
infinityherton: So, is there a reason the bot hasn't decided that 1090123 is fit for release?00:33
infinityhenrix_: ^00:33
* infinity suspects it may relate to verification tasks, and gives up and just releases it.00:36
hertoninfinity, sorry, it's a bug I introduced in the bot today, fixed01:32
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* apw yawns widly10:19
bambeeHi, nvidia-current does not build with linux-image 3.5.21-generic on precise  (there is a 3.5 kernel packaged on precise)12:42
xnoxreplied to above ^ in #ubuntu-devel.12:55
xnoxbambee: don't cross-post same message to multiple channels.12:55
bambeexnox: I just realized that this message was for the kernel team and not for the whole #ubuntu-devel channel12:57
xnoxbambee: meh. it's an issue between #ubuntu-x package and #ubuntu-kernel package, therefore #ubuntu-devel is the common ground =))))13:01
bambeeokay, noted13:05
* henrix -> lunch13:32
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apw break-fix: 639b321b4d8f4e412bfbb2a4a19bfebc1e68ace4 local-2012-237214:34
apwhenrix, for the CVE where we only have a 'local' fix, i think using the title makes most sense as it will correctly catch the later application of the real fix15:08
henrixapw: ok, cool. but for 2012-5532 i guess it makes sense to use the sha1s, right?15:09
henrixapw: i'm about to commit the linux-overlay file15:09
henrixapw: ok, pushed the changes for linux-overlay15:12
* henrix -> errand. back in 15mins15:13
apwhenrix, yeah i think so15:14
henrixapw: about the btrfs hash collision: looks like the guy that found the issue agrees with you15:35
henrixapw: "Finally, the first described attack, i.e., make impossible the creation of a given file within a shared directory, keeps still valid."15:35
apwhenrix, ok that seems to have worked finally15:56
henrixapw: ah, cool! thanks for you help figuring this out15:56
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infinityhggdh: Did you have plans to polish off regression-testing on 1087212 before the holidays, so the kernel SRU workflow can start with a clean slate in January? :)16:50
infinityhggdh: (That's the only outstanding SRU left, though no pressure if you can't get to it, or you're already on a beach somewhere ignoring me)16:51
hggdhinfinity: looking it up17:12
hggdhinfinity: given it is already in -proposed, I am running it now17:13
hggdhinfinity: we usually do not look at the regression-testing bugs until they reach confirmed for us. So, as a rule of thumb, if you need one done before confirmed status, please ping me17:15
* hggdh wishes there were beached in the Dallas area17:19
hggdhwell, there are lakes, and there is the mud/dirt/whatever at the water front. But that is not really a beach17:19
infinityhggdh: Ahh, yeah, true that it wasn't marked confirmed because it's still in the verification stage, but I figured a bit of parallelisation here wouldn't hurt. :)17:25
hggdhinfinity: no problems for me :-)17:26
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* apw looks outside, time to get out of this room18:19
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slangasekanyone around who could talk to me about bug #1040557?19:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1040557 in Ubuntu CD Images "UEFI boot live-usb bricks SAMSUNG 530U3C,np700z5c laptop" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104055719:03
slangasekIn talking with Samsung, it seems likely that the samsung-laptop module is triggering this; would it be possible to disable the samsung-laptop module only on systems booted with EFI?19:04
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jsalisburyapw, cking If you have a chance, can you review comment #69 in bug 1040557 ?19:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1040557 in Ubuntu CD Images "UEFI boot live-usb bricks SAMSUNG 530U3C,np700z5c laptop" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104055719:29
bullgard4_ /sys/devices/'LINKSYSTM:00/ exists. '~$ rgrep 'LINKSYSTM' /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32/Documentation/ 2>/dev/null' does not produce any output. How is 'LINKSYSTM' defined?19:46
hggdhinfinity: done, I guess now it is just waiting for Ike to finish20:47
infinityhggdh: Thanks. :)20:49
achiangjsalisbury: ping, still around?23:29
jsalisburyachiang, yes23:29
achiangjsalisbury: hey, could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-nexus7/+bug/1088424 ? sounds like something you could poke at... or maybe actually it should be ogasawara 23:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1088424 in linux-nexus7 (Ubuntu) "alsa midi sequencer not available on nexus 7" [Wishlist,Incomplete]23:30
jsalisburyachiang, sure I'll take a look.  ogasawara is out until the new year23:30
achiangjsalisbury: ah, ok. the real question is, did the audit of ensure the n7 Kconfig matches up with ubuntu's Kconfig ever happen. and if not, how can we make it happen? :)23:31
jsalisburyachiang, that I don't know off hand.  Maybe apw can answer that.  I believe he is in tomorrow.23:32
achiangor vanhoof ^^23:32
jsalisburyachiang, I'll keep on top of it and ping folks tomorrow when they get in23:35
achiangjsalisbury: works for me, thanks!23:36
jsalisburyachiang, np23:36

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