
StevenKwgrant: Raring +queue for NEW on prod: 91 queries/external actions issued in 0.94 seconds00:24
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StevenKDone is still dreadful, at 3.3 seconds00:37
wgrantBut the search query is only about 300ms00:38
wgrantSo that bit's fine00:38
wgrantWell, "fine"00:38
StevenKIt was 70ms on qas :-(00:38
wgrantIt'll probably be quicker now it's hot00:38
wgrantLet's see00:38
wgrantYeah, 75ms now it's hot everywhere00:39
StevenKcjwatson: I'm going to close bug 33700, and you should able to change the queue API script now too00:56
_mup_Bug #33700: could queue filters match source as well as binaries? <lp-soyuz> <qa-ok> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by stevenk> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/33700 >00:56
cjwatsonStevenK: ok, great, thanks - I'll sort that out tomorrow morning, with the bug closure mail serving as a reminder00:56
cjwatsonI just need to flip over the exact-match default, right?00:57
StevenKversions will have exact_match no matter the setting of it now, too00:58
cjwatsonyeah, I don't think we'll notice that bit in the script :)00:59
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=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On-call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: <150
cjwatsonStevenK: queue client changes done now10:24
StevenKcjwatson: \o/10:35
cjohnstonanyone have an idea as to why https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/181725 didn't pick up the code changes?12:18
StevenKIt probably failed to scan12:29
StevenKcjohnston: I'll get it re-done, hold a mo12:29
* StevenK grumbles at the branch scanner.12:34
StevenKcjohnston: To unblock you, you can rename the branch and re-push, or I can look again after I wake.12:35
cjohnstonStevenK: ack12:35
cjohnstonStevenK: it seems to have refreshed12:48
cjohnstonStevenK: looks like one of your branches may have had the same issue12:48
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czajkowskicjohnston: you trying to buil up brownie points :)14:02
cjohnstondepends.. what can I get with them14:03
sinzuicjohnston, I expect both your branches to land in about 6 hours14:06
cjohnstonsinzui: cool.. I'm hoping to have a couple more over the holidays14:07
sinzuiI will be about to review14:07
cjohnstonis there a direct link to the 500 error page?14:08
czajkowskisinzui: you're meant to be on hols mister :)14:09
cjohnstonderyck: ping14:09
sinzuiI could be if we turned Lp off for the holidays14:10
cjohnstoncan we turn everything off?14:10
czajkowskisinzui: I'll keep an eye on Rts next week so don't worry14:10
czajkowskiand I've already sent a reminder mail to canonical list re commercial projects14:10
czajkowskiand had 7 mails :)14:10
cjohnstonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/483945 needs to become super most highest absolutely critical ;-)14:11
_mup_Bug #483945: No way to ask Launchpad to refresh a stale diff <code-review> <lp-code> <mp-preview-diff> <openstack> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/483945 >14:11
czajkowskicjohnston: no it doesnt :)14:11
sinzuibug reports cannot be ignored. Lp was attacked twice during holidays by spammers14:11
czajkowskiour criticals are triaged as oops or timeouts or stuff like that14:11
cjohnstonits bothering me and keeping my code from being able to land in launchpad14:11
cjohnstonit was sarcastic14:11
czajkowskicjohnston: bothering is a a bit flippiant also :)14:12
deryckhi cjohnston14:12
cjohnstonWhat's the chance that there are ton's of bugs that are open that arent accurate anymore14:12
cjohnstonderyck: bug #41359714:12
_mup_Bug #413597: "clearfix" class should be removed from multiline editor widget <css> <javascript> <lp-web> <opera> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <LAZR Javascript Library:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/413597 >14:12
cjohnstonI'm wanting to take a stab, but seems things have changed in the code base, so I just want to make sure I do it right14:13
rick_h_cjohnston: I'll help you out with that if you need. I hacked on it a bunch when I added the auto expanding and such when I first started14:13
cjohnstonrick_h_: sure thing14:13
deryckcjohnston, yeah, that was about to me my suggestion, to talk to rick_h_ :)  He's deeper in all that now than me.14:14
rick_h_oh hmm, opera is blacklisted?14:14
sinzuicjohnston, we now have unscan branch that fixes the stale diff. Someone could add an action to the UI to run it. the root issue is that Lp fails to scan branches. No one would want that bug fixed if Lp's branch-scanner could be trusted14:14
deryckrick_h_, in the day it was one of those, if Y.UA == Opera return kind of things.14:14
rick_h_deryck: yea, I think I cleaned some of that up. Will have to refresh.14:14
deryckrick_h_, not a black list per se.14:14
sinzuirick_h_, I test with opera. It works14:15
rick_h_cjohnston: but yea, I'm probably the guy you want on that stuff14:15
deryckright, even14:15
cjohnstonsinzui: ya, I want that button ;-)14:15
cjohnstonrick_h_: I think it may be in lib/lp/app/doc/lazr-js-widgets.txt now14:15
deryckrick_h_, cjohnston we should probably close any tasks on lazr js too, since we don't use that anymore.14:15
cjohnstonIt doesn't look like anything was ever decided on bug #666379, and its been two years since it was last commented on.. Suggestons?14:17
_mup_Bug #666379: "Community" term is misused <lp-code> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/666379 >14:17
cjohnstonand sinzui could you please take a look at bug #666738.. I commented on it, though may also want lifeless' input as well as to how to best fix14:18
_mup_Bug #666738: cannot tell who is 'essential' and who is not for a spec <confusing-ui> <lp-blueprints> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/666738 >14:18
cjohnstonderyck: does that mean that the bug isn't a bug anymore?14:19
deryckcjohnston, the js bug?  it's still relevant for launchpad, just not lazr-js.  we moved all the lazr-js code in tree, and don't maintain it separately now.14:19
cjohnstongotcha.. just the effects lazr-js stuff14:20
sinzuicjohnston, I replied with an idea14:21
rick_h_cjohnston: so on the js bug, looks like the clearfix is in the template used, but watch out as there's matching css rules in forms.css for .lazr-multiline-edit .clearfix h314:24
rick_h_but like sinzui says, might just work if the conditional was removed for opera so we'd want to check if the issue still exists first14:25
sinzuirick_h_, I think we have one in the code because it was unhappy with the *last* version of YUI14:26
rick_h_if (Y.UA.XXX14:26
sinzuiWe absolutely should remove the guard and test with the current version14:26
rick_h_sinzui: ah14:26
rick_h_cjohnston: so yea, there's no opera conditionals in inlineedit/editor.js any more14:27
sinzuimost the other opera guard were fixed by yui 3.414:27
cjohnstonrick_h_: so that means it just needs to be tested in opera?14:27
rick_h_cjohnston: yea, and looks like just tested to work and then closed off as fixed released long ago14:27
* cjohnston goes to install opera14:28
sinzuiIs this about the icon placement and field is not outlined bug for opera?14:28
rick_h_ah, yea it refernces the icon placement14:28
_mup_Bug #412579: Icons are not aligned properly for multi-line editor in Opera <LAZR Javascript Library:Won't Fix> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/412579 >14:28
rick_h_so guess check that, if it's still not right we can go after the clearfix in the template14:28
sinzuirick_h_, cjohnston. it is mostly fixed14:30
sinzuithere is a 2 pixel misalignment14:30
cjohnstondoes that need to be fixed?14:31
cjohnstonso just mark fix released?14:31
sinzuithe issue was worse when the tab-treatment obscured text.14:31
sinzuiThe editor works very well now that we can wee what is being edited14:33
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cjohnstonI'm guessing that #483945 isn't the most easiest bug out there.. even though it says trivial?14:34
_mup_Bug #483945: No way to ask Launchpad to refresh a stale diff <code-review> <lp-code> <mp-preview-diff> <openstack> <trivial> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/483945 >14:34
cjohnstontoo had I'm not fixing any critical bugs to make the critical bug chart go down.. lol :-(14:37
czajkowskicjohnston: tis ok we have purple doing a shopping job on that list14:37
cjohnstonczajkowski: ya, but it would be cool for me :-P14:38
cjohnstonczajkowski: did you see the pictures of the book I posted on FB?14:38
cjohnstonderyck: so does your comment from earlier mean that all of https://bugs.launchpad.net/lazr-js needs to be marked effecting lp and closed for lazr-js?14:52
deryckcjohnston, basically, yes.  assuming the bug still exists, and assuming the bug wasn't filed on behalf of another project using lazr-js.14:58
cjohnstonderyck: that maybe sounds like something someone with more experience should do14:59
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deryckcjohnston, yeah, unfortunately.  rick_h_ could advise if you take a stab at it.15:00
cjohnstonI feel like unless its blatantly obvious I may ask more questions that it would just be best for him to sort15:00
rick_h_ugh, yea. That'd take some processing to see if they still apply. Many of the 'lazy should haveXX' would just go away. if LP doesn't need it then it's never going to happen15:05
sinzuiI am template to close all those "lp should" bugs reported by Lp staff over 5 years ago. If no user want the feature, I don't want to see the bug in listings15:14
czajkowskisinzui: want a hand?15:14
sinzuisure, sort the listing by age, look for bugs reported by former staff, close the bug if it is about an idea that with no dupes or affects other users15:15
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czajkowskisinzui: what about the rosetta bugs? https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/142016:28
_mup_Bug #1420: IRosettaStats current interface doesn't suit database/pofile.py very well <lp-translations> <tech-debt> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1420 >16:28
sinzuiPOTs are still misusing the code16:28
czajkowskipots are misunderstood :)16:28
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lifelesscjohnston: oh hai :)18:54
cjohnstonhey lifeless19:01
cjohnstonlifeless: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/666738/+merge/140758 work for you?19:02
cjohnstonlifeless: updated19:33
cjohnstonlifeless: do I have to do anything special when wrapping the text into two lines?19:50
lifelesscjohnston: do you need to wrap it?19:50
cjohnstondepends on how long you guys want it19:51
lifelessDunno :). sinzui ? ^19:51
cjohnstonmakes the line 124 char19:51
sinzuiwrap what? in what19:52
cjohnston          src="/@@/subscriber-inessential"19:52
cjohnston          title="This person has indicated interest in the blueprint but is not required to be present at every discussion."19:52
cjohnston        />19:52
sinzuiCSS rules in page do the wrapping for us.19:52
cjohnstonin the file19:53
cjohnstontemplate file I guess19:53
sinzuipt can be exempted from wrapping because of cases like this19:53
cjohnstonok. so a 124 char line is fine?19:54
cjohnstonlifeless: just pushed, should be ready in a momeny19:55
sinzuiflacoste, I thought I deleted mailing-list-experts from production20:49
flacostesinzui: feel free to merge it into oblivion20:49
sinzuiThe team is not used. It is only mentioned in Lp's comments20:49
sinzuioh, and those are disabled tests too20:49
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StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1451041/22:47

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