
bazhangsudo to run youtube-dl ?01:19
bazhangare you sure?01:19
IdleOneto update it01:19
IdleOnegot that from askubuntu01:20
bazhangah ok01:20
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:00
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:00
Jordan_UThe irony of someone running thier IRC client as root to try to exploit others is staggering.06:02
bazhang<yeahman> Hi, i bought my computer with ubuntu 12.04, how much do I have to pay to upgrade it to 12.10?06:31
bazhangoh he's crazyZurfer06:33
bazhangspent A LOT of time in #ubuntu06:33
computer #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned)?08:28
Jordan_Ucomputer: Hi. I'm looking up your ban now, just a minute.08:30
Jordan_Ucomputer: Do you know why you were banned from #ubuntu-offtopic?08:37
computerdo u?08:37
Jordan_Ucomputer: It looks like you joined the channel and repeated the same comment, "hmmm http://hackersclub.net/index.php/chat leads to this channel...how very odd. ;-)" multiple times despite being asked to stop.08:38
Jordan_Ucomputer: Please read the channel guidelines (which I will link to) and if after reading them you agree to follow them, including not repeating comments after being asked to stop, I will remove the ban.08:40
Jordan_U!guidelines | computer08:40
ubottucomputer: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:40
computerwasnt me but i agree08:41
Jordan_Ucomputer: Actually, I only have op powers for #ubuntu, not #ubuntu-offtopic. So hopefully an #ubuntu-offtopic op is awake and can remove the ban.08:41
computerplus i dont own this nick08:43
=== computer is now known as c0mputer
Jordan_Uc0mputer: The ban is by ip rather than by nick (and please don't try to evade it).08:44
c0mputerok some1 could spoof ip08:45
elkynot without you giving them access to the account you have with the isp08:46
c0mputerim at a hotel, not my isp, i just got this room comes with internet08:48
c0mputeranyway its not a biggie08:49
c0mputerthanks and bye08:50
elkythat's a whole lot of not true08:51
Jordan_UWell I'm glad I don't have op powers in #ubuntu-offtopic then :)08:51
DJonesJordan_U: I'm sure I  banned computer in #u a couple of days back, could be somebody with the same nick though16:55
DJonesYep, ban 5288116:57
elkyeyes on ryaxnb in -ot plz23:38
ikoniaalready there23:38
elkygood o23:39
ikoniathe divorce topic alerted me23:39
elkywas making sure there was someone else watching too, since i can't dedicate attention to him23:39
ikoniachillpil4_: can you please respond23:42
ikoniachillpil4_: it's obvious your active as you're making clones join and part channels so please either respond so we can address this, there is no point you being in this channel23:45

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