
apacheloggerScottK: well, upstream does not use plasma-netbook by default on small formfactors, that is our thing00:10
apacheloggerScottK: and I do agree with the points raised00:10
apacheloggerplasma-netbook has gross performance issues and brings out the worse in plasma's layouting system00:11
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
apacheloggergoing to bed now, nites00:12
Riddellhmm kdelibs failed00:16
Riddelltime for a beer I think00:16
shadeslayerkmailservice is gone ? :P00:27
Riddellshadeslayer: seems so, compiling locally now00:32
ScottKHow can stuff be "gone" between beta and RC when kdelibs is feature frozen anyway?01:03
ScottKapachelogger: So why did upstream develop plasma-netbook, if not to use it on netbooks?01:06
RiddellScottK: install path changed01:12
ScottKI guess that's not quite so bad.01:15
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=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_aw
soeegood morning06:49
Tm_Thmm, has there been changes on mouse settings kcm?07:56
Tm_Tor should I blame upstream?07:59
rick_timmisGood Morning everyone..08:01
rick_timmisBeen watching Mr Bacons tutorials about Quickly last night, tried to install it, and it's not listed in Software Center, I got it with apt, but Glade crashes yada yada.. Can anyone point me in the right direction for App Development tools / environments they recommend, I want to work using Python for now..08:03
Tm_Trick_timmis: kdevelop?08:05
rick_timmisAh yes, OK, I use that already but I thought it only support C++ and PHP08:05
rick_timmisI also notice that Quickly provides a launcher for Glade, what I/F designer do you use ?08:06
Tm_TI don't actually know what tools our coders use with Python, but I assume Qtcreator/KDevelop08:09
rick_timmisTm_T: Brilliant thank you, I will go check that out, I hadn't heard of QT Creator. But I've really only been using Kdevelop for PHP stuff, it's got such excellent Class Managerment tools08:10
Tm_TI think I have mostly coded with nano /:08:11
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apacheloggerScottK: I dunno10:23
* apachelogger sighs10:31
apacheloggeranyone with raring around?10:32
persiaWhat do you need done in raring (I'm not sure if my raring will support it, as it's Cinnamon)10:34
tsdgeosapachelogger: i have a vm around10:37
apacheloggertsdgeos: when you start kcmshell4 userconfig do you get a crash?10:44
apacheloggerand if so, does pykde4 from ppa:apachelogger/staging fix it?10:44
tsdgeosapachelogger: that's going to take a while to test10:44
apacheloggeractually I should just install a daily build10:46
apacheloggerpersia: what is a cinnamon raring?10:46
persiaMe experimenting with what might be required to reduce the degree to which Linux MINT differentiates itself.10:47
persiaRight now, not quite enough is in Debian to be able to make a flavour.10:48
persiaBut things look pretty good for raring;110:48
kubotupersia meant: "But things look pretty good for raring+1"10:48
persiaThanks kubotu 10:48
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apachelogger(according to shadeslayer mint kde differentiates itself primarily by introducing terribly packaging hacks :S)10:49
persiaYeah, but it means that I'm not yet testing the actual desktop I'll be using for raring (I still have quantal on my main workstation, and am very happy with the 4.9.3 updates making things crash less)10:49
persiaIndeed.  That's how mint used to differentiate itself, but with the debate over GNOME shell vs. Unity vs. ..., they have create some interesting new alternatives.  I don't think they are doing anything special on the KDE side: perhaps they can't find enough broken?10:50
apacheloggerpersia: what's still crashing in 4.9.3 though?10:57
persiaNothing I can identify as consistent yet.  I think certain touchpad gestures trigger crashes, as does fiddling too much with widgets.  Activities is working now though, and it is possible to add widgets (with 4.9.2, the session crashed if I even tried).10:58
apacheloggerhm, yes, plasma is a bit of a sore spot with regards to not crashing10:59
tsdgeosapachelogger: yes, it crashes, no time to check if the ppa fixes it right now sorry10:59
persiaNote that it's always a full session restart, so unless I can figure out how to replicate it easily, I'm really not interested in instrumenting everything to track down the bug :)10:59
apacheloggerpersia: that sounds like an X/driver issue actually11:00
apacheloggertsdgeos: kthx11:01
persiaIt could well be.  quantal linux and xorg actively and specifically don't support my hardware, which makes me consider all issues with this as quite likely only mine :)11:01
persiararing linux and xorg do support the hardware, so when I upgrade, I suspect much will go away (and I'll be more suspicious of the software when it does crash)11:01
apacheloggerone can hope ;)11:02
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Riddellmeh, too many build failures11:12
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apacheloggerwe have a python problem11:43
Tm_Tsnakes on a plane?11:44
apacheloggerat least as bad11:44
apacheloggeruserconfig is not compatible with python311:44
apacheloggerthe kcm plugin loader is however built against python311:44
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BluesKajHi all11:54
Riddellso a choice of switch to kuser, fix userconfig or nudge afiestas into writing a replacement?11:57
apacheloggerRiddell: well, since both userconfig and kuser are equally not maintained I think switching from a to b is somewhat pointless12:09
apachelogger(except that kuser of course does not lead to weird runtime crashes and problems)12:09
apacheloggerthen again it has a much less approachable interface12:09
apacheloggerand actually12:09
apacheloggerRiddell: if we change userconfig not to use a kcm we can simply force it to use python2.712:09
apacheloggerthat being said... there is no reason for it being a KCM as it does not have polkit integration12:10
apacheloggerso it does not really give us anything12:10
Riddellsystem settings is a logical place to include it, except it launches as a separate window which is most inconsistent12:11
apacheloggerthat's what I meant12:11
apacheloggersince it requires admin privledges it will not embed in systemsettings12:12
apacheloggerso there is no point in it being a KCM\12:12
Riddellhmm, never quick these12:16
apacheloggerRiddell: so, I am thinking about a new plymouth12:18
apacheloggerfor the new wallpaper12:18
apacheloggerinstead of the silly dots we could have a highlight moving around the big center edge12:18
apacheloggerwell  s/around/along/12:19
Riddellapachelogger: sounds fiddly no?12:20
apacheloggershouldn't be, not sure how scaling will factor into it though12:22
apacheloggerRiddell: simply sticking some glowy dots there will make them drown and appear unintegrated12:26
apacheloggerthe cheapest solution would be to completely replicate ksplash with different icons or something12:26
apacheloggerthe small dots would totally drown on the new wallpaper12:26
apacheloggerand look very "alien"12:26
Riddellyes I see what you mean12:27
soeezoh you have started building rc1 ? :>12:55
soeei do not like this text: Failed to build12:55
agateauapachelogger: yay for a new plymouth theme, I don't like those dots12:56
agateauthey look like a progress bar, except they are not :/12:56
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel13:28
Riddellor anyone else like rick_timmis who wants to join in :)13:28
Quintasanmfw something that won't be a waste of time13:29
Quintasangetting to it13:29
Quintasanpersia: Man, those flashcards are...awesome!13:29
QuintasanRiddell: I'm getting permission dendied (publickey) on ./kdesc-package-names13:33
jussihrm, anyone want to help me figure out where to report a bug?13:35
yofel_Quintasan: see README13:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Quintasanyofel_: Add following to your .ssh/config13:35
Quintasandid that13:35
Quintasanoh wait13:36
jussiSeems that kde apps dont repect printer preferences set in HPlip...13:36
Quintasankdesc-packages-raring.txt is now empty xD13:36
yofelQuintasan: that's what bzr revert is for ;P13:36
Quintasanyes but I still get permission denied13:36
yofeljussi: yeah, I can at least confirm that13:36
yofelQuintasan: you ssh key *IS* on ftpmaster?13:37
jussiyofel: Im still at a loss to where I would report it though13:37
yofeljussi: same :/13:37
yofelI don't know where the cups settings are stored - or where either one stores the settings actually13:37
binarykingare there kdelibs 4.9 builds for Ubuntu 12.04?13:39
jussibinaryking: in the beta ppa13:39
Quintasanyofel: Unless they purged the keys it should be here13:39
binarykingjussi: link please :)13:39
RiddellQuintasan: set the default scp username?13:39
yofelQuintasan: give me a minute, harald did a clean up once there13:40
jussioh wait, 12.0413:40
QuintasanRiddell: I did the .ssh/config stuff13:40
jussibinaryking: sec, let me see if Im accidentally lying to you13:40
QuintasanHost ftpmaster.kde.org13:40
Quintasan User ftpubuntu13:40
yofelQuintasan: can oyu ssh to ftpmaster?13:40
yofelweird then13:41
jussibinaryking: my apologies, they are for quantal, not 12.0413:41
Quintasan[~]% ssh ftpmaster.kde.org (quintasan@demonbane:~)13:41
QuintasanEnter passphrase for key '/home/quintasan/.ssh/id_rsa': 13:41
Quintasanftpubuntu@ftpmaster:~$ 13:41
binarykingjussi: oh, so I need to build it13:41
RiddellQuintasan: well yes, if you need a passphrase...13:41
binarykingjussi: thanks for help :)13:41
RiddellQuintasan: but why do you need to run that script anyway?13:41
jussibinaryking: perhaps, there may be somethign I am not aware of13:42
yofeloh, Riddell has a point - use an ssh agent13:42
Quintasanno idea whatsover, notes said to use those scrips13:42
yofelQuintasan: what for?13:42
QuintasanUse automation scripts from lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation13:42
yofelQuintasan: you only need to do that once. The packages are already in the PPA13:42
yofelthey just need fixing13:43
Quintasanme grabs kde-base-apps13:43
RiddellQuintasan: write it on the pad13:44
QuintasanI think pull-ninjas-source is broken13:46
binarykingare there no backports for kdelibs 4.9 for precise as its LTS13:46
Quintasanyofel: whoever did pull-ninjas-source it's broken13:47
Quintasanpull-ppa-source works just fine13:47
Riddellbinaryking: yes, in kubuntu-ppa/backports13:48
yofelQuintasan: wait, me and debfx were debugging that at some point13:48
yofelnow I need to remember if we had a solution...13:48
binarykingRiddell: oh. thanks13:48
yofelQuintasan: what exactly is broken again? it works here13:49
jussibinaryking: like I mentioned, things I dont know (or in this case, had forgotten about) :D13:51
apacheloggeragateau: bug 553386 :P13:52
ubottubug 553386 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "Plymouth theme should use circular progress indicator" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55338613:52
agateauapachelogger: "This bug affects me" :)13:55
RiddellQt 5.0 out!14:01
Riddellfabo: any thoughts about how to get it packaged?14:03
jussiRiddell: wow, finally..14:03
Quintasanyofel: Where was this option to force apt to download untrusted packages?14:05
yofelAPT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated 1;14:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: terrible would be an understatement14:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: WRT what?14:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: also please note what I spammed in the multimedia channel14:15
shadeslayermint kde packaging14:16
apacheloggermint :P14:18
apacheloggerthe qt5 video gives me vertigo14:18
apacheloggerbug 109211814:19
ubottubug 1092118 in choqok (Ubuntu) "Tweet shows "&" instead of "&"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109211814:19
apacheloggeris choqok still being developed?14:19
Quintasanyofel: Do we still have the commitbot running?14:28
dantti_laptoppackages packages packages :P14:28
shadeslayerQuintasan: CIA? no that went out14:29
Quintasanremoving from baazar conf14:29
yofelQuintasan: "CIA is dead" - #cia14:29
Quintasanhow is14:29
shadeslayerthere's an irker instance running for KDE now14:29
yofelyou didn't hear the story o.O?14:29
Quintasanno wait14:30
Quintasanmy / is 100%14:30
Quintasanfor some reason14:30
Quintasancleaned the apt cache14:30
yofelyour space management is as bad as mine...14:31
apacheloggerbrotip: don't put prn on /14:32
Quintasanapachelogger: You speak from experience I presume14:33
apacheloggerI always have a separate /home14:34
QuintasanSo do I14:34
apacheloggerthe only time my / ever ran out of space was when buildign koffice or osmething14:34
apacheloggerkoffice and amarok at the same time actually14:34
apacheloggerthey have insanely huge artifacts for some reason14:34
QuintasanCan can compile both of them in tmpfs14:35
apacheloggerwho's Can?14:35
QuintasanIt's my alter ego14:36
apacheloggergo see a doctor plz14:37
QuintasanRiddell: pushing kde-baseapps and uploading to ninja14:37
apacheloggerQuintasan: how much ramz do you have? 16 gig?14:37
Quintasanapachelogger: Too late for that.14:37
apacheloggermy system usually needs at least 414:38
RiddellQuintasan: awooga14:39
Quintasanwhat the14:41
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Quintasanperyton (QEMU Armel buildd)14:41
RiddellQuintasan: it's a PPA, virtual builders are common14:42
Quintasanretrying since kexiv is there14:43
QuintasanRiddell: How often the status page is updated?14:43
RiddellQuintasan: whenever you ask me14:43
Riddellit's just done manually14:43
* Quintasan grabs kate14:45
Riddellkate has a python issue14:45
Riddelllots of them have a python issue14:45
Riddellcan't find pyconfig.h14:45
QuintasanIs this bad news?14:46
Riddellit is if we can't work out how to fix it14:46
Quintasanand python-minimal has this file14:46
Riddellit's in libpython2.7-dev now for 2.714:47
Riddelland moved to /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/python2.7/pyconfig.h14:47
QuintasanDo we compile against 2.7?14:47
RiddellQuintasan: pst, kate already on etherpad, feel free to take it over14:48
* Quintasan tries figuring it out14:48
Quintasanif I don't make it I'll just take something else14:48
Riddellkate depends on libpython2.7 currently14:49
faboRiddell: steveir pinged yesterday. It's just a matter of rebuilding with final tarballs. there's a couple of minor issues to make sure cmake files still works.14:50
Riddellfabo: who's steveir14:52
faboRiddell: kdab guy14:53
Riddelloh? he's got into .deb packaging?14:54
fabomore involved on overall distro support on the packaging14:54
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier14:56
faboRiddell: he raised the issue on cmake files and give us some good pointers14:56
Quintasan!find pyconfig.h raring14:57
ubottuFile pyconfig.h found in libpython2.7-dbg, libpython2.7-dev, libpython3.3-dbg, libpython3.3-dev, pypy-dev, python-numpy, python3-numpy14:57
Quintasandont ask me how14:58
Quintasaninstalling libpython3.3-dev14:59
Quintasanapparently help14:59
Quintasanor not14:59
Quintasanit crapped out later on14:59
shadeslayerRiddell: why not just update it every 15 minutes?14:59
QuintasanRiddell: This looks like an issue with our Python15:00
shadeslayer( the status page )15:00
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm memory says there's some reason why it didn't work from a cron job15:01
shadeslayermake[4]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libpython2.7.so', needed by `lib/libcompoundviewer.so.4.10.0'.  Stop.15:02
yofellaunchpadlib would be my guess why it wouldn't work - easy to fix though15:03
Riddellshadeslayer: that's easy to fix15:03
Riddellthe moved pyconfig.h less so15:03
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah15:03
Riddellneeds PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH changed15:03
Riddellbut I can't find how that's set15:03
shadeslayerI usually just randonly click on FTBFS's15:03
RiddellFindPythonLibrary.cmake says it sets it but doesn't seem to actually do anything to do so15:03
shadeslayerbecause I'm *that* adventurous15:04
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
apacheloggerto hell with python!15:04
Quintasanthere you have #include <Python.h>15:04
yofelpython FTW!15:05
Quintasan and in Python.h15:05
Quintasan#include "pyconfig.h"15:05
Quintasanand this is what actually craps out15:05
apacheloggeroh yofel just volunteered to port userconfig to p315:05
yofelapachelogger: actually, I might take a look at userconfig for py3 as I'm free from the weekend on15:05
* apachelogger wonders what to have for dinner15:05
Quintasanapachelogger: PYTHON15:06
* apachelogger looks up restaurants that serve pythons15:06
yofelwhat does everyone have against python o.O? It's not python's fault that our binding setup is crap15:06
shadeslayerwell this is fun : File usr/lib/libpython2.7.so found in python2.7-dbg15:07
Quintasanyoutube video15:07
yofelapachelogger: fun15:07
Quintasangets emmbed in yakuake window15:07
apacheloggerI am now going to change the way you need to init objects in phonon15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: break all the things15:09
shadeslayerjust because15:09
yofeland here I hoped python3 would make things better... Reality - I hate you15:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: then linus can flame me15:10
apacheloggeractually the fact that linus did not flame python for that comes as a bit of a surprise15:10
Riddellshadeslayer: it's in libpython2.7-dev15:10
apacheloggerprolly doens't use it15:10
apacheloggersmart man15:10
shadeslayerRiddell: then wy doesn't it get picked up ? 0.o15:13
shadeslayerbecause kalzium does pull it in15:13
Riddellshadeslayer: if a build-dep on libpython2.7-dev is added to kate that problem goes away15:14
Riddellthe next problem is it can't find pyconfig.h15:14
Riddellwhich has moved to a multiarch directory15:15
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel: Ever wanted to embedd youtube in konsole? http://wstaw.org/m/2012/12/19/IMG_20121219_161018.jpg15:15
apacheloggerthey are in my quassel, that's good enough15:16
RiddellFindPythonLibrary.cmake needs to export Cflags from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/python-2.7.pc15:16
yofelQuintasan: looks like the X fail of the year :P15:16
Quintasanyofel: This only happens when I minmize opera when a youtube video is open15:16
apacheloggerbrotip: use proper browser15:17
yofelyeah, rekonq 1.80 is nice. Now I need mouse gestures and I'll actually start to  like it15:17
Quintasanapachelogger: >proper browser15:17
Quintasansame stuff happens with shitty rekonq15:17
Quintasandon't even mention firefox15:18
apacheloggerquassel is a better browser than rekonq15:18
yofellooking at the implementation... no15:18
shadeslayerRiddell: make[4]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libpython2.7.so', needed by `lib/libcompoundviewer.so.4.10.0'.  Stop.15:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: make that into a meme15:18
shadeslayerdoesn't go away15:18
apacheloggerpython is a better browser than rekonq15:18
QuintasanRiddell: I vote we ask ScottK about that15:18
Riddellshadeslayer: so install it!15:19
QuintasanI'm running out of ideas15:19
shadeslayerpossibly got multiarched as well15:19
yofelshadeslayer: sounds like some cmake config files that needs to be rebuilt15:19
shadeslayeryep, it's in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so15:19
Riddellshadeslayer: install libpython2.7-dev problem solved15:20
shadeslayerI did!15:20
yofelRiddell: no, something is hardcoded to the old path15:20
apacheloggerwhat's the package?15:20
Riddelloh right15:21
apacheloggerkalzium master does not even mention python Oo15:22
apacheloggerI blame debian/patches/no_install_rpath_use_link_path.diff15:23
* apachelogger leaves for dinner15:23
yofelshadeslayer: try rebuilding avogadro15:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: nope, doesn't work15:26
shadeslayeryofel: k15:26
shadeslayerwas avogadro even uploaded?15:27
shadeslayerdon't see it15:27
yofelavogadro has nothing to do with kde15:27
shadeslayeroh okay15:28
yofelbut it has a horibbleness called /usr/lib/avogadro/1_0/AvogadroLibraryDeps.cmake15:28
shadeslayercj already rebuilt avogadro against sip-api-9.015:29
shadeslayerbut ok, let's see15:29
yofelshadeslayer: if you're on raring, check the python lib path in that cmake file ^15:31
shadeslayerin avogadro_LIB_DEPENDS15:33
yofelyeah, I feared as much15:33
shadeslayeris that autogenerated?15:33
yofelsame thing happened back when qt was multiarched15:33
yofelit is - on build15:33
RiddellFindPythonLibs.cmake sets the right value for PYTHON_LIBRARIES so that's fixable15:36
shadeslayer/usr/include/boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp:50:23: fatal error: pyconfig.h: No such file or directory15:36
Riddellwhat it doesn't do is set the include path to include the Cflags one15:36
shadeslayerso basically we've come back to FindPythonLibs.cmake :P15:36
Riddellshadeslayer: ...which causes that problem15:36
shadeslayerright :P15:36
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
shadeslayerbbl after dinner :)15:43
QuintasanThis is like15:47
yofelqt: yes - vid: no15:48
Riddellok here's a workaround for the python include issue http://paste.kde.org/627974/15:58
Riddellbut that needs every package which is affected need patched15:58
Riddellbut I think anything else needs cmake devs to do16:08
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
reyson1how are you?16:31
reyson1I want a girlfriend who is noted 16:33
reyson1reyson1: pretty good. how about you?16:34
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
reyson1I suck pussy16:35
reyson1kiero kuka16:36
Riddellfirst time I've seen a troll in here16:37
danttiyep :P16:37
TheLordOfTimetrolls're evil :/16:38
TheLordOfTime(sorry had to say it)16:38
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
simplewyofel: hi 16:55
yofelerrr hey16:55
simplewyofel: im having an issue,  i have added pastbin widget into plasma panel but when i right click in the top the pastebin icon it doesnt show any option realted to it, instead just show panel options, this only started to happen after installing KDE 4.9.9016:59
simplewyofel: if i re-login the problem starts again, any hint?16:59
yofelnope, would need the beta to debug this and I'm at work right now17:00
apacheloggerdid you solve it?17:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: ^17:04
shadeslayersolve what?17:05
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
soeeis there a lot of problems with RC1 ?17:18
shadeslayersoee: kinda17:21
shadeslayerpython stuff17:21
soeeuhm dont know much about python :/17:22
soeewiil you make it till friday ? i would like to test it before world ends 17:24
yofelwhile you fix the python stuff - please remember that we need something that's backportable...17:32
Riddellxnox says he's working on a proper fix for cmake python17:34
Riddellso in the mean time we'll just use my workaround I'd say, it should be backportable fine17:34
* Riddell steals kate off Quintasan 18:08
Quintasanshadeslayer, yofel: Any idea how digiKam works with Nepomuk tags?18:13
shadeslayerer .. no?18:16
shadeslayerthough I /guess/ you could search by tags: in dolphin18:16
ronnoc_Quintasan: haven't tried yet. Will after work today18:19
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
vHandaQuintasan: it no longer works18:24
afiestasdo we have anyplace with Qt5?18:25
afiestasI don't have enough harddisk to compile both 4 and 5 xd18:26
Riddellafiestas: can try https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-daily18:26
Riddellfabo is working on better packages18:26
simplewapachelogger: pyjde4 is it uploaded in mirrors?18:30
QuintasanvHanda: That's unfortunate18:31
QuintasanAny plans to fix this?18:31
Riddellsimplew: pykde has always been part of kubuntu18:31
simplewRiddell: but needs to be build for new python18:32
vHandaQuintasan: It has been disabled cause it was totally broken18:32
vHandafrom what I remember18:32
afiestasI got it working last time I tried18:32
afiestasgot all the faces imported as tags :3318:32
QuintasanvHanda: How does Nepomuk handle image files? I was wondering if I could form queries like "give me all images which resolution is less than 1920x1080"18:32
afiestasQuintasan: you can do that18:33
QuintasanI just have to index them?18:33
* Quintasan currently indexes his Documents and Music (the latter for Nepomuk)18:33
QuintasanNepomuk Collection is still missing half of my collection somehow18:34
afiestasvHanda: did some huge improvements in Music and kioslave18:34
Quintasanafiestas: Well, I think he did but that's more relevant to Amarok since they just added support for Nepomuk collection18:34
Quintasanhmm yeah18:35
Riddellsimplew: yeah lots of things do18:35
afiestasQuintasan: vHanda uses dolphin as a music player18:35
QuintasanI have 4094 tracks in local libaray and Nepomuk collection is at 252618:35
QuintasanDoes it support playlists?18:35
QuintasanSeeing Amarok handle tag editing in the main thread I suddenly wanted to get away from it18:36
vHandaQuintasan: Try out KDE 4.1018:36
Riddell!newpackage simon 0.4.018:36
ubottuRiddell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:36
QuintasanvHanda: I'm running beta18:36
vHandathe earlier strigi based .. oh18:36
Riddell~newpackage simon 0.4.018:36
kubotuPackage simon already exists!18:36
Riddellit does?18:36
Riddellno it doesn't18:37
Riddellkubotu: you fail18:37
QuintasanvHanda: Doesn't beta use the new indexer?18:37
vHandait does18:37
vHandabut the file indexing service didn't schedule stuff properly18:38
vHandarc1 that way is pretty good18:38
vHandaanyway, what matters is that 4.10 be awesome18:38
vHandalots more bugs to fix18:38
QuintasanI see18:38
QuintasanWell, I'm expecting more from Nepomuk this time around18:38
vHandame too18:38
QuintasanIt got to the stage where I can enable it and it doesn't interfere with my work18:39
vHandaI had this sad revalation a couple of weeks back that over the years ( 6 years now ) Nepomuk hasn't had any new user visible features18:39
vHandaby default18:39
vHandawe just keep messing with everything :/18:39
QuintasanvHanda: What is the recommended ammount of memory for virtuoso-t?18:39
vHandaI keep it on the lowest possible18:39
Quintasan50 MiB?18:40
vHandaIt is occupying 33.5 mb for me right now18:40
QuintasanI can't imagine it being fast when searching then18:40
vHandabut there is a leak somewhere, it goes up to quite a bit :/18:40
vHandaQuintasan: seems to work okay for me.18:40
shadeslayernow that I have ton of RAM I gave it 300 MB's18:40
QuintasanIt's at 156mb here now18:40
vHandaI don't want Nepomuk to consume more than 50mb in total, but I don't think that will happen anytime soon18:40
vHandanot unless I replace virtuoso18:40
QuintasanThere isn't anything faster than virtuoso, is there?18:41
vHandabut virtuoso is meant for servers, not desktops18:41
vHandathey care a lot about scaling horizontally18:41
vHandanot scaling down18:41
QuintasanLet's see18:42
* vHanda has been having dreams of replacing it18:42
QuintasanI have 808 files in Documents according to Dolphin18:42
vHandaprobably not a good idea18:42
Quintasannot even close18:42
vHanda( replacment dreams = write my own sparql parser on top a relation db )18:42
vHanda*top of a18:43
QuintasanvHanda: That might sound stupid, is virtuoso kind of learning or it's just doing dumb queries?18:43
vHandawhat do you mean?18:43
QuintasanDoes it even try to guess what the user is looking for based on ealier queries18:44
QuintasanI have this file -> Co_trzeba_wiedzieć_i_umieć_aby_zaliczyć_II_kolokwium.pdf18:44
QuintasanIt's under /home/quintasan/Dokumenty/PWr/Podstawy programowania/Ćwiczenia/18:44
vHandaI hate to say this publicly, but Nepomuk sucks for searching stuff18:44
QuintasanI see18:45
vHandaQuintasan: it doesn't find it?18:45
QuintasanvHanda: It does18:45
Quintasanbut 18:45
QuintasanI have to type half of the file name18:45
QuintasanWhen I type Co trzeba the first file listed if "How to use vim like a pro" :D18:45
soeeco trzeba ?18:46
Quintasansoee: Read the whole conversation18:46
vHandaQuintasan: does that file have "co trzeba" in it?18:47
QuintasanvHanda: in file name, yes18:47
Quintasanand in the document the phrase is there as well18:47
vHandano no. The vim like a prop file18:47
vHanda*pro file18:47
Quintasanit's in English I believe18:48
vHandathat's weird18:48
vHandacause I know we have no priotization of results based on properties (filenames aren't given a priority over content)18:48
Quintasanoh wait18:48
vHandabut I haven't heard of the full text index failing completely18:48
Quintasannope, it's in polish but the phrase is not there18:48
Quintasanat least no in the beginning18:48
vHandaanywhere in the file?18:48
simplew4.10 is packaged?18:49
Quintasansimplew: working on it18:49
QuintasanvHanda: The whole phrase is not there18:49
vHandaboth the words independently?18:49
QuintasanCo == What in Polish so that's a fairly common word18:49
vHandaand the other one?18:49
simplewQuintasan: where18:50
Quintasantrzeba == need or something along those lines18:50
Quintasansimplew: everywhere18:50
QuintasanvHanda: Basically the file I wanted to find tells me what I need to know to pass the second test on my uni18:50
Quintasaninstead Nepomuk gives me how to use vim like a pro18:51
QuintasanBut that's not the problem18:51
simplewQuintasan: no its not18:51
QuintasanIf Nepomuk sucks at searching then what the hell people are supposed to use it for?18:51
Quintasansimplew: What? We are working on 4.10 RC1 packaging18:51
afiestasQuintasan: search, vHanda means that it must be improved18:51
vHandaQuintasan: let me rephrase that, it sucks at "text" based searching18:52
simplewQuintasan: its not everywhere18:52
simplewQuintasan: i dont see it18:52
Quintasansimplew: I said we are WORKING on it18:52
simplewQuintasan: where18:52
vHandait's pretty good at doing stuff like "files with artist this who are related to that" and other stuff like that18:52
Quintasansimplew: On my computer18:52
vHandaIt handles structured info very well18:52
simplewQuintasan: link?18:53
Quintasansimplew: What do you want me to link you to? The source?18:53
simplewQuintasan: packages18:53
QuintasanWe. Are. Working. On. Them.18:53
Quintasanis equal to18:53
QuintasanThey are not done yet18:53
QuintasanMeaning, you can't get them now18:54
simplewQuintasan: so where are the existing ones?18:54
QuintasanNon existent18:54
Quintasansimplew: Actually, what do you want to do?18:54
simplewyour pushing18:54
QuintasanvHanda: So it's basically kind of not optimised for daily usage?18:56
QuintasanI can imagine not everyone will immediately jump the sematic desktop wagon18:56
vHandaQuintasan: As I said, I hate to say it publically.18:56
vHandaIf it helps, I'm working on it18:56
soeehmm suddenly desktop efects gone ... strange 18:56
QuintasanvHanda: Well, I appreciate you work, I can see the results with every release but unfortunately I have a number of people who have abslotuely no idea how the hell they are supposed to use this so they end up disabling it18:57
QuintasanDon't take it the wrong way, it's a brilliant idea but it lacks publicised usecases if I may say so18:58
vHandaI know.18:58
vHandathat's not the only thing it lacks18:58
QuintasanI was like, hey, I'll tag my wallpapers and see if I can do stuff like "give me all wallpapers tagged landscape that have resolution higher than 1080p"18:59
Quintasanhence my question about digiKam18:59
afiestasQuintasan: vHanda I don't want to be the pesimins party breaker, but text search and search in general works great to me19:00
vHandaQuintasan: I actually like the idea of - Hey gimme pictures of the person with this email id19:00
yofelRiddell: use the 'newpackage' script from kubuntu-dev-tools when that happens19:00
yofelseems like apachelogger didn't update the bot script -.-19:00
afiestasI can't say performance because I have a powerful machine, but as vHanda knows I use it everyday and it works well19:00
vHandaafiestas: you cannot search for stuff like "artist album song-name" and get the correct result.19:01
Quintasanafiestas: Unfortunately it's standard "Works here" answer19:01
vHandaEven though it is such a simple thing19:01
afiestasQuintasan: that will be standard if vHanda says it19:02
afiestasI'nm not I'm not a nepomuk developer :p19:02
QuintasanvHanda: I think the case might be that I'm using KRunner for that19:02
QuintasanDoes the KRunner plugin for Nepomuk share the code for searching with something?19:02
vHandaQuintasan: the krunner one will search for everything - including contacts/emails and stuff19:03
QuintasanI noticed that19:03
vHandaif you want only files (stuff with urls)19:04
vHandayou should use Dolphin/ kioslave19:04
simplewQuintasan: so theres no build packages for kde 4.10 available in lauchpad19:04
yofelsimplew: to say it differently: they're in a place you don't have access to. You'll get them once we're done19:05
QuintasanvHanda: When I typed the filename with underscores19:05
Quintasanit was the first result :D19:05
simplewyofel: thanks for the explanation19:05
vHandaafiestas: +119:05
QuintasanvHanda: I'm hoping KRunner magic will get some love anytime soon, I usually hate to open anything to look for files19:06
QuintasanIn terms of indexing this release is like 10 out of 1019:07
yofelRiddell: bug 82404019:09
ubottubug 824040 in Ubuntu "needs-packaging: simon" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82404019:09
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
simplewcant see knmap packaged in kubuntu, why?19:30
shadeslayerbecause we didn't package it?19:38
shadeslayerand maybe debian didn't package it19:39
simplewshadeslayer: seams isnt maintained anymore19:47
yofelyay, someone messed up kde-workspace (ksplash stuff - see kde-release)19:57
yofeland I just noticed that myself too...19:59
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/project-neon-kde-workspace_2+git20121219+r47205-20~raring1_amd64.deb (--unpack):19:59
yofel trying to overwrite '/opt/project-neon/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default/600x400/background.png', which is also in package project-neon-kde-base-artwork 2+svn20121218+r6-25~raring119:59
shadeslayerRiddell: is someone fixing pyconfig stuff?20:16
yofelshadeslayer: last he said that xnox was looking at it, in the meanwhile use the workaround20:23
shadeslayerhow about we not use workarounds and fix this properly and avoid doing double the work?20:24
yofelwell, ask xnox how far he got20:25
shadeslayerxnox: how far did you get? :P20:25
* yofel regenerates the status page20:25
ScottKRiddell, apachelogger, Quintasan, yofel, etc; I thought xnox was fixing cmake to work with multiarch.20:45
shadeslayerinteresting how kde-workspace for 12.10 compiled fine but 13.04 failed on i38621:02
shadeslayereven more interesting, the 13.04 stuff failed due to a missing file21:02
shadeslayeroh wait21:02
shadeslayerthat's 12.1021:02
shadeslayerpgst code sure has alot of futurama references21:38
shadeslayer#warning ret not used!!! WHOOPWHOOPWHOOP21:38
shadeslayerthat warning also seems bogus :P21:42
shadeslayerxnox: you broke cmake21:46
shadeslayer cmake : Depends: cmake-data (= but is to be installed21:46
ScottKshadeslayer: Probably just archive skew.21:51
ScottKubuntu3 isn't showing up for armhf yet.21:52
shadeslayerare you sure? when I checked it was built21:52
yofelmore like... why do you have proposed enabled?21:53
ScottKshadeslayer: Built, but not finished publishing.21:54
ScottKYou have another 10 minutes.21:54
ScottKRule of thumb is it's available 30 minutes after it shows up as published.21:54
ScottKSometimes it's faster, but that's usually pretty close.21:55
shadeslayeryofel: I don't21:55
shadeslayerktp failed on armhf21:55
yofelah, nvm me then21:56
shadeslayerScottK: re ktp call ui situation21:57
ScottKWhat situation?21:57
ScottKMI integration perhaps?21:57
shadeslayerthe gst 1.0 porting situation21:57
ScottKAh.  That.21:57
shadeslayerI have news on MI stuff as well21:57
shadeslayerfirst gst1.021:57
shadeslayerrdieter showed me some patches that allow us to make farstream co installable when compiled with both 0.10 and 1.021:58
shadeslayerthat's how fedora is doing it21:58
shadeslayeras for MI stuff, I've been informed that KDE's notifications are on their way to becoming more MI like21:59
shadeslayerafiestas can explain more I guess22:00
ScottKOK, so the answer on MI is "not going to do it."22:00
ScottKRiddell: We need to drop MI from our panel.  It's pointless for just IRC.22:00
shadeslayerScottK: it involves adding code that would very well become redundant imho22:01
ScottKWhen does one add code that has zero chance of becoming redundant in the future?22:01
ScottKThat's a nonsense argument.22:01
ScottKGotta reboot my server.  BRB.22:02
apacheloggeryofel: oh yeah22:03
apacheloggeryofel: cause I have a delta :P22:03
yofelupstream it :P22:03
apacheloggeryofel: I think it is configuration delta22:11
apacheloggerif you were using a config file.... :P22:11
yofelwhat for though?22:11
apacheloggersomething appears misconfigured22:13
yofelI know that you needed a credentials file, but I hacked that together (thanks for reminding me I should do that properly...)22:13
apacheloggerthe path for the file I suppose22:14
apacheloggerlp = Launchpad.login_with(consumer_name='newpackage', service_root='staging', credentials_file="./statging_credfile.txt")22:14
xnoxshadeslayer: did i?22:14
apacheloggerwith typo even, lol22:14
shadeslayerxnox: possibly archive skew according to ScottK22:14
apachelogger<- best at typing typos22:15
xnoxshadeslayer: did something actually fail to build in the archive?22:15
shadeslayerxnox: most of ktp on armhf22:15
yofelapachelogger: can you run the script with KUBUNTU_DEV_TOOLS_CREDENTIALS=<path> set?22:16
xnoxshadeslayer: is that source package name?22:16
shadeslayerxnox: for eg : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-call-ui/0.5.2-0ubuntu122:16
apacheloggerI suppose22:16
yofelthen the script should figure it out itself now...22:16
apacheloggerah, lol, I am smarter than I look22:18
apacheloggerI actually have the diff in a branch from which it is invoked22:19
shadeslayerxnox: hm, I rebuilt https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-filetransfer-handler/0.5.2-0ubuntu1/+build/407248622:19
shadeslayerso all is well22:19
shadeslayerarchive skew 22:19
shadeslayerfunnily enough I could retry one build out of the 9 that failed22:20
apachelogger    from KubuntuDevTools.launchpad import KDTLaunchpad22:21
apacheloggerImportError: No module named KubuntuDevTools.launchpad22:21
apachelogger<3 python22:21
apacheloggeryofel: how do I make it find the module?22:21
yofeleither intall the package or set $PYTHONPATH to the module dir22:22
shadeslayercould someone retry https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-call-ui/0.5.2-0ubuntu1/+build/4072466 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-contact-runner/0.5.2-0ubuntu1/+build/4072482 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-contact-applet/0.5.2-0ubuntu1/+build/4072474 22:22
apacheloggeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/628208/22:24
yofelapachelogger: dunno, I don't see anything wrong o.O22:27
apacheloggertell that to the python22:29
yofelwhat version of launchpad lib is that? (only thing I can think of that could cause this)22:30
yofelI guess this needs to me more compatible :/22:33
yofelif the option isn't needed throw it out for now, I'll look at it tomorrow22:33
apacheloggerI guess this needs less python and more sanity22:34
apacheloggeryofel: consumer_name==application_name according to my old delta22:34
yofelok, we should go with consumer_name then as the new lplib has that too22:35
yofelI'll agree that this needs more sanity though..22:36
apacheloggerI agree22:37
yofelI'm too tired to debug this now, sorry22:38
apacheloggerfirst you break it and then you are too tired :P22:38
apacheloggerkubotu: how do I configure plugins again?22:38
apacheloggerI broke it22:38
apacheloggerkubotu: hi22:39
kubotuhello apachelogger22:39
yofeldon't ask me to debug python at 11:40 PM when I have work the next day -.-22:39
apacheloggerwe need to get you a better job it appears :)22:39
yofelI'll see if I can get this to work in lucid tomorrow22:40
apacheloggerkubotu: help config add22:40
kubotuconfig add <values> to <key> => add values <values> to key <key> if <key> is an array22:40
apacheloggerkubotu: config add newpackage to plugins.blacklist22:40
kubotuplugins.blacklist: azgame, chucknorris, deepthoughts, delicious, dice, digg, fortune, freshmeat, geoip, imdb, math, roulette, slashdot, spell, theyfightcrime, threat, wheeloffortune, dictclient, dict, realm, grouphug, bash, cal, weather, rot, hl2, wow, tube, url, remotectl, linkbot, babel, figlet, debug, quiz, forecast, newpackage22:40
kubotuthis config change will take effect on the next rescan22:40
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan22:40
kubotusaving ...22:40
kuboturescanning ...22:40
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 57 plugins loaded; 32 plugins ignored; 1 plugin failed to load22:40
apacheloggerkubotu: thank you22:40
apacheloggerall the flame wars on ubuntu-devel make me tried :)22:45
* yofel wonders what sphinx is22:48
apacheloggerhttp://www.guardians.net/egypt/sphinx/ intertubes to the rescue22:49
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: committed kdm removal23:06
Riddellthanks apachelogger 23:07
xnoxshadeslayer: all good?23:07
apacheloggers/kdm/kdm plymouth handover support/ ^^23:08
kubotuapachelogger meant: "Riddell, ScottK: committed kdm plymouth handover support removal"23:08
Riddell20:17 < xnox> doko: Riddell: cmake uploaded, if packages use standard FindPythonLibs & PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS they should be all multi-arch ready.... if not  patch them to use system FindPythonLibs & PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS (instead of _DIR or _PATH)23:08
shadeslayerxnox: yep23:10
Riddellfolks I'm away for Thursday, good luck going the ninja thing with rc 123:19
shadeslayerhave fun :)23:20

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