
coolbhavidpm, hey14:32
dpmhi coolbhavi14:37
coolbhavidpm, just sent out a mail for recruitment to arb14:37
coolbhavithis time have set the deadline as jan 14th14:38
coolbhaviso it gives sufficient time to apply considering the holiday season14:39
coolbhavilets see :-)14:39
coolbhavihey cwayne15:11
coolbhavigot +1 from ajmitch15:11
coolbhavill upload after dinner15:11
cwaynegreat, thanks coolbhavi :)15:11
coolbhavireg unity-lens-pypi :-)15:11
cwaynecoolbhavi: awesome :P16:09
coolbhavicwayne, uploaded16:26
cwaynecoolbhavi: thanks! :D16:26
coolbhavino mention :-)16:27
coolbhavigood night!16:27
cwayneyou too!16:27

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