic, anyone can learn it13:21
srhbGrubTrouble: I'm neither particularly mathematically inclined, nor very smart, but I program just fine. It's just practice.13:21
GrubTroubleasdklasfg: apache2 -S13:21
GrubTroublesrhb:  notwist  well,yesterday i made my first script,only a menu to restore...13:22
GrubTroubleor clone13:22
GrubTroublebut just look at the fucking grub.cfg, its like c or harder, what code is that?13:22
PiciGrubTrouble: Please mind your language here.13:23
srhbGrubTrouble: Many configuration files follow different syntaxes, but once you've seen some of them, it gets easy to adjust to new ones.13:23
GrubTroublewell, LILO was very easy13:23
GrubTroubleevery user could edit it, newbies included13:24
srhbGrubTrouble: LILO was quite a lot simpler than Grub. Complexity comes with a cost.13:24
notwistGrubTrouble: everything is confusing when you dont know it, so thats why you learn it to make it not confusing13:24
asdklasfgPeanut: httpd13:25
notwistGrubTrouble: grub.cfg is a shell script by the way so if you read up on those it will become clear13:25
notwistGrubTrouble: http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html#mozTocId54224313:25
GrubTroublesrhb:  notwist  im from yesterday morning with this,tried grubs official solution,and unofficial by editing the grub.cfg13:25
McQueenhi, how can i learn which applications are starting after ubuntu logon13:25
asdklasfgPeanut: and it is not in init.d (thats the list of processes to start after system starts right?)13:25
GrubTroublenotwist:  commeting the script did not help13:26
Peanutasdklasfg: try /etc/init.d/apache2 start13:26
asdklasfgGrubTrouble: find / -name "*httpd*" didnt find a thing:)13:26
elena-IKis there a way to make multimedia keys work while the screen is locked? my volume keys only bring up the password dialog but don't change the volume.13:26
GrubTroubleasdklasfg:  what about Apache2 -S?13:27
morkoasdklasfg: my ubuntu is running apache2 just fine and there is no process called httpd13:27
GrubTroubleasdklasfg:  morko  is right13:28
Peanutasdklasfg: you can also do: dpkg -l |grep apache2 - this should give you a number of packages, at least these: apache2, apache2-utils, apache2.2-bin, apache2.2-common13:28
GrubTroubleill be back13:28
McQueenhi, how can i learn which applications are autostarting after ubuntu login13:28
GrubTroublelike superman after doomsdayś fight13:28
paradoxicalin older versions you had httpd2 as process13:28
paradoxicalnow it's apache213:29
dr_willisMcQueen:  look in .config/autorun 9or autostart.  and /etc/xdg/autoatart (i think)13:29
morkoasdklasfg: i start the apache2 with upstream?13:29
morkoasdklasfg: service apache2 start13:29
morkoor something13:29
sogeking99Hey guys, anyway to sort banshee by track order? Because it has the track numbers listed in the track column, so surely it can do it?13:29
asdklasfgGrubTrouble: that gives back "bad user name {APACHE_RUN_USER}"13:29
McQueendr_willis, thanks, looking...13:29
morkoupstream or upstart whatever13:29
notwistmorko asdklasfg both "sevice apache2 start" and "/etc/init.d/apache2 start" should start apache2 if installed13:30
paradoxicalsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start13:30
morkoupstart it is13:30
YokoBRGrubTrouble, Dec 18 10:44:03 gateway postfix/master[6467]: fatal: bind port 25: Address already in use13:30
paradoxicalyou have to run apache2 as root, it will fall back in its own mode13:30
morkomaybe he is missing the $ sign front of {APACHE_RUN_USER} in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf13:32
morkobecause it prints like that13:33
neckconOkay, I have installed Ubuntu 12.10 and now 12.04. Both times I get nothing on the desktop except for the black bar at the top that says "Ubuntu Desktop". I am using the wubi installer with windows vista13:33
asdklasfgnotwist:  /etc/init.d/apache2 start did work! thanks much13:33
paradoxicalmaybe you should try lighttpd, much easier13:34
neckconI can hover over the black bar at the top and the words will change to "File" ect... and there are icons at the right hand side of the bar showing keyboard, speakers. ...and shutdown13:34
Estreptococoi cant install Ubuntu . Ive got a Raid0 ( 2x cricual m4 120gb for windows 8) and another HDD (120 gb for ubuntu)13:35
neckconbut there is no sidebar showing "home", "Firefox" ect... any ideaas?13:35
Estreptococoand my grub dont appear13:35
aboudreaulthey I'm getting this ssh error: sshd[4653]: Public key 73:53:99:60:2e:ee:97:a6:8d:97:9c:78:96:36:28:ea blacklisted13:35
YokoBRwell guys, my port 25 is binded to sendmail, that's why my postfix won't start. How can i change it ? sendmail- 13631 root    3u  IPv4 62467555      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:smtp (LISTEN)13:35
aboudreaultI tried to generated a new pair... but it always blacklist it.13:36
paradoxicalneckon, maybe try and install gnome13:36
paradoxicalor xfce and login with one of those shells13:37
paradoxicalim not too fond of unity myelf13:37
neckconparadoxical: How do I do that13:37
paradoxicalsudo apt-get install xfce13:37
GrubTroubleim back13:37
paradoxicalreboot, and when loggin in choose for XFCE as shell13:37
sogeking99Could anyone help me?13:38
asdklasfgnotwist: now it would be sweet if it started on startup. file apache2 is already in init.d13:38
paradoxicalif you want gnome13:38
paradoxicalsudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome313:38
paradoxicalsudo apt-get update13:38
paradoxicalsudo apt-get install gnome-shell13:38
neckconparadoxical: Once I login it goes straight to the desktop13:38
FloodBot1paradoxical: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
dr_willisgnome-shell is in the newer releases default repos13:38
paradoxicalif im correct, you will get to choose.. you can always choose to logoff otherwuse13:39
paradoxicalohh nice dr willis, i did not know that13:39
GrubTroubleYokoBR: someone with ur problem said " reinstall both sendmail and postfix and then stop sendmail on all levels - it worked out! I can now send emails! Thanks!"13:39
dr_willisbeen that way for the last 2-3 releases13:39
paradoxicalwell im still stuck on an old release ;)13:39
YokoBRGrubtrouble, thank you, i've killed sendmail's proccess and restarted postfix.. Hope it longs forever :)13:40
GrubTroubleYokoBR:  me too13:41
morkoasdklasfg: when you tried to start apache2 with "sudo service apache2 start" did it give you this "bad user name {APACHE_RUN_USER}"?13:42
paradoxicalmorko: i think it worked for him13:42
escottaboudreault, what key is blacklisted. the user key, the server key?13:42
fedorHi to everyone, I wanted to know if there is a way to install fEcofin in R. However I was trying I couldn't do it. Here and there error messages have been popping up. Help please13:42
Eaglemani made a directory in /var/run/headphones but when i restart the pc the directory does not exist anymore when i start it up aigan13:43
aboudreaultescott, the user key. the server blacklist it13:43
GrubTroublecan someone help me to hide a grub entry at boot?, these are my grub.d, tried to remove them exec permissions, tried to comment the grub.cfg  with not luck...http://pastebin.com/ua6yfHJD13:43
morkoparadoxical: yea obviously he got it running but i dont think ubuntu uses init.d anymore for example starting services at bootup?13:43
aboudreaultescott, always... whatever the pair I use13:43
escottaboudreault, so the fingerprint that is blacklisted is changing13:43
aboudreaultescott, yes13:43
Eaglemani made a directory in /var/run/headphones but when i restart the pc the directory does not exist anymore any idea what removes it or is everything removed in /var/run up on reboot?13:44
morkoparadoxical: might be my bad english, but i understood that he only got it running with init.d script13:44
asdklasfgmorko: service command not found,  but "/etc/init.d/apache2 start" worked13:44
escottaboudreault, can you manually check your key against the blacklist with ssh-vulnkey and verify it passes13:44
paradoxicalmorko: hmmm i have no idea to be honest, im still on lts release that is old. but after you install it, it is auto configged to run @ startup so..13:44
asdklasfgmorko: and it also looks like it is still on after reboting13:45
morkoasdklasfg: ah ok. nevermind then :)13:45
dr_willisEagleman:  why are you makeing that? yes /run/ is like a special dynamic directory13:45
paradoxicalmorko: and you have to run it as sudo or it will not work13:45
Eaglemandr_willis becuase the program creates a file in there13:46
Eaglemanbut it runs as another user than root13:46
morkoparadoxical: yea i will leave everyone alone now :)13:46
domiehttp://imagebin.org/239808 any clues on why those vertical lines appear when switching viewports? they are vertical only when switching viewports horizontally, diagonally they are oblique and vertically the artifacts are different13:46
dr_willisEagleman:  a work around would be to make the directory from rc.local on bootup i guess13:47
aboudreaultescott, doesn't look to pass. I genereted it with ssh-keygen -t rsa13:47
Eaglemanmy other programs like sickbeard also do something in /var/run13:47
Eaglemanbut their folder wont get deleted13:47
escottaboudreault, do you have enough entropy13:47
Eaglemanthey run as the same user13:47
escottaboudreault, cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail13:48
aboudreaultescott, 16913:48
escottaboudreault, thats weird. unless you are running the old debian version you shouldn't be consistently generating a vulnerable key13:50
aboudreaultescott, will try to generate my key somewhere else.13:51
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aboudreaultescott, it worked. thanks!13:55
escottaboudreault, something is very messed up with your other ssh installation. i wouldn't trust it13:56
aboudreaultescott, it's a old ubuntu hardy13:57
lucidohello, I'm getting 100 precent cpu usage on the firefox process13:58
elena-IKis there a way to make multimedia keys work while the screen is locked? my volume keys only bring up the password dialog but don't change the volume.13:59
lucidoelena-IK, hardly possible14:00
elena-IKlucido: k, thanks14:00
nico__i cant play vcd's... it alwys says that vlc cannot read the file...14:00
lucidoelena-IK, http://askubuntu.com/questions/122903/how-to-allow-key-functions-while-desktop-locked14:01
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elena-IKlucido: thanks again14:03
MultiplyIs there a smart way to (when pressing a keybinding) to show a specific window based on it's title, or something, and when pressing it again, hiding it?14:03
MultiplyI kinda want to show, and focus a hidden gnome-terminal that's fullscreen, and when clicking the same keybind, hide it.14:04
iamwhoiamMultiply: something like the guake terminal with f12?14:05
escott!info guake | Multiply14:05
ubottuMultiply: guake (source: guake): Drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-3 (quantal), package size 110 kB, installed size 836 kB14:05
MultiplyI'll check it out.14:05
Multiply(Does it behave somewhat like gnome-terminal?)14:05
watchtowerwhat is encryption like on ubuntu14:06
iamwhoiamMultiply: what do u mean? what does the gnome-terminal have that you are worried if guake also has it or not?14:06
iamwhoiamMultiply: it is a nice emulator..14:07
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory14:07
Multiplyiamwhoiam: Nothing, really. It's just I'd hate to get used to new keybindings.14:07
iamwhoiamMultiply: no, its ok... it has eg multiple tabs etc that if you want you may choose to use..14:07
paulbankshow can i locate files in my hard drive through thunar on a live dvd session ?14:07
watchtowerOk thanks14:07
lucidothis script is causing 100 percent cpu usage on my system, why is that?  http://ad.adverticum.net/g3.js:1414:07
nico__i cant play vcd's... it alwys says that vlc cannot read the file...can anyone help me?14:07
elena-IKMultiply: keybindings are configurable14:08
dr_willispaulbanks:  find command  is one way...14:08
sideeffecti've got a question about internet protocolls, do i understand this corectly:14:09
sideeffecti'm sending an email for example through outlook. That mail contains information. The information is splitted into packages. Each package gets an „attachement“ this attachement is into the OSI-layers. Where each layer is one of that OSI layers. So one layer would have the adress, where the package has to be sent to. On layer cantains information whith which programm the package should be oppened, and so on and so on?????14:09
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somsipsideeffect: that doesn't seem to have anything to do with ubuntu. You're in the ubuntu support channel...14:11
Multiplyiamwhoiam: Is there a way to make it go to a different monitor, by default?14:11
iamwhoiamMultiply: hmm.. i have no idea.. from its preferences i dont think so, but you can probably do it by starting it from eg a script and specify the monitor14:12
iamwhoiamMultiply: DISPLAY=0,1(?) etc etc14:12
Multiplyiamwhoiam: It seems it like a feature for version 0.5.014:14
Hiob10hiobHi, will some Ubuntu 12.10 feutures backported to 12.04?14:15
iamwhoiamMultiply: perhaps check this : http://guake.org/ticket/27014:16
sideeffecti'm sending an email for example through outlook. That mail contains information. The information is splitted into packages. Each package gets an „attachement“ this attachement is into the OSI-layers. Where each layer is one of that OSI layers. So one layer would have the adress, where the package has to be sent to. On layer cantains information whith which programm the package should be oppened, and so on and so on?????14:16
llutzsideeffect: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model14:18
sideeffecti understand what the layers are and to, but i cant imagine how to put it togehther with the protocols14:18
llutzsideeffect: well, reading your question i doubt you understand the layers14:19
nicholashave a unity/ubuntu question?14:20
sideeffectok, what exactly are the layers for14:22
iamwhoiamlol, thats your unity/ubuntu question?14:22
Pumpkin-_if this is OSI network layers, try asking ##networking14:22
nicholasubuntu doesn't adjust my fans if my computer heats up (every other distro does) is that unity14:23
watchtowerWhat netwoking enviroment  do you suggest i use shall i use virtulization or maybe running it with xorg with ubuntu 12.10 what would you suggest i am going to run a server and it it going to be used as a media server for files (eg. music files) and maybe a website at a later date what do you guys suggest14:24
srhbnicholas: Doubtfully.14:24
nicholascan i doo something about it?14:24
smacktalkmy laptop keeps crashing using the latest version of ubuntu...it was crashing with win 7 too..What's a good diagnostics package?  How do I read the crash logs?14:24
watchtower What netwoking enviroment  do you suggest i use shall i use virtulization or maybe running it with xorg with ubuntu 12.10 what would you suggest i am going to run a server and it it going to be used as a media server for files (eg. music files) and maybe a website at a later date what do you guys suggest14:25
f9messagecan i burn an .iso image to a usb flash drive that i formatted into ntfs?14:28
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EdenOnEarthhello all: can anyone recommend  a good bash scripting chat room?14:30
jribEdenOnEarth: #bash14:30
Hiob10hiobHi, will some Ubuntu 12.10 feutures backported to 12.04?14:31
srhbHiob10hiob: Yes. "Some"14:32
lucidothis script is causing 100 percent cpu usage on my system, why is that?  http://ad.adverticum.net/g3.js:1414:32
Hiob10hiobis there a source of this information?14:32
srhbHiob10hiob: Nope.14:33
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snikkerhen i try to boot windows xp with grub2 i've got  a "disk read error occurred. press ctrl-alt-del" win boot fine if disconnect linux disk. can you help me to boot win xp on the second drive?14:38
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watchtowerwhere can i find ubuntu virtulization14:44
srhbwatchtower: Do you want virtualized Ubuntu or do you want to virtualize things within Ubuntu? What's your use-case?14:45
narwhalHi, I was hoping to dual boot Windows 7, and have the ISO to install it- what is a good program to use in Ubuntu to make a startup ISO Image?14:46
ZabrienI am running 12.10 with classic gnome (no effects). How can I add a "menu" to a panel where I can put various files which will then be opened in their default viewer when selected?14:46
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watchtowerHI i wanted to run a virtulized enviroment for my server to manage my file storage i already have the server im just looking for the right thing to run it14:47
NickwizWhere is message queue for notify-send?14:47
Nickwiznotify-send frequently stops working. But works for other users as root14:48
Nickwizthere is no notes in /var/log it is simply mute. Manually executing /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daeamon has no effect14:49
dr_williswatchtower:  you mean like virtualbox?14:49
RealOptyinstalling a kernel update, it freezes during install, when doing dpkg --configure -a it still freezes, also caused a kernel panic or ooops is it called?14:49
RealOptyany suggestions on reversing the package?14:50
sgtkilljoyspamy in hear14:53
smacktalki keep getting the error ubuntu 12.10 has experienced an internal error message...how do I get more information on what he error was about?  Is there a log?14:53
Nickwizrunning a strace I see there is a lot of "recv(6, 0x92afa10, 4096, 0)             = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)" lines.14:54
watchtowerWhat do you recommend for running my server like ubuntu server windows server etc.. and shall i run it with virtulization or with a graphcial enviroment14:54
Nickwiz(on the daemon)14:55
JasperCoenraatscould anyone tell how I change my personal directory/map to another one, on another partition?15:00
llutz!home | JasperCoenraats15:01
ubottuJasperCoenraats: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving15:01
JasperCoenraatsI already have the partion15:02
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JasperCoenraatsIt is just that I want Linux to understand where to save the files made in e.g LibreOffice15:02
snikker|2when i try to boot windows xp with grub2 i've got  a "disk read error" it boot fine if disconnect linux disk. can you help me to boot win xp on the second drive?15:03
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nashantHi guys15:03
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llutzJasperCoenraats: libreoffice - options -pathes15:03
nashantI tried making a live usb with live-usb-install, but every time I run 'try without installing' my screen just goes black and I get a 'no signal' message. Any idea why this might be?15:04
Nortiohttp://hackfacebookaccount.org/?ref=834810 is how to hack fb acc15:04
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Guest54427guys, ive downloaded ubuntu 12.10 now, and i want to burn it to a cd but the image is bigger then a cd space15:05
Guest54427it has 753.3MB15:05
rollitupi was using Windows  and ubuntu 12.04 dual boot and today when i okayed for some software updates which lead to some error and then when i rebooted i am unable to get the grub screen  just the error message15:05
sgtkilljoyJasperCoenraats: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving15:05
llutzGuest54427: you'll need a dvd15:05
szxis it safe to set PATH in ~/.pam_environment?15:05
rollitupso i tried booting using the Live ubuntu stick15:05
rollitupinstalled boot-repair15:05
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Guest54427llutz: but that is not a cd image iso?15:05
rollitupran it a few times with no sucess15:05
surialWhen I hit the sleep button on my ubuntu 12.10 foxconn nettop box, it goes to sleep. If I try to wake it up, it'll wake up, I'll see the screen for about 5 seconds, and then it'll go right back to sleep. The only way out is to hard-shutdown and restart it. How would I go about finding out what the heck is going on?15:06
JasperCoenraatsllutz: I have been there, but what can I fill in as path?15:06
sgtkilljoyGuest54427: u can use a usb flash drive15:06
rollitupI am totally stumped after struggling to get the system back and running since past 24 hrs15:06
llutzGuest54427: its an iso, burn it on cd (800mb), dvd or write to usb15:06
rollitupsgtkilljoy: I also tried the article you posted but still get the same grub error15:06
llutzJasperCoenraats: whereever you mounted your partition, fill in the path you want15:06
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JasperCoenraatsI just want the partition "data" to be the path15:07
sgtkilljoyrollitup: sorry can u remind me of the problem15:07
Guest54427llutz: ok, thanks, i will try to dvd, i thought it cant be burned onto dvd if its a cd image15:07
llutzGuest54427: no problem, its all just iso966015:08
rollitupi cannot get to the grub screen where i can choose to boot between Ubuntu and Windows 715:08
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rollitupit gives a blank screen withe grub error message15:08
rollitupi tried Boot-repair but no sucess also tried reinstalling grub15:08
rollitupi see the Ubuntu partition and the windows partition coz i hadn't deleted it this issue occured after i clicked on to do some software updates in ubuntu15:09
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watchtowerThank you and goodnight ca ching15:10
sgtkilljoyrollitup: tyired holding shift during boot?15:10
rollitupyes i tried holiding left shift as suggested in one of the articles15:11
rollitupi used boot-repair thrice till now15:12
sgtkilljoyrollitup: oh error what error15:12
JasperCoenraatsllutz: it seems like I don't see anything called DATA, but there definitly is a partition called so15:12
ZabrienI am running 12.10 with classic gnome (no effects). How can I add a "menu" to a panel where I can put various files which will then be opened in their default viewer when selected? Specifically, I would like to use it for fast access to some .pdf files15:13
rollitupsgtkilljoy: GRUB - error : no such partition grub rescue >15:13
YokoBRhi guys, i'm not recieving emails with php mail() + postfix... any ideas?15:13
llutzJasperCoenraats: you have to mount it, add an entry to /etc/fstab15:14
JasperCoenraatsI don't know what "to mount"meens15:15
Guest54427guys, now after i burned the iso, some call trace appeared, with panic+ some memory address15:15
vilanotwist: ftr, the fix for me was http://paste.ubuntu.com/1447709/15:15
sgtkilljoyrollitup: u tyried update-grub?15:15
Guest54427vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)15:15
vilanotwist: i.e. if I want to use dhcp for br0 I shouldn't request it for eth0...15:15
JasperCoenraatsllutz: got it. It was behind media15:15
k1l!mount JasperCoenraats15:16
researcher123I am unable to write CD from banshee media player15:16
rollitupi did but i can try that again15:16
k1l!mount | JasperCoenraats15:16
ubottuJasperCoenraats: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:16
vilanotwist: this has worked across 2 reboots so far15:16
vilanotwist: so, once again, thanks, without your suggestion I wouldn't have dig there...15:16
notwistvila: glad to hear you solved it :)15:17
crypticmofolooking for a simple linux install for my wife15:17
crypticmofosomething that works right out of the box15:18
nashantI tried making a live usb with live-usb-install, but every time I run 'try without installing' my screen just goes black and I get a 'no signal' message. Any idea why this might be?15:18
vilanotwist: joy should be shared, makes everybody happier ;)15:18
crypticmofoi have a ubuntu 8 cd15:18
notwistvila: what command do you use to compare text files like that?15:19
bazhangcrypticmofo, thats end of life. download the latest.15:19
notwistcrypticmofo: is it an old box?15:19
crypticmofoyea but gnomeshell will be crazy for her15:19
crypticmofoyes old box15:19
notwistcrypticmofo: look up linux mint lxde, or xubuntu15:20
bazhangcrypticmofo, then choose something else. show some live cd's15:20
vilanotwist: I keep my /etc tree under version control with bzr and some hacks, etckeeper is said to automate but I had this setup long ago15:20
crypticmofocoo thanks15:20
notwistcrypticmofo: http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_lisa_lxde_whatsnew.php < I always use this for people who have 1) old comps 2) an old windows habit15:20
bazhangnotwist, dont recommend MINT here, its not supported15:20
notwistbazhang: I can recommend whatever I want15:20
Septimacrypticmofo: i use xubuntu and like it15:20
bazhangnotwist, not in this channel15:20
notwistbazhang: please refer me to the rules stating that15:20
bazhangnotwist, this is ubuntu support, NOT mint support.15:21
Guest54427guys, what is this kernel panic - not ssyncing : VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown15:21
notwistbazhang: you cant refer me to the rules so I'm going to continue to assume that you're trolling15:21
k1l!mint | notwist15:21
ubottunotwist: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:21
notwistthat is _NOT_ the same thing as "you are not allowed to recommend linux mint"15:21
notwistnoone is asking for support15:22
nobodyimportanthow is it that i booted a LiveUSB and it has clearly loaded the files from a casper-rw file, but the casper-rw file isn't mounted and everything now appears to be on the ramdisk?15:23
dr_willisGuest54427:  id  try the boot-repair tool from a live cd.15:23
dr_willis!fixgrub | Guest5442715:24
ubottuGuest54427: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:24
surialWhen I hit the sleep button on my ubuntu 12.10 foxconn nettop box, it goes to sleep. If I try to wake it up, it'll wake up, I'll see the screen for about 5 seconds, and then it'll go right back to sleep. The only way out is to hard-shutdown and restart it. How would I go about finding out what the heck is going on?15:24
suriala command-line triggered suspend works perfectly fine.15:24
Guest54427dr_willis: thank you15:24
Septimais boot-repair on the live cd? i wasn't aware of that... learned something awesome today15:24
notwistsurial: correct me if im wrong but wasnt sleep/suspend removed because of problems like that?15:25
dr_willisSeptima:  you have to add a ppa and install it.15:25
notwistsurial: i'd almost recommend just shutting it down instead of suspending15:25
Guest54427dr_willis: the main problem is that it doesnt even give me the option, but i will try to do that15:25
dr_willisSeptima:  or get the multi-arch boot-repair live cd15:25
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surialnotwist: There's a physical button on the device.15:26
notwistsurial: so?15:26
surialThis is going out to users.15:26
surialWho will press it.15:26
surialand will then call me in panic.15:26
notwistsurial: then you disable it.15:26
surialI attempted to do this in dconf-editor. This does nothing.15:26
surialI'm half-tempted to get in there with a pair of scissors and cut the cable....15:26
notwistsurial: i dont know enough about this to help you but since it actually _does_ something its detected, so you should be able to change what it actually does to nothing15:27
surialoh, wait, it's off now.15:27
surialor.. no, it's not. nevermind.15:27
surialRight. I'm afraid that somehow maybe the BIOS is doing it. is dconf-editor even the plae to be?15:27
Guest54427dr_willis: im running memtest right now from the live cd, and ts stuck on test #1 23%.. it means i have memory issues?15:28
SeptimaGuest33213: probably not, unless it stays stuck for a long time15:28
noob2anyone gotten intel 910 ssd's working with ubuntu 12.10?  i installed 9 cards and only 1 is detected15:28
notwistsurial: should be able to disable it in the bios then15:29
dr_willisGuest54427:  could be. dirty, bad, not seated fully.15:29
noob2i'm scratching my head on this one15:29
notwistsurial: if its not there, see if bios updates are available and if that function has been added. sometime sthats the case15:29
Guest54427Septima: i tried to install windows on it before, and it failed with bluescreen, brand new laptop... integrated memory..15:29
HorizonXPis there a way to have an Upstart script run when a particular wireless connection is established?15:29
Guest54427dr_willis: memory is integrated on the mainboard15:29
sgtkilljoyim my experance ram issues can b solved by reseating more oftern then not15:30
Guest54427dr_willis: but what is the chance of taking a virus and having a broken boot section?15:30
notwistHorizonXP: a dirty way of doing it could be running a script every five minutes or so with an if-statement looking if its enabled or not15:30
dr_willisGuest54427:  a virus? slim to nont...15:31
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dr_willisGuest54427:  boot-repair tool can rewrite the mbr15:31
sgtkilljoywhat laptop make/model?15:31
SeptimaGuest33213: the drive manufacturer makes tools that can completely reset the drive like new15:32
researcher123why I cant open brasero disk burner?15:32
llutzHorizonXP: http://www.techytalk.info/start-script-on-network-manager-successful-connection/15:32
dr_willisresearcher123:  run it from terminal, look for error messages15:33
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sgtkilljoyresearcher123: details?15:34
surialHow the heck do I turn a hardware button off? I tried everything dconf-editor and nothing works.15:34
sgtkilljoyresearcher123: not much 2 go on there15:34
HorizonXPnotwist: that's really dirty15:34
researcher123dr_willis: I got this message "(brasero:8256): WARNING **: An instance of Brasero is already running, exiting"15:34
HorizonXPllutz: that sounds like a good start, but how can I check the SSID I'm connected to?15:35
b14d3surial: What button is it?15:35
surialsuspend or hibernate. A little moon icon is on it.15:35
surialit starts blinking once the machine is suspended.15:35
b14d3surial: Alright, where is it?15:35
llutzHorizonXP:one way: let the script check iwconfig output15:35
surialpressing it does two things: (A) it correctly suspends the machine, and (B) when the machine is awake again, after about 2 seconds, it'll sleep. again. and again. and again.15:35
surialb14d3: Immediately below the power button.15:35
surialWhich I _CAN_ disable with dconf-editor.15:35
b14d3surial: So on the tower?15:36
morsnowskidoes anyone know a good app for voice control?15:36
b14d3surial: Why don't you just disconnect it from the mobo?15:36
surialit's a nettop box.15:36
llutzHorizonXP: you might read further into networkmanager, maybe it has that info somewhere15:36
surialThe only way I can disconnect it from the motherboard is with a knife.15:36
surialWhich I'm starting to consider as a potential option....15:36
HorizonXPllutz: iwconfig is what came to mind first for me too15:36
HorizonXPllutz: i'll look at the NM docs15:36
llutzHorizonXP: like "SSID=$(iwconfig $1 | grep ESSID | cut -d":" -f2 | sed -e 's/"//g') "15:37
llutzHorizonXP: if [ "$SSID" = "myimportantwifinet" ]; then  ... do something15:37
HorizonXPllutz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/13963/call-script-after-connecting-to-a-wireless-network15:38
chozpehello, i'm getting these errors http://pastie.org/5547823 when trying to install mono-complete from (deb http://debian.meebey.net/experimental/mono /) https://www.meebey.net/posts/mono_3.0_preview_debian_ubuntu_packages/15:39
llutzHorizonXP: i'm not using nm but i guess its not too hard to get that working15:39
bazhangchozpe, on debian?15:40
chozpebazhang: on ubuntu15:40
bazhangchozpe, what version15:40
PsyMarHi, I am running Ubuntu 12.10 and I can connect to the internet (as I am now) but only if I sit within about 10 feet of the wireless access point; any advice on what drivers I need to install or how to install them?  It's a Belkin router, I don't know what kind of wireless card I have or how to find out.15:40
b14d3surial: I'm taking a look into a couple of things.15:40
surialb14d3: Thanks!15:41
b14d3surial: I make no promises, other than that I'll try :P15:41
surialb14d3: Exactly. Thanks :)15:41
srhbPsyMar: You can find your wifi card by running lspci in a terminal. This will give you necessary information to go on.15:42
b14d3surial: I appear to be a bit limited because I am at work and can only use my Ubuntu machine via ssh :\ So I can't really dig into dconf right now15:42
PsyMar01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)15:43
chozpebazhang: any idea?15:43
surial:(. in org.gnome.somethingsomething.plugins.power, there are a million-and-one options for power buttons and laptop lids and such. If I turn every single one of those off, the power button no longer does anything, but that accursed suspend button still 'works'.15:43
PsyMaraha, found the driver15:43
surialas in, puts the box into the kind of state where the end user is going to freak out.15:43
llutzHorizonXP: SSID=$(iwgetid -r)              no grep/sed/awk at all15:43
bazhangchozpe, you want mono 3.0 complete?15:43
chozpebazhang: i've just uninstalled mono2.10, and i'm trying to install mono 3.015:43
b14d3surial: How many users will you have?15:43
bazhangchozpe, let me check the forums, just a moment15:44
surialb14d3: If this works out, we'll be rolling this box out at 10 to 30 workstations.15:44
b14d3surial: I can't find anything of particular use, especially given my near complete lack of knowledge of nettop boxes, you may have to do it the old fashioned way and tell them not to press the button :P15:45
b14d3surial: Or keep looking. I just can't find anything, myself.15:46
chozpebazhang: thanks15:46
zikoany idea what is the best mysql client with GUI version ?15:46
chozpebazhang: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a  takes a while to complete (and isn't complete yet); can the problem come from there?15:47
srhbPsyMar: There are some notes on the arch forums on problems like that, have you tried doing a quick google now that you have the model number?15:48
PsyMarsrhb: ah, good idea, thanks15:48
bazhangchozpe, is this something distinct from monodevelop? version 3.0 is in the 12.10 repos15:48
srhbPsyMar: Write agian if you have no success or have trouble deciphering it15:48
chozpeit is?15:49
bazhang!broadcom | PsyMar have you seen this15:49
chozpethe official repos?15:49
ubottuPsyMar have you seen this: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:49
ZabrienAre there any applets like the file-browser-applet for 12.10? If not, how do I install file-browser-applet in 12.10?15:49
bazhang!info monodevelop | chozpe15:49
ubottuchozpe: monodevelop (source: monodevelop): Development Environment for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 6354 kB, installed size 19530 kB15:49
chozpebazhang: that's an ide!15:50
srhbPsyMar: can you try doing lsmod | grep brcmfmac15:50
bazhangawn-applet-file-browser-launcher  Zabrien for awn?15:50
bazhangchozpe, ok, what did you need the mono 3.0 preview for then? if that repo is not working, I' d consider contacting the maintainer at his location15:51
Zabrienbazhang: what is awn?15:52
chozpebazhang: mono is used to run .net apps on linux; i need it to run Boogie (microsoft)15:52
bazhangZabrien, avant-window-navigator15:52
morsnowskidoes anyone know a good app for voice control?15:52
bazhangZabrien, if it's gnome-shell you are using, then you could check out the gnome extensions site to see if they have something similar15:54
Zabrienbazhang: I am. Can files be bookmarked?15:54
surialb14d3: Well, thanks for looking. Kind of a shame to tell users: This here is the self-destruct button. Please refrain from pushing it, or you'll have to call us to come pick up the pieces.15:55
surialI think I will go grab that pair of scissors, actually. It boots in about 8 seconds, not much point to that button.15:55
chozpebazhang: i'm going to build it from source it's ok15:55
PsyMarshrb: I tried that; it returned n othing15:55
miltonhi all I installed ubuntu 12.04 and now when I close the user session, firefox is killed hard (apparantly -9 or something) and shows the "this is embarrasing" page on next login. How can I change the process killing on logout?15:56
srhbPsyMar: You should probably experimenting with getting that driver running then15:56
PsyMar"Unable to locate package brcmfmac15:57
srhbPsyMar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Switching_between_drivers15:57
PsyMaraha, it's msmac, not mfmac15:57
PsyMarok, lsmod|grep brcmsmac returns 6 results...15:58
PsyMarlemme check if it's working yet15:59
srhbPsyMar: Think you need brcmfmac16:01
PsyMarreally? it seems to be working with the msmac16:01
srhbPsyMar: Oh well, then keep that. :P16:01
PsyMarbrcmfmac isn't listed on the switching between drivers page, either16:02
srhbPsyMar: Those are just examples I believe16:02
sgtkilljoyi recall having problems with Broadcom drivers on an old LT...... in the end i gave up and used ndiswrapper16:02
PsyMarok, I just looked at the drivers list, brcmfmac does not list the 431316:03
PsyMarand brcmsmac does16:03
srhbPsyMar: Sorry, I misremembered yours as 433016:03
srhbPsyMar: Then you're on the right one16:04
PsyMarok, yay16:04
PsyMarit's now working from the sofa, I'll see if it works down stairs once I get feeling back in my leg16:04
srhbPsyMar: Remember to do the blacklisting once you have it working.16:05
miltonhmm ok I changed the firefox config to disable the crash reporting instead..16:06
teweahey iam using ubuntu 10.10 and iam  far from my office  i would like to work at my home and i woul like to coonect to  ubuntu server using putty  actualy they are different public adress and it says connection time out . please help me?16:06
k1l_tewea: i would recommend you think about an upgrade plan before connecting a 10.10 outdated ubuntu with the internet16:07
Zabrienbazhang: hmm, the woftware center does not like to work with me on this. I can find awn, but when clicking on the "info" button it claims there is no such package16:07
srhbtewea: If your Ubuntu does not have its port 22 exposed publically, you're going to need to do some tunnelling magic.16:07
bazhangavant-window-navigator   Zabrien16:08
sgtkilljoytewea:how have u tried to set this up16:08
teweasrhb: how coud i know my ubuntu is not use port 22?16:08
Zabrienbazhang: yep, that's the one I found. I then claims it is not there16:08
Zabriendo I need to add some extra repository for it?16:09
teweasgtkilljoy: by installing putty and ssh in my ubuntu pc16:09
teweakll_: is that the case unable to connect?16:11
sgtkilljoytewea: this remote location has a router?16:11
teweasgtkilljoy: yes16:11
t0ntinhi all. I'm trying to install srware iron. When I open the package file, I get this message in Ubuntu Software Center: The file “/home/dude/.cache/.fr-NDM67m/iron64.deb” could not be opened. Any ideas?16:12
srhbtewea: Just to make sure, when you say you've installed ssh on the Ubuntu machine, do you mean openssh-server?16:12
sgtkilljoytewea: and how did u set up your router?16:13
k1l_tewea: no, but you dont get updates anymore, and even ssh got alot oft security updates in that time that you machine is now lacking16:13
teweasgtkilljoy: you mean?16:14
teweakll_: you are right but idon't think so this is the case?16:15
sgtkilljoyi mean u are trying to conect to a pc through a router/firewall yes?16:15
teweasgtkilljoy: yes16:16
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teweasgtkilljoy:  can i tell you  the ipadres for both machine16:17
srhbtewea: Only the server is relevant.16:17
sgtkilljoyso u have set ur router to accecpt incomming connections on port 22 (or wateva) and to forward these connections to your server?16:17
srhbjogger: WHAT? CAN YOU SPEAK UP?16:18
TheLordOfTime!caps | jogger, srhb16:18
ubottujogger, srhb: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:18
bazhangjogger, lose caps16:18
bazhang!eol | tewea16:18
ubottutewea: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:18
bazhangtewea, upgrade your end of life machine for support16:18
bazhang!eolupgrades | tewea16:19
srhbjogger: generally, service restart servicename is the command you need.16:19
TomyLoboif only that was possible with the human body16:19
rollitupsgtkilljoy: I tried update-grub after reinstalling grub but i get this error /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). root@ubuntu:/#16:22
escottrollitup, is /dev mounted?16:22
rollitupescott: not sure but how do i do that ?16:23
escottrollitup, ls /dev16:23
jn1anyone know a program for reading facebook private chat without having to browse the awful site? fbcmd is great but you can't respond with it16:23
rollitupi have booted using a live ubuntu stick to recover16:23
rollitupescott: it lists a bunch of stuff16:24
escottrollitup, so you are following the chroot method16:25
rollitupyes but i dunno where i am going wrong i am struggling since past 20 hours trying stuff from various forum posts16:25
nashantHi guys. I've just done a fresh install with a separate boot partition (/ and /boot on an extended partition) and when trying to boot I'm getting 'error: file not found' and going to grub rescue16:26
sgtkilljoyrollitup: see http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-mounting-dev-in-a-chroot-environment/16:26
rollitupthanx sgtkilljoy16:26
escottnashant, efi or bios?16:27
nashantescott efi16:27
escottnashant, can you send the output of "sudo parted -l" so we can verify that is correct16:28
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nashantescott from grub rescue?16:28
nashantor in the live usb?16:28
escottnashant, from the livecd16:28
nashantescott: How do I send the output of that to pastebinit?16:29
WaltherWhat is the package name that provides the default ubuntu LightDM (login screen) theme?16:29
consolersre, my earlier questions where upstart hangs during boot waiting for some [plymouth] event it never gets, and how to get a login, regardless, I think adding a line "kill timeout 60" to /etc/init.rc may help16:29
escott!info pastebinit | nashant16:29
ubottunashant: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB16:29
bjrohan_I just purchased a new laptop and installed ubuntu 12.10. The laptop has a microphone, but I can not get it to work, can anyone lend a hand with helping me get it to work?16:29
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WaltherI've been installing a ubuntu system ground-up, and now I want the LightDM login screen to have the default look of Ubuntu :P16:30
BigTaxian installation program can't find a .gtk+  file it apparently came with... so, help on installing these drivers?16:30
bjrohan_escott: Would you mind lending a hand to helping me get my built-in microphone working?16:31
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rollitupsgtkilljoy: gives me this error  device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom, or by label, using  -L label  or by uuid, using  -U uuid . Other options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p passwdfd]. For many more details, say  man 8 mount .16:31
escottbjrohan_, i dont know what i would tell you except if it is intel hda look at the debugging intel hda instructions16:32
escottbjrohan_, that and make sure the correct device is selected in pulse and turn up the gain in alsamixer16:32
escottrollitup, what gives you that error?16:33
bjrohan_escott: my system is an hp dv7 with beats audio, not sure what handles the mic16:33
consolersNow I'm seeing a lightdm problem. When dbus-daemon-launch-helper doesnt work (which means lightdm cant contact consolekit etc), lightdm lists my user with uid 500.  However when dbus-daemon-launch-helper works, it refuses to list my username, and I cannot log in, because there is no box to type in my username. Anyone know how where lightdm is doing this filtering so it can turn it16:33
escottconsolers, /etc/lightdm.conf which is ignored when accounts-service is running (As you discovered)16:34
denverHi, my SSD is dead ? pastebin.com/LebcUVZA SSD someone can check ?16:34
BigTaxian installation program can't find a .gtk+  file it apparently came with... so, help on installing these drivers?16:34
sgtkilljoyrollitup: u used "mount -B /dev /tmp/chroot/dev"?16:34
rollitupescott: when i try to mount /dev in a chroot environment following this article http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-mounting-dev-in-a-chroot-environment/16:34
denversorry I am drunk16:34
consolersmore terrible conspiracy from the "desktop engineers" . who do i have to pay to get that functionality back?16:34
bjrohan_escott: when I open my pulse audio control, and I show all input devices, it shows a left and right input, however when I make noise there is no response andy ideas?16:35
escottrollitup, mount --bind /dev /mountpoint/dev16:35
WaltherSo yeah, which package provides the default ubuntu theming to lightdm?16:35
consolersshort of using xdm or startx!16:35
sgtkilljoysame diff16:35
rollitupsays only root can do that so should i sudo ?16:35
sgtkilljoyya sudo16:35
nashantescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1447905/16:36
rollitupsgtkilljoy: i get this mount: mount point /tmp/chroot/dev does not exist16:36
escottnashant, so you aren't configured for an efi boot. you must be doing bios emulation16:36
consolers"Legacy vga=ask isnt supported by grub2"16:37
escottrollitup, you have to fill in /tmp/chroot with the path to your chroot16:37
sgtkilljoyrollitup: mkdir /tmp/chroot/dev16:37
Zabrienhow do I access the gnome-shell-extension-tool ?16:37
nashantescott: Right. I've got no idea what I have to do16:37
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consolers"~/.fonts.conf deprecated and wont be read in future release"16:38
rollitupsgtkilljoy: mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/chroot/dev': No such file or directory16:38
surialHow do I disable hardware buttons? As in, buttons on the box itself? There's a suspend button which makes all hell break loose. It's soldered directly to the board, I can't disconnect it.16:38
escottnashant, was that fdisk?16:38
nashantescott: yup16:38
escottnashant, please don't use fdisk. use parted "sudo parted -l"16:38
nashantfdisk -l16:38
rollitupfyi the Ubuntu install that i am trying to recover is on sda716:38
BigTaxian installation program can't find a .gtk+  file it apparently came with... so, help on installing these drivers?16:39
nashantescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1447913/16:39
escottsgtkilljoy, rollitup cannot make the directory and then bind mount. thats all backwards16:39
rollitupis this command correct if my Ubuntu that i wish to recover is on sda7  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sda7 /dev/sda ?16:40
WaltherSo yeah, any ideas on which package provides the Ubuntu default (custom) theme for LightDM / default login manager16:40
escottrollitup, you first mount the installed ubuntu system root (something like /dev/sda5) on /some/path/you/select. you then mount --bind /dev /the/path/you/selected/dev16:40
nuxusrubuntu for android -- any news on a release date? or a date for when they might give the release date :-)16:40
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escottrollitup, you should not need that full command16:40
Picisurial: This might help: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pm-utils#Disabling_a_hook  If not, then you might want to see if you can disable it in your ACPI options in your BIOS.16:40
escottrollitup, and we cannot tell you what is correct because we dont know what your disk layout is16:41
mizifihCan anyone help me with squid? I need to allow it process any request, from any IP, without ask for passowrd16:41
rollitupi have already mounted sda7 before doing the grub install command16:41
escottrollitup, so if /dev/sda7 is the ubuntu system root and is mounted to /some/path16:42
Denuevocan someone tell me where is the mistake? http://pastebin.com/wR3aF6yj I get "linux command unknown" and "initrd command unkown" when booting that OS16:42
GJalguien puede habla español?16:42
sgtkilljoyescott: still need to make /dev to mount to16:42
Denuevoyo GJ16:42
escottrollitup, you would sudo mount --bind /dev /some/path/dev; and the same for /sys and /proc (although its not necessary) then sudo chroot /some/path16:42
DJones!es | GJ16:42
ubottuGJ: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:42
GJok gracias Denuevo16:42
escottsgtkilljoy, no it should already exist if he properly mounted the system root to that dir16:42
escottsgtkilljoy, its non-existence indicates that the system root is not mounted to /tmp/whatever16:43
GJmuchas gracias Denuevo16:43
Denuevoes como te dijo ubottu GJ , entra a ubuntu-es y hablamos ai16:43
WaltherWhich package provides the default ubuntu login manager theme?16:44
escottnashant, you are not configured for an efi boot if that is what you wanted. you may be able to do a bios emulated boot (most efi systems support that) the existence of /dev/sdd could complicate things since it is a gpt disk and might confuse the efi16:44
sgtkilljoyescott: not is /dev is on a seperate patition16:44
Denuevoplease,a hand16:45
rollitupescott: sudo mount --bind /dev /media/sda7  ?16:45
escottsgtkilljoy, the instructions you are giving rollitup are not helping him accomplish his real goal of reinstalling grub16:46
escottrollitup, lets back up a bit. what is the output of sudo parted -l16:46
sgtkilljoychroot, update grub?16:47
escottnashant, although it sounds like that was not an issue because grub did get called16:47
kelabothas anyone tried accessing US only websites from overseas?16:47
nashantescott: I'm trying to figure out how to do a bios emulated boot. Not going well16:47
rollitupescott: here's the output http://pastie.org/554815416:47
escottnashant, do you happen to know which device was your boot device16:47
mizifihIs there a way, using the terminal, to check IPs connected to my computer and how fast these connections/requests are?16:48
nashantescott: yup16:48
escottrollitup, you have two ext4 partitions /dev/sda5 and /dev/sda7 do you know what their functions are? is one a / and the other a /home16:48
nashantescott: the first one, samsung16:48
escottnashant, what i would do is follow the chroot instructions to get into the installed system on /dev/sda### and make sure grub-efi is not installed16:49
escottnashant, a number of efi systems will boot usb sticks in efi mode and disks in bios so that can confuse the installer16:50
sternsUbuntu sos here, need to do some video work tonight, copying mp4 to DVD  is it still that dveedee program16:51
rollitupescott: yes one is home andone is /16:51
escottrollitup, do you know which is which?16:51
escottnashant, are you familiar with chroot process?16:52
rollitupescott yes i have figured it out16:53
nashantescott: Not really, but I can google :)16:53
escottnashant, you can follow along with rollitup16:53
escottrollitup, which one is the / (i dont care about the /home)16:53
Oracle989I'm trying to install Cura, and it keeps telling me I need to install PyOpenGL.16:53
Oracle989Thing is...I have.16:53
Oracle989How can I get it to understand this fact?16:53
PiciOracle989: Are you trying to compile cura?16:54
nashantescott: I've worked out why it installed grub-efi. Because I was selecting UEFI boot instead of USB in the boot menu16:54
escottnashant, yeah... lots of efi systems like to do that. really confuses the installer16:54
Oracle989Unless I terribly misread things, it looks like all I have to do is run cura.sh.  Is this my first mistake?16:54
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escottnashant, so the installer saw that and installed grub-efi probably to /dev/sdd because that was the only gpt disk and now you have this crazy cross-disk boot that isn't working16:55
Oracle989Excuse my ignorance, I haven't done terribly much with Linux so it's kind of foreign to me.16:56
nashantI can't blame it really, it's confusing the hell out of me16:56
srhbOracle989: By which method did you install PyOpenGL?16:56
nashantescott: my problem is that whenever I try and run the live usb outside of efi mode it just hangs16:56
rollitupescott: / is sda516:57
escottnashant, so don't just boot the livecd. chroot into the installed system. remove grub-efi, install grub16:57
Oracle989Google informed me that if I put "sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8 pypy python-opengl python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxversion" into the command line, then I should be able to run Cura.16:57
Oracle989So that's what I did.16:57
escottrollitup, have you mounted sda5 anyways. check "mount | grep sda5"16:57
rollitupescott: this is what i got /dev/sda5 on /media/895de441-4531-4d76-9e20-59185095e188 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks) /dev/sda5 on /media/sda5 type ext4 (rw)16:58
escottrollitup, so that path is going to be a pain. "sudo umount /media/895[TAB]"16:59
escottrollitup, then "sudo -i" (we will be using sudo a lot and this way we get a terminal where we dont have to type sudo all the time, but it is for only this one terminal)16:59
PiciOracle989: Did you try running cura from the script inside the scripts/linux directory?17:00
escottrollitup, with the terminal you did sudo -i: mkdir /ubuntu; mount /dev/sda5 /ubuntu;17:00
nashantescott: where were the chroot instructions you gave?17:00
PiciOracle989: And/or did you install it with setup.py?17:00
escottnashant, rather don't try to boot the livecd in bios, just boot it in efi17:00
Oracle989I tried to run setup.py, but nothing seemed to happen.  I'll go have a look in the linux directory.17:01
escott!chroot | nashant im also walking rollitup through the process we just started if you want to follow us17:01
ubottunashant im also walking rollitup through the process we just started if you want to follow us: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot17:01
escottrollitup, at this point if you "ls /ubuntu" you should see a similar set of folders as if you "ls /" thinks like /bin and /usr and /lib etc17:01
bjrohanAnyone with java experience help me out? I have a web app, that runs okay on one website, and doesn't run on another (same app), it says Java is not detected. When this happened last time it had to do with whose Java I had installed. I think I have everything installed, by that I mean Oracle, and icedtea17:01
rollitupescott: when umount i get this umount: /media/895de441-4531-4d76-9e20-59185095e188: device is busy.17:02
escottrollitup, you have a window open inside that or a terminal maybe17:02
escottrollitup, or maybe you bind mounted /dev to /media/895...../dev17:03
nashantescott: right, I've got sda8 mounted as /media/ubuntu and sda7 as /media/ubuntu/boot17:03
Oracle989Or...not.  Sorry for knowing dick-all about this.  Where should I be looking?17:03
escottnashant, bind mind /dev, /proc, /sys to /media/ubuntu/(dev|proc|sys) with sudo mount --bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev17:03
escottnashant, then copy /etc/resolv.conf /media/ubuntu/etc17:04
opalepatrickwhat do I use as an alternative to devilspie with unity?17:04
rollitupescott: i closed the file explorer window for that partition already17:04
nashantescott done17:05
escottrollitup, it may be easier to have you reboot. i dont know what commands you have run already so figuring out what you have that is using that device is harder17:05
rollitupescott: it says umount: /media/895de441-4531-4d76-9e20-59185095e188: device is busy.         (In some cases useful info about processes that use          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))17:05
Oracle989Pici, where is it I should be looking?17:05
escottnashant, sudo chroot /media/ubuntu; apt-get update; apt-get remove grub-efi; apt-get install grub;17:06
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escottrollitup, im saying it may take 20min to explain how you can read lsof output to figure it out. you could probably reboot in half that time17:07
rollitupok escott as you say and after rebooting do i repeat the steps u listed above in the chat ?17:07
escottrollitup, once you reboot just come back into channel. now that we know the disk its going to take only a minute or so17:08
mizifihHi there! Is there a way, using the terminal, to check IPs connected to my computer and how fast these connections/requests are?17:08
nashantescott: all done. Is grub fully set up, or do I need to tell it where to boot from?17:08
escottrollitup, just don't open anything except a terminal and the chat window17:08
escottnashant, do a grub-install /dev/sda in your chroot'ed terminal17:08
rollitupok brb escott17:08
escottnashant, the only other recommendation would be to destroy the partition table on /dev/sdd17:09
MonkeyDustmizifih  lsof comes to my mind, but i'm not sure with what option17:09
escottmizifih, fast?17:10
escottnashant, which you could do with parted. create a new msdos (AKA bios/mbr) partition table on that disk17:10
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nashantescott: I take it it was too early to reboot at that point17:11
escottnashant, if you remove sdd from the boot order it should be ok17:11
opalepatrickany idea what to use for pinning stuff to alternative workspaces instead of devilspie which does not appear to work?17:11
escottnashant, but the efi system may seek out the gpt disk and give it priority in the boot over sda17:11
nashantescott: right. It just puts me into a grub prompt17:12
escottnashant, right but i dont know if that is grub on sda or grub on sdd17:13
rollitupescott: back again17:13
escottrollitup, ok. open a terminal. "sudo -i" and this will be the only terminal we use17:13
nashantescott: well it's a different prompt from before. And I removed sdd from the boot order17:13
Zabriendo extensions not work if I use gnome classic?17:13
escottrollitup, silence is success so if a command doesn't output anything thats good.17:14
rollitupok escott17:14
rollitupdid sudo -i17:14
escottrollitup, mkdir /ubuntu; mount /dev/sda5 /ubuntu; mount --bind /dev /ubuntu/dev; mount --bind /sys /ubuntu/sys; mount --bind /proc /ubuntu/proc;17:14
escottrollitup, each ";" indicates a break between different commands17:15
escottnashant, ok. what does "ls" output in the grub prompt17:15
nashantescott: ah, Just gone back into the chroot. Hold on a sec17:16
nashantor can I do anything from here?17:16
escottnashant, not sure why grub isn't booting so hard to say17:16
nashantescott: unrecognised command17:17
escottnashant, in the chroot you can verify that grub is installed, and that /boot looks ok. you could also run something like the boot-info script17:17
escottnashant, what command is unrecognised?17:18
nashantls, from the grub prompt17:18
escottnashant, are you sure it is a grub prompt?17:18
rollitupescott: i am done with the above mount --bind command17:18
nashantescott: grub> _17:18
escottrollitup, and no messages or errors17:18
escottrollitup, chroot /ubuntu17:19
rollitupyes all silence17:19
escottrollitup, at this point you would be inside the installed system and any commands are going to affect the installed system17:19
escottrollitup, i believe you want to run "grub-install /dev/sda"17:19
dave101010hi all17:20
escottrollitup, which will reinstall grub to the mbr and set it up to look at /dev/sda5 during the boot17:20
rollitupescott: whatever that can get me to boot inside the Ubuntu install17:20
rollitupalso i hope i get the option to login to win7 too17:20
rollitupso should i run grub-install /dev/sda ?17:20
escottrollitup, i don't know why you weren't booting before. you came in asking how to reinstall grub from a chroot17:20
JlexaHi! How to install PIL with JPEG support on Ubuntu 12.10? I have used a lot of manuals, but nothing seems to work.17:21
nashantescott: should I have installed grub2?17:21
escottrollitup, yes grub-install /dev/sda will set things up17:21
escottnashant, grub is an alias for grub217:21
escottnashant, you might try the boot-info script17:21
escottnashant, http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/17:22
hadidyya ebn el klb17:22
fellipehi. In ubuntu 12.04, when I set dns-nameservers in each interface  in /etc/network/interfaces , the system will query the dns server related to that interface, right? So I can have many dns servers as I have interfaces connected to internet links, is it?17:22
anonymous_hey floodbot117:22
hadidycan any body help us17:22
rollitupI usually update the system using sudo apt-get update but today, i simply clicked the software update notification that keeps showing in dash17:23
rollitupand these were the consequences17:23
rollitupok escott it says installation finished . No error reported17:23
DJoneshadidy: Just ask your question, people won't know if they can help until they know what the problem is17:23
rollitupshould i reboot the machine by removing the live usb stick ?17:23
Oracle989Well then.  I guess I get no more help.  Open-source quality goes straight through to the community support, I see.17:23
escottrollitup, i guess type exit twice then reboot17:24
Dudehello all17:24
Deldeericis it suitable to ask a question regarding sgrep here?17:24
rollitupescott: do i need to do the update-grub at this time ?17:24
hadidyok can any body tell me how to leran how to crack a computer using anon-os17:24
escottrollitup, and reboot properly from the menu, not just yanking the stick17:24
Dudeplz i need help17:24
=== Dude is now known as Guest42686
Guest42686yes i knox17:24
escottrollitup, you could run update-grub from within the chroot if you think that will help things17:24
rollitupok brb17:25
hadidyk thanx17:25
DeldeericI have a very basic question about sgrep, anyone pretty familiar?17:25
DeldeericI just want the results to be output with a page break.. any suggestions?17:26
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
Lopehi I'm busy downloading Aptana. http://www.aptana.com/downloads/start it says here that I must have Sun/Oracle Java 1.5.x installed. I checked out the apt-get repos, and can't find it.17:27
jpdsLope: Of course not.17:27
anonymous_hey guys17:27
Loperunning ubuntu mint mate 13 (12.04)17:27
anonymous_i want to know who to hack a pc17:27
jpds!mint | Lope17:27
ubottuLope: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:27
Lopejpds: why?17:27
jpdsanonymous_: Not here.17:27
anonymous_can any one help me17:27
dr_willis!java | lope17:28
ubottulope: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:28
jpdsLope: Because you have to download it from the Oracle website because of their license.17:28
anonymous_what about facebook hack17:28
jpds!hacking | anonymous_17:28
ubottuanonymous_: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy17:28
jpds!piracy | anonymous_17:28
ubottuanonymous_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:28
dr_willisanonymous_: learn some real skills17:28
rollitupgetting the same error still error: no such partition grub rescue>17:29
anonymous_soo why u download os for17:29
hadidysup does any body know any thing in hacking r no17:29
escottrollitup, try running this from the livecd http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/17:30
morkono. this is ubuntu support channel. what did you think?17:30
sgtkilljoyanonymous_: use axe17:30
Lopelol, linux mint help has 2 people on the channel.17:30
PiciLope: their channel isn't on freenode.17:30
anonymous_what is axe for17:30
dr_willisLope: they are on a different server17:30
hadidyk thanx17:31
dr_willisaxe - used to hack and chop wood......17:31
sgtkilljoymint help has 213 over on spotchat17:31
anonymous_hey guys17:33
anonymous_i need help17:33
anonymous_can any one help17:33
Picianonymous_: We won't know unless you ask a question.17:33
=== jack_ is now known as Guest8609
nashantescott: no grub installed anywhere but sda17:37
escottnashant, can you paste.ubuntu.com the full output17:37
escottnashant, try and figure out where it is looking for its files17:37
nashantescott: that's what I'm trying17:38
nashantescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448038/17:39
escottnashant, grub legacy that is grub1. did you never make the transition to grub217:39
nashantescott: I did apt-get install -y grub; grub-install sda17:40
escottnashant, so yeah that is what is going on. you have grub1 on /sda pointing to sda7 where you have grub2 boot files17:40
nashantescott: so how do I put grub2 on there?17:41
escottnashant, i would chroot back in. remove and purge grub-legacy, then install grub (making sure it picks grub2) and running update-grub17:41
nashantescott: how do I make sure it picks grub2?17:42
escottnashant, and grub-install /dev/sda. when that is all done the boot info script should show grub on /dev/sda pointing to grub.cfg on /dev/sda717:42
hadidyhow to go to axe server17:42
escottnashant, it should prefer grub2 over grub1. it only keeps grub1 around if you have that on disk17:42
=== dankest is now known as dankest|away
rusfus_can someone give me a hand, practically since I restored gnome, following the problems of nautilus when i run the system on time I open the home, mozilla, irc chat global, terminal, and notes. how can I do to get them to open?17:43
escottnashant, dpkg -l "*grub*" will show the different grub versions that exist "grub" is just a meta-package that has some logic to pick one of the three options grub-legacy, grub2 or grub-efi17:43
anonymous__anyone kpown how can i hack facebook17:43
anonymous_i want to know how to hack a acc in fb17:43
=== VD is now known as Guest44874
OerHeksanonymous_,  anonymous__ stop it17:44
llutzanonymous_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+become+a+leet+hacker&l=1 and now ... go17:44
dr_willisanonymous_: learn some real skills.. and quit being silly.17:44
hadidywhat do u mean17:44
anonymous__what real skill like17:44
anonymous_that is real skills17:44
hadidywhat do u mean17:44
anonymous__what u mean with real skill17:45
dr_willisanonymous__: go learn to program.17:45
OerHeksanonymous_,  anonymous__ your ip is now known by facebook LoLz17:45
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
nashantescott: I'm doing apt-get install grub2 just to make sure17:45
rollitupescott: here are the contents of results.txt http://pastie.org/554838617:45
escottnashant, just make sure grub-legacy is removed before installing17:45
nashantescott: grub-legacy wasn't installed17:46
escottrollitup, that should be booting just fine. what is not working?17:46
anonymous__do u progam for hacking17:46
escottnashant, in that case maybe just hte mbr was stale. grub-install /dev/sda17:46
rollituplike after i installed grub and then doube quit in the terminal17:46
escottnashant, (from within the chroot)17:46
rollitupi rebooted the desktop17:46
rollitupwithouth the live stick inserted17:47
rollitupand then it goes to a blank screen and thereafter i get that grub error17:47
escottrollitup, what is the grub error17:47
dr_willisanonymous__:  do you have a ubuntu support question?17:47
lVathanHi i am trying to install ubuntu 12.10 and I am getting an error : GPU lockup - switching to software fbcon, then failed to idle channel 217:47
rollitupescott: partition not found grub >17:48
fulcanhow do you 'blow out/nuke' a samba pkg-add installation? I mean completely blow it up, configs and all and reinstall back to factory defaults?17:48
daevskiI have several drives that refuse to mount for various reasons. Can someone help me get just _one_ of them mounted? I can pastebin errors, etc.17:48
escottrollitup, do you see the grub menu at all? (is it configured to show the menu?)17:48
DJones!hacking | anonymous__17:48
ubottuanonymous__: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy17:48
daevskiWhat paste site is good now?17:49
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
escott!paste | daevski17:49
ubottudaevski: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:49
rollitupno i don't see any grub menu, after i reboot the cursor keeps blinking for a while and then it goes to a Black screen and after some time i get that error with the grub > prompt escott17:49
libpenguinhow to change or renew ip of system and router ?17:49
daevskiescott, ty17:49
rollitupescott: the error says error: no such partition, grub rescue >17:51
nashantescott: how would I add nomodeset to the grub2 options?17:51
daevskiI need to get sdb, sdd or sde working, here is my "fdisk -l" output :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448055/17:51
lVathani am getting an error of GPU lockup switching to software fbcon17:51
lVathanwhen installing17:51
lVathanany ideaS?17:51
escottnashant, edit /etc/default/grub (inside the chroot) and rerun update-grub17:51
escottrollitup, the only thing that looks weird in the bootinfoscript is the presence of the file /boot/grub/core.img on sda717:52
escottrollitup, presumably you chrooted into the wrong driver or something. otherwise it looks ok17:53
rollitupis there anything else that can be done , I am exhausted and the only last resort left would be to reformat , reinstall everything and begin from scratch17:54
nashantescott: I've run that, but that hasn't helped me add nomodeset to the boot options. Got a display problem17:54
escottnashant, does grep nomodeset /boot/grub/grub.cfg not show the option17:55
escottrollitup, so this happened after an update of some kind?17:55
rollitupthe update also never completely happened17:56
escottrollitup, ohhh17:56
escottrollitup, what are the last 100 lines of /var/log/dpkg.log17:56
rollitupand then i had to reboot the computer and after that i am unable to get the boot screen just this error17:56
escottrollitup, tail -n 100 /ubuntu/var/log (or wherever you mount the sda5 disk)17:56
daevskiI have several drives that refuse to mount for various reasons. Can someone help me get just _one_ of them mounted? :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448055/17:57
qwebirc3065Hello. i have a question17:57
daevskiHi qwebirc3065, just ask it :)17:57
escottdaevski, if you read the thing you pasted you'll note it says not to use fdisk17:57
daevskiescott, I've used gdisk and testdisk also. I need a hand-holder, if one is free.17:57
rusfus_can someone give me a hand, practically since I restored gnome, following the problems of nautilus when i run the system on time I open the home, mozilla, irc chat global, terminal, and notes. how can I do to get them to open?17:58
qwebirc3065I extracted the ubuntu 12.10.iso file to my D local drive and ran the wubi.exe file. i can try ubuntu when the pc starts but when i want to install it it says internal error17:58
qwebirc3065i cannot switch back to windows either as ubuntu takes over when the pc starts17:58
escottdaevski, lets start by following the instructions of the commands you have already run and use "sudo parted -l"17:58
qwebirc3065what should i do17:58
nashantescott: yes, it did. nomodeset hasn't helped though. It teases me with a purple screen, but then my display just goes to 'no signal'. using an Nvidia GT52017:58
escottnashant, does that mean you are booting now though?17:59
dr_willisqwebirc3065: you dont need to ectract the iso17:59
qwebirc3065dr_willis: i used to universal usb thing17:59
qwebirc3065the problem is basically that ubuntu won@t install17:59
nashantescott: well I assume it's booting, but I just can't see anything.17:59
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
escottnashant, if you see the purple screen that is booting. so good one problem solved17:59
dr_willisqwebirc3065: you can download the wuni.exe and the iso. no need for the universalinstall thing18:00
escottnashant, if nomodeset is appearing in grub.cfg then nomodeset is set18:00
dr_willisqwebirc3065: i suggest not using wuni18:00
nashantescott: That's what I thought. Just the display issue to go.18:01
* MonkeyDust red alert wubi18:01
IdleOneqwebirc3065: When you boot the computer do you see the GRUB menu where you can select either Ubuntu or windows?18:01
nashantescott: it was set for recovry mode. I added it in to normal boot, but no cigar18:01
daevskiescott, I found a bug in GNU Parted. lol :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448081/18:01
escottnashant, i dont really know much about nvidia, its not something i choose to waste my time on. it could be an optimus issue i dont really know18:02
escottdaevski, looks more like the disk is toast18:02
mizifihescott just want to know the instant speed getting in and out from a given IP18:02
mizifihescott not local IP, the remote IP connected to my machine18:03
daevskiescott, sdb is? Can I test the others?18:03
TomyLobomizifih try iftop18:03
escottmizifih, ifconfig will tell you the bandwidth of your connection. if you want to know the bandwidth to another ip you need to try and send a big file and time it18:03
escottdaevski, you can sudo parted -l /dev/sdX for each device18:04
daevskiescott, makes sense, thanks.18:04
rollitupescott: here's the output http://pastie.org/554845518:04
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=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
mizifihescott iftop, suggested by TomyLobo looks simplier, LOL. Thank you though ;)18:05
escottrollitup, nothing in that should cause problems booting18:05
mizifihTomyLobo can I isolate only one host with iftop?18:06
escottrollitup, if that upgrade was failing you could chroot in again18:06
TomyLobomizifih i guess. i never tried18:06
escottrollitup, and then run "apt-get -f install" to try and complete/fixup the upgrades18:07
TomyLoboit shows stats by connection18:07
libpenguinhow to change or renew ip of system and router ?18:07
rollitupi had begun using Ubuntu since past 3 months18:07
IdleOnelibpenguin: reboot the router, turn it off or unplug it for 5 minutes then turn it back on.18:07
rollitupand most of the updates i did were through the terminal but this was one grave mistake by hitting the software update  via the GUI that keeps popping now and then18:07
libpenguinIdleOne: thnx18:08
escottrollitup, its all the same. shouldn't matter, but the packages that were updated are rather tame. looks like firefox and some language packs18:08
gener1ci open a file in xarchiver edit it close it , reopen it, and the edit is gone18:08
libpenguinIdleOne: how to install mscorefonts installer offline ?18:09
escottrollitup, unless there is more stuff cut-off above that18:09
rollitupshould i pastie the whole log file then ?18:09
escottrollitup, if you can find where the date switches to 2012-08-17 just those entries18:09
mnshow do I get aptitude to not only purge the package, but also its dependencies that got installed ?18:09
=== norbi is now known as Guest29783
escottrollitup, grep 2012-08-17 /var/log/dpkg.log | pastebinit18:10
IdleOnelibpenguin: download ttf-mscorefonts-installer from packages.ubuntu.com and then you can sudo dpkg -i *.deb from the machine with no internet18:10
escottIdleOne, i think it downloads the fonts from MSFT online18:10
libpenguinIdleOne: that asks for downloading packages and internet connection18:10
escottlibpenguin, i believe you can just grab the *.exe's from MSFT's website and store them in the right place18:11
libpenguinescott: yea you are right18:11
IdleOneescott: hmm, if that is the case I have no idea how to do it.18:11
libpenguinescott: i already have them but how to install exe files on linux ?18:11
dr_willisget the fonts from a windows install...   ;-)18:11
nashantDoes anyone have any experience with making Nvidia cards working on a fresh install? My display just goes blank when trying to boot18:11
IdleOneescott: could he install it from a live cd and then copy the appropriate folders?18:11
MonkeyDustlibpenguin  you need WINE to run .exe files18:12
dr_willisput them in therightfontsdir.18:12
libpenguindr_willis: problem is not getting the fonts but how to install them ?18:12
escottlibpenguin, (a) those aren't really exe's they are self-extracting zips. you unzip them (b) if you look at the deb it should download them somewhere like /tmp and then unpack them. you might be able to fool the deb by putting the exe in temp18:12
dr_willislibpenguin: put them in. f   .fonts   is one way18:12
libpenguinMonkeyDust: but when installed through ubuntu-restricted-extra, it doesn't asks for wine18:12
arosenIf i want to download some debiain packages directly should I be able to find them in here somewhere? http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/18:12
daevskiescott, would there be any way to moun this drive? It's USB external that fails to mount when plugged in. :: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448121/18:12
rollitupi have no pastebinit installed since i am using the live stick18:13
libpenguinescott: ohh ok...i will try that but still the same problem anyway to automate like only doing dpkg and the rest is done by itself ?18:13
escottdaevski, i've never seen anything like that. why do you have a gpt table inside the mapper device?18:14
escottlibpenguin, depends on how much you want to go digging into the dpkg. you could just unzip the exe's and dumpt the *.ttf's into ~/.fonts18:15
daevskiescott, no idea. But I might have lied, that could be the raid (2 sd drives) I'm trying to back up.18:15
daevskiescott,  it ended up at the end of the parted -l list18:15
nashantescott: I thought it was booting, but I've installed openssh-server in the chroot, then rebooted, but I can't connect after waiting 5 mins18:15
escottdaevski, do you have fake raid somewhere18:15
libpenguinescott: hmm...well its easier, a script can be made to do so...or not ?18:16
rollitupescott: why the date range 2012-08-17 ?18:16
escottlibpenguin, presumably that dpkg is just a script to download the exe, unzip it, and dump the ttf file in /usr/share/fonts with an appropriate license display to the user. you could write your own script to do all that but using the files you downloaded18:17
daevskiescott, The raid is made in bios, but I know nothing else. Just booted ubuntu to backup the files. After starting the 'install ubuntu' from live environment, it mounted the raid drives for me. I'm thankful, but not I need ANY other drive to back them up to. (New mobo will break the raid)18:17
escottrollitup, i just want to see yesterdays updates. the ones that caused the problems18:17
daevskiescott,  now* I need18:17
escottdaevski, thats called fakeraid18:17
daevskiescott, noted. thank you.18:17
escottdaevski, and things like "new board will break the raid" is why it is such junk18:18
daevskiescott, yup, lesson learned....18:18
libpenguinescott: umm ok....also how to know any packages dependencies before doing dpkg or installing through apt-get ? any list or other way or method ?18:18
escottdaevski, in any case mapper seems to have figured it out. the device is /dev/mapper/pdc_blahblah18:18
escott!info debtree | libpenguin18:18
daevskiescott, yes thank you. I'm going to try to get other drives working. I appriciate your time.18:18
ubottulibpenguin: debtree (source: debtree): package dependency graphs on steroids. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (quantal), package size 18 kB, installed size 94 kB18:18
libpenguinescott: thnx18:19
libpenguin!debtree > libpenguin18:19
mithrangood after noon.. my ubuntu cannot mout the drivers18:20
rollitupescott: I can't seem to install pastebinit18:20
libpenguinescott: when i am doing ubottu querry for myself by !debtree > libpenguin then its saying srry it doesnt know anything about debtree ?18:20
rollitupany clue18:20
mithranwhat shall i do?18:21
bekksmithran: Drivers are never mounted. Whats the actual problem you are experiencing?18:21
escottrollitup, because you have broken packages. just grep 2012-08-17 /var/log/dpkg.log > ~/recent_changes.log and paste the recent_changes.log file created in $HOME18:21
Picilibpenguin: you forgot !info18:21
IdleOnelibpenguin: /msg ubottu !info debtree18:21
mithranbekks: i can mount my pendrive automaticaly but cannot find the system drives just only see the file system:(18:22
rollitupisn't the date supposed to 2012-12-17 instead of 2012-08-17 escott ?18:22
bekksmithran: So what do you see when issueing: "df -h" without the "" in a terminal?18:23
bekks!paste | mithran18:23
ubottumithran: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:23
libpenguin!info debtree > libpenguin18:24
libpenguinyea got it :)18:24
mithranbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448148/18:24
bekksmithran: That looks very fine. Just like expected.18:25
rollitupescott: the recent_changes.log file is blank18:25
mithranbekks: ?18:25
bekksmithran: Your "system drive" is sda8, and it is mounted as /18:25
mithranbekks:  ok18:26
mithranbekks:  there i have foe partitions but i cant find them?18:28
bekksmithran: Then pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please.18:28
rollitupescott: the output exceeds pastie and pastebin.org size limit18:28
bekksmithran: And "sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid" please.18:28
=== falk is now known as Guest41345
daevskiescott, Any idea on these errors? This is what occurs when I plug in the external (usb) storage. :: http://imagebin.org/23984818:29
daevskiescott, this one was in the closet :-\ not sure how I have so many bad drives!18:30
mithranbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448158/18:30
escottrollitup, sorry yes. whatever the correct date should be18:31
escottrollitup, did you do a really big update18:31
rollitupyes it was i remember 350 mb approx18:32
escottdaevski, if you were using fakeraid then you might need special setup to read the data18:32
daevskiescott, that one shouldn't be raided, MIght just be broken also. Strange.18:33
mithranbekks:  do you got it?18:33
osseI'm trying to determine the installation date of an ubuntu server I'm running. It has been upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04 during its lifetime. Any advice on how to do it? I tried stat'ing various files in /etc but that's not reliable (i.e. ltrace.conf was supposedly last modified in 2009 which is clearly wrong as I first got it up and running sometime last dec-jan)18:33
escottrollitup, i did not see anything particularly nasty in that update18:34
escottrollitup, but i did only see the last bit of it18:34
drPoohow does one add an application to the "open with another application" menu on 12.10???18:34
WaltherWhat is the package that causes Firefox to ask "Install x to get better.."18:34
rollitupso do u think i should keep hopes or getting this sorted or formatting and doing it all over again is the only option18:34
WaltherI'd like to remove that "feature"; I don't want to install Launchpad/Gmail/any integration18:35
escottosse, head /var/log/ANYTHING18:35
mithrani  cannot find the system drives just only see the file system:(18:35
drPoohow does one add an application to the "open with another application" menu on 12.10???18:36
escottrollitup, i dont know what you upgraded so i cant really say. if you had a failed upgrade i would apt-get -f install within a chroot18:36
rollitupyou mean i could use this command using the terminal from the live USB ?18:37
bekksmithran: That werent the commands I told you.18:37
bekksmithran: Pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please.18:37
bekksmithran: And "sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid" please.18:37
escottrollitup, within the chroot yes18:38
rollitupescott:  i used chroot apt-get -f installand it outputs chroot:: cannot change root diretory to apt-get: No such file or directory18:39
escottrollitup, that whole thing with the mount and the mount --bind etc. you would have to redo it18:40
osseescott: I found some logs in /var/log/installer. All have the same modify date, Feb 2. I think that might be right18:41
mithranbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448174/18:42
clear`anyone have any recommendation for business software, i need to keep up with clients, invoices and payments18:42
daevskiescott, I think I got it. I used a brand new drive, used fdisk to create partition, mkfs.ntfs on it now for windows to be able to read the files I copy over. That sound about right?18:42
rollitupescott: in the process of rebooting i lost the chat transcript for the --bind command to chroot18:44
escottclear`, lwn.net has written a number of articles on the financial accounting aspect of that18:44
escott!logs | rollitup18:44
ubotturollitup: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/18:44
escott!chroot | rollitup18:44
ubotturollitup: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot18:44
escottdaevski, sure... not sure what your goal is but that sounds fine18:45
mithranbekks: ?18:45
sfdsfdI cannot find a certain answer as to I need to format a USB drive in order to use it for Ubuntu installation.18:45
g0thafter I ran an update the flashplugin doesn't seem to work anymore18:45
daevskiescott, Just trying to backup files that window will be able to read. Thanks again.18:45
Cyberburnhi g0th18:45
malrogHi im trying to install hitman blood money with wine but i get an error when it tries to install and it stops anybody know what can be the problem?18:45
g0thWhen I open a site it is loading forever but I just see a black screen18:46
g0thI run ubuntu precise18:46
sfdsfdI have a 1 TB HDD, so would my other files still be there during and after the installation?18:46
rollitup!chroot | rollitup18:46
ubotturollitup, please see my private message18:46
g0thalso, isn't there already a new release out for a while?18:47
g0thI doesn't show up in the update manager!18:47
rollitup!logs | rollitup18:48
ubotturollitup, please see my private message18:48
sw0rdfishhow can I install the suggested packages along with what I want18:49
sw0rdfishthere's tons of them18:49
mithrani  cannot find the system drives just only see the file system:(18:49
bekksmithran: Where is "sudo fdisk -l"?18:49
llutzsw0rdfish: if you really want that, use apt-get --install-suggests18:49
IdleOnesw0rdfish: sudo apt-get install --install-suggests package18:50
=== Guest44874 is now known as VitaoDoidao
sw0rdfishyeah I just saw that in the manual guys thanks :D18:50
IdleOnesw0rdfish: but they are suggested, not absolutely needed, if they were needed they would get installed18:50
mithranbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448190/18:50
mithranbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448190/18:51
dr_willismithran: try mounting them by hand18:51
nashanthow do you edit grub2 entries via terminal?18:51
=== patr|ck_ is now known as Teufelchen
bekksmithran: Everything is fine. sda1, sda5 and sda6 are NTFS partitions of your Windows.18:51
sw0rdfishthey're mostly docs... IdleOne and autoconf whatever it is18:51
mithrandr_willis: i can't even find in my nautilus18:52
dr_willisnashant: edit the files in /etc/grub.d18:52
dr_willismithran:  use the terminal18:52
IdleOnesw0rdfish: won't hurt if you install them. I was just saying :)18:52
nashantcheers dr_willis18:52
dr_willis!mount | mithran18:52
ubottumithran: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:52
mithrandr_willis:  can you guid me?18:52
dr_willismithran:  read the mount wiki guide firsy18:53
mithrandr_willis:  just "sudo !mount"18:53
bekksmithran: No. Thats not enough.18:53
dr_willisREAD what the bot said18:53
mithranbekks:  then ?18:54
bekksmithran: Read what the bot said.18:54
* dr_willis spends time writing docs.... no one reads...18:54
dr_willismounting filesystems is a core linux skill/concept18:55
mshhello everybody18:55
mithrandr_willis: bekks http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448199/18:56
nashantdr_willis: after editing the /etc/grub.d files do I need to do grub-update?18:56
dr_willisnashant:  always...18:56
bekksmithran: Read what the bot said.18:56
bekksmithran: You didnt read it until now.18:56
mshi want to know how could i change the theme in ubuntu 12.04?18:57
nashantdr_willis: I'm hoping you might be able to help with my issue. I'm using an integrated ati 6530d and when I try and boot my display just goes blank and I get 'no signal'. Any idea why this would be?18:57
dr_willismsh theres some nice themes in different ppas and sites. like  webupd818:58
dr_willisnashant:  grub menu using a res not supported by the monitor.  set grub to use the basic  text menu. in /etz/ddefault/grub18:59
sw0rdfishIdleOne, thank you sir :D19:01
sw0rdfishI have your go... I am proceeding :)19:01
riplyhi guys, does anyone here have experiance with Virtualmin and are willing to look at a little issue I'm having, recreating a public_html folder?19:02
nashantdr_willis: to get the live usb to work I added 'nomodeset' to the grub options. Would adding this to 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' in /etc/default/grub do the same?19:02
mithranbekks:  i can't find any useful commands....... i don't understand what it is saying19:03
rollitupescott: is the command to bind /dev $sudo mount --bind /dev /media/dev ?19:04
bekksmithran: Then try to explain what's unclear at the explanation right before the second command in the section "Mounting" please.19:05
dr_willisnashant: try it. i only need it untill i get the drivers install19:05
ElixirVitaeHow stable is post-release updates of Nvidia drivers?19:05
=== Cascade is now known as Guest4501
escottrollitup, if /media was where you mounted sda519:06
savrwhat replaces unattended-upgrades in 12.10?19:07
tofanbatamyou now kontol bro ??19:08
mithranbekks:  my filesystem is already mounted but i cant find the other partitions in my system19:09
Guest4501Harmy, need help?19:09
rollitupescott: it says mount': mount point /media/sda5/dev does not exist19:09
bekksmithran: That has nothing to do with the explanation right before the second command in the section named above.19:10
bekksmithran: So please explain what you dont understand in that section, for enabling us to actually help you.19:11
mithranbekks:  ok then what shall i do . can you please healp me?19:11
escottrollitup, i need to try and get some work done. /dev/sda5 is the device, when you mount it "mount /dev/sda5 /some/mountpoint" it attaches the filesystem inside the disk to that mountpoint. what you need to do next in the chroot is attach the existing /dev filesystem to the dev directory inside the mountpoint where your mounted /dev/sda5. so its "mount /dev/sda5 /someplace; mount --bind /dev /someplace/dev"19:11
bekksmithran: Then try to explain what's unclear at the explanation right before the second command in the section "Mounting" please.19:11
=== brospin is now known as Catbuntu
fefe321chi mi aiuta19:12
mithran there are for partitions in my system but there only shows the file system19:12
Pici!it | fefe32119:13
ubottufefe321: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:13
mithranbekks:  there are for partitions in my system but there only shows the file system19:13
bekksmithran: Ok, last try: explain what you dont understand at the section named above. Dont repeat things that have nothing to do with that please.19:14
mithranbekks: there is 350 GB of space is availiable in my system now it shows only 50 GB of the file system?19:14
nashantdr_willis: grub-update command not found19:15
bekksmithran: Ok. Very obviously you dont want to listen to people when asking things, nor you want to read and understand when people are trying to help you. That makes it impossible for me to help you. Good luck with your support issue, maybe someone else is more patient.19:15
dr_willisnashant:  perhaps because its 'update-grub'19:15
nashantjust realised that19:16
savrwhat replaces unattended-upgrades in 12.10?19:17
Picisavr: I see unattended-upgrades in 12.1019:18
savrok... thanks19:18
bekkssavr: It is available in quantal: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/unattended-upgrades19:18
benbro1is there a tool for ubuntu that can help me create a video tutorial with text popup?19:19
Picisavr: I don't have a desktop install here, but apt shows it available as part of ubuntu-desktop (among other tasks)19:19
Dark_PrinceHello, I'm trying to set up a FTP server on my VPS with vsftpd, I can read files off it but I can't write in anyway, any ideas what I'm doing wrong?19:20
mithranbekks: i can'understand what you are asking about . are you asking about the command given by the bot19:20
bekksDark_Prince: You didnt allow write access in your config.19:21
mithranbekks: is it about this "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"19:22
Dark_PrinceWhat setting am I looking at here?19:22
Dark_PrinceI'm looking at the conf file for  it now19:22
bekksDark_Prince: For the setting to enable any form of the write command, in first instance.19:22
Dark_Princewrite_enable=YES is already set.19:22
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bekksDark_Prince: Then whats the exact error message you get when trying to upload a file?19:23
Dark_PrinceResponse:550 Delete operation failed.19:23
mithrananybody please help me i cannot mount my system partition voleums in my ubuntu 12.1019:24
bekksDark_Prince: Does the user you are logged in with using ftp have the permissions to delete that file?19:24
Dark_PrinceHow would I check that? I think so its under its /home/ directory.19:25
mithrani only see the file system?19:25
mrguser<mithran> homie, you can reinstall grub monitor19:25
mithranplease help me :(19:25
sgt_haggerHey guys. On KDE is there anything like the integration of banshee? I am really liking KDE but I miss the banshee integration. I would like to be able to quickly search my music and play it19:25
bekksDark_Prince: By using ls -lha19:25
mrguser<mithran> homie, would you like a link19:25
IdleOnesgt_hagger: Amarok19:25
ubottufenix709: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:26
kostkonsgt_hagger, amarok?19:26
Dark_PrinceThey're all root.19:26
dr_willis'system partition volumes' dosent make much sence mithran19:26
bekksDark_Prince: So which file in particular do you want to delete?19:26
kostkonsgt_hagger, amarok is a beast though19:26
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
Dark_PrinceIn general I more want to be able to backup files and restore them.19:27
sgt_haggeryeah but what I want is something like Unity has. I don't need to open my music player in unity. All I do is press super + m then type a few letters from the song I want and normally it is there. get what I mean?19:27
Dark_PrinceOr upload new server files.19:27
bekksDark_Prince: Then please just answer my question.19:28
mithrandr_willis: my hard disk partition is not mounting or showing but i can see my pendrive19:28
Dark_PrinceWell that would be the entire /server directory.19:28
bekksDark_Prince: Some seconds ago it was /home - so please decide which it is :)19:28
mrgusermithran , would you like a link ?19:28
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
dr_willismithran:  so try to mount it with the proper mount command and look for errors19:29
mithranmrguser:  means19:29
Dark_PrinceWell I need to be able to write to any files under /home/DP/19:29
Dark_PrinceWhich currently only includes server_files19:29
bekksDark_Prince: And you are logged in as "DP" using ftp ?19:29
Dark_PrinceI'm accessing it over ssh.19:29
kostkonsgt_hagger, maybe there is an amarok plasma widget or something19:30
fizyplanktonhow can i burn an iso file thru command line?19:30
bekksDark_Prince: ssh has nothing to do with ftp so far.19:30
mrguserDark prince, you can connect iy19:30
Dark_PrinceThe user doesn't have a password so I just put in a random one because it wouldn't let me have nothing.19:30
kostkonsgt_hagger, or an mpris one. that would be even better19:30
Dark_PrinceThat might be the problem19:30
bekksDark_Prince: No.19:30
escott!info wodim | fizyplankton19:30
ubottufizyplankton: wodim (source: cdrkit): command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 359 kB, installed size 845 kB19:30
bekksDark_Prince: As long as you remembered that password and used it for logging in using ftp, that cant be the problem.19:31
Dark_PrinceWhen i created the user I didn't set one.19:31
Dark_PrinceThere is no password.19:31
mithrandr_willis: i can see the home icon in my panel if i opened this the i can see the home, file syste, pendrive19:31
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sgt_haggerOkay thanks19:31
bekksDark_Prince: Then you cant be logged in as that user using ftp.19:31
Dark_PrinceSo how do I set a password for a user over ssh.19:32
mithrandr_willis: there are no other voluem19:32
bekksDark_Prince: By using "passwd".19:32
dr_willismithran:  so try to mount it with the proper mount command IN THE TERMINAL and look for errors19:32
dr_willismithran:  check with 'sudo blkid'19:32
mithrandr_willis:  i will chk and come back19:33
BrainPaidJCuber, I want to see you, homie!19:33
BrainPaidJCuber, I want to see you, homie!19:33
BrainPaidJCuber, I want to see you, homie!19:33
FloodBot1BrainPaid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
mithrandr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448308/19:33
Dark_Princeerr Whats the syntax for passwd?19:34
nashantdr_willis, escott: Thanks for your help. All up and running :)19:34
escottnashant, how did you get past the purple screen (haven't been watching the conversation but im curious)19:34
escottDark_Prince, passwd [username]19:35
bekksDark_Prince: "passwd". It will ask you for your old password, and twice for your new one. Since you dont have an old one, you have to use "passwd DP" as root to set the password for DP as root.19:35
dr_willismithran:  and as you can see.. that lists all lnown fileststems on your system..   mount the ones you want19:35
BrainPaidhomies, I want to connect webchat.freenode.net on mIRC. I want to your's help's, please :(19:36
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
nashantescott: had to edit /etc/default/grub, add nomodeset to the options and run update-grub19:36
BrainPaidMy mIRC is not connect webchat.freenode.net :(19:36
escottnashant, oh ok19:37
IdleOneBrainPaid: webchat runs in a browser.19:37
bekksBrainPaid: Either use webchat.freenode.net with browser or use irc.freenode.net with mIRC.19:37
veryhappyhi guys, need your help, do i have to make a boot partition when i want to be able to change the booting distribution in windows over programs that are able to access ext3? i want to be able to change it even under windows, my system would be a dual boot system19:37
Dark_PrinceStill not working. Can't write at all despite having added a password.19:37
bekksDark_Prince: Then log in using ftp now - using your new passwd.19:37
Dark_PrinceI did.19:37
BrainPaidIdleOne, bekhs; homies, I'm using a mobile phone now.19:37
Dark_PrinceStill no write access.19:38
Dark_PrinceOnly read.19:38
bekksDark_Prince: Then which permissions does /home/DP has?19:38
IdleOneBrainPaid: and?19:38
mithrandr_willis:  can ou help me ihow to mount               /dev/sda5: LABEL="New Volume" UUID="30849EC4849E8BCA" TYPE="ntfs"19:38
dr_willismithran:  you mount sda5 whever you want.19:38
Dark_PrinceHow do I set them / check them?19:38
BrainPaidI'm not use a web browser on my mobile phone19:38
dr_willis!ntfs-3g  | mithran19:38
ubottumithran: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:38
bekksDark_Prince: Again with using ls -lha19:38
IdleOneBrainPaid: mIRC has a mobile client for phones?19:38
BrainPaidOpera Mobile is enough?19:38
dr_willissudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdXX /media/make-a-directory-first19:39
IdleOneBrainPaid: yes.19:39
PiciBrainPaid: If you're looking for freenode help, #freenode is the best place to ask.  #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.19:39
nashantescott: Yeah, and remove nomodeset after installing the proper drivers (I'm still waiting to do a reboot after a full system update)19:39
BrainPaidNo, mIRGGI is mobile IRC client for Symbian19:39
Dark_Princeall the files have root next to them19:39
BrainPaidI'm using E63, like s60v319:40
bekksDark_Prince: Pastebin the output of "ls -lha /home/" please.19:40
IdleOneBrainPaid: so point it to irc.freenode.net and #freenode for more help like Pici said19:40
bekks!pastebin | Dark_Prince19:40
ubottuDark_Prince: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:40
BrainPaidI will try webchat.freenode.net with Opera Mobile, thank homies. And IdleOne, I will try your's sayings,too.19:40
daftykinsDark_Prince: you're trying to change that folder and that .tar.gz to write permissions for the user?19:42
mithrandr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448327/    i shows like this19:42
Dark_PrincePretty much19:42
goddardcan i make paid gedit plugins?19:43
mithrandr_willis:  it shows like this  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448327/19:43
daftykinsDark_Prince: chmod 766 -r *19:43
Dark_Prince* being the users name?19:43
dr_willismithran:  !commands are BOT commands in the channel.. NOT for you to type in  the shell.. READ what the bot says when someone triggers it with the various !commands19:44
daftykinsnope, being *19:44
dr_willis!ntfs-3g  | mithran  READ THE URL19:44
ubottumithran  READ THE URL: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:44
mithranok ha ha ha :)19:45
vijuquite a noob  at this , glad if somebody help me with this19:46
veryhappybekks: hi bekks, need your help, do i have to make a boot partition when i want to be able to change the booting distribution in windows over programs that are able to access ext3? i want to be able to change it even under windows, my system would be a dual boot system19:46
nashantdr_willis: would leaving the 'nomodeset' option in with the proprietary drivers installed cause it to hang while booting?19:46
Dark_Princedaftykins "chmod: cannot access `766': No such file or directory "19:46
vijumy OS is 32 bit , why it didn't install as 64 bit when I have 64 bit machine?19:47
dr_willisnashant:  i never tried..  its fairly easy to remove19:47
daftykinsDark_Prince: ah, fail on my part - "chmod 760 -r *"19:47
dr_willisviju:  did you download the 64bit iso?19:47
nashantdr_willis: I know, I just forgot and am a little worried that something's not working again19:47
vijuthere was no 64 bit iso. is there one?19:47
Dark_PrinceSame thing execpt 75019:48
dr_willisviju:  yes there is19:48
fantasmaviju: yes. There is a dropdown menue where you can choose the 64 bit version19:48
vijudr_willis, okay I have one more question , how to see if my machine is 64 bit or not?19:48
vijuI see fantasma19:49
daftykinsDark_Prince: nm seems i can't remember proper terminology =\19:49
nashantdr_willis: proprietary drivers installed and nomodeset seems to have disappeared from grub. It hangs on the purple screen when booting19:49
fantasmaviju: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop19:49
fantasma"choose your flavour"19:49
nashantdr_willis: nomodeset added again and it's working. Any disadvantages in using it?19:51
bekksDark_Prince: You dont have permissions to delete/modify those files as "DP".19:51
bekksDark_Prince: So you have to change the permissions on those files.19:51
Dark_Princebekks How do I do that?19:51
bekks!permissions | Dark_Prince19:51
ubottuDark_Prince: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:51
vijuthanks fantasma19:52
ahmeedsoefiyanim new on ubuntu19:55
dr_willisse days.19:56
dr_willisnashant: i dint even need nomodeset at all these days19:56
MonkeyDustahmeedsoefiyan  welcome then19:56
ViaNocturna85hey there, anyone know if there are any bugs regarding fan control?19:57
ahmeedsoefiyanMonkeyDust Thank's :)19:58
nashantdr_willis: well it's working so I'll leave it there. I have a new problem! It's beeping at me, then sounds like one of my discs is being accessed20:01
ahmeedsoefiyanhow to use wireshark on ubuntu ?20:01
TomyLoboapt-get install wireshark i presume20:02
bekksahmeedsoefiyan: Just the same way as on other distributions and even other OS.20:02
ahmeedsoefiyani can't .. "there are no interfaces on which a capture can be done."20:03
ahmeedsoefiyanbekks what the problem there is20:04
bekksahmeedsoefiyan: Because you have to have root privileges to capture packets.20:04
ahmeedsoefiyanbekks : How?20:05
BlinkizHi. I have a Samsung NX210 digital camera with a 64GB sd-card inside. The camera can read the card fine but when I plug it into my card reader, I get "sde: unknown partition table". So what file system is it normally on these cameras?20:07
nashantAnyone able to suggest why my system beeps at me for about 2 mins very frequently as soon as I boot up, then after that just very occasionally beeps at me and makes what I think it an HDD access sound20:07
clear`nashant: you need to write down the beeps, go to your motherboard manufacture and figure out what the error is20:08
Dark_Princebekks Set permissions but now I get 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()20:08
bekksDark_Prince: Then what did you do exactly for chaning permissions?20:12
nashantclear`: Got errors with a disk it looks like. gsmartcontrol is showing 318 errors in the log for one of them20:12
Dark_Princeadded DP and root to a group called FTP20:13
bekksDark_Prince: And...?20:13
Dark_Princeand changed the group for that directory to ftp20:13
Dark_PrinceThen set read write and executable permissions to group20:13
bekksDark_Prince: OUCH.20:13
bekksDark_Prince: You set the permissions to _world_-writeable, not to group-writable, did you?20:14
bekksDark_Prince: And I am asking for the specific commands you used.20:14
Dark_Princechmod g+rwx20:14
bekksDark_Prince: That ONE of a bunch of commands.20:15
Dark_Princechmod g+rwx /home/DP20:16
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
bekksDark_Prince: Thats still one ONE of bunch of commands. Use a pastebin to show them all please.20:16
TomyLoboroot-owned home folders *shrug*20:19
theadminDark_Prince: Something's wrong, why is /home/DP owned by root?20:20
Dark_PrinceNo idea.20:20
theadminAnd why does your system allow uppercase usernames?20:20
Dark_PrinceI made the directory as root?20:20
TomyLobois that even a user folder?20:20
TomyLobois DP even a user?20:20
Dark_PrinceThat I really have no idea.20:20
theadminDark_Prince: In the future, use "adduser" to add new users20:21
Dark_PrinceI did that.20:21
theadminIt makes home directories and stuff itself20:21
theadminDark_Prince: Either way: sudo chown -R DP:ftp /home/DP20:21
=== Guest8609 is now known as wN
poqHi all. Why is self-written gtk app looks like windows 2000? Lubuntu 12.04 http://tau.rghost.ru/private/42347095/ed87dc7599a4d70c354a1b23ffaceaaa/image.png20:22
TomyLobopoq i dont speak russian... what is that window?20:22
NecrosporusWhere can I download ubuntu for android?20:22
NecrosporusThere is no download link, as far as I concerned20:23
theadminpoq: I suppose you didn't set it to use themable widgets.20:23
NecrosporusTomyLobo, what window?20:23
DJonesNecrosporus: You can't yet, its a concept thats being looked into20:23
PiciNecrosporus: Its still  a work in progress.20:23
TomyLoboNecrosporus are you poq?20:23
=== MoL0ToV^ is now known as MoL0ToV
TomyLobo"Ready to talk? We're ready to work with you now, so if you have plans for Android devices that could benefit from a little added Ubuntu, let us know."20:23
poqTomyLobo: on left side is my application, right side Lubuntu's lxappearance tool with Clearlooks selected theme but my app doesn't looks like lxappearance20:24
poqTomyLobo: no, I don't know Necrosporus...20:24
NecrosporusTomyLobo, I'm not, but it doesn't mean I can't take a look20:24
theadminpoq: Again, GTK requires widgets to be themable in order for this to work.20:24
wachpwnskiHow can I run a python program as a service?20:24
TomyLobowhat can i say? gtk sucks visually :P20:25
poqtheadmin: how can I do that?20:25
TomyLobountil now i thought it wasn't that bad on linux though20:25
Necrosporuswachpwnski, run it in background?20:25
theadminwachpwnski: Eh, echo "exec python /path/to/program" | sudo tee /etc/init/myservice.conf20:25
Dark_Princetheadmin: Ok done that, now if I understand this I need to remove root from the group ftp.20:25
Dark_PrinceHow do I do that?20:25
Necrosporustheadmin, it will rewrite whole file20:25
wachpwnskiNecrosporus:  I want to run my program like this:   sudo service my-program start20:26
theadminDark_Prince: sudo gpasswd -d root ftp20:26
Necrosporusmaybe you need append option for tee?20:26
theadminNecrosporus: Right, but there normally is no sane daemon called "myservice"20:26
theadminSo... that works20:26
=== bill is now known as Guest26863
Necrosporuswachpwnski, maybe command above should work20:26
Guest26863certain graphical apps run terribly slow; ubuntu 10.04 hp-2133 mini, could u help?20:28
Dark_PrinceHmm still 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()20:28
NetJunky88Good evening!20:29
emrHello, i have to work with ms-sql, is there any way to dump data like mysql?20:29
Piciemr: On Ubuntu?20:30
wachpwnskitheadmin, Necrosporus: thanks guys, that's what I needed20:30
emrPici yes20:30
Guest26863not sure if there is a graphical work-r-rnd20:30
Piciemr: How are you connecting?20:31
emrPici, i dont have connection yet:)20:32
NetJunky88Guys, I'm working on Windows and I use Oracle Virtual Box, to run Ubuntu Server. I need to set static ip address, but I completely forgot how to set it up.20:32
Dark_Princetheadmin: 500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot() Any idea?20:32
=== custom3r is now known as Guest27130
Guest26863certain graphical apps run terribly slow; ubuntu 10.04 hp-2133 mini, could u help?20:32
theadminDark_Prince: I'd rather stay away from FTP if I were you, but eh... Not really sure what it wants20:32
=== Guest27130 is now known as custom3r
jbwivdoes anyone else find radeon support on 12.10 to be really slow? I know that there were problems with radeon 2xxx,3xxx, and 4xxx, but I'm on 6xxx with fglrx-updates and fglrx-amdcccle-updates and things just drag...20:34
Piciemr: You'll need to figure that out first then.  Depending on what you want to do, an ODBC connection might suffice.20:34
theadminjbwiv: I found fglrx to be generally slow for everything except wine :/20:34
jbwivtheadmin, what was your work around? Are you using the oss drivers?20:35
emrPici i want to dump data first, is it possible with linux terminal?20:35
bekksemr: ms-sql is not able to run on Ubuntu at all.20:35
TomyLoboNetJunky88 http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-configure-a-static-ip-address-tutorial/ first hit on google20:35
emrbekks, i know, its already remote server20:36
Piciemr: The sqsh package looks like it can connect to mssql databases, but I've never used it myself.20:36
Pici!info sqsh20:36
ubottusqsh (source: sqsh): commandline SQL client for MS SQL and Sybase servers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.7-1 (quantal), package size 144 kB, installed size 302 kB20:36
emrohh Pici thank you trying and reporting too u, thnx:)20:36
Guest26863not sure if anyone read my question?20:37
NetJunky88@TomyLobo: yes, if seen this example all around internet. Problem is, that I'm not sure about what addresses should set in "/etc/network/interface"20:37
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
Guest26863work manly on terminal, not sure what to do about graphical issues20:39
Guest26863certain graphical apps run terribly slow; ubuntu 10.04 hp-2133 mini 1.2 GHZ, 1G RAM, could u help?20:41
NetJunky88@TomyLobo: you see, I've did it long ago. My latest Ubuntu server was 10.10 I think, so you have an idea how long ago and since this is not day-to-day operation I forgot where from VirtualBox should I take those addresses and which belongs where.20:41
guntbertGuest26863: it helps if you keep your statement in one line, so it doesn't get spread across a whole page - and make a complete sentence of it :)20:42
=== eraggo_ is now known as eraggo
FloodBot1BrainPaid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
=== Teufelchen is now known as Teufelchen_
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Guest26863I'm new at this; i'm not sure how it works; do u mean i should write a longer descrition of the problem?20:44
ikoniaGuest26863: just explain the problem and what you need help with20:45
ikoniaGuest26863: as much/little information as you feel needed to get help20:45
PiciGuest26863: Preferably on one line.20:46
=== Lunar_La1p is now known as Lunar_Lamp
jbwivtheadmin, did you find a way to fix it or have you switched cards?20:48
theadminjbwiv: Well, I use the opensource drivers, they work for me20:48
jbwivtheadmin, how many monitors? I need to support three20:49
theadminjbwiv: I have one, sorry20:49
jbwivtheadmin, k, thx20:50
theadminjbwiv: Did you have it work before?20:50
alice__i need help with compiling driver for wireless adapter...anyone can help?20:50
BrainFreealice, your wireless adapter's mark ?20:51
jbwivtheadmin, on 12.04, yes. but it's slow on 12.1020:51
jbwivit works, but really slow20:51
theadmin...wut is that20:51
alice__i have driver but when i get to step ./configure it says that that file doesnt exsist20:51
BrainFreeI think, driver's recommended20:52
Guest26863i have several graphical apps and games that run terribly slow; i'm using ubuntu 10.04 on an hp-2133 mini, with a 1.2 GHZ processor and 1G RAM; it's only graphical sftwr such as Minecraft that run so slow u have to wait minutes for the mouse cursor to move20:52
guntbertGuest26863: don't worry. A "line" is what you create by presing <enter> only when your statement is complete :)20:52
fulcandoes anyone have a smb.conf they could share?20:52
bekksfulcan: How would that help you (solving your problem)?20:53
theadminfulcan: Well, I could give you the default one20:53
Alexx_Hey guy, I'm trying to forward the port 1521 to a virtual machine so I did "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -i br0 -d 188.***.215.*** --dport 1521 -j DNAT --to" but it's not working any ideas why?20:53
fulcantheadmin please!20:53
bekksAlexx_: Do you use NAT for the vm?20:53
bekksAlexx_: (in vbox)20:53
theadminfulcan: http://sprunge.us/DFIg20:53
fulcantheadmin thank you!20:54
MonkeyDustAlexx_  in the vbox settings, change NAT to bridged20:54
BrainFreeIs administrator here?20:54
bekksAlexx_: Or use the vbox port forwarding engine.20:54
Alexx_bekks: MonkeyDust : in fac i'm using bridged20:54
Alexx_And i'm using kvm20:55
alice__brainFree can you help me?20:55
daniearjust installed fail2ban, can any1 try to ssh in to see if it works20:55
bekksAlexx_: So it has nothing to do with vbox.20:55
Guest26863a game called glest is another example; was my first line long enough?20:55
theadmindaniear: I could, I guess...20:55
daniearthanks, im ircing from the ip20:56
fulcanwhat is up with samba? I am using a default config file??  http://pastie.org/554922820:56
daniearshould block after 3 attemps if working20:56
bekksfulcan: You are using samba4 with a samba3 config file.20:56
Guest26863guntbert r u still there?20:56
alice__i have problem with compiling airlive driver for wireless adapter...anyone can help pls?20:57
PiciBrainFree: yes?20:57
theadmindaniear: Yes, seems to be working20:57
luckyasswhat is the ubuntu support channel. any1?20:57
DzoCrnaNulaHello, I'm having problems with HUD on my Ubuntu 12.10. It dose not display any options when i press alt key. Whatever I type circle starts spinning and after few sec it stops.20:57
theadminluckyass: This one.20:57
guntbertGuest26863: yes, your statement seems clear - only I cannot help, sorry20:57
=== mikestewart is now known as mikestewart|afk
fulcanbekks theadmin sent it to me, not sure. do you have a samba4?20:57
daniearthanks, see you in iptables20:57
BrainFreemy IRC client is corrupt :(20:57
bekksfulcan: I am not using samba at all.20:57
fulcantheadmin was that samba4?20:57
BrainFreeI can't make 1-1 querie20:57
=== arnold is now known as Guest28483
bekksBrainFree: How do you try to do so?20:58
luckyasscan someone explain to me when i type /join #ubuntu from another channel. it joins me in a channel with myself but if i select it from the network list in xchat it show all of you guys?20:58
theadminfulcan: I think not20:58
BrainFreeAlice? Sorry, we can speak these20:58
Guest26863guntbert: how do i enlist the help of some others?20:58
Piciluckyass: likely that other channel isn't on this network (freenode)20:58
alice__BrainFree yes? can you help?20:58
BrainFreeyes alica20:59
BrainFreeThese place.20:59
BrainFreeI cant make 1-1 querie20:59
syphon14my browser wont play videos on youtube20:59
BrainFreeMy IRC client is corrupt, sorry.20:59
alice__ok let's do it here...20:59
guntbertGuest26863: you just state your problem - like you did, then you wait some time (about 10 minutes or so), if you don't get an answer then you repeat your question20:59
alice__when i do step ./cofigure it says that there is no such file or dir20:59
syphon14my browser wont play videos on youtube can anyone help20:59
theadminsyphon14: Do you have Flash?21:00
BrainFreeDrivers are required but airties drivers are support them, I think21:00
luckyasspici how do i change the network also? is there another like /join for it?21:00
theadminluckyass: /connect or /server depending on the client21:00
Guest26863anyone: i have several graphical apps and games that run terribly slow; i'm using ubuntu 10.04 on an hp-2133 mini, with a 1.2 GHZ processor and 1G RAM; it's only graphical sftwr such as Minecraft that run so slow u have to wait minutes for the mouse cursor to move21:00
alice__yes when compiling tar.gz driver file21:00
luckyassok thanks i will just pay more attention next time21:00
DzoCrnaNulaHello, I'm having problems with HUD on my Ubuntu 12.10. It dose not display any options when i press alt key. Whatever I type circle starts spinning and after few sec it stops. Can anyone help?21:00
BrainFreeLinux drivers are there?21:00
Guest26863guntbert: thank u for ur advice21:01
anonymous_anyone kown hack wifi21:01
alice__but tar.gz file21:01
BrainFreeTry to install them, can you?21:01
TomyLoboanonymous_ lol21:01
MonkeyDustanonymous_  is it legal?21:01
guntbert!u | Guest2686321:01
ubottuGuest26863: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.21:01
Picianonymous_: you're in the wrong place, again.21:01
alice__btw. i use xubuntu21:01
BrainFreeyes tar.gz is installable21:01
anonymous_anyone kown hack wifi21:01
BrainFreeYou're extract tar.gz's files21:01
BrainFreeAnd run install.sh21:01
alice__i don't have install.sh21:02
TomyLoboi like force-part. throws off most auto-rejoiners :)21:02
Guest28483LMFAO http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Joxoi8Z0s6k#at=3521:02
theadminBrainFree: ...a tarball is just an archive, it mustn't have any specific file21:02
PiciGuest28483: Please do not post random links here.21:02
Guest28483i couldnt stop laughing21:02
alice__what with term?21:03
BrainFreeYou can bring tar file tp terminal window21:03
thegHi, I'm having some trouble installiing Wine, the forum admins there told me to come here, can someone help please? The terminal output is here: http://pastebin.com/MBTafena21:03
alice__command pls, i'm beginner with linux21:03
MonkeyDusttheg  remove the ppa, then type sudo apt-get install wine21:04
Guest26863guntbert: did not mean to offend21:04
BrainFreeI'm too.21:04
BrainFreeI'm newbie but I now21:04
theadmintheg: You shouldn't have added the repository, wine is in the Ubuntu's repos21:04
thegok, how do I remove it? is it remove-apt-repository?21:04
BrainFreeAlice you can bring tar file to terminal window.21:04
BrainFreeIt's began install21:05
theadmintheg: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*ubuntu-wine* && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine21:05
MicWi try to netboot ubuntu from nfs. i installed it via debotstrap in a chroot, installed a kernel and created a ramdisk21:05
alice__how to bring it? can you give me what command i need to write in terminal21:05
nashantAlright guys. I'm having a display issue. when I try and boot it hangs at the first purple screen. Every time I boot a live usb session and chroot in to the installed env, then update-grub, it works again until I reboot. And ideas?21:05
bekksBrainFree: What do you mean by "bring a tar file to terminal"?21:05
guntberttheg: and whats that debian repository doing?21:05
MicWbooting via pxe works21:05
BrainFreemy english is too bad :D21:05
MicWup to the point where the display resolution is switched21:05
alice__main too21:05
fulcanhow in the heck do I get past this? http://pastie.org/554927021:05
BrainFreeWait, I using the google translate21:05
daniearstfu fulcan21:05
MicWthenit ends with a blank screen and a blinking cursor21:06
islandmonkeyHello people, Ubuntu isn't wanting to load today. All my computer does is load up the grub menu automatically (which it shouldn't), load Ubuntu with a black screen (with the flickering white thing you see in consoles), accelarates the fan and then shuts down. Help?21:06
MicWseems to wait for something21:06
bekks!language | daniear21:06
theadminBrainFree: Please do not give advice without knowing things :/ "bringing" a tar file to the terminal would only paste the path to it max, not "install" it at all21:06
guntbertdaniear: stay nice please21:06
ubottudaniear: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:06
daniearan abreviation isn't bad language21:06
fulcandaniear excuse you?21:06
thegI ran that command, theadmin, but there is the same terminal output21:06
guntbertdaniear: don't argue - stop that21:06
islandmonkeyBTW, I have to wait >1min for anything to happen21:07
BrainFreealice, you can drag and drop the tar file to terminal window. It will be install.21:07
bekksBrainFree: Which is not true at all.21:07
bekksalice__: Dont listen to him.21:07
daniearor what guntbert21:07
BrainFreeBekks, I'm sorry I am a backtrack user I'm newbie21:07
BrainFreeI can lnstall tar files on backtack 521:08
BrainFreeIn this way21:08
Guest26863anyone: i have several graphical applications and games that run terribly slow; i'm using ubuntu 10.04 on an hp-2133 mini, with a 1.2 GHZ processor and 1G RAM; it's only graphical sftwr, such as: Minecraft; that run so slow you have to wait minutes for the mouse cursor to move|please help21:08
alice__it's tar.gz file and i have xubuntu21:08
bekksBrainFree: Most likely a tar file just contains source code which has to be compiled prior installing.21:08
Tech-11.2g processor with 1 gig of ram wont get you very far21:09
nashantdr_willis: still about?21:09
BrainFreebekks, can you help alice?21:09
islandmonkeyGuest2686: Well with a 1.2GHz CPU Minecraft will be slow.21:09
nashantdr_willis: I'm still having a display issue. when I try and boot it hangs at the first purple screen. Every time I boot a live usb session and chroot in to the installed env, then update-grub, it works again until I reboot. And ideas?21:09
Tech-1gamers know this, why they ask is beyond me21:09
thegtheadmin - any other ideas?21:09
BrainFreealice, I'm soryy :( :( bekks please help to alice ??21:09
alice__BrainFree it's ok ;) at least you tried21:10
dr_willisnashant: totally disable plymouth so you can see any error messages perhaps21:10
BrainFreealice cannot install airlive drivers21:10
maujhsnCan anyone tell me if the ubuntu forum is in spanish?21:10
nashantdr_willis: ho do I do that?21:10
BrainFreeWould you like help allce?21:10
alice__he's gone21:10
BrainFreeOh, bekks! You're selfish!21:10
BrainFreealice :( I'm sorry21:11
alice__it's ok, i'll try to find help somewhere else21:11
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »21:11
BrainFreeI did my best but we didn't success..21:11
BrainFreeBye, homie..21:12
nashantdr_willis: got it21:12
guntbertBrainFree: don't spam the channel please - be easy on the <enter> key21:12
skarsomeone know why it isn't ldtpeditor binary when you install ldtp package?21:12
BrainFreeguntbert: I'm not spamming :(21:13
Evil_Erichey guys i need the best app for creating a app launcher any ideas21:13
theadminMockingBird: you mean emacs :P21:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:13
theadminOh whatever, I'm not getting into an editor war21:13
BrainFreeMockingBird is too fast :D21:14
theadminEvil_Eric: You don't need an app for that, Ubuntu has built-in functionality21:14
MockingBirdDo you want it on the desktop?21:14
Evil_Erictheadmin , would you happen to have a link to a how to guide then21:14
guntbertBrainFree: and keep to ubuntu support here - don't contibute to chatter21:15
Guest26863i'm not really a gamer - just found minecraft and gave it a try and liked it. it took me forever to get it working on my platform and once i did this happened. i read that it would run on old machines, so i naturaly thought it would work on my relatively new one.21:15
theadminEvil_Eric: Well, it used to be right-click anywhere and "Create Launcher" but I'm not sure if that's still around21:15
Evil_Ericits not21:15
dcopeergh, just installed updates on my MBA and now ubuntu can't find any network cards21:15
Pici!google | MockingBird21:15
ubottuMockingBird: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.21:15
theadminEvil_Eric: Here's how to write a basic .desktop file: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/21:15
GeorgeTorwellDoes ubuntu screen code in the software center to make sure there is no malicious code?21:15
Evil_Ericthank you theadmin21:16
theadminGeorgeTorwell: Yes, every app submitted to the software center is reviewed.21:16
MonkeyDustGeorgeTorwell  but be careful with PPA's, as they are not screened21:16
BrainFreeHow to add a foreign repository on terminal?21:16
dcopeany ideas?21:16
TomyLoboeven the binary only packages?21:16
theadminGeorgeTorwell: Well... Some of the apps in the Software Center are closed source, though (Flash), then they only review the functionality21:17
theadminTomyLobo: ^21:17
GeorgeTorwellwell flash isn't likely to be a problem21:17
GeorgeTorwellbut I get suspicious when installing a random app and the software center asks for my root password21:17
theadminGeorgeTorwell: That's necessary to install any app21:17
MockingBirdGeorgeTorwell:  it will always ask you for that21:17
thegCan someone help me install Wine please? Terminal output is here: http://pastebin.com/MBTafena Have tried remvoing the repository then installing, no difference in output.21:17
islandmonkeyHello people, Ubuntu isn't wanting to load today. All my computer does is load up the grub menu automatically (which it shouldn't), load Ubuntu with a black screen (with the flickering white thing you see in consoles), accelarates the fan and then shuts down. Help?21:18
TomyLoboit needs root rights to install the app. otherwise it cannot write to the target folders21:18
MockingBirdGeorgeTorwell:  it stops malicious apps from installing in the background.21:18
islandmonkeyBTW, I have to wait >1min for anything to happen21:18
MockingBirdisbric:  what was the last thing you did before it bricked?21:18
BrainFreeHomies, how to add a foreign repository on terminal?21:18
bekksBrainFree: We have clue on how to do that on backtrack.21:19
ikoniatheg: why have you installed that ppa21:19
bekks*no clue even.21:19
BrainFreePpa codes is not works on ubuntu 10.04 lucid21:19
ikoniatheg: look at the amount of bad dependencies21:19
MockingBirdBrainFree:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:...21:19
bekksBrainFree: The do work, but you dont have Ubuntu as you stated before.21:19
wizardshey what windows manager is the least resource intensive that is good with ubuntu21:19
MonkeyDustwizards  try jwm21:20
BrainFreebekks, I using ubuntu with BackTrack, My engliish is too weak to make a professional conversation on this place..21:20
theadminwizards: openbox, i3, awesome, xmonad...21:20
ikoniaBrainFree: ubuntu and back track are two seperate OS's21:20
PiciBrainFree: We do not support backtrack in this channel. You will need to use #backtrack-linux for that21:20
thegikonia - it said to on the website, I've tried without it and that didn't work either21:20
bekksBrainFree: You are using backtrack, not Ubuntu then.21:20
ikoniaBrainFree: you don't use "ubuntu with backtrack"21:20
ikoniatheg: what website ?21:20
MockingBirdPici:  I think BT5 is based on Ubuntu21:20
ikoniatheg: wine is in the default ubuntu repos and works fine21:21
BrainFreeI installed Ubuntu 12.10 and I installed BT521:21
ikoniaMockingBird: but it's different from ubuntu21:21
PiciMockingBird: It has its own support channel. We do not support it here.21:21
BrainFreeI explain that21:21
wizardstheadmin: recommend any of those in particular? vs lxde?21:21
BrainFreeI'm choose a system on grub21:21
theadminMockingBird: It's "based" on it, it's not the same thing though. The officially supported distributions are: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Studio21:21
thegikonia - it won't install for me from the default repos either though21:21
theadminwizards: lxde is not a window manager...21:21
theadminwizards: lxde uses openbox21:21
MockingBirdtheadmin:  I know.21:21
BrainFreeIn BT5, its(minimal ubuntu 10.04 based)21:21
ikoniatheg: what was the problem with the default repo install ?21:22
guntbertBrainFree: stop talking about backtrack please21:22
dr_willisBT does a lot of changes to ubuntu. weve had this conversation in here befor. and the bottom line.. see BT support channels.21:22
thegikonia - same messages as with the one from the website21:23
ikoniatheg: I don't think it is the same21:23
ikonia!info wine21:23
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.1-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB21:23
islandmonkeyHello people, Ubuntu isn't wanting to load today. All my computer does is load up the grub menu automatically (which it shouldn't), load Ubuntu with a black screen (with the flickering white thing you see in consoles), accelarates the fan and then shuts down. Help?21:23
islandmonkeyBTW, I have to wait >1min for anything to happen21:23
guntberttheg: did you remove/disable ALL ppas yet?21:23
ikoniatheg: wine in the repos is 1.4, so the error message of broken 1.5 dependencies is unlikey to happen using the versions from the repo21:23
BrainFreeguntbert: I joined the #backtrack channel now. Thanks for your helps.21:24
tms_Hey folks, for some reason when my instances renew their IP addresses (somewhere around 45 seconds for some reason) there's a period of about 10 - 15 seconds where I get no networking whatsoever using VlanManager. Anyone seen anything like that before?21:24
thegHow do I disable all PPAs?21:24
MockingBirdGoto to software centre21:24
ikoniahe's not in #backtrack-linux so joined the wrong channel21:25
MockingBirdthen software sources21:25
dr_willisikonia:  ;)21:25
thegYeah, but how do I disable all PPAs from terminal?21:25
MonkeyDust!ppa-purge | theg21:25
ubottutheg: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:25
ikoniatheg: why are you using PPA's ?21:25
=== dpac is now known as dpac|away
MockingBirdopen your sources files and commentout/delete the ppa repos21:25
thegikonia - to install various software21:26
nashantis there a grub gui?21:26
dr_willisnashant: i think theres some unofficial grub tweaking tools. but i never needed them21:26
ikoniatheg: such as ?21:27
delinquentmeHow can I find all files recursively within a directory which have "frac" in their name?21:27
islandmonkeyHello people, Ubuntu isn't wanting to load today. All my computer does is load up the grub menu automatically (which it shouldn't), load Ubuntu with a black screen (with the flickering white thing you see in consoles), accelarates the fan and then shuts down. Help?21:27
islandmonkeyBTW, I have to wait >1min for anything to happen21:27
guntbertdelinquentme: find . -name "*frac*"21:27
wizardstheadmin: thanks sorry, would you recommend one in particular for a dual monitor setup?21:27
nashantdr_willis: it seems like something is changing grub every time I boot into the installed env. I get purple screen hang every time. Then I boot to live, chroot to installed, update-grub, and it works again21:27
ikoniadelinquentme: ls -R | grep or find . -name '*frac*' -print21:28
Picidelinquentme: use -iname if you want a case-insensitive search21:28
thegikonia -Wine, some game thing, some dvd driver thing, and an emulator21:28
ikoniaPici: even better21:28
dr_willisnashant:  you got more then 1 hd?  could be its booting the wrong one.21:28
theadminwizards: awesome I guess, it has full multihead support21:28
ikoniatheg: so wine is in the normal repos, DVD driver thing ?? ?what ? and "some game thing"21:28
wizardstheadmin: thanks a lot man, i will check it out and pray for a new computer21:28
ikoniatheg: why are you installing this stuff from untrusted sources if it's a.) already in the ubuntu repos b.) you don't even know what it is21:29
Guest26863anyone: i have several graphical applications and games that run terribly slow; i'm using ubuntu 10.04 on an hp-2133 mini, with a 1.2 GHZ processor and 1G RAM; it's only graphical sftwr, such as: Minecraft; that run so slow you have to wait minutes for the mouse cursor to move; i read over the internet that minecraft will run on older less powerful systems;that there is a version that'll run on a palm-held|please help21:29
thegikonia - I googled the problems, and the solutions involved adding new repositories to be able to install the software which fixes it21:29
islandmonkeyHello people, Ubuntu isn't wanting to load today. All my computer does is load up the grub menu automatically (which it shouldn't), load Ubuntu with a black screen (with the flickering white thing you see in consoles), accelarates the fan and then shuts down. Help?21:30
islandmonkeyBTW, I have to wait >1min for anything to happen21:30
ikoniatheg: I'm sorry that makes no sense21:30
theadminikonia: winehq.org tells people to use the PPA on Ubuntu. Their fault there.21:30
ikoniatheadmin: really ?21:30
theadminikonia: Yeah21:30
thegtheadmin - but they told me to come here21:30
ikoniahow disappointing21:30
ikoniatheg: so they told you to install their PPA, it didn't work and they told you to come here ?21:31
theadminikonia: I mean the website, not the people21:31
* MockingBird laughs21:31
guntbertGuest26863: summarizing what other had to say about your problem: don't expect performance with minecraft on 1.2GHz and 1GB RAM21:31
nashantdr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448567/   results from bootinfoscript21:31
thegikonia - No, I followed their thing on the website involving their PPA, it didn't work, so I posted on the forum, an admin disapproved the post and emailed me saying to come here21:32
ikoniatheg: #winehq is the official wine PPA channel21:32
ikoniatheg: they should be able to help you with problems with their PPA21:32
thegAnywho disabling all PPAs hasn't fixed it.21:32
ikoniaI suspect it won't if you've got PPA software already installed21:33
nashantdr_willis: and output from parted -l http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448575/21:33
ikoniadisabling a PPA doesn't remove what's been done21:33
theadminikonia: ppa-purge does that (downgrade to official repo versions after removing the ppa)21:33
Guest26863guntber: thank you for your response21:33
ikoniatheadmin: doesn't always work21:33
theadminTrue enough21:33
Guest26863i guess, i should then give up on trying to run minecraft?21:35
thegSorry, my laptop battery ran out21:35
thegGuest - try using optifine21:35
dr_willisminecraft is worth giving up. ;)21:36
Guest26863what is optifine?21:36
kostkonGuest26863, runs ok on hp mini 210 with intel gma 315021:37
thegOptifine is a mod for minecraft which improves performance.21:37
kostkonGuest26863, and openjdk721:38
WXZ1how do I get seperate workspaces on each monitor in a multi monitor setup?21:38
ikoniaWXZ1: I don't think that's possible21:39
Guest26863thank you guys21:39
thegAlso I recommend you use Sun Java21:39
ikoniaWXZ1: you could run two seperate X servers21:39
WXZ1but it must be21:39
ActionParsniptheg: sun don't own java :)21:39
ikoniaWXZ1: why must it be ?21:39
dr_willisWXZ1:  its not possible with Unity,  You can fullscreen an app and put it on the other monitors  and set it 'on all desktops/monitors'  if you want21:39
WXZ1because it's so useful21:39
ActionParsnipGuest26863: there is a PPA for Oracle Java, may help install it21:39
thegI know, but it jsut runs so much better than OpenJDK, esp. for Minecraft21:39
ikoniaWXZ1: that doesn't mean it's possible21:40
wachpwnskiHow can you auto mount things that are plugged into a defined usb port?21:40
WXZ1dr_willis: I don't need to use unity21:40
dr_willisWXZ1: I think some other window managers may have the feature. but  I dont recall what ones21:40
WXZ1dr_willis: yeah, I heard something about xnomad having it21:40
dr_willisWXZ1:  perhaps Awsome21:40
usr13wachpwnski: fstab entries21:40
WXZ1dr_willis: but I can't find any details on the internet21:40
wachpwnskiusr13:  can you give me an example?21:40
dr_willisWXZ1:  no idea. Try their irc channels21:40
WXZ1dr_willis: awesome and nomad hav e irc channels?21:41
dr_willisWXZ1:  no idea. I imagine so21:41
g0thwhen I upgraded ubuntu tex-common become broken21:41
g0this this a known issue?21:41
ikoniag0th: is there a bug logged21:41
g0thcan I somehow remove and reinstall it?21:41
ikoniag0th: you can remove it if there are no depenency problems21:42
g0thI guess dpkg --force-... is not a good idea?21:42
g0thtoo many dependencies21:42
ikoniause the package manager21:42
g0thlike 100 dependencies21:42
ikoniathat's what it's there fore21:42
ikoniathere is a --reinstall option21:42
ikoniaif you man apt-get21:42
g0thI don't want to remember all those 100 apps21:42
g0thI tried the reinstall21:42
ikoniag0th: why do you actually think it's broken ?21:43
ikoniag0th: why do you actually think it's broken ?21:43
g0thit shows a "C" (conflict) next to it21:43
g0thby broken I mean the installation21:43
ikoniag0th: do you have PPA's / 3rd party repos on the system21:44
usr13wachpwnski: Let's say you have a thumb drive with Documents and you want it to be /home/wachpwnski/Portable-Docs First mkdir ~/Portable-Docs ; Then plug the divice in and run blkid and get it's UUID ; Make the fstab entry pointing the mount point to the UUID.  From then on, it will show up in Portable-Docs  (in /home/wachpwnski)21:44
g0th‰Some of the problems listed above are caused by some sort of debconf21:45
g0thdatabase corruption.21:45
g0thdatabase corruption21:45
ikoniag0th: do you have PPA's / 3rd party repos on the system21:45
ikoniadid you remove all PPA/3rd party software before upgrading as instruced ?21:46
nashantdr_willis: if I run update-grub while booted into the installed env then when I reboot it still hangs on the splash screen (I've got it set to use no splash screen!)21:46
g0thit did so automatically21:46
ikoniano, it doesn't do it automatically21:46
ActionParsnipg0th: try:   wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage21:46
g0thit told me duriong the update process that it disabled the additional repo21:46
Piciikonia: I think the upgrade does actually.21:46
ikoniaPici: it really doesn't21:47
usr13wachpwnski: The fstab entry will look something like:21:47
ikoniait may try....but it doesn't21:47
usr13  /home/wachpwnski/Portable-Docs 534c847c-98dd-40dc-a372-d91e064ccd6c    auto  users   0 021:47
Piciikonia: it removes the repos, but it probably doesn't remove the packages.21:47
ikoniaremoving the repos does nothing21:47
g0thofc not21:47
g0thI don't want to remove those package21:47
ikoniathen your upgrade is falwed21:47
dr_willisnashant:  tried the TEXT mode booting option?21:47
g0ththose are several hundred packages21:47
g0thbut not tex related21:47
g0thalso not dictionary related21:48
g0thhmm, I can't see any possible conflict21:48
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RigidWigcan anyone tell me why having "export DISPLAY=:0.0" in an ~/.ssh/rc doesn't seem to stick in the ssh session. But entering it manually after authentication does?21:48
ActionParsnipRigidWig: put it in ~/.bashrc21:48
usr13wachpwnski:  /home/wachpwnski/Portable-Docs 534c847c-98dd-40dc-a372-d91e064ccd6c    auto  auto,users   0 021:48
usr13or:  /home/wachpwnski/Portable-Docs 534c847c-98dd-40dc-a372-d91e064ccd6c    vfat  auto,users   0 021:49
nashantdr_willis: not yet. Trying now.21:49
theadminusr13: That looks kinda wrong21:49
usr13wachpwnski: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab21:50
usr13theadmin: Kinda wrong?21:50
ActionParsnipusr13: don't you need the device to mount?21:50
usr13Oh I got it backwards21:50
g0thActionParsnip: that script looks a bit scary21:50
RigidWigActionParsnip, is there somewhere specific I need to put it, or maybe add some parameters so that it executes following an SSH session from a user?21:50
usr13Correction:  534c847c-98dd-40dc-a372-d91e064ccd6c /home/wachpwnski/Portable-Docs    vfat  auto,users   0 021:50
syphon14none of my browsers will play video and i have flash21:51
theadminusr13: More of: UUID=534c847c-98dd-40dc-a372-d91e064ccd6c ...21:51
dario967buona sera a tutto il canale21:51
wachpwnskiusr13:  Thanks.21:51
Pici!it | dario96721:51
ubottudario967: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:51
usr13Correction:  UUID=534c847c-98dd-40dc-a372-d91e064ccd6c /home/wachpwnski/Portable-Docs    vfat  auto,users   0 021:51
wachpwnskiagain theadmin is being the ubuntu ombudsman haha21:51
rosevpneed help with setting up virtual host for ssl21:51
usr13theadmin: ActionParsnip Thank you for the [constructive] criticism.21:51
ubottudario967: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:52
ActionParsnipg0th: it's just the a scripted version of the commands here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PackageManagerTroubleshootingProcedure21:52
g0this dpkg --purge --force-all tex-common etc really a bad idea?21:52
ActionParsnipg0th: how is that scary?21:52
bekksdario967: This is not a filesharing channel.21:52
ActionParsnipdario967: it hasn't changed in 30 seconds21:52
g0thhmm I don't know what the first parts do and just removing stuff from package management without knowing what's going on is "scary" for me21:53
bekks!it | dario96721:53
ubottudario967: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:53
g0thI'll read the procedure21:53
nashantdr_willis: you were right. It seems to be trying to boot from sdd, when it should be sda. My motherboard is efi, and could be putting the gpt partition table drive above sda. How do I stop that??21:53
rosevpI can get to https://mysite.mydomain.com21:53
ActionParsnipg0th: all it does is clear the package manager knowledge of any packages then redownloads fresh21:53
usr13wachpwnski: But I don't really do it like that, I just let the portable devices mount where they may.   Even if I do backups, I just bring up another file-manager window and drag stuff from one to the other.21:53
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ActionParsnipg0th: I just scripted it because its easier to run 1 command than many21:54
rosevpbut cant get to pages and sub-folders https://mysite.mydomain.com/21:54
syphon14none of browsers will play youtube video and i have flash21:54
g0thActionParsnip: knowledge of installed packages?21:54
ActionParsnipg0th: available packages21:54
g0thwhat about manually installed packages? aren't those informations lost then?21:54
g0thhmm, isn't that the same as apt-get update?21:54
dr_willisnashant:  no idea. :) i got no EFI systems here.21:55
maujhsndr_willis How are you? Hey about that issue about installing Windows on a new harddrive---Well in turned out to be a hardware issue! :)21:55
ActionParsnipg0th: no, its a lot different21:55
g0ththe _installation and configuration_ of a package was a problem somehow21:55
bekksrosevp: So how did you install flash then?21:55
g0thnot what was available and what not21:55
g0thhmm, I'll read it anyway21:55
rosevpbekks having ssl issue21:55
dr_willismaujhsn:  :()  gotta hate that.21:55
g0thmaybe it helps21:55
rosevpsetting up virtual host21:55
g0thmy idea was to force remove the broken packages and then to reinstall them21:55
crazyharryhow can I remove empty spaces or  (char ' ') from a file using sed ?21:56
bekksrosevp: Sorry, wrong tab completion :)21:56
nashantdr_willis: well thanks for trying21:56
rosevpno worries21:56
crazyharrylike using sed -i 's/./,/g' *txt21:56
nashantActionParsnip: know anything about EFI systems?21:56
bekkssyphon14: So how did you install flash?21:56
usr13syphon14: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/21:56
bekkssynAnd Ubuntu do you use?21:56
ActionParsnipnashant: nothing at all21:56
rosevpis this the right place to get help on ssl virtual host ubuntu?21:56
nashantdamn it21:56
bekksusr13: Not necessary. Flash is provided in the repos.21:56
usr13bekks: I know.21:57
maujhsndr_willis Can anyone tell me if the ubuntu forum is in spanish?21:57
bekks!flash | syphon1421:57
syphon14i downloaded it from the add and remove part of ubuntu (download manager)21:57
ubottusyphon14: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:57
mickster04crazyharry:does sed -i 's/ //g' not work?21:57
theadmincrazyharry: sed -ri 's/\s//g' filename21:57
nashantdr_willis: reckon that putting grub on every single disk might help?21:57
ActionParsnipsyphon14: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'             Thanks21:58
usr13bekks: He prolly has a flashplayer other than Adobe and the vids he's trying to play may only work with Adobe flash player, so why not cut to the chase?21:58
crazyharrytheadmin, you da man :-) thanks dude!21:58
delargehi there, i have a dell xps m1210 a little bit old with a processor of 1.83 Ghz and a ram of 992.3 MB and all these years i've used ubuntu 10.10 and always has worked very good but now i'm working with wireless networks and a lot of tools are deprecated and i want to upgrade my ubuntu. What version do you recommend me to download?21:59
ikoniadelarge: current supported versions22:00
delargethe latest works fine in old machines?22:00
ikoniadelarge: ubuntu 10.04 is still supported also22:00
theadmindelarge: 12.04 if you want large stability and long support. 12.10 if you're looking for new features.22:00
ActionParsnipdelarge: Lubuntu is pretty light22:00
ikoniadelarge: that's not an "old" machine22:00
bekksusr13: How do you know which flash implementation he is using?22:00
xanguadelarge: it depends of you definition of old22:00
ikoniait will be fine with any modern distro22:00
usr13bekks: I don't.22:00
usr13bekks: And that is the point.22:00
ActionParsnipmy command will fill you in though :)22:00
delargethanks for the reply, then i'll try a Ubuntu 12.*22:03
delargei hope that works fine in my laptop22:04
usr13delarge: How old is it?22:04
tozendelarge: would be fine to see your laptops configuration info22:04
delargeit's a Dell XPS M1210, i bought it at 2007. Looking in System > Administration > Monitor shows a processor inter core 2 T5600 @ 1.83 Ghz22:06
delargeand a memory of 992.3 MiB22:06
tozendelarge: the best choice is Xubuntu22:06
rosevpany suggestion of why I can get to https://client.site.com/wp-admin and https://client.site.com/index.php but no other pages22:06
rosevpthe remaining pages get 40422:07
rosevphttp works fine but not https22:07
delargedo you think that the 12.04 it's going to run slowly?22:07
tozenrosevp:pastebin hosts file, please22:07
usr13delarge: Oh a Dell XPS M1210 should work fine with 12.04 or .1022:08
tozendelarge: yes i do22:08
rosevptozen so don't understand22:08
ActionParsniptozen: Lubuntu is lighter still22:08
nashantdr_willis: ok, I have some info. when loading the partitions, the only one that actually has an alphanumeric identifier is sdd1. the rest are just 00000000-0000-etc22:08
usr13delarge: How much RAM?22:08
usr13delarge: Oh 1G, yea, that'll be ok22:09
kelvinellahi i have WD My Passport 1TB drive, it works in ubuntu but not in xubuntu anyone helps?22:09
kelvinellait said input/output error in xubuntu22:09
usr13kelvinella: May need to run fsck on your Linux partition(s), (from LiveCD)22:10
ActionParsnipkelvinella: if you manually mount it, is it ok?22:10
ActionParsnipkelvinella: when you unplug it, do you use the safe remove feature in the OS?22:10
kelvinellaActionParsnip, it automounts in xubuntu but then says input/output error22:10
usr13kelvinella: Oh, it's a portable drive?22:10
kelvinellait is portable22:10
tozenrosevp: type in terminal cat /etc/hosts and pastebin it, please22:11
usr13kelvinella: Do you umount before unplugging each time?22:11
kelvinellai saferemove it in ubuntu22:11
usr13kelvinella: ... as well you should in any OS...22:11
kelvinellamy ubuntu is 10.1022:11
ActionParsnipkelvinella: maverick is EOL22:11
kelvinellaand both my laptop running xubuntu 12.0422:12
rosevptozen what goes in hosts?22:12
delargemaverick rules22:12
ActionParsnipdelarge: tis dead22:12
delargei know :(22:12
kelvinellaworks in ubuntu 10.10 but not in xubuntu 12.0422:12
ShinobiIs there a way to run a script based on file system events?22:12
ActionParsnipkelvinella: can you manually mount it in Xubuntu?22:12
kelvinellaActionParsnip, wait22:12
kelvinellaActionParsnip, how exactly do i manual mount?22:13
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i just plug it in xubuntu laptop it is automount but just cant read22:14
ActionParsnipkelvinella: unmount it then manually mount22:14
usr13kelvinella: What filesystem is on it?22:14
kelvinellaActionParsnip, even gparted in xubuntu can see the drive22:15
kelvinellajust input/output error22:15
usr13kelvinella: What filesystem?22:15
ActionParsnipkelvinella: something like:  sudo mkdir /media/hdd; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/hdd -o user,rw,uid=1000        assuming it is /dev/sdb1 as the partition to mount22:15
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i can access the drive without mount22:17
kelvinellai mean i cant access it in the file manager but i can access it in terminal22:17
kelvinellai can ls into it and evince file.pdf22:18
blackshirthello, good morning22:18
kelvinellait works but not in the gui file manager22:18
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rosevptozen just sent u contents22:18
ActionParsnipkelvinella: ah, i see. Have you tried another file manager? or making another Ubuntu user and testing there?22:18
kelvinellaActionParsnip, when I ls -l i found a strange folder with d????????? ? ? ? ? Locale22:19
kelvinellacould that be the problem?22:20
dr_williskelvinella:  big problem.22:20
bekkskelvinella: That looks like a corrupted filesystem.22:20
ActionParsnipkelvinella: you could unmount the partition and label it. May help22:20
dr_williskelvinella:  backup stuff if you can.. and time to fsck the filesystem22:20
kelvinellai just bought this drive 2 days ago22:20
kelvinellamaybe i should reformat it?22:20
bekkskelvinella: Just backup your data and run a fsck22:21
bekkskelvinella: after unmounting it.22:21
kelvinellaor delete the Locale folder in ubuntu then plug in the xubuntu?22:21
ActionParsnipkelvinella: try the label. It may help22:21
bekkskelvinella: Dont reformat or delete things unless you know it will help.22:21
kelvinellawhat label?22:21
kelvinellaand how?22:21
ikoniawhy would you reformat something ?22:22
ikoniawhat benifit do you hope to get ?22:22
kelvinellaikonia, because maybe the hidden folder that comes with the drive22:22
ikoniawhat about them ?22:22
kelvinellawhats the command for umount manually22:23
kelvinellaikonia, option?22:24
ikoniawhat ?22:24
rosevphelp with setting up ssl for vhost22:24
ikoniarosevp: what's the problem ?22:24
rosevpi set up a vhost and now trying to set up the vhost for the ssl (https)22:25
ikoniarosevp: ok, so what are you stuck with ?22:25
rosevpcan get to the main htps://subdomain.maindomain.com22:25
ikoniarosevp: (don't forget you need to not use name based virtual hosts)22:25
rosevpbut get 404 for remaining of site22:25
fulcancan someone please post a default samba4 or a working samba4 config?22:26
rosevpyeah I did22:26
syphon14my browsers just go black when i hit play on youtube video help22:26
ikoniafulcan: "working" samba4 config depends on your personal setup22:27
ikoniarosevp: so what do you actually need help with22:27
kelvinellaActionParsnip, after i use terminal to access the drive in xubuntu and then i unmount it and plug it back to ubuntu desktop, it wont auto mount what to do?22:27
fulcanikonia can get me through an installation22:27
ikoniafulcan: sorry what ?22:27
g0thI found it :)22:27
rosevptrying to figure out why I can get to main index when accessing https but not to the rest of the site22:27
g0thsudo /usr/share/debconf/fix_db.pl22:27
g0ththat fixed all my issues22:28
FloodBot1g0th: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
ikoniarosevp: what does the log for your IP based virtual host say for the SSL site22:28
rosevpI can't get to https://subdomain.main.com/index.php but not https://subdomain.main.com/order/index.php22:28
fulcanikonia ERROR: Invalid smb.conf22:28
ikoniafulcan: ok, so run testparm on it and find out what's invlaid22:29
fulcanikonia and pkg-add blows because it will no give me a fresh one.22:29
syphon14my browsers just go black when i hit play on youtube or any other video22:29
ikoniapkg-add ? what is pkg-add ?22:29
syphon14they just wont play video22:29
rosevpI checked /var/log/apache2/error.log and get 404 for all pages excpet index22:29
usr13kelvinella: xubuntu should automount it for you.22:29
ActionParsnipkelvinella: it should, if the label is whack then it won't mount as the label is used as the mount point22:30
usr13kelvinella: .... by default ...22:30
ikoniarosevp: you should get more info than that from the error log, that sounds like the access log22:30
kelvinellaActionParsnip, now it mounts i tap the device22:30
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kelvinellai can see everything in ubuntu22:30
fulcanhow do I get past this?  http://pastie.org/554959222:31
rosevpyeah just noticed "[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `UAT-UBU-02' does NOT match server name!?"22:32
rosevpcould that b it?22:32
ActionParsnipfulcan: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:32
ikoniait means the server's certificate does not match the hostname of the URL22:33
ikoniafulcan: what is pkg-add ?22:33
ikoniapkgadd is a solaris command, but I have no idea what pkg-add is22:33
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kelvinellahere is the ls -l gives me22:33
fulcanikonia apt-get  my brain keeps going back to bsd22:33
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ActionParsnipkelvinella: unmount the partition and use gparted to label it22:34
usr13kelvinella: What filesystem is on it?22:34
kelvinellausr13, its a WD so ntfs22:34
kelvinellai bought 2 days ago WD My PAssport 1TB22:34
kelvinelladefault file system ntfs22:34
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usr13kelvinella: Do as ActionParsnip suggests22:35
rosevpikonia: could that be why I'm getting 404?22:35
kelvinellaActionParsnip, everything works in ubuntu22:35
kelvinellajust not the xubuntu file manager22:35
ikoniarosevp: if the ssl is invalid and can't do the handshake....possible, I guess22:35
usr13kelvinella: It reads the Local/  directory?22:35
ikoniaalthough I'd just expect an invalid certficiate warning22:36
rosevpme to22:36
kelvinellayes usr1322:36
rosevpstrange I can get to index22:36
ikoniarosevp: is the index just cache ?22:36
kelvinellai think maybe that Locale is giving problem to the gui file manager in xubuntu if i can delete that Locale folder22:36
ikoniarosevp: have you setup the subdirectory "directory" parameters to allow subdirectories ?22:37
kelvinellausr13, so i am thinking to format it22:37
ikoniawhy ?22:37
blackout_does someone know why my boot starts 3 sec delayed? http://en.zimagez.com/full/f67c05cd40f17683329a618ec91320d4270a5e0719426a5f5d1877308f3718a6156d954399bcdc59.php22:37
rosevpthis is WP site and can also get to admin (wp-admin)22:37
usr13kelvinella: Usually, when you see  "Input/output error"  there are filesystem errors.22:37
rosevpbut nothing else22:37
ikoniawhy format it ??? I don't undertand22:37
kelvinellausr13, will reformat it fix it?22:37
ikoniarosevp: can you give me the url ?22:37
ActionParsnipkelvinella: again, label the partition. It is used in naming the mout point. If it is garbled, you will get issues22:37
fulcanhow do I get past this? it wont even let me update. http://pastie.org/554961722:37
usr13ikonia: WHy not?  Why not format as fat32?22:37
ikoniausr13: why though ? what benifit ?22:38
usr13ikonia: Might fix it so that he can read it ok.22:38
kelvinellaActionParsnip, cant umount22:38
carlosandrecarlosandre> hi I'd like to create upstart and start it without sudo22:38
carlosandre<carlosandre> when I start my upstart job, without sudo a see an error message22:38
carlosandre<carlosandre> start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.108" (uid=1000 pid=6772 comm="start clockwork ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")22:38
carlosandre<carlosandre> I'm trying to configure monit for process monitoring22:38
carlosandre<carlosandre> Can anyone help me?22:38
FloodBot1carlosandre: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:38
ActionParsnipusr13: 4Gb file limit in Fat32 is a bit of a bummer22:38
ActionParsnipkelvinella: sure you can22:38
ikoniacarlosandre: please dont spam22:39
usr13ActionParsnip: O22:39
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i dont know why it just wont22:39
ActionParsnipkelvinella: cd $HOME; sudo umount /media/My\ Passport22:39
carlosandrecan anyone help me with upstart?22:39
ActionParsnipkelvinella: if your PWD is in the mount point, it won't unmount22:40
usr13ActionParsnip: It's already mounted,  See:  http://pastebin.com/kaimafgw22:40
carlosandrei'd like to start a job without sudo22:40
kelvinellai forgot the sudo22:40
ActionParsnipusr13: yes, it needs unmounting to label22:40
ikoniafulcan: make the smb.conf valid22:40
ActionParsnipkelvinella: now use gparted to label it22:40
ikoniafulcan: fix the problem22:40
ikoniaor remove samba422:41
ikonia!info samba422:41
ubottusamba4 (source: samba4): SMB/CIFS file, NT domain and active directory server (version 4). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.0~beta2+dfsg1-3 (quantal), package size 1670 kB, installed size 10842 kB22:41
usr13ActionParsnip: Oh yea.  Ok.  Yea kelvinellal, do as ActionParsnip suggests and use gparted to re-lable it.22:41
usr13ActionParsnip: I just assumed he already tried that.22:41
kelvinellait says editing partitions has the potential to cause loss of data?  should i apply anyway?22:41
ActionParsnip!label | kelvinella22:41
ubottukelvinella: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.22:41
usr13kelvinella: backup your data and go on and do it.22:41
kelvinellalet me backup first22:42
fulcandoes anyone know how to get past a failed samba installation?  it wont even let me update. http://pastie.org/554963722:42
rosevpikonia: just gave it to u22:42
ikoniafulcan: fix the problem22:43
ikonia!info samba422:43
ubottusamba4 (source: samba4): SMB/CIFS file, NT domain and active directory server (version 4). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.0~beta2+dfsg1-3 (quantal), package size 1670 kB, installed size 10842 kB22:43
ikoniaor remove samba422:43
ikoniafulcan: just repeating it and not listening to the advice won't help22:43
ikoniarosevp: just saw it, one moment22:43
rosevpthanks bud...this driving me crazy :-(22:43
ikoniarosevp: your certificate is invalid, you know that correct ?22:44
kelvinella200 GB needs 2 hrs backup, are you guys staying here for a while?22:44
fulcanikonia I am trying to install samba22:44
carlosandrei need to create and an upstart job without sudo... how to achieve it?22:44
fulcanikonia fixing it "is" my issue22:44
ikoniafulcan: sudo apt-get upgrade22:45
ikoniafulcan: that is NOT the command to install samba22:45
fulcanikonia it craps on smb.conf22:45
ikoniafulcan: you've said that 5 times now, I can see that22:45
ikoniafulcan: however you are NOT trying to install samba22:45
ActionParsnipkelvinella: why is it not backed up anyway?22:45
fulcanikonia yes I am22:45
ikoniafulcan: you are doing apt-get upgrade, that is not the command to install samba22:46
ikoniafulcan: apt-get upgrade is NOT the command to install samba22:46
fulcanERROR: Invalid smb.conf22:46
usr13carlosandre: You should tell us your end goal.22:46
ikoniafulcan: if you say the same thing again, I will mute you22:46
kelvinellaActionParsnip, i am backing up now 200GB so need 1hr40min22:46
ikoniafulcan: I know the problem you have said it 5 times, you are not listening to what has been told22:46
rosevpikonia: interesting that can get to https://domain.com/index and all files for that page can be retrived (css, js, etc.)22:46
ikoniarosevp: that's a different canonical name22:46
ActionParsnipkelvinella: good to run a full backup :)22:46
kelvinellait is full22:46
ikoniarosevp: www.domain.com domain.com are two different things in SSL world22:47
kelvinellai just copy three folders22:47
ActionParsnipkelvinella: no, as in, not a differential22:47
kelvinellawhat do u mean?22:47
fulcanikonia either apt-get upgrade or install craps in the exact same place.22:47
rosevpgood poing...let me check22:47
usr13carlosandre: A new system job will need to be placed in /etc/init/  so not sure how you would do it without sudo.  (So why do you need to do it without sudo?)22:48
ikoniafulcan: what hav eyou just shown me the SAME command again in a pastebin22:48
ikoniafulcan: apt-get upgrade is NOT the command to install samba22:48
* [_-S1L3NC3-_] What The King Kong22:48
ikonia[_-S1L3NC3-_]: stop it pleas.e22:48
[_-S1L3NC3-_]stop what22:48
usr13carlosandre: Well, I take that back, there is also  $HOME/.init/22:49
ikonia[_-S1L3NC3-_]: the silly /me commands22:49
carlosandreusr13: when I try to monitor a clockwork proccess with monit, I can't start it...22:49
carlosandrewhen i execute the command service clockwork start... i receive a error message22:49
rosevpikonia: I can access https://subdomain.main.com/index but not https://subdomain.main.com/shop/index22:50
usr13carlosandre: http://mmonit.com/monit/documentation/monit.html22:50
ikoniarosevp: pm me what canonical name you built the SSL for22:51
usr13carlosandre: sudo service clockwork start  ?22:51
carlosandreusr13: I pass all two days trying22:51
carlosandreusr13: sudo service clockwork start works fine22:51
fulcanikonia samba install -> http://pastie.org/5549666  update -> http://pastie.org/5549665  same crap, same place22:51
carlosandreusr13: service clockwork start shows a error22:52
usr13carlosandre: Ok... so what is next?22:52
ikoniafulcan: samba is already installed ! that is why it's erroring22:52
nashantI decided to wipe all 6TB of my media and start again. What would a recommended partition scheme be?22:52
BlessJahhow do i change default action after power button press?22:52
ikoniafulcan: fix the smb.conf as I've told you 5 times now22:52
BlessJahsuspend, whuch is default, doesnt work on my laptop, so i want to change it to halt22:52
ikoniafulcan: you already have samba 4 installed22:52
ikoniafulcan: now you are trying to install samba22:53
ikoniayou can't do that22:53
carlosandreusr13: so... I can start/stop manually but when I put it on monit... doesn't start22:53
ikoniafulcan: options 1.) fix smb.conf 2.) remove samba4 before trying to install samba 3 OR upgrade22:53
fulcanikonia that a source that won't unistall. crap22:53
carlosandreusr13: I tried to "start program" as uid root22:53
carlosandreusr13: but don't work22:54
ikoniawhy won't it uninstall22:54
* BlessJah feels a little bit ignored22:54
ikoniathanks to that /me command you are now ignored22:54
usr13carlosandre: I don't know.  I've never used monit  Someone else should help you.22:54
ActionParsnipBlessJah: power options in system settings22:54
rosevpikonia just sent u conf of both 80 and 44322:54
ikoniarosevp: ok so the servername in that certificate is the ONLY url you should be referencing, nothing else22:55
carlosandreusr13: thanks brother22:55
DarkLobsterAny sudoers wiz awake? How to write if I want a users group to be able to edit the superuser crontab? %www-data ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/crontab -e doesn't seem to work, still asks for password and the reply is "Sorry, user is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/crontab -e' as root"22:55
ikoniarosevp: you also have "servername" commented out22:55
rosevpI used ubuntu default22:55
ikoniarosevp: you are using namebased hosts, I told you not to22:56
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fulcanikonia uninstalling a source is just make uninstall?22:56
rosevpin the ssl one?22:56
BlessJahActionParsnip: inactivity, low battery or closed lid?22:56
ikoniafulcan: you installed from source......really22:56
BlessJahi cant see "Power button is pressed" option22:56
rosevpfor the ssl its commented ut22:56
ikoniafulcan: samba4 --configure suggests you did NOT install it from source22:57
ikoniarosevp: ok - so you've not actually using name based hosts then, that's good22:57
fulcanHOW DO I DELETE A SOURCE INSTALL OF SAMBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:57
rosevpso u think its the cert?22:57
carlosandrecan anyone help me with monit configuration?22:58
ikoniarosevp: ok, so again, pm me the canoncal name of the site you created the SSL certificate with22:58
ActionParsnipBlessJah: seems to be in gnome-tweak-tool22:58
BlessJahlet me try it22:58
ActionParsnipBlessJah: http://askubuntu.com/questions/66723/how-do-i-modify-the-power-options22:58
BoJangl`I'd hate to say this guys but it made me laugh: http://justlold.com/priceless22:59
rosevpikonia: just pm'd u what I'm using23:00
BlessJahActionParsnip: thanks a lot!23:00
ikoniarosevp: ahhhh you didn't create the SSL23:00
ikoniarosevp: thats the issue23:00
ikoniarosevp: you need to create an SSL certificate for your site23:00
ikoniathat's why it's not matching up23:00
rosevpbut why does the main index and all the js, css work with https: ?23:00
rosevpI got mismatch browser msg but just continued23:01
rosevpany other page get 40423:01
ikoniarosevp: it's not really working if you look at it23:02
ikoniait's a certificate missmatch23:02
Networkedhey guys, I have a question about installing/removing software23:04
cfeddefrom apt it's pretty easy!23:05
ActionParsnipNetworked: wassup23:05
rosevpikonia: right...but wonder why I can get to index23:06
NetworkedActionParsnip: Basically, I have emacs and emacs23 installed.  I want to completely remove emacs23, so I can completely install emacs24.  When I mark emacs23 for complete removal, synaptic says I have to install emacs23-el ... I don't want to install anything emacs23 if I'm friggin trying to get rid of it23:07
ActionParsnipNetworked: try:   sudo apt-get --purge remove emacs*23:07
ikoniarosevp: because you're accepting the invalid certficate23:07
ikoniarosevp: but the I suspect the application calls other things, which because it's not interactive can't accept the invalid certivciate so fails23:08
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NetworkedActionParsnip: do you have to be in the actual folder to purge properly?23:08
elitenovellis there any good linux command books23:09
NetworkedActionParsnip: because I'm running it right now, and it looks like it's only looking in my home folder. It's trying to remove a tar file I have called "emacs-stuff" as a package, which obviously doesn't work23:09
nashantAnyone know why LVM manager decides to put sdd1 before sdc1??23:10
ikoniadoes it matter ?23:11
ikoniaand in what respect "puts it before"23:11
cfeddeyou are doing concatination?23:11
g0thI opened alsamixer and muted some stuff, which indeed muted my audio, so I unmuted it again but I couldn't hear anything anymore. Wth is going on?23:17
g0thEverything in alsamixer is unmuted it seems, I don't understand why this would disable audio23:18
nashantikonia: It puts them in the order sda4, sdb1, **sdd1**, sdc1. And I suppose it doesn't REALLY matter, it's just causing my OCD serious pain23:18
ikonianashant: what command are you doing to see this, a vgdisplay ?23:18
seba_hello.  Have a problem. I have a laptop and ubuntu 12.04. Compiz use about 20% cpu in idle ( i have intel i3-380m ) Do you know what i can do to limited this ? Sorry for english ;/23:20
nashantikonia: I was using the gui. How do I see it with the terminal?23:20
rosevpikonia: that makes sense23:21
rosevpisn't there a simple way to create a cert for a server; this is just a dev box23:21
ikoniarosevp: yeah, self signed certificate and make your machine / browser aware of the self signed CA23:23
g0thI hate the existing sound systems23:23
g0thyou can ruin an evening by just clicking mute + unmute on alsamixer :(23:24
ikoniag0th: thanks for that pointless comment23:24
g0thhelps me channel my frustration23:24
ikoniathis channel is not here for that23:24
g0thwhich channel? :)23:24
ikoniathis one23:25
rosevpikonia: yep that's it....thanks bud!23:26
ikoniarosevp: nice job23:26
Ogredudehey I'm getting an http 500 error on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys23:26
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usr13Ogredude: Hey, I'm not.23:39
yazdmichis it normal for squashfs to take a while to unpack in unetbootin?23:40
g0th I use the latest ubuntu with pulseaudio/alsa, I openend alsamixer, muted some stuff, then unmute the exactly same thing, but now I don't hear anything anymore. Any ideas why????23:42
g0thI checked: in alsamixer I pressed F5 and unmuted everything and set everything to maximum23:42
usr13g0th: You must have missed one.  Check again.23:43
g0thI did23:43
g0thI also entered amixer23:43
g0theverything for playback is at 100% or over 80%23:43
g0thin pavucontrol it shows under Application that some sound is playing23:43
usr13g0th: play /usr/share/alsa/*  #for test23:43
g0thunder "playback" I meant23:44
usr13g0th: Find out what it is and stop it23:44
g0thunder "output" it shows something at "audio adapter digital stereo"23:44
g0thplay WARN alsa: can't encode 0-bit Unknown or not applicable23:44
g0thI don't know what you mean by "play ..."23:45
usr13lsof |grep snd23:45
usr13 play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*23:46
g0ththe lsof shows a huge list23:46
usr13g0th: sudo apt-get install sox23:46
g0thI mean the grep stuff is still huge23:46
usr13(sox is  the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation)23:46
g0thsox is already installed23:47
usr13 play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*23:47
g0thI don't hear anything23:47
usr13to test....23:47
usr13So, is it playing the files?23:47
g0thI hear nothing23:47
usr13What do you see?23:47
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g0thit tried to play it looks all fine23:48
g0thbut I hear nothing23:48
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usr13g0th: (it should be obvious...) Is it playing the files or not?23:48
g0thyes it is23:48
g0thas mentioned I already have a movie running23:48
usr13g0th: Check your speakers23:48
g0thand it shows under pavucontrol23:48
g0ththat it is playing23:48
g0thI didn't touch the speakers23:48
usr13so when did it quit?23:49
g0thall I did was mute something in alsamixer23:49
g0ththen unmute it23:49
g0thbut it remained muted23:49
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usr13turn off the player23:49
g0thI already rebooted23:49
g0thstill no change :(23:49
dcopeis there a driver for multitouch trackpads?23:50
Moon_Doggyello ello23:50
usr13"as mentioned I already have a movie running"  >>>???????23:50
g0thyes, after the reboot23:50
usr13g0th: You have a movie playing now?23:51
g0thhmm, you were right23:51
g0thalsa requires no running app, I forgot23:51
g0thnow play works23:51
g0thbut the movie player doesn't23:51
usr13g0th: Stop it. Trun off the video player.23:51
g0thgot it, I forgot, sorry23:51
usr13g0th: What movie player are you using?23:52
g0thpulse supports many players but not alsa23:52
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usr139 will decrease volume, 0 will increase it.23:52
g0thor vlc23:52
chintanparikhHey people. Ubuntu 12.10 is giving me hell. I've finally got it working (kinda) but I just installed Gnome Shell and my screen resolution is messed up23:52
g0thor flashplayer23:52
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g0thnothing works23:52
g0thI know usr13, I was a developer there23:52
usr13g0th: m  will toggle mute / unmute23:53
chintanparikhI'm using nomodeset, and I have an AMD Radeon HD 6540G2 graphics card. Last time I tried to install fglrx, it messed up everything and it kept telling me it was booting in low graphics mode (I ended up reinstalling Ubuntu to fix it).  Now, when I was using Unity the screen resolution was fine, but I've just installed Gnome Shell and the screen resolution is 1024x768 (it should be 1366x768). How would I fix this?23:53
g0thsomehow the pulse is messed up23:53
g0thfrom using alsamixer23:53
usr13g0th: Uninstall it.  sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio23:53
g0thI need it23:53
||_The_Last_||\j #brasil23:53
g0thseveral things don't work without it23:53
g0the.g. flashplayer has problems23:54
Moon_Doggytrying to setup courier-imap, when i try to login with thunder bird i get "Configuration could not be verified - is the username or password wrong?", when i try to telnet and login i get "1 NO Login failed."23:54
usr13g0th: Ok.  I'm out of solutions.23:54
g0thhow do I reconfigure pulseaudio?23:54
g0thor is there anything else?23:54
usr13Yea we know that flashplayer has problems.  Tell us something we don't know....  :)23:54
usr13g0th: You could try dpkg23:54
usr13dpkg-reconfigure pulseaudio23:55
x86wanna code for ubuntu... where to start ?23:55
g0ththat doesn't do much23:55
doctorlyHi, I have ubuntu starting in text mode. When I startx, it hangs on the purple screen without loading anything else. The mouse works, and when I hit the power button, the power options show up, anyone know what Im missing?23:56
seba_Hi Guys!23:57
usr13doctorly: 12.04?23:57
seba_How to turn on auto hide left bar in ubuntu 2d mode ?23:57
doctorlyyeah, it is23:57
usr13!nomodeset | doctorly23:58
ubottudoctorly: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:58
usr13doctorly: Did it happen after updates?23:58
x86usr13 : looked the whole site but couldn't really start23:58
doctorlyIm not sure, I set it to text after the updates23:58
chintanparikhAnyone know how I can change the screen resolution in Ubuntu when the correct resolution doesnt show up in the options?23:59

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