
afournier1i am trying to compile upstart 1.6.1 but configure fails on json : "Requested 'json >= 0.10' but version of json is 0.9" the problem is i cannot find json 0.10 on json-c website http://oss.metaparadigm.com/json-c/09:30
afournier1what did i miss ?09:30
afournier1it got tagged 0.10 on github and they did not release the tarball :/09:31
afournier1(it's not a tag it's a branch)09:32
xnoxafournier1: use $ pull-lp-source json-c 09:45
xnoxafournier1: or you can download a tarball from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/json-c/09:45
afournier1 the thing is that i am not on ubuntu09:45
afournier1yes i found that one09:46
xnoxjodh: where is json-c upstream? ^^^^09:46
afournier1i'll check the difference between http://oss.metaparadigm.com/json-c/json-c-0.9.tar.gz and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/j/json-c/json-c_0.10.orig.tar.gz but that's weird json-c maintener on ubuntu bump json-c version like this09:47
jodhafournier1:  https://github.com/json-c/json-c/tags09:47
afournier1i did not see that one09:48
afournier1thanks jodh09:48
jodhafournier1: they've hidden it rather too well ;-)09:48
afournier17 months ago... and still no tar.gz :/ weird09:48
jodhafournier1: check their mailing list - I asked about it, but they apparently no longer provide releases in the old location.09:49
xnoxafournier1: well github offers to "download" tags/revisions/etc: https://github.com/json-c/json-c/archive/json-c-0.10-20120530.tar.gz09:49
xnoxis "auto-generated" tarball by github.09:49
afournier1that's not openembedded-friendly :)09:51
xnoxafournier1: why not? =) it's a tarball & available over https.....09:52
afournier1because of the timestamp09:53
afournier1but it's ok no big deal09:53
afournier1and it unpacks as json-c-json-c-0.10-20120530 :)09:55
* xnox slowly backs away & hopes afournier1 will enjoy fiddling with it =)09:57
xnoxafournier1: json-c is needed for stateful re-exec.09:57
afournier1you mean i should disable it ?09:57
xnoxpotentially we can make it possible to disable, if you don't care about re-execing init... but currently it's a hard requirement.09:58
afournier1it's ok json-c 0.10 compiled already09:58
afournier1and it's a good feature btw09:59
felixgestop on stopped server and stopped worker10:13
felixge^--- is this supposed to work in upstart?10:13
felixgeit seems like it doesn't work when my worker job is already stopped and I'm triggering stop on the server10:13
xnoxjodh: stgraber: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/AutoPkgTest/job/raring-adt-upstart/5/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/artifact/results/log/*view*/10:17
afournier1yay upstart is compiled10:26
afournier1btw i add to do this to json-c http://pastebin.com/1EfrZGR010:26
afournier1i had*10:26
jodhstgraber: sorry - can't hear you - mumble breaking up for me.10:34
xnox  * debian/patches/missing-headers.patch: Install json_object_iterator.h10:35
xnox    header, needed by json.h.10:35
xnoxafournier1: we do as well =)10:35
stgraberjodh: line 8691 is where it's failling when running only test_handler10:35
afournier1xnox: nice to hear :)10:35
afournier1xnox: now upstart does not complain beacause i don't use an initramfs, that's great10:36
jodhstgraber: thanks. now we play "hunt the temporary file" :-)10:37
xnoxjodh:  /j #ubuntu-quality just in case ;-)12:20
xnoxpoked them there now, but no response yet.12:20
xnoxjodh: i got pm from jibel, he will get me access to a VM later today.12:53
* xnox already has vpn to the machines.12:53
felixgeI have 2 jobs that should be stopped after a third job is stopped. Is that doable with upstart?12:59
felixgesry, phrased this wrong12:59
felixgeI have 2 jobs, and I want a 3rd job to stop after the 2 jobs have stopped12:59
felixge^-- this12:59
felixgefor my 3rd job I'm trying: stop on stopped job1 and stopped job213:00
felixgebut this causes stop job1 to hang13:00
felixge(when job2 is already stopped)13:00
xnoxfelixge: is that what you really want? don't you want pre-stop script in job3  to execute stop job1; stop job2.13:16
xnoxmeh, gone?13:16
xnoxjodh: is there a way to trace throught TEST_ALLOC_FAIL such that it would tell me which memory allocation it failed & I didn't handle right =)13:17
abassetthey im on ubuntu 12.04. I put a script in /etc/init, but upstart isn't recongnizing it13:20
xnoxabassett: did you run a check on it? http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#initctl-check-config13:27
abassettyea i had two problems: syntax error and i was linking to it while i worked on it13:28
jodhxnox: no, since the other TEST_* macros aren't aware they're being called from within such a block. You'll have to add in code to print _test_alloc_count, _test_alloc_call, and test_alloc_failed.13:38
xnoxjodh: thanks.13:41
xnoxjodh: your code review "uncovered" just a couple problems ;-)13:41
jodhxnox: better now than later ;)13:41
felixgeanother attempt: When I have a condition like this: stop on stopped jobA and stopped jobB . Will this only be satisifed if upstart sees both events? Or also if just 1 event fires and the second condition already happens to be true?13:44
xnoxfelixge: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#restarting-jobs-with-complex-conditions13:49
felixgecan I met emit a "stopping" event?14:27
felixgeinitctl emit stopping someJob ?14:27
felixgeor is the syntax: initctl emit stopping JOB=someJob ?14:27
xnoxfelixge: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#restarting-jobs-with-complex-conditions14:29
xnoxfelixge: it's best for you to have a pre-stop and stop on either job stopping and check if the other one is stopping or is stopped.14:30
xnoxfelixge: another way to do this is by blocking other jobs from doing stuff, see blocking in the cookbook.14:30
felixgexnox: thx14:32
felixgeI think I finally figured it out14:32
felixgeI have a few jobs like this: stop on stopped server and stopped worker14:32
felixgeand now for both the server and the worker I have a pre-stop check that emits the other "stopped" event if needed14:32
felixgepre-stop exec status worker | grep -q "stop/waiting" && initctl emit --no-wait stopped JOB=worker || true14:32
felixgeseems to work14:32
xnoxlooks good.14:33
felixgewell, it's been quite the ride :)14:33
felixgeincluding a brief journey through the upstart source : )14:33
felixgebut that link you send me would have saved me a lot of time14:34
felixgeI read through the upstart cookbook14:34
felixgeand it's awesome how complete it is14:34
felixgebut this was hard to find14:34
felixgejust soo much to read14:34
jodhxnox/stgraber: Feel free to add more: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Specs/RaringUpstartUserSessions#Default_System-Provided_Session_Init_Jobs14:36

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