
rpjsOnly wondering about how I should include a upstart and a initv script in the same package then. I have seen ./debian/init.rd and ./debian/upstart/name.conf. The latter does not appear to do anything when installing my packages, though. I have not found any documentation on it either.00:01
rpjsNor whether it is adviceable to include both.00:01
dex__bekks, : unable to change permissions and hence can not open in guest account00:03
emergencyany one there?00:03
dex__bekks, : is there an alternative00:03
BlackDalekI am stuck... can some help me build a deb package from this - https://github.com/akent/python-iview ?00:03
bekksdex__: Just install pastebinit and use it from a console.00:03
bekksdex__: And directly pastebinit the logfile, not your textfile.00:03
emergencycan anyone answer how to solve bad sector issue on a windows hard drive through ubuntu and gain access to files.00:04
emergencyim using a live cd on the laptop that is having isues... need to access files before replacing the hard drive00:05
bekksemergency: There is no way to fdix a bad sector, when it's physically damaged.00:05
dex__bekks, : thanks just two seconds00:05
emergencyseems that there are 15 bad sectors.. it shouldnt be physical00:05
GentoonI hate that my Thumb drive is screwed00:06
GentoonI really need something to install Linux onto now that my hdd is dead00:06
emergencybekks: it appreas to have system files corrupted during an update that didnt go well... then the drive is00:06
GentoonI cant think of anything00:06
bekksemergency: How do you know that they arent damaged physically?00:06
emergencynot mounting through ubuntu00:06
emergencya physical damage would have a click click repetivie noise... this was definitly from an update gone wrong00:07
timeturnervmware and ubuntu setup problem00:07
timeturnerhow do you guys setup NAT with vmware and a ubuntu virtual machine?00:07
bekksemergency: No. Totally wrong. A physical damaged may be caused by a head crash, or some other mechanical defect. But it may also be caused by a faulty magnetical coating on the plater.00:08
emergencyI understand that a bad sector can be ignored , but i can not mount or access data from the corrupted hard drive00:08
rpjsemergency: there is no rule saying a harddrive has to make noises to be physically broken.00:08
bekksemergency: So there is a faiur chance that your update went wrong because of a physical damage.00:08
compdocdont know anything about vmware, but nat is usually a default for qemu-kvm and I think virtualbox00:08
brandxi have a question i cant find an answer to. some of my windows will open lower than my physical screen and i cant get them to resize to fit. HP mini Ubuntu12.1000:09
BlackDalekI am stuck... can some help me build a deb package from this - https://github.com/akent/python-iview ?00:09
emergencyill get to physical damage last resort... i need to know how to access data from it if it is just a software thing00:09
angel56emergency: your update may have corrupted the directory structure. If linux cannot read the directories it cannot mount the drive00:10
emergencywhats a deb package00:10
emergencywould a data cable be able to mount it00:10
bekksemergency: First, you need to know wether your drive is damaged physically. Use smartctl and rub a selftest, short AND long.00:10
KI4RO!deb : emergency00:10
ubottuKI4RO: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:10
Jordan_Uemergency: It's not just a software problem. Period. Let's get that sorted out now.00:10
KI4RO!deb | emergency00:11
ubottuemergency: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.00:11
Jordan_Uemergency: That said, there is software that can help to recover as much of the data as possible from the drive, onto another drive.00:11
emergencyright.. i heard about that00:11
emergencywhere can i get smartctl?00:11
brandxany ideas why my windows will open to large for my screen size and i cant resize them?00:11
=== SierraAR is now known as Sierr[a]AR
emergencythe sector that has warning is id 19700:12
bekks!smartmon-tools | emergency00:12
emergencyive done a salf test00:12
Jordan_Uemergency: sudo apt-get install smartmon-tools00:12
emergencysorry didnt think for a second00:13
Jordan_Uemergency: Do you have a drive large enough to hold a full image of the dying disk?00:13
Ron-hi, i've a probelm. every time i restart ubuntu the hebrew typing support goes away00:14
emergencyyes,... its nmy girlfiends computer, and she didnt do a back up00:14
brandxideas for windows to large for screen size and unable to readjust there size?00:14
emergencythe drive is not physically damaged... test came back okay00:14
dex__bekks: check out my private msg00:15
Jordan_Uemergency: What error did you see that said that you had a bad sector?00:15
bekksdex__: Please keep it in the channel. Thank you.00:15
dex__bekks, : Its my security log, can't post it in irc00:16
dex__bekks, : Thanks00:17
emergencysmart data has 15 bad sectors... comfirmed by terminal code sudo badblocks -b 512 /dev/sda00:17
bekksemergency: So your drive IS physically damaged.00:17
=== Sierr[a]AR is now known as SierraAR
emergencyhow is it so becks?00:18
bekksemergency: 15 bad blocks.00:18
bekksemergency: You just said it yourself.00:18
Jordan_Uemergency: I would recommend doing a full disk image using the utility GNU ddrescue, and hopefully you'll be able to mount from that disk image to recover the data.00:18
emergencya bad block doesnt mean physical.. could be directory error00:19
Jordan_Uemergency: A bad block is by definition a physical problem.00:19
dex__bekks, :anything useful?00:19
coolballgweetings webels00:20
Jordan_Uemergency: Directories are at the level of filesystems, which is above the level where you're seeing problems.00:20
bekksemergency: A bad block displayed by smartctl does mean it is damaged physically, by definition, as Jordan_U just stated.00:20
emergencythen how may i do a system image if its physical?00:20
bekksdex__: The Xorg.* logs are far more interesting than your auth.log00:20
emergencyyou are being awesome...00:20
dex__bekks:sending you those00:20
bekksdex__: Please use a pastebin and keep it to the channel :)00:21
Jordan_Uemergency: Because an image can be made of all of the non damaged blocks, and also normally reads are done in large chunks from the disk, where if any part of that chunk is bad the whole read fails. Utilities like ddrescue will carefully use smaller reads to get all of the good data.00:21
emergencyand its an app jordan?00:22
Jordan_Uemergency: Yes.00:22
Jordan_Uemergency: If there are really only 16 bad blocks then it's very possible that all your data is still recoverable, but the drive itself is already toast and will likely just get worse.00:22
TheSargeSo my default Monitor switched itself and now i see no option in Displays to switch it back?00:22
dex__bekks, :http://paste.ubuntu.com/1458424/00:23
emergencysince its alive cd im using? is the ddrescue online? .... well bekks you win... i dont know how you knew but you did.... and jordan.. awesome00:23
dex__bekks, :http://paste.ubuntu.com/1458425/             Xlog.1.log00:23
Jordan_Uemergency: If you want an in-depth explanation the ddrescue manual gives a great (though long and technical) one: http://www.gnu.org/software/ddrescue/manual/ddrescue_manual.html00:23
rpjsI found #ubuntu-packaging which is probably better suited for my question.00:25
emergencyokay.. ill get to it00:25
dex__bekks, : Anything helpful?00:25
=== daniel is now known as Guest98109
Jordan_Uemergency: You can still install GNU ddrescue, from the "gddrescue" package, from Ubuntu Software Center within the LiveCD environment (it will be stored entirely in RAM). You can also of course install it via apt-get, but you'll need to enable the universe repository first (which Software Center should prompt you to do automatically if I recall correctly).00:27
Jordan_Uemergency: I suspect that you'll need help figuring out how to use GNU ddrescue. Tell me when you have it installed, or if you have any problems installing it.00:29
n00bzzubuntu 12.1 makes my laptop run extremely hot, how do i find what's causing it? :/00:30
dex__bekks, : Anything helpful?00:32
MonkeyDustn00bzz  you mean 12.10, the 10th month of the year00:32
* Myrcia is listening to Gangnam Style (강남스타일) by PSY from Gangnam Style (강남스타일) - Single00:32
MonkeyDustMyrcia  no sosuch scripts here, please00:32
* DaemeonZane shoots PSY in the face00:32
n00bzzyes thanks, MonkeyDust that's what i meant00:33
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.00:33
amarcolinoanyone care to explain or post a link that explain how to get ubuntu sharing files with windows 7, I have setup samba to share my backup folder found in /mnt/backup/windows/backup and it still doesn't show in windows.00:35
TheSargeHow do i set my Primary display in a dual monitor setup/ Its not in "Displays"?00:35
Dieghitohi everyone!! I have a quick question. I configured my bind9 and my domain but when I make a request to the domain like http://example.com does not work but when I type http://www.example.com works. Can you help me? How can I set that when I receive a request to my domain that works even without subdomains?00:36
n00bzzthanks OerHeks, but i'm not familiar with terminal yet :P00:37
dex__bekks, :dude?00:39
DarkAceLaptophow do I refresh my battery status?00:40
DarkAceLaptopit only shows how much power I have left once it gets down to 3%00:40
DarkAceLaptopreally really annoying00:40
OerHeksn00bzz, then turn the machine on, safer for you :P   <-- i don't take you serious00:40
OerHeksor off whatever00:41
Constyanyone know how to properly initialize an ipod for rhythmbox?  it will say it detects my ipod and needs to initialize it, but when I type in a name and confirm nothing happens.. it just pops up the same screen whenever I scan for new devices in the app00:42
Jordan_UOerHeks: Such comments are not acceptable here. Please keep things civil and don't insult people.00:42
n00bzzOerHeks, i'm just trying to learn00:42
Dieghitohi everyone!! I have a quick question. I configured my bind9 and my domain but when I make a request to the domain like http://example.com does not work but when I type http://www.example.com works. Can you help me? How can I set that when I receive a request to my domain that works even without subdomains?00:43
bekksdex__: What about the ~/.xsession-errors from your user - not the guest account?00:43
bazhangDieghito, no need to repeat so quickly00:43
Dieghitobazhang, sorry00:43
dex__bekks, :not getting the question00:44
DarkAceLaptophow do I refresh my battery status?00:44
DarkAceLaptopit only shows how much power I have left once it gets down to 3%00:44
dex__bekks, :  are you suggesting the Security log>?00:46
TheSargeHow do i set my Primary display in a dual monitor setup/ Its not in "Displays"?00:54
Constydepends if you have AMD, Nvidia, or Intel graphics card00:55
bekksdex__: No. I still am suggesting the ~/.xession* log00:55
bekksdex__: The security log is irrelevant, since you can login using your user on a console.00:55
TheSargesudo reboot00:57
TheSargeSo.. does ubunto not use GDM?00:58
TheSargeWhat does it use?00:58
mervalnot 12.0400:58
vernonHow do I make a bash script from these commands that I need to run in order to play Minecraft? http://pastebin.com/BR3rx3Cw01:01
MonkeyDustvernon  better ask in #bash01:02
ConstyMonkeyDust, you're a waste of space01:02
IdleOneConsty: you're not very helpful or polite.01:02
Constyvernon, make a new text file and put #!/bin/bash at the beginning of it, then put the two lines after that01:02
Constyright click the file go to properties01:02
Constyand allow it to be executed01:02
vernonConsty: Thank you!!!01:03
IdleOneConsty: redirecting to #bash was the correct thing to do seeing how this is bash support.01:03
gn00biequestion: I have an ubuntu 12.10 on a USB stick, it boots up no problem on my 5 year old laptop (runs ubuntu 10.04 LTS)01:03
un2himgn00bie, what is the ?01:03
Consty#ubuntu _should_ have a pretty broad support role since bash scripts are an integral part of the system itself01:03
gn00biebut when I go to the new laptop (Lenovo y580 with Windows 8, UEFI (secure boot disabled)) it does nothing01:03
gn00bieun2him: thanks for listening, any ideas?01:04
mervalWindows 8 has some weird bios lock01:04
IdleOneConsty: you may have a point there, but the rudeness of your comment to MonkeyDust was uncalled for.01:04
un2himgn00bie, i haven't had to mess with UEFI yet, so I'm not sure01:04
Jordan_Ugn00bie: You need to setup the USB drive for booting via UEFI.01:04
brun0hi all, anybody knows a free private git repository ?01:04
brun0hi all, anybody know a free private git repository ?01:05
* MonkeyDust is not easily offended, active participant in the lin-win flame wars (among others)01:05
mervalgn00bie: try this http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2012/11/05/dual-boot-windows-8-and-ubuntu-12-10-on-uefi-hardware/ it may help you out01:05
gn00bieJordan_U: OK, that sounds like something I have not done, any pointers?01:05
gn00biemerval: thanks, let me read it01:05
mervalgn00bie: np01:06
brun0somebody ?01:06
bazhangbrun0, offtopic here01:06
allerHello. What is LTS?01:07
mervalaller: long term support01:07
bazhanglong term support aller01:07
bazhang5 years server and desktop01:07
allerI guess that Ubuntu does new releases, and some of them are marked LTS?01:08
mervalaller: every 4th release is LTS I believe01:08
MonkeyDustaller  10.04 and 12.04 are LTS, 14.04 will be the next01:08
mervalaller: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases#Table_of_versions01:09
gn00biemerval: the problem is when I put in the 12.10 USB disc and boot up, it does not do anything, I get the lenovo logo, it flashes a few times and that is it.01:09
gn00bieonce I get to what do you want to do, I think I can handle it01:09
mervalgn00bie: have you checked the bios to ensure it's set to boot from USB?01:09
mervalsome BIOS have it set to load from DVD/CD then HDD and THEN USB. you might try moving USB to the top of that list01:10
Jordan_Ugn00bie: Do you want to make your current installation booable via UEFI or would making a new installation that is UEFI bootable be fine? Is this a real installation or a LiveUSB?01:10
allerI'm trying to configure update-manager, to have latest software. So I guess I use "Prompt=normal" in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?01:10
mervalaller: usually ubuntu automatically gets the latest versions and prompts for download... are you tyring to do something different?01:11
thoonaiyou know a good and working youtube downloader?01:11
bazhangaller, if on 12.04, then yes,01:11
mervalthoonai: keepvid.com01:12
bazhangaller, that will make 12.10 visual as an upgrade option01:12
gn00bieJordan_U: according to everything I have read, the 12.10 should be bootable with UEFI, all the EUFI related files seem to be in the image01:12
thoonaimerval: thanks, know something for commandline?01:12
allermerval: I think I want "do-release-upgrade" ?01:12
mervalthoonai: I don't. :-(01:12
gn00bieJordan_U: I downloaded the 12.10 x64 image and dded it to the usb drive. It works with 2 other computers I have (older BIOS computers though)01:13
thoonaisomeone knows a command line youtube doenloader?01:13
bazhangyoutube-dl thoonai01:13
Jordan_Ugn00bie: It is bootable via UEFI, when burned to a CD. Just not when dd'd to a hard drive.01:13
mervalaller: Ubuntu by default won't notify you of a release until it's stable and ready for release.. what version are you running and what vesion do you want do run?01:13
thoonaibazhang: youtube is quitting with unexpected error and not working01:14
gn00bieJordan_U: ah ok, it seems to be a hair too big to fit on a CD (764 Meg), DVD works as well?01:14
bazhangthen use something gui based, like the firefox plugin01:14
bazhanggn00bie, yes01:15
thoonaibazhang: most are simply not working01:15
bazhangthoonai, they all work here. problem on your ISP connection01:15
Jordan_Ugn00bie: Yes, it needs to be a DVD (I forgot that Ubuntu 12.10 lifted the size limit they used to stick to to allow burning to a CD).01:15
allermerval: I have 12.04 LTS. I want latest, because network drivers on my Asus 1201N sometimes need reboot01:15
IdleOnethoonai: the youtube-dl package has been broken since Youtube changed their API. I think you can download an updated version but not sure where01:15
gn00bieok so I need a writable DVD, thanks!01:16
IdleOnethoonai: unless that package in the repos has also been updated, in which case I have no idea01:16
thoonaiIdleOne: I know, bazhang not01:16
mayhewaller: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/06/upgrade-to-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal-from-ubuntu-12-04/01:16
thoonaiIdleOne: the repo one isnt working01:16
gn00bieI was hoping I could use the USB jump drive as the boot medium, but I guess if I need to find a DVD I can01:17
mervalaller: If I'm remembering correctly, and someone might correct me here, the LTS versions ONLY check for LTS releases unless you select to be notified for normal releases.. you can change it pretty easy in the settings of the update manager01:17
thoonaiIdleOne: i try their version from theirs01:17
bazhangmerval, yep01:17
gn00biemerval: yes, LTS only notifies of LTS and it is easily changed01:17
allermerval: yeah I can confirm I did this, "Prompt=normal"01:17
joggers250-SIZE 1024000001:17
FloodBot1joggers: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
mervalaller: are you running a server or desktop?01:18
Jordan_Umayhew: aller: That guide is partially wrong and somewhat dangerous. You only need the -d switch to update-manager for upgrading to development releases of Ubuntu.01:18
joggersdoes anyone know why im getting that message01:18
joggersin postfix?01:18
joggersrelay access denied?01:18
bazhangjoggers, no idea01:18
joggersits not the same login details as root?01:18
mervalaller: forgive... work calls. :-\01:18
bazhangjoggers, use pastebin next time01:18
joggerssomeone must of seen this before01:18
IdleOnethoonai: rub: sudo youtube-dl -U01:19
antiphysicisthi I have a partition and can't remember if I have ubuntu installed on it how do I check? have windows bootloader with an ubunutu option on it which doesn't work01:19
allermerval: generic kernel, so apparently desktop01:20
dr_willisantiphysicist:  use a live cd and try to mount the partition.01:20
dr_willisantiphysicist:  winbdows bootloader with a ubuntu optiion - sounds like a WUBI install to me01:20
un2himantiphysicist, dr_willis is correct01:20
antiphysicistI made a live usb which works, what do i do when I've mounted it, I don't tihnk its wubi cos then I'd see ubuntu in my c file system?01:20
antiphysicistthere may be remnant of multiple installs etc i probably tried a few things01:21
dr_willisantiphysicist:  you would see some wubi/ubuntu directoriues..  on c:\ somewhere01:21
dr_willisantiphysicist:  use the mount command to mount the filesystem.01:21
joggers 250 2.1.0 Ok01:21
joggers RCPT TO:<>01:21
joggers 554 5.7.1 <>: Relay access denied01:21
joggers RSET01:21
FloodBot1joggers: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:21
dr_willis!mount | antiphysicist01:21
ubottuantiphysicist: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount01:21
un2himantiphysicist, are you saying you can boot from the usb ?01:21
joggersim getting this denied message on postfix01:21
joggersplease someone!!!01:21
Jordan_U!pastebin | joggers01:21
ubottujoggers: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:21
joggerswhat is the default user for postfix01:21
antiphysicistye so I don't have any wubi cos there's no ubuntu files in windows, un2him yes i can boot from a live usb dr_willis  I'll try the mount thing then, thanks a lot!01:23
bazhangjoggers, stop flooding the channel01:23
Jordan_Uantiphysicist: Did you ever have a Wubi install? (or do you not know because this wasn't originally your system?)01:24
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer01:24
thoonaiIdleOne: I did update, but still: 'ERROR: unable to download video01:24
IdleOnethoonai: don't know what else to tell you, sorry.01:25
un2himantiphysicist, when you are booted into the live environment, you can also use gparted to see your partition layout01:25
amarcolinoanyone care to explain or post a link that explain how to get ubuntu sharing files with windows 7, I have setup samba to share my backup folder found in /mnt/backup/windows/backup and it still doesn't show in windows.01:25
bekksamarcolino: Can you mount it, regardless wether it shows up or not?01:26
dr_willisamarcolino:  theres entire books written on samba.  How did you setup the share? I tend to just edit the smb.conf file to share the users homes.01:26
bekksamarcolino: For showing it up, you need nmbd as well.01:26
dr_willisamarcolino:  often i have tto type in the server/sharename - share browsing can be brain dead..01:26
antiphysicistjordan_u un2him I can't remember if i did have wubi, its my system but was years ago, gonna go do the mount thing and gparted thanks for the advice01:26
un2himantiphysicist, you can also run sudo blkid01:26
dr_willis!info samba-doc01:26
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.6-3ubuntu5 (quantal), package size 5576 kB, installed size 13723 kB01:26
mervalaller: sorry for the wait, doing double duty :-P tech support over the phone and support here ;-P if you're using desktop try going into your update manager and see if it's setup to check for non LTS versions. I've not changed that setting via command prompt in ages.01:29
mervalaller: you can also run #do-release-upgrade and that should grab the 12.1001:31
IdleOnemerval: only if the prompt is set to normal01:31
allerI got it set to normal01:33
allerdoing some apt-get upgrade, then will go for do-release-upgrade -d01:33
mervalIdleOne: My bad.. I haven't manually updated in a long time. not since, 6.04 lol01:34
mervalaller: sweet! glad to hear you got it figured out01:34
mervalIdleOne: err 7.04 >.<01:34
IdleOnealler: -d might get you 13.04 which is a bad idea if you are coming from 121.0401:34
aller:] hope it updates kernel, and that Asus 1201N has some realiable wifi driver01:34
mervalaller: the -d forces the latest devel release I believe. might want to leave the -d off there.01:35
ntzrmtthihu777erm, bit of help patching a file?01:36
amarcolinodr_willis,  bekks, ok I've finally managed to show it on windows however, I can't seem to login using my ubuntu username and password also I set it up using the samba gui but also checked the snmbd.conf file and it is correct01:37
allerIdleOne: I'm being little eager for *latest*, just to be sure wifi driver is updated.. I will probably endup in fluxbox, so some consistency problems in high-level Ubuntu desktop-stuff is not problem to me.. If that what is risky in 13.04 ?01:37
bekksamarcolino: Did you create a smbpasswd file?01:37
mervalaller: 13.04 isn't release ready yet. you will end up with more headaches than anything else01:38
IdleOnealler: if you want to test 13.04 there is a link in the topic of #ubuntu+1 Try it on USB first.01:38
allerok, skip the -d :]01:39
AnthonyUKim on mythbuntu and trying to connect to in by vnc viewer, i have stoped windows firewall, and have typed "vncserver start" but still i cant log on by vnc. can anyone help01:40
ntzrmtthihu777is their a channel for gaming on ubuntu?01:46
ntzrmtthihu777hmm, tech support there? I am trying like hell to use my ps3 pad and it refuses to cooperate.01:47
dr_willisAnthonyUK:  what vnc server are  you using?01:47
AnthonyUKi dont know it is the one that comes with mythbuntu, you check a checkbox to install vnc server half way through installtion01:48
dr_willisAnthonyUK:   you may want to ask in #mythbuntu then. ive not used that in years. I just use the normal vnc servers like tightvnc, or vnc4server01:49
dr_willisim not even sure how maintained mythbuntu is these days01:50
AnthonyUKdr_willis: sorry just checked text now from putty it says "See vnc4server and Xvnc4 manual pages for more information."01:50
dr_willismythtv is such a neat idea and project.. but i just had to many issues with it. ;()01:50
mrhydeis it wise to do updates on ubuntu when virtualizing it on virtualbox?01:50
AnthonyUKwhat do you use now dr_willis?01:51
dr_willisAnthonyUK:   you could try just running 'vncserver'  and see if you connect.01:51
AnthonyUKk think i have done that but will do again01:51
dr_willisAnthonyUK:  the various xbmc type live disrtos on my Raspberry Pi :) so far this week...01:51
dr_willisI dont record tv any more01:51
dr_willisbetween netflix, hulu, and crunchyroll... who needs cable. ;)01:52
AnthonyUKi typed "vncserver" and it said " Starting applications in /home/mythbuntu/.vnc/xstartup"01:52
AnthonyUKi typed in the local ip in VNC Viewer and still got the same 10061 error01:53
antiphysicisthey I went on the live usb installed xchat used gparted mounted the partition to mount now when I go in mount there's what looks like an ubuntu file system but the music, docs etc is empty shall I assume that I have some empty install of ubuntu and just reinstall?01:53
ntzrmtth1hu777seems so.01:54
ntzrmtth1hu777damn right dr_willis01:55
dr_willisAnthonyUK:  it dident say what port to use?01:56
dr_willisFile not found....01:57
AnthonyUKnope dr_willis01:57
dr_williswhen  i start vncserver here i get somnthing like --->  New 'SSDBuntu:1 (willis)' desktop is SSDBuntu:101:58
mrhydenotes isnt preinstalled on ubuntu 12 anymore?01:58
dr_willisthe :1 is the desktop # of the vnc servedr. which is  basicallyy the port #.  the client adds some # to it to get the port,.01:59
dr_willisif i run vncserver again. i would get a 2nd desktop on :2 and so on...01:59
mrhydewhere can I see all my ubuntu applications02:00
dr_willisYou could check the vncserver logs in .vnc - it may be the server is quiting.02:00
AnthonyUKoh wait i do see now02:00
AnthonyUKNew 'mythbuntu-MS-7037:2 (mythbuntu)' desktop is mythbuntu-MS-7037:202:00
blackshirtmrhyde, look with dpkg -l02:00
AnthonyUKso i guess when you asked me to type "vncserver" it created a 2nd02:00
blackshirtmrhyde, describe your need detaily02:00
AnthonyUKdo i now have 3 desktops running, one of them been the actual desktop of that machine?02:00
dr_willismrhyde:  you mean tomboy-notes ?02:00
mrhydesorry i just found how, on dash home :)02:01
dr_willisAnthonyUK:  vnc can share the current visible desktop, or have  hidden desktops.02:01
dr_willis!manual | mrhyde02:01
ubottumrhyde: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:01
dr_willisTomboy-notes was such a handy app. ;( it really needed more love and development02:01
mrhydewow ubuntu comes preinstalled with transmission bittorrent client....to say the least I'm stunned at how great this free os is.02:02
dr_willisthe reccomended way to get new isos of the latest releases is via torrent. ;)02:02
joggerssudo vipw02:03
dr_williscommnand not found02:03
dr_willisdid you mean.....   try 'sudo apt-get install fortune'02:04
dr_willisunderrated but Such a handy feature02:04
seba_Hello guys.02:06
seba_I have a problem with my audio device input.02:06
seba_when i speak quietly, the volume record raises which makes alot of noise. how do I lock this volume bar on low level?02:06
joggers4465420184529568 04/15 767Mary Renison2321 State Highway 49PlacervilleCalifornia95667-3309United states530 621-321102:06
joggers4465420394438899 02/15 680 Mary Sue Hopkins4603 Aster LnVictoriaTexas77904-2137United states(361) 576-294802:07
OerHeksspamming credictcards ?02:08
Gentoonwtf was that about?02:09
GentoonThat card worked for me on Brazzers!?02:09
OerHeksno need for creditcard, ubuntu is free.02:09
=== marvin is now known as Guest69120
RyuGunsIs it possible to install Ubuntu 12.XX, 11.XX or 10.XX on a MacBook 1,1?02:26
RyuGunsI can't seem to find it anywhere....02:26
erncicRyuGuns: cdimage.ubuntu.com02:27
AnthonyUKdr_willis and everyone who wants a chuckle: I have just been entering an ip into VNC Viewer, I have now just tried and it has done something02:30
AnthonyUKall this time i was just entering the ip....02:32
ntzrmtthihu777anyone here can give me a hand installing my ps3 pad via bluetooth?02:34
sherkwhich is the easiest way for me to set up mysql and php on my ubuntu?02:39
AnthonyUKhmm when i access the other computer by vnc all i get is a command line window, i dont see the other computers desktop02:40
sherkGentoon: do you happen to know?02:41
aknewhopeAnyone had success installing Ubuntu in bootcamp? (Please don't mention VMware)02:43
Gentoonsherk: Ubuntu has a LAMP version02:43
puffSo, I added the bumblebee PPA, tried out bumblebee, am now reverting.  Did ppa-purge of the bumblebee PPA and for ten different packages it gave me "Unable to find an archive "precise" for the package "bbswitch-dbus|bumblebee|bumblebee-nvidia|virtualgl|etc".02:43
puffAnd then bumblebee was still installed;  when I went to apt-purge bumblee, apt wanted to remove 231 additional packages.02:44
booboohello fellow ubuntu users!02:47
=== EricAndrews is now known as EricCubixCloud
erncicAnthonyUK, I don't know how vnc is set up in mythbuntu, but at the command line window, try 'startx'02:49
AnthonyUKhi erncic i have just found this guide and it taught me "vncserver -kill :x" http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Configure-the-server/Install-VNC.html02:51
erncicAnthonyUK, good. glad you are still moving forward.02:51
AnthonyUKi have just now typed "vncserver -kill :4" "vncserver -kill :3" vncserver -kill :2 and 1 and so on hehe02:51
AnthonyUKcheers erncic02:51
dartosWhat is the name for the mesa packages?02:54
dartoswhat are the names rather..02:55
erncicdartos, mesa-utils ? apt-cache search mesa02:56
dartoserncic: thats it. thanks02:56
=== richard is now known as Guest91749
kronik495hey, im new to ubuntu and im pretty bad with computers apparently. i've been trying to boot ubuntu 12.10 but its not able to install properly03:00
plut0how do i connect to a remote ubuntu install via ssh? i keep getting permission denied when authenticating03:00
avickery911Are you booting from an iso image?03:00
maetthewplut0, ssh username@host.com03:01
kronik495i downloaded the ISO and then decompressed it to a disc03:01
plut0maetthew: what username do i use03:01
kronik495i tried it from a usb first but didnt get too far with that03:01
avickery911have you installec Open SSH?03:01
kronik495open ssh?03:01
kronik495cant say i've heard of it lol03:02
avickery911sorry that was for plut003:02
plut0avickery911: i'm on the installer still03:02
kronik495wizard tells me to read the wubi log file03:03
avickery911My first ubuntu experience I used Virtualbox rrom sun and pointed to the iso image03:03
craigbass1976Caution -- old person alert...  I'm trying to calibrate my joystick, which seems ok in jstest-gtk, but when I fire up Stella to play Combat, I can't turn left.  Any ideas?03:03
plut0ahh nevermind i got it, the username is installer03:03
avickery911So you got partially through the install and it failed?03:04
kronik495yeah, like five times03:04
kronik495always at the same spot03:04
bitplaneHi, what's Ubuntu using for thermal throttling / fan control? My system is overheating and I'd like to change the settings03:04
Jordan_Ukronik495: Don't install via Wubi. Uninstall Wubi then install normally.03:04
Abhijit!fan | bitplane03:05
ubottubitplane: fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html03:05
kronik495after i disabled nod it got a lot further, but still failed03:05
avickery911Sou ds like you need a guru. I have never installed rrom USB only rrom image, eight different versions of Ubuntu03:05
kronik495im just doing what the ubuntu site says to do03:05
kronik495i unpacked the iso to a disk and ran the installer03:06
avickery911What OS?03:06
kronik495it just consistently failed and directs me to wubi03:06
kronik495im currrently running win 8 -.-03:06
bitplaneAbhijit: does that page load for you?03:06
Jordan_Ukronik495: What page are you referring to?03:06
kronik495trying to load ubuntu 12.1003:06
avickery911Will the iso rrom the USB boot to LiveCD mode?03:07
kronik495Jordan_U: im not entirely sure?03:07
Jordan_Ukronik495: You should either burn the iso file to a DVD and boot from that to run the installer, or use software like Unetbootin to put it properly onto a USB drive and boot from that to run the installer.03:07
Abhijitbitplane, yes it does. I think you need to logged in to view the page.03:07
kronik495i have the iso file on disk03:08
bitplaneI get an empty 200 response from squid with a cache miss in the headers03:08
Jordan_Ukronik495: You referenced "the ubuntu site". Can you post the URL of the exact page you're looking at for instructions?03:08
Jordan_Ukronik495: Do you have a blank DVD?03:08
Abhijitbitplane, log in03:08
kronik495one sec03:08
ntzrmtthihu777is there a channel like #ubuntu-hardware I can get support on?03:09
bitplanegrr I don't have an account03:09
mrhydesystem76 or zareason>03:09
Jordan_Ukronik495: That's odd, because the page you just linked to says nothing about unpacking any files.03:11
kronik495i couldnt just run the iso as is, my lapy refused03:11
avickery911Quick question, are you installingUbuntu 12.10 to replace Windows 8, run along side it, or in a virtual machine?03:11
kronik495i unpacked after reffering to a few of my tech friends that are already runnig ubuntu03:12
Jordan_Ukronik495: You don't "run" an iso. You either burn it to a DVD or you use a utility like unetbootin to make a bootable USB drive from it.03:12
kronik495for the moment im trying to boot it off disk or usb before i decide to install in paralell03:12
kronik495i have a boot disk of the iso03:13
Jordan_Ukronik495: Which would you prefer to do, burn it to a DVD or make a bootable USB drive?03:13
kronik495id prefer to make a bootable usb03:13
avickery911The hell you can't, how do you think I'm talking to you now.03:13
Jordan_Ukronik495: What OS will you be using to make the bootable USB?03:13
kronik495win 803:13
kronik495i hate win 8, just to put that out there03:14
Jordan_Ukronik495: Follow these instructions then: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows03:14
avickery911Me too.03:14
Jordan_Uavickery911: kronik495: How much you like or don't like Windows 8 is offtopic to this channel. Please stick to support related discussion.03:15
kronik495just follow this step by step?03:15
Jordan_Ukronik495: Yes. If you have any questions about any step feel free to ask.03:16
avickery911I defer to Jordan_U03:16
kronik495thank you :)03:16
Jordan_Ukronik495: You're welcome :)03:16
Jordan_Uemergency: Have you installed GNU ddrescue?03:18
Moon_Doggyapache will not DIE03:18
Sazpaimonis there a way to change unity's alt-tab behavior to be windows style?03:18
Sazpaimonas in, showing all the actual windows, not grouping them by programs03:19
Moon_Doggyi've tried "sudo apt-get autoremove apache2" after that i try to install lighttpd and get an error saying it cant bind to 80, "sudo netstat -tulpn| grep :8003:22
Moon_Doggy" shows apache2 binded to 80, ps aux reveals apache2 twice, killall with pid id says "no process found03:22
KsMkillall does not take pids03:23
DaemonicApathykillall takes process names03:23
erncicMoon_Doggy, apt-get remove apache2 or apt-get purge apache203:23
KsMuse kill for pids, killall for names03:23
kronik495alright, i have my usb drive set up, wish me luck :)03:23
josefd8I was wondering, I knew that ubuntu inst allowed to include the restricted extras packages in the main distro because of copyright issues03:23
Moon_Doggyerncic, tried that, says its not installed03:23
josefd8but why a distro like linux mint can?03:23
DaemonicApathyI would imagine Mint inherits quite a lot from Ubuntu.03:24
josefd8but mint is not tied by the same legal restrictions?03:24
bazhang!ot | josefd803:25
ubottujosefd8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:25
Moon_Doggythanks DaemonicApathy, KsM, and erncic03:25
Moon_Doggykilled it03:25
lickalottgents...  have NFS and samba set up configured similar to previous OS isntall.  I can see the folders but when i put my user info in it tells me it's wrong.03:30
puffHm, I seem to recall there's an aptitude option to reconfigure a package... how do you reconfgure X?03:32
Jordan_Upuff: The default configuration for X is to not have any Xorg.conf at all, with everything detected at runtime. So you can rename or delete your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get back to a default configuration.03:33
vltpuff: dpkg-reconfigure?03:34
puffJordan_U: Yeah, bt X is still broekn.03:35
Jordan_Upuff: Use ppa-purge to ensure that all of the packages installed from the ppa are reverted to the stock packages.03:36
puffJordan_U: I did... didn't work.03:36
puffJordan_U:  See darksleep.com/puff/xorg/external_monitor.log, the bit at the end.03:37
asgard20032How to make that when i plug a device i take immediately ownership of it?03:38
mrhydelibreoffice cant write to .doc format?03:38
Jordan_Umrhyde: It can. Are you having a problem with LibreOffice?03:40
mrhydeyes i open my job resume which was done on windows microsoft office, try to open and edit with libreoffice in ubuntu and it tells me its read-only03:41
Squarepymrhyde, probably a permission thing, libreoffice can handle doc just fine03:42
asgard20032Because of that ownership problem, whenever i plug a device that was not formatted on that computer, it said it is root owned, but on the computer i formatted it with ubuntu, automaticelly take ownership of it03:44
kronik495well that didnt get too far, i have the boot drive all set up, but my laptop still wont accept03:44
mrhydeSquarepy: thank you that is true. instead of saving my document i did open and it was in a tmp folder. im able to edit now :)03:44
kronik495i think that i just need help troubleshooting :/03:45
Jordan_Ukronik495: What happens when you try to boot from the USB drive?03:46
kronik495when i restart, im given the option to boot windows or ubuntu, i choose ubuntu and it comes up with an error03:46
kronik495its the same issue that i had when trying to boot ubuntu from disk03:47
Jordan_Ukronik495: Could you take a picture of this error with a camera?03:48
Jordan_U!screenshot | kronik49503:48
ubottukronik495: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.03:48
kronik495alright, ill see what i can do?03:48
kronik495will the prntscrn hold up through booting win8 after the failed boot of ubuntu?03:49
Jordan_Ukronik495: No, printscreen won't work. You'll need to use a camera.03:50
kronik495well shit.03:50
kronik495should i just write down the details then? i dont have a camera at my disposal03:50
Jordan_Ukronik495: No camera on your cellphone?03:51
kronik495i have an old nokia still lol03:51
kronik495play snake like a champ03:51
kronik495nonetheless, ill be back in a few. ill copy down the important details03:52
Jordan_Ukronik495: That error message  is probably coming from your boot firmware rather than from Ubuntu. If you have the manual for your computer/motherboard it would help to know what error #00225 means.03:53
etzerdhello all03:53
puffUgh... okay, so X is failing to start. Unclear why, it just says "Server terminated successfully (0).  Closing log file."  I am running ubuntu 12.4 on a thinkpad t520 w/optimus.  I was trying to get an external monitor to work.  I added the x-swat PPA and the bumblebee PPA and tried them, no luck.  I have since ppa-purged both PPAs, did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, not sure what else I can do.  It boots, gives me the GUI login sc03:54
puffI log in, it flashes to a console log for a second then back to the GUI login prompt.]03:54
etzerdhow to increase the font size from 10 to a larger font in ubuntu?03:54
erncicpuff, are you the only user? (Can you try to login as another user?)03:55
puffYes, and yes.03:55
etzerdhow to increase the font size from 10 to a larger font in ubuntu?03:55
jcunitwhat is the help channel?03:56
erncicpuff, create a new user and see if you can login with that user.03:56
pufferncic: Well I'll be... dang.  I logged in fine as another user.03:56
erncicpuff, check your .profile files and other . files for some cruft that is giving you a file or path not found when you are trying to login as yourself.03:57
etzerdhow to increase the font size from 10 to a larger font in ubuntu?03:58
jcunitis this where you can ask for help? or am i mistaken?03:58
pufferncic: Mucho thanks, but dang this is mystifying.03:58
sfalangaPlease check out our work. "We petition the obama administration to: promote the use of free software in our schools. Libre Office, Gimp, GnuCash and other GPL software which is cost free."  Petition here => wh.gov/Rz6C03:58
[_-S1L3NC3-_]Hey I need help with LIghtIRC03:58
sfalangaPlease check out our work. "We petition the obama administration to: promote the use of free software in our schools. Libre Office, Gimp, GnuCash and other GPL software which is cost free."  Petition here => wh.gov/Rz6C03:59
sfalangaPlease check out our work. "We petition the obama administration to: promote the use of free software in our schools. Libre Office, Gimp, GnuCash and other GPL software which is cost free."  Petition here => wh.gov/Rz6C03:59
[_-S1L3NC3-_]whats the correct way to config the config.js03:59
PJSingh5000jcunit, use a tool like myunity or gnome-tweak-tool03:59
erncicpuff, not really. I think you are getting an error of file or path not found on login, and so it is failing back to the login screen.03:59
PJSingh5000etzerd, use a tool like myunity or gnome-tweak-tool03:59
kronik495alright, here's what i have:03:59
kronik495File : \ubuntu\winboot\wubildr.mbr04:00
kronik495stat : 0xc000022504:00
kronik495required file missing or contails errors04:00
jcunitvmware says i need to install kernel headers04:01
dchernivjcunit, install it then04:01
Jordan_Ukronik495: OK, that's an error from Wubi. Boot Windows and uninstall Wubi.04:01
kronik495other than that it just tells me to fix windows with a new install disk04:01
jcunitexactly the reason I'm here.04:01
kronik495how do i get rid of wubi without getting rid of my entire boot drive?04:01
pufferncic: Yeah, but AFAIK nothing I've been doing should have monkeyed with that stuff.04:01
pufferncic: Any idea where that error might be logged?04:02
kronik495what is wubi anyways? this is all rather new to me04:02
Jordan_Ukronik495: By running the Wubi uninstaller, or using Windows' Add/Remove programs.04:02
jcunitkronik: boot into GParted, nuke your drive. reinstall using an ISO04:02
JetBoyJetGirlhow many meg flash drive is needed to live boot/install ubuntu?04:02
pufferncic: Again, many thanks.04:03
jcunitdoes someone know how to fix this problem with vmware? it's saying i need to install kernel headers 3.5.0-21-generic.04:03
dchernivjcunit, apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`04:03
erncicpuff: I am thinking x-swat or bumblee may have dropped something in .xsessionrc, .profile ... see if you got anything in your .xsession-errors ?04:04
Jordan_Ujcunit: Do you need VMware specifically? VirtualBox and KVM are much easier to install.04:04
kronik495what should i use instead of wubi?04:05
jcunitthanks dcherniv/04:05
jcunitthat will take forever... slow internet04:05
Jordan_Ukronik495: The normal installer, which you get to by booting from an Ubuntu USB/DVD. We're just getting rid of Wubi first.04:05
dchernivjcunit, no problem04:05
Jordan_Ukronik495: Do you understand how to uninstall Wubi now?04:06
jcuniti've never had this problem with ubuntu before...04:06
kronik495not entirely. i feel like a moron04:06
Sazpaimonis there a way to change unity's alt-tab behavior to be windows style?04:06
jcunitis it specifically with ubuntu 12.10?04:06
kronik495should i just delete wubi from my boot drive?04:08
kronik495or is that a bad idea?04:08
Jordan_Ujcunit: No, VMware is a pain to install with any version of Ubuntu. I highly recommend Virtualbox instead.04:08
Jordan_Ukronik495: That is a bad idea.04:08
jcunitvirtualbox gives me an error also04:08
jcunitand vmware is very easy to install.04:08
JetBoyJetGirlanyone know how big of a usb is needed typically to live boot/install04:08
JetBoyJetGirli have a 1 gigger04:09
Jordan_Ujcunit: What error do you get from Virtualbox and how did you install it?04:09
Jordan_UJetBoyJetGirl: That's big enough.04:09
jcuniti installed it through the software center?04:09
JetBoyJetGirlok , thanks jordan04:09
jcunitdidn't mean to add a ? there04:09
Jordan_Ukronik495: Do you know how to get to the Add/Remove programs utility in Windows 8? (Unfortunately I don't).04:09
kronik495yeah i do04:09
jcunitthe error i get is: Kernel driver not installed (rc=1908)04:10
kronik495but wubi isnt there specificallty04:10
Jordan_Ukronik495: That's odd.04:10
kronik495little bit04:10
kronik495the only "wubi" that i have is part of my boot drive04:10
kronik495came straight from the iso04:10
jcunitKernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)04:11
jcunitthat's what i get04:11
My2DippyDogselliott is here04:12
My2DippyDogsit's not "montana"04:12
mysteriousdaren#ubuntu-montana is the one Im talking about04:12
My2DippyDogsam i in the wrong room?04:12
mysteriousdarenya join that one04:12
=== Garr255_ is now known as Garr255
Jordan_Ujcunit: Odd. Do you get any output from "sudo modprobe vboxdrv"?04:13
jcunitlet me try it04:14
cakebossThe world has ended ;_;04:14
pufferncic: Hm, well,nothing obvious in .profile and I have no .xessionrc in my home directory.  There are some errors in .xession_erors (see darksleep.com/puff/xorg/dotfiles), not sure what's going on though.04:14
jcunitI get : FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found.04:15
jcunitfrom running sudo modprobe vboxdrv04:15
pufferncic: But the .xsession_errors is timestamped Dec 17 (on my local copy, of course).04:15
Jordan_Ujcunit: What is the output of "uname -r"?04:16
ntzrmtthihu777are getdeb and playdeb dead or something?04:16
jcuniti get: 3.5.0-21-generic04:17
Ben64jcunit: how did you install vbox04:18
OerHeksntzrmtthihu777, yes, getdeb is down for some weeks now04:18
erncicpuff: I don't know what it is, but I can tell you for sure it is in your home directory somewhere. The alternate user was the test if it was in a system level file (/etc) or in your home dir.04:19
jcuniti installed vbox via software system04:19
jcuniti mean04:19
jcunitsoftware center04:19
pufferncic: Yah... gotta just test I guess.04:20
Ben64jcunit: pastebin the output of "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox"04:22
pufferncic: Hm... okay, so I checked the datetime and then tried to login as the problme user, and then looked in /var/log for files modified after that datetime check.  auth.log was modified.04:22
erncicpuff: yes, your login was recorded04:23
=== dab is now known as Guest24692
erncicpuff: running unity, kde, gnome ?04:24
pufferncic: unity and gnome, and xfce (I like xfce but I tried it with unity).04:26
pufferncic: see darksleep.com/puff/xorg/auth.log_excerpt04:26
pufferncic: It's complaining about:  requirement "user ingroup nopasswdlogin" not met by user "puff"04:27
pufferncic: /var/log/syslog and some stuff in /var/log/lightdm wrere also modified at the same time, but no errors I can see.  Just uploaded them to puff/xorg/syslog and puff/xorg/lightdm04:30
pufferncic: What's weird is I'm entering the password to login, but it's complaining about nowpasswdlogin04:32
pufferncic:  Thanks for the help, at least I know where to look now.  Think I'm going to call it a night.04:33
erncicpuff: glad I could help narrow it a bit for you.04:34
=== JetBoyJetGirl is now known as machicola
=== machicola is now known as machicolaa
chadohhello. trying out weechat from an Ubuntu server EC2 instance from inside tmux. tmux and weechat disagree on scrolling particulars, it seems.04:39
kenta@chadoh The IRC client irssi is interoperable with tmux, if that helps :)04:41
chadoh@kenta Thanks. I tried that first, but it seemed like it was having scrolling difficulties, too. I'll give it another go.04:43
kenta@chadoh Hmm, are you running inside of X? If so, what terminal emulator are your using? Could you describe the nature of the scrolling issue?04:46
belgianguyis it possible to boot Ubuntu on a 6yr old Macbook?04:49
belgianguyI'm not accustomed to Apple HW, but some tearful chick ran up to me and I'd say I'd have a look at it04:50
belgianguyI'm already the Mayor of the Friendzone, so there's nothing in it for me except knowledge04:51
chadoh@kenta You know, I'm not even sure about X. My local machine is a Mac. The EC2 server I'm `ssh`ed into is running (GUIless) Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS.04:53
chadoh@kenta You can see a screenshot of my weechat/tmux weirdness here: http://cl.ly/LlH504:56
dr_willisbelgianguy:  there should be some macbook info in the forums or on the askubuntu.com site.04:57
belgianguydr_willis: ah, thanks, then I should be okay04:58
belgianguyI have Ubuntu as my main OS, and was hoping I could boot into a live CD, rescue her files and live happily ever after ;)04:59
CavalierPrimemount -t hfsplus whatever should work05:01
dr_willisbelgianguy: macs are supposed to be able to boot from a 2nd mac ;) or so ive heard. if you got them plugged together right.05:01
dr_willisbelgianguy:   the mac channels may know of some other mac rescue type cds05:02
belgianguydr_willis: ah, thanks, yeah I asked her about architecture and all she could say was "it's a Mac"05:02
CavalierPrimebelgianguy mount -t hfsplus05:02
belgianguyCavalierPrime: will keep that in mind, thanks05:03
dr_willisbelgianguy:  if its a PPC mac.. well.. good luck05:03
belgianguydr_willis: iirc, there used to be community versions for those architectures as well05:03
dr_willisbelgianguy:  i 'tried' to use ppc ubuntu on a mac.. ;)  it was painfull05:03
belgianguydr_willis: oh, so the "insert cd and it just boots might not happen?"05:04
dr_willisbelgianguy:  it might be easier to remove the HD and plug it into a USB enclosure and read it on a normal PC ;)05:05
dr_willisgood luck05:05
belgianguydr_willis: yeah, that was the initial idea, but aren't Macs glued together to prevent such actions,05:06
dr_willisdepends on the mac.05:06
belgianguyshe said it was 6 years old05:06
dr_willisthat means very little. :) she could off by 3 years...05:06
dr_willisor moar.05:06
belgianguydr_willis: true :) I guess I'll have to wait and see ;) thanks for the heads up though05:07
dr_willisI got a Universial USB hard drive adaptor - it does SATA, laptop sized IDE and normal sized IDE with a Power supply. for $25. Paied for its self several times over from me recovering files from friends HDs..05:08
belgianguydr_willis: yeah, I hope Macs aren't using torque screws, or I'd be in trouble05:10
ntzrmtthihu777is happypenguin.org dead or something?05:10
belgianguybut thanks for the helpful hints, I am off to bed now, it 6:11 am05:12
Tex_Nickntzrmtthihu777 : happypenguin.org seems to be offline05:13
ntzrmtthihu777damn. same for playdeb and getdeb too, it seems05:14
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity
Jordan_Umicrocode: Please don't post spam in this channel.05:24
microcodeJordan_U: please don't pretend that there's anything happening in this channel05:26
microcodentzrmtthihu777: 今晩は05:27
Jordan_Umicrocode: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Posting links to random sites is likely to get you banned for spamming.05:27
ccbnI'm looking for a soundcard that is compatible with 12.04 and has optical out. I'm going to hook it up to a 7.1 receiver, but im not sure if that implies I should get a 7.1 channel card since I'm just using the optical output.05:40
keberdo you know how many times eats one testicle man from apple? 29 times05:40
=== Albastos is now known as Albastos|off
elkykeber, that's not appropriate05:42
Knucklehe said tickle05:44
SolarisBoydoes anyone know any a utility that can monitor/report the amount of data a usb device is putting on the usb bus?05:47
Jordan_USolarisBoy: Is there a particular reason you want to know this information?05:49
lickalott_guys, just realized I got a 64bit ver of 12.10 (server ed.) but need the libs from 32bit to run stuff.  is there an easy way to do this?05:49
Jordan_Ulickalott_: Yes.05:50
Jordan_Ulickalott_: What are you actually trying to install?05:50
lickalott_some eggdrops and wraiths05:50
lickalott_sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ??05:50
Jordan_Ulickalott_: eggdrop is 64 bit and packaged for Ubuntu.05:51
lickalott_i have to recompile the eggys' to get them to work.05:52
lickalott_the wraiths are a no go without the 32bit libs05:52
lickalott_will that command get me what I want?05:52
Jordan_Ulickalott_: Figure out all of the dependencies for whatever you're installing, and install the 32 bit versions of those packages.05:54
SolarisBoyJordan_U: yes05:54
Jordan_USolarisBoy: What reason?05:54
SolarisBoyJordan_U: im developing a kiosk type system based on ubuntu current LTS - it's in short specialize in recording video sessions, there would be 1 or more cameras plugged in - maybe 3 - however im running into problems... is that enough or should i provide more?05:56
Jordan_USolarisBoy: I don't know if I can help you or not, but giving more information can't hurt and may get someone else to chime in.05:57
SolarisBoyJordan_U: ok05:57
SolarisBoyJordan_U: ok the basic run down is that im recording streams with ffmpeg from the cameras found on the system , the ffmpeg options are built up based on the camera (object) attributes returned from various v4l2-* calls, at run time the highest resolution is chosen that the camera supports and it will attempt to use the compressed format if supported.06:00
Guest17593DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 006:00
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.06:00
SolarisBoyJordan_U: problem now is when we get to 2+ cameras only resolution of 300x300 seems possible06:00
SolarisBoyJordan_U: anything higher and each ffmpeg process after the first. dies with "device is full" in referecen to the USB bus06:01
SolarisBoyhowever online i see multiple reference too - quirks=128 on uvcvideo and that it's just the way that the devices are being read - so long story short the people buying this - will need an explanation as to why extra usb cards are a requirement =)06:02
SolarisBoyJordan_U: i figured if i had a tool like that it wouldn't be hard06:02
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away
=== root__ is now known as Sail
Sailhow to make my apache web server live on internet?06:03
Jordan_U!rootirc | Sail06:03
ubottuSail: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.06:03
Sailubottu: yea i know tht i am litle screwed so please dont irritate me more06:05
ubottuSail: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:05
=== _dd is now known as Guest81029
Sailanyone know how to make apache web server live on internet06:05
=== Guest81029 is now known as ddee
MechdaveSail, you need to open port 80 on your router06:07
SolarisBoyis there anyway to tell what options a driver is loaded with? like to see if something you added in /etc/modprobe.d/uvcvideo.conf is loaded with the specified options? (post rmmod && modprobe uvcvideo)06:07
SailMechdave: i already did that but its not working06:07
MechdaveSail, did you forward all traffic destined for port 80 to your server box?06:07
Sailwhenever i open my external ip address in browser it linked me my default router page06:08
Sailserver box?06:08
SolarisBoySail: you need to port forward not open the routers port 8006:08
SolarisBoySail: look for the option for "port forwarding"06:08
SolarisBoySail: and then set a port for the router to "accept" and configure to point to the internal ip:port of the webserver thats accessible behind the routers NAT06:09
SolarisBoySail: multiple how-to's online per router - use google06:09
MechdaveSail, Also you need to log out of the root account and not run your IRC program as sudo... It opens up a massive hole in your security!06:09
Sailok my router is dlink dsl-2730u  thn i go to NAT in here i goto virtual server where i set my port 80 to http service06:09
penguinmanSail: having your router's config page open to the internet is also a major security risk.06:09
SolarisBoyyes it is..06:10
SolarisBoyespecially with your reverse ip posted..06:10
MechdaveSail, You also need to tell the router what ip address the server is on06:10
SailMechdave: i set it to my ipaddress06:11
MechdaveSolarisBoy, It is ok, Sail's router is not open to the internet... I checked :)06:11
SolarisBoyhaha - naughty06:11
penguinmani've been known to run irc as root, but that's when I'm on my backtrack vm :)06:12
MechdaveSolarisBoy, When he said he was having trouble with his server naturally I checked his ip to see if it worked :)06:13
MechdaveWhere did he go?06:14
Tex_NickSolarisBoy : RE ; USB Bus sniffing ... see if this helps http://biot.com/blog/usb-sniffing-on-linux06:16
SolarisBoyTex_Nick: Thanks!!06:17
Tex_NickSolarisBoy : np hope it points ya in a good direction06:17
SolarisBoyme too - much appreciated06:17
=== robsa is now known as Guest43256
=== CrazyZurfer is now known as yeahman
yeahmanHi, i bought my computer with ubuntu 12.04, how much do I have to pay to upgrade it to 12.10?06:28
Tex_Nickyeahman : nothing :-)06:29
yeahmanWhere can I buy it06:29
aeon-ltdyou don;t06:30
Tex_Nickyeahman : www.ubuntu.com ... you can download the upgrade from there for free06:30
aeon-ltdyeahman: it's FOSS free open source software06:30
yeahmanI think I like this06:30
Jordan_Uyeahman: Ubuntu is Free software. That means that costs no money (and never will) and it also means that it is Free as in freedom.06:31
Anom01yhey does anyone know about Acer EEEPC's ?06:31
Tex_Nickyeahman : you'll need to choose from 64 or 32 bit platform06:31
bazhangAnom01y, ##hardware06:31
Anom01yIt used to have Ubuntu 10.04 on it, everything worked perfect, I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04, and now the SD cards don't work06:31
Anom01ySD card reader on the side of the laptop06:31
yeahmanI've heard that linux is for programmers only, is that true?06:31
bazhangAnom01y, what happens when you plug it in06:31
bazhang!ot | yeahman06:32
ubottuyeahman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:32
Anom01ynothing, ubuntu does not detect anything is plugged in,06:32
Anom01ybazhang, I've tried Gparted,06:32
bazhangAnom01y, what about dmesg06:32
yeahmanOkay bazhang06:32
Anom01yI will try06:32
Anom01yAnom01y, I will have to get back to you on this because my Wife is in the middle of a movie with it06:33
Tex_Nickbazhang : out of curosity ... is an ubuntu upgrade not a support issue ;-)06:34
Anom01ybazhang,  I mean,06:34
bazhangTex_Nick, asking generic questions about linux being only for programming is06:34
SolarisBoyTex_Nick: if your interested and i may be reaching but i found something pretty interesting in regards to my issue: http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f25/solved-usb-bandwidth-exceeded-webcam-help-575283.html .. sure it's some hacky old thread but it actually does make sense - and now that i think of it - i have a load o usb devices plugged in here06:38
Tex_NickSolarisBoy : i was interested in your requirements ... it would be useful for a number of needs ... thanks06:40
plut0why can't i reinstall grub inside a chroot? /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).06:44
Guest92265isn't g++ included by default in ubuntu 12.10?06:45
Jordan_Uplut0: Did you bind mount /dev/ /proc/ and /sys/ within the chroot?06:45
plut0Jordan_U: sure did06:45
Jordan_Uplut0: Please post the exact grub-install command you're using and the contents of /proc/mounts.06:46
Jordan_Uplut0: (using pastebin for the /proc/mounts contents)06:46
plut0Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/xwXGgXyE06:47
plut0Jordan_U: none of the grub commands seem to work, same error06:47
Jordan_Uplut0: Where are you trying to chroot into?06:49
plut0Jordan_U: the ubuntu install06:49
dr_willisafter you chroot - see whats in /dev/06:49
plut0lots of stuff in /dev06:49
penguinmanGuest92265: i'm not sure actually. I always install build-essential automatically on a fresh install of anything with a buntu backend.06:49
Jordan_Uplut0: Which is mounted where?06:49
plut0Jordan_U: /rpool/kvm0106:50
Jordan_Uplut0: Your /proc/mounts doesn't mention /rpool/kvm01 at all.06:51
plut0i see it in there06:52
SolarisBoyTex_Nick: np - still looking for that power adapter for my usb hub to test ;>06:52
Jordan_Uplut0: It's not in your pastebin link.06:53
Guest92265penguinman: i cant even install g++ manually. It says i have unmet dependencies06:53
plut0Jordan_U: yes it is, zfs06:53
Jordan_Uplut0: /rpool/kvm01 is not mentioned in your /proc/mounts. That may be because of the way that zfs filesystem/subvolume/whatever mounts are handled, but it's not there.06:55
vividGuest92265: perhaps if you provide the terminal output of your attempt to install g++, suggestions for resolution can be made06:55
Tex_NickSolarisBoy : if you need external power for your devices ... NewEgg is a great resource ... http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=-1&isNodeId=1&Description=usb+hub+power&x=0&y=006:56
SolarisBoyTex_Nick: thanks06:57
Jordan_Uplut0: Ahh, I was expecting the contents of /proc/mounts from outside the chroot.06:57
SolarisBoyi actually have a cool d-link usb hub which i am just now noticing (so dull) is externally powered (optionally) and i just never plugged it into the power jack06:57
Jordan_Uplut0: What version of grub is this ( "grub-install --version" )?06:58
SolarisBoynow - the mission is - finding my power adapter which i no dought tossed into the depths of my bedroom - somewhere...06:58
gogetaWake up07:17
Noskcajgogeta, no07:18
=== rla is now known as Guest56567
jenniemy ubuntu is 1204 , how can I upgrade to latest one without formatting ?07:31
Snowiehi all. Im sure this has been asked here before. Steam for linux. at card. i cant find the fglrx-experimental-X driver anywhere. 12.04. any advice?07:32
Noskcajjennie, no formatting s involed, just click upgrade to 12.1007:32
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their devlopment, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.07:32
jennieSnowie I also have the same problem ,  you better upgarde to 121007:32
jenniethats why I am upgrading, its the 1204 xserver issure07:33
Noskcajor type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"07:33
SnowieNoskcaj, jsut noticed i cant add friends in the client either. must be broked07:33
jennieyes, sudo apt- get dist-upgrade is cool07:34
jenniehow long it will take ?07:34
Noskcaj1 hour probs07:34
jennieand the crash messgae which appears in ubuntu 1204 will also disappear ?07:34
Snowiewth. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.?????07:37
Z`Hi people. I'm on 12.04LTS. After doing an upgrade/reboot, I no longer have sound. How to debug it ?07:45
aeon-ltdZ`: is it muted in alsamixer?07:46
Z`aeon-ltd, nop, checked that (typing alsamixer in console and looking for 'MM')07:47
aeon-ltdZ`: what was in the update?07:48
Z`I can't remember :( But it must have been something minor07:49
plut0Jordan_U: you still awake?07:49
Jordan_Uplut0: Barely :)07:49
plut0Jordan_U: what did you want to know now?07:49
Jordan_Uplut0: grub-install --version07:49
aeon-ltdZ`: ok then, we'll just check basic stuff. is your source good? are headphones plugged in?07:50
* Tex_Nick thinks Jordan_U spends about 26 hours a day helping people ;)07:51
Jordan_Uplut0: For zfs support it's probably best to use grub 2.00. Have you actually succeeded in using grub-install with this configuration from the booted system rather than from a chroot? If not, then my guess is that it's a zfs specific problem rather than a problem with doing it in a chroot.07:51
Z`aeon-ltd, all good. I'll try a reboot :\07:52
plut0what does grub-probe check for device path?07:52
Jordan_Uplut0: For most filesystems /proc/self/mountinfo , for zfs I believe various functions from libzfs are used.07:55
picstandcan anyone explain me what this sentence mean. I have tried copying everything everywhere, but cryopid just won't compile "Before compiling you *MUST* make sure that the header files for the version of07:56
picstandLinux you are using are copied or linked into /usr/include"07:56
plut0how do i tell apt-get to ignore packages to be removed?07:58
dchernivpicstand, usually means that appropriate header package needs to be installed07:59
dchernivpicasso, ie linux-headers-<YOURKERNEL>07:59
picstandsee that's what I thought, I took the linux-header.... from /usr/src and copied it to /usr/include and when I try to compile it still cant file the user.h08:01
picstandlet em try again08:01
plut0i have a package set to be removed, how do i set it not to remove anymore?08:02
Jordan_Uplut0: What symptoms are you seeing? If a package has started the process of being removed you really should let it be removed then just re-install it. If you're seeing that something needs to be removed for you to install another package then there are some dependency issues.08:05
plut0Jordan_U: old linux kernel is set to be removed, it always fails because grub is failing08:05
plut0Jordan_U: i need to upgrade grub to v2 but i'm stuck in a circular dependency hell now08:06
tomreynusing dpkg directly, if (really) necessary with --force* options, can help there most of the time.08:07
Jordan_Uplut0: sudo mv /usr/sbin/update-grub{,-backup} && sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/update-grub08:08
Jordan_Uplut0: I'm going to assume that you understand what that does, and how to revert it. If not, say so and I'll explain.08:08
plut0yeah i understand08:09
[_-S1L3NC3-_]anyone config'd lightIRC here?08:09
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest7529
tomreyn[_-S1L3NC3-_]: i think that's off-topic here08:10
[_-S1L3NC3-_]its running on ubuntu08:10
tomreynglad you got the message ;)08:11
MyTh88anybody ideas on  how to get to work either atheros AR8161 or broadcom BCM4313 without any connection on ubuntu fresh install?08:13
tomreynMyTh88: Download what's missing to make it work either via ethernet or using another computer, then put it on a USB key.08:14
MyTh88one is ethernet one is wifi, no one working :/08:15
tomreynoh the bcm is a nic08:15
MyTh88i'll try downloading on another machine ;)08:15
tomreynthat'S sad hardware choices08:16
MyTh88brandnew lenovo n581 notebook ;)08:16
MyTh88i'll try later, thanks for now! :)08:17
tomreynubuntu 12.04 or 12.10?08:17
tomreynok, ttyl08:17
computerwhat is the name of ubuntu 12.04?08:19
computeror version name that is08:19
=== psharmor is now known as tekoholic
tomreyn!12.04 | computer08:20
ubottucomputer: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120408:20
computerso its "Precise Pangolin"08:21
computerk thnx08:21
computerwhich one is karmic?08:22
tomreyn!karmic | computer08:23
ubottucomputer: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://ubottu.com/y/karmic for details.08:23
tomreynhi echo_08:23
computerthanks again08:23
echo_thanks again08:23
tomreynyou're welcome computer08:23
Tex_Nickcomputer : to see what you are currently running ... in terminal type lsb_release -a08:23
computerim using Zorin OS ubuntu based 12.0408:24
Tex_Nickcomputer : wikipedia has a rather good article regarding ubuntu versions ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases08:24
Jordan_U!derivatives | computer08:25
ubottucomputer: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)08:25
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away
computer #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned) ?08:26
Jordan_Ucomputer: Please join #ubuntu-ops and we can figure out why you're banned from #ubuntu-offtopic.08:27
tomreynhi Mongolski08:32
jesse__Hello.  I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10.  Everything worked just great, but now my sound isnt working (it did before).  The only major thing I did since the sound stopped was install E17 (Enlightenment Window Manager) which i then removed.  Does anyone know what the problem might be?08:33
=== enchilado is now known as Enchilado
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:34
jesse__thanks. i'll give it a look08:34
jesse__and that worked.  thanks08:35
plut0Jordan_U: why am i getting this error? http://pastebin.com/LAUTcZat08:38
Jordan_Uplut0: Are you running that within the chroot?08:39
plut0Jordan_U: yes08:39
plut0Jordan_U: any ideas?08:41
=== computer is now known as c0mputer
Jordan_Uplut0: The problem is probably somehow due to you running this from a chroot from a liveCD since aufs is from the liveCD environment. I don't know if it's the same problem that grub is having. This error is coming from code not related to grub, but is also code trying to get information about the root filesystem.08:44
plut0Jordan_U: shouldn't it read from /etc/mtab and not /proc/mounts ?08:44
pigloadmy xchat under gnome is unable to private message help pls08:46
Jordan_Uplut0: Definitely not. /etc/mtab is unreliable as it needs to be updated from userspace (and might be on a read-only filesystem), doesn't reflect the current context (/proc/self/mountinfo which will give correct information inside and outside of chroots among other things).08:49
plut0i suspect its reading /proc/mounts though08:49
=== nerd is now known as Guest84265
bonhoefferhow do i see usb devices connected to ubuntu?08:50
auronandacebonhoeffer: lsusb08:50
daftykinsin a terminal08:50
bonhoefferso i need to update: serial_device = /dev/ttyUSB008:52
bonhoefferi think the device i need is: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0fcf:1004 Dynastream Innovations, Inc.08:52
bonhoefferi have crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Dec 23 02:40 ttyUSB0 in /dev08:53
bonhoefferi'm not even sure what the /dev/ttyUSB0 file is, but how can i see if it refers to Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0fcf:100408:54
Jordan_Uplut0: It's /proc/self/mountinfo (along with other methods) http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/grub/trunk/grub/annotate/head:/util/getroot.c08:55
auronandacebonhoeffer: watch dmesg while you plug usb devices in08:55
plut0Jordan_U: i'm checking update-initramfs with strace, seems to be checking out /proc/mounts which is wrong for a chroot08:55
bonhoefferauronandace, got it08:56
Jordan_Uplut0: Sorry, I forgot we were talking about update-initramfs. I think I need to get to sleep as my dead is thorouly brain.08:57
fleixius_Would having both nvidia and ati drivers installed cause conflicts with GLX09:02
auronandacefleixius_: why would you have both installed?09:02
auronandacefleixius_: i assume it would yes09:02
fleixius_auronandace, thin client image with multiple hardware vendors.09:02
fleixius_The kernel modules load fine and work, however GLX will load only for the driver that was last installed.09:03
zambawhat CLI mail program do you guys use these days?09:06
zambamutt? pine?09:06
MonkWitDaFunkhi. mozilla thunderbird is a good eml client09:09
MonkWitDaFunkit comes shipped with ubuntu 11.10 released on oct 201109:10
Noskcajzamba, why cli?09:10
auronandaceMonkeyDust: thunderbird is gui, not cli09:10
auronandaceMonkeyDust: sorry, wrong nick09:11
zambaNoskcaj: because i want one for the cli?09:11
auronandaceMonkWitDaFunk: thunderbird is gui not cli09:11
fleixius_who reads cli mail anymore..09:12
MonkWitDaFunki have vague memories of doing cli email09:12
MonkWitDaFunkwhat kind of format is cli email?09:21
MonkWitDaFunkis it utf-8 for someone like.me?09:22
cristian_cI'm looking for files which contain info on the multimedia keys on gnome 209:23
MonkWitDaFunkhi ubuntu09:23
cristian_cI'm looking for info about commands executed from the multimedia keys09:23
cristian_cAny ideas?09:23
MonkWitDaFunkmake them maybe? or pay for them?09:25
tomreyncristian_c: what do you mean by "multimedia keys"?09:26
cristian_ctomreyn, fn+f1, fn+f2, ...09:26
tomreynoh those.09:26
tomreynshould be handled by xkb, i guess09:27
MonkWitDaFunkoh wow its ubuntu09:27
MonkWitDaFunkwhats xkb?09:28
tomreynthe X Keyboard Extension09:29
cristian_ctomreyn, I'm watching :)09:29
cristian_ctomreyn, can you post me an example file? :)09:30
cristian_cfrom yout system09:30
cristian_cI'm looking at the documentation09:30
tomreyn!mediakeys  | cristian_c09:32
ubottucristian_c: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts09:32
cristian_ctomreyn, what are the configuration files involved?09:34
tomreyncristian_c: i wouldn't know, and i may have been wrong about xkb09:34
cristian_ctomreyn, can you check it? :)09:35
tomreyncristian_c: i'd prefer you to read the linked documentation first09:35
cristian_ctomreyn, I can't find an example :)09:36
tomreynit's well possible this configuration is not actually stored in a flat text configuration file but in the gnome configuration database or similar09:37
cristian_ctomreyn, ok, but I don't know where :)09:38
tomreynjust like me09:38
blackshirtyou can use dconf-editor09:39
tomreyndconf-editor -> org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys seem to be the location09:39
tomreyn(when using gnome, that is)09:40
cristian_ctomreyn, ok, I've tried with gconf-editor09:40
cristian_c*already tried09:41
cristian_ctomreyn, I'll try with dconf-editor09:41
GentoonHow can I see a continuous dmesg?09:44
somsip ,///.//9~ nmnbbcxsdxzwwee5tgr58iu8-p-=[]\=]-p0i90o-87834r32121`12~1~~~~7~8~99~0-~09:44
daftykinswatch dmesg09:44
daftykins@ Gentoon09:44
Gentoondaftykins: ?09:45
cristian_cGentoon, dmesg | more09:45
blackshirtgentoon, pipe it with less or more09:45
bartzyFor a laptop - What java version should I install ?09:46
bartzyopenjdk 7 ?09:46
bartzyi.e. -  openjdk-7-jre  ?09:46
Gentoon[47093.726633] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 009:47
GentoonBad flash drive?09:47
daftykinsGentoon: changed ports?09:47
Gentoondaftykins: Oh wait that was from before istarted writting to the drive09:48
GentoonI am just having weird issues when i install Ubuntu to this flash drive09:48
varikonniemii try to get audio from my logitech h800 wireless headset, and when i connect the usb bt dongle, i get this message in syslog: http://pastebin.com/kGvrdzXV09:48
GentoonSo now i am trying Unetbootin to extract the ISo onto it see how it does as live09:49
varikonniemiit shows up in the audio output sources, but nothing is heard and mmic is not working09:49
GentoonCause I did a destructive write badblocks with zero errors so i think the drive is fin09:49
GentoonNo complaints from dmesg yet and Unetbootin is almost done09:50
Gentoonits doing persistance now09:50
GentoonI just dont get why when I install to the flash drive I get all these damn cache errors and it runs really slow or crashes09:51
daftykinssure sounds quirky09:52
GentoonI know but I use the drive all the time without issue and badblocks found nothing09:52
GentoonThis unetbootin live install will be the final test, if it doesnt act normal I am trashing the drive09:53
GentoonI have a 180GB Extreme SanDisk SSD coming Monday anywyas09:53
daftykinsSSDs ftw09:54
MonkWitDaFunknice, is it sata interface?09:54
GentoonHell yea, Ubuntu boots in like 4 seconds09:54
GentoonYes it is SATA09:54
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GentoonWeird how i got it, I bought a 64GB SDXC drom Sandisk for my phone and it failed so I RMA'd then they sent another one, same thing09:55
Gentoonso the supervisor still didnt wanna give a refund so he said pick whatever I want for under 250 bucks lol09:56
GentoonSO I spotted that 180GB SSD and said yes please09:56
daftykinsdo you still get a third card too?09:56
GentoonNo, I dont want anymore SDXC cards from them09:57
GentoonThey are junk09:57
Gentoonyou format them 2 or 3 times and they die09:57
GentoonAt least the 64GB ones09:57
GentoonDamn it I took too much Clonazipam and am guna have to sleep soon09:58
GentoonI wanna see this finsih first09:58
daftykinsclona what now? :)09:58
daftykinssounds like a muscle relaxant09:58
MonkWitDaFunkhow do you format a card? install.a driver for ubuntu?09:58
GentoonAlmost, its a Benzodiazapine09:58
GentoonI didnt come close t spelling that right09:59
GentoonIts for anxiety09:59
GentoonLike Xannax09:59
daftykinsah ok09:59
Gentoon48% persistance come on its only 7GB09:59
GentoonMonkWitDaFunk: What kind of card?10:00
himanshu_linuxi have a executable file. It is of sublime text. how can i put and view it in apps directory ?10:00
GentoonYou can use fdisk, cfdisk, Gparted, etc..10:00
MonkWitDaFunkhey. i think lexar scsi is pretty solid10:00
Gentoonhimanshu_linux: A script?10:00
himanshu_linuxGentoon : hmm10:01
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MonkWitDaFunksorry. kingston scsi10:01
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GentoonWhoah Persistance jumped from 47% to 100% really fast10:03
GentoonI have never installed an SSD before, I am so excited!10:03
GentoonCome on Monday!10:03
MonkWitDaFunkwho made your ssd gentoo?10:05
Tex_NickGentoon : Linus Torvalds recently compared hard drives to "Satan" ... if you've never used a SSD before, you'll understand what he meant ;-)10:05
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GentoonThe ISO I had wasnt a LIVE iso just install10:06
MonkWitDaFunki think usb flash.drives should.last a lifetime right?10:06
daftykinswhat do you define as a lifetime?10:07
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GentoonWhich torrent is live?10:08
MonkeyDustGentoon  "desktop" is live10:08
GentoonCause I got the ubuntu-12.04.1-alternate-amd64.iso and its install only10:08
GentoonOh duh10:09
daftykinsyeah alternate is... an alternate :>10:09
MonkWitDaFunkwell my $20 canadian bought me a usb flash built to work for.two years. built to last per dollar10:09
MonkeyDustsomething you need to know10:09
GentoonSo now I get to wait for it to download and for Unetbootin to extract it again YEY10:10
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GentoonSo keep me company so I do not pass out lol10:10
VorT3xGuys, does some1 know, why in empathy i dont see contact list10:10
VorT3xbut in options contact list is enabled10:10
daftykinsGentoon: go sleep ;) it'll still be there tomorrow!10:10
GentoonOnly 3.4 GB/s10:10
GentoonNo I must accomplish mission!10:11
ANubguys...........where can i get xserver help....?10:11
Tex_NickMonkWitDaFunk : wikipedia has a good article on flash drives ( longevity is included ) ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_flash_drive#Longevity10:11
GentoonThe Clonazapam kinda makes ya high10:11
Gentoonalmost more drunk10:12
GentoonIm so OT sorry10:12
stroodlepupmy java plugin does not work/takes too long to load on chrome... help10:12
MonkeyDust!find xserver10:12
ubottuFound: x11-xserver-utils, xserver-xorg, xserver-xorg-input-all, xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-input-evdev-dbg, xserver-xorg-input-evdev-dev, xserver-xorg-input-mouse, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dbg, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev (and 61 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xserver&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all10:12
Gentoon.ignore #ubuntu JOINS QUITS PARTS10:12
GentoonWhen doin persistance you make the persistance as large as the drive or the drive minus the ISO?10:14
wdpi remember i asked that before; but i forgot the answer and google doesn't help me. Is there some location where to obtain .debs for sun jdk? or is there really only the manual installation possible?10:16
wdpmaybe some third party repository somewhere?10:16
GentoonI love Ubuntu10:18
daftykinsGentoon: however much storage you want minus the ISO size ja10:18
Gentoonit gets hated o so much10:18
Gentoondaftykins: Ooops I did more lol, hope it doesnt mess it up haha10:18
kradkHello, I'm trying to install VLC on my Ubuntu.10:18
serp_ciao bella10:18
Gentoonapt-cache search vlc10:18
serp_sudo apt-get install vlc10:18
Gentoonthen find the package name10:18
kradkBut I get this error message: "failed to load the resource from repository check your internet connection"10:19
Gentoonthen sudo apt-get install vlc10:19
wdpnvm, found it.10:19
serp_sudo ape-get update10:19
GentoonI miss apptitude10:19
kradkserp_: I tried the apt-get install one, that gives Unable to locate package vlc10:19
GentoonThe Ubuntu Software manager is so comercialized..10:19
Gentoonkradk: Cause that isnt the package name or you do not have the proper repo10:20
GentoonDid you try apt-cache search vlc10:20
serp_kradk: do apt-get update first10:20
catphishis it easy to upgrade ubuntu 10.04's kernel to something more recent?10:20
decoded5Hi together! I want to remove my phpstorm licence key. My phpstorm is located at /opt/phpstorm/. I've googled but found nothing helpful.10:20
kradkserp_: Something was going on and later I got this: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:20
Gentoonyea the package is just called vlc10:21
Gentoonits in multiverse10:21
kradkGentoon: I didn't get you. What do I do now?10:21
kradkIs it because I'm not having the latest version of Ubuntu??10:22
Gentoonkradk: Do you have multiverse repo enabled?10:22
kradkGentoon: Sorry, I didn't even understand what you told. How do I check it?10:22
Gentoontype uname -l10:23
Gentooner -a10:24
decoded5Hi together! I want to remove my phpstorm licence key. My phpstorm is located at /opt/phpstorm/. I've googled but found nothing helpful.10:24
kradkShould I replace uname with my usernmae?10:24
serp_decoded5: are you swiss?10:24
Gentoonjust type exactly uname -a10:24
decoded5serp_: no, german10:24
decoded5serp_: can you help me?10:25
kradkGentoon: Got Linux djhdfjdfjfl 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux10:25
Gentoon2.6 ..10:25
daftykinsdecoded5: tried in the home dir?10:25
GentoonYou need to install at least 12.04 dude10:25
decoded5daftykins: I'll take a look10:25
kradkGentoon: Okay.10:26
GentoonYou must be waaay back running Kernel 2.610:26
kradkIs it possible to upgrade to Ubuntu's latest version without having to download and install using the ISO file?10:26
gackradk: do-release-upgrade10:26
GentoonI forgot the command that says exactly what release you are running10:26
gaclsb_release a-10:26
decoded5daftykins: theres no phpstorm file in my home dir10:26
gaclsb_release -a10:26
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Gentoongac: Thx10:28
zwiep`I have a question regarding the files browser10:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:28
kradkgac: can you specify the full command? i'm getting "release: command not found"10:28
MonkeyDustgac  try /exec lsb_release -a10:28
gackradk: do-release-upgrade is the commant10:28
decoded5where are license keys stored in ubuntu?10:28
Gentoonkradk: What was the output of lsb_release -a10:29
gacseems like you're using spaces instead of hyphens10:29
GentoonI am guessing pidgeon10:29
GentoonOr weasel10:29
GentoonI forget the damn release names10:29
MonkeyDustsorry, addressed wrong nick ^^^10:29
gac2.6 kernel is probably lucid (10.04LTS)10:30
GentoonHaha where did I get Weasel haha10:30
GentoonSo every generation has a LTS and an unstable?10:30
Gentoonis that the model?10:30
decoded5where are license keys stored in ubuntu?10:30
gacevery 2 years (roughly) there's an LTS release10:30
zwiep`I mounted some nfs shares to /mnt/nas/sharedir but I'm finding it quite extensive to browse there every time.  Isn't there a way to have for example NAS as a folder under 'computer' in the left pane of my files browser?10:31
gac6.06LTS, 6.10, 7.04, 7.10, 8.04LTS, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10, 10.04LTS, 10.10, etc10:31
MonkeyDustzwiep`  add a bookmark10:31
gacalso the non-LTS releases aren't "unstable", they're of release quality10:32
GentoonActualy I cant google it for you because you didnt specify which licence keys10:32
gacbut there's not enough manpower to support EVERY release for 3/5 years, so they pick and choose a long-term release10:32
gacthe others get 18months of support and are then dropped10:32
GentoonThe LTS are "More Stab;e"10:32
GentoonAnd will get security rleases for longer10:32
GentoonBut I was always a SID guy10:33
gacthey have longer support, i wouldn't say they're more stable though as that implies the other releases aren't stable10:33
decoded5where are license keys stored in ubuntu?10:33
gacbut yeah, it sounds like we're talking about the same thing10:33
gaclicense keys for what, decoded5 ?10:33
GentoonNo it implies they are less stable..10:33
decoded5gac: phpstorm www.jetbrains.com10:33
GentoonI watched Human Centipede, don10:34
Gentoon't ever do it.10:34
gacGentoon: ok then, less stable, but i don't think they are. there's a difference between "less stable" and "less supported"...but yeah, it sounds like we mean the same thing anyway :)10:34
gacdecoded5: no idea :) if you open the IDE, then there may be an option to export your license key?10:34
gacotherwise, you probably received it by email/download, you could just get a fresh copy of it10:35
Gentoongac: The repos include later versions of applications that are not always fully tested10:35
GentoonI mean not Alpha or anything10:35
kradkgac: upgrading via do-release-upgrade is faster than the other way (downloading ISO and installing)?10:35
decoded5gac: i tried that. theres no supprt for license key export, removal or changing. I have to do it manually i think.10:35
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Gentoonkradk: That wouldnt be upgrading, that would be re installing a later version10:36
gackradk: I've never benchmarked it speed-wise, but it's certainly easier to do an in-place upgrade10:36
MonkeyDustkradk  fresh install tends to be cleaner, faster and more efficient10:36
GentoonCant you use use the update-manager?10:36
GentoonRun all your updates then do a dist upgrade?10:36
gacthat's what do-release-upgrade does, pretty much10:36
GentoonThats how I went from 12.04 to 12.1010:36
gaci think it also has some additional logic specifically for upgrades, which is why I use it rather than just updating repos and doing a dist-upgrade as you would with debian10:37
Tex_Nickrelease stability has a LOT to do with vendor hardware/chip support ... hardware vendors put a LOT more effort into LTS releases than non LTS10:37
kradkSo, that means I need to re-install it every time a new version is released?10:37
gackradk: not at all10:37
gackradk: you do a "do-release-upgrade" and that will bring you up to date10:37
kradkOkay cool.10:37
GentoonAll the way from 4 versions back?10:37
GentoonThat is nifty..10:38
gacGentoon: yep, although it'll do one step at a time10:38
GentoonI need to write that down10:38
GentoonHope it cleans up its mess well10:38
gacunless it's LTS, in which case it'll jump you straight from one supported LTS to the next (i.e. 10.04LTS to 12.04LTS)10:38
kradkSorry about my noob questions. I'm new to linux.10:38
GentoonWe were all noobs10:38
Gentoonand still are in many ways10:38
GentoonEspecially me10:39
GentoonIt took me 15 mins to remember the name of the editor I like today10:39
kradkGentoon: you are so knowledgeable than me.10:39
GentoonNah im a script kiddie who uses this shit cause I hate windows with a passion10:40
CatbuntuNvidia GeForce GT 545 should be compatible with Ubuntu, shouldn't it?10:41
GentoonOkay lets see if this 8GB thumb drive can handle the live install10:41
gacyeah, with the proprietary drivers it should be fine, Catbuntu10:41
Gentoonif not its goin in the garbage and I am SOL till my SSD gets here10:42
kradkI've been using windows till now, but I decided it's time to make a change. My pc was infected with viruses, programs started crashing and it was slow... anyway switching to linux fixes some of these issues. at least, I hope so.10:42
CatbuntuI'm thinking on buy a new desktop computer, and I saw this nice one: http://www8.hp.com/es/es/products/desktops/product-detail.html?oid=519181810:42
CatbuntuIt's not certified, but should it work?10:42
WeechWebwell linux cannot get windows viruses and thats what there most targeted for10:42
gacCatbuntu: most things should work, linux is very flexible10:42
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gaci wouldn't expect there to be any problems with that system :)10:43
GentoonI love linux, just cause the customability. Girls come over and see my tri-monitor setup with split screened terminals grren on black with transparent backgrounds htop open some rand dirs open.. maybe a compiler running10:43
GentoonAnd they think I am some master hacker10:43
WeechWebthe only problem i have with ubuntu is http://askubuntu.com/questions/203773/fresh-install-of-ubuntu-12-10-wont-boot-on-asus-x101ch-eee-pc10:43
CatbuntuThe best thing is it comes with Windows 7 by default, so no UEFI craps are.10:43
WeechWebi dont suppose anyone can help me? trying to reserect a old netbook10:44
CatbuntuI don't have experience with desktop computers, HP is a good brand?10:44
GentoonTo a non geek it looks like you are hacking Nasa, all the time10:44
MonkWitDaFunkQ: does ubuntu support drivers for sound blaster audigy expansion cards?10:44
gacCatbuntu: HP are "ok", just like Dell are "ok", and everyone is "ok"10:44
WeechWebif you can buid your own10:44
Tex_NickCatbuntu : you could compare the individual components of a platform to ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:45
WeechWebthen you get 100% compatibility if you build it for uuntu10:45
gacthe components are much of a muchness, I tend to differentiate on support...which usually isn't great for retail users, from any company10:45
CatbuntuI know Tex_Nick.10:45
Gentoon8GB Live install is not lookin good ;(10:45
CatbuntuAt least Nvidia has better Linux support than AMD ATI, I think.10:45
WeechWebthey do catubuntu10:46
CatbuntuThough Nvidia laptops with Optimus are bad for Linux.10:46
WeechWebi have nvidia and it detects it easerally10:46
CatbuntuYep, me too.10:46
GentoonTaking forever to boot and on tty1 I see timeout /sbin/blkid -o udev - p /dev/sdb10:46
MonkWitDaFunki thought drivers were part of ubuntu installation10:46
CatbuntuMy actual laptop, an Acer Aspire 6930 (which is oldie, came with Vista), works better on Linux than on Windows.10:46
GentoonIm stuck with my 2GB I guess10:46
WeechWebdefently catubuntu10:46
WeechWebmy old dell inspiron runs on ubuntu server10:46
WeechWeband i never have had a problem with it, its now a nice FTP box10:47
CatbuntuI have an Ubuntu server too.10:47
CatbuntuUbuntu for servers is really good.10:47
GentoonI love LAMP!10:47
WeechWebim familier with the terminal, do i thought why not10:47
GentoonHaha, ya see what I did there?10:47
CatbuntuThat HP desktop has 16GB of RAM, oh my god.10:48
GentoonAnchorman/Linux Server joke...10:48
WeechWebMy old server runs on 2GB of ram, never had a problem with it :D10:48
Gentoonnvm :(10:48
CatbuntuWhy do I want 16GB of RAM.10:48
CatbuntuI never use more than 1GB on my current 3GB RAM.10:48
gacCatbuntu: more is always good10:48
CatbuntuIf it's well supported yes.10:48
gacbetter caching, less chance of ever swapping, etc10:48
MonkWitDaFunkvirtual.machines can use a lot of ram10:49
CatbuntuThat's true, RAM for virtualisating is good.10:49
WeechWebWhat upload do you get?10:49
CatbuntuMy nightmare is to install Ubuntu on a Windows 8 UEFI-ish computer.10:50
WeechWebwindows 8 has a locked bios i think10:50
MonkWitDaFunkim worried if 2gb ddr2 will be enough to play flash and use audacity for recording10:50
WeechWebit will be monk10:50
CatbuntuWeechWeb, you just have to disable Secure Boot.10:50
CatbuntuI think you always can excepting the RT ARM version.10:51
WeechWebOh, ok, Thanks! :)10:51
CatbuntuThe problem is GRUB.10:51
WeechWebGrub is slow10:51
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CatbuntuBecause there's UEFI, and you have to do odd things to use GRUB.10:51
CatbuntuI mean you install Ubuntu and you can't boot it, you have to repair boot or something.10:51
CatbuntuI don't thing is simple as running SuperGRUB10:51
WeechWebGrub saved my computer10:51
MonkeyDustCatbuntu  maybe this is useful to you https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:51
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WeechWebwhilst playing around with the computer i broke the boot partition, i installed ubuntu and set grub on / and it fixed it10:52
MonkWitDaFunkcan you use grub to run scripts?10:52
WeechWebso now my family use slow windows, and if i need to use that device i can use Ubuntu,10:52
Jordan_UWeechWeb: Catbuntu: You don't even need to disable secure boot. Ubuntu 12.10 has a signed UEFI bootloader.10:52
WeechWebThats news10:52
WeechWebMonkWitDaFunk: MonkWitDaFunk10:53
WeechWebMonkWitDaFunk: stackoverflow.com/questions/2062543/running-a-script-with-the-help-of-grub-and-menu-lst10:53
CatbuntuThis is good too, 8 gigs of RAM and less price: https://tiendas.mediamarkt.es/monitores-pc/product1000149210:53
MonkWitDaFunkcan you use grub to run scripts native to linux?10:53
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WeechWebMonkWitDaFunk: i dont think so, because its a bootloader, it just starts the partition basicly10:54
MonkWitDaFunkthats what i thought10:55
Jordan_UMonkWitDaFunk: You can pass parameters to the kernel which will trigger certain scripts to be run, but grub isn't linux. It can't run *NIX binaries or *NIX scripts (though it can run grub-script scripts, which use a bash like syntax).10:55
Jordan_UMonkWitDaFunk: What is your end goal?10:56
MonkWitDaFunki got confused as grub being a bootloader and running badblocks as a script10:56
MonkWitDaFunkgrub can be usefull using thin clients or.diskless.workstations right?10:58
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: Uhm, maybe. :)10:59
MonkWitDaFunkhi bekks10:59
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: grub provides the ability to actually choose which OS or kernel you want to boot10:59
WeechWebi dont suppose anyone can tell me how to turn off the spammy join/leave msg's.10:59
MonkWitDaFunkhow do i get started running grub to network boot?10:59
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: grub has no ability to boot from your network. Thats a functionality required to be provided by your network card.11:00
llutzWeechWeb: weechat? http://www.weechat.org/files/doc/weechat_faq.en.html#filter_irc_join_part_quit11:00
MonkeyDustWeechWeb  depends on your irc client11:00
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: And it is called PXE.11:00
WeechWebNot weechat IRSSI11:00
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:01
tomreynirssi v0.8.12 - running on CYGWIN_NT-6.1 i68611:01
WeechWeb /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:01
WeechWebthats better, thanks11:01
WeechWebsorry i had a space the 1'st time11:01
MonkeyDustWeechWeb  it's /ignore #ubuntu +joins +parts +quits +modes +nicks11:02
WeechWebMonkeyDust: dont worry, i got it11:02
WeechWebMonkeyDust: sorry, kinda new to Irssi how would i turn it on again?11:02
MonkeyDustWeechWeb  :) try /unignore blah11:03
WeechWebMonkeyDust: sorry, new to the world of IRC11:03
WeechWebMonkeyDust: thanks11:03
GentoonSweet 8GB Live seems to be working11:05
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GentoonOkay so how the heck do you add more work spaces in unity and have them just lines up in a line instead of the whole quadrant thing?11:06
WeechWebIm planning to get a 2TB external HDD to install ubuntu on, am i gonna notice bad speed or anything11:06
bekksWeechWeb: How will it be connected? USB3?11:06
MonkWitDaFunkwhos the maker of.the sata disk?11:07
WeechWebNo USB211:07
WeechWebsince most of the deviced i wanna boot from are USB2 only11:07
bekksWeechWeb: That will be pretty damn slow for an installation.11:07
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: Doesnt mattter. USB2 is slower than every current disk.11:07
WeechWebMaplins (UK) is doing a 2TB HDD for £69.99 i think it is so i thought i might get one11:08
WeechWebthe only reasion is i filled up my pc11:08
WeechWeband i use large files like linux distros on multiple pc's11:08
MonkWitDaFunkhow does usb get called scsi by daricks boot and nuke?11:09
GentoonOkay sleep11:09
GentoonCan configure tomorrow11:09
=== Gentoon is now known as Gentoon_
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: USB is an Universal Serial Bus, just like the Small Computer Systems Interface.11:09
MonkWitDaFunkis scsi used to standardize types of buses11:11
Tex_NickGentoon_ : compiz will allow you to do that11:11
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: No.11:11
WeechWebi have a ubuntu server with some videos i wanna upload youtube videos from, any idea how i would do it from the command line, i use google apps for my domain aswell11:12
WeechWebjust because my ubuntu server has a good wired connection so it makes sense since i keep them on there via FTP11:12
bekksWeechWeb: youtube didnt implement a FTP upload.11:13
WeechWebbekks: there on my server via FTP11:14
bekksBetter use SFTP.11:14
WeechWebbekks: i mean how would i upload them to youtube via command line11:14
WeechWebbekks: well its all internal and firewalled11:14
tomreyni bet that's off-topic here but you can use something like https://code.google.com/p/youtube-upload/downloads/list11:14
bekksWeechWeb: Youtube has no cmdline interface.11:14
WeechWebbekks: i ment like a 3rd party program11:14
bekksOh, actually someone implemented youtube-upload :)11:14
WeechWeband thnks tomreyn you found it!11:15
tomreynentering "youtube upload cli" in a web search wasnt that tough11:15
WeechWebsorry, i guess i was googleing the worng thingd11:16
WeechWebi googled "upload videos from ubuntu terminal"11:16
WeechWebto youtube11:16
tomreynno worries, i was just wondering whether you had searched before you asked ;)11:16
wujiehi ,freands11:16
wujieGood evening11:17
tomreynhi wujie11:17
MonkWitDaFunkhappy holiday wujie11:17
wujieI come from China11:17
diverdudeHello, i seem to have to edit /etc/resolv.conf to change my dns several times..Is there some way to save the change?11:17
tomreynhappy working day then11:17
tacirusHello, I accidently pressed the "sleep" button and since then The usb flash card can only be seen as a "usb flash drive" but no stuff is available to see in it, and the fkash card had a name "storage" that can`t be seen now too. Is the flash card too bad to restore or there``s still a way to fix it?11:18
tomreyndiverdude: are you using network manager?11:19
diverdudetomreyn, no, in console11:19
gartrali need a basic, fast photo editor to do the most basic things like crop and red-eye removal.. any suggestions?11:19
tomreyndiverdude: is it installed + active on your system, though?11:19
diverdudetomreyn, yeah i think so11:19
MonkWitDaFunkgimp can be found in the dash of ubuntu11:20
MonkWitDaFunkits a image editor11:20
WeechWebsudo apt-get install gimp11:20
gartralMonkWitDaFunk: too heavy. I need a light photo editor11:20
tomreyndiverdude: then edit the very network manager profile in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/11:21
diverdudetomreyn, hmmm no such directory11:21
tomreyndiverdude: which ubuntu version are you using?11:22
diverdudetomreyn, 120.1011:23
c1ph3rf-spot is a good image editor11:24
tomreyndiverdude: hmm, must be somewhere in your home directory then11:26
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: Drivers for what?11:26
bekksMonkWitDaFunk: Whats up with PCI?11:27
MonkWitDaFunkim looking to see if the.sound card i bought is compatable and then im going to install its needed drivers11:28
bekks!hcl | MonkWitDaFunk11:29
ubottuMonkWitDaFunk: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:29
tomreyndiverdude: run gconf-editor, then browse to system/networking/connections/11:30
tomreyndiverdude: alternatively (no gui) edit the relevant profile directly in ~/.gconf/system/networking/connections/11:31
diverdudetomreyn, no such dir either11:33
diverdudeno gconf-editor program either11:33
jdasis there any package for ubuntu 12.10 to sniff the data communication on the usb interface11:34
MonkWitDaFunkok, i hope ubuntu can auto.detect my sound card. i just need to know the specs of my mobo's slot11:35
diverdudetomreyn, i installed gconf and ran it11:36
diverdudetomreyn, but no system/networking directory11:36
Dj1210hi there, I got a question about VPN guys11:37
MonkWitDaFunkjdas, i think you might be thinking of analyzing the ram11:37
Tex_Nickjdas : http://biot.com/blog/usb-sniffing-on-linux ... gives info on usb bus sniffing ... if you want to spend some money, there some commercial apps11:37
jdasTex_Nick: I want something for free and works on Ubuntu. Thank you for the link.11:38
fergal32hi everybody11:39
fergal32i just installed ubuntu and i have one stupid question.11:39
bekks!ask | Dj121011:39
ubottuDj1210: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:39
tomreyndiverdude: hmm i wonder whether you really use network manager then11:39
varikonniemiagains what package should i file a bug report when my headset does not work? alsa?11:39
Dj1210well, where can I get a good tutorial about setting up a VPN11:40
Dj1210of course in Ubuntu11:40
fergal32why is there in /etc/hosts 2 lines which say localhost and hostname?11:40
g0tchahey guys, when i install LAMP on ubuntu server, how can i give my user rights to '/var/www' ?11:41
fergal32wouldn't it be better to say hostname instead of hostname?11:41
g0tchado i change the ownership of the directory?11:41
bekksfergal32: Doesnt matter. Thats not a hostname, but an IP. :)11:41
bekksfergal32: And it strongly depends on what you are going to do.11:41
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:41
fergal32bekks: ah ok11:42
bekks!apache > g0tcha11:42
ubottug0tcha, please see my private message11:42
diverdudetomreyn, how can i check?11:46
g0tchabekks, the link it gave is kinda old11:47
g0tchato edit anything its in apache2/sites-available/default.... the link you gave me is talking about changing stuff in apache2.conf11:47
bekksg0tcha: Why?11:47
bekks!apache > bekks11:48
ichigo-rokuHow to hide systray icons in Unity for Ubuntu 12.10 ?11:48
ubottubekks, please see my private message11:48
bekks!apache2 > bekks11:48
g0tchabekks, there is nothing about changing the docroot in my apache2.conf11:48
bekksg0tcha: For doing so, you have to consult the official apoache documentation.11:49
diverdudetomreyn, ?11:51
coin3dhi there. i found out that ubuntu is really great when it comes to power consumption - e.g. with ubuntu, in idle, my computer takes 25 watts, with debian wheezy it takes 32 watts. however i'd like to know what kind of optimizations ubuntu uses to save power? does anyone know that?11:51
tomreyndiverdude: sorry, busy right now11:51
g0tchabekks, thanks11:54
guest-nbLP0uhi, i've a problem, every time that i add hebrew input it goes away after reboot. why?11:54
peyamI use Xubuntu and my wireless connecttion doesnt work11:55
peyamI'm now Online using my other computer`11:55
guest-nbLP0uwould you help?11:57
wesslyHello, how can i replace a noveau driver on GT630M, i have external and internal Intel HD 3000 I think.11:58
wesslyI tryed a apt-get install nvidia-current11:59
wesslyBut now i dont have a desktop, just right click on desktop.11:59
guest-nbLP0uwould you help?12:00
guest-nbLP0unevermind i will not use hebrew12:00
allerAfter logging in, Desktop doesn't start. It was working after instal. I am not sure if I did not change something. How can I somehow revert any changes to the GUI "subsystem" ?12:01
em_hello, i have problem with 32 bit system, i have installed kernel with PAE suppoprt, but it's still 3gb of memory...12:03
em_what should i do to fix this issue ?12:03
tomreyndiverdude: sorry, I needed to handle some fire. have you found + read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager yet?12:04
tomreynif you need a CLI to manage network manager settings apparently there is nmcli12:04
tomreynif it's running and managing your connection then you should see a "network-manager" service12:05
tomreynsudo service network-manager status12:06
em_any ideas with PAE ..?12:06
diverdudetomreyn, hmmm ok i get this12:06
diverdude$ sudo service network-manager status12:06
diverdudenetwork-manager start/running, process 104812:06
tomreynem_: did you just install it or have you also booted it and verified you booted it?12:07
tomreyndiverdude: so it should be active unless there is "manual" in /etc/init/network-manager.override12:07
em_tomreyn, how to check it ?12:07
em_tomreyn, i have only one kernel in boot....12:08
tomreynem_: uname -a. also, how much physical ram do you actually have there? and how did you check how much is available now?12:08
diverdudetomreyn, hmm i only have cat /etc/init/network-manager.conf12:09
em_tomreyn, i have check available ram in free -m12:09
tomreynem_: thanks for answering one of two questions12:09
em_tomreyn, and physical ram in dmidecode...12:10
tomreyndiverdude: well try editing your network manager profile and see whether you changes apply12:10
em_tomreyn, in uname -a ; linux 3.5.0-21 generic #32-ubuntu smp ...12:10
limester123hey guys12:10
limester123I have a question!12:10
bekkslimester123: Then just ask please.12:11
diverdudetomreyn, this is the content:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1459296/12:11
limester123does anyone here know CUDA?12:11
em_tomreyn, how to solve this issue ..?12:11
tomreynem_: so is this the PAE kernel you wanted to run?12:11
em_tomreyn, yes it's12:12
bekks!anyone | limester12312:12
ubottulimester123: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:12
tomreyndiverdude: that's the network manager init script, yes. that's irrelevant here.12:12
=== aa is now known as acetaminophen
diverdudetomreyn, hmm ok....so where do i edt my network manager profile?12:13
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:13
abhiei am starting off with "Quickly" from the "ubuntu development center " while adding up the button in my first app i am not able to edit label of that button12:13
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:13
em_tomreyn, could you please help?12:14
limester123I am trying to debug cuda code. does anyone want to take a look?12:14
limester123or will anyone be offended if I posted it here?12:14
bekkslimester123: Why not finally asking your REAL question. Doi you have an actual ubuntu-related problem with your CUDA code?12:15
limester123bekks: no I dont12:15
bekkslimester123: Then please keep it in the offtopic channel.12:16
bekks!ot > limester12312:16
ubottulimester123, please see my private message12:16
tomreynem_: i am trying. please do: pastebinit /var/log/kern.log12:16
tomreyndiverdude: using GUI or CLI?12:16
diverdudetomreyn, CLI12:17
tomreyndiverdude: CLI is "nmcli con"12:17
kurohyouHi, i run a cronjob every 15 minutes from my server that goes to a php script on my domain name, the script gets my current ip from the server and writes it to a txt file. The reason i do this is so i can ssh into my server from everywhere, i have a dynamic ip address from provider so no other chose. My question to you is: is it possible to ssh http://domainname/script.php directly and how do i do this?12:17
ucker2hello. I need a bit of help here. firstly if any of you run "sudo lshw -c video", what do you get in the clock field? I noticed that in precise, my desktop environemnts are very slow and jerky etc and the clock frequency for me in that command only says 33 mhz. that doesnt seem right, or is it that the clock in that command shows the scaled down value?12:18
tomreyndiverdude: "nmcli dev" should list the network devices network manager is currently managing12:18
diverdudetomreyn, wlan0      802-11-wireless   connected12:18
em_tomreyn, http://pastebin.com/sfRNPMyR12:19
ucker2i have a Radeon HD 425012:19
InspectorCluseauucker2, same here12:20
RirishiI've got a problem with GRUB, can I ask it here? Or is there a special channel for that?12:20
InspectorCluseauucker2, same clock 33mhz12:21
Tex_NickRirishi : ask away12:21
ucker2oh ok12:21
dchernivkurohyou, ssh `curl http://domainname/script.php`12:21
InspectorCluseauucker2, 9600GT video here12:21
RirishiI've got a problem with a triple boot: I've got Ubuntu 12.04.1 and Windows 7 and Windows XP (without SATA drivers) and when I run update-grub, Windows XP doesn't get recognized. Here is a log of boot-repair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1459306/12:22
Tex_NickRirishi : i should have said ... you may ask here :)12:22
ucker2then probably something else is the problem thats causing lag. i thought for a second my bios or something had the video underclocked12:22
RirishiI was thinking about how i should formulize it (fail english -.-)12:22
tomreyndiverdude: sorry,apparently nmcli doesn't allow for editing your profiles or adding new ones. i'm just learning myself as we go. but i don't nkow how else to do it or where your configuration is stored if not in the locations i provided earlier which are also listed on the help page I linked.12:23
tomreynem_: please run: grep -i PAE /proc/cpuinfo 2>&1| pastebinit12:26
InspectorCluseauucker2, I had a similar issue, but I am using kde and I set the video to use raster and that corrected the slow/jerkiness. I don't know what gnome has for that.12:26
em_tomreyn, my cpu support it12:26
ucker2ok, InspectorCluseau12:27
ucker2i'll look into that12:27
BluesKajHowdy all12:27
em_tomreyn, all ok in /proc/cpuinfo12:27
RirishiSomeone got an idea for my problem? I hate it when noone actually responds when I say something ): At least say that you don't know if you read it >.< ^-^12:28
Tex_Nick!Patience | Ririshi12:29
ubottuRirishi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:29
Ririshithanks ^-^12:30
srhbRirishi: You don't see XP at all in the boot menu?12:32
Ririshisrhb: when starting my pc, in grub I do see windows xp, but only because I told it to make a custom entry via 31_windaz.sh (I made in grub.d)12:33
Ririshisrhb: also, when running update-grub, it doesn't show it unless i use that 31_windaz12:33
srhbRirishi: Is that a problem?12:33
tomreynem_: do you want to post this, too? sudo lshw -sanitize -c memory12:34
OY1Ri have a strange issue, my laptop running ubuntu will not power on an LCD monitor however the old CRT monitor works fine, anyone ever seen/fixed this issue ?12:34
tomreynem_: i'm not sure i will be able to help, but it would be nice to see whether the memory is actually detected on the hardware layer12:34
em_tomreyn, just a sec..12:35
OY1Rthe LCD IS detected by ubuntu and it works in windows XP with out problems.12:35
Ririshisrhb: the problem is, when I try to boot it via my 31_windaz, it gives me a "NTLDR is missing" error..12:35
srhbRirishi: Is the XP bootloader really located in sda1?12:36
Ririshisrhb: XP is installed in /dev/sda412:37
srhbRirishi: Yes, but its bootloader might be in sda112:37
srhbRirishi: Which may contain the information to locate your NTLDR12:37
Ririshisrhb: sda1 is an extended partition, which contains my ubuntu ext4 and linux-swap12:38
Ririshishrb: sda2 is my windows 7, sda3 is a data partition and sda4 is my windows xp (which only runs when my SATA controller is in IDE mode)12:38
srhbRirishi: Then I'm guessing the instructions to find NTLDR were in the MBR which was now overwritten by grub.12:39
gartralRirishi: no swap?12:40
Ririshigartral: read my msg -.-12:40
Ririshigartral: [12:38] <Ririshi> srhb: sda1 is an extended partition, which contains my ubuntu ext4 and linux-swap12:40
Ririshisrhb: is there a way to get those back?12:42
srhbRirishi: Yes, I believe you need to use an XP restore12:42
Ririshisrhb: and then? will grub be deleted?12:42
srhbRirishi: Unfortunately that will cause your MBR to be rewritten, so you also need to be able to reinstall grub12:42
srhbRirishi: Yes12:42
Jordan_URirishi: You have no boot files in your XP partition, this clearly isn't a complete XP install.12:42
RirishiJordan_U: I wondered about that too.. I'll check the partition with mount and nautilus and see if i can find stuff like boot.ini.12:43
srhbRirishi: You can also try manually copying them to the drive.12:43
Ririshisrhb: how would i tell grub where they are?12:44
em_tomreyn, http://bastein.com/d3KDZjH912:44
em_tomreyn, http://bastein.com/BBsVG3ft12:44
srhbRirishi: You already did, they should be on sda412:44
Ririshisrhb: in the root? like.. not in a folder?12:45
dBLOODhi, can anyone help me?12:45
wdpdBLOOD, hard to tell.12:45
juliahello guys, can you please help me? I try to build gnome shell with jhbuild build gnome-shell, but I don't know how I can fix  the dependency for libicu12:45
dBLOODI'm trying to mount an iso file, but I only get the message "no such file or directory"12:45
em_tomreyn, sorry12:45
Jordan_URirishi: Once you actually have a complete XP installation that can be booted from, "sudo update-grub" will add an entry for it automatically. The reason it isn't adding one now is *because* you don't actually have a working XP installation to boot.12:45
em_tomreyn, http://bastebin.com/BBsVG3ft12:45
srhbRirishi: Right.12:45
Jordan_UdBLOOD: What command are you running?12:45
em_tomreyn, http://bastebin.com/d3KDZjH912:45
juliaI've already installed libicu-dev12:45
dBLOODsudo mount -o loop /media/score/GAMES/ST/stcd1.iso /media/score/TEMP/stcd12:46
dBLOODthe iso file is present, also the directory is created12:46
RirishiJordan_U: I had windows xp installed and then booted into a LiveCD to reinstall grub using sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt and mounting /dev/pts /proc and /sys with --bind, then chrooting and updating and installing grub..12:46
em_tomreyn, sorry again12:47
em_tomreyn, http://pastebin.com/BBsVG3ft12:47
RirishiJordan_U: so in fact i should place boot.ini back and then only do a update-grub?12:47
em_tomreyn, http://pastebin.com/d3KDZjH912:47
Ririshisrhb: i did find a boot.ini.backup :D12:47
srhbRirishi: Great, that's a start at least. Check it to see that the partition(n) match your actual table12:47
Jordan_URirishi: sda2 however *does* have both BCD and ntldr. Have you tried selecting the Windows 7 entry and seeing if it brings you to a Windows bootloader menu with options for both Windows 7 and XP?12:47
RirishiJordan_U: when choosing windows 7 in GRUB, it just starts windows 712:48
coolballcan anyone recommend a news server?12:48
srhb Ririshi: You could also add the entry for WinXP to the Win7 boot.ini12:48
RirishiJordan_U: or should I press F8 or smth when starting?12:48
Ririshisrhb: and then? what would that do?12:49
srhbRirishi: The Win7 bootloader would allow you to boot WinXP12:49
Jordan_URirishi: Try asking in ##windows.12:49
Ririshisrhb: so choosing win7 in grub and then press f8 or smth?12:49
RirishiJordan_U: okay12:49
dBLOODwhen I try to mount it under /mnt or /tmp I get the same error12:50
Jordan_UdBLOOD: Please pastebin the output of "ls -ld /media/score/GAMES/ST/stcd1.iso /media/score/TEMP/stcd".12:50
ravenrelease upgrade: need to download 5.5 gb - any way to create a wget list of the files to download it on another machine?12:51
linuxthefishanyone know some good virtualisation software for Ubuntu with directx support for games?12:51
Ririshisrhb: what is NTLDR?12:51
tomreynem_: and free -m reports how much total?12:52
srhbRirishi: The NT bootloader12:52
Ririshisrhb: you NEED both boot.ini and NTLDR?12:52
srhbRirishi: Yes, without boot.ini NTLDR will try to load Windows from the first partition12:53
em_tomreyn, total - 302112:53
Ririshiah. so copying boot.ini.backup and naming it boot.ini and copying ntldr (both to root of sda4) would work? and then putting grub on sda4 to load it?12:53
srhbRirishi: You dont want to put grub on sda412:54
srhbRirishi: You need to restore those files along with ntdetect.com and make sure the boot.ini entry matches the right partition number, ie. 412:54
Jordan_U!pm | dBLOOD12:55
ubottudBLOOD: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:55
Jordan_UdBLOOD: Clearly though your path to the iso is incorrect. Double check it (and remember that case matters). You can also drag the iso file from nautilus into the terminal and it will enter the path into the terminal.12:56
tomreynem_: okay, then i don't really know, sorry :-/ you could reinstall and use x86_64 instead, but that's not much fun of course.12:56
tomreynem_:surely your intel GPU uses shared RAM12:56
tomreynbut not that much12:56
Ririshisrhb: i mean putting grub up so it searches for stuff on sda412:57
dBLOODokay, thx12:57
em_tomreyn, it could use only 256 mb of ram12:57
srhbRirishi: It is, the bootloader is missing from sda312:57
Ririshisrhb: so i need boot.ini and ntldr and ntdetect.com and make boot.ini to load from /dev/sda4? which would be partition(3) because it starts from 012:58
srhbRirishi: Grub is doing nothing wrong, your XP bootloader is missing.12:58
tomreynem_: right12:58
Ririshisrhb: sda3? I haven't got anything installed on sda3?12:58
ChocPandaI have Ubuntu 12.10. Does anyone know how to solve the problem with nVidia proprietary drivers not working?12:59
srhbRirishi: sda4 sorry12:59
em_tomreyn, http://pastebin.com/6xBWjFrC12:59
ChocPandaMine change my screen resolution to tiny and only show me one monitor12:59
srhbRirishi: Also, I think partition() starts from 1. So it is the fourth one.12:59
tomreynem_: what about it?13:00
Ririshisrhb: everything starts from 0 here, multi, disk, rdisk, partition..13:00
srhbRirishi: I'm fairly sure partition is the exception, but that's easy to test anyway.13:00
Ririshisrhb: yeah that's right.13:00
em_tomreyn, maybe problem is in linux kernel ?13:01
srhbRirishi: Not my fault that MS has horrible standards. :-)13:01
RirishiI'll try it like it is now.. partition(3). I mean, the partitions didn't change after i installed windows xp..13:01
Ririshisrhb: haha nope :D13:01
=== rudy_ is now known as Guest1145
RirishiSo I'll be right back and tell you if it worked (:13:02
ChocPandaI have Ubuntu 12.10. Does anyone know how to solve the problem with nVidia proprietary drivers not working?13:05
ChocPandaMine change my screen resolution to tiny and only show me one monitor13:05
auronandaceChocPanda: what was wrong with the nouveau driver?13:05
WeechWebnVidia is working fine for me13:05
WeechWebwhen im in ubuntu13:06
tomreynem_: according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE the 12.10 kernel should have PAE enabled. but then this page was apparently composed before the 12.10 release, and it refers to kernel version 3.4 and a mailing list post dated in may, so it might be outdated already.13:06
WeechWebhow do i get up a user list?13:06
WeechWebiv forgotten.13:06
FloodBot1WeechWeb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:06
srhbWeechWeb: A list of all users on the system or logged in users?13:07
tomreynem_: i think it's likely to be a kernel issue. you could try to find out which lines you should be able to find on kern.log if PAE was enabled successfully and to search for them. I assume you would not find them.13:07
WeechWebno i mean on IRC13:07
WeechWebim new to IRC and wanna list users13:07
WeechWebim on Irssi13:07
auronandaceWeechWeb: depends on your client13:07
WeechWebnvm ill try google again13:08
ChocPandaweechweb: nouveau has text render problems within gnome13:08
srhbWeechWeb: /names lists users in current channel.13:08
ravenrelease upgrade: need to download 5.5 gb - any way to create a wget list of the files to download it on another machine?13:12
rockyhello guys13:13
rockyin my ubuntu 12.10, thru compiz manager animations are enables, still the animations are not happening when opening, closing or minimizing?13:14
rockyin my ubuntu 12.10, thru compiz manager animations are enabled, still the animations are not happening when opening, closing or minimizing?13:14
srhb!Patience | rocky13:14
ubotturocky: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:14
ChocPandaHave you tried rebooting your xserver since changing the settings rocky?13:15
PeyamI use an thinkpad e330 and installed xubuntu 12.1013:15
rockyChocPanda, no i didn't rebooted13:16
PeyamIm trying to increase the speed of the trackpoint but it doesnt actully become faster13:16
ofcanhello! I have 'unmet dependency' problem, can you please take a look, here's the code & everything, any help is awesome > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14006157/postgresql-9-1-dependency-issue13:18
sjd_zeusi use an hp probook 4321s and installed ubuntu 12.0413:18
wesslyhello, how can i install properly a NVIDIA GT630M driver on 12.10?13:18
sjd_zeusopen score driver?13:18
diverdudehow can i pipe CLI output into clipboard?13:18
Chocpanda`rocky: I would recommend it because I believe you will need to reload the compiz configuration file13:19
rockyChocPanda, i can give it a shot13:19
diverdudeahhh got it13:19
srhbdiverdude: xclip is an example13:19
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest40095
wesslydiverdude: i dont know, fron nVidia website maybe.13:20
Chocpanda`wessly: within system settings there is a tab for additional drivers13:20
rockyChocPanda, but wobbly window settings do take effect immediately13:20
Chocpanda`Hmmm... THat is strange. CHeck to ensure you don't have any conflicting settings.13:21
rockyChocPanda, i don't get any message for conflicting settings13:21
RirishiHi srhb.13:21
Chocpanda`Compiz won't give you one.13:22
wesslyChocpanda`: in the Software sources i have a tab named Additional drivers, but only my wi-fi is there, not VC.13:22
Chocpanda`It doesn't have anything to ensure that its up to you to find it13:22
rockyChocPanda, oh i wonder if it is conflicting with Unity13:22
srhbRirishi: Hi.13:22
wesslyMaybe i should allow third party software?13:22
Chocpanda`Wessly: Yes try that and then update13:23
Ririshisrhb: My PC completely stopped starting :p It says: error: unknown device and then the UUID of my sda5 ubuntu and then grub rescue>13:24
Chocpanda`rocky: Its possible. Unfortunatly I haven't got much experience with unity so I kinda need someone else to jump in here13:24
srhbRirishi: Sounds like you screwed up your Grub configuration. What did you change? You were not supposed to make any alterations.13:24
rockyChocPanda, no problems thanks for discussing13:25
Chocpanda`No prob. make sure you try the reboot though13:25
srhbRirishi: Anyway, you can either use the grub prompt to boot correctly or get a liveCD.13:25
rockyChocpanda`, noted13:25
rudy__join #emase13:26
wesslyChocpanda`: i allowed, updated and still nothing in add. drivers.13:26
Ririshisrhb: I only did update-grub after doing this: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys sudo chroot /mnt update-grub13:26
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IndustrialI installed unity-2d but I can't select anything in the login manager. I just get regulare unity.13:27
Ririshisrhb: My grub rescue prompt tells me that everything i put in it is an unknown command13:27
Chocpanda`wessly: A quick search has found me this, http://askubuntu.com/questions/104527/how-do-i-install-the-latest-nvidia-drivers-via-the-additional-drivers-tool13:28
IndustrialWhere in the login screen can I select Unity2D once installed?13:29
iceblueany somebody here?13:30
ravenrelease upgrade: need to download 5.5 gb - any way to create a wget list of the files to download it on another machine?13:30
Industrialiceblue: only otherbodies here.13:30
Industriallooks like unity2d got removed13:33
Industrialwhat if I simply don't want fancy compositing? What if my vm is slow even though I installed the guiest additions?13:33
Industrialer, guest additions.13:34
JohnWHSmithAnybody knows if Rhythmbox 2.98 includes iOS support (libimobiledevice perhaps?) ?13:34
JohnWHSmithiOS6 I mean.13:35
IndustrialI'm forced to switch distro again :(13:35
cfhowlettjohntash: probably not io6 yet13:35
JohnWHSmithI heard the libimobiledevice now supported iOS6 sync, however I'm not sure if it has been implemented in music library management programs..13:36
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Ririshisrhb: how can I make grub work again?13:38
srhbRirishi: I suggest you boot the liveCD13:38
RirishiAnd then srhb?13:39
srhbRirishi: Afraid I am not an expert there. You'll need to reopen Grub and reinstall to MBT with the correct options. I suggest you pose that question to the entire channel.13:40
srhbRirishi: Something like mounting your root partition, chrooting and grub-install'ing13:40
IdleOne!grub2 | Ririshi13:40
ubottuRirishi: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)13:40
IdleOneRirishi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub is the link you want to be reading.13:41
RirishiOkay, thank you IdleOne13:41
IdleOnethat one13:41
srhbFirst one looks good, too13:41
SpaceRocketI added openDNS servers to resolv.conf but when verifying at opendns.com/welcome it fails13:44
Ririshisrhb: IdleOne: I'll try boot-repair13:48
SpaceRocketI added openDNS servers to resolv.conf but when verifying at http://opendns.com/welcome it fails13:49
subhojit777How can I create a directory bookmark in Ubuntu 12.10. I was previously using Lubuntu 12.04 and there just by dragging the directory to the left sidebar creates bookmark. In Ubuntu 12.10 it doesnt work like that13:58
MonkeyDustsubhojit777  in  nautilus, go to the folder you want, then, on top, click Bookmarks > add bookmark14:00
subhojit777MonkeyDust, nope still not working. I tried that too14:00
MonkeyDustsubhojit777  i'm not sure there's another way to do it14:02
MonkeyDusttry ctrl D14:02
subhojit777:) its just the shortcut14:02
subhojit777MonkeyDust, is that an issue with nautilus?14:02
subhojit777nautilus 3.6.1 i think14:03
RirishiSRHB THANK YOU :D14:04
Ririshiand of cource IdleOne, for providing the link to boot-repair!14:04
IdleOneglad to be of service14:05
RirishiAnd that's why I love IRC.14:05
RirishiI got helped so much alteady (;14:05
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MonkeyDustsubhojit777  ctrl D is the normal, fastest and easiest way to add a bookmark, i don't know of any issues with nautilus14:06
allerhow to revert any changes to login screen & other related parts? I.e. reinstall their packages?14:11
Aww 14:11
rrajbeHi, How can i create a virtual UDF File to share files between host and client in Virtualbox?14:16
Kirejijust completed a dist0upgrade from 3.2.0-34-generic to 3.2.0-35-generic - and it requires a reboot to upgrade the kernel.  where can I read the changes and decide if I ned to do these reboots?14:21
srhbKireji: The kernel changelog.14:21
Kirejisrhb: :)  is that installed with the package?  how can I find it?14:22
Kirejihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/amd64/linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic/3.2.0-35.55 appears to be the relevant page, but no changelog14:23
srhbKireji: Should be in /usr/share/doc/packagename/changelog14:23
srhbKireji: Or something like that. Browse your way to it. :)14:23
Kirejiahhh it appears teh changelog is in the source packagehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/3.2.0-35.5514:24
Kirejifound it14:24
Kirejiok so both of these 3.2.0-35.55 and 3.2.0-35.54 are titled "urgency=low" in the changelog.  Why am I getting these as updates that require a dist-upgrade and a reboot?14:26
Kirejithey are becoming *way* more frequent, and do not seem worth it14:26
srhbKireji: Maybe you have some funky entries in your sources.list14:26
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Kirejibut when I use apt-get, I cannot determine which ones are "fix this or you'll be rooted" and which ones are "we fixed some race condition in ALSA"14:27
srhbKireji: Like you did now, check the kernel changelog and decide for yourself. Why are you using dist-upgrade though?14:28
Kirejijust this http://pastie.org/556857714:28
Kirejibecause the kernel packages get held back14:29
Kirejithey don't install otherwise14:29
Kirejisrhb: exactly, finding the log, reading and checking.  the issue is now it happens every few weeks14:29
Kirejiit's a waste of my time if the new kernel is not a serious hole to fix and it's definately affects our services to reboot 40 machines14:30
MonkeyDustKireji  can you not choose to *not* upgrade? or refuse unneeded kernel upgrades?14:31
srhbKireji: I don't understand your complaint. Do you mean to say that you want the package system to decide whether or not a given kernel version is useful for you?14:31
KirejiMonkeyDust: the issue is within the Ubuntu system it's not easy/possible to figure out teh severity of kernel upgrades14:32
srhbKireji: The changelog!14:32
srhbKireji: It's right there in /usr/share/doc ..14:32
Kirejisrhb: The changelog! is not included!14:33
Kirejior easy to find14:33
srhbYou mean before the update?14:33
Kirejiideally, yes, but I'd take it even after14:33
Kirejibecause it also requires a reboot, which is the real issue14:33
srhbKireji: I see the changelog on my system.14:33
Kirejiall services stop14:33
Kireji"where can I read the changes and decide if I ned to do these reboots?"14:34
srhbKireji: In /usr/share/doc .14:34
Kirejizless /usr/share/doc/linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic/changelog.Debian.gz   oudn it14:35
Kirejifound it14:35
Kirejithank you14:35
srhbKireji: Welcome.14:35
stigmatai want to install a printer canon 6000 any idea?14:38
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MonkeyDustsrhb  i'm curious myself, what is the filename for the kernel changes?14:39
srhbMonkeyDust: The package changelog includes the changes that were deemed important in the Launchpad tracking.14:41
srhb(I think.)14:41
srhbIf you want all the upstream changes, you really do need to go to kernel.org - but that's information overload in most cases I think.14:42
MonkeyDustsrhb  yeah, but i mean the log file, this dude was looking for14:42
chadohtmux and irssi are not getting along for me. the scrolling is all off. When I PageUp, the top half of the page scrolls, and when I page down, the bottom half of the page scrolls. I'm sshed into an EC2 instance running Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. My local machine is running OS X 10.8.14:43
thoonaiis kodak esp aio c310 stil unsupported14:44
DerRiddaHello dear lads & gents.14:44
DerRiddaAnyone here familiar with the (mis)behavings whoopsie?14:45
srhbMonkeyDust: In /usr/local/doc/linux-image-[version]/changelog.Debian.gz you will find the package history. The upstream changes are logged as such14:46
DerRiddaLegend of Grimrock crashed and sending the crashreport somehow involves whoopsie sending lots of data at over 100-150 kb/s.14:47
DerRiddaI feel like I'm uploading the entire thing.14:47
srhbMonkeyDust: Of course, you can also use apt-get changelog14:47
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* DigitalEquinox pets the husky.14:51
S`HuskyDon't even go there James14:51
someone235can someone help me with vsftpd? I don't know how to config this.14:54
S`HuskyWhat about it in particular14:55
S`HuskyThere are loads of ways of configuring an FTP daemon14:55
S`HuskyDo you just want it to use unix accounts or virtual accounts from a database etc14:55
DerRiddaAgain, does anyone here know a bit about whoopsie?14:55
iceroot!anyone | DerRidda14:56
VegetablesaladI'm trying to install ubuntu server.  I downloaded "ubuntu-12.04.1-server-amd64.iso" made usb start disk from it.14:56
ubottuDerRidda: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:56
VegetablesaladIn tutorial its said that I have to "Select 'basic server install' (after language selection)" , but I cant find that anywhere. Entire installation process is the same as regular desktop version, and it installs just that.14:56
VegetablesaladWhat am I doing wrong?14:56
someone235S`Husky , I just want it to work14:56
icerootVegetablesalad: the server version does not install a gui14:56
someone235I've installed it by this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/ftp-server.html . but I can't connect from my pc.14:56
S`Huskysomeone235: for starters, is the daemon running14:57
S`Huskyverify by doing 'ps ax | grep vsftpd' from a shell14:57
someone235yep it is14:57
S`Huskydo you get an output with 'netstat -tapn | grep 21'14:58
S`Huskyshould be something like14:59
S`Huskytcp  0  0*  LISTEN  945/vsftpd14:59
DerRiddaiceroot: I already asked the proper one but let's have it again: Legen of Grimrock crashed, I got prompted to send the usual crash report and now whoopsie is sending data at 130-150 kiB/s, hogging all my upload as if it was uploading all of the game including assets and I don't know what to do about it.14:59
someone235tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      31944/vsftpd14:59
someone235S`Husky, ^^14:59
S`Huskyany firewall on the box?15:00
someone235don't think so15:00
someone235S`Husky, it says "Response:530 Login incorrect."15:01
S`HuskyOooh so its connecting15:01
S`Huskyjust not logging in15:01
someone235sorry for not clarifying it15:01
S`Huskycan you post your vsftpd config file to http://pastebin.com pleae15:01
someone235yep sec15:02
cheshairHi! Can I use my Canon EOS camera as a webcam on my Ubuntu 12.10?15:02
krambhow to change date in ubuntu 12.0415:03
krambi changed it and it automatically changes to default15:04
MonkeyDust!webcam > cheshair start here15:08
ubottucheshair, please see my private message15:08
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someone235S`Husky, http://pastebin.com/2Bz9za6m15:11
cheshairMonkeyDust: hey that's very kind of you! thanks15:14
theadminWhen running fglrx on amd64, it seems it doesn't pull in various 32-bit opengl libs necessary for 32-bit apps (e.g. Steam, Wine) to work properly. Attempting to "apt-get install fglrx:i386" fails. How do I get those?15:16
BugzGuyIs there a better way to call a web page every X seconds than this using the command line in ubuntu? http://www.coderprofile.com/site/pastebin/1672715:17
VegetablesaladSo when I install ubuntu server it starts up, and I have regular ubuntu login screen, then it logs in and shows cursor and ubuntu desktop background with no UI. Is that right ?15:18
plut0any idea why mkinitramfs is failing in chroot? http://pastebin.com/NB8cQa1e15:18
theadminplut0: Are /sys and /proc mounted?15:18
plut0theadmin: yes15:19
theadminplut0: Hm... Ok I have no idea what /aufs is so that complaint seems weird to me15:19
MonkeyDustBugzGuy  guess you better ask that in #bash15:19
plut0theadmin: livecd15:19
BugzGuyAh, my bad thanks MonkeyDust15:19
theadminplut0: Oh...15:19
plut0any ideas?15:21
theadminplut0: Nope, not really15:21
quinceA question not strictly about ubuntu, but about using it in typical home wifi environments: I want to ssh to my nexus 7 (running ubuntu) from my ubuntu laptop, using the same wifi network in both cases.  That works fine on my home wifi network.  My question is: is that likely to work on typical home wifi networks?  Anybody know whether typical default routing & firewalling rules on home wifi routers are likely to stop th15:23
quinceat working?15:23
plut0any idea why mkinitramfs is failing in chroot? http://pastebin.com/NB8cQa1e15:24
theadminquince: Well, routers are very different, but I honestly don't see why any router would ever prevent you from accessing local devices15:24
ubottugiu: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:25
quincetheadmin: thanks -- is this something you've tried in a bog-standard home network? (i.e. using anything not on port 80?)15:26
quince(or 443)15:26
theadminquince: Well, I can easily ssh from my phone to my computer on my home network or access other computers around (e.g. ssh l@
quincetheadmin: so can I, but my setup (hand-tweaked openwrt) is not exactly typical, and I suspect yours isn't either?15:27
theadminquince: Hm, mine is more-or-less typical (dd-wrt), but I have no problems with another network at home that's quite typical (D-Link router with default firmware)15:28
alexfuHello guys, I installed GNOME 3 and applied a custom theme. Some applications such as xchat, synaptic, and chrome are still using the classic GTK theme. how do I get those applications to use the current user theme?15:28
quincetheadmin: great, that reassures me I needn't bother bashing my head against the usbnet wall :-)15:29
killeri have an aptoncd created iso file which i have mounted in "home/killer/pack" and have added to sources.list "deb file:///home/killer/pack precise killer", yet i can't install any softwares from it ?15:30
someone235S`Husky, ?15:30
S`Huskysomeone235: Sorry, million things going on15:30
someone235it's ok15:30
ravenrelease upgrade: need to download 5.5 gb - any way to create a wget list of the files to download it on another machine?15:32
S`Huskysomeone235: Do you have an vsftpd logs in /var/log?15:33
ravenrelease upgrade: need to download 5.5 gb - any way to create a wget list of the files to download it on another machine?15:34
theadmin!repeat | raven15:34
ubotturaven: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:34
quinceraven: no need to ask twice.  I was just about to answer15:34
jodlajodlahello! i have problem with temperature on acer aspire one 725 - temperature in idle is about 70° C and in load about 80° to 85° C... what can I do, because I think this are not normal temperatures?15:34
S`Huskyjodlajodla: That probably isnt an ubuntu issue. More hardware.15:34
S`HuskyAre the heatsinks clogged with dirt?15:35
quinceraven: how about running apt-cacher-ng on the other machine, then editing your /etc/apt/sources.list to point to that machine?15:35
plut0any idea why mkinitramfs is failing in chroot? http://pastebin.com/NB8cQa1e15:35
quinceraven: or does it have to be completely offline for some reason?15:35
Syncsys_how to know my lan ip address?15:36
theadminSyncsys_: ip addr15:36
jodlajodlaS`Husky so you're saying this are normal temperatures and I don't have to worry about that?15:36
MonkeyDustraven  in a terminal, type apt cache show apt-cacher-ng15:36
theadminMonkeyDust: You missed a -15:37
quinceraven: or use apt-offline? (I've never used that)15:37
S`Huskyjodlajodla: I'm saying its not a software issue.15:37
MonkeyDusttheadmin  true :)15:37
martyhi. might there be somebody able and willing to help me get my required resolution setup, please? i have a dreaded sis671 to contend with. i followed these instructions: http://ajoliveira.com/ajoliveira/uk/software/xorg.php yet am still stuck using vesa15:37
Syncsys_theadmin,  there are so many ip addrses. which one is mine? i use eth215:37
S`Huskyjodlajodla: check that the fan and the heatsync are not full of dirt15:37
someone235S`Husky, yes http://pastebin.com/vCVZAaDV15:37
jodlajodlaS`Husky computer is new ;)15:38
theadminSyncsys_: The one that comes up in your interface after "inet "15:38
Syncsys_theadmin,  there are 2 inets15:38
S`Huskyidle at 70 is a bit high15:38
S`Huskybut ive seen load temps of up to 8015:38
S`Huskysometimes higher15:38
theadminmarty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Sis15:39
S`Huskysomeone235: are you using your ubuntu username to try and log in?15:39
theadminSyncsys_: Well, the one that matches with your interface.15:39
martytheadmin: it was from that page i was linked to my provided link15:39
hikenbootcan anyone explain to me why when I add a tcp/ip sub interface to a newtwork card the system takes 10 mintues to boot getting beyound the networking?15:39
jodlajodlaS`Husky i already installed fglrx-updates and it's a few degrees colder, but this is still hot -> is it possible that k10temp is showing wrong temperature?15:39
S`Huskyits always a possibility. but I couldn't give you a definate yes or no on that one15:40
theadminmarty: Oh bah, sorry15:40
martytheadmin: hehe, np15:40
someone235S`Husky, yes15:40
quincehikenboot: presumably you've had a look in the logs?15:40
S`Huskysomeone235: I had to ask because the log shows that you are using the username "root" to log into ftp15:40
martytheadmin: it works fine when using the sisimedia driver (mandriva/mageia) so this -is- possible. i just don't know how :(15:40
S`HuskyWouldn't recommend that at all tbh15:41
quinceI usually sudo grep -rli /var/log ...15:41
quincebut yes, dmesg is a good place to start15:41
Syncsys_theadmin,  got it.  I can see it and when in browser. my webserver shows up a website that is runing on the linux machine. but I cant access files and folders that are shared in linux, from windows. why?15:41
someone235S`Husky, yes, my mistake. Next time I'll try from another user15:41
theadminSyncsys_: Not really familiar with samba so can't help you there15:42
someone235S`Husky, but u have any idea what it is not working?15:42
VegetablesaladI installed ubuntu server and now when I'm upgrading i see it downloads updates for libre office and gtk and a lot more gui software, why is that ?15:42
Syncsys_theadmin,  no problem15:42
S`Huskysomeone235: the root password is disabled in default installations of ubuntu15:42
S`Huskyis one reason possibly15:42
jodlajodlaS`Husky ok, because I think it is - max working temp for my processor is 90° C and lm-sensors is saying critical is 100° C?15:42
fermulatorI have my root ubuntu parition @ /dev/mapper/isw_fegbaeadg_RAID0_SSD1.  When I boot into Ubuntu 12.04 LIVECD, it for some reason auto-mounts that partition to /cdrom as read-only.  So I force unmount it, but my ubuntu root partition is still "busy".  (http://pastebin.com/NeaF8vrK) What can I do to fix this? (I need to mount it rw to repair grub).15:43
S`Huskyjodlajodla: I'd keep an eye on it.15:43
S`Huskysomeone235: Failing that, please add this to your vsftpd config file. pam_service_name=vsftpd15:44
someone235S`Husky, what it means?15:45
S`Huskyapparantly its an issue people have had before15:45
S`Huskywhere vsftpd trys to use the ftpd service with pam15:45
S`Huskyand fails15:45
S`Huskyso specifing vsftpd has been shown to resolve the problem15:45
strontiumanyone have any ideas why my physical network cards keep starting as "down" on boot but if i manually go "ip link set LanA up" i can manually up them?15:45
jaimeim having problems getting flash player to work in firefox15:46
jaimeany help!?!15:46
seednodejaime: Which package did you install?15:46
theadminjaime: Well, you'll need to define what you've done so far15:46
bekks!flash | jaime15:46
ubottujaime: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:46
jaimetried flash aid in firefox but didnt work15:46
S`Huskysomeone235: other than that, I'm out of ideas buddy :(15:47
theadminjaime: stop, drop and sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer15:47
jaimeso tried downloading new version from website and installed, moved one of the files to firefox plugins but still no luck!15:47
someone235S`Husky, It works! It just disallow the "root" :)15:47
someone235Thank you very much!15:47
S`Huskyno problems15:47
theadminjaime: Seriously, this is Linux, you don't install software from wobsites, you search the repositories (through the Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic or command-line utilities)15:48
VegetablesaladWhen installing ubuntu server from tutorial:15:48
Vegetablesalad1)At the boot prompt you will be asked to select the language. 2)Select 'basic server install'.15:48
VegetablesaladI didn't have this option, It was regular GUI install screen as with ubuntu desktop.15:48
theadminVegetablesalad: ...Then you're not installing Ubuntu Server.15:48
theadminVegetablesalad: You have a wrong image15:48
quincehikenboot: just a wild guess -- is it configured to dhcp on the sub interface? (in /etc/network/interfaces)  is it failing to do that?  If that seems likely you can try running sudo dhclient <interface name> to reproduce the problem15:48
VegetablesaladHow do I get 'basic server install' ?15:48
S`HuskyVegetablesalad: its a differnt disc image15:48
bekksVegetablesalad: Do you use the ubuntu server cd?15:48
axiooHi, when I make my cpu work too much a kernel panic happens. As I couldn't have crashlog I used netconsole. Here is what I get just before the crash: http://pastebin.com/Ycaae8hP What should I do?15:49
Vegetablesaladbekks: theadmin: I'm using "ubuntu-12.04.1-server-amd64.iso"15:49
S`HuskyVegetablesalad: the ISO should be called ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso when you download it15:49
hikenbootno its configured with a static address..but let me double check I do see one message here pci 0000:00:18:5 BAR 13 can't assign io (size 0x1000)15:49
S`Huskyor that15:49
Vegetablesaladfrom usb flash15:49
theadminVegetablesalad: What's the MD5 of that?15:49
quincestrontium: what's in your /etc/network/interfaces?  Maybe missing an "auto LanA" line?15:50
theadminVegetablesalad: Has to be: a8c667e871f48f3a662f3fbf1c3ddb1715:50
bekksVegetablesalad: From where did you download it?15:50
Vegetablesaladfrom ubuntu.com15:50
bekksaxioo: You have a faulty CPU.15:50
=== auronandace_ is now known as auronandace
hikenbootI found a typo with my dns server address rebooting to see if it fixes the problem15:51
jaimeno flashplugin-installer hasnt worked neither15:51
theadminOdd. The server images simply don't *have* a graphical installer15:51
rdw200169theadmin: they won't.  its pretty much a rule that you don't install a graphical environment on a server15:52
theadminrdw200169: I was talking to Vegetablesalad, who claims that updating a server install pulls in a GUI, and that the installer is graphical.15:52
theadminrdw200169: I do have common sense ;)15:52
Vegetablesaladtheadmin: I how do check it ?15:53
rdw200169theadmin: fair enough ;)15:53
theadminVegetablesalad: Well, on Linux, md5sum /path/to/ubuntu-12.04.1-server-amd64.iso15:53
Vegetablesaladi have file "md5sum.txt" on iso - it's full of md5 for folders, but where is global ?15:53
Vegetablesaladoh ok15:53
fermulatorWhen I boot Ubuntu LiveCD (12.04), it automatically mounts me real root ubuntu parittion as /cdrom!!  Why does it do this?15:54
Vegetablesaladtheadmin: "a8c667e871f48f3a662f3fbf1c3ddb17  /home/usr/Downloads/ubuntu-12.04.1-server-amd64.is"15:54
bekksVegetablesalad: Then visit the website again, and compare the md5sum15:55
theadminVegetablesalad:  Ok now this is simply weird15:55
VegetablesaladI'll try  to make new usb startup15:55
=== rutger_ is now known as vexy
bekksVegetablesalad: First, please compare the md5 sum.15:55
axioobekks: How do I solve that?15:56
bekksaxioo: By getting a new CPU from the CPU dealer of your choice.15:56
hikenbootI am getting lots of messages in dmesg that say apparmor="STATUS" is that normal15:56
theadminbekks: I already had him do that, his matches the md5 of the server image15:56
Vegetablesaladtheadmin:bekks: I found the problem. http://img.lejup.lv/images/lejupgtbwjfz1356278250.png15:57
bekksVegetablesalad: :P15:58
quincefermulator: that does seem odd.  Is it stopping you from doing something?15:58
theadminVegetablesalad: Heh.15:59
VegetablesaladWhen I select server iso It doesn't select it it just adds it to list like this: http://img.lejup.lv/images/lejupijuhbvb1356278347.png15:59
VegetablesaladI didn't see that its still on desktop v15:59
strontiumis there any reason why my network cards start down and I have to manually stop networking, up them and restart networking to get the network to run?  They are all listed as auto in /etc/network/interfaces ??15:59
Vegetablesaladtheadmin: bekks: Sorry for hustle, and thanks for help.16:00
quincestrontium: probably the answer is in the logs somewhere.  Any luck there?16:00
theadminVegetablesalad: Happens.16:00
strontiumquince, nope neither udev nor dmesg say anything, except they are "down"  no reason why.16:01
quincehow are you adding the sub interface?16:01
strontiumquince, I don't know what you mean by sub interface16:02
quincestrontium: maybe post your dmesg and see if somebody else can spot something out of the ordinary16:02
quincestrontium: oh, sorry, mixing you up with somebody else16:02
bekksVegetablesalad: You have to choose from the list. Click on the item you want to select as the source.16:03
konamfor some reason, the flash plugin that ubuntu installs using the official firefox wizard doesn't seem to load videos effectively16:03
konamthe flash plugin is there, but the videos never actually begin to load or play16:03
konamubuntu 12.1016:03
quincestrontium: still, posting your dmesg for last book might help16:04
Treadstone__71I have a question about Steam + updates. I have installed STeam but when I try to update via the update manager I get Requeires installation of untruesed packages and it dies  ? (steam:i386)16:05
quincekonam: dpkg -l flashplugin-installer16:05
quincethat's what I installed -- I didn't use the firefox UI16:06
konamquince do you have the same issue? that package appears as installed on synaptic16:07
quincekonam: erm, I'm actually on 12.04, and no16:07
quincedidn't notice you said 12.1016:07
red_RudyHi everybody !16:09
quincekonam: if it's youtube you're after you could always try enabling their HTML5 trial (google it)16:09
=== ddee is now known as _dd
konamquince is not because of youtube since it does use html5 automatically if it doesn't find a suitable flash plugin16:09
quincekonam: last I heard Adobe stopped supporting flash on linux, so it may rot16:09
quincekonam: so perhaps it believes it has found one, but that plugin does not work16:10
konamwhich is part of the problem, since it goes to the html5 version even with flash "installed"16:10
quincekonam: it is possible to ask youtube to try html5 first, and ignore flash unless it html5 wouldn't work for a particular video16:10
theadminquince: Mozilla and Google are developing their own Flash implementations so even if it will "rot" nobody will ever notice anything16:10
theadminquince: Well, unless you use Opera16:10
quincetheadmin: oh, cool (er, I think... maybe I'd prefer it to rot :-)16:11
quincekonam: ah.  How did you verify that that's what it's doing?16:12
thinker_have people16:13
hikenbootinteresting enough i also found this messgae ADDRCONF (NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready...dont get this when the sub interface isnt attached16:13
quincekonam: maybe sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-installer from command line and see if it prints something informative?16:13
hikenbootit says somthing about IPv616:13
hikenbootshould i some how try and remove IP616:13
tisseyeah, so i installed mint just now16:14
ThinkT510!mint | tisse16:14
ubottutisse: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:14
tisseinstalled nvdiia drivers and taskpar disappeared16:14
FloodBot1tisse: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:14
theadminhikenboot: http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/disable-ipv6-if-your-internet-is.html16:15
hikenbootthanks theadmin16:15
bmeaseI'm getting 10 second freezes every minute or two when i ssh into one of my boxes, any suggestions on how to track down what the problem is?16:19
quincehikenboot: sorry if this is obvious: if that doesn't work, remember to look at the dmesg timestamps to see where it stops doing much for a long time16:19
dwatkinsbmease: I got that as a result of the caching of the bash command suggestions, I think there's a bug open for it16:19
bmeasedwatkins: thanks i'll search for it16:20
hikenbootthanks quincy  I will keep it in mind...thanks a lot for the suggestion16:20
NaeblisI can't see any audio control working. tail -f'ing .xsession-errors gives me this: "** (gnome-volume-control-applet:1929): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...16:22
quincebmease: little tip that sometimes makes that kind of bug less aggravating: hit return, then ~, then . (period) -- that will disconnect the ssh session16:23
Naeblisany ideas how I can fix this?16:23
question12345hi all16:25
question12345somebody here?16:25
lwsWell? all my audio stuff has mysteriously disappeared16:25
bmeasequince: thanks, just gave it a go and that will help.16:25
lwsXBMC can play audio, but nothing else seems to be able to -- and I have no audio preferences.16:25
question12345somebody here?16:25
quinceNaeblis: is this just default configuration, or have you configured pulse at all?16:26
quincequestion12345: just ask16:26
Naeblisquince, not sure? I'm using alsa...16:26
lwsanybody know what the proper package is for sound config?  Some update must have removed it.16:27
quincelws: does aplay work?  aplay /old/usr/lib/openoffice/basis3.2/share/gallery/sounds/apert.wav16:28
plut0any idea why i'm getting this error inside a chroot? http://pastebin.com/RatMpU3G16:28
lwsI don't have that wav file16:28
lwsNo it does not16:28
lwsat least not with other wav files16:28
question12345should i take ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10?!?!?!16:29
wrq6152quince: /old seems a weird toplevel directory16:29
question12345should i take ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10?!?!?!16:29
* lws grumbles about how shit changes every time he sits down to use his computer.16:29
lwsI had this all setup a couple weeks ago.16:29
lwsXBMC seems to be working fine too. It's real odd.16:30
xangua!language | lws16:30
ubottulws: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:30
question12345no help???16:32
bekksquestion12345: It is your decision which Ubuntu you want to use.16:32
question12345better 12.10 or 12.04? :)16:32
ThinkT510question12345: depends what you want16:32
question12345well i want stable and up to date16:33
bekks!best | question1234516:33
ubottuquestion12345: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:33
mrhydehow do i make ubuntu render sharper font? i'm using ubuntu on a 13inch mbp and the font on firefox seems fuzzy16:33
bekks!lts | question1234516:33
ThinkT510question12345: 12.04 longer support, 12.10 more recent apps16:33
ubottuquestion12345: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)16:33
question12345well i don't want to upgrade every 6 months!!!!!16:33
lwsquince: Any other ideas?  Audio is working, XBMC can play.  Everything else is not working though :/16:33
quincewrq6152: oops -- meant to strip that off, sorry (I have an old filesystem mounted there, locate turned that up)16:33
bekksquestion12345: Then dont do it, use LTS instead.16:33
lwsquince: Also, all my sound preferences have disappeared.16:33
question12345bekks: thank you16:33
question12345bekks: with unity or gnome 3? :)16:34
dylanSo I want to start ubuntu without starting X,but still be able to log into my acc, how do I do this?16:34
dylanor alternatively, how do I kill X whil logged in16:34
ThinkT510question12345: try both see what you like16:34
dylanI just want a CLI16:34
bekksquestion12345: Please take a look at 12.04 before :P16:34
konamquince dpkg reconfigure asks me for the location of the flash plugin, i don't know if it always asks for it but it seems that it doesn't recognize the plugin as being installed, even though the browser does (even if the video doesn't ever play, it does show to be using the plugin right clicking on it)16:34
plut0any idea why i'm getting this error inside a chroot? http://pastebin.com/RatMpU3G16:34
question12345bekks:  ThinkT510 i heard gnome 3 in ubuntu is NOT as good as it could be16:34
quincelws: so aplay works, right?16:34
ThinkT510question12345: i don't use gnome316:35
question12345ThinkT510: what you use???16:35
dylanSo I want to start ubuntu without starting X,but still be able to log into my acc, how do I do this?16:35
bekksquestion12345: I dont care what other people hear. Take a look at 12.04, then try the desktop environments you want to try, ,and then choose the one you want to use.16:35
ThinkT510question12345: unity, but xfce is my favourite16:35
ThinkT510question12345: like bekks says, try them and see what you like16:36
question12345bekks: ThinkT510 is xfce also LTS?16:36
question123455 years?16:36
dylanHow do I stop X and drop into a command line>16:36
bekksquestion12345: Please read the link you have been given.16:36
dylanI don't want the GUI using up resources16:36
question12345what link16:36
bekks!lts | question1234516:36
quinceNaeblis: which version of gnome-media do you have?  dpkg -l gnome-media16:37
dylanHow do I stop X and drop into a command line?  I don't want the GUI using up resources.16:37
bekksquestion12345: No link but the text ubottu told you.16:37
mrpink57dylan: you could edit grub to start in init 316:37
bekks!patience > dylan16:37
ubottudylan, please see my private message16:37
Naeblisquince,  2.32.0-0ubuntu716:37
red_RudyHi everybody (again)!16:38
dylanmrpink57: how do I go about doing that?16:38
lwsquince: No, aplay does not work.16:38
quinceNaeblis: as a workaround, you could try pkill pulseaudio16:39
question12345bekks: ThinkT510 i'll try Xubuntu 12.04 it has 3 years!!!!!!!!!16:39
sheikhmakhey guys I have a conceptual conception, i'm trying to setup x11vnc over ssh tunnel16:39
mrpink57dylan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1904347 start there and work forward.  honestly if you're green on doing this it won't be easy as it goes16:39
sheikhmakthe host that runs the ssh server and vnc servers, I wanted to know if I could keep the vnc port shut and it will still work ?16:39
sheikhmak*shit conceptual question lol16:40
Naeblisquince, don't have pulseaudio installed, so that won't work, I think16:40
lwsquince: My card shows up in HDA-intel, but in pulseaudio volume control it only shows the dummy output.16:40
compdocsheikhmak, shut on the server, or shut on the firewall?16:40
quincesheikhmak: why would it work?  Have you looked at sshuttle?16:40
sheikhmakcompdoc, on the firewall, I'm trying to understand if ssh tunneling means, only the ssh port could remain open16:41
bekksquestion12345: Dont use punctuation signs that excessively. They do NOT attract people, they annoy people.16:41
compdocsheikhmak, long ago I started using a vpn to admin my customer's servers. No ports have to be open in the firewall for ssh or vnc16:42
compdocbut you got the concept right16:42
dylanmrpink57: That works, but I can't do what I need to do16:44
bekksdylan: Then tell us what you really want to do?16:45
dylanI'm trying to run a CLI program with mono.  I tried to run it in the root shell prompt, but it just displayed some version info16:45
sheikhmakcompdoc, I've shut all the ports on my ubuntu host, I only open a random port that I run ssh off. For security I used to use x11vnc with certificates, but that solution i couldn't find an android client that will achieve that. so I decided to use ssh tunneling. And I'm trying to figure out, obviously the ssh port have to be opened, but i'm trying to see if the vnc's port gotta be open as well, if it does, defeats my original purp16:45
bekksdylan: Do NOT run applications as root unless knowing what you are doing there very well.16:45
dylanbekks: I'm well aware of that16:46
compdocsheikhmak, not with a tunnel. But other than a vpn, Ive never used a tunnel16:46
KrenairAnyone know how to force the close/minimise/maximise buttons at the top left of the screen to stay there, even when the window isn't maximised?16:46
quinceNaeblis: maybe that's the problem?   Sorry, can't find the source code for it easily, I probably got the package name wrong...16:46
Krenair(in unity)16:47
ThinkT510Krenair: they will stay there when the window isn't maximised16:47
othrguyhello, is it possible to some1 help me with an issue i have? ( backing-up_ or point me in the right direction?16:47
KrenairWell it doesn't work for me16:47
sheikhmak<quince> sshuttle??16:47
ThinkT510Krenair: maybe i misunderstood you16:48
KrenairThinkT510, when I make a window non-maximised, I can only see the first part of the window title in the top left16:48
KrenairThe buttons disappear from the bar at the top and follow the window title bar16:48
KrenairI don't mind them being on the title bar, but they should stay on the bar at the top as well16:49
othrguyis it possible to get some help here?16:49
ThinkT510Krenair: i see, i don't know how to help with that sorry16:49
joey8othrguy→ what is your problem16:49
othrguyi need to backup my whole system, if i tar the home folder, do i also backup all the installed software?16:50
ThinkT510othrguy: no16:50
othrguyis there any way i could backup my software as well then?16:50
Syncsys__what is the min requirmnet for HDD and Ram for 64 bit and 32 bit ubuntu/kubuntu16:50
quincekonam: if you're prepared to dig more you'll probably figure out what's wrong eventually, but a violent but easy workaround that might help if you're getting frustrated WHICH WILL DELETE ALL YOUR FIREFOX DATA (bookmarks, etc. etc.):  try apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree firefox and then reinstall them16:51
quincesheikhmak: google it16:51
ThinkT510!backup | othrguy16:52
ubottuothrguy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:52
quincelws: you can ignore pulseaudio until you've got the alsa command working16:52
lwsquince: I don't know what happened, my audio was working fine. *grumble*16:52
quincelws: the alsa irc people have a script called alsa-info.sh (google it) which might be helpful16:53
othrguyalright i will read on them, thanks a lot guys :>16:53
tcafmiI have changed my hostname, since then I get the message "xxx is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." . how can I change the /etc/sudoers file?16:53
lwsquince: Sat down to play my keyboard this morning, and it was broken16:53
quincelws: in my experience, alsa is like that :-(16:53
lwsquince:  In my experience, linux is like that.    I switched from gentoo to ubuntu because every time I went to use my machine on the weekends something new was unexpectedly broken. :/16:53
quincelws: actually that's not quite fair -- it doesn't break for me unless I change something.  But it usually seems sound doesn't work on a clean install, for me (apparently I'm unusual in that, though...)16:54
hikenbootis there a way to get the screen loging on boot to show a time stamp16:54
lwsI though fsck.ext4 was supposed to run really quickly?16:54
quincelws: well, that's not unexpected with gentoo, but it would be unexpected with ubuntu, IME16:54
lwsubuntu has been saying it will fsck my drives next startup for months, so I'm manually running it -- and getting tons of messages16:54
Syncsys__what is the min requirmnet for HDD and Ram for 64 bit and 32 bit ubuntu/kubuntu16:55
quincelws: (not knocking gentoo, it's just designed like that, really)16:55
lwsquince: yeah, gentoo is not for someone who doesn't want to manually edit config files every time they run an update.16:55
sheikhmakquince alright I see a bit how it works, forward all traffic through ssh.16:55
ThinkT510!requirements | Syncsys__16:56
ubottuSyncsys__: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu16:56
lwsThis does not look good16:56
lwsI'm getting hundreds of read errors on my drive -- my drive which seems to be working fine.16:57
bekkslws: Then it is failing, most likely.16:57
quincelws: probably want to remount read-only (or boot from a CD or USB stick) and backup right away16:58
lwsquince: I unmounted it and am running fsck16:58
immortelle logiciel ubuntu me foue la merde16:58
lwshost bus error....16:58
theadmin!fr | immortel16:59
ubottuimmortel: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:59
immorteljoin #ubuntu-fr16:59
mrhydehow do i make firefox have sharper text on ubuntu? I see it  fuzzy on my 13inch macbook pro screen17:00
max999immortel: tu as d utilizier /join #ubuntu-fr17:00
quincesheikhmak: uh, think I was thinking of something else when I said sshuttle --oops, sorry!  have to go now...17:01
theadminimmortel: avec /17:01
immortelje n arrive plus a me connecter sur aucun site avec ubuntu17:02
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:03
immorteljoin #ubuntu-qc17:03
max999immortel: tu es ecrit join #ubuntu-fr mais tu nas pas utilize le /17:04
Syncsys__ clueless problem . tring to share files in windows and linux. works ok in a wifi router connected to a dsl. slow thought but ok.    when i try to make a hotspot between  the computers or use wires with a seperate switch. either i cant see share folders. (i can ping each other and even see a webpage runing on linux machine)     and some times when i do see folders and try to copy files that are large. it breads down in middle and th17:04
Syncsys__e folders disappear again.17:04
plut0is the EFI fat partition required to boot off a uefi board?17:06
MonkeyDustplut0  this may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:07
frenzyToday my OCZ boot disk said byebye. I am reinstalling from scratch however next time i'd like to have a BMR solution. Provided that i do not care about restoring single files and my root filesystem is small (5gb) is there any super easy solution without a gui? I could go in single user and DD /dev/sda1 to a file, that would be enough, but id like to have something be able to run via cron17:10
ikoniafrenzy: it's that simple17:10
frenzyah, and, p.s. i am not using LVM17:10
frenzyjust ext4 on sda117:11
ikoniastill that simple17:11
ikoniafrenzy: may want to back up the MBR too17:11
frenzyikonia: no, let's say i do not care about the mbr, i can reinstall grub if the ssd dies, i just want a copy of the o.s.17:11
frenzyi have a local (non ssd) disk where i can store the copy17:12
ikoniafrenzy: do that then17:13
ikoniafrenzy: remember your uuid refernece may change17:13
ikoniaso you'll have to adjust that potentiallyu17:13
frenzydo what?17:13
ikoniachange any reference to UUID's17:13
frenzyi am not referencing the uuid :)17:13
ikonia(post restore)17:13
ikoniafrenzy: you are, they will be referenced by grub, by your fstab etc17:14
frenzyok, but how do i backup online ?? i cannot just "DD" the disk while mounted rw17:14
llutzfrenzy: daily-cronjob syncing / onto 2nd drive, mounted at /mnt for this:  "rsync -Haurx --delete-after --exclude="/etc/fstab" --exclude="/etc/mtab" --exclude="/boot/grub/grub.cfg" / /mnt/ "17:14
ikoniafrenzy: yes, dd it while mounted17:14
ikonia(just the partition)17:14
ikoniait's better to do it offline, however it can be doneonline17:14
ikoniadone online17:14
frenzywell, no, unless ext4 has some sort of snap functionality, if fs is synced in the meanwhile i might end up with a corrupted image17:15
ikoniafrenzy: it has no such thing17:15
ikoniaand you won't end up with a corrupted image17:15
ikoniayour only risk is inflight files such as log files17:15
ikoniawhich I'm assuming you'd have no issue zeroing17:15
ikoniaor living without a line or two17:16
frenzyi usually mount /var/log in ramfs, so that's easy17:16
frenzyllutz: like your approach but id like a "huge" single file, faster to restore17:16
llutzfrenzy: but my 2nd drive runs while the orig ssd died :)17:17
frenzyikonia: however i am not really sure it will work, "dd" is not a snapshot, it might take 20 minutes to do the copy, did you tried this in the past?17:17
ikoniafrenzy: it will take 20 minutes...it's not a snapshot, it's block by block copy of the device17:18
jayari'm getting constant failure errors and 'bug reporting' events from smbd17:18
frenzyikonia: exactly, in 20 minutes everything could change inside an fs structure, the resulting image might be just garbage17:18
Echelon_I247Hi, can anybody help me with identifying. In IRC.. Please.17:19
auronandace!register | Echelon_I24717:19
ubottuEchelon_I247: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:19
theadminEchelon_I247: #freenode can17:19
ikoniafrenzy: then you have to start accepting the limitations17:20
\\Mr_C\\when i make a script for console with nano editor, how do i make it so i dont have to type ./ before the scriptname?17:20
ikoniafrenzy: either a.) take the system down b.) use an online backup such as rsync c.) accept the limitations of dd'ing an online partition d.) purchase an enterprise backup application17:20
frenzyfrenzy: yes, but if i am not sure about the copy then i prefer llutz approach which is 100% safe17:20
theadmin\\Mr_C\\: You can put it to any directory in your $PATH, e.g. ~/bin or /usr/local/bin17:20
Echelon_I247auronandace: I already registered my name I just wanted to Identify..17:20
\\Mr_C\\its in my root folder and im in the root folder17:20
llutzEchelon_I247: /msg nickserv identify  s3cr3t17:21
auronandaceEchelon_I247: /msg nickserv identify yourpassword17:21
BluesKajEchelon_I247, it's ususally , /msg nickserv identify password17:21
yugnip\\Mr_C\\, make sure that 'executable' is checked in the scripts permissions17:21
frenzyikonia: it would be nice to have snapshots in ext4, dreaming zfs on boot17:21
auronandaceEchelon_I247: make sure you do it outside a channel17:21
llutzfrenzy: easy, use solaris17:21
theadmin\\Mr_C\\: Well, you either put it to a folder in your $PATH or use the full path to it (. is just a shortcut to "current directory")17:21
ikoniafrenzy: you don't have snapshots in ext4 - so it's pointless wishing for it17:22
ikoniafrenzy: work a solution with what you do have17:22
BluesKajEchelon_I247, in the server textbox on your irc client17:22
Echelon_I247BluesKaj: thankx.. :)17:22
frenzyllutz: ehehe, i have too many at work already :)17:22
llutzfrenzy: well, then what ikonia wrote17:22
frenzyikonia: i think best approach is doing both, weekly DD "live" and rsync, daily17:22
ikoniafrenzy: that seems like a massive waste, but it's up to you17:23
srhbdd live? What will that accomplish?17:23
frenzyikonia: i have a 3tb drive and OS will probably use less than 2GB17:23
ikoniafrenzy: it is still a massive waste of time and effort17:23
ikoniafrenzy: but it is yours to waste17:24
frenzyikonia: believe me, reinstalling from scratch worth 100 times that setup17:24
jayaranyone else having issues with smbd?17:24
Syncsys__ clueless problem . tring to share files in windows and linux. works ok in a wifi router connected to a dsl. slow thought but ok.    when i try to make a hotspot between  the computers or use wires with a seperate switch. either i cant see share folders. (i can ping each other and even see a webpage runing on linux machine)     and some times when i do see folders and try to copy files that are large. it breads down in middle and th17:24
frenzya dd and an rsync on cron is a 10 mins setup, its just space17:24
Syncsys__e folders disappear again.17:24
theadminjayar: That's not a question. "issues" can be anything from "it's giving some error" to "it's making my hard drive create fish and eat cats"17:24
ikoniafrenzy: it's yours to waste.17:25
llutzfrenzy: reinstalling is easy, just backup your stuff from /etc, $HOME, some parts of /var and a list of isntalled packages.17:25
jayarconstant "has caused an error" alerts17:25
=== Teufelchen_ is now known as Teufelchen
jayari guess smbd is creashing or something, and ubuntu wants me to report bugs... and its constant. and annoying17:26
Echelon_I247can i know how to run scripts and applications which are other than .deb17:26
frenzyllutz: yes, next time, now i have nothing, i lost my last "dd" image a couple of months ago and the ssd drive today, forgot to create one in the middle :)17:26
yeatsjayar: you can just check "Ignore future crashes of this type"17:26
frenzyanyway thanks ikonia/llutz for the tips :)17:27
yeatsjayar: and make sure you've kept up with updates17:27
mrpink57Echelon_I247: you can build from source17:27
jayarwell yea, but i'd rather know what the problem is. i guess i'm asking if anyone is aware of the issue and if they just grin and bare it too, is it a known bug, is there an alternative... blah blah blah17:27
mrpink57Echelon_I247: i am sure there are programs or ways to say convert a rpm to deb but i care not to17:28
jayari didnt form it in a question, thought you guys could just spidey sense that stuff... my bad17:28
Echelon_I247Especially i don't know how to run .tar files I am newbie to linux.. :(17:28
MonkeyDustjayar  is this helpful? http://ubuntuguide.net/disable-apport-error-reporting-in-ubuntu-12-1017:28
Echelon_I247mrpink57: Especially i don't know how to run .tar files I am newbie to linux.. :(17:29
jayarsure, that tells me how to stop it from telling me that its broken. i'd like to know how to fix it.17:29
srhbjayar: You will have to provide log information in order to make any progress with that. :)17:29
mrpink57Echelon_I247: i would suggest you start googling for this info, there is a lot of it out there.  Just put ubuntu at the end of your searches17:29
konamMonkeyDust i didn't know that thanks17:29
konamapport sure gets on my nerves17:29
jayarsrhb: now we're gettin somewhere17:29
yeatsjayar: /var/log/apport.log17:30
konamnew users will surely get a bad impression from it17:30
jayari've reported the bug for months now, attached is my log info /var/log/apport.log17:30
konam"everything keeps crashing on ubuntu.."17:30
Echelon_I247mrpink57: k thank you though, i'll go through that..17:30
jayarand i apt-get update/upgrade weekly... so maybe it hasn't been resolved17:30
srhbjayar: Paste the contents of the log file to a pastebin so we can see it.17:31
jayarand instead of waiting for a forum reply (cuz im a spoiled american that demands answers immediately) i came here ;-p17:31
yeatsjayar: if you ask your questions correctly in the forums, you should get quick answers IMHO17:32
MonkeyDustjayar  "if everything else fails, join #ubuntu" ;-)17:32
konamMonkeyDust i usually do it the other way around, even though the forums users respond fairly quickly17:33
yeatsjayar: unsolicited, I know, but this is probably worth reading if you have trouble getting good support: http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html17:34
jayarlol @ MonkeyDust17:34
jayari dunno, i've been on IRC since '97 so i'm used to just comin on and askin questions... never really been a forum guy unless theres not an irc channel for it17:35
ikoniajayar: have you looked in the logs17:35
ikoniathe dbus warning is also useful17:36
Error404NotFoundI have enabled hibernate in 12.04 and now when i try to do hibernate system screen goes off but it doesn't go into poweroff state e.g. leds of keyboard and power are still on. Furthermore when i restart forcefully it doesn't restore old state as if the last hibernate failed. Here is my pm-suspend log: http://pastie.org/556917117:39
max999hi all17:43
max999what does :(){ :|: & };: do in terminal?17:43
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!17:43
theadminmax999: That's a forkbomb. Doesn't do anything horrible, just hangs your system after a while forcing you into a hard reset17:43
_cbNot sure this is the right place. If not please point me in the right direction. I understand that one can have multiple domains on a server and I know each domain has it's own folder. I don't understand how the name resolution works to point Domain A to folder A and Domain B to folder B17:44
llutz_cb: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/examples.html17:45
_cbIt was the right place to ask after all. Thanks !17:45
theadmin_cb: Well, the better place would've been #httpd17:46
bjrohanI had been trying to set up an rsync job (using ssh) in cron to run automatically. I can run the job via command line just fine, however in cron it says permission denied in the error output, can anyone help me?17:46
_cbthe admin I will head in that direction. Thanks17:47
MonkeyDustbjrohan  try sudo crontab -e , the cron job then executes as if it were with sudo17:47
icantdrive55hows it goin everybody17:47
bjrohanMonkeyDust: will try, thanks17:47
Knucklehello all, I'm running ubuntu gnome remix 12.10.1, and since updating my kernel a few days ago I haven't been able to get the proprietary nvidia drivers working17:48
icantdrive55anyone in here know the best linux irc chat room in general. tryin to ask someone who knows about slitaz however slitaz support irc SUCKS17:48
MonkeyDustbjrohan  mind: the cron job then belongs to 'root'17:48
bjrohanMonkeyDust: From what I can tell though that won't work. The issue seems to be that it can not log into the remote computer17:48
llutzbjrohan: what error?17:48
jayaricantdrive55: i like xchat17:49
KnuckleI can install them, run sudo nvidia-xconfig, but after rebooting gnome 3 refuses to start, reverting me to a gnome 2 desktop with horrible resolution until I switch back to the open source drivers and reboot17:49
jayaroh wait n/m lol17:49
auronandaceicantdrive55: ##linux17:49
bjrohanMonkeyDust: It isn't that the job won't run, it is running because it prints out the error log that I specify, so the job runs, the problem is, it can't log into the other computer using ssh from what I can tell. I have ssh set to log into that destintation computer via rsa key17:49
DJones!alis | icantdrive5517:49
bjrohanHere is the line I am trying to run MonkeyDust:rsync -vaz --exclude 'Dropbox' --delete-before --force -e ssh  /home/bjrohan/ brohan@ > $HOME/rsync.$(date +\%F).log 2> $HOME/rsync.$(date +\%F).err17:49
ubottuicantdrive55: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*17:49
xanguaKnuckle: tried the previous kernel¿17:49
Knucklexangua: how do I do that?17:49
MonkeyDustbjrohan  ok, I had that too, i resolved it by creating a ssh key, to bypass the remote password17:49
bjrohanMonkeyDust: If I run that line from commande line, all goes well17:49
xanguaKnuckle: hold Shift when you turn on the pc, the grub menu should show and you can select the previous kernel wich worked with your nvidia17:50
bjrohanMonkeyDust: I have an rsa key installed that works. in command line if I type ssh brohan@ it logs me in just fine, no asking for a password b/c the rsa is working17:50
bjrohanMonkeyDust: apparently it isn't working okay in the cron17:50
MonkeyDustbjrohan  that's odd17:50
Knucklexangua: ubuntu gnome remix has a slightly different bootscreen17:50
Knuckleit only shows one option to boot into ubuntu17:50
Knuckleer, not bootscreen, grub config17:51
icantdrive55sorry to all above that replied... ran out of room and thanks17:51
xanguaKnuckle: as i said, hold Shift when you turn on the pc17:51
Knucklehm, alright, I'll give that a try17:51
Echelon_I247ciao guys thanx for ur help guys.17:51
chadohalright. scrolling in irssi is broken for me when using tmux within my ubuntu ec2 vm or my local mac. but scrolling in irssi works fine in screen. But I don't want to use screen, I want to use tmux harrumph.17:52
theadminchadoh: scrolling how? Mouse wheel may not work, but pageup/pagedown should.17:53
chadohtheadmin: the mac keyboard maps fn + up/down arrows to Page Up/Down. I'm using that.17:54
chadohNever the mouse. NEVER THE MOUSE! @theadmin17:54
theadminchadoh: Hm, I see. Odd... It shoulda work, not sure17:55
mashbrohow can I set up a LAMP server with PHP and mySQL? I'm on Ubuntu 11.0417:56
llutz!lamp | mashbro17:56
ubottumashbro: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.17:56
kermit_just google lamp17:56
theadminmashbro: The answer is you can't. 11.04 is not supported.17:57
chadohtheadmin: yeah, I'm not sure what's up. When I PageUp, only the top half of irssi scrolls up. When I PageDown, only the bottom half scrolls. And new messages do not show up unless I PageUp then PageDown. Again, only in tmux. Screen (which I'm using now but not used to) is working fine. No multiplexer works fine.17:57
mashbroI'm getting, Unable to install taskel17:57
mashbrotheadmin: any idea why?17:58
ThinkT510mashbro: 11.04 is no longer supported17:58
llutz!eol | mashbro17:58
ubottumashbro: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:58
theadminmashbro: Because 11.04 is EOL. Repos were killed off.17:58
mashbroso I will need to upgrade to the latest version right?17:59
mashbroLinpassion: hey17:59
yeatsmashbro: probably a fresh install at this point, but yes - I'd recommend 12.0417:59
mashbroyeats: why not 12.10?18:00
yeatsmashbro: because 12.04 is an LTS release and will be good for 5 years18:00
mashbroyeats, okay18:00
yeatswell, 4 1/2 at this point ;-)18:00
mashbrohow can I upgrade to 12.04 via terminal?18:00
Linpassionhi yeats18:01
yeatsmashbro: not sure you can - you might need to back up your files and reinstall18:01
yeatsLinpassion: hi?18:01
theadminmashbro: You can't upgrade to 12.04 directly, would have to go through 11.1018:01
Linpassionyeats you know how to change the purple screen on ubuntu 12.02 ?18:02
yeatsLinpassion: can you provide more details about what you're asking? and which release? (there is no 12.02)18:03
LinpassionUbuntu 12.02 LTS Destkop. When boot start up appera a purple screen,. i want to change it ore remove it to se the dmesg oputput like Slackware18:04
zipaceLinpassion: you'll have to edit /etc/default/grub (and then run 'sudo update-grub')18:08
Linpassionok, wath row i m'ust comment/uncomment?18:09
ronmalloyHello all!18:09
zipaceLinpassion: remove "quiet splash" from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT and GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, then run 'sudo update-grub'18:09
ronmalloyCan anyone direct me to the howto for laptop config, specifically, using  it with lid closed and HDMI out to external screen?18:11
Linpassionto edit grup? lilo was too easy!18:11
zipaceLinpassion: just use any program to edit it, such as vim, emacs, gedit, kwrite, leafpad... whatever fits your bill18:13
zipaceremember that you need superuser rights in order to edit it, due to being UID 018:13
Linpassionpardon, to edit group which command18:17
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
nabnhi I am having a hard time getting g++ to install18:30
Knucklexangua: well I managed to figure it out18:30
nabnit says i have broken packages and/or unmet dependencies18:31
nabnwhat does that mean?18:31
theadminnabn: sudo apt-get install gcc gives you that?18:31
Knucklerebooting into older kernel didn't really go smooth, messed around with reinstalling nvidia drivers, noticed that the ones for the latest kernel weren't being made because I didn't have the header files18:32
KnuckleInstalled linux-headers-generic, installed nvidia drivers, rebooted into latest kernel, everything works \o/18:33
theadminnabn: Err, "sudo apt-get install g++", that is.18:34
AreckxI am having an issue with full screen mode in terminal/gedit/chromium/etc when using ctrl+alt+->/<- ## The issue is that I need to alt+tab on all of the windows in order to restore the window to a true full screen since the bottom panel and top panel are visible18:36
csemplehi I recently upgraded (reinstalled) my OS from Ubuntu 10.04 to 12.04 since then, the SD card reader on this laptop (acer eeePC 1000) doesn't work18:36
csempleit used to on 10.0418:36
csemplehere is the output of dmesg -->    http://pastebin.com/uvshWWeV18:37
Areckxcs278::  maybe you need a different package in order to run in Precise?18:37
Areckxerr csemple18:37
csemplehey Areckx18:38
Areckxthat message was meant for you18:38
Areckxwhich package worked for 10.04?18:38
Areckxand also, have you considered reinstalling 10.04?18:38
csempleAreckx, I never had to install a package to get the sd card reader working18:40
csempleas far as I know18:40
Tech-1do your thumb drives work ?18:40
Areckxcsemple::  That means that it is using firmware18:40
csemplehey Tech-118:40
Areckxyou may need to use a different firmware on 12.04 for it to work18:41
csemplelemme check a thumb drive one sec18:41
Areckxbesides the one that is packaged with your sd card reader18:41
Tech-1i have a eee also, and i havent put 12 on it yet, just wondering18:41
Areckxif that makes any sense18:41
csemplein the meantime here is the output of dmesg18:41
AreckxTech-1 as well as any others with that card reader may benefit from you figuring out how to run it on 10.0418:42
Tech-1csemple>  is there a switch in bios for them ?18:42
nabnthis is what i get when i try to install g++ : Depends: g++-4.7 (>= 4.7.0-1~) but it is not going to be installed18:42
nabnwhat do i do to fix this?18:42
csemplethumb drive does not work18:42
nabni am running ubuntu 12.10 x6418:43
sabrinaI have installed ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop. I have problems with the audio device! Can anyone help me?18:43
csempleTech-1, I checked bios18:43
csempleI never went into bios after upgrading18:43
csempleor before18:43
Tech-1mine is a asus, and it has a usb switch in it, interesting18:43
csempleusb switch huh18:44
yeatscsemple: seen this?: http://askubuntu.com/a/15089118:44
braddcadd_just restored home folder on my fresh install, how do i get evolution to look at my old config?18:44
Tech-1ya, weird18:44
ofcanhello! I have 'unmet dependency' problem, can you please take a look, here's the code & everything, any help is awesome > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14006157/postgresql-9-1-dependency-issue18:44
Tech-1csemple>  is your system using mate ?18:44
sabrinaI have installed ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop. I have problems with the audio device! Can anyone help me? My laptop is an Asus A6 Va18:45
csempleTech-1, I don't know what mate is18:45
Tech-1its a gnome 2 fork kinda thing18:45
csempleTech-1, I installed ubuntu using a usb cdrom drive lol18:45
Tech-1same here18:45
csempleTech-1, I never needed unetbootin18:45
yeatsofcan: have you tried removing the ppa?18:46
Tech-1i didnt use an externas cd18:46
csempleit was a cdrom drive that plugs into the usb18:46
yeats!ppapurge | ofcan18:46
Tech-1usb drive18:46
csempleI wonder if that works now18:46
Tech-1try it18:46
yeats!ppa-purge | ofcan18:46
ubottuofcan: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:46
csempleyeats, thanks18:46
Tech-1maybe your fstab needs to see them ?18:46
csempleI don't know how to do that Tech-118:47
ofcanubottu: ok, but I cannot install ppa-purge18:47
ubottuofcan: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
Tech-1i have a full house of company here, either ask and wait or google ubuntu fstab18:47
ofcanyeats: returns the same error :)18:47
csemplegonna try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/95391/how-do-i-mount-an-sd-card/150891#15089118:47
Greg8823Hello I am running 12.04 on a emachine desktop it is fully updated and i have gone though the sound trouble shooting help.ubuntu.com and still have no working sound. any help would be apreciated18:48
Greg8823at help.ubuntu.com*18:48
yeatsofcan: try 'sudo apt-get update' and then 'sudo apt-get -f install'18:49
ofcanyeats: returns the same18:49
yeats!fstab | csemple18:49
ubottucsemple: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:49
yeatsofcan: ok - how about trying to remove the postgres packages?18:50
yeatsofcan: your data will be safe btw18:50
ofcantried 'sudo apt-get remove postgresql' but still get the same error...18:50
mallet`Does anyone know if virtualboxes.org is reliable?18:52
=== Guest7904 is now known as Someguy123
csempleI just thought of something, yeats Tech-1 I may have installed the 64 bit version of ubuntu to this machine, and I can probably get away with just the 32 bit version (only 1gb ram on it)18:54
yeatsofcan: this is a pretty thorough guide to this kind of thing - I would step through it before trying anything else: http://askubuntu.com/a/14280818:54
csemplehow do I check if this is a 64 bit install or a 32 bit os ?18:54
Tech-1ya, stick with the 32 bit18:54
yeatscsemple: uname -a18:54
Tech-1i was gonna ask you that18:54
yeatscsemple: that shouldn't matter for your issue though IMHO18:55
csempleLinux csemple-1000HE 3.2.0-35-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 5 17:45:18 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux18:55
csemple64 bit ? ^18:55
yeatscsemple: that's 32 bit18:55
csempleyeats, oh k18:55
csempleyeats, did you see my pastbin on the output of dmesg ?18:55
=== zoite is now known as Guest85240
AreckxHere is a screenshot fo my error. http://i.imgur.com/5d8C2.png18:56
Greg8823Hello I am running an emachine desktop with 12.04 64x it is fully updated and i have gone though the sound trouble shooting on help.ubuntu.com and still have no working sound. any help would be appreciated. it recognizes my sound card and both sound ports when i use the aplay -l command. i have also uninstalled and reinstalled the offical ubuntu ones.18:58
alimjHello everyone. I would require a Download Manager similar to FreeDownLoadManager (Win32) or getright. But I like it to be GPL, daemonizable, With Web interface Control. I do not require torrent (already have transmission-daemon). Any suggestion?18:58
unXddseHas anyone an idea how to relocate the same package twice in mavneß18:59
yeatscsemple: have you tried running a live CD to see if the SD card reader works then?  the google is indicating a hardware issue when those "device descriptor read/64, error -71" messages are present18:59
ofcanyeats: I followed instructions from exactly that guide! I still get the same error. I removed postgres ppa and installed ppa-purge with that 'mkdir ppa...' command.19:00
csempleyeats, interesting I've tried these sd cards and usb sticks in another machine, and they work fine I will double check, and I will check if it works on a live-cd also,19:00
ikoniaofcan: maybe stop asking in two channels with conflicting information and focus on one solution to the end19:01
cliftontsevening all. Anybody have any idea why the python command 'from serial.tools import list_ports' is producing the error 'ImportError: No module named tools'?19:01
yeatscliftonts: you should ask in #python19:02
cliftontsI can't, it kicks me out into a room that rejects my messages19:02
knxvillecliftonts, register to netserv19:02
ikoniacliftonts: you need to register19:03
ikonia!register > cliftonts19:03
ubottucliftonts, please see my private message19:03
ikoniacliftonts: ubottu has just sent you a pm detailing how to register, also the #freenode channel can help you19:03
cliftontsI'm getting a headache fast. Is there no way to find out the answer to a simple question without filling out forms in triplicate?19:03
srhbcliftonts: Registering is fairly easy.19:03
csempleyeats, ok fyi the card works perfect in my other machine19:04
csemplelet me try a live cd now19:04
ikoniacliftonts: no19:04
cliftontsI've just spent an hour banging my head against the screen, picking my nose would be a challenge right now!19:04
yeatscsemple: then I would suspect the SD slot has a problem19:04
ikoniacliftonts: log off and approach it later when you are feeling better19:04
cliftontsnot going to happen19:04
ikoniacliftonts: then you're a bit stuck, sorry19:05
knxvillecliftonts, im no python expert at all..19:05
knxvillebut have you tried serial.tools.list_ports19:05
cliftontsAs far as I can tell everything is installed correctly19:05
csempleyeats, well before I recently (2 weeks ago) upgraded from ubuntu 10.04, it was working fine19:06
csemplewe used it all the time19:06
cliftontsknxville: I'm not sure how I could use the command like that19:06
knxvillecliftonts, import serial.tools.list_ports19:06
csempleusb thumb drives worked also19:06
yeatscsemple: hardware can go bad at any time19:06
csempleits strange, the usb slots work for mouses and accessories, but not a thumb drive19:07
yeatscsemple: but that would be ruled out if it works with a livecd19:07
srhbcliftonts: How did you install pyserial?19:07
csempleright, so I will try that yeats and get back to you19:07
cliftontsIt was already installed19:07
csempleI have to go for a drive unfortunately but I will try it asap19:08
Greg8823Hello I am running an emachine desktop with 12.04 64x it is fully updated and i have gone though the sound trouble shooting on help.ubuntu.com and still have no working sound. any help would be appreciated. it recognizes my sound card and both sound ports when i use the aplay -l command. i have also uninstalled and reinstalled the offical ubuntu drivers.19:15
jaimeneed help with flash and firefox!!19:16
InspectorCluseaujaime, try #firefox19:17
jaimei tried everything and cant get flash to work in firefox19:18
Greg8823jamie> you can try the "ubuntu resticted extras" in the software center. it worked for me19:18
srhbGreg8823: Did you have sound when using aplay?19:20
jaimei will give it a go!! thank yous19:20
Greg8823no, i haven't been able to get any sound at all19:20
srhbGreg8823: On neither output?19:21
srhbGreg8823: If one of the cards listed is indeed the card you want to be using, I would guess that the wrong default card has been set.19:21
Greg8823there is only one card, its the motherboard soundcard. Neither output is working though19:22
srhbGreg8823: What does cat /proc/asound/modules yield?19:23
Greg88230 snd_hda_intel19:25
srhbGreg8823: Sounds like the right one. Have you checked alsamixer settings to make sure it's turned up and not muted? sorry if that seems like a trivial question. :-)19:25
jaimerestricted extras hasnt worked either19:26
alimjAsking again -- I need a GPL Download Manager for FTP, HTTP, HTTPS downloads (Do not really require P2P). It should have CLI, GUI, WEB and should be daemonizable (run as service). It should support scheduling (via itself or cron). What is your recommendation? p.s. it should be well maintained under Ubuntu.19:26
Greg8823do you mean the sound setting in the system setting? then no its not muted.19:28
srhbGreg8823: I mean use the "alsamixer" tool from the command line19:28
srhbGreg8823: Make sure to go all the way to the right, and watch for mute (MM) on things like Master, PCM, preamp etc.19:28
Greg8823its all at 10019:29
srhbGreg8823: And no muted indicators in the bottom? (should say 00, not MM)19:30
alimjIt appears that no one use any Download Manager these days! Either all of you are wget lovers, or your speed are so fast that no download manager is required!!! =-O19:30
srhbalimj: Yes and yes. :P19:30
nabnalimj: i think axel is quite handy now and then19:31
Greg8823line says mm and the front mic and rear mic say the same19:31
srhbGreg8823: I've no idea then. Go ahead and reask your question, perhaps someone else has an idea.19:32
alimjnabn: Thanks for the hint. Will look to that.19:32
nabnalimj: sure. but it hasn't got all of the features that you described. Its the closest i got to idm experience on linux19:33
Greg8823srhb: how do you unmute in alsa though, just in case i need it in the future?19:33
nabnasking again- i am stuck here: g++ : Depends: g++-4.7 (>= 4.7.0-1~) but it is not going to be installed19:34
nabnwhy doesn't 12.10 come with g++ pre-installed?19:34
srhbGreg8823: M19:34
Greg8823srbh:alright thanks for your help19:35
srhbGreg8823: One more thing though, have you tried plugging headphones in?19:35
Greg8823srhb: Yeah, im using headphone to check that i know work19:37
srhbnabn: Difficult question to answer, since default package choices is a matter of philosophy. The answer is something like "because people didn't think it would matter for standard users."19:37
uosiuHi all19:38
uosiuI have nexus 7 and nexus 4 and I'm trying to get MTP connection working19:38
uosiuI can see remote directory structure, but ls shows zero file size and I can't do any operations except listing19:38
konamwhere is the xorg config file on 12.10?19:38
nabnsrhb: sure. any idea how to get it to install though? i wanna install RoR but i am stuck on g++. it says: g++ : Depends: g++-4.7 (>= 4.7.0-1~) but it is not going to be installed19:39
ikoniakonam: doesn't eixst19:39
konami want to lock the resolution of a second screen19:39
ikoniauosiu: not sure how this links to ubuntu19:39
ikonianabn: are you using a PPA/3rd party repo19:39
konamikonia how would i go about fixing the resolution of a second screen?19:39
uosiuikonia: I can't get working MTP file transfer on ubuntu 12.1019:39
ikoniauosiu: on your nexus ?19:39
Syncsys__Clueless problem . Trying to share files in windows and Linux. works OK in a WiFi router connected to a DSL. slow thought but OK.19:39
Syncsys__When I try to make a hot spot between the computers or use wires with a separate switch, either I cant see share folders. (I can ping each other and even see a webpage running on Linux machine) and some times when I do see folders and try to copy files that are large, it breaks down in middle and the folders disappear again (both in hot spot case and in Lan).19:39
uosiuikonia: Nexus ←→ Ubuntu19:39
nabnikonia: yes. most probably. i am using local server for nepal. Does that matter?19:39
ikoniakonam: you'll have to make an xorg.conf in /etc/X1119:40
ikoniauosiu: try #ubuntu-arm, the arm build for nexus is experimental19:40
ikonianabn: is it a PPA ? or a 3rd party server, or an official ubuntu mirror ?19:40
uosiuikonia: I don't have Ubuntu on nexus. I have ubuntu on my PC19:40
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ikoniauosiu: ooh, I see19:40
nabnikonia: pretty sure its an official ubuntu mirror. its listed by default on software sources19:41
konamikonia i don't know how to create a xorg file, at most i just tweak one that is already created there, and that has always been the case :/19:41
ikonianabn: what package are you trying to install19:41
ikoniakonam: xorg -configure, or get an example off the net19:41
nabnikonia: g++ to start with19:41
ikonianabn: what version does it say you are trying to install19:41
ikonia!info nabn19:42
nabnikonia:  g++ : Depends: g++-4.7 (>= 4.7.0-1~) but it is not going to be installed19:42
ubottuPackage nabn does not exist in quantal19:42
ikonia!info g++19:42
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.117ubuntu2)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.2-1ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 34 kB19:42
konamikonia but if a file doesn't exist for xorg config, creating one woudln't introduce some other issues?19:42
ikonianabn: ok, so you're using 12.10 ?19:42
nabnikonia: yes19:42
ikoniakonam: no, as it's dynamic, it only reads what you put in it19:42
Greg8823Hello I am running an emachine desktop with 12.04 64x it is fully updated, i am using the motherboard sound card and i have gone though the sound trouble shooting on help.ubuntu.com and still have no working sound. any help would be appreciated. it recognizes my sound card and both sound ports when i use the aplay -l command. i have also uninstalled and reinstalled the offical ubuntu drivers. I have checked the alsamixer setti19:42
ikonianabn: ok, so if you look is the current version, check if that's the version on your mirror19:43
joakoI have installed Ubuntu 12.04 but I can not get online. I can not even ping localhost. ifconfig shows I am getting an IP from the dhcp server.19:44
nabnikonia: stupid question: how do i do that?19:45
CrazyZurferAny body knows a good sniffer for ubuntu? something like wireshark, the problem with that one is that it's only for windows and Mac S:19:46
ikonianabn: apt-cache policy19:47
OerHeks!info wireshark19:47
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2-2 (quantal), package size 889 kB, installed size 2374 kB19:47
ikoniaCrazyZurfer: tcpdump, snoop19:47
srhbCrazyZurfer: ie. it is not only for OS X/Windows19:47
nabnikonia: apt-cache policy | grep g++ returns zero results19:47
Chucrute301Apt-get install xvideos4ubuntu19:48
csempleyeats, I am back, going to try the sd card on a live cd19:48
ikonianabn: man apt-cache rather than just typing blind19:48
Syncsys__what do i need to make an ftp server?19:48
ikoniaSyncsys__: an ftp daemon, that's it19:48
ikoniaSyncsys__: vsftpd is the most common used one19:48
Syncsys__ikonia,  which on is the easiest?19:48
ikoniamay as well use the most common one as it's going to have more documentation19:49
Syncsys__ikonia,  A gui would be nicer.. is there a filezilla version as filezilla client is available?19:49
ikoniaSyncsys__: filezilla is a client, not a server19:50
Syncsys__ikonia,  I thought it has a server too?19:50
ikoniaSyncsys__: vsftpd is pretty much two lines in a text file, if you can't do that, it's unwise to try to run an xserver19:50
srhbikonia, Syncsys__: It does.19:50
Syncsys__srhb,  by what package name>19:50
joakoWhat steps must be carried out to enable networking in Ubuntu?19:50
ikoniajoako: it's enabled by default19:51
Syncsys__srhb, I never found it in package search19:51
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srhbSyncsys__: Sorry, I did not mean to imply the server part exists for Ubuntu19:51
srhbJust that it exists. :)19:51
joakoikonia: I Have installed Ubuntu 12.04 and I get an IP address from the DHCP server, but I can not ping anything.19:51
ikoniajoako: ping does not mean a thing19:52
ikoniajoako: can you browse the web ? chat on IRC etc19:52
srhbNot being able to ping localhost does mean something19:52
joakoikonia: When I run apt-get it fails to connect and download the software.19:52
joakosrhb: I disabled the firewall and rebooted now I can ping localhost19:53
ikoniajoako: what is the error19:53
ikoniathe firewall doesn't block localhost19:53
srhbSounds very odd.19:53
joakoANd if I can ping the router from another computer, why shouldn´t that work from Ubuntu?19:54
joakoMy /etc/resolv.conf has the nameserver as!19:54
ikoniajoako: that's not a problem19:55
ikoniajoako: please show me the output of "netstat -rn" on your machine19:56
ikonia(use a pastebin019:56
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest33231
AreckxI am having an issue with full screen mode in terminal/gedit/chromium/etc when using ctrl+alt+->/<- ## The issue is that I need to alt+tab on all of the windows in order to restore the window to a true full screen since the bottom panel and top panel are visible19:56
AreckxHere is a screenshot fo my error. http://i.imgur.com/5d8C2.png19:56
Guest33231hai what is IRC and how it is used19:56
Areckx /j #freenode19:56
AreckxGuest33231::  try #freenode19:57
lime__I am trying to remotely access a computer with VNC, on a very slow internet connection.   Is there a grayscale or black and white version that might increase the speed.  Maybe something that has a higher compression rate?19:57
stephans_how do i get to a tty in ubuntu 12.1019:57
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srhbstephans_: ctrl+alt+F119:57
ikonialime__: not really, just what your client/server supports19:58
Guest20463yeats, ok I am on the live cd, and the sd reader still does not work19:58
lime__CNTRL + ALT + f119:58
Guest20463xubuntu 12.04 32 bit19:58
plut0Any ideas why i'm getting this grub error? error: invalid arch independent ELF magic. grub rescue.19:58
dchernivGuest20463, what is the model, pastebin lsusb output19:58
joakoikonia: When I issue the command ¨route¨ it shows the correct default gateway19:59
ikoniajoako: not what I asked you to do19:59
Guest20463dcherniv, its a acer eeepc 100019:59
Guest20463the sd reader was working with ubuntu 10.0419:59
joakoikonia: The system´s not in front of me so that´s the best I have for a few minutes20:00
ikoniajoako: that makes no sense20:00
ikoniajoako: if you can type "route" - you can type netstat20:00
dchernivGuest20463, yes pastebin the output of lsusb command20:00
joakoikonia: I type netstat -rn and I see the routes. I already have a picture showing the output of the ¨route¨ command20:00
yeatsGuest20463: that indicates that the problem is with the sd reader, not the OS20:01
lime__ikonia: I have access to the client and there are both running ubuntu, so I was looking for another type of compression that might be faster.  Or maybe other techniques when working on a dial up connection.20:01
stephans_srhb the F key do not work.20:01
ikonialime__: sounds silly, but not using X11 would be a start20:02
stephans_I installed on a mac mini20:02
lime__It isn't as slow as dial up but assumed someone has run into similar issues before.20:02
ikonialime__: the point still stands,20:03
ICUhello , need some help with wine pls20:06
dchernivICU, ask20:06
joakoikonia: This is the netstat -rn: http://i.imgur.com/4XQvd.jpg (same/idential as ¨route¨)20:07
ICUi am trying to install wine20:07
msdaisyI'm using grep -r to search the filesystem for a file that contains a certain string. I excluded /dev and /tmp but it's still taking foreeeeeeeeeever.  Have any hints to speed up the search?20:07
ICUbut it keeps giveing me an eror20:07
ICUthat the packeges are not going to be installed20:08
dchernivmsdaisy, find / -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep "string"20:08
ICUi am new with ubuntu and linux20:08
[NGW]I have Windows 8 installed on my primary hard drive and want to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my secondary hard drive. How can I do this? It only gives me an option to format and install to the primary drive. I am not sure how to set it up manually, and would prefer not to.20:08
dchernivICU, whats the erorr?20:08
ikoniajoako: so you are unable to ping
joakoikonia: correct.20:09
Guest20463yeats, right, but if I use a ubuntu 10.04 live cd, the sd reader works fine20:09
ICUPackage dependencies cannot be resolved20:09
ikoniajoako: what ip address does your eth0 card have20:09
yeatsGuest20463: so you're on an ubuntu live CD right now and it's working?20:09
ICUThe following packages have unmet dependencies:20:09
ICUwine1.4: PreDepends: dpkg (>= but 1.16.7ubuntu6 is to be installed20:09
ICU         Depends: libc6 (>= 2.14) but 2.15-0ubuntu20 is to be installed20:09
ICU         Depends: wine1.4-amd64 (= 1.4.1-0ubuntu1) but 1.4.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed20:09
ICU         Depends: wine1.4-i386 (= 1.4.1-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed20:09
Guest20463yeats, I am on a 12.04 live cd20:09
FloodBot1ICU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:09
dchernivICU, can you pastebin the output of sudo apt-get install wine20:09
Guest20463and it does not work20:09
Guest20463dcherniv, working on the pastebin one sec20:10
SquareOnehappy holidays everyone!20:10
dchernivICU, sounds like you're using third party repository20:10
[NGW]I have Windows 8 installed on my primary hard drive and want to install Ubuntu 12.10 on my secondary hard drive. How can I do this? It only gives me an option to format and install to the primary drive. I am not sure how to set it up manually, and would prefer not to.20:10
ikoniajoako: how are you verifying that ?20:11
ikonia[NGW]: you have just said that less than 60 seconds ago20:11
Guest20463dcherniv, http://pastebin.com/4ZwKP1MC20:11
joakoikonia: ¨Ifconfig¨ command20:11
yeats[NGW]: so the installer doesn't see the second drive?20:11
Guest20463output of lsusb20:11
dchernivICU, also run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade before installing wine20:11
ikoniajoako: ok, first things first, is the firewall on your machine disabled ?20:13
joakoikonia: I disabled it but I am not sure if after rebooting it will stay disabled20:13
ikoniajoako: stop it again to make sure20:13
Guest20463yeats, I am going to switch over to the 10.04 live cd to prove that the sd reader is working and its not a hardware problem.20:13
dchernivGuest20463, hm, pastebin lsusb -v, also pastebin lspci20:14
Anom01ydcherniv, hi20:14
Anom01yits me Guestt2046320:14
Anom01yIve just rebooted the laptop dcherniv20:14
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yeatsAnom01y: try and stick with a single nick - it's less confusing :-/20:15
Anom01yyeats, yeah sorry, this is my main machine I will make a similar nick when I re-boot the laptop20:15
Syncsys__ikonia,  i have setup vsftpd and is runing. but when i enter ftp://ipOfLinuxMachine it doesnot take me there20:15
Syncsys__ikonia,  iam in windows 720:16
joakoikonia, Is the correct command: ufw disable?20:16
ikoniaSyncsys__: where does it take you20:16
ikoniajoako: lets do it a bit more agressive "sudo iptables -F"20:16
dchernivAnom01y, pastebin lsusb -v and lspci, cant tell the model from lsusb20:17
Syncsys__ikonia,  no where20:17
Anom01ydcherniv, ok I will I am booting the computer off an older live cd to prove that the sd reader is working and that the problem is in ubuntu 12.0420:17
Anom01ybecause when we had ubuntu 10.04 installed on the computer, the sd reader worked fine20:17
psichaswhat is default w3m's folder for downloads?20:18
joakoikonia: ¨destination unreachable¨ when I try to ping defaut gw20:21
Syncsys__ikonia,  i just typed   on the linux machine where vsftp is installed. and i am able to see the folders after giving credentials. but when I try the same addres from a windows 7 machine (which can ping and gets reply) it does not take me anywhere20:21
ikoniaSyncsys__: it must take you somewhere20:21
ikoniaSyncsys__: have you started vsftpd20:22
Syncsys__it doesnt20:22
ikoniajoako: this sounds stupid, but is your network card up20:22
ikoniaSyncsys__: it doesn't what ?20:22
Syncsys__ikonia,  its restarted. yes20:22
ikoniaSyncsys__: no, is it "started" is the vsftpd daemon running20:22
ikoniajoako: basic stuff, eg: is there a green light on the network card, does ifconfig show the interface as up20:22
Syncsys__ikonia,  thats how i get folders on the same machine when i type
ikoniaSyncsys__: please stop telling me that and answer the question20:23
ikoniaSyncsys__: is the vsftpd daemon running20:23
Syncsys__ikonia,  service vsftpd status shows me runing20:23
ikoniaSyncsys__: right20:23
ikoniaSyncsys__: so the firewall is probably blocking it20:23
ikoniaSyncsys__: disable ufw20:23
Sheikhmakhey guys I usually run x11vnc at a custom port, but notice of late that, it also runs on 5900, how do I stop it from doing that20:23
joakoikonia: Ifconfig shows ¨UP¨ and yes everything should be working I had openSUSE installed and the network was working fine. The moment I installed Ubuntu the network failed.20:23
Syncsys__ikonia,  firewall in linux box?20:23
ikoniaSyncsys__: correct20:24
Syncsys__ikonia,  is firewall enabled even if i never installed one?20:24
ikoniaSyncsys__: yes20:24
ikoniajoako: ok, this is interesting20:24
sabrinaI have installed ubuntu 12.10 on my laptop. I have problems with the audio device! Can anyone help me? My laptop is an Asus A6 Va20:24
Syncsys__ikonia,  i have an apache server runing too and serving people. it never cause a firewalll isue. strange. but let me see20:24
ikoniaSyncsys__: port 80 is a trusted port20:25
ikoniajoako: what model network card is this ?20:25
SolarisBoyis it udev responsible for mounting USB devices on insertion ? it seems to get mounted with the volume label as the mount point - i wanted to test a rule and i believe thats conflicting - is there any way to know what rule that is?20:27
Syncsys__ikonia,  added 20,21 in firestarter inbound20:28
ikoniaSyncsys__: firestarter ?20:28
ikoniaSyncsys__: firestarter isn't the default ubuntu firewall20:28
vanoopen firefox20:29
TheLordOfTimeikonia, i betcha he is using firestarter instead of ufw/gufw20:29
Syncsys__ikonia,  its not default but I have it20:29
ikoniaTheLordOfTime: he said he hadn't installer a firewall.....so I doubt that20:30
vanoopen internet20:30
ikoniaSyncsys__: so when I asked you and you said "even if I've not installed one"....you just lied20:30
ikoniayou have installed on20:30
ikonia20:24 < Syncsys__> ikonia,  is firewall enabled even if i never installed one?20:30
Syncsys__ikonia, I just installed it20:30
ikoniaSyncsys__: why ?20:30
Syncsys__to change/ allow ports20:30
ikoniaSyncsys__: why would you install ANOTHER firewall when I've just told you the default one is probably blocking it20:31
Syncsys__as i dont know ip tables commands20:31
ikoniathen ASK20:31
ikoniaif you don't konw ASK20:31
TheLordOfTimeSyncsys__, ASK dude, when you don't know something ASK.20:31
Anom01y_2yeats, ok20:31
ikonia!ufw | Syncsys__20:31
ubottuSyncsys__: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.20:31
Anom01y_2I've narrowed this down pretty good20:31
Syncsys__ikonia,  iam on old kubuntu system where I never saw a defualt firewall. and i only know of firestarter20:31
Syncsys__so i installed it20:31
Anom01y_2I have the same issue with ubuntu 10.04 as 12.04 I am sorry for assuming that it wouldn't20:31
Syncsys__and i only like firestarter. my personal choice20:31
Syncsys__does the work.20:31
Syncsys__same as any other.20:31
Syncsys__ikonia,  ok?20:31
Jerubhi, my brother is thinking about getting a samsung galaxy s3, and he's wanting to make sure that he can sync music from ubuntu with it. I think he uses ubuntu one's music thingie to buy music.20:32
ikoniaSyncsys__: you're on your own20:32
ikoniaSyncsys__: if you know better.....you should be able to debug/fix this20:32
Syncsys__ikonia,  no. the are nice people here, iam not alone20:32
Jerubdoes anyone know if it will sync okay?20:32
Syncsys__ikonia,  thank you20:33
ikoniaSyncsys__: no problem then, good luck20:33
Anom01yyeats, ok I solved the problem sort of (it looks like you are right the sd reader just isnt working anymore for anything)20:35
Anom01yubuntu 10.04, ubuntu 12.04, neither of them work with the sd reader20:35
=== SudoKing is now known as SudoKing[A]
yeatsAnom01y: I figured it had to be the hardware20:35
Anom01yso I am using an adapter (sd to usb) and that works fine, the usb ports seem ok20:35
Anom01ytime for a new computer soon I think20:36
Anom01yhopefully ubuntu works fine with a newer computer20:36
ubottuMari: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:36
=== dude is now known as Guest21248
Jerubis it posisble to sync music from ubuntu onto an android phone?20:38
Syncsys__ikonia,  its working with filezilla client on windows. i think the windows explorer is not good with ftp20:39
FlowRiserJerub, yes, you can write your own java syncer ;)20:39
ikoniaSyncsys__: no you don't think that, you've just been told that in ##networking 3 times before you'd listen20:39
ikoniaSyncsys__: please don't lie20:39
JerubFlowRiser: um, can you be more specific?20:40
Syncsys__yes. when did i said i dreamed about filezilla.20:40
Jerubis the answer no?20:40
Syncsys__ikonia, ^20:40
FlowRiserJerub, android apps are written in java, it's not hard to serial write in java or to check for files, so you can write your own application to sync whatever files you like20:41
ikoniaSyncsys__: no-one said anything about dreaming20:41
JerubFlowRiser: i mean, can i plug in my android phone and sync music from an ubuntu install to my phone.20:41
Taintwhy when I go to download ubuntu it recommends 32 bit? I have a 64 bit system20:42
Syncsys__ikonia,  i put it that way that I knew how to ask and fulcan in ##networking new how to guide..20:42
FlowRiserJerub, yes, that was my point. Also, if you are lazy to code your own stuff, you can use ubuntu One20:42
JerubFlowRiser: i believe he is using ubuntu one20:42
Jerubdoes that work on android?20:42
FlowRiserit should've20:43
FlowRisernever quite tested it20:43
FlowRiserjuggle, hi20:43
jugglehow to start oracle as a service20:43
kostkonJerub, yes https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.subsonic.u1m&feature=nav_other20:43
jugglei installed oracle 11g r2 on my user on ubuntu20:44
Anom01yyeats, strange how a card reader could just fry like that20:45
FreeaqingmeWhere would you put directories that can be used as root by LXC containers? In /srv, /var ?20:46
FlannelTaint: Canonical thinks its safer to recommend 32bit for everyone.  You can get the 64bit version, and it'll work fine.20:47
=== SudoKing[A] is now known as SudoKing
TaintThats what I've been using and had no troubles, but I'm just getting started with it20:48
Taint@flannel thx20:48
Jerubokay, now what about just copying files to the phone from ubuntu using MPT, is that possible? last i heard it was quite hard to do.20:49
TaintI have a good gfx card but ubuntu doesn't see it, just sees it as generic VGA or whatever. How do I install correct nvidia drivers for it?20:49
ICUhello , i am new with ubuntu . I am having a problem with installing wine, can anyone help me pls20:50
TheLordOfTimeICU, sudo apt-get install wine20:50
TheLordOfTimethen you're done.20:50
ICUit give;s me an eror20:51
yeatsICU: can you pastebin the error?20:51
lwsWhat the heck..20:51
lws"The disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present."20:51
yeatslws: seen this?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/34997/disk-drive-not-ready-yet-or-not-available20:53
yeats!pm | ICU20:53
ubottuICU: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:53
yeats!paste | ICU20:53
ubottuICU: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:53
ICUsudo apt-get install wine20:53
ICU[sudo] password for unu:20:53
ICUReading package lists... Done20:53
ICUBuilding dependency tree20:53
ICUReading state information... Done20:53
ICUSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have20:53
FloodBot1ICU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
lwsyeats: no i haven't.20:54
Taintnvidia drivers in ubuntu help?20:55
ICUdid you get the problem?20:55
yeatsICU: are you not able to use a pastebin?20:55
yeats!nvidia | Taint20:56
ubottuTaint: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:56
=== fork is now known as Guest77385
Taintty yeats20:57
guest123hi there20:57
Taintjeez this looks complicated for just installing a driver...20:58
ICUhttp://pastebin.com/wizB5zsR  like this?20:58
yeatsTaint: can you provide details about your problem?20:58
yeatsICU: yep20:58
Taintoh no prob yet yeats, just looking into installing correct up to date nvidia drivers20:59
yeatsICU: can you try 'sudo apt-get update', then 'sudo apt-get -f install'?20:59
yeatsTaint: you've tried 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'?20:59
Taintnot yet but I will. I'm about to fire up ubuntu in a few after reading all this21:00
ICUyeats did yhat21:00
yeatsICU: okay, so did it work?21:01
vexati0nhey i need some help with a gamepad in Ubuntu 12.1021:01
ICUyeats, 0 updates , 0 .......21:01
guest123hi there21:02
vexati0ni've got 2 different gamepads, and they work except when configuring any emulators, they all think i'm holding down the J19 button, which doesn't actually exist on these controllers.21:02
yeatsICU: that's not really telling me anything... can you do another paste of the output (at pastebin.com)?21:02
ICUyeats, http://pastebin.com/G4CygSw721:03
Taintlooks like this is gonna work yeats. will updates for this be included when I do my usual updates?21:04
yeatsTaint: if you install via apt-get, yes21:04
vexati0nugh. you know the failure of Open Source is that if you have a problem, there's no one you can call. At least with paid proprietary software, there are people whose job it is to give a F*.21:05
yeatsICU: can you pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy wine'?21:05
joako_How can I show all the packages in a repository?21:05
yeatsvexati0n: you can find paid support for open source software - many companies would love to take your money for that21:05
Taintyeats it didn't say its finished but now just says my user @ubuntu21:05
Taintthink it installed correctly?21:06
yeatsTaint: if it didn't give you an error and just returned to the prompt, that means "success"21:06
ICUyeats, http://pastebin.com/cm0rkGBJ21:06
guntbertvexati0n: apart from being off topic here your statement is plainly wrong21:06
Taintgreat. thx yeats. said something about not finding kernal source but other than that I think it worked..21:07
yeatsTaint: can you pastebin the messages you're talking about?21:08
Taintyes doing it right now21:08
psilo23Hi everyone, i am currently behind a proxy at uni campus, i am trying to get my laptop to tunnel the connection of my xbox 360 through a ssh tunnel, anyone have an idea how to do that ?21:08
psilo23i connected my xbox to my laptop using a rj45 cable now i think the best way is just to use wifi and setup a ssh tunnel to tunnel the connections, but im not sure how to do that hehehe21:09
yeatsICU: what happens when you do 'sudo apt-get install wine1.5'?21:09
Taintyeats: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1460418/21:09
ICUyeats, the same problem21:09
ICUyeats, http://pastebin.com/R49XGpN221:10
yeatsICU: I would try 'sudo apt-get clean' then 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get install wine1.5'21:11
yeatsICU: either that or disable the Wine PPA and just install the Ubuntu repo version21:11
yeatsTaint: I would actually assume that it didn't work since the messages say it skipped installing the module in the current kernel21:12
Taintany suggestions?21:12
Taintis it because I'm using it in vmware?21:13
yeatsTaint: well that would certainly affect the way drivers work - I don't use vmware, though so I can't advise21:14
yeatsTaint: you could try asking in #vmware21:14
Taintok thx21:14
ztguIs there anyone out there who can help me with my linux partitioning?21:18
srhbztgu: What do you want to know?21:19
litropyHi, all - I'm ssh'ed into my Ubuntu box using a machine that's on the same network. I just want to enable remote desktop, please.21:19
Septimalitropy: why not just use something like realvnc21:20
srhblitropy: ssh in with -X and launch vino-preferences21:20
khanfusedI'm playing around w/the 12.10 live USB pending an erase-and-reinstall of my main system ... (confirming that drivers, etc. work and unity won't send me over the edge :-D  ). short of erasing the USB and reloading the contents is there a way to quickly clear all of my changes, configuration shifts, etc. from the persistence storage? I think I did something strange w/nvidia drivers and want to roll back21:20
Septimalive usbs write persistently?21:21
khanfusedthey can if you set them that way during creation21:22
litropysrhb: not sure what you're suggesting. I don't know what -X, and I don't have a monitor attached to the Ubuntu box.21:22
Septimakhanfused: my best suggestion would be to erase it and reload the contents21:22
khanfusedthe USB creator has an option to store settings and docs into another partition in the stick21:23
Septimawell can't you just delete the contents of that partition then?21:23
litropysrhb: Oh! It enables X11 forwarding! Interesting...21:23
khanfusedI was curious about that ...21:23
Septimakhanfused: be worth a try21:24
psyg#connect irc.freenode.net21:24
crenberryhello any german here? i need help about wlan card ;)21:24
guntbertpsyg: need help for using this network? /join #freenode21:25
guntbert!de | crenberry21:25
ubottucrenberry: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:25
khanfusedseptima... I'd hoped that there was a simple setting .... either in the shell or during reboot... that would let me flush the contents.21:25
SolarisBoyanyone know which udev rule is responsible for mounting usb-storage devs by label?21:25
ituvoxHello, I'm having trouble getting the scanner in my epson multifunction tx133 printer to work. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, and the printer works fine. I've tried installing iscan and other packages which usually work but it just hangs when trying to run it, until I unplug it. Could anyone help me with this?21:25
SocialEvilhi guys i have ubuntu 12.10 but for some reason when i start a program it is minimized. like when i have skype in to the tray, when i click 2 times, it doesnt open it, but minimize it at the bottom.. any idea how to "fix" it?21:26
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litropyI'm $ssh -X #'ed into my remote machine, and I tried $vino-preferences #, but nothing happened. It just looks like it's open on the other end.21:27
guntbertlitropy: just for a check, run  xeyes remotely, do you see them on your monitor?21:28
litropyguntbert, ran xeyes on the Ubuntu box (from ssh session on this comp); no dice.21:30
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guntbertlitropy: did you get an error?21:30
ztguIs there anyone out there who can help me with my linux partitioning?21:30
guntbert!ask | ztgu21:31
ubottuztgu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:31
kinxerI'm getting a mouse problem from a fresh Ubuntu install.21:31
ztguI have an C and D drive on my windows system.21:31
ztgu my D drive is completly empty21:31
ztgu> I don't know which one of the sda's I am going to install it on (since I am going to install linux on D)21:31
ztgu> do you know?21:31
FloodBot1ztgu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
hlfshellHello all - when I type echo $JAVA_HOME I see the java home path set to /jdk1.7.0 YET when i do java --version I get ./jdk1.7.0/bin/java no such directory21:31
Tainthey yeats, after I restarted after that update nvidia all my icons are gone, just a background!21:32
khanfusedhlfshell ... will java --version output something for your local user or for the system/java install?21:33
tnk1Question - I'm trying to get network manager to restart.. Every time I do the command, it just hangs, though.. And so do any command with sudo in front...21:33
hlfshellkhanfused, this is via my local user.21:33
hrolfHi ubuntu, my taskbar has hanged and now I cannot minimize or close applications21:33
hrolfno buttons in it are working21:33
hlfshellkhanfused, ive ran it as other users and as sudo to the same result21:34
hrolfhow do I restart the taskbar?21:34
kinxerHello, Ubuntu. I'm getting a mouse problem from a fresh install. It's not the mouse, because it works perfectly in a Live Boot. Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?21:34
ztguI have an C and D drive on my windows system21:34
ztgu<ztgu> my D drive is completly empty21:34
ztgu<ztgu> I don't know which one of the sda's I am going to install it on (since I am going to install linux on D)21:34
ztgu<ztgu> do you know?21:34
FloodBot1ztgu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:34
tnetennbahi all, I used the 'dd' command to put a .img file in a usb drive. Now I want to format the pen and use it normally, how do I do that? Ubuntu can't mount it automatically.21:34
hrolfHi #ubuntu, my taskbar (or gnome-bar) has freezed, how do I kill it and restart it? I cannot close or minimize any application. Please help.21:36
MonkeyDusthrolf  try killall gnome-panel21:37
hrolfMonkeyDust: Oops, sorry I think thiere is no gnome-panel, it is Unity.21:38
hrolfI have 12.0421:38
hrolfActually I think it is the Launcher freezing21:39
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user82hi. where do i start when my bluetooth does not work. lshw and lspi do not find any suitable device...but the "bluetooth" module in the kernel is loaded21:41
RollinV2hrolf are you keeping the system updated? unity has been updated to fix many stablity bugs since 12.04 released.21:41
kinxerHello, Ubuntu. I'm finding myself unable to use my mouse after a fresh install from a Live USB. I'm able to use my mouse with the Live installation. Any ideas what's wrong?21:41
user82kinxer how is it connected?21:42
user82usb i suppose..you can check with "lsusb" if it is listed.21:42
kinxerDB9 connector, 82.21:43
kinxerAs I mentioned, it works perfectly on the Live USB. It also works on my Windows partition.21:44
syncertrying to install 12.04 to iscsi root21:44
syncerall seems to be fine21:45
syncerbut on boot, system tries get ups from dhcp21:45
guntbert!enter | syncer21:45
ztguIs there anyone here who can help me with my linux partitioning? I have a C:\ drive with 186 gb where my windows is stored. And I also have an D:\ drijve with 258 gb. But I don't know how this works in the ubuntu install. anyone with skills out there?21:45
ubottusyncer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:45
user82hmh yeah..i understand kinxer. sorry cannot help with this connector21:45
litropyguntbert, I didn't realize until just now that I should do this within my X11 environment. I was able to launch vino-preferences remotely and enable remote desktop access, however I'm still getting an error (connection refused) when I try to remote in.21:45
syncerhow to specific ip21:45
kinxerThanks anyway, 82. I appreciate the courtesy.21:45
MonkeyDust!partition > ztgu start here21:46
ubottuztgu, please see my private message21:46
syncerset specific ups for specific interfaces statically21:46
user82good luck with that kinxer21:46
guntbertlitropy: lets get it straight please - you are currentlxy sitting in front fo computer (C)lient (X environment) and try to ssh -X into yur (S)erver21:47
ztguMonkeyDust: no one in that channel21:47
guntbert!tab | kinxer21:47
ubottukinxer: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:47
litropyguntbert, correct. And I did. And I was able to launch vino-preferences.21:48
MonkeyDustztgu  it's a webpage you can open, not a channel21:48
guntbertlitropy: ok, so what is the problem now?21:48
kinxerSorry. Yes?21:48
MonkeyDustztgu  read this page to get an idea https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes21:49
guntbertkinxer: I wanted to tell you to use complete nick names when talking to a specific person21:49
litropycheck: allow other to view; check: allow other users to control; tried toggling the other options there to see if they affect anything, and they don't. But as of now, confirming each connection is unchecked, require a password is checked, conigure upnp is checked.21:50
litropySo, everything looks like it wants to work. Yet, when I try to VNC in, I get connection refused.21:50
MonkeyDustztgu  keep it in the channel please21:50
guntbertlitropy: do you relaay need vino? is ssh -X not good enough?21:51
MonkeyDust!pm | ztgu21:51
ubottuztgu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:51
iRONCOMICS_hey everybody21:51
litropyguntbert, I do.21:51
iRONCOMICS_I really need helpp21:52
iRONCOMICS_can anyone help me with my ubuntu21:52
MonkeyDustztgu  please stop flooding my pm21:53
MonkeyDustztgu  i'm sorry, i will block you now21:53
Noskcaj!ask | iRONCOMICS_21:54
ubottuiRONCOMICS_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:54
guntbertlitropy: I suggest (just for a test, now) that you allow anyone to view the desktop (and noone to control it) without a password21:54
syncerso how set ip on as kernel option to bring up iscsi ?21:54
trijntjehi all, how can I copy my private ssh key from my pc to my laptop so I can authenticate to lp from both?21:54
iRONCOMICS_Oh sorry, How do i add the resolution 1024x768 to my netbook which nly supports up to 1024x600?21:55
sfan5is it possible to save the output of a program to a file and output it in realtime (in bash)?21:55
syncertrijntje:  /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa21:55
litropyguntbert, tried; failed.21:55
guntbertlitropy: have a look at the logs on (S) - also I have no experience with upnp21:56
trijntjesyncer: thanks!21:57
Septimasfan5: output to a file AND output to bash at the same time?21:57
synceranyone how using iscsi root here?21:58
Septimasfan5: use tee21:58
iRONCOMICS_How do  add unsupported resolution (1024x768) on my netbook ubuntu v12.0421:58
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sfan5Septima: that worked! thx21:58
smwIs there no ubuntu-12.10 alternative install cd?21:59
Septimasmw: there's a minimal install21:59
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smwno alternate install cd?21:59
litropyguntbert, hahahaha - vino-server wasn't running. Launched the server; all set now. thanks for your help.22:00
smwhave they stopped producing them?22:00
Septimasmw: i think they did22:00
* smw is scared22:00
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guntbertlitropy: glad you got it sorted :)22:00
smwSeptima, it is the only one I know how to use!22:00
Noskcajsmw: its only for lubuntu now, or get netboot22:00
guntbert!alternate | smw22:01
ubottusmw: The alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD22:01
ztguI need help with partitioning22:01
ztgu I can't find anything with the exact same size as in windows,C:\ drive 186 gb,D:\ drive 258 gbdev/sda4 200 gb,dev/sda5/ 277.5 gbdev/sda6 21,4 gb,  Do you understand?22:01
smwwhere do I complain? lol22:01
iRONCOMICS_how do i add unsupported resolutions to ubuntu 12.0422:01
smwguntbert, what was the reason they discontinued it?22:01
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Noskcajsmw: lack of use/nessesity i assume22:01
RollinV2trijntje, you can also launch individual ssh sessions with -i directory/to/ssh/key/keyfilename22:02
guntbertsmw: I don't know - but discussion of that is off topic *here*22:02
Noskcajsmw, ask/annoy on #ubuntu-release22:02
RollinV2smw, if you want a leaner ubuntu try xubuntu22:03
smwRollinV2, I don't, I just want the installer I know22:03
Noskcajsmw, then lubuntu alternate or netboot22:04
trijntjeRollinV2: thanks, but I just needed to copy the key from my pc to laptop, so I set it as the default (id_rsa)22:04
ztgu I can't find anything with the exact same size as in windows,C:\ drive 186 gb,D:\ drive 258 gbdev/sda4 200 gb,dev/sda5/ 277.5 gbdev/sda6 21,4 gb,  Do you understand?22:05
ztgucan anyone help with my partitioning problem?22:05
smwNoskcaj, I guess I will install 12.04.122:05
Septimaztgu: elaborate on the issue22:05
Noskcaj!patience | ztgu22:05
ubottuztgu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:05
Noskcajsmw, ok. what's wrong with netboot or lubuntu22:06
smwNoskcaj, both require internet to install all the things I want.22:06
Flannelztgu: the 186 corresponds to the 200 (sda4), the 258 corresponds to the 277.5 (sda5).  The size differences are because of base 10 vs base 2 (1024 = KB vs 1000 = KB)22:07
Noskcajsmw: and ubuntu alternate or a normal installer do not?22:07
smwNoskcaj, lubuntu would require me to then install ubuntu-desktop afterwards22:08
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smwthe normal installer would work22:08
Dabo_I am having an error with unity. After I updated my system, it seems to be running unity2d, instead of the regular. Selecting "ubuntu2d" or "ubuntu" in the log in screen both result in unity2d. When I run unity in terminal with debug on, I get this: http://pastebin.com/qZLCsBcs22:09
ituvoxHello, I'm having trouble with a multifunctional scanner on ubuntu 12.04. The printer works fine, and sane finds the scanner, but trying to run iscan or other scan utilities just stalls until I stop the program or unplug the cable. The printer/scanner is epson tx133.22:10
SeptimaDabo_: update your video drivers22:11
ztguThank you for replying Flannel, but why are they not the same size as in windows?22:11
RollinV2ztgu linux systems report true gb sizes... 1,024mb as opposed to 1,000mb22:12
Dabo_Do you know where I can find video driver updates?22:12
SeptimaDabo_: what card?22:12
Dabo_I am not sure, I am trying to find it now22:14
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user82(maybe anyonw knows now) where do i start when my bluetooth does not work. lshw and lspi do not find any suitable device...but the "bluetooth" module in the kernel is loaded22:15
Dabo_Would this be the card?  VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF106 [GeForce GT 555M] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])22:16
SeptimaDabo_: yes22:16
Evil_Ericuser82 what type of device are you connecting i find that some devices will only work if connected through blueman22:16
stephans_help, I installed nvidia drivers in 12.10  and now there is no graphics...22:16
Dabo_I also get this result: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [V22:17
Dabo_GA controller])22:17
user82Evil_Eric, i cannot enable the bluetooth module in the notebook22:17
SeptimaDabo_: that's fairly new, you can try getting the drivers off nvidia.com for it; or you can try the ones here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+packages22:17
user82it loads the bluetooth module but then when i click "enable" nothing happens22:17
Evil_Ericgood luck with that then user8222:17
stephans_I also installed linux-source and linux-headers-eneris and removed and reinstalled nvidi-current-updates...22:18
user82thanks Evil_Eric ... linux 3.7.0 did not yet include a driver :/22:18
Dabo_Thank you22:18
user82but is there a way to find out which hardware is built in? no matter if a driver exists or not?22:18
ikoniayapli_: ?22:19
stephans_still, when watching the install of nvidia is says that the compiling module for current kernel was skipped since the source dows not seem to be installed... ??22:19
stephans_but I did install it22:19
stephans_does anyone have a tip+22:19
Septimastephans_: make sure you have all the dependencies that nvidia specifies22:19
user82Evil_Eric, dmidecode finds it22:19
ikoniastephans_: why are you not using the nvidia drivers provided by ubuntu22:20
doubledubbaI want to write a python script that pauses the currently playing music in ubuntu.  Where should I start looking in the API?22:20
ikoniadoubledubba: #python22:20
stephans_ikonia, the drive by default was nuveau... so not a performer...22:20
ikoniastephans_: right, so ubuntu also provides some propitary ones too22:21
stephans_Septima, what dependencies? apt will satisfy them no?22:21
asdf12anyon get virtualbox guest additions working in ubuntu 12.10?22:21
ikonia!nvidia | stephans_22:21
ubottustephans_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:21
stephans_ikonia, those are the ones that I use...22:21
ikoniastephans_: where did you get them ?22:22
doubledubbaI am fluent in python. I don't think the guys over at #python would be as helpful22:22
doubledubbai'm not familiar with unity22:22
doubledubbaI just don't know where to start looking22:22
doubledubbawhat part of the unity system control the sound?22:22
ikoniathe music player api would be a start22:22
doubledubbathanks ikonia22:24
ikoniadoubledubba: could also try hooking into pulse, but that's more "sound" rather than music player22:24
doubledubbai see22:25
doubledubbaim actually trying to pause the music for the pandora webapp22:25
doubledubbain the sound menu22:25
doubledubbawhile it is running.22:26
doubledubbais that possible?22:26
ikoniano idea22:26
MACscrhow do i switch from the server kernel to the virtual kernel in Ubuntu 10.04LTS?22:27
doubledubbathanks anyways22:27
doubledubbai think i might have to re-write the code for the pandora webapp to do what im trying to do22:28
doubledubbatoo much work22:28
doubledubbanevermind haha22:28
doubledubbabye all!22:28
MACscri tried apt-get install linux-image-kernel, but that didnt seem to update boot like i normally would22:28
FloodBot1doubledubba: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
compdocMACscr, never knew there was a virtual kernel. Especially for such an ol version22:28
machicolahow do I make my usb bootable22:28
machicolais it possible even though i only have 200 megs left on it? 750 to ubuntu.iso22:29
machicolawhen i try to boot from USB in BIOS i'm getting 'missing operating system'22:29
machicolai suppose I need to install a bootloader onto the usb?22:30
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machicolamy usb is showing up in bios but it unable to successfully boot from it22:31
stephans_Unfortunatley the support site only shows the basic steps... I am wondering why the apt-get install nvidia-current-updates works when i have the headers and source installed... the install does not see the headers or the source... why?22:31
maslohi guys I just did a clean postfix install and when I try to receive an external email it bounces back saying error 550 550 5.1.1, can anyone help me out ?22:32
machicolaoh damn, this is probably like holiday season22:32
machicolamight be harder to find support/help :-(22:32
MonkeyDustmachicola  you need enough space on the thumb drive, to put ubuntu on it22:32
MACscrcompdoc: oops, it was simple as 'apt-get install linux-virtual'22:33
MACscrnvm, i lied, it didnt do it either =/22:33
machicolaahh, MonkeyDust , thanks22:33
machicolaI didn't consider that22:33
machicolasomeone in error told me a 1 gigger would be big enough22:34
machicolathat makes sense.... need enough room for the full install22:34
MonkeyDustmachicola an empty 1GB, that is22:34
stephans_the nvidia module is not built because it does not see the source or the headers? I do not understand why. What am i missing?22:34
stephans_lts works... not 12.10... what changed?22:35
machicolaMonkeyDust, I have a gig size USB and the ubuntu12.10.iso on it is taking up 750MB22:35
MonkeyDustmachicola  an empty 1GB, to create a live usb stick22:35
machicolayeah, so I guess I'm good then22:35
maslocan anyone explain the the use of dummy on this tutorial http://blog.thecodingmachine.com/fr/content/triggering-php-script-when-your-postfix-server-receives-mail ? I understand the rest but it doesn't say much as to why we have to use that22:35
MonkeyDustmachicola  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick22:35
aleksahello :) My wifi stops working after a while22:36
aleksaneed help22:36
danishmanuse a wire, not wifi22:36
aleksaI'm having USB netgear wireless adapter. Signal is full, but it just stops working after some minutes22:36
blackbird34hi aleksa can you add a few details?22:36
blackbird34do you have to reboot to make it work again?22:37
machicolathat support page doesn't seem to be very helpful MonkeyDust , I've read it... also it says 2GB for some reason22:37
aleksano, I just unplug the USB and put it in againg, and it works after 30 seconds22:37
aleksaI have to be quick, cause I expect it to stop working in every minute22:38
machicolanevermind MonkeyDust , i think i've missed a key part on it the first time22:38
machicolathanks, bbiab22:38
blackbird34are you sure the USB isn't faulty?22:38
blackbird34aleksa are you sure the USB isn't faulty?22:39
Flannelztgu: It's because windows displays the sizes in base-2 prefixes (where 1KB = 1024 B) and Ubuntu displays them in base 10 (where 1KB = 1000B).  It's not a lot at the kilobyte (technically called a kibibyte when in base 2), but when you get up to Gigabytes (and Gibibytes) the difference is significant.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigabyte#Consumer_confusion22:40
ztguthank you Flannel22:40
pozso i have a question about a printer22:42
pozi have a Samsung SCX-472x Series it does not appear in the printer driver database22:43
pozand nothing shows up when it is searching. is there a way to get it to work?22:43
stephans_ikonia, I got the drivers from the main ubuntu repo22:43
aleksaYes, I am. It worked until I installed 12.10 from zero22:44
nicho_Hello. I'm having some problems with my two raid 5's combined with a logical volume. LVM says that it can't find a drive, missing uuid, blkid says that md0 exists, but not md1, and mdadm -D reports that both arrays are healthy. Anyone experienced this before?22:45
blackbird34aleksa: have you looked around the net to see if others have problems with the same hardware and Ubuntu 12.10 ? What kind of usb dongle is it?22:48
jingogesI have an older dell currently running Joli OS Linux and I'd like to run Ubuntu instead. How do I go about getting that set up?22:48
aleksait's netgear w3100. Had to install ndiswrapper and to use windows driver22:49
aleksagoogle shows nothing, just people having problems, but none of it is for 12.1022:52
troulouliou_devhi , what is the best remote desktop solution that behave like terminal server with login ...22:54
troulouliou_devvnc server only allow to connect when user is connected22:54
PePiTOhi, I need some help, how to refresh flash player version, please ?22:55
compdoctroulouliou_dev, that sounds liek desktop sharing. You have to actaully install a vnc server to allow anyone to conenct even when there is on one on the console22:55
nicho_my pvdisplay says that it "Couldn't find device with uuid '<insert uuid here>'", which is disk /dev/md1 - how do I go from here? from what I can see from mdadm --detail, the array is fine22:56
ikoniastephans_: if you go the drivers from the ubuntu repo, it won't complain about compiling them22:56
ikoniastephans_: the package manager will do it all fo your22:56
troulouliou_devcomdoc , yes but i would like to connect directly to gdm/ xdm and close local session if opened like terminal server22:56
Blahman101Anyone have any skill in getting Firefox/Flash (for youtube and Pandora) to use digital audio out? Mplayer, mythtv, etc.. are all good, but I just can't seem to get Firefox workin22:56
troulouliou_devcomdoc there are several solution around that just would like to know the best one22:56
stephans_ikonia, that is how I got in to this mess... I just checked the box in Nvidia drivers...22:57
stephans_then boom!22:57
ikoniastephans_: right, but you're also saying things like "it's complaining about compiling"22:57
ikoniastephans_: which isn't true if you've used the nvidia package from ubuntu repos22:57
stephans_that is when i have subsequently done apt-get install nvidia-current and watched the cli22:58
angel56troulouliou_dev: vnc should work even if you aren't logged in, but you might want to look instead at X forwarding via ssh22:58
stephans_I followed the troubleshooting steps...22:58
stephans_remove the drivers22:58
stephans_install the headers22:58
stephans_reinstall the drivers22:59
stephans_and reboot22:59
troulouliou_devangel56, nah ssh forwarding dont' fit btw are you sure that vnc can work at display manager login level ?22:59
stephans_I then noted that the install was not seeing the 'source' for the current kernel...22:59
stephans_not sure if it matters...23:00
stephans_but no gui none the less23:00
ikoniastephans_: the package manager should deal with all of this23:01
ikoniastephans_: there should be zero need for any of this as it's pre-compiled package23:01
stephans_ikonia, then I cant understand why it did not work...23:01
stephans_originally in the GUI it saw and suggested the NVidia drivers.23:02
stephans_I am confused...23:02
stephans_maybe 12.10 is kinda betaish after all...23:03
Septimastephans_: unity is wonky23:03
luposup guys23:04
OerHeksstephans_, did you install the experimental or the stable driver ?23:04
stephans_OerHeks, I tried them all.23:04
OerHeksstephans_, and what nvidia card do you have, optimus by chance ?23:05
ikonia12.10 is not a beta23:05
stephans_OerHeks, none of them worked...23:05
ikoniaplease explain "none of them work"23:05
stephans_OerHeks, no, its a mac mini learly 2009..23:05
stephans_i have to look it up...23:05
ikoniastephans_: 1.) do you have an nvidia module loaded 2.) did you configure xorg.conf to load the propritary nvidia driver ?23:06
stephans_OerHeks, its: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics processor with 128MB or 256MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory23:06
stephans_ikonia, I expected the deb file to perform any necessary configuring...23:07
ikoniadeb file ?23:07
ikoniayou should not be using a deb file23:07
ikoniayou should be pulling it out of the ubuntu repos23:07
stephans_and the module does not load by the way.23:07
ikoniaright, so 1.) the module has to load 2.) you need to configure your xorg.conf23:08
stephans_ikonia, i am... the repos have deb files in them23:08
stephans_ikonia, i am simply using the apt commands.23:08
ikoniastephans_: right, so you still need to configure xorg.conf23:08
ikoniastephans_: you also need to make sure the nvidia module can load23:08
stephans_as instructed on the trouble shooting on the ubuntu home page23:08
ikoniastephans_: I've just told you what you need to do23:09
stephans_ikonia, chek onthe xorg file I saw the command to let nvidia do that... but what about the module how do i make it load?23:09
ikoniastephans_: have you verified the xorg.conf ?23:10
stephans_ikonia, xorg.conf is configured to load nvidia.23:11
ikoniastephans_: can you show me the line to verify that please.23:11
stephans_in the section "Device" the line with driver says Deriver "nvidia"23:13
stephans_Sorry xchat on a separate computer.23:13
stephans_have to type23:13
ikoniathats ok23:14
nicho_right, seems i had a semi-broken array of disks. fixed it, but still need to give LVM a jolt, to recognize the now working raid. how do I tell it to go ahead and mount stuff?23:14
ikoniastephans_: ok, so what happens if you insmod the nvidia module23:14
LautraHello guys. So I just installed lubuntu on my old lapto and it works like a charm. The only problem is that neither of my control keys work.23:14
ikonianicho_: change the volume group to active status23:14
LautraWhen I do Leftcontro+t nothing happens, when I do rightControl+t it just writes a t instead of opening, for example, a new tab on chromium.23:15
LautraAny ideas?23:15
stephans_insmod: can't read 'nvidia': No such file or directory23:15
Benncan you install .ttf fonts on Kubuntu?23:15
blamiBenn: sure23:15
stephans_ insmod nvidia23:15
ikoniastephans_: ok, so the issue is the nvidia module is not here23:15
ikoniastephans_: (use sudo)23:15
stephans_ikonia, i did a sudo -s out of laziness...23:16
ikoniaso now you know your problem23:16
stephans_ikonia, that is my suspicion...23:16
ikoniait's not a suspicion23:17
ikoniais't fact23:17
ikoniayou don't have the nvidia kernel module on your system23:17
Bennblami: I opened system fonts by typing fonts:/// into rekinq. Can I just drag them in there?23:17
hikenboot_how do i disable routing between two network cards on the same subnet in the same server? I want to be able to map 1 to 1 with nat each of these two ip's for web servers23:18
nicho_phew jesus christ it's back online. it's a christmas miracle. thanks ikonia for the help!23:19
blamiBenn: not sure, I'm installing them by copying to ~/.local/share/fonts23:19
ICUneed help , with the instalation of wine23:19
stephans_ikonia, when i reissue apt-get install nvidia-current, i get: nvidia-current is already the newest version.23:20
nicho_seems the issue was that mdadm, instead of making a array of the partitions (sda1, sdb1, etc) - it made a array of the physical disks (sda, sdb, etc), how do I avoid this in the future?23:20
ikoniastephans_: the package may well be, remove it and re-install it23:20
stephans_ikonia and the insmod commans still fails...23:20
ikonianicho_: issue the mdadm commands correctly23:21
ICUcan any bodey help pls\23:21
SeptimaICU: are you sure you want the original wine?23:21
nicho_thanks ikonia, it's probably my config that's faulty23:21
ikonianicho_: not being rude, but mdadm only does what you tell it to do23:22
ICUi am new , i just want wine to see how games go under linux23:22
ikonianicho_: and there is nothing wrong with using a disk over a partition23:22
SeptimaICU: i recommend PlayOnLinux23:22
ICUok , where can i get it23:22
nicho_alright ikonia, all I did was stop the array and start it again, this time specifically telling it to use the partitions - and it worked23:22
SeptimaICU: http://www.playonlinux.com23:23
mathxzI'm kinda new to the linux directory structure and I was just wondering where I'd put certain files, I know that I should put my applicatins in /usr/local/bin but where should I put my conf file for them? or other required files for that 1 app? thank you for clearing it up for me!23:23
ikoniamathxz: you put them where the applications need them23:23
ICUthanks , but it gives me an eror23:23
ICUThe following packages have unmet dependencies:playonlinux:23:23
danielguys i need help please23:24
mathxzikonia: so let's say I make an executable php script in /usr/local/bin and it requires a class, do i just put that class in /usr/local/bin too?23:24
danielcould someone help me?23:24
=== daniel is now known as Guest35746
mathxzdo I make a folder in /usr/local/bin and just put everything in it regarding that certain script?23:24
ikoniamathxz: where ever the applicatoin needs it to be23:24
SeptimaGuest35746: just ask23:24
ikoniamathxz: it's not dynamic23:24
Guest35746what does it mean?23:24
Guest35746someone can help me?23:24
ikoniaGuest35746: ask a question23:25
Guest35746i just installed Xubuntu today and it has problems when i update it23:25
mathxzikonia: I know there's no requirement but I'm just trying to figure out what's the usual, I guess I'll make a folder in /usr/local/bin/appname and put all the required file in there23:25
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier23:25
Guest35746this is shown after i try to update23:26
Guest35746W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/br.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_main_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch23:26
Guest35746, W:Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/br.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch23:26
Guest35746, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.23:26
FloodBot1Guest35746: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:26
ikoniamathxz: there is no "usual" it depends on the application23:26
Guest35746what do i must to do please23:26
jhutchins_wkGuest35746: Probably that repository is just temporarily out of sync.  Try another repository or wait a while.23:26
Guest35746change the server?23:27
mathxzgoing to read that jhutchins thank you and ikonia alrighty I was just wondering because applications installed through a package manager follow a certain structures23:27
ikoniamathxz: they actually don't, it depends on who packages them23:28
jhutchins_wkmathxz: As with most things in Linux, there isn't one right way to do it.  The trick is to pick one method and be consistent so YOU know where things are.  (Taking notes is good too.)23:28
mathxzalrighty! Thank you jhutchins_wk & ikonia, I appreciate it , I acquired a virtual private server recently and I have been learning linux~23:29
danieleHI guys , Hi installed steam latest version on my ubuntu 12.04 , therefore it isn't work, I view this message : this version of steam is currently in closed beta. login with an enrolled  account to continue23:29
Guest35746Flood thank you!23:30
Guest35746it has worked!23:30
ikoniadaniele: .....so what does that message say to you23:30
Guest35746thanks a lot dude!23:30
danieleikonia, I need help, steam does not work and I see the error message described above23:31
ikoniadaniele: think about it "this version is closed beta, login with an enrolled account"23:32
ikoniadaniele: your account is not valid for that beta stage23:32
ikoniait's a pretty clear message23:32
RollinV2daniele, the steam on linux is in closed beta. if you dont have a beta invite you can't login23:33
danieleikonia, but I'm use the latest version, then the version open to all23:33
ikoniaagain...it's a prett clear message23:33
ikoniadaniele: no, it's not23:33
ikoniadaniele: the version you are using is a closed beta as the error says23:33
RollinV2daniele, you can try to get an invite key from the offical steam forums. but you have a Steam problem, not a ubuntu one23:33
danieleRollinV2, oook I will try on steam forum23:34
RollinV2ikonia you ok? i seen a ban fly out and several status changes.23:36
ikoniaRollinV2: I'm fine23:37
RollinV2ikonia: ok, just checking.23:38
stephans_ikonia, i did sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-current linux-source linux-headers-*23:39
stephans_sudo apt-get autoremove --purge23:39
luposo this is a IRC?23:39
stephans_and then installed again...23:39
stephans_you can see the result at http://pastebin.com/pnduBCye23:39
ikonia!info linux-image23:40
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB23:40
ikoniastephans_: side note...your kernel maybe out of date23:41
stephans_ikonia, there you can see: Module build for the currently running kernel was skipped since the23:41
stephans_kernel source for this kernel does not seem to be installed.23:41
ikoniacurrent kernel is, not 1723:41
ikoniamake sure your system is up to date first23:41
stephans_ikonia, ok i see it has been kept back...23:42
stephans_will do dist upgrade23:42
ikoniastephans_: I'd look at fixing that first, that may have relevence (the reason it's being held back)23:42
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lupoany italians??23:46
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ikoniawhy ?23:47
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:47
bel3atarwhat's a good FS for a usb stick?23:48
ikoniawhateer you want23:48
stephans_ikonia, that worked! GUI is back... craching on login though... deleted .* in home dir and can now login23:48
stephans_thantk you.23:48
ikoniastephans_: well done23:48
stephans_I hopw it will not break again! :)23:48
Vlanyhello. please could somebody help me to install the video drivers for Radeon 9200 PRO?23:53
FuzzyThorWhats up ppl23:55
FuzzyThorcan someone help me trouble shoot an issue im having with screen on 12.10 server23:56
NoskcajVlany, the stuff you need is in software sources, under the "drivers" tab23:57
bartzyI have an SSD as a primary drive, and a secondary normal HDD (on a laptop). The secondary HDD turns off after a while (a few minutes). I think this is dangerous to the drive to turn off and on all the time? Can I disable it ?23:57
Noskcaj!ask | FuzzyThor23:57
ubottuFuzzyThor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:57
Noskcajbartzy, it can rduce the hard drive life slightly but isn't a huge risk, and yes. i forget if its and OS or BIOS thing though23:58
bartzyNoskcaj: I hear that "click" sound of stand by (like you turn off a computer) every 10 minutes. Isn't that very dangerous ?23:59
LautraMaybe there's a way to map the windows key so it becomes control.23:59
bartzyAlso, it happens also when the laptop is on AC power... That's weird.23:59
LautraI need very much control key.23:59
LautraAny ideas?23:59

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