
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos Good morning!06:34
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode06:34
Squirmdam time07:38
* nlsthzn is finding Windows 8 somewhat confusing...08:37
tuxmasterthats the whole point of windows 8 to be confusing and scare users to linux :P08:54
LangjanHi there, is there somebody on line who can assist me to get my Genius webcam going on Skype, Quantal 12.10?  09:23
Kilosafternoon all of ya11:00
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos, good afternoon 12:26
Maazinetpro: I don't know who Kilos, is. Say 'Kilos, on freenode' and I'll take your word that Kilos, exists12:26
inetproKilos: ehlo 12:26
Kiloslol hgiya inetpro 12:27
Kiloshiya as well12:27
inetprohet jy nie middag slapie nie? 12:28
inetprolekker warm vandag 12:29
Kilosja dit is12:41
inetproChanServ: wb13:20
inetpronlsthzn: wb13:20
charl_chanserv has been bad... it got killed by an operator :)13:24
nlsthznhi inetpro 13:46
inetprosmile2013: wb13:56
inetprosmile2013: it's not 2013 just yet13:56
smile2013no not yet :D13:57
Kiloshi smile2013 magtie mazal inetpro nlsthzn 15:38
mazalHi oom Kilos 15:38
smile2013hi Kilos :)15:38
magtieHi Kilos15:41
inetprogoeie more oom Kilos15:44
Kiloshehe so cheeky15:45
* inetpro cheeky?15:46
Kilosja ja15:46
Kiloshave you found out more about wraz anyone15:48
* inetpro just figured that he quit a few minutes ago15:49
mazalhehe pla Wraz nog steeds15:49
Kilosmust only be signal loss15:49
Kiloswhen he comes back i gonna ctcp ping him till he answeres15:52
* mazal ga krieket kyk15:53
inetproWraz: wb16:06
KilosWraz, wb16:06
Kiloshmm fast connection16:07
KilosPing reply from Wraz: 0.77 second(s)16:07
Kilosacherv, wb long time no see16:18
achervlittle busy16:19
achervKilos: best wishes16:19
Kilosty acherv and the best to you too16:19
WrazNot that fast.16:24
Kiloslol hi16:24
Kiloshi tuxmaster 16:24
Kilosping got them16:54
Kiloslo ludo 16:56
inetproWraz: wb17:23
inetproWraz: just tell Kilos that you are human and he will be happy17:24
Kilosyeah not a spybot17:32
Kiloshes just very shy inetpro 17:33
Kiloshi Squirm 17:38
Kiloshi there superfly 17:56
superflyHi Kilos 17:56
inetprosuperfly: you happy with the device?17:57
superflyinetpro: loving it17:57
superflyinetpro: been on Facebook recently?17:58
inetprohmm... lemme go look17:58
superflyinetpro: are you friends with me on Facebook?17:58
* inetpro can see superfly jumping up and down with a small fly on a trampoline18:00
inetprosuperfly: how did you combine them photos like that?18:01
Kilosyo not_found18:03
* inetpro likes this one: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-KBuqGFMbrXY/UNao8idftBI/AAAAAAAAAw0/jm1kQJOG-ws/s435/2012+-+118:03
inetprohmm... combined with instagram?18:04
not_foundhey uncle Kilos 18:04
not_foundand hello to all18:04
Kilosis that sound equipment18:05
not_foundso what is news in ZA land (except for X-Mas fast approaching)?18:06
superflyinetpro: no, combined beforehand and then instagramed 18:06
Kilosall good methinks not_found 18:06
inetproKilos: apart from the fact that he should find his self18:06
inetproKilos: he's lost his self again18:07
inetprothat is not news?18:07
Kiloslol i just twigged18:07
inetproKilos: you mean he is completely gone missing?18:10
Kilosno man himself instead of his self18:11
* not_found is confused18:11
inetpronee, I thought he just lost his self, like being a different person :-)18:12
Kiloswell if you not_found  then you lost arent you neil18:12
Kilosyou get so technical18:12
not_foundah ol...18:12
not_foundok even18:12
Kiloshows things there in ahab land not_found 18:13
Kilosdates and camel milk for Christmas18:13
inetpronot_found: wb18:13
not_foundnah, the wife is trying her hand at her first Turkey this year... so I might not be back after the 25th :'(18:14
not_foundthanks inetpro 18:14
Kilosturkey actually not too lekker18:14
inetpropoor Turkey18:15
Kiloskentucky is better18:15
* inetpro remembers Turkeys running around the yard on the farm as a kid18:16
inetprocan't remember eating one ever 18:16
inetproya, funny sound indeed18:16
Kiloskinda dry i think18:16
not_foundYup, I will humor her and the dry bird she serves :/18:16
Kilosthere is an art to cooking turkey so its not too dry18:17
inetprothey don't only have a funny sound but even look very funny as well18:17
superflywe're trying a turducken 18:18
inetprosuperfly: wth is that?18:18
Kilosnot_found, tell her in the filling to use a fair amount of fat in the filling18:19
not_foundgoing to catch you all later... some other peeps wish to use the PC... if I don't see any of you have a great X-Mass and an awesome New Year (not just for the day but for all the days after that too :p)18:19
inetprosuperfly: are you on the mobile?18:19
Kilosyou too not_found enjoy18:20
inetprosuperfly: how's the typing going on a touch screen? You seem slower than usual.18:21
superflyinetpro: I'm also busy with family18:25
superflya turbulent 18:25
superflyag 18:25
superflya turducken is a turkey stuffed with a chicken, stuffed with a duck18:26
superflystill getting used to the keyboard 18:27
superflythe screen is quite wide 18:28
inetprosuperfly: that sounds like a lot of meat18:30
inetproyou invited the whole community?18:30
superflyinetpro: no, they debone it and you get something like a Turkey roll18:34
superflyso we got the smallest one we could find 18:34
inetprosounds lekker!18:35
superflylooking forward to it :-)18:35
smile2013inetpro: :D18:39
smile2013Do you know it's already tweede kerstdag? :p https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/521439_205856926206104_153137958_n.jpg18:40
inetprosmile2013: uh?19:05
inetprowhat that about?19:05
smile2013inetpro: they say today is Boxing Day :p19:08
smile2013but they mean they'll have an action, and they are today open :p19:08
inetprosmile2013: nee man, waar val jy uit die bus uit?19:08
smile2013it's on the picture, inetpro 19:08
inetproof julle19:08
smile2013not my picture19:09
inetprosmile2013: ai! Baie deurmekaar daar by julle. :-)19:09
smile2013haha, ja ;)19:10
mazalSleep well everyone :)19:11
smile2013ons is 'n bietjie mis ;)19:20
Kilosya boxing day is the day after Christmas19:21
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:28
smile2013good night, byee :)19:30
* smile2013 leaves too19:30
SquirmI think it may be time for bed20:18
Squirmgood night20:18
superflyme too20:21
inetprogood idea20:30

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