
w30I have a GOFlex 1 terabyte drive with some corrupted files. How do I identify what files system checker to run on it?00:20
w30I have a GOFlex usb drive with a ntfs file system, what command do I use to check and repair the file system on it?00:50
bazhanguse windows tools to repair an ntfs device00:53
bazhangsuggestions in ##windows00:54
Unit193Depending on the type of error, testdisk.  Generally chkntfs stuff you'll want windows to fix it's own filesystem.00:55
w30bazhang, what's windows? I don't have that. I have a GOFlex usb drive.01:02
w30is there a fsck.ntfs command I can download?01:03
* drc did a simple google search for "linux repair ntfs" and got over 5 million hits, the first one entitles "How To Fix A Corrupted Windows NTFS Filesystem With Ubuntu". Google must have been broken earlier.01:06
w30"fsck -t ntfs /dev/sdf1" doesn't work because fsck.ntfs is not found is my error01:09
w30I am down loading testdisk , maybe that will work.01:12
|FoXB|T|Someone know how is the best way to install a xubuntu ISO in a pendrive on mac?03:30
ruienhello everyone. Is anyone here familiar with how ubiquity finds its sources? I replaced the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list with a local mirror, but during installation time, and it works (when apt is called, at least), but it seems that ubiquity also tries to download a bunch of files from cn.archive.ubuntu.com, and I haven't specified that *anywhere*. I've grepped everything in /etc/apt; does anyone know where this is coming from, and more importantly how 10:58
ruientl;dr: ubiquity (the xubuntu installer) tries to use cn.archive.ubuntu.com, and I want to change that.10:59
xubuntu625hello there12:02
xubuntu625is there any software to copy programs between linux distros12:03
ochosixubuntu625: not really, you can theoretically convert packages from one distro to another, but i wouldn't _really_ recommend it12:04
ochosiusually if it's kinda "esoteric" software, you have to compile it yourself anyway, and if it's not, it's hopefully in your distros repos12:04
ochosi(if both distros are e.g. debian-based then yes, you can probably install the .deb package in either, given that the dependencies are fulfilled)12:05
xubuntu625i already copied "mathematica" but it run slower now....12:05
xubuntu625is it a good idea to copy the entire wine folder?12:06
xubuntu955ho un problema con mozzilla firefox13:43
xubuntu568hi i install Xubuntu via CD to a win2k laptop. When reach desktop garbeled screen. Help Please.16:10
xubuntu878hi how can i get install xubuntu.iso to USB-stick?16:41
xubuntu743hey guys!18:54
xubuntu743can someone help me out?18:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:55
xubuntu743alright. So I've got an old laptop. 1.7GHz dual core, 512mb RAM. I'm definately installing Xubuntu on this thing. I want to format the HDD before I install, to start fresh. How do i do this in the Xubuntu installer?18:56
pleia2if you select the option to install xubuntu on the whole harddrive the first thing it does before installing is format the whole drive18:57
xubuntu743So it does it automatically? I had Ubuntu on it for a bit, but Unity was soooo slow on it.18:58
pleia2yes, it has to format it in order to clear the disk to install the new OS :)18:59
xubuntu743Nice! I love what linux is all about. I'm just a budding programmer, but I hope to work with a Linux OS in the future. Thanks for the help!19:00
pleia2sure, enjoy19:01
shmooveHow many wakeups/second is normal for Xubuntu 12.04 if I'm browsing the internet?19:01
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nantouis pidgin the default for xubuntu?22:16
Unit193If you mean in the default install.22:18
nashantHi guys. I'm trying to get a vnc server set up. Wanted to use x11vnc but all I get is a cursor with a black screen22:56
Unit193nashant: Did you try something like x11vnc -safer -display :0   ?23:00
nashantUnit193: yeah, just black screen23:04
xubuntu074I'm trying to install PlayOnLinux. Going through the console. I'm at a part where it asks to install a Microsoft TrueFonts program or something like that. It has <Ok>  at the bottom. Remember this is a terminal window. I've tried pressing enter and "O" to get out, but that doesn't work. Anyone know how to get by this?23:20
CatbuntuTry pressing the down key23:22
Catbuntu(down arrow)23:22
xubuntu074Aha! That allows me to scroll... but i still can't press the <Ok> button... thing23:23
well_laid_lawntry the tab key23:23
well_laid_lawnto highlight it then enter23:24
xubuntu074That did it :D Thanks guys!23:24
=== march_notebook is now known as march
nashantHi guys. I'm trying to get a vnc server set up. Wanted to use x11vnc but all I get is a cursor with a black screen23:35
well_laid_lawnnashant: what have you done to set the vnc server up?23:42
nashantwell_laid_lawn: sudo apt-get install -y x11vnc; x11vnc -storepasswd; x11vnc -safer -usepw -display :0 -rfbport 889923:44
well_laid_lawndid you end up with a .vnc directory ?23:45
well_laid_lawnsee if this helps - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/X11vnc23:48
well_laid_lawnI haven't used vnc for ages, I just ssh nowadays23:48
nashantwell_laid_lawn: My issue is that I need to get access to my routers, so need X access23:51

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