
phillwHello good people, is there someone about who could look into bug 964705 ? It has fix released by others, could it be 'cherry picked' for ubuntu?00:50
ubottubug 964705 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "System policy prevents modification of network settings for all users" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96470500:50
sarnoldphillw: it might be worth pointing out the specific patches used to fix the problem01:03
sarnold(fwiw, the bug report comments just seem to be a pile of ranting about various things; it'd probably be worth explaining what specific feature / bug those patches address..)01:04
phillwsarnold: that is beyond my knowledge... it 'seems' ubuntu' do not rate it highly, but others have rated it, and more importantly have a fix released?01:05
phillwsarnold: https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=73181201:06
ubottubugzilla.novell.com bug 731812 in Network "NetworkManager and time settings unusable for normal users, and forced ipv6 probing" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]01:07
phillwAhh... I've seen this bug elsewhere.. it is polkit and sudo gremlin01:07
phillwyeah, there are several bugs open. All roads lead to Rome. polkit.01:10
sarnoldwow, that novell bugreport is fun reading.01:12
phillwyup, back to polkit... which is an issue with other bugs I see cross my mailing list.01:15
phillwsarnold: having had fun reading... your thoughts?01:37
sarnoldphillw: no ideas, I couldn't figure out what might be applicable to ubuntu vs applicable to world at large.. my eyes glaze over when polkit and consolekit and soforth get involved.01:38
phillwyeah, I know what you mean. I see 'chatter' about using polkit Vs looking up admin on the system... I do feel we need someone from 'above' to sort this out, as it would squish lots of different bugs.01:41
phillwThanks for you time, I'll try to grab someone to see where the rules of polkit is going.01:46
sarnoldagreed completely re "someone from above"01:48
Bluefoxicyhuh apt-cacher is interesting02:02
Bluefoxicyhere's a question:  why aren't there a few main mirrors, with the rest being cachers that don't bother downloading packages unless someone tries to get it from that mirror?02:03
sarnolda few thoughts: (a) if the main repo goes down and a cache doesn't yet have the package, it must either return failure or get the package from a peer. that's complicated. (b) how often should the caches check if a newer package is available from the main repos? pushing packages as they change is probably less traffic overall than having an expiry scheme02:06
Bluefoxicywhy would it check for a new version?02:06
Bluefoxicydon't you bump the version number in the file name?02:06
sarnold.. how would the clients know to request the newer version?02:07
Bluefoxicybecause you push updates to the Packages.gz file02:07
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dkesseli have a question. i just tried: bzr branch ubuntu:webkit09:08
dkesseland it says: Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE09:08
dkesseli have checked the package import status site and there is a bug for it. is there anything i can do to get the current version?09:09
dkesselbug: 65381009:10
ubottubug 653810 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Cannot import paths with backslashes" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65381009:10
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infinitydkessel: If you want the current version, "pull-lp-source webkit" (from the ubuntu-dev-tools package) or just "apt-get source webkit" to get the source that matches your currently installation.09:54
dkesselinfinity: thanks, pull-lp-source did it10:03
dkesselinfinity: if i do any changes and upload that as a personal bzr branch on launchpad - would a ubuntu developer have any problems merging the changes into the current version?10:08
infinityYou'd likely want to talk to Laney or micahg.  Depends on what the changes are, and why.10:09
infinity(What are you changing?)10:09
dkesselI will try to get a simple compile/link/run autopkgtest to work for the package libwebkitgtk-3.0-dev . normally i do this using bzr to create a branch of the current version, commiting my changes and then the changes get reviewed10:12
infinityOh, sure, I imagine an autopkgtest case would be something we'd be interested in merging.  You could just file a bug with a diff attached, there's no reason it needs to be a bzr branch.10:13
infinity(And, in fact, a branch with no sane parent is just a pain to merge anyway)10:13
dkesseloh ok - i will do it this way then10:14
dkesselinifinity: thanks and bye10:15
Laneydkessel: You should look into running the gtk tests too (Tools/Scripts/run-gtk-tests)10:27
* Laney disappears for the rest of the day with a flourish10:27
gotwigcjwatson, hey there10:59
cjwatsongotwig: on vacation.  occasionally happen to look at irc but I'm not going to look at any bugs 'til the new year.  sorry.11:01
gotwigcjwatson, no problem. Have a nice time :D11:01
chilicuilhi, good morning, sry to bother, what's the correct behaviour in case I want to change a line to fix a bug which was introduced by a patch living in /debian?, should I edit the patch file or provide another?11:22
infinitychilicuil: If the patch is something like a pull from an upstream VCS, stacking another on top (and submitting it upstream) is sane.11:24
infinitychilicuil: If it's a local patch, then just fixing it makes more sense than appending to it.11:24
chilicuilinfinity: it was introduced by the debian maintainer, so I suppose that qualifies as a local change, right?11:25
infinitychilicuil: Yeah, though you'd also want to forward your fix to Debian.11:25
infinity(which patch is this?)11:25
chilicuilinfinity: yep, it's just that the package in debian is orphaned, however I'll try, it's a little problem in html2text, #58627911:26
chilicuilbug #58627911:26
ubottubug 586279 in html2text (Ubuntu) "Wrong conversion of ä in HTML" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58627911:26
infinitychilicuil: Ahh, fair enough.  If it's orphaned, want to bug me about it $later (or provide a patch and /msg me about it), and I'll fix it in Debian with a QA upload and sync to Ubuntu?11:28
infinitychilicuil: (I only request later because I'm heading to bed)11:28
chilicuilinfinity: sure, I'll do it, thanks11:28
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ricotzinfinity, hi :), any news on eglibc?11:53
chilicuilhe went to sleep half an hour ago ricotz =)12:04
ricotzchilicuil, ah, i see12:12
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pigna_coladahello :(16:08
pigna_coladaI just downloaded this ubuntu 12.10 cd16:08
pigna_coladaand booted my laptop using the "try" selection16:09
pigna_coladabut now it asks for a username16:09
pigna_coladaand password16:09
pigna_coladawhat do i have to put??16:09
penguin42pigna_colada: Please try #ubuntu for general help16:20
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slangasekmlankhorst: hi, I see you're involved in maintaining the wine1.5 packages in the ~ubuntu-wine ppa - are there any plans for this to land in raring?21:54
slangasekmlankhorst: also, do you know if anyone's working on audio device enumeration in wine using the pulse driver?21:55
mlankhorstI maintain winepulse21:57
mlankhorstand ask next year please21:57
slangasekheh :)21:58
slangasekmlankhorst: but I have an app I want to use it for over vacation, and time to spend hacking wine... if I wait until next year, it might be too late :-)21:58
mlankhorstI maintain winepulse in ubuntu-wine21:59
paultagjbicha: poke22:02
paultagjbicha: sorry about that bug, but I'm a bit swaped -- the issue stems from SFTP not meaning a user account on the system (or even a $HOME), so using "~" in SFTP is a bit odd22:03
paultagjbicha: if you find out what legacy dput does, I'd be happy to add a shim, but parimiko has no idea what's going on otherwise22:03
paultagone idea we were throwing around was just ditching the "~", which seems like it'll do the trick (but I'm not sure)22:04
mlankhorstslangasek: so wine is actually ok, just dont ask about upstream, dont want to work :P22:05
jbichapaultag: thanks, it's fairly easy for me to switch back to classic dput when needed22:17
paultagjbicha: righto. In the meantime, patches welcome, otherwise it's on my queue for some downtime during my vacation22:20
paultagor not :)22:21
paultag17:20 < paultag> jbicha: righto. In the meantime, patches welcome, otherwise it's on my queue for some downtime during my vacation22:25
paultagjbicha: in case you missed it :)22:25
paultagI'll have to take a closer look, sorry for the bumpy ride, but this was something we were trying to work out for a while now without putting it on the fire22:25

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