
heeeiiikohow do I create launchers in arbitrary directories? (without first creating it on the desktop (right click -> create launcher) and then moving it)00:55
heeeiiikois that create launcher dialog a seperate program?01:06
Unit193heeeiiiko: exo-desktop-item-edit --create-new /path/to/dir/01:10
Unit193Hopefully he knows how to setup action items.01:14
WmHobbsso....I'm pretty much a noob still.I have a question and was wondering if I could get some help: ok so having a prolbem here...we have a xbuntu 12.10 and a vista labtop....I think my linux is doing something to the MAC adress and messing it up for the windows user...Im sure I can hit the reset button on the router but how to I keep the linux from causing the prolbem again?02:32
WmHobbstwo seperate labtops,the way I have it written it looks like I mean one...or I could just be dumb02:33
Unit193Does this include a second user you can tell to stop messing with the MAC address?  This is the MAC address on the Xubuntu computer, and you know for sure that it is indeed changing?02:36
Unit193Or that.02:37
mycahI was wondering if someone knew why my logitech mouse would have such a crappy connection with my computer on Xubuntu... If I even place my hand in between the mouse and the dongle, it stops working. Any ideas?03:31
holsteinmycah: driver support.. is it bluetooth?03:32
mycahNo, it's USB. Logitech anywhere mx03:32
holsteinso, it works fine on the same machine in a different OS? and its not bluetooth USB dongle?03:33
mycahIt's the unifying USB from logitech -- I don't think that it is bluetooth. And I haven't experienced it in any other install. I'm using Voyager atm, didn't notice it in vanilla xubuntu03:34
Unit193Then this is the wrong place for support, I'd guess they have forums?03:35
holsteinvoyager is another linux?.. i would look at the kernel.. thats where the drivers are.. and ask them for support for their OS03:35
mycahVoyager is modded xubuntu. It loads into xubuntu.03:35
mycahJust comes with applications, etc. and different themes installed03:36
holsteinmycah: i would check the kernel.. if its not our kernel, then that could be it03:36
holsteinmycah: it it were xubuntu, it would be xubuntu.. all it takes is a PPA or a pinned package or 2 and its not ubuntu at all03:36
mycahRight -- it should be testable in the live version, right?03:37
holsteinmycah: i think that would be a great test for it03:37
mycahI'll do that and see if there is a difference. Thank you!03:38
Unit193holstein: http://voyager.legtux.org/ it isn't "Xubuntu"03:39
holsteinUnit193: oh yeah... ive seen that page before03:39
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ZelouilleDamn Canonical, Abiword is completely unusable.04:50
pleia2Zelouille: 1) please don't use that kind of language here, it's rude and inappropriate 2) Canonical has nothing to do with abiword or its inclusion in Xubuntu04:51
pleia2Xubuntu is a community-maintained project and the simplicity of abiword is plenty for many users04:51
Unit193He may be talking about using the beta version, which doesn't work that well.04:51
pleia2not sure why that matters04:52
Zelouillepleia2: Sorry for the language, and believe me I've rewrited my phrase to stay polite :). Yes, i was talking about the bugged version of Abiword.04:54
pleia2Zelouille: you probably want to just install libreoffice or upgrade to 12.1004:55
holsteincanonical maintains abiword?04:55
pleia2(I use libreoffice myself)04:55
pleia2Canonical has nothing to do with abiword, afaik we pull from Debian04:55
holsteini havent used abiword in a while either, since i use libreoffice now too, but if i had an issue wit the usability of abiword, i would take it up with the maintainers04:57
Unit193The issues are well known, the answer was to revert to stable abiword.  https://launchpad.net/~mrpouit/+archive/ppa was one way to do it. :P04:59
Zelouillehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/1019621/comments/2 i was refering to this comment, but yes, maybe it's Debian fault. The bugs of this instable version are well known as you see.05:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 1019621 in abiword (Ubuntu Precise) "Abiword flickers hard when scrolling (regression)" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:09
ZelouilleUnit193: Thanks for the ppa, i'll give it a try. I've tried to downgrade using the Oneric repository, but in vain (result was a more crashy abiword).05:12
Zelouilleholstein, pleia2: thanks for your answers, but i'd prefer to stay with Abiword to keep it simple, if possible. This computer is for my grand-mother. I know LibreOffice is way more complete, but maybe too much in this case.05:18
Unit193Zelouille: Sure, but read the warning on the PPA. :)05:43
ZelouilleUnit193, well, that's *less* experimental than the default abiword version. And i'm not using Xfce4.10. So that should be fine. And it is. Thanks again.05:54
juninsmgood morning12:25
usr13If one were to want to try out classic gnome, how would that be done? (to Xubuntu 12.04)15:25
usr13(I have a friend that wants to do it to his laptop. I'm reluctant but...it's his...so.)15:26
ochosiusr13: i don't think mate is in the ubuntu repositories, so you'd have to look for a ppa15:26
ochosi(mate is the gnome-fork you're looking for)15:27
bazhangusr13, gnome-panel15:30
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic15:30
usr13I'm seeing:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-classic-gnome-desktop-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise.html so, there are conflicting opinions on how it's done.15:34
usr13so I should install gnome-shell gnome-tweek-tool and gnome-panel  ?15:35
bazhangfor "classic" just gnome-panel15:36
usr13And then, I'll have choice between gnome (classic) and xfce?15:36
usr13so just gnome-panel ?15:36
bazhanggnome-shell is the alternate shell to unity (shell)15:36
bazhangtweak tool turns on and off the gnome-shell extensions, among other functions15:37
usr13So, one would only install gnome-shell if he has unity?  (Installing gnome-shell replaces unity?)15:38
bazhangit adds another shell choice15:38
usr13So, I only need one package, gnome-panel ?15:51
usr13I'm not understanging what a "shell choice" is.  Can someone explain?15:52
holsteinusr13: what are you wanting to do?15:52
usr13If one were to want to try out classic gnome, how would that be done? (to Xubuntu 12.04)15:53
usr13(I have a friend that wants to do it to his laptop. I'm reluctant but...it's his...so.)  I personally prefer xubuntu just the way it is.15:54
usr13He wants Gnome the way it was in 10.0415:55
v1adimirgnome schnome15:55
usr13well put15:56
holsteinusr13: i would probably just try out a live CD running gnome15:57
bazhangusr13, gnome-panel is the "classic look" gnome.15:57
holsteinusr13: and it should pull in whatever else it needs along with *-panel15:57
holsteinif you literally just want to see gnome, try it live. or fire up something in virtualbox.. otherwise, if you know how to add/remove pacakges and PPA's, you whould be fine15:58
kimkam120Anyone have any good alteratives to libreoffice?16:32
xubuntu074Hello everyone, I have a simple question... Does anyone know the minimum system requirements for xubuntu 12.10?16:36
xubuntu074I have an old system I would like to install it on and I'm not sure if this is the best distro for the old machine lol16:37
bazhangfor a slow / old system Lubuntu might suit better16:39
bazhanghow much ram / what video card /etc xubuntu07416:40
xubuntu074It has 768MB of RAM and a decent video card with 512MB of RAM16:41
bazhanglubuntu would probably be suitable with so little ram16:42
xubuntu074I haven't heard of Lubuntu what's that?16:42
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.16:42
xubuntu074Perfect just what I'm looking for thank you so much! :)16:44
xubuntu074I have a Mac, Windows box, and an extra old windows box I would love to put linux on because I'm a Python programmer working on some hybrid applications and I need to test them on linux.16:45
xubuntu074So thanks again for the help. I'm not new to linux I've been using unix based OS's for years but haven't found one that would work for such an old system. :)16:46
xubuntu074Thanks guys, :)16:49
=== azeam is now known as azeam_afk
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
vhinuxhow enable , envelope indicator plugin  for pidgin and thunderbrid??18:03
knomevhinux, if you're running xubuntu 12.10, that's unfortunately not possible as mentioned in the release notes18:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
vhinuxOk, thank you!!!18:09
linuxpcplusAfter I installed Xubuntu on my nx6310, I ran the update manager, then in synaptic I reloaded packages & ran all updates. Yet I still only find older versions of most applications. For examples: Gimp 2.6, Kdenlive 0.8.2, Audacity 2.0.0 How do I get the repos to update wtih the same package versions that are available in Ubuntu 12.04 & 12.10, both of which have more recent packages? Yes, I am aware that I can manually update all18:13
davethefantry updating the /etc/apt/sources.list to the new version ?18:15
linuxpcplusNobody here that can help?18:18
Picilinuxpcplus: What release of Xubuntu are you using currently?18:18
linuxpcplusPici I am using 12.0418:19
linuxpcplusI always prefer the current LTS.18:20
Picilinuxpcplus: The version numbers that you list are the latest versions available in 12.04.18:21
linuxpcplusReally? I am pretty sure Gimp 2.8 is available in Ubuntu 12.04, as is Kdenlive 0.9.2 Unless I am mistaken. But let me double check.18:22
Pici2.6.12-1ubuntu1.2 is the latest version in 12.04 (with security updates), and 2.8.2-1ubuntu1.1 in 12.1018:23
Pici!info gimp precise18:23
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1.2 (precise), package size 4644 kB, installed size 12819 kB18:23
linuxpcplusPici: Yes, so I now see. I stand corrected!18:24
linuxpcplusPici: my apologies for wasting your time!18:25
Picilinuxpcplus: no problem at all.18:25
linuxpcplusThanks for offering your help Pici!18:25
linuxpcplusPici: I guess I will hav eto upgrade via the ppa's. Thank the gods for Y PPA Manager! LOL!18:26
linuxpcplusPici, one other question:18:30
linuxpcplusPici: is it possible to pullin the 12.10 repo packages into 12.0418:30
linuxpcplusWould sure save time from ppa work! LOL!18:31
clear`anyone have any recommendation for business software, i need to keep up with clients, invoices and payments18:42
davethefanclear: try 'kraft' ?18:49
clear`i currently use quickbooks, i want to get away from it, i dont use it enough for the hundreds it costs18:50
clear`i will look into kraft18:51
davethefani've not used it personally, it's one that comes to mind for invoices  and communication documents - aimed at small businesses18:52
clear`thanks davethefan18:53
davethefanno problem clear - hope it suits your needs18:57
clear`i have looked at xero and online quickbooks18:57
clear`still looking at $20/m with those18:57
blackgatonegroit seems PC users are now dinosaurs18:58
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holsteinclear`: i would look at some online services19:24
holsteinmint is popular... i make my own invoices in Gdocs, though i dont have a lot of volume19:24
qasimrecording services are not functioning on my linux.. i cant voice chat over skype and not even record any sound clip ..help please19:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:30
qasimhow to troubleshoot mic setting problems?19:34
qasimanyone knows how to set up input devices?19:36
clear`holstein: mint does business services now?19:48
alice__hey. anyone here?21:11
TheSheepjust us, chickens21:12
alice__i need help with compiling airlive wireless adapter driver21:12
TheSheepjust ask your question21:12
alice__when i get to step ./configure it says that there's no such file or dir21:13
TheSheepwhat were the previous steps?21:13
alice__tar zxf file.tar.gz21:13
alice__cd file21:13
alice__that two21:14
TheSheepok, type 'ls -al' and pastebin the result21:14
TheSheepan address to the pastebin is in the topic21:14
alice__drwxr-xr-x 4 caspix caspix    4096 2012-12-18 19:45 .21:15
alice__drwxr-xr-x 3 caspix caspix    4096 2012-12-18 19:41 ..21:15
alice__drwx------ 2 caspix caspix    4096 2010-08-23 04:01 ieee8021121:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix      54 2010-08-23 04:01 ifcfg-wlan021:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix    1373 2010-08-23 04:01 Makefile21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix     545 2010-08-23 04:01 RadioPower.sh21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix   12345 2010-08-23 04:01 ReadMe21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix    5888 2010-08-23 04:01 release_note21:15
alice__drwx------ 2 caspix caspix    4096 2011-12-09 04:48 rtl818721:15
TheSheepuse a pastebin please21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix     291 2010-08-23 04:01 wlan0dhcp21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix     618 2010-08-23 04:01 wlan0down21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix     939 2010-08-23 04:01 wlan0up21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix     234 2010-08-23 04:01 wpa1.conf21:15
alice__-rwxr-xr-x 1 caspix caspix 1623520 2010-08-23 04:01 wpa_supplicant-0.5.5.zip21:15
alice__i need to download it as text when i paste it?21:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:16
alice__thx :) :$21:17
TheSheepalice__: looks like the is no configure script there21:18
TheSheepalice__: just type 'make'21:18
TheSheepalice__: and press enter21:18
TheSheepare you following some guide?21:20
TheSheepwhere did you get that tar.gz file from?21:20
alice__the guy from airlive sent me21:20
TheSheepalice__: can you type 'uname -a' and say what it says?21:21
alice__speak you any balkan language? (i saw your name is radomir)21:23
TheSheepalice__: nope, polish21:24
alice__ok :)21:24
alice__so what should i do with this driver?21:24
TheSheepalice__: try doing 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic', that should install the kernel headers21:25
TheSheepthen try 'make' again21:25
alice__same again21:25
TheSheepalice__: 'ls /lib/modules' ?21:26
TheSheepalice__: ok, then do 'sudo mkdir /lib/modules/2.6.32-32-generic/build', then 'chown caspix.caspix /lib/modules/2.6.32-32-generic/build'21:28
TheSheepsorry, that last one should be with sudo too21:29
TheSheepthen try make again21:29
alice__i did that. what now?21:29
TheSheepalice__: now 'make' should work21:29
TheSheepor return a different error21:30
TheSheephmm, ok, looks like it expects you to build the whole kernel yourself, and then build that module21:31
TheSheepit requires some files from the kernel21:32
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)21:32
TheSheepthose are the instructions for building the kernel21:32
TheSheepit's easier than it seems21:32
alice__i have some read me file here but i dont understand what i need to do.. should i copy you that?21:32
Makdaamcould you link me to the module you're trying to build? I joined half way in.21:33
alice__what module? i'm trying to install driver21:33
TheSheepalice__: a driver is a kernel module21:34
alice__TheSheep http://paste.ubuntu.com/1448581/ this is my readme file21:34
alice__oups :)21:34
alice__what yeah, do i really have to compile kernel now?21:36
TheSheepalice__: so, a friend tells me that this driver is in the kernel already21:36
TheSheepalice__: I mean by default21:36
alice__are you sure?21:36
TheSheepalice__: so you shouldn't need to compile it yourself21:36
alice__then what i need to do to make device work?21:37
TheSheepalice__: you will need that wpa supplicant thing21:37
TheSheepalice__: say, what is your wireless card exactly?21:38
TheSheepalice__: you can check with 'lspci'21:38
alice__this adapter or wireless card?21:38
TheSheepthe thing you need the driver for21:38
TheSheepalso, did you try to install it using the xubuntu's system->hardware drivers  tool?21:39
alice__i dont see it here21:39
alice__no i didnt21:39
TheSheepis that an usb dongle?21:40
alice__usb wireless adapter airlive wl170021:40
TheSheepthen try 'lsusb'21:40
alice__the huawei is my usb internet modem i'm using now21:41
alice__should i try to reboot my computer maybe then it'll recognize adapter?21:42
TheSheepI found this21:42
TheSheepits not exactly the same id as yours21:43
alice__ok i'll try then to follow those steps21:44
Makdaamalice__: I believe you might have mentioned that before but what's your kernel version?21:44
Makdaamuname -a21:44
alice__but i'll try reboot first. here you in a min21:45
alice__i'm back21:47
alice__but still no change... i'll try follow steps on forum21:47
qasimcan anyone help me configuring  my mic settings?21:48
alice__but the guy on the forum has installed his driver, and i'm not?21:48
TheSheepqasim: what are you stuck at?21:48
Makdaamqasim: I've been through alsa hell several times and back, what seems to be the problem?21:48
qasimi cant do vc over skype nor i can record voice clips through voice recorder21:49
qasimand the icon of volume setting has disappeared from the task bar21:50
Makdaamhave you tried running alsamixer and unmuting the mic?21:50
Makdaamor pavucontrol?21:51
qasimi checked alsamixer site21:51
qasimthe prob is different21:51
qasimas i could do vc over skype without alsa mixer21:52
alice__i can't follow these steps on forum... it's not same as main problem21:52
TheSheepalice__: I see, sorry21:53
qasimatleast temm me how to get volume icon on the task bar21:53
qasimtell me*21:53
TheSheepqasim: right-click on the panel, select 'panel->add to panel', and then drag-and-drop the speaker icon from the list to your panel21:54
Makdaamwhat TheSheep said21:54
qasimthx heaps21:54
vorsorkenHas anyone used Eagle on Xubuntu 12.10?21:55
Makdaamvorsorken: yes21:55
qasimi cant see speakers icon there :(21:56
vorsorkenMakdaam: I'm getting some problems with the edit screen not updating correctly21:56
vorsorkenI used the shell script on Cadsoft's website to install 6.3.0 but it happened in an earlier version from the package manager as well21:56
Makdaamvorsorken: I'm afraid I can't help you :(21:57
vorsorkenalright no problem21:57
vorsorkenscreenshot of the issue anyway: http://i.imgur.com/D3ZBz.png21:58
TheSheepqasim: looks like the mixer applet has been replaced with the indicator plugin21:58
qasimwhich means?21:58
MakdaamI have a problem with tilda terminal window not refreshing after backspace or clearscreen21:59
TheSheepqasim: you can either try to get the indicator to display that speaker icon back (but I don't know how), or you can install xfce4-mixer and then the speaker will appear on that list21:59
TheSheepMakdaam: can you pastebin `echo $TERM`?21:59
qasimi clicked over indicator plugin and it showd me the icon of speakers22:00
TheSheepMakdaam: looks like there is a bug22:01
qasimguys now im using IRC chat ...still i would be requiring paste bin for pasting terminal commands?22:01
MakdaamTheSheep: that's what I told you just a second ago over the mecha-sonical channel22:01
TheSheepqasim: actually pastebin is useful for multiple lines22:02
TheSheepqasim: it's just easier22:02
TheSheepqasim: it's basically a website, where you can paste your text and then paste the url here for everyone to see22:02
TheSheepalice__: I have to go, sorry, but I really don't know any easier way for compiling that driver, maybe you could ask the guy who provided you that file for help22:04
qasimhow to get my mic settings right?22:05
qasimi was talking to my friend and it crashed and since then im unable to use mic22:05
TheSheepqasim: there are two places you can look22:06
v1adimiralt+f4 logout and reboot 2 reset your session22:06
TheSheepqasim: one is the alsamixer22:06
TheSheepqasim: and the second is the pulseaudio volume control22:06
TheSheepqasim: in the media in the menu22:07
Makdaamqasim: pavucontrol22:07
qasimi tried changing pulse audio volume control settings but it dint work22:07
qasimi dont have alsa mixer22:07
TheSheepqasim: start with alsa, because it is closer to hardware22:07
qasimdont know what poavucontrol is22:07
TheSheepqasim: just open a terminal and type 'alsamixer'22:08
Makdaamqasim: pavucontrol - PulseAudio VolUme CONTROL22:08
Makdaamqasim: you can run it from the terminal22:08
TheSheepqasim: oh, also make sure that in skype preferences you have pulsaudio chosen as the audio source22:09
qasimi can see alsa mixer22:09
qasimits pulse audio22:09
TheSheepqasim: ok, so there is a number of different channels, you can switch them with arrows22:09
qasimi can even record sounds22:09
qasimthrough sound recorders22:09
TheSheepbut you can't talk?22:09
TheSheepthrough skype22:09
qasimso its kinda configuration prob22:10
qasimyeah my mic doesnt work22:10
qasimi cant even record sounds***22:10
TheSheepfirst make sure that the 'mic' and 'mic boost' channels are not muted in alsamixer (don't have MM at the bottom) and have non-zero volume22:11
qasimthey have mm22:11
TheSheepyou can mute/unmute a channel by pressing 'm' when it is selected22:11
TheSheepand change volume with the up and down arrows22:11
qasimalright, i can recor and play back sound clips..but i still cant skype22:30
vorsorkenMakdaam: I forgot to mention with my Eagle problem that I'm on 64-bit 12.10. Just out of curiosity, are you running 32-bit and have no problems with Eagle?22:40
holsteinclear`: i would check the site.. i think it just depends on what will meet your needs23:30

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