
philipballewraevol, dude! Me to! Is there any way you can bring up a few scale items in your car?00:04
philipballewif that is needed. probably wont be though.00:04
raevolyea for sure man00:04
philipballewif mark shuttleworth needs a ride, I can call you right?00:04
raevolyup :P00:07
raevoli'm sure he'll love my corolla00:08
philipballewlol, I hope we get a lot of booth workers.00:10
philipballewgonna shot out an email this week with some plans for it00:10
philipballewOSCON just sent out a call for papers.00:18
raevolwhere is oscon?00:20
darthrobotTitle: [OSCON 2013 Call for Participation: OSCON 2013 - O'Reilly Conferences, July 22 - 26, 2013, Portland, OR]00:20
philipballewraevol, ^00:20
philipballewthe dream of the 90's is alive there00:20
raevolah, oregon00:21
MarkDudephilipballew: give me  call when you can20:37
philipballewMarkDude, sure, I can right now20:38
philipballewpleia2, when would you have about 5 minutes to ask a wiki question for the ca wiki?21:31
pleia2ask away21:31
philipballewI need to set up the scale wiki for the one coming up and need to know the format to put the address pages in21:35
pleia2look at one of the past scale project pages21:35
pleia2just copy what we did there21:35
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale10x - Ubuntu Wiki]21:35
pleia2so copy that page to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale11x21:36
pleia2and edit accordingly21:36
darthrobotError opening URL: The read operation timed out21:36
pleia2then update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects to list it21:37
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects - Ubuntu Wiki]21:37
philipballewalright pleia2 , and I am going to add some pages like rideshare and hotel share and things.21:40
pleia2ok, you can just do like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale11x/RideShare21:41
pleia2or whatenot21:41
darthrobot[404] Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale11x/RideShare - Ubuntu Wiki]21:41
philipballewpleia2, alright, I'm gonna have these all made up soon then I think.22:03
pleia2philipballew: if you wish to retweet: https://twitter.com/ubuntu_us_ca/status/28144790656373964822:40
darthrobotTitle: [Twitter / ubuntu_us_ca: Have team t-shirt ideas? ...]22:40
philipballewMaybe we need to get #CATshirtDesigns trending22:46
philipballewhey steevb22:49
steevbyo what up22:49
philipballewnot much, just back in Auburn. I have a book for you if you want it22:51
steevbYeah I do, that would be sick22:51
steevbWe should meet up for coffee or something somtime22:52
philipballewwell how about we meet up this week and I hand it off to you22:52
steevbsounds good to me22:52
philipballewperfect, I'll shoot you a ext22:53
steevbalright, sounds good22:53
* MarkDude votes +1 for cat shirts23:03
pleia2philipballew: btw, I'm in town through the 28th and then all bets are off, so lmk when you want to do the banner&tablecloth handoff23:04
philipballewpleia2, alright, I will see if I am able to come down by then.23:04
pleia2if not, I'll just ship it down to SD23:04
philipballewfor sure. wither should work fine I guess.23:05
pleia2also, we should request that conference pack and DVDs some time soon :)23:05
philipballewyes, I made the draft.23:05
philipballewI should send that to you today.23:05
philipballewthats about 5 dowm on my tdl23:05
philipballewso maybe 4 hours23:05
pleia2ok whenever, just wanted to let you know it was all still on my radar23:06
pleia2early january just gets tough for me because of travel + new job23:06
akkWhere's the new job, pleia2?23:07
akk(& congrats!)23:07
pleia2(then again, you all know me, I manage to get online if I have to tether through my phone in western africa)23:07
pleia2akk: I haven't fully announced it because I'm going through the HR paperwork mountain, but I'll be working for HP on OpenStack starting in January :)23:07
pleia2doing infrastructure work for the project (make sure jenkins keeps running, et al)23:08
pleia2yeah, I'm pretty excited :)23:08
philipballewlooks fun23:08
pleia2it's sysadmin+open source, plus I get to go to UDS and other conferences to speak23:09
pleia2oh and I work from home23:09
pleia2I couldn't have made up a better job :)23:09
MarkDudeTorikun: how goes it?23:14
philipballewis that why your hitting up Seattle pleia2 ?23:14
MarkDudePi event at my place in next few weeks23:14
pleia2philipballew: yep, meeting with my boss and some other folks on the team23:14
* MarkDude thinks she is going to Wa for the legal weed and to perform a gay marriage :D23:14
pleia2MarkDude: oh yeah, you know me, tokin it up23:15
* MarkDude kids (yet again, due to being a kidder)23:15
philipballewThats why I'm taking a trip over to d-town to get high in the mile high MarkDude23:15
akkThe next OSCON gonna be par-TAY!23:15
* MarkDude remembers way back when Cali used to be on the leading edge of things23:15
akkYeah, now we're all conservative.23:15
MarkDudeWashington said smoke up while getting the gay marriage on, good for those lumberjack folks23:16
philipballewThere is a big difference between the bay area, and say Fresno.23:16
* MarkDude kids Wa (used to live there for 6+ years23:16
akkConsistent with "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay" ...23:16
MarkDudeakk +123:16
* MarkDude did not make Monty Python connection23:16
philipballewI liked oscon this year. was fun.23:17
* MarkDude calls that the driving I-5 wow- look at those signs, are we in Cali still?23:17
philipballewpretty much spent a night in every part of Portland.23:17
* MarkDude is going to Portland in Feb to visit family23:18
MarkDudeHopes to be able to ride on a freakbike or two23:18
akkI love the town names, like Weed and Drain.23:19
* philipballew owns an "I <3 Weed California" shirt23:19
MarkDudeParty in Portland, philipballew can be a guide, as well as bkerensa_23:21

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