
poqI am newbie programmer and I want to help with developing to Lubuntu (some small apps and smth like that). Does the list of needed apps/features exists or I should create something what I think fit?07:07
Unit193poq: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-lubuntu-work-items  there's that, and some others too.07:25
lewis1711does anyone know much about openboxs focus? sometimes when I launch a new terminal it gets focus, sometimes not12:20
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yoritomohello all, i would like to know if it is possible to install the battery indicator under Lubuntu 12.04 powerPC for Ibook G4 ?18:54
Unit193Well, is xfce4-power-manager in the repo?18:59
yoritomowait i will check it19:03
yoritomoyes , and installed already19:05
yoritomoi tryed to add the battery widget to the bar, but look like need to configure it19:07
yoritomodoes not display19:07
yoritomowait please 20 mins19:07
Unit193Alright.  I haven't used this on a PPC.19:22
Noskcajused what?19:25
Unit193Lubuntu (12.04) on a PPC iBook G4.19:27
Noskcajok, should work fine19:27
Unit193Yes, but he was asking about the battery indicator.19:28
Noskcaji think it works19:31
yoritomoUnit193 sorry i was away working, i am on working time for a chinese restaurant19:39
yoritomoi am back19:39
LautraHey Guys. So I just installed lubuntu on my old laptop. Everything seems to go awesome except that neither of my control keys work.23:19
LautraDoes anyone have an idea on how I can attack this problem?23:19

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