
bazhang<Guest57164> so i learn to install progz01:46
bazhangapt-cache search progz01:46
bazhangdisto 's problem: "that ubuntu  sucks"01:50
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:00
ubottuFudge called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:44
bazhang <tomreyn> hi, looks like there is an sql injection in http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - are you aware? able to fix it or pass it on?08:16
bazhangtsimpson, ^08:16
bazhanghow wine and arm interact I have NO idea08:21
bazhangunless he meant the hoisting of a jug08:21
IdleOnemaybe he wants to run mirc ?08:21
Myrtti  /n09:30
MyrttiAlexander-HostUS: hi?09:31
ubottuTomyLobo called the ops in #ubuntu (koik)10:37
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
TheLordOfTime* RamchandraApte_ (~quassel@ has joined #ubuntu-offtopic14:24
TheLordOfTime* RamchandraApte_ is sarcastically proud that he evaded a ban on this very channel14:24
TheLordOfTimeanyone want to verify that?14:24
chuI called him out for violating the guidelines (he was suggesting a user take part in illegal activities) but never was a threat of a ban put forward. Unless he's talking about some other time, which I have no recollection of.14:29
TheLordOfTimeOK, just wanted to make sure, if someone doesn't mind hopping into -offtopic and keeping an eye out that'd be great.15:04
Myrttihi chillpill_15:49
DJonesHi chillpill_ Is there something you need help with?16:32
Priceyjrib: Be cool, be cool.16:43
jribtotally on purpose16:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from dev_)20:02
drossah, hmm21:32
IdleOnehello dross21:33
drosswhere's the channel for people who need to work on pacakge fixes?21:33
IdleOne#ubuntu-packaging is one21:33
drosspython-3.3 from debian upstream is messed up(specifically pyvenv)21:34
IdleOnethey can probably direct you to others if that isn't the appropriate channel21:34
IdleOnesure thing21:34
IdleOneremember to /part this channel :)21:35
drossas if I need an extra channel side from my 65 other windows open in irssi ;)21:35

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