
jambeedrumhow does audacity stands for quality issues?04:11
jambeedrumsound quality i mean04:12
holsteinjambeedrum: things generally sound like what they sound like04:16
holsteinif you are using consumer equipment, and an internal sound card, those will the the "bottle neck"04:16
holsteinyou can generally bump the quality up on most DAW's to handle what the harware can throw at it, quality-wise04:17
holsteinaudactiy is not a DAW though04:17
holsteindepends on what you need04:17
holsteinwill audactity record a stereo track at the quality the sound card is capable of providing it? sure04:18
holsteini wouldnt use it for multi-tracking... or editing much more than mono or stereo tracks04:18
jambeedrumi know these names: alsa, oss jack and one more i think04:18
holsteinaudacity is nice since it uses what you have04:19
holsteinyou dont have to learn about JACK to record a stereo track04:19
holsteinardour is the tool most folks use (myself included) and you need to lear JACK for that04:19
jambeedrumjackctl worked fine with me the 1st times i used , i got lucky i think04:31
jambeedrumcant i have pulse audio04:32
holsteinjambeedrum: you already have pulse audio if you are using ubuntustudio04:34
holsteinqjackctl is a GUI tool to start and configure JACK04:34
holsteinif you dont need JACK, i wouldnt use it04:34
holsteinaudactiy doesnt work well with JACK04:35
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?04:35
holsteinaudacity works fine with pulse04:36
holsteinjambeedrum: im out for the evening04:45
holsteinanymore questions should be directed here (with patience) or in #opensourcemusician04:46
holstein....sorry.. thats #opensourcemusicians04:46
XRS1is it possible to get an on screen keyboard for the install?04:48
zequenceholstein: PA works sort of the same with PA as it does with jack, IMO06:44
zequenceIt connects when it runs, and disconnects when it's not running06:44
XRS112.10 not running .sh files by double click?06:46
zequenceXRS1: Depends on your settings, and if the file is executable06:47
XRS1yeah there is some one in #xubuntu who says they dont run any more so i tried it out n sure enough. local file, permission set, run in terminal option set, file does not attempt to exec06:48
XRS1doesnt matter to me i dont need it. just thought i'd pass it along. if you got an answer crazysurfer in #xubuntu is asking06:51
zequenceXRS1: Are you running it from a usb stick?06:52
zequenceoh, some other guy..06:52
zequenceXRS1: anything on usb sticks will automatically not be executable06:53
XRS1i ran it from /home/user/Downloads06:53
XRS1aw well thats why. my /home is on USB06:54
zequenceIt's a security measure that was introduced some time ago. But, if you add it to fstab, with correct settings, it might work06:55
zequenceWhat I do when I run scripts from usb is: bash <myscript>06:57
zequenceYou could also add your scripts to either /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and either execute them from the terminal, or create desktop shortcuts for them06:58
XRS1well thank you06:58
computerwhere do i find Xfce 4 Settings Manager?15:02
computer_help me get compiz to work with ubuntu studio 12.10 please...anyone?15:14
computer__help me get compiz to work with ubuntu studio 12.10 please...anyone?15:16

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