
=== daniel is now known as Guest98109
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promatichttps://twitter.com/pro_matic <Follow and I'll follow back.01:01
bazhangpromatic, dont paste that here01:01
promaticOhhh, okay thanks.01:01
promaticSorry about that01:01
claptrap_If I have 3 windows open that are not maximized, say in a triangular layout, and have a windows underneath of those 3 in fullscreen, is there a way to make those 3 windows slide off to the right off the screen  without minimizing them when i click between them on the lower, fullscreened window?01:33
claptrap_Or better yet, make the top one slide to the top, left to the left, and right to the right?01:34
shadeslayeryou *might* be able to do it with KWin scripting01:34
shadeslayer( that's the only way I can think of right now )01:35
claptrap_I look into that. I'm just tired of having to go down to the bottom to reopen each window. Would rather just move the mouse to the left or right or top or whatever. It would be quicker in the long run for me.01:36
claptrap_Uh, look now, but how exactly do I find my "KDE Plasma Workspace" version? That page says 4.9 is current.01:37
shadeslayeropen any app > Help > About KDE01:37
shadeslayerclaptrap_: btw you can also scroll between applications using the scroll wheel and the taskbar01:39
shadeslayerhover over task bar > scroll your wheel01:39
shadeslayerreally fast app switching01:39
claptrap_Didn't know that, thanks.01:41
shadeslayeryeah, pretty nifty hidden feature01:43
Obsidian1723hi Milias02:35
Miliashow goes02:36
Obsidian1723it goes.. just chillin'... you?02:36
Miliasmessing with my persistant live flash drive02:36
Obsidian1723good times.02:37
Miliasbest install method for me02:37
Obsidian1723whatever works for ya.02:37
Miliassince the desktop do too much gaming on to make a swith02:37
Miliasanyhows, anyone else feel even more that KDE > GMOME after gmome 3?02:38
Obsidian1723gnome is still around? I heard the last version was 2...then they went to something that they called GHnome but it looks nothing like it ;)02:40
Miliason a related note anyone else think windows 8 suffers from terminal multiple personality disorder02:46
Miliashaxor you say02:50
robtygartdoes anyone know how to get a channel list for Thunderbird's IRC02:53
Obsidian1723dunno. never used Windows Hate02:53
robtygartI don't know what they were thinking when they made Windows 8. I got to use it at the store.02:55
Miliasi haven't used 8 either02:55
Miliasjust from my observations02:55
Miliashttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTYet-qf1jo is an interesting video on win802:57
Obsidian1723they are trying to have one UI for all devices.02:57
Obsidian1723I only use Linux, so I couldn't care less about Windows.02:58
Obsidian1723Too much work to try and maintain Windows.02:58
=== h4x0r is now known as LinuxBOX007
LinuxBOX007register ahgis77703:03
LinuxBOX007Hey good people of freedom :-)03:05
Obsidian1723hello :)03:05
LinuxBOX007not much being said for the day after the end of the world?03:14
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:15
LinuxBOX007kubuntu12.10 is real neat03:16
LinuxBOX007ok bye03:17
=== james is now known as Guest23604
Guest23604I need a little bit of help with a Broadcom Wireless on ZorinOS.03:19
shadeslayerGuest23604: I don't see why #kubuntu will provide support for ZorinOS03:22
Guest23604Good point. I just installed Quassel, and this was the first channel it sent me to. Sorry.03:22
Obsidian1723Actually own the ZorinOS channel on here, #ZorinOS. It's low, low traffic, but you can direct people to it.03:53
Obsidian1723I think I may have spoken to him/her the other day in there.03:54
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BluesKajHowdy all12:27
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone12:36
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Syncsys__ clueless problem . tring to share files in windows and linux. works ok in a wifi router connected to a dsl. slow thought but ok.    when i try to make a hotspot between  the computers or use wires with a seperate switch. either i cant see share folders. (i can ping each other and even see a webpage runing on linux machine)     and some times when i do see folders and try to copy files that are large. it breads down in middle and th16:55
Syncsys__e folders disappear again.16:55
discoveredAnyone use kate?17:42
discoveredI am trying to configure it to detect the syntax highlight automatically...17:42
discoveredOr at least i want it start in default syntax of asm or c17:43
discoveredAnyone know how i can do this please17:43
discoveredimmortel, ?17:43
bjrohanI could use some help in getting a job to run correctly in crontab. When I run it via commandline, all is well, when I do it in crontab it says I don't have the correct password (I am trying to rsync over ssh)17:44
discoveredimmortel, what happened ? Please tell me17:44
immortelje ne comprend pas17:44
immortelI do not understand17:47
xodiakdiscovered: there's probably a better tool for programmers you can install.17:50
xodiakdiscovered: ignoree immortel, he/she/it is just being rude17:50
discoveredxodiak, Yes , I installed Kwrite and geany ... I newly installed the kate to see if there is any new future of it17:51
yofeldiscovered: it should auto-guess what highlight it should apply17:52
yofeldiscovered: as for developing in C you can try kdevelop. Proper IDE with kate as editor17:52
discoveredyofel, and for asm(nasm) ?17:52
xodiakdiscovered: just looking at a web site about KATE and it says you can do syntax highlighting.17:52
discoveredIt can do but everytime i need to do it manually17:53
yofelI fear I don't do assembler programming so I don't know17:53
xodiak... oh ok17:53
yofelthe small bits of assembler I did for assignments were done in VIM17:53
* xodiak wishes he knew more about programming17:54
yoyozUm..Hello, I guess? I have f question to developers\some other clever people. How to make my bluetooth Atheros AR5BBU22 work?17:54
xodiakyoyoz: it's in the 'ubuntu' forum, but might help your issue??? http://askubuntu.com/questions/125506/bluetooth-atheros-ar5bbu22-not-working17:55
yofeldiscovered: kate seems to have nasm highlighting for *.asm files though17:56
yoyozxodiak: So it's wrong channel?17:56
yofelyoyoz: as long as you're using kubuntu nope17:56
xodiakyoyoz: don't think so but the suggestions on the page might help you out17:56
yofeldiscovered: see kate settings -> open/save -> modes&filetypes17:56
yoyozxodiak: yofel It's default in Konversation. If I am right, kubuntu is using same kernel as an ubuntu, so the problem might exist here.17:58
yofelit does17:58
yoyozyofel: I triend using different version (kubuntu, ubuntu, elementary os, etc.)17:58
yofelnah, as far as drivers go they'll all be the same17:59
yoyozyofel: Nothing is really helping. I have no idea.17:59
yoyozSo, what should i do?17:59
xodiakyoyoz: I trust you more than me... I'm very new to kubuntu...17:59
yoyozxodiak: I'm using ubuntu for half a year so far. I have NO IDEA how to make things work.18:00
xodiakI got lucky I supposed. I have a small usb bluetooth receiver on laptop that works like a charm and I've tried nearly 8 distros.18:00
yofelyoyoz: not sure, I'm trying to find out where that patch comes from18:00
yofelgreat... he's gone18:00
yofelyoyoz: not sure, I'm trying to find out where that patch comes from18:00
yoyozyofel: Sry, repeat please.18:01
yofelalready did ^^18:01
yoyozwhat patch?18:01
yofelthe one on the link xodiak posted18:02
yoyozRepeat the link pls.18:02
xodiakyoyoz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125506/bluetooth-atheros-ar5bbu22-not-working18:02
* xodiak AFK18:02
yoyozThat link is older than me18:03
yofelyoyoz: what kubuntu version are you on?18:04
yoyozRight now I am on ubuntu 12.0418:04
yoyozBut I was on Kubuntu 12.04.118:05
yofelgive me minute to look something up18:05
eamonI came up with a new slogan for Kubuntu: http://i.imgur.com/HgSBm.png18:06
eamonWhat do ye think?18:06
yofel... good catch...18:06
yofelyoyoz: what kernel are you running?18:11
yoyozyofel: command?18:11
yofelyoyoz: press alt+f2, open 'konsole', and run uname -r in there18:11
yoyozyofel: K18:11
yoyozyofel: 3.2.0-33-generic-pae18:12
yoyozyofel: http://pastebin.com/7TPcr1LY18:15
yofelyoyoz: hm, what exactly isn't working? The kernel seems to support the AR5BBU22 at least18:16
yoyozyofel: Nothing. I can't even turn on.18:16
yofeldoes plugging it in make anything show up in the output of 'dmesg' ?18:17
yoyozIt is a build-in version.18:17
yofelis it blocked in 'rfkill list' ?18:19
yoyozyofel: I weren't touching this.18:20
yofelI was just curious if *something* disabled it18:21
yofellike how windows turns of wake-on-lan in my network NIC everytime it shuts down18:21
yoyozyofel: Weird.18:23
yofeldoes the device show up when you run 'hciconfig' ?18:24
yoyozyofel: On another IRC i was recommended to update kernel.18:24
yofelnot needed from what I see, but feel free to try a mainline build18:25
yoyozyofel: hciconfig says nothing.18:25
yofelnot good, rfkill?18:26
yoyozyofel: Don't want to do that while updating kernel. One minute please.18:26
yofeljust running rfkill list won't change anything...18:26
yoyozIt says that bluetooth isn't blocked by anything18:28
yofelthen I guess try updating the kernel as I'm not sure what's wrong18:29
yoyozI will join you after reboot18:30
yofelI need to go, sorry18:30
yoyozyofel: HAve a good time18:30
jlmfsilvaduvidas no kubuntu19:00
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Taladanweird question.  My keyboard seems to all of a sudden be acting up.  When I use the toprow numbers (standard ergonomic US keyboard layout) I get the following output in order from left to right: 12345b67m8,9019:04
Taladanthose extra characters seem to be being triggered when I type them...anyone ever seen anything like this?19:04
Taladanalso my up arrow key doesn't seem to work anymore19:05
Taladanany ideas?19:09
Taladanapparently it's my keyboard.  crap.19:13
=== thelionroars_ is now known as thelionroars
Syncsys__Clueless problem . Trying to share files in windows and Linux. works OK in a WiFi router connected to a DSL. slow thought but OK.19:39
Syncsys__When I try to make a hot spot between the computers or use wires with a separate switch, either I cant see share folders. (I can ping each other and even see a webpage running on Linux machine) and some times when I do see folders and try to copy files that are large, it breaks down in middle and the folders disappear again (both in hot spot case and in Lan).19:39
DaZthis file sharing between linux and windows is so good that i've installed cygwin and scp it instead ;v19:53
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