
robtygartsorry look for a channel...02:18
Riddell12:20 < mck182> shadeslayer Riddell: I've installed the -rc packages from the kubuntu ppa and now I'm getting this: http://paste.kde.org/630416/13:02
Riddell12:23 < mck182> muon won't start, libmuonprivate1 won't be installed and I'm just unsure what to do13:02
Riddellyofel_: recognise that? ^^13:03
yofel_no, I'll look at it13:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelRiddell: I can't reproude that. The output of apt-get -f install might be useful, or just installing with -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=true might be helpful13:12
Riddellyofel: yeah he's gone offline alas13:17
yofelI'll upload l10n in the meanwhile13:20
Riddellyofel: for raring or quantal?13:47
yofelraring first13:48
Riddelllovely thanks13:48
RiddellDarkwing: mm?14:18
Riddellweren't you getting one from Quintasan?14:19
yofelkde bug 310486 is still there in rc1...14:41
ubottuKDE bug 310486 in general "Unable to logout/reboot after KDE upgrade." [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31048614:41
Tm_Tyofel: I just did logout successfully15:16
Tm_Tand now I'm on new KDE session, new icons I notice15:16
yofelTm_T: only happens on 4.9 -> 4.10 upgrades15:17
Tm_T...aaand plasma-desktop crashed (:15:17
Tm_Taah, it didn't it just lost wallpaper image15:18
ronnocAre there plans to update KTorrent to 4.3.x for Raring or should I file a packaging bug? 4.2.1 is largely unuseable and 4.3 has been out since Sep.16:29
Riddellare you volunteering? :)16:31
yofelronnoc: please file a packaging bug in any case16:51
RiddellI'd show you how to do it if you are volunteering16:52
yofelfrom #kubuntu : http://i.imgur.com/HgSBm.png18:07
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1085519] KDE SC 4.10 processes cookies differently than 4.9 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1085519 (by Marco Parillo)18:07
Riddellwell spotted :)18:26
yofelany ideas how to make plasma not show the kde-default.png symlink as an image without metadata? http://yofel.dyndns.org/pics/ext/dupimg.png 18:33
* yofel is out for a while18:35
ronnocRiddell: I don't package, sadly18:36
ronnocbut it's still on my list to learn how18:37
yofelkubotu: help newpackage18:37
kubotuno help for topic newpackage18:37
yofelgeh, still disabled18:37
yofelapachelogger: ^18:37
ronnocahhh just read above. yes I'd love to learn :)18:37
yofelhm, newpackage is still broken18:41
yofelapachelogger: nvm, needs more fixing -.-18:41
yofelgreat, launchpadlib is broken... http://paste.kde.org/63062018:45
* yofel gone for real now18:46
skreech__Anyone knows what the C++ construct  "event e = async(who, machine, shape) (newFunction, a, b, c)" is called?18:48
skreech__or wehre there is documentation on it?18:49
Riddellronnoc: well I said I'd help you :)19:16
yofelronnoc: if you do plan to do it please assign yourself to bug 109333920:51
ubottubug 1093339 in ktorrent (Ubuntu) "Please update ktorrent to 4.3" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109333920:51
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw

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