
kaddithanks :)00:00
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:27
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lulzwerthKUBUNTU FTW04:45
lulzwerthTALK TO ME FAGGOTS04:46
FloodBotK1lulzwerth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
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testeresthello all04:56
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xodiaka possible Mint14 to Kubuntu 12.10 convert here.05:48
xodiakalright then. Such a lively group of folks.. :)05:55
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orange_hello , what is this?08:37
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johnI'm currently using 12.04 and have been holding off upgrading to 12.10 due to the note in the release notes warning that there are issues with ATI Rage Pro chip-sets. How would I find out if that has been fixed? Does it even affect upgraders as opposed to fresh installs?11:28
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foormeahi. any specific chan for ubuntu on nexus7?12:24
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Tm_Tfoormea: not that I know, I think #ubuntu-arm is the closest one12:26
foormeaTm_T: thanks12:32
mr0wlis there an offical go-mtpfs repostiory?12:36
Tm_Tmr0wl: I believe no13:05
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mr-richCan I use a package from 12.10 in 12.04?15:12
tsimpsonmr-rich: probably not, no15:22
vibhavRiddell: there?15:23
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markitshadeslayer: hi!15:58
markitshadeslayer: I've some news about KDE and ltsp, good news15:58
markitbut also a question... you told me to put environment setups for change KDE variables under /usr/env/, that is a dir I have not15:59
markitthe only place I've found where export a changed KDEVARTMP is in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/16:00
markitalso would love to know where KDEVARTMP is definet in the first place16:00
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ScuniziGood morning all.. I just loaded gparted on the latest LTS version and it tries to load then nothing... task bar shortcut appears then after several seconds disappears.17:40
ScuniziHow do I fix that.. I feel more comfortable with gparted than the kde version.17:40
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shadeslayermarkit: line 231 of startkde17:57
markitshadeslayer: with nfs and async, I've reduced the I/O from 600MB to 140 first login, and 96 sequent18:19
markitshadeslayer: if you use sshfs (that is the default) you get 783MB at the first login, and 767 on sequent18:20
markitshadeslayer: not that much, is nfs4 async that alleviates a BIG problem18:20
markitand async is much less "secure" in terms of data loss than sync18:20
markitshadeslayer: also gnome in the same situaiton has 30MB of I/O18:21
markitshadeslayer: just imagin 24 clients "eating" 700MB each at login in the school...18:21
markitit can take half an hour to finish login if not more18:22
markitbtw, I tried to mount /home and /var/tmp, but I've been warned that there could be an app that does not write in /var/tmp/kdecache-username and if run from multiple PC create big problems18:22
markiti.e. if writes in /var/tmp/programname18:23
markitso I use KDEVARTMP to redirect in ~/.cache18:23
markitwhere do you think is the better, more clean place for that setting?18:23
markitalso how make kde devs interested infixing this issue? ;P18:24
shadeslayerI would recommend making another dir in ~ called .kdetmp and export the var to that dir18:26
shadeslayeras for getting people interested the ML is the best way18:27
shadeslayeroutline your issues and ask how we can improve them18:27
shadeslayermarkit: how do you set kdevartmp right now ?18:29
markitshadeslayer: I've created a script under /etc/X11/Xsession.d/10ltspMM_rm_phonondevicesrc18:31
markitthat does:18:31
markitrm "$(eval echo $HOME)/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc"18:31
shadeslayerwhy? 0.o18:32
markitsince the user can login from different PC, and the kde message telling that audio hw has changed is really a pain18:32
markitexpecially for children18:32
markitthen I do18:32
markitKDEVARTMP=$(eval echo $HOME)/.cache18:32
markitexport KDEVARTMP18:32
markitwell, without eval (that's the old version)18:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^ phonon issues with LTSP18:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: can we override it using config files?18:33
shadeslayermarkit: apachelogger is our multimedia overlord :)18:33
markitbrw, I need easy to implement global configs like those you can put in /etc/kde, not some fancy js script (well, maybe one day I will learn js and master kde config scripts... why js and not python? ;P))18:34
markitshadeslayer: oh, thanks for pointing the problems to people that can help/solve18:34
markitI would love to help a kde del setup a ltsp server in fat config, maybe in a KVM vm18:35
shadeslayermarkit: for settings I recommend looking at kubuntu-desktop-settings18:36
markitmaybe the high I/O could be mitigated a lot on KDE side, just is unoticed on superfast PC18:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: there is a bug report for that18:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: and for which app can you override it using config files?!18:36
markitshadeslayer: also I've users, in Thin config, that logout but neverless some akonadi process is still active, I'm not 100% sure, you could test on your own workstation adding an user loggin in, loggin out and reloggin on your use, then # ps axu | grep otheruser18:37
apacheloggerit is a kde config18:37
FloodBotK1apachelogger: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
apacheloggerI did not write that piece of software18:37
apacheloggernor will I ever look at it TBH18:38
markitbtw, any hope to have 4.10 on 12.04? there is also a big problem if 16bpp color is used18:39
markitwithout composition, oxygen and a LOT of other themes are broken18:39
markitKDE people says "they are not designed for 16bpp", my ltsp guru says that with 16BPP you have no problems except if your color palette are broken18:40
markitand, "of course", Gnome works well with 16bbp...18:40
markitbtw, ltsp people have nothing agains kde, just they started with gnome and, when tried kde, had to give up... if gnome will not fit, they will use xfce or better ldxe18:41
markitis just me that insist in making it work ;P18:41
markitso if there is something easy they can do to help kde, they happily will18:41
markitbut are not able to troubleshoot kde18:41
markitthey have scarse resources and more urgent bugs/features18:42
* markit a voice in the desert ;P18:42
shadeslayermarkit: I could try and backport it, or if there's a patch that you can find I can try and get it patched for 4.9.418:44
shadeslayerthe latter would be preferable18:44
markitshadeslayer: I'm not sure it fixes, seems to me to recall something about a fix in that area, don't remember if of QT or KDE itself18:45
markitshadeslayer: in a desktop, how can you set to 16bpp? there is not such a config in the systemsettings AFAIR18:45
markitI do setting ltsp config for that18:45
shadeslayeridk myself :P18:45
markitcould you try instead of crate a new user on your desktop, login, logout and see if there are processes that "survive" the logout? That's a problem also if you have a ltsp server that is always on and serves hundred of usrs18:46
markitbrb, will read the log, food time :)18:47
shadeslayerI'll try, can I get back to you on Monday? :)18:48
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markitshadeslayer: sure, I will do further investigation also20:40
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SJrHi I'm having problems with Kubuntu 12.10, my left click functionality seems very broken. I can left click some things but not other things, I can't for instance move windows around. It's like when I left click, it clicks starts left clicking like crazy sometimes, and other times does nothing.21:37
SJrI'm a moron it's the mouse :(21:38
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