
=== UnknownFork__ is now known as UnknownFork
somedudeDoes xubuntu work for windows 8? I have the CD in and it's not recognizing it as anything.01:15
GridCubesomedude, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:23
OnAMacDoes anyone know if xubuntu will boot on a mac?03:40
Al3x4nd3rcomo estan camaradas03:41
Al3x4nd3runa pregunta03:41
Al3x4nd3rque nesesito para ejecutar un archivo03:41
OnAMacI'm trying to get the LiveCD to boot on a mac.03:41
Al3x4nd3rsoy nuevo en linux03:41
Al3x4nd3rinstale xubuntu03:41
Al3x4nd3ry nesesito ayuda03:41
OnAMacNo entiendo03:41
Al3x4nd3rbueni mira03:41
Al3x4nd3rinstake xubuntu03:41
Al3x4nd3rpero en youtube no puedo ver video03:42
Al3x4nd3rpor el flash player03:42
Al3x4nd3rme lo baje03:42
Al3x4nd3rpero no se que usar para instalarlo03:42
Al3x4nd3rocmoo como instalarlo03:42
Al3x4nd3rpara que funcione03:42
Al3x4nd3rel flash player03:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.03:43
Al3x4nd3rno se si me falta un gestor de archivos o con que aplicancion ejecutarlos repito soy nuevo  en linux03:43
Al3x4nd3rlastiima que nadie contesta03:45
random417hi guys, I've got a question or 2 for someone... I'm trying to go with a clean install of xubuntu, but there are a few things I want to keep...04:51
random417I'm trying to keep stuff like music and stuff, but I don't have seperate partitions, and one of the reasons I decided to do this is I can't seem to download packages anymore04:52
random417Is this possible?04:52
XRS1save your home folder04:54
XRS1/home/%username% is where all that stuff is. you can save that to disk, remote location or whatever04:55
random417do I have to create a new partition for it then?04:55
XRS1in the future you will want to do04:56
random417yeah, I read that when I was researching this... so there's no way to create a partition on the fly to dump it into?04:56
XRS1for now your kind of in a pickle.. you can use a live disk to erase all files and folders except /home (CTRL + H to show hidden stuff)04:57
XRS1you could resize the partition and put it there04:57
XRS1that could take a while04:57
XRS1depending on how much data n free space, that might be the fastest way04:58
XRS1gparted -> resize current partition then create a new one and copy /home/*04:59
random417I don't have gparted, and synaptic isn't working for some reason04:59
XRS1oh yeah... they remove that by default i forgot.. (i've been bitching about that)05:00
random417seems like anything that needs a password isn't working05:00
XRS1make a live USB or DVD/CD that will have gparted05:00
random417I haven't tried by command line yet, hang on05:00
random417that'll work, I've got the one I'm gonna use for the install, thanks05:01
XRS1hey you might be able to help me05:02
random417how's that?05:03
XRS1when you installing, come in and let me know if there is an on screen keyboard05:04
random417there wasn't the last install I did, but I'll look,  when I get to it05:04
random417I've gotta make my re-download list real quick05:05
random417also, does gparted ask for a password to run?05:05
XRS1but not in the live installer05:06
random417nothing that asks for a password is running, although I did manage to download it through command line05:06
random417I was hoping to repartition from here, but I guess not05:06
XRS1if you cant sudo or su, yeah you need a live disk05:07
XRS1i've been there05:07
random417there we go, if I launch through terminal, it works05:07
tecsunI'm new to xubuntu.05:25
tecsunI'm trying to do link aggregation with PowerConnect 6224 now. But can't get it work.05:26
tecsunrunning on ubuntu 12.1005:27
XRS1whats going on? no connectivity?05:27
tecsunI can get the bonding up and running, but can't ping to router and other workstation on the same network mask05:27
XRS1im not personally familiar with the device. best i can do is refur you to them:  https://marketing.dell.com/le-contact-dell-pp05:29
tecsunI see.. ok.. will try to get in touch with them. but could it be the problem inside my ubuntu?05:30
tecsunI check the bonding by going into /proc/net/bonding/05:30
tecsunand from there I see all are up... is that correct way to check the bonding?05:31
tecsunI'm afraid I did not configure it properly since I"m quite new to Ubuntu05:31
XRS1out of the box, if it connected, its working. but you might try the forums. im not exactly the most qualified to help05:32
tecsunI see.. alright, will try forum. Anyway, thanks a lot05:33
crazyzurferSince I installed Xubuntu, I cant execute .sh files by double clicking them :S06:25
heoyea_enable permissions06:26
crazyzurferheoyea_: already did that (perimission +x)06:30
XRS1right click and allow running in terminal?06:30
crazyzurferWhen I right click, appears execute, nothing happens06:30
XRS1the app does require elevated permission?06:31
crazyzurferbefore installing xubuntu It worked06:31
crazyzurferi mean with normal ubuntu06:32
laitecrazyzurfer: are they on external, mounted volume? are you sure that it's set with 'exec' property in fstab06:32
laite^ this is what I battled with at some point for a long time :P06:32
crazyzurferlaite: nope, they aren't... what is fstab?06:32
laiteoh, if you don't know, you propably needn't to meddle with it; it's an automatic mount file for systems on bootup06:33
crazyzurferbut it's not exteral06:33
crazyzurferit's in my documents folder06:33
crazyzurferit works if I use the terminal window sudo bash filename.sh06:36
XRS1hmm... hes right, havent messed with it but my 12.10 isnt launching them either06:37
crazyzurferOn ubuntu it works good, but in xubuntu, it doesn't06:38
crazyzurferpretty weird06:38
crazyzurferXRS1: so.. it seems as an OS bug?06:38
XRS1xfce bug, im running Ubuntu Studio06:39
XRS1your not running live?06:55
XRS1mine wont exec because my hard drive is USB06:55
XRS1zequence in #ubuntustudio might be able to help06:56
crazyzurferXRS1: I'm not :/07:05
heoyea_oh a sudo script?07:08
heoyea_wont run unless u have root07:08
XRS1.sh files only exec from shell not from mouseclick07:08
XRS1no sudo req.07:08
heoyea_u can run it from a mouse click also07:09
heoyea_u just wont see it07:09
heoyea_it will in the background process07:09
heoyea_but thats usually not how u run a script07:10
XRS1no its supposed to exec with gui07:10
heoyea_depends on the script07:11
XRS1but its crazyzurfer  with the issue. mines fine i just need to modify fstab07:11
crazyzurferheoyea_: Ubuntu runs the script by opening the terminal and executing it (I see when it happens)07:11
crazyzurferbut xubuntu doesn't07:12
crazyzurferheoyea_: is that normal?07:12
heoyea_crazyzurfer: depends on ur file manager07:12
heoyea_some has the popup to give u options some dont07:13
heoyea_but if is a script with permission07:13
heoyea_it will execute in the background07:13
crazyzurferwhich file manager does ubuntu uses?, changes the default file manager with xubuntu?07:13
heoyea_uses nautilus07:13
heoyea_xfce uses thunar07:14
XRS1xubuntu should be using thunar i thought07:14
XRS112.04.1 worked fine07:14
XRS1oh wait... i keep forgetting my HDD is USB  >_<07:14
heoyea_doesnt matter wat ur hdd is07:15
crazyzurferheoyea_: Thanks, that was usefull. Why does xubuntu uses tunar instead of nautilus?07:16
crazyzurferdo you know why?07:16
XRS1thunar is lightweight07:16
XRS1xubuntu is a lightweight distro07:16
heoyea_nautilus is made for Gnome07:17
heoyea_but u can install it on xfce also if u wish07:17
heoyea_not sure why u going to all of this just for a script07:18
XRS1quick access07:18
XRS1"all this" = he just asked07:19
heoyea_quick access would be to use a terminal07:19
heoyea_like guake07:19
XRS1i like clicking on icons sometimes07:20
heoyea_try out a drop down terminal07:21
heoyea_then ull be faster07:21
XRS1once again, this issue is not mine07:23
XRS1but i agree, he should be able to double click n run an app if he wants07:23
heoyea_his script is running just without a terminal07:24
crazyzurferhe knows07:24
crazyzurferhe understands me07:24
crazyzurferheoyea_: any way to run it but with terminal? because the scritp asks me some things to run, and I need to tell it the parameters07:25
heoyea_i dont know what ur script does07:25
heoyea_if u want to run arguments07:26
heoyea_u have to write it into the script07:26
heoyea_especially if ur gonna run it with a double click07:27
crazyzurferyup, that's why I need to see the terminal window07:27
crazyzurferand sometimes I've to run the script fast, so.. I've it in the desktop07:27
heoyea_yea then u can tell ur script to open a terminal07:28
crazyzurferif i want to execute it fast by using the terminal I have to go to the folder (cd), then executing it with sudo bash... and it's slower than double clicking it in the desktop07:28
crazyzurferheoyea_: how can I do that07:28
heoyea_nah man learn how to use bashrc07:28
heoyea_then ull c is super fast07:29
heoyea_no wonder u think is slow07:29
heoyea_cuz u doing it manually07:29
heoyea_go learn bashrc, bash alias and functions07:30
heoyea_is pretty easy07:30
crazyzurferI dont want the script to execute everytime I log in07:41
MaccerHrm? What's going on?07:41
baizoncrazyzurfer: put it into session and startup07:41
MaccerDo you want the script to execute under a certain condition?07:41
Maccer(I have no context)07:42
crazyzurferI DON'T want to execute it everytime I log in07:42
baizoncrazyzurfer: a ok07:42
baizonthen when?07:42
crazyzurferMaccer: nope, I want the terminal to appear when I double click on a bash file using tunar --> it works using nautilus (default file manager in ubuntu -- Tunar is from xubuntu)07:43
crazyzurferbecause as heoyea said it executes but in background07:44
MaccerOh I see. Not sure if that's in thunar, let me see if I can find out.07:45
MaccerAt first glance, I would have left it out by design, but then I realized it could behave like Windows made it.07:46
MaccerYou also want it to execute silently, no?07:46
crazyzurferI want to see the terminal window07:47
MaccerGotcha. Let me see if I can find something to reproduce it with.07:48
crazyzurferI you open nautilus and double click it.. it asks if you want to run it in a terminal window, and it opens the terminal windows and executes the file07:48
crazyzurferbut thunar doesn't appear to be doing anything, doesn't even ask. Heoyea says the script starts but in background (silent)07:49
MaccerWell, if you want a fancy friendly UI, that could require a script. :P07:50
MaccerBut just executing the script by double clicking on it is possible.07:50
MaccerI got it to work without a fancy UI by setting "Terminal Emulator" (which is just exo-open)07:51
MaccerBut you still need to chmod +x your file.07:51
Maccer(Or give it executable permission)07:51
MaccerIf you can't find terminal emulator, just use custom command and add: "exo-open"07:52
crazyzurferDon't know if you understood me07:52
crazyzurferI already gave it +x permission07:52
crazyzurferworks good with nautilus07:52
MaccerYeah, and I'm telling you how I got it to work on Thunar just now.07:52
crazyzurferI've got a script on desktop07:53
MaccerThe terminal also exits when the script is finished if you like that behavior.07:53
crazyzurferI want the terminal to open and execute my script, the same as how it works in nautilus07:54
=== karl is now known as Guest87327
crazyzurferby double clicking it on the folder07:54
MaccerOh, so you probably want it open after the results... hrm, wait.07:55
crazyzurferbecause I've to give it the parameters and I cant if I don't see the terminal window07:56
crazyzurferexo open migth work07:57
crazyzurferhow can I do that07:57
MaccerAh no I was asking if you wanted it to be alive after the script finished.07:57
crazyzurferso... Do you know what could I do?07:58
crazyzurferor what I want to do07:58
MaccerRight click on a .sh script -> Open with -> Other Application -> Find an app. called: "Terminal Emulator" (not the same as Terminal) -> Check Use as default for this kind of file -> Open07:58
crazyzurferokay, that seems better08:00
crazyzurferbut doesn't work when I double click it08:00
crazyzurferI works by right click, open with -> terminal emulator08:01
crazyzurferalmost now I've that option08:01
MaccerDid you check "Use as default for this kind of file"?08:01
MaccerHrm, second...08:01
MaccerI seem to be getting that issue too.08:01
Guest87327Say, I have been searching for some esoteric tools for remapping my keyboard in linux and have not really found anyway, perhaps someone can help08:02
Guest87327any way you can make linux register key A being pressed when I depress a key, and key B when I release it?08:02
Guest87327where A and B are any keys really08:02
Guest87327its something I used to do in windows with glovepie, very handy for some applications.08:03
crazyzurferMaccer: It's okay, with this I'm happy :).. I haven't sleep,  It's 5 AM here and I'm very tired08:03
MaccerThat's something we (I'm not part of the team) or XFCE, probably can't handle.08:03
crazyzurferMaccer: Thanks!08:03
MaccerGuest87327: You'd have to check out some IRC channel, ##linux, or X11 forums for xinput configuration.08:03
Guest87327at this point google is failing me. Thanks, I will give those a shot.08:04
heoyea_remap to a diff key?08:04
Guest87327well, not just a straight remap08:04
MaccerFrankly they probably won't know much either, unless there's an Xlib/X11 pro in the channel.08:05
Guest87327yes, its kind of complicated in windows as well, I only found out how to do it from a few people who liked making macros for games.08:05
MaccerKey binding for key release and press is uncommon as Guest8732708:05
Maccerpointed out.08:05
MaccerOh, well... maybe you'd need something of a macro program of some sort to do that for you too.08:06
heoyea_wat is the question then08:06
heoyea_making a macro?08:06
Guest87327yeah, and if it does not exist I am open to writing it.08:06
MaccerSummary: "How do I bind a command/script/whatever to a key, but only at a specific event like press/release."08:06
Guest87327but making a full program before checking if someone else has tried it would be a little inefficient :p08:06
MaccerWith a question mark appended, of course.08:07
MaccerI think there's a python key binding library, maybe you'd like to use that.08:07
heoyea_u dont need python08:07
heoyea_theres actually a cli apps08:08
heoyea_to do it08:08
heoyea_let me check the name08:08
Guest87327thank you08:08
MaccerIf it can do custom actions while distinguishing PRESS/RELEASE specifically then I'd be surprised.08:08
heoyea_yea is called xte08:09
heoyea_part of the xautomation package08:09
heoyea_u can do something like this08:09
heoyea_xte 'keydown Control_L' 'keydown Alt_L' 'key D' 'keyup Control_L' 'keyup Alt_L'08:09
heoyea_if thats wat u mean08:09
Guest87327hmm, how did I not find that. I will see if it can work08:10
heoyea_well i know this cuz i used b408:10
Guest87327actually, once I started searching for macros stuff showed up. I was just looking under the wrong phrases.08:10
heoyea_theres also xdotool08:11
heoyea_think i does the same stuff08:11
heoyea_making a cheat for games?08:12
Guest87327nah, some other programs08:13
heoyea_in windows i uses macro express08:13
heoyea_was a simple gui08:13
Guest87327I don't really play games much, and starcraft is not the best game to cheat at with macros.08:13
heoyea_yea u can make it pump the units08:14
heoyea_but still u need skills to win08:14
Guest87327I would honestly just find scripts distracting, starcraft uses so many keys and combinations already. Adding some more highly specific functionality would not make me better unless it would to something really great like spread my units out.08:15
Guest87327and anyway, cheating ftl, right?08:15
heoyea_just depends on what u cheating08:16
=== Guest87327 is now known as klfwip
VividRealityHey there, is it a known issue that Skype 4.1 and Spotify for Linux can't be installed at the same time?09:05
VividRealityI can't find anything on google09:11
killeris there any tool like gnome-core-devel for xfce410:27
chaosmonkey417Hi, so I've got a question for someone... I'm debating a fresh xubuntu install, I've currently got vanilla ubuntu 11.10, with lots of the xubuntu stuff kind of kludged on, figure it'll run smoother15:55
chaosmonkey417the problem, is I always try a new release out on a live cd (well, usb) before I install, and my touchpad doesn't work under the live drive, so I'm wary of installing and loosing touchpad support15:56
chaosmonkey417it's a toshiba nb505, and it SHOULD be supported, but...15:56
TheSheepchaosmonkey417: if it doesn't work on the livecd, there is a high chance that it won't when installed, so you'd better find a fix for that before installing16:04
nantoui need tips to bind several jpg files into a big pdf file16:04
TheSheepnantou: I think you can convert to pdf with imagemagick or ghostscript and then join them with pdfunite16:07
chaosmonkey417I figured that, it looks like it isn't detected at all, when I run xinput list under my current system, it lists ↳ SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad         id=12[slave  pointer  (2)]16:08
chaosmonkey417but under the live cd, nothing that remotely looks like a touchpad16:08
chaosmonkey417I'd have to log out and back in under it to get a full reading16:09
chaosmonkey417thoughts on where to start?16:09
chaosmonkey417or does someone need the 'xinput list' output under the live cd?16:16
qasimhi all16:34
qasimTheSheep, i changed the settings of alsa mixer..i can record clips now through voice recorder....still there is  mic settings problem when i try to skype...16:39
qasimshould i reinstall skype?16:39
TheSheepqasim: resinstalling will not help16:40
TheSheepmaybe there is some info on the wiki, hmm16:41
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:41
qasimlet me chk16:41
TheSheepqasim: see 'selecting microphone' at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SkypeTroubleshooting16:41
TheSheep(except xubuntu already has pavucontrol installed)16:42
chaosmonkey417hmmmm.... not to be rude, but bump :)17:04
chaosmonkey417ubuntu 11.10 touchpad works fine, but under xubuntu 12.04 live disk, no touchpad.17:04
chaosmonkey417oh, sorry, I forgot, I settled on the 12.1017:07
holsteinchaosmonkey417: your touchpad doesnt work?17:13
chaosmonkey417works under my current install, vanilla ubuntu 11.10, but running the livecd of xubuntu 12.10, absolutely nothing17:14
holsteini would look for and apply all upgrades..17:14
holsteinchaosmonkey417: if it used to work, there is a decent chance you can reimplement support for it17:15
chaosmonkey417the upgrades don't seem to want to install under the live disk, and I'm kinda afraid to install until I know it'll work17:16
chaosmonkey417is there something I have to do to allow the installs on the flash drive? will I need to set it up again?17:17
holsteinchaosmonkey417: i wouldnt live in fear.. its a computer after all.. backup your current install and/or data... that hard disk *will* fail, so creating a proper backup is nt a waste of time.. then install 12.04 or 12.10 and test17:17
chaosmonkey417fair enough17:17
holsteinchaosmonkey417: on the flash drive?17:17
chaosmonkey417I wanted to get it working on the flash drive before I installed17:17
holsteinworking on the fash drive?17:18
chaosmonkey417I don't have much important on here, but I can't back it up, so I wanted to be sure that it worked first17:18
holsteinchaosmonkey417: you have a usb flash drive? or an sd card? or a interinal ssd?17:18
holsteinyou can install to  whatver you choose17:18
holsteinsometimes i take the hard drive out so i dont "mess it up"17:18
chaosmonkey417the plan, once it's working is to dual boot, then move the files over to the new os, and repartition17:19
chaosmonkey417I screwed up and didn't make a /home partition17:19
holsteinyou only need to copy that data somewhere17:19
holsteinhaving a seperate /home is convenient.. not mandatory17:20
chaosmonkey417I don't have any other storage other than this lappy though, so I'll need a seperate partition so as to not loose everything with the fresh install, yes?17:21
holsteinchaosmonkey417: the hard drives you are using *will* fail.. and you will lose whatever is not backed up at that time17:25
holsteinhaving your /home on a separate driver or partition doesnt make this loss of data less impending17:26
chaosmonkey417well, yes, eventually, I was just hoping to get through the install without loosing things17:26
holsteinthis only makes it easier if you are reinstalling17:26
holsteinhowever, some things in the .config sometimes doesnt work when upgrading17:27
chaosmonkey417If my drive fails, I'd don't really have another computer anyway17:27
holsteinwhat do i do? i back up my data seperately and i actually usually just do one partition insatlls17:27
holsteinchaosmonkey417: its not "if" your drive fails.. its *when*17:28
chaosmonkey417ok, so I might be able to get the touchpad running if I install the dual boot, but I'll need to run the updates to see?17:28
holsteinchaosmonkey417: and the partitioning shceme has nothing to do with that17:28
holsteinwhat i am saying is.. rolling through reinstalls with a seperate /home is not more secure.. you should still have a backup17:29
holsteinchaosmonkey417: you can always make your own kernel and include support for whatever hardware you choose17:30
chaosmonkey417lol, too much work for me17:30
holsteinwhat would i do? i would share my model # here and other channels.. i would google "ubuntu 12.04 my computer model" and look for links17:31
holsteinchaosmonkey417: im just saying, there is always a way17:31
holsteinits all open... anyway, i would install and apply upgades and test and go from there17:31
chaosmonkey417and I know I'll eventually loose my stuff when my drive fails, but I don't have much in the way of offsite storage options17:33
holsteinchaosmonkey417: im am only suggesting that trying to hang on to your current install and config without backup is unrealistic.. you can get external usb drives quite cheap these days17:34
nantoui cannot find the ubuntuone icon, and I haves installed the GUI17:47
nantoufor it17:47
netorioushello, how can I add a program to the menu in Xubuntu 12.10?17:52
GridCubenetorious, it should add itself17:53
netoriousGridCube my software was installed from a zip file17:54
GridCubeok, then you can add a launcher to the panels or add a launcher to the menu using the menu editor on settings17:58
netoriousoh i see now thanks18:01
raytrayIs there an easy way to remove power manager from the panel?18:07
GridCubeyou mean you cant just remove it?18:08
raytrayI can't seem to find an option to remove it from the panel no, GridCube18:11
GridCuberaytray, go to any other panel, go to >panel >panel settings then go to the third tab, elements (or items or launchers or what ever is in english) if power manager is not listed make sure that the correct panel is selected on the dropdwon menu at the top of the panel settings gui18:14
raytrayGridCube, it appears to be a part of the notification area item on the list. Is there a way to remove elements from that area?18:20
GridCuberaytray, im not following you18:20
GridCubewhat do you mean by "power manager"18:21
raytrayxfce4-power-manager isn't an individual item on that list. Instead it apepars in the panel as part of notification area18:21
raytrayMeaning that Notification area is the item on the panel that displays things like thunderbird, wifi, dropbox and xfce4-power-manager18:21
GridCubeyes thats the plugin indicator18:22
raytrayI am using a different battery indiciator plugin for my laptop and thus do not need power manager to show the indicator.18:22
raytrayI found the volume indicator setting through the volume manager itself. However I am unable to find such for the power manager. I have however searched and found a way to remove it by compiling it with certain options.18:23
raytrayI was wondering if there was a way to remove it without having to remove the package, and compiling another one.18:23
GridCubewell you can go to >settings >settings manager >power settings >general, and change the show in notification area18:25
raytrayoh jeeze, thank you very much GridCube. Not sure how I missed that one.18:25
xubuntu020I have a Pentium M Dell with 2g of ram   will Xubuntu work , I tried Ubuntu 12.04 but could not install because of kernal issue18:48
_DeLa_hi there19:12
_DeLa_I just upgraded from xubuntu 11.10 to 12.04 (clean install). If i am correct, 12.04 still features the PAE kernel. But if this is correct, why does my system only utilize 3 of my 4gb RAM?19:13
ChesterXhello everybody, is it possible to sync itunes podcasts with gmusicbrowser?19:56
davidismIs there any way to change how my scroll wheel on my wireless mouse works?  Right now it's doing a page up/down ever turn, which is pretty inconvenient.  I just want the regular +/- 3 lines22:07
davidismwait a second, unplugging then reinserting fixed it...22:21
pseudonymousIs there any convenient way of stealing xubuntu's theme ? I installed it into a VM for a friend (introducing him to the wonders of latex) and I was enamoured with the looks22:42
pleia2pseudonymous: shimmerproject.org22:43
pleia2that's where the theme comes from22:43
pleia2you want greybird22:44
pseudonymouspleia2: sweet, thanks :)22:46
link0rhi guys, i was wondering if there is a skype for xubuntu?23:11
link0rversion 11.1023:12
heoyea_go to skype website23:12
pleia2the ubuntu ones work fine on xubuntu23:12
heoyea_and download the deb files23:12
link0rthey have version 10 and a version 1223:13
link0rand im using 11.10....which do i pick?23:13
pleia2try them out and see what works?23:13
heoyea_think they got skype in the repos also23:13
heoyea_sudo apt-get install skype23:13
link0rok thanks just wanted 2 check23:15
SkippersBosscarefull with the work fine23:15
SkippersBossthe xubuntu version has some serious drawbax23:15
* SkippersBoss feels that with MS now in charge skype for linux development will come to an and :-(23:17

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