
=== daniel is now known as Guest31855
Lumpygreetings anyone awake?07:03
=== cwillu_ is now known as cwillu
drmacroRunning 12.10 liveusb, apps won't launch for example firefox can't find a profile, Ardour/audacity do nothing when clicked.15:00
zequencedrmacro: Which app did you use to create the live usb?15:27
drmacrozequence: unetbootn on another ubs PC (PS: the live stick is actually 12.04 64bit)15:36
zequencedrmacro: unetbootin usually works fine for me. Maybe just try again. Make sure the ISO image is not corrupt15:38
drmacrozequence: I just downloaded the 32 bit iso, gonna give it a go. Could be the target laptop not happy with 64bit...just wag. :P16:00
holsteinunetbootin is what i use.. and i usually do 32bit unless i just nee 64bit16:04
drmacrogaack...now it says no default or ui and stops at the boot:16:19
holsteindrmacro: what did you remove?16:19
drmacroI used unetbootn to write ubs 32 bit iso on the same stick that 64 bit was on. it said it was replacing everthing...16:20
holsteindrmacro: it?16:22
holsteindrmacro: i just replace everything.. each time16:22
holsteini format in between each go16:22
* holstein doesnt trust "it"16:23
Lumpyhello all16:38
Lumpyis there anyone here who might be able to help me with idjc issues16:38
Lumpyi am not sure, but suspect it involves pulseaudio16:38
holsteinLumpy: i have only ever used it with JACK16:40
Lumpyholstein: same here16:41
Lumpyi updated to 12.04 and pulse is in there now16:41
Lumpyin the past i have exercised it16:41
Lumpybut from what i read in forums on the web and such, it should work now with pulse16:42
Lumpyand i would rather have pulse working to incorporate teamspeak locally16:42
Lumpyrather than run it in off another machine via my mixer16:42
Lumpyi am open to any suggestions16:42
Lumpyi haven't fully looked into everything yet16:42
Lumpybut my server logs, Icecast, don't seem to indicate it is on the server end16:43
Lumpythe audio ends up getting all skippy and I can't stay connected to the stream16:44
holsteinjust disable pulse when jack starts.. thats what i did.. remove it from the equation16:44
holsteinraise the latency settings16:44
holsteinyou dont need low latency for idjc16:44
Lumpyi am using a RT kernel, latency is not likely the issue, least from what i see atm16:44
Lumpythe settings are the same as i have always had them16:45
holsteinLumpy: cool.. i'll let you talk with of the other volunteers then about that.. and i'll throw out how to disable pulse16:45
Lumpyi agree on that regarding low latency for idjc but i want it for other stuff16:45
holsteinlet me know when you want to consider latency as an issue..16:45
Lumpyno don't throw it out16:45
Lumpyi am open to discuss it16:45
Lumpyall i am saying is that i am not sure16:46
Lumpywasn't trying to argue with you sorry16:46
Lumpyand i am willing to try it without pulse16:46
holsteinunder jack setup.. the misc tab.. enable dbus.. untick that box and restart jack.. that should disable the pulse bridge16:46
Lumpysorry if i offended you.. didn't meant to16:47
* holstein is not offended16:47
Lumpygive me a few seconds and I will boot the os and try what you suggested16:47
Lumpydo i need to reboot the os to have the changes stick or just jackd16:48
Lumpyi had two different answers on that one in forums last night16:49
drmacroholstein: formatted stick, unetbootin --> 32 bit, all is good. Apps even run. :-D16:49
holsteinLumpy: you can check after restarting qjack... reboot if needed16:49
holsteinLumpy: i forget.. and usually just test and do what needs to be done16:50
Lumpylooks like jackd only is needed16:50
holsteindrmacro: cheers!.. i had a few failures and now i just format each time16:50
Lumpyand, holstein i am about the same on that remembering thing.. diigo is my buddy even for cli stuff16:50
holsteinLumpy: also, you should have realistic expectations of the hardware.. if its an internal card, you likely wont get lowlatency16:51
Lumpyso you are suggesting to not to use the low latency, correct?16:52
holsteinLumpy: depends on what you are referring to16:53
holsteinim not referring to "lowlatency" as a noun necessarily16:53
Lumpyi have a pci soundblaster card16:53
holsteinnot the lowlatency kernel or whatever16:53
Lumpyi am confused atm.. give me a second16:54
holsteinim just saying, if you have a soundblaster, likely the lowest latency you will get regardless of tweaks and kernels is around 20 or 30 ms16:54
holsteinwhich in my testing, might as well be 80ms16:54
Lumpyi have been using studio for a few years16:54
holsteinif i cant approach 10ms, i can percieve it.. so the hardware is useless for RT or lowlatency16:54
Lumpyit just seemed better with audacity and lowlatency kernel16:54
holsteinLumpy: sure.. it might seem "better". but how much better?16:55
holsteinyou can get to 40ms instead of 60?16:55
holsteinwhats the point?16:55
holstein40 wont do16:55
Lumpybut give me a second and let me see if i can resolve the stream connection first please16:55
holsteinyou need 1016:55
Lumpyi would love to pick your brain for more better gooder in a moment16:55
holsteinplus, you likely usually dont need lowlatency16:55
holsteini have a nice firewire device i can get 1.2ms stable on.. but i dont set it like that all the time16:56
holsteini have different profiles. and when im mixing, i just jack it up to 80ms+.. because latency is not an issue in that scenario16:56
holsteinif lowlatency is a priority for you, the best thing you can do is replace that soundblaster16:56
Lumpyi want to get up to a better card, i was thinking maudio16:57
Lumpybut, in general, latency is not an issue for me16:57
holsteinthink about it this way. you are asking a tiny consumer grade piece of hardware made for listening to sound to perform as a piece of gear from a pro studio16:57
Lumpyand i did what you suggested, now no skips but still don't seem to connect16:57
holsteinand, im not talking bad about the soundblaster.. its just not the right tool for that job16:58
holsteinLumpy: doent connect to icecast?16:58
holsteinor jack?16:58
Lumpyi agreee on that holstein, but atm, sb is all i got16:58
Lumpyit is wierd holstein,16:58
Lumpyit connects to jack just fine16:58
holsteinLumpy: i think you can do "ok" with that hardware as long as you accept its limitations16:58
Lumpynovacast says i am connected to the stream16:59
Lumpyit is not streaming what i am streaming if i listen on another machine16:59
Lumpyhowever, you did fix the skipping audio16:59
holsteinunfortunately, i havent gotten around to using icecast in 12.04 or 12.10. im still using 10.04 on my studio rig mostly and migrating slowly over17:00
Lumpyall i need is 128 kbps cbr for my stream17:00
Lumpyi was on 10.04 until the upgrade17:00
Lumpyand it worked flawlessly17:00
holsteinLumpy: may i suggest just double checking all configs and settings and trying #opensourcemusicians ?17:00
Lumpyi saw a forum post about removing some of the packages and using another repo to grab them17:00
holsteinLumpy: the upgrade?17:00
Lumpyto 12.04 from 10.0417:01
holsteinLumpy: you dont *have* to upgrade17:01
Lumpyand i did double check all the settings17:01
holsteinyou talk about it as if it was impending ;)17:01
Lumpyi have used the same settings for years17:01
holsteinim still not ready to upgrade17:01
holsteinbut, thats water under the bridge, so to speak17:02
Lumpyi upgraded for the following reason17:02
Lumpyi have several machines all connected to each other via synergy17:02
holsteinLumpy: i would do the normal stuff too... run icecast and all apps you can from the terminal and look for output17:02
Lumpyi have an old single core i use for irc and upgraded it to mint for xfce17:02
Lumpyit needed synergy beta to work right17:03
Lumpy10.04 studio did not like the beta synergy17:03
Lumpyso i upgraded17:03
Lumpyso now i can use synergy but have stream issues17:03
holsteinim sure you'll get it sorted17:03
Lumpywhile i would be willing to go back to 10.04, i would rather still have synergy than using vnc17:03
holsteinnah.. dont go back.. im just saying, for a mission critical box, i take the "look before you leap" mentality to the extreme17:04
Lumpyheh, i tried a dozeen different flavors in the past week17:05
Lumpyif it comes to mission critical, i can still use winamp on the XP boot17:06
holsteini would setup your own server, or ask about using one in #opensourcemusicians to test17:06
Lumpybut i rather hate windows17:06
Lumpyi do have a dedicated server and i will join the channel you suggested17:06
holsteinLumpy: im only suggesting to remove it from the equation17:06
holsteinstream to localhost.. that will leave only the software17:07
Lumpyand i am not 100% sure it is not on the server end17:07
Lumpybut i don't see anything in the logs that suggest that17:07
holsteincould the the client config still17:07
Lumpyi am not the one who deals with the server mostly though so i could be missing something17:07
* Lumpy puts on a "color me simple" hat17:08
Lumpylocal server, duh, i should have thought of that17:08
holsteineh.. its just a troubleshooting idea.. remove things from the equation or whatever17:10
Lumpydoesn't look like it is the software then17:14
holsteinLumpy: hey, thats good to know17:15
holstein...now what ;)17:15
holsteinmaybe its simple as the client config for the server?17:15
holsteineither way, sounds like you are chipping away at it17:16
Lumpybut that too is all the same17:16
Lumpyand yeah, chipping works atm17:16
Lumpythanks again17:16
holsteinsure.. anytime.. hope you get it sorted17:16
Lumpyyou here often holstein?17:17
holsteinwell, im logged in all the time, but i get busy sometimes17:17
Lumpyi think i might become a lurker here as well17:18
Lumpythanks for the help, i think the next chipping is going to be on novacast17:18
holsteinLumpy: we could use the help.. eve if its just a "welcome to the channel" message17:19
Lumpyholstein: i would hope i could help more than that17:19
holsteinLumpy: im sure you can :)17:20
Lumpyregarding the low latency17:20
Lumpyi understand what you are saying about doing nothing at all for the SB17:20
holsteinwell, it might help a bit, but i still wouldnt expect to use it for a software synth or realtime effects17:21
Lumpybut doe it not also give priority to jack so that stuff chromium browser and other programs won't clog my resource deprive machine17:21
Lumpythat is more why i went with it17:22
Lumpyif that is not the case, i might revert17:22
Lumpyand i don't any realtime effects so to say17:23
holsteinLumpy: you can ask in the dev channel or on the mailing list, but i just dont run those apps on my studio rig17:23
holsteinLumpy: you should be able to get RT priority from JACK now with lowlatency17:23
holsteinmaybe even the generic kernel17:24
holsteinLumpy: there is less of a need for RT now.. and less of an advantage from RT17:24
Lumpyin the past i had to edit a file, i forget which, and change the nice settings17:24
Lumpyin that sense it gave it RT17:24
Lumpybut that was years ago17:24
holsteinLumpy: that should be needed anymore17:24
holsteinLumpy: test though.. trust nothing i say17:24
holsteincheck the jack messages window17:25
Lumpyi was just thinking that.. i have the HD space and could actually try a regular with the same OS17:25
Lumpybut, as the low latency came available, I just went with it, seemed to have less browser interference17:25
Lumpythe browser is something i often abuse while streaming17:26
Lumpyntl, good food for though, thanks again17:26
Lumpyand is the dev channel just #dev?17:26
Lumpyand i always check the jack message window17:26
Lumpythat was another reason for the confusion17:27
Lumpyno errors17:27
Lumpybut deffinitely skipping17:27
Lumpyso as far as trusting, i go with my ears over the message window17:27
Lumpyand with the changes you suggested17:28
Lumpyno skipping and still now errors17:28
Lumpyso you got it to more better gooder17:28
holsteinkernels dont take up much hd space17:28
holsteini trust the original audio tool as well.. the ear :)17:28
Lumpynot much at all17:28
Lumpyyup, best rule of thumb so long as the thumb is not in the ear.. heh17:29
Lumpyso what is the dev channel?17:30
Lumpybut, for what it is worth, i can't recall having any issues with the low latency kernal short of nvidia messing with it17:32
Lumpybut with 12.04 i don't even need the nvidia drivers17:33
Lumpythen again, that should be true for a regular kernel as well17:33
Lumpypardon my sleep deprivation ramble17:34
Lumpybrb, just to throw it out of the equation, i am going to try a reboot and the connecting17:36
holstein #ubuntustudio-devel is the dev channel BTW17:36
holsteini will run 12.04 ubuntustudio til 14.0417:37
holsteinthough i test all releases17:37
Lumpyno change on reboot17:42
Lumpyare you a developer holstein?17:42
Lumpyand no change on reboot17:42
holsteinLumpy: nah.. im a developing contributor ;)17:42
Lumpyand what does that mean?17:44
Lumpyholstein: thanks for the help17:47
Lumpyi will lurk in the channels you suggested and, hopefully, i can help out17:47
Lumpyfor now, i need a nap before i take the kid to see the lights and such17:48
holsteinLumpy: im not a developer yet.. but id like to be17:49
* Lumpy is pretty much a hack of all trades17:49
Lumpyi started out with patch cord Moogs and 1 inch tape17:50
holsteinLumpy: cool.. welcome to the community!17:50
Lumpyi still stream off a Tascam 464 protastudio for my mixer17:50
Lumpylike you said, the ears are the best guide17:50
Lumpyfor now, i need a nap but i am looking forward to more chat with all of you17:51
Lumpythanks again and nini for now17:52
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
drmacroholstein: So you think I should install Jack do you? ;-)18:56
holsteindrmacro: jack is installed by default18:56
holsteindrmacro: do you need jack? thats the question. if you dont, then dont bother with it18:57
drmacroholstein: yes but over on ubuntu-studio-users@lists.ubuntu.com you suggested I install jack. Just joking with you...I've been using Ardour/UBS/etc for several years.18:59
holsteindrmacro: macdroid53 /19:00
holsteinwhat i suggested was installing.. the opereating system19:00
holsteini'll be more specific though...19:01
drmacroholstein: guilty19:01
holstein"Ardour needs jack... I would install, and choose one thing at a time to troubleshoot. Cheers" is what i said19:01
holsteinthat was in reponse to "For example Firefox complains about no profie, Inkscape says it's19:01
holstein> running with defaults, Ardour/Audacity do nothing"19:01
holsteindrmacro: i was saying, ardour might not run there since it needs JACK.. if you are not runing JACK first19:02
holsteindrmacro: i did not feel i needed to imply you should install JACK, since its installed19:02
holsteini did want to imply you should try installing the operating system19:02
drmacroholstein: well as I said earlier, I used the 32bit version of ubs and things work fine. So I'm blaming 64bit on the target laptop19:02
holsteindrmacro: if you want a live persistent USB, try installing to the USB stick19:02
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
holsteindrmacro: so, you have  working system then?19:03
drmacroholstein: yeah, with the 64bit live programs just didn't run. Then unetbootin didn't flush the 64bit version when I re-made the stick with 32bit, wouldn't boot. Then, you suggested format the stick19:05
drmacrothat worked fine with 32bit.19:05
holsteini use 32bit unless i need 6419:06
holsteini have no idea what you have encountered with the 64bit iso live.. could have been a bad image or a bad download or a bad stick or process creating the stick.. or several bugs that no one has cared to report yet19:07
holsteinfeel free and start a bug report and link it up here, and i'll try and reproduce it and mark myself as affected19:07
drmacrowell, this is a pretty old Dell laptop. I don't even attempt to use it with my firewire devices since I found out back around 8.04 that it doesn't have TI chipset. So I only use it with the on board sound.19:10

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