
mishagaleJust found excellent workaround: $ xrandr --output LVDS1 --panning 1024x80000:01
penguin42what does --panning do ?00:01
mishagaleNow have extra 200 lines of "virtual" desktop00:01
penguin42ah, that00:01
mishagalepenguin42, it makes your desktop larger than your physical display, moving mouse to edge pans view00:01
daftykinshappy Christmas Eve's Eve all >:)00:05
* penguin42 pre-jingles00:06
mishagaleHere in Mexico it is still the 22nd00:06
BigRedSI need to install Ubuntu on an early Intel mac mini. I guess the standard amd64 CD image will work - is there a more appropriate one to use?00:17
daftykinswouldn't have thought so, could be worth trying to hit up some guides though00:18
BigRedSgoogling's actually made me less sure that it should work00:18
daftykinshave you got finite CD-R's?00:18
BigRedSyeah, but I have a USB stick and unetbootin00:19
BigRedSI don't have an apple keyboard which I think did confuse things with this machine once before00:20
daftykinsi suppose you'll have to see how friendly the EFI is :)00:20
BigRedSLots of people reckon it'll Just Work on recent Apple hardware and I don't suppose BIOS emulation's something they've particularly worked on00:20
BigRedShaha, yeah00:20
penguin42BigRedS: I'm not sure you can get to the boot on them without an apple keyboard00:20
penguin42BigRedS: Also, just check it's 64bit, I'm fairly sure the first Intel macs were 32bit only00:21
daftykinsalt should work fine, that's your key to hold down for different boot devices00:21
shaunounetbootin may confuse issues more than it doesn't.  their bios emulation only targets a few narrow use-cases00:22
BigRedSpenguin42: it's a c2d I think. But it does have a working OS, so it's worth checking for certain00:23
BigRedSshauno: I guess it's basically there for Windows to work?00:23
penguin42they didn't have bios emulation on the 1st ones00:24
shaunoright.  so it'll do legacy-emulation from internal optical, bios/mbr emulation from internal hdd, and usb may as well not exist00:24
BigRedSbetter get some CDs tomorrow!00:24
shaunoymmv, of course, just don't give up straight away if unetbootin doesn't render bootable results00:25
daftykinswow, asked my friends in the US to text that guy that kept signing me up to his email. he gave them a call and it turns out *drumroll* his email is mine with '8' on the end :>00:32
daftykinsoops signing my email up to his stuff, rather00:33
dwatkinsdaftykins: so he just keeps getting his e-mail address wrong?00:33
* dwatkins suspects this is the case with his namesake00:33
daftykinsseems it somehow gets lost in translation either over the phone or in person at shops00:34
daftykinsas i'm a Dave, i see spam for 'Dotty', requests for 'Dustin' (this guy) to go and provide after-school tuition for kids00:34
daftykinsin the past i discovered some other guy who i managed to find the real email for, somehow, who then started asking me what my family tree was like to see if we were related00:35
daftykinsthink that was a Daniel00:35
daftykinsdefinitely seems interesting being quick on a new email service (this was gmail back in the early invite days)00:36
daftykinsdwatkins: do you get something similar? :)00:37
shaunoI used to quite persistently get something similar.  although my address was first.last, and although we shared a surname, this chap called kevin kept using my address00:38
daftykins! weird00:38
daftykinsheh, oops sorry lubotu3 :P00:39
shaunoeventually he had it attached to his vodafone account, so I logged in and sent him a webtext from his own number asking him to quit it.  and he did00:39
daftykinsi've heard that so many times, you eventually have to just use their accounts ja00:40
daftykinsthis time i got a Best Buy email with his mobile # so i just set about trying to contact :D00:40
shaunowell when it's the only communication you have with them, it's the only avenue past simply ignoring it00:41
mgdmis it possible to disable Unity's behaviour on hitting alt?00:50
ali1234it's done in ccsm00:53
mgdmah, I dn't have that installed as I wasn't sure if it worked00:53
ali1234it does00:53
ali123499% of configuration of unity is done there00:53
mgdmI had 'MyUnity', which served to sort some things00:53
ali1234that's useless00:54
ali1234it just hits some of the same config keys00:54
mgdmooh, toys00:57
mgdmany idea which setting governs that?00:57
ali1234what, the alt key? "key to show the HUD" or something00:57
mgdmoh, got it00:57
ali1234i can't check because i don't have unity plugin installed00:58
mgdmnow alt does nothing, which isn't brilliant, but certainly better than it was00:59
ali1234well you can map it to a different plugin quite easily00:59
ali1234what do you want it to do?00:59
ali1234open the first menu on selected window?00:59
mgdmessentially, yes00:59
mgdm'do what it has done since Windows was invented'00:59
ali1234yeah would be nice00:59
ali1234that might be the one thing it can't do01:00
mgdmwell, nothing is closer to what i want than the HUD is, so I'll survive01:00
ali1234yeah i disabled it too01:00
mgdmI wouldn't mind so much, if it took less than 4 seconds to show up01:00
ali1234then i forgot because i never even accidentally activated it01:01
ali1234i reported a bug about that the day after it was released01:01
mgdmI'm using a Mac keyboard, which means i hit the wrong button fairly frequently01:01
Azelphurali1234: that remote of mine, the color buttons don't even show up when I'm catting /dev/input/eventx, is it meant to do that?01:03
ali1234i think showing first menu by alt would be a gtk responsibility (or qt or whatever)01:03
ali1234Azelphur: i dunno. at the very least you should see "unknown event"01:03
ali1234or "unmapped key" or "unknown key" errors or something01:04
AzelphurI'm doing cat /dev/input/eventX and looking at it raw, it shows up for the number keys, but nothing at all for the colors01:04
ali1234well don't do that01:04
ali1234use evtest or whatever01:04
ali1234and look at the driver too01:04
ali1234look at the hid descriptors01:04
ali1234this is all same as we did on the g19 stuff01:05
Azelphuryea, it doesn't show up in evtest either01:05
Azelphurindeed, it's similar, not sure how to look at hid descriptors though.01:05
Azelphurthis is interesting...the volume control keys on the remote work01:06
Azelphurbut they don't show up in evtest01:06
Azelphurthe remote is split into two devices, haha, but neither of them pick up the colors01:07
ali1234is it using the standard hid device?01:08
ali1234check dmesg01:08
Azelphurwhat am I looking for in dmesg? evtest says that both devices are a mouse xD01:09
dwatkinsdaftykins: no, I don't think the set designer with my name is aware I exist - hopefully he hasn't lost any work as a result of giving out the wrong e-mail address - I did tell the people involved01:10
daftykinsdwatkins: heh, set designer? for films etc?01:14
dwatkinsdaftykins: yeah, I think so - you can even look up the other Dominic Watkins on imdb.01:16
dwatkinsThis is not me: http://uk.imdb.com/name/nm0914291/01:17
dwatkinsoh sorry, Production Designer and Art Director01:18
penguin42you mean you weren't born into a family of legendary stilton makers?01:19
dwatkinshehe no01:19
daftykinsi'd have totally asked for free cheese :(02:10
daftykinsaww yeah, a bit of old Peculier03:06
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigongood morning everyone,10:31
* daftykins tips hat10:32
brobostigonmorning daftykins10:32
brobostigonmorning jacobw10:36
AlanBellmorning all10:54
brobostigonmorning AlanBell10:54
jacobwhow the festive period?10:57
daftykinsdaubers: yo11:19
daftykinsdaubers: the lovely situ you'd enjoy is the dying of 4 disks at once in an 8-disk RAID6 :>11:19
daftykins1500 bad sectors on one, 50-ish on a second, ECC error on a third and ~12 bad sectors on a fourth11:19
daftykinsaww ye11:19
daubersdaftykins: Lovely! Hope you had a backup :)11:20
daftykins8D for the important stuff yup. client elected not to be worried about backing up the 6TB of imaged DVD films of his collection11:21
daubersheh :)11:21
daftykinsit may still be rescued mind, waiting on RMA's from WD11:21
daubersGood luck11:21
daftykins^_^ thanks11:21
daubersThat's the reason I tend to not use WD drives. I've seen that happen a few times in RAIDs of WD11:22
daftykinsaww :(11:22
daftykinsthey seem the best for warranty length still11:22
daftykinsthey're WD2002FYPS' that are going wonky11:22
daftykinsthey email'd to ask if it's alright that the replacements will be WD2003FYYS :>11:22
daftykinsbit of a laugh to ask imo11:22
daubersheh :)11:23
daftykinsi'm not even sure the approach i might take11:23
daftykinsi guess pull just the worst hit with bad sectors to start, and watch it rebuild11:24
daftykinsthen pull the next worst, etc11:24
daftykinsi suppose with the double parity of 6, i could pull two at once and rebuild, but something about it seems risky11:24
daubersYeah. You should get away with just 12 bad sectors on one of them11:24
daubersI'd do it one at a time!11:25
daubersJust in case11:25
daftykinsonce they eventually show up :D11:25
daubersI have rescued RAIDs in that kind of state by DD'ing a bad-ish disk to a good one before11:26
daubersSometimes works11:26
daftykinsfull on dd or that dd-rescue that can dance over bad sectors?11:27
daubersdd-rescue might be better in this instance11:27
daubersI've used both at times :)11:27
daftykinshe's considering getting more storage next11:28
daftykinsthough now this has happened he might be put off, as i advertised it as a nice safe system XD11:28
SuperEngineerdaftykins: FIO... www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm some claim superb results but zero experience of it myself11:28
daftykinsmmm i know the name11:29
daubersI've used both at times :) For a "safe" RAID I'd use different batches of drives from different manufacturers. For a fast RAID I'd use matched.11:29
daubersHmm, silly keyboard11:30
daubersCould do with a new one in the sales11:30
daftykinsi'm almost curious as to whether the WD Red drives are worth considering, only 3 yr warranty as opposed to enterprise grade 5yr though11:30
daftykinsand... would mean going WD again ;)11:30
daubersI'd get Hitachi ones....11:31
daubersHitachi 2TB enterprise drives seem to be quite reliable. 3TB are ok, but we see a lot of those fail in the first year or so11:31
daubersThough I doubt your customer is abusing it as much as our end users do...11:32
daftykinsnah just mass media storage really11:33
daftykinsin some ways i wonder if i shouldn't be running ECC RAM hosts11:33
daftykinsi'll have to do some burn-in too11:35
daubersDoesn't make much difference tbh. Mostly with these things it depends how good the RAID cards are, and to some extents your CPU and NICs11:35
* daubers turns off the reprap11:40
popeypip pip12:39
penguin42hey Popey12:43
solarcloudBannana's & Frosted SHredded Wheat,300grm = 70p + 32p from Tesco = Good addition to Order list ( Not a euphamism ).14:20
popeybigcalm, http://blog.gitlabhq.com/gitlab-4-release/14:46
MartijnVdSSome festive music :) https://soundcloud.com/ed-harcourt/the-devil-came-down-the-chimney15:37
AlanBellthat is rather good MartijnVdS15:43
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Ed Harcourt makes nice music :)15:43
MartijnVdSAlanBell: waiting for his new album15:44
solarcloud_3scrnWikimapia .. never a good import .. http://goo.gl/nMzOk16:55
cliftontshi all, anyone have any ideas for a laptop which has worked fine until an upgrade to 12.10 and now the GPU runs hot?17:01
solarcloud_3scrncliftonts, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221162835313?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 bit like this one .. http://goo.gl/3cFDQ17:04
popeycliftonts, what make/model of laptop?17:04
cliftontsno idea what I should be looking at there solarcloud17:05
cliftontsdell studio 155717:05
solarcloud_3scrncliftonts, You didn't click both links :(17:05
cliftontswe had cpu scaling issues in 12.04 but that seems ok now17:05
cliftontsthere were two links?17:06
solarcloud_3scrnthere you go ...17:06
popeycliftonts, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155396817:07
SuperEngineerAlanBell, popey re the discussion on -discuss atm. I've watched the questions for a couple of days now, can't get the word "journalist" out of my mind17:07
cliftontssolarcloud I see 2 laptops for sale, what does that have to do with me?17:07
cliftontsThanks popey17:08
solarcloud_3scrncliftonts, "anyone have any ideas for a laptop" .. guess i missread .. You should have said 'used' laptop. :)17:08
cliftontsI think you're beating up the wrong bush entirely solarcloud17:22
cliftontsLooks like it's sorted anyway17:33
cliftontsseems the frequency scaling had died17:33
ubuntubhoyAlanBell: did you update your shopper extension to include the price ?18:05
AlanBellI did, yes18:07
AlanBelloh, didn't update the zip file probably18:07
AlanBellI also got it to connect to my server over https18:07
ubuntubhoyfancy throwing it out again ?18:09
neuromornin all18:29
AlanBellubuntubhoy: sure, I will do an update later18:41
AlanBellpopey: doing your christmas shopping tomorrow?18:41
* neuro wonders if ubuntubhoy is an actual Bhoy18:41
directhexmoo moo18:41
neuroancients of18:41
popeyAlanBell, yup18:42
ubuntubhoyneuro: very much so - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celtic_F.C.18:42
ubuntubhoyAlanBell: cheers18:43
neuromon the hoops :)18:43
neurolooking forward to juve in feb18:44
ubuntubhoykinda think we have a chance18:44
ubuntubhoyalbeit a slight one18:44
neurome too but don't want to get hopes up18:44
neurokinda puts all the politics rubbish from the league into perspective :)18:45
neurolast 16 baby!18:45
ubuntubhoymiss the old firm games though18:46
neuroi don't actually18:46
neuroi don't miss glasgow turning into a fear zone for 24h18:47
neuroi don't miss the eejits in the stands18:47
neuroi don't miss the gers trying to foul their way to a win18:47
neurogranted the spl may be less "exciting", but we have the champs league to make up for it18:47
ubuntubhoysee, I work in a pub, and I always hated old firm days18:48
neuroand with the gers out the way, it gives the other spl teams a chance to reach the CL and europa18:48
ubuntubhoybut I do miss that buzz in the belly18:48
neuroso they get a nice spread of the cash and the attention18:48
ubuntubhoyI agree with that18:48
ubuntubhoybut maybe a little cup final in may to pump them18:48
neuroand moar cash into the spl means moar good players being either trained up or bought in18:48
neuroi'd prefer the former, obviously18:49
neuroaye, cup final would be good actually :)18:49
neuroi must admit18:49
neurocos right now they're on easy street (ish)18:49
neuroi say ish because look at their away record :D18:49
neuroanyway, don't want to hassle all these good ubuntu people with fitba talk, just glad to see a fellow tim in attendance18:50
ubuntubhoy+1 ^^18:50
neurooh it's a grand old game to play for ... etc ;)18:50
neuroYOU KNOW!18:51
neuroTHE HISTORY!18:51
neurohearing that in parkhead being sung by like 50,000 people always gives me the goose bumps18:51
neuroANYWAY, he said not talking about football anymore ... :)18:51
neuroanyone know of any good ubuntu/puppet tutorials?18:52
neuroi'm pondering redoing my home infra from scratch and figure it might be a good way to learn18:52
neuronew years resolution, replace crusty old 8.04->10.04 bastion host and 10.04 dhcp server :)18:53
* neuro takes the silence as a 'no' :)18:56
cliftontsevening all. Anybody have any idea why the python command 'from serial.tools import list_ports' is producing the error 'ImportError: No module named tools'?18:57
=== OmNomLeJambon is now known as GentileBen
directhexhm, gaming press is ablaze with stories about ubuntu19:13
popeystories full of assumption and misunderstanding19:17
bashrcscurrilous rumours?19:19
penguin42popey: How far out from London are you to need to get up at 6?19:27
popeyneed time for brekkie, dress kids etc :)19:28
directhexpopey, can't go wrong with a good scandal19:28
penguin42heck, you're practically next to London already19:29
penguin42not like getting there from Manc19:29
penguin42as a kid I remember we took one of the old really slow night trains down in the summer, it was great, got in about 5-6am when it was still very quiet, wondered around pretty much deserted landmarks19:31
directhexi've been quite tempted by a night train to europe through the alps19:33
directhexlike to italy or something19:34
directhexwe don't want to fly with the baby until he's old enough that we're not The Parents Flying With A Baby19:34
AlanBell18 then20:01
AlanBellpopey: I am going to london too I think, but you will probably be there before me :20:03
popeyI'm leaving ~7am20:03
penguin42some of the sales have already started in Manc, I guess London as well - most will probably start boxing day though20:13
penguin42(I'm one jumper and two towels and one pack of labels into the sales so far :-)20:19
AlanBellwe don't have any shopping to do, I am just taking one or possibly two offspring up to look around and do touristy stuff perhaps20:24
ubuntubhoyinsult the locals, and have your wallet stolen ??20:50
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)22:20

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