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AnonymousChenIs anyone there?00:49
cornfeedi just want to make sure, ubuntu does not have the infamous amazon search issue, correct?01:02
ikoniaI don't think it does, but I'm sure a kubuntu user will confirm01:02
OerHeksKubuntu does not use those unity lenses01:05
OerHeksor lensen01:05
ikoniaperfect, thank you OerHeks01:05
OerHeksThere are more search options (and tracking) in any linux-distro  like lyrics database search in mediaplayers, i don't understand the fuzz.01:07
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eshackhey I'm back after a looong absence! :)  Where is the official Kubuntu documentation found?03:02
eshackwow is everyone sleeping on here?03:05
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SIR_Tacoeshack: ssssshhh03:21
eshackOooops, I see I woke someone. :)03:22
SIR_Tacocurrently mucking around with a stuborn sump pump... fun times03:22
eshackohh, I will leave you be then!  I found what I needed just wanted to 'drop by' the old kubuntu room.03:23
SIR_Tacowell cheers anyway :P03:24
eshackthanks, catch you all later, I'm off for the night (it is here anyway.)03:25
edochaitHi guys, is there a chat room forum out there for python techies?04:08
robtygartedochait: #python04:21
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robtygartSharing files over the network? What has the best file transfer speed?04:27
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persiarobtygart: one-to-one, netcat or tcpconnect+tcplisten, but if you're doing something more interesting, there are too many answers all depending on precisely what is being done.04:31
robtygartpersia: I was thinking SSH, FTP.04:31
persiaThose are about the same, depending on configuration.  Lots of folk compress ssh, which may be faster or slower depending on the hardware on both ends, the load on that hardware, and the nature of the network.04:32
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uglyoldbobim using the logitech k400r wireless keyboard. How can i change which audio card the volume buttons adjust?07:48
uglyoldboboh it seems selecting the master channel with kmix is the solution07:51
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desserrhi guys08:51
lopsterHello All, I'm using 12.04 and my battery is no longer working properly. Only when I'm using AC my laptop is working fine. When I unplug the cable my battery last ~1min and the laptop is shuting down. Can you please advise how can I setup my laptop so that whenever it's using battery - to go into hibernate mode right away? Thank you.08:57
CruX|wxwidgets on my kubuntu are linked with GTK09:06
CruX|and looks VERY UGLY09:06
CruX|how can I swi9tch them into qt backend ?09:06
CosmicBI've been using kontact for mail,calendar and all. I just started the kmail client by error. Now that I'm back in Kontact everytime I click 'mail' it pops up kmail, instead of showing kmail integrated in kontact . Wheres the 'knob' to reverse this behaviour ?09:26
persiaCruX|: I don't believe we have a package for that, and in fact can't find wxQt in a release tarball anywhere.09:30
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BluesKajHi all11:54
20WABRWYSanyone having problems with brightness button on laptop...12:38
reeedyep. mine Toshiba laptop Fn key and special buttons are unrecognised by Kubuntu12:45
snow_wonsreeed: why?13:01
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mime_1111hey ppl, my external hdd of 60 gb, once i plug  it ony makes a noise, and it is impossible to enter the device, it is any way to just erase all its format, i dont care the way, or about my files, i just want to make it work, because now is like having nothing, thank you linux users13:31
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hateballmime_1111: if it's "making noise" then perhaps it's dying13:56
hateballor already dead, even13:56
mime_1111clicking, but that is not helpful, due its only the thing i know13:57
hateballClicking is a typical sign of it going dead soon13:57
mime_1111i read that with click, one can repair, im asking if by a simple command that would be possible13:57
mime_1111its just many blocks that had ''loose'' their iman power13:58
mime_1111magnetic power13:58
mime_1111or just not well setted13:58
mime_1111i dont care loosing some blocks13:58
DeldeericI'm trying to use sed to extract a range of lines in multiple html files and output to a txt, I can make it happen with a single file but when I try to do them all at once it fails.14:00
Walexmime_1111: clicks means usually mechanical failure.14:01
mime_1111yeah, i know14:01
mime_1111but n1 says that it isnt reparable?14:01
mime_1111u recommend opening the case?14:02
Walexmime_1111: you can try security erase, if it is eSATA.14:02
Walexmime_1111: but most likely not fixable.14:02
mime_1111it isnt an eSATA14:02
mime_1111ok, thnx for ur time ppl14:03
WalexDeldeeric: thanaks for letting us know...14:03
mime_1111its curious, because with the stupid xp it detect it14:03
mime_1111so it makes non sense14:03
DeldeericI wanted to grab the exact code real quick14:03
Deldeericnot sure if someone can help14:03
Deldeericsed -n '51,52p' *.* > Category.txt14:03
Deldeericthis is what i want to accomplish14:03
Deldeericbut it cant do multiple files.. only one14:04
WalexDeldeeric: if you put multiple names on the 'sed' command line they are treated as if they had been 'cat'ed IIRC14:04
WalexDeldeeric: do a 'for' loop' or use 'xargs'.14:04
Deldeericthanks for the tip14:07
Deldeerici'll do some research on those14:07
DeldeericThanks Walex, ill do some research on those options14:07
Deldeericnot sure if you saw my last message or not14:08
mime_1111well, ill try opening the case, and try moving disks manually, maybe sounds freak, but its a phyisical error, so...14:08
mime_1111i dont loose nothing14:08
mime_1111and later ill try sme software, cya ppl14:08
SubfuscDeldeeric: for file in *.*; do ${sed command} ${file} > ${file}.out; done14:08
Subfuscassuming there are no filenames with spaces in them14:09
Deldeerictheres like 55,000 files i'm handling with this, and I need it to grab each line 51 & 52, would it be possible to give me an example for the loop or xargs that would take care of the whole directory?14:11
Deldeericsed -n '51,52p' product.aspx_sku=35005.html14:11
Deldeericthis is exactly what im using above14:11
SubfuscDeldeeric: for file in *.*; do sed -n '51,52p' ${file} > ${file}.out; done14:13
SubfuscDeldeeric: note, this will create product.*.html.out14:13
Deldeericthanks Subfusc, I appreciate it.14:14
DeldeericI want to ask one more question if I may..14:21
Deldeericdamn I hate sounding like an idiot but get ready folks14:21
Deldeericpertaining to...  sed -n '51,52p' ${file} > ${file}.out; done14:22
DeldeericI'm grabbing multiple html files and analyzing each one of them, grabbing the 51, 52 lines and out to one single file14:22
Deldeerichow do I specify to do all in the directory?14:23
Deldeeric{file} - this for instance *.* in there won't work right? or *.html14:24
technoid-Deldeeric: doing all of file selection on the command line?14:28
technoid-if you have it working with one file scuh as "script file2"14:28
technoid-and the script itself won't handle multiple files at once, look into xargs14:29
technoid-ls *.html | xargs -n1 script14:29
technoid-that will run the script on all files that end in .html in that dir14:30
Deldeericalright I'm going to research xargs and get it going, thanks for all the help14:30
technoid-i am heading to coffee14:31
SubfuscDeldeeric: you run the command in the directory you want on the files that the pathname describes14:38
SubfuscDeldeeric: in other words *.html will give you all files that ends in .html in ${PWD}14:38
SubfuscPWD = Process Working Directory14:41
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* Subfusc loves how diffrent people do things in different ways and ends up confusing the new person14:42
Deldeericok.. I seem to still be having some issues, but with my lack of experience it's no suprise14:43
Deldeericso for your example..14:44
SubfuscDeldeeric: just to make it clear, what technoid- is talking about is a completely separate technique than the one I showed you ;)14:44
Deldeerici understand his example requires me to make a script file and run it with a pipe14:44
Deldeericls *.html | <then call the script>14:45
Deldeericbut your option seems a little easier if it would work14:45
Subfuscits a for loop14:45
Deldeericsed -n '51,52p' ${} > ${}.out;14:45
SubfuscI can generalize it as such:14:46
Subfuscfor file in ${PATHNAME}; do ${SOMETHING}; done14:46
Deldeericdone is a part of it?14:47
Subfuscits to tell the script that this is where the for loop ends14:47
DeldeericI thought you were like, BAM!, DONE!14:47
SubfuscHehe, sorry for the confusion :)14:48
Subfuscloops in bash are always ended by done ;)14:48
Deldeericim assuming the do at the beginning is a part as well then14:48
Deldeericdo sed -n '51,52p' ${file} > ${file}.out; done14:48
Deldeericjeeeesus alright14:49
DeldeericI was totally botching the whole deal14:49
Subfuscthe whole thing is the following line, without modification:14:49
Subfuscfor file in *.*; do ${sed command} ${file} > ${file}.out; done14:49
DeldeericOK OK!!14:49
Deldeericlet me give it a go14:49
Deldeericthanks man14:49
SubfuscDeldeeric: tell me if you got it working, so I don't have to wonder :)14:51
Deldeerici will give me a sec, I'm glad you're concerned though14:52
Deldeericthis is what i've done exactly, let me run it passed you. the error will follow14:53
Deldeericfor file in *.*; do ${sed -n '51,52p'} ${*.html} > ${category.txt}.out; done14:53
Deldeericbash: ${sed -n '51,52p'}: bad substitution14:53
SubfuscDeldeeric: without the ${} around14:54
Deldeericah, so remove that shit?14:54
SubfuscDeldeeric: yes, sorry for the confusion14:54
tsimpsonDeldeeric: why *.*?14:54
Subfusc${} is a variable in bash14:54
Subfuscso if you had given the sed command somewhere else it would have found it and substituted it14:55
Subfusctsimpson: why not?14:55
tsimpsonSubfusc: because some files do not have extensions14:55
Subfusctsimpson: in his case they do14:56
tsimpson*.* means any "file that has an extension", not just "any file"14:56
tsimpsonis that really the logic you're after?14:56
Deldeericit seems to be working, not sure if its just taking a while since there are 55k+ files14:58
Subfusctsimpson: the more specified, the better.14:58
tsimpsonSubfusc: *.* is hardly specific though14:58
SubfuscDeldeeric: you can open another terminal and do ls *.out and you'll se if has done work on some files14:58
tsimpsonthe only reason I bring it up is that people often mean "*" when they write "*.*" (old DOS habits die hard)14:58
Subfusctsimpson: yeah, Lisp does that too, but there *.* == * so14:59
tsimpsonso being more specific buys you nothing ;)15:00
Subfuscit doesn't really matter now, but yes everyone should be aware that *.* != * in bash15:01
Deldeericso, yeah.. shit didn't work15:01
SubfuscDeldeeric: what happened?15:02
Deldeericit just sat there and did nothing, no error, nothing15:02
Deldeericcan't i do a -v somewhere to see progress?15:02
SubfuscDeldeeric: no, but if you want to see the result you just cat a file15:02
Subfusce.g: cat product.aspx_sku=35005.html.out15:03
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Subfuschead -n 52 product.aspx_sku=35005.html.out|tail -n 215:05
Subfuscwill give you just line 52 and 5115:05
SubfuscDeldeeric: FYI no output = the command was a success15:07
Deldeericok.. let me let this run real quick brb15:08
israelmoxSalve salve15:23
Deldeericthis became alot more difficult than I thought it would be.15:33
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thelionroarshow do I get a script to run at startup? Is it sufficient just to put it in /etc/init.d/ ?16:00
TheLordOfTimethelionroars, /etc/init.d/ expects upstart scripts or init scripts, if you need a script that's neither of those to run at startup put it at the end of rc.local i think its called16:02
thelionroarsgreat, just doing that now16:02
thelionroarsthanks, my DNS update appears to be persistent now16:06
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hckamo kubuntu!18:25
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bjrohanKMPlayer won't play audio or video, I can get VLC toplay such. In Konversation I have my notfications linked to play an ogg file when my nick is mentioned, but it does not. How do I remedy this?21:33
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avihaybjrohan: I suggest you run kmplayer from a terminal and see what error messages it spews out21:48
bjrohanIt isn't a KMplayer issue, unless that is also what konversation uses21:48
bjrohanHere is what I recived:21:49
bjrohanKGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work21:49
bjrohanand the player did not work :-)21:50
m_tadeuhi...where can I find the file libavcodec/avcodec.h?22:45
bjrohanbjrohan: hi23:09
heoyea_m_tadeu: libavcodec-dev23:11
heoyea_m_tadeu: next time use apt-file search libavcodec/avcodec.h23:11
m_tadeuheoyea_: ahh cool :)23:12
heoyea_happy compiling23:12

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