
len-1304zequence, Not only is nautilus search pretty much useless, but thunar does the same thing any way... just start typing and the first file that matches high lights.00:33
len-1304catfish which we used to use as file search, does not have a complete list of depends it seems... or the packages it depends on have changed.00:38
len-1304$ catfish 00:38
len-1304Error: The required module GError is missing.00:38
zequencelen-1304: Feels like the reasoning might be that a file manager is less usefull these days, when you can do all the searching from a dash (if you have one)00:51
len-1304zequence, Ya, that is what I was thinking.00:52
zequenceAnd in the spirit of i*, let the applications keep track of the docs00:52
zequenceOr the files, I mean00:52
len-1304Not much help for developing or maintaining a system.00:52
len-1304catfish seems to be broken...00:53
len-1304Thing is, when you need a tool you need it... even if only once.00:54
len-1304mlocate is really quick00:56
len-1304Hmm we have both locate and mlocate installed by default. This is probably bad as each one has a cron task that runs once a day that save all the files names on the drive in a DB.01:01
len-1304zequence, gnome-search-tool seems to work... seems to have what nautilus now lacks01:08
smartboyhwGrrrrrrrrr where is the 3.7 (or 3.7.1) kernel for linux-lowlatency???????:(08:53
zequenceThere's no hurry for -lowlatency to be updated, since -generic is the same kernel in a respect, and from a testing point of view, at least initially, it's not that crucial for -lowlatency to be in sync09:10
zequenceI'm hoping we can overtake maintenance long before release, so that it will be we who are responsible for this in the future09:10
smartboyhwzequence, the problem is: I simply can't use the newest kernel, and that gives me for a bad feeling09:10
zequencesmartboyhw: What do you mean you can't use the newest kernel? What in the recent updates are so important for your system?09:11
zequenceI'm getting further in understanding kernel maintenance. Starting with precise, and will be uploading to github11:50
zequenceNext cycle, we'll probably be uploading to a PPA, and sync will be more automated11:50
zequencesmartboyhw: you'll be glad to know that a new 3.7 lowlatency is on the way12:12
smartboyhwzequence, :D12:29
smartboyhwzequence, BTW when you do have builds in github tell me to test it:P12:34
smartboyhwor code or..12:34
zequencesmartboyhw: For the time being, I'm just replicating the work of apw. Once he feels ok with it, he'll use my git tree as source12:35
smartboyhwzequence, :)12:36
* smartboyhw has sure confidence in zequence maintaining the kernel:D12:36
zequenceI'm just a monkey with his finger on the script button so far12:37
zequenceBut, hopefully in the long run, this will turn out to be a vivid part of Ubuntu Studio development12:37
smartboyhwzequence, no you're not12:37
smartboyhwPulseAudio 3.0 released!!!!!13:15
zequencehmm, yes. Let's hope it's not going to make our lives miserable :P13:40
zequenceThere have been times, and I guess it's still true, on account of both PA and systemd, when being him might not be the most thankful position.13:47
zequencePoettering, I mean13:48
smartboyhwzequence, ;P13:52
len-1304smartboyhw, from our point the new kernel has not been a good thing.14:13
len-1304It seems 2.6 performed better.14:14
zequencelen-1304: All though, I'm not totally sure where the problem lies these days. I recently did some testing on 2.6.38 on a newer release than the original, and it was not much better14:20
len-1304There may be some system stuff that is getting in the way14:21
zequenceThere's most definately a performance diff since when we did testing on 2.6.37, but exactly what is an enigma to me14:21
len-1304Also, if you build 2.6 now, does it use the kernel modules that were available at the time or the newest kernel modules?14:21
zequenceOnly if you build the modules separately, I think. dkms14:23
zequenceBut they're still built against the source for the kernel14:25
len-1304When did upstart appear?14:26
zequenceRead on wikipedia that it might have been for 9.1014:27
smartboyhwI will one day upload the 3.6.11-rt22 kernel (BTW the 3.6 kernel went EOL) and try to see how it works14:32
* smartboyhw is building pulseaudio 3.0 so that everyone can try it out14:32
smartboyhwI mean after that I will upload to PPA:D14:33
smartboyhwHmm got the package uploaded to PPA, and building:D14:53
zequencenice work. I might not be as eager as you to try it though. But, let us know if something is not working14:56
smartboyhwDamn the build failed15:01
smartboyhwSome problem with bluetooth it seem15:01
smartboyhwdh_install: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth missing files (usr/lib/pulse-*/modules/module-bluetooth-proximity.so), aborting15:01
smartboyhwI actually installed this and actually have the file so real weird15:01

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