
DelemasSeems 12.04 it will work with an alternative installer.00:01
=== NomadJim_ is now known as NomadJim
Deep6anyone here run honeyd?03:42
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
SaberUKhey, i'm using unattended-upgrades with automatic rebooting enabled, is there any way to tell it not to reboot if a named process is running?08:10
irqqwhat am I missing in the following syntax : sudo for i in {a..c}; do echo $i; done ?09:04
shaunoirqq: I don't believe you can sudo a bash builtin (for).  you'd want to sudo bash -c "the command"09:15
shauno(or move sudo inside the loop, for expression; do sudo action; done)09:16
irqqshauno: I see, thanks. I other words, the $cmd in the `sudo $cmd` should be an executable found in $PATH ?09:24
shaunoright.  it has to be a process that sudo can fork09:25
irqqthank you09:28
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== cwillu_ is now known as cwillu
* RoyK hmmms @sw0rdfish16:21
RoyKhttp://munin.karlsbakk.net/munin/karlsbakk.net/smilla.karlsbakk.net/index.html <-- interesting... the WD2001FASS drives show, over time, to be 30% faster than the Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 drivess (sde,sdh)17:34
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away

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