
=== jono is now known as Guest67030
shadeslayerkubotu: order birthday package for Riddell05:45
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.05:45
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to Riddell and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.05:45
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Riddell, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!05:45
kubotuHappy Birthday Riddell :D05:45
kubotuTo your health!05:45
shadeslayerRiddell: happy birthday! :D05:45
FlowRiserHey all, i got a newb question; So, i've managed to code my own piece of software in QT, I tested it and it all works all right. How do i make a package from the source code ? (with a Configure file and MakeFile) if i did it all in the QtCreator IDE ? 07:21
shadeslayerFlowRiser: depends, debian packaging?08:10
FlowRisershadeslayer, yes, exactly08:11
shadeslayerFlowRiser: #ubuntu-packaging can assist08:11
shadeslayeror #debian-mentors on OFTC maybe08:11
FlowRisershadeslayer, thanks man :)08:11
shadeslayerFlowRiser: I'd also recommend looking at another Qt package08:13
shadeslayeror something very easy, like kdetoys08:13
FlowRisershadeslayer, i don't use kde libraries, though;08:13
shadeslayerFlowRiser: not an issue, kdetoys is a very simple package, you can get acquainted with how debian packaging works08:14
FlowRisershadeslayer, thanks alot :)08:14
shadeslayer( and for some reason I didn't realize we're having this conversation in kubuntu-devel which is why I said "depends, debian packaging"08:15
shadeslayerFlowRiser: np, feel free to ask any questions here or in #ubuntu-packaging :)08:15
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
tazzhappy birthday Riddell 09:34
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
apacheloggeryofel_: ^^10:00
apacheloggerkubotu: order birthday package for Riddell10:00
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.10:00
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to Riddell and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.10:00
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Riddell, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!10:00
kubotuHappy Birthday Riddell :D10:00
kubotuTo your health!10:00
apacheloggerRiddell: happy birthday :)10:00
shadeslayerso. very. sleepy10:23
shadeslayerbtw Lightdm and the screen locker don't use the right background anymore10:26
shadeslayerokay, screenlocker bug was already reported : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31205210:30
ubottuKDE bug 312052 in locker-qml "Simple Locker uses Ariya background and not Elarun in RC1" [Normal,Confirmed]10:30
shadeslayerreally nice patch we have there11:11
shadeslayeryofel_: did you upload 4.9.95 for quantal somewhere?11:27
shadeslayerapart from ninjas11:27
shadeslayerdon't see it here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta11:27
shadeslayerbut you did upload translations there11:28
shadeslayerwtf? 11:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelshadeslayer: I wanted to do that yesterday but after I fixed something I didn't get to test it11:57
yofelI'll do it now if you haven't already11:57
yofelRiddell: Happy Birthday!11:57
shadeslayeractually, all of RC1 seems to be in ninjas11:57
yofelkubotu: order birthday package for Riddell11:57
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.11:57
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to Riddell and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.11:57
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Riddell, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!11:57
kubotuHappy Birthday Riddell :D11:57
kubotuTo your health!11:57
yofelshadeslayer: yep11:57
shadeslayeryofel: I haven't done it11:58
yofelok, copying11:58
shadeslayerwas working on setting up ktp dailies11:58
shadeslayerso you can go ahead and copy :)11:58
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 1 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | oxygen-fonts in experimental PPA (from oneiric to raring)
shadeslayeryofel: can you also backport my wallpaper fix from raring to quantal?12:10
shadeslayerwithout it screenlocker background and lightdm background are blank12:11
yofelwhat wallpaper fix? I don't see anything in bzr12:11
shadeslayerlook at kde-runtime12:11
yofeloh runtime12:11
yofelshouldn't that be fixed upstream?12:12
yofelthe tags don't make sense though12:13
shadeslayerhow so?12:13
shadeslayerQuintasan_: you haven't followed up on poll about business cards :)12:14
yofeldrop the "Forwarded:" line12:14
yofelonly makes sense if it's a vendor patch12:14
shadeslayeryofel: I used an older quilt from precise to dep'ify , so possibly something was messed up12:15
yofelquilt can do dep3 tag generation?12:15
shadeslayeryofel: *shrug* it'll get dropped with RC2, so I don't see any point in fixing that12:15
* yofel usually writes them by hand or lets dpkg-source --commit do it12:15
shadeslayerquilt header -e --dep312:15
yofelwell, if you're already uploaded leave it like that, yeah12:15
yofelah, good to know12:15
yofelanyway, backporting12:16
Riddellaww, thanks apachelogger, shadeslayer, yofel, tazz and especially kubotu :)12:29
MamarokRiddell: Happy Birthday old man :)13:06
shadeslayeryofel: I don't think adding -DKDE_PLATFORM_PROFILE=Desktop does anything13:29
shadeslayer( kde-workspace )13:29
shadeslayerthe build mentions no new files13:29
yofelit doesn't as that's the default13:29
shadeslayerk ... uploading then13:30
shadeslayerto ppa13:30
soeewhats the channel for www stuff ?13:59
Riddellsoee: this one :)14:36
soeeRiddell: i reported this: http://pastebin.com/bj1cFZSU on kde-www14:36
RiddellMamarok: thanks young lass14:36
soeebut it is link on planetkde.org14:37
Riddellsoee: ah well kde stuff goes there yes14:37
Riddellsoee: who's blog?14:37
soeeRiddell: this entry: http://dot.kde.org/2012/12/24/qt-50-congratulations-qt-project14:37
Riddellsoee: I'm confused, how can there be a virus there?14:41
soeeRiddell: im not sure, just got this message from my antyvirus, toma on #kde-www said to ignore this14:42
RiddellI expect he's right, I trust toma more than some anti virus programme14:43
JontheEchidnaRiddell: happy birthday!16:05
Riddellyes it is!16:07
shadeslayerhuzzah, active team released tar that doesn't build17:09
shadeslayerfun, the code hasn't even been patched in master17:11
yofelI get the feeling that lots of the active stuff doesn't seem to be in master...17:17
shadeslayerI just forwarded a patch to them on #active17:21
shadeslayerso let's see17:21
shadeslayerbtw I've updated the pad with what needs doing wrt active17:24
phoenix_firebrdMerry Christmas to all17:34
shadeslayerphoenix_firebrd: you too :)17:35
yofelphoenix_firebrd: thanks, to you too17:38
yofel!info audiocd-kio raring17:38
ubottuaudiocd-kio (source: audiocd-kio): transparent audio CD access for applications using the KDE Platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.9.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.04~ppa2 (raring), package size 75 kB, installed size 386 kB17:39
yofelI need to make sure that kubuntu-archive-upload errors out on ppa versions..17:39
shadeslayerall PA versions are a bit silly17:41
shadeslayerso I can't do a uscan and uupdate17:41
Quintasan_Riddell: It is your birthday isn't it? Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!17:48
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayeronly plasma-active-kickstart and plasma-active-maliit left17:48
QuintasanMerry Christmas to all of you as well :D17:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: packaged maliit yet?17:49
shadeslayerQuintasan: and if so, plz package plasma-active-maliit17:49
Quintasanshadeslayer: talking with familiy17:53
Quintasansend me the sauce to my email and I will take a look at that when possible17:54
shadeslayerQuintasan: sent17:55
shadeslayerplasma-active-kickstart doesn't need to be packaged18:01
shadeslayerQuintasan: so basically, maliit is blocking now18:02
Quintasanblocking what?18:06
Quintasanwe have to wait for upstream then18:06
QuintasanI'm not going to patch the whole build system now when they are going to remove the whole soname mess soon18:06
shadeslayerthat's not an issue18:12
shadeslayerbut just so you know, we won't have a keyboard since the PA keyboard is gone18:12
Quintasanshadeslayer: yeah18:45
QuintasanI know18:45
QuintasanBut as I said, I'm not particulary in favour of patching the build system for one upload18:45
QuintasanBesides Debian folks will likely to complain about that18:46
Quintasanmikhas: ping18:46
=== ronnoc_ is now known as ronnoc
Quintasanmikhas: Never mind, just wanted to know if you got my email but you probably did :P18:47
* Quintasan somehow thinks that when someone does not respond that means he made a mistake sending it somewhere else18:47
shadeslayershould I just ship these with libbodega0 or should I make a separate bodega-client-plugins for them?19:00
QuintasanI'm full21:29
QuintasanI'm stuffed21:29
QuintasanI think the most strategic move now would be to find an empty sofa.21:30
valoriehappy holidays to all!22:36
valorieyou make my computer so happy.....22:37
valoriealso, Doctor Who lovers: http://www.kumparak.com/2012/12/my-lil-tardis-its-bigger-on-the-inside-no-really/22:39
valorienow it's time to gather presents and head out to my sister's......22:40

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