
bandit-ledideas for getting nvidia and kernel 3.8rc1 going?01:20
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
penguin42yofel: I had a minor nit on a recent KDE update - the standard grey sunburst background went and that left me with a black background; hitting the install-backgrounds got me them all back13:16
yofelthe default wallpaper changed, and it seems we forgot to auto-update that13:18
yofelElarun is the new default13:18
penguin42is that the purpeley one ?13:18
penguin42yeh, got that on the kdm - it's a bit dark for me on my main desktop, I don't get enough contrast on stuff in transparent windows for my liking13:19
penguin42oddly the sunray one doesn't seem to have a name other than '1920x1200'13:19
yofelpenguin42: that's I think the default symlink - which is still pointing to Ariya.14:22
yofelI fixed that in kde-wallpapers ubuntu214:22
AlanBelldoes 13.04 iso boot to a grub menu at the moment?16:53
AlanBellit does for me using the ISO copied to a USB stick I think16:53
AlanBellBug #1093303 would be a nice simple bug for someone to confirm if you have a few minutes17:10
ubottubug 1093303 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "can't switch from orca to ubiquity in the 13.04 install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109330317:10
AlanBellboot up the install CD, after the drums hit ctrl+s, then try to get focus back on ubiquity without using the mouse17:10
=== TerminX_ is now known as TerminX
penguin42hmph, my android eclipse install has broken again, it does this pretty regularly19:36
penguin42it looks like I'm hitting https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=760454  but frankly I haven't got a clue about eclipses internals to know19:38
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 760454 in eclipse "update to 3.7.1-7 breaks pydev (and others)" [Unspecified,Closed: currentrelease]19:39
=== SudoKing is now known as SudoKing[A]
=== SudoKing[A] is now known as SudoKing
yoasifhi -- what is the best way to report an issue i am having with the bcmwl-kernel-source package?23:53
yoasifi downgraded the package and everything is working finr23:53
ikoniause launchpad or the bug reporting tool23:56
yoasifikonia: yes, when seeing the issue, or when not seeing the issue... when i am seeing the issue, the machine is almost unusable... networkmanager goes to 100%23:57
ikoniaso report the bug23:59

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