
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
JPetersonafter "bzr switch -b name" how do i switch to "* (default)"?12:58
JPetersoni tried "bzr switch default", "bzr switch", "bzr switch *"12:59
JPetersonand 'bzr switch "(default)"'13:01
LeoNerdPerhaps try   bzr switch ""  ?13:08
JPetersonLeoNerd: i'mnot positibe thats intended because bzr branches doesnt indicate another branch13:13
jelmerJPeterson: The asterisk indicates that you are already at that branch13:13
JPetersonit seems to me that it's not designed to be able to switch back to (default) after at least one branch is created13:13
JPetersoncan i remove the second to last commit?13:14
jelmerJPeterson: '(default)' doesn't have a name, so if you switch away from it it will be lost13:14
jelmerJPeterson: you can create a name for it by using 'bzr switch -b newname'13:14
LeoNerdI don't tend to use switch, anyway.. disk is cheap; if I want a new branch on disk I'll just create a new sibling directory13:15
LeoNerdThat way I don't have to play silly "make clean" tricks from time to time when files change, anyway13:15
LeoNerdI find it a lot neater that way13:15
JPeterson2.6 fixed the primary shortcoming of not having branches13:17
JPetersonhowever it seems like i cant remove previous commits or reorder commits, as with git rebase -i13:17
JPetersoni would place that as the second shortcoming after branches13:17
fullermdWhat is?13:18
LeoNerdYou can uncommit (bzr uncommit), and you can reply13:18
LeoNerdOn the rare times I want to reorder some commits, I branch from the unwind point, then use "bzr replay" to replay commits into the right order13:18
JPetersonlaunchpad should use git instead13:19
JPetersonwould save jelmer 5000 commits13:19
LeoNerdBut then I mostly work with bound branches, so such things would be a: rude, and b: largely unnecessary, as things hardly ever go into the trunk in the wrong order in the first place :)13:19
LeoNerdUsually my reordering fixups are just for cases like having a spare commit that I made offline on the train over the top of a stale branch because I forgot to update my laptop before I left13:20
JPetersonbzr uncommit returned13:23
JPetersonCannot expand "commit_data": Dicts do not support option expansion13:23
JPetersoni dont see what that means though13:23
JPetersoni dont see any effect of it13:23
jelmerJPeterson: "bzr log" should show one revision less13:24
JPetersonjelmer: thats without that message too13:25
JPetersoni dont see an effect unique to that message13:26
jelmerJPeterson: that message is just an error from a plugin hook that doesn't work I think13:26
k_szebzr is not checking SSL certificate for xmlrpc.launchpad.net. If I'm paranoid, how can I make it check?13:28
k_szeIn fact, why is it not checking the SSL certificate by default? This is a fresh installation of bzr on Mac OS X, using MacPorts.13:30
jelmerk_sze: 2.5 should check SSL certificates IIRC13:33
jelmerk_sze: what version are you using?13:33
jelmerI'm not sure if it does it for xmlrpc.launchpad.net too, though13:33
k_szeI have 2.5.113:34

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