
=== sysadmin_ is now known as Vlany
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GH0Is there any way to do an ls command and have it list ONLY directories? Not the contents inside a directory?04:31
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DaZGH0: you mean only ls, or ls with some string after it :v04:41
GH0Well, I figured it out, but, now I am getting this: sudo: unable to execute /bin/ls: Argument list too long04:41
GH0Which is a problem, because I haven't figured out a way to get around that.04:41
GH0The command I am using is: sudo ls -d --recursive */*04:41
GH0Not exactly great with regex, so I don't know if there is a way I could tell it to list all directories in A, then B, etc. Then I would output each command to a text folder for me to search.04:43
DaZthough if it's ranting about too long list of arguments, dunno :v.04:49
DaZGH0: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/43328/how-to-solve-sudo-unable-to-execute-bin-ls-argument-list-too-long04:52
GH0Well, I figured out my regular expression enough for it to work correctly. Just doing [eE]*/* but finding a way to better automate the process so I don't have to manually type in each letter would be great. But they would have to be new commands every time.04:54
GH0And then that is where it completely is over my head.04:54
GH0This works well enough04:54
DaZ[a-zA-Z] instead gets every letter.04:55
DaZthough i have no idea what are you actually trying to achieve and it's way too late04:55
DaZso, g'nite :v04:55
GH0Yeah, thanks for the help. Have a good one.04:57
artichokuhello everyone05:04
artichokuhaving some problems with a fresh install of kubuntu 12.10. Wondering if anyone could assist05:04
BigcheeseWhere the hell is .xsession-errors set as the error file? I tried changing ERRFILE in /etc/X11/Xsession, but it's still getting written to.05:07
BigcheeseAnd if you try to change the perms on it, the file gets moved.05:07
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m477I wonder if it is possible to write script which will be allowing to change monitor configuration between sigle view and twin view11:14
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BluesKajHiyas all11:49
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deepakis there any one?13:08
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deepakhelo thee?13:23
rnd_Hi everyone.14:05
rnd_With the Kubuntu 12.10 installer there's no way to setup an encrypted LVM without having it take the whole disk?14:06
rnd_(I'm going to do this with the alternate image of Kubuntu 12.10 beta1 and then updating the packages, but still, meh...)14:06
Subfuscrnd_: not even in custom disk setup?14:22
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rnd_Subfusc: apparently not... When I delete an existing partition and add a new one all I get to choose is the fileystem's type, which includes swap too but not LVM. I see no encryption option either.14:31
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Subfuscrnd_: I find that weird, but since i mostly use anaconda for installs, I won't tell you that you're wrong :)15:11
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xodiaktrying to start firewall (alt+f2 then ufw) but no program opens. Any help would be appreciated.15:36
phoenix_firebrdHappy Christmas to all15:47
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dabauertrying to use 'rename', but I get some error messages16:25
dabauerit keeps saying something about "strict subs16:26
hpfrantzy5hello, I am having trouble with my LAMP setup16:44
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:45
TheLordOfTime... right...16:45
TheLordOfTimehpfrantzy5, please provide details, such as specifics of what trouble you are having16:45
TheLordOfTimelaggy bot!16:45
hpfrantzy5You don't have permission to access /IvyHarvest/index.php on this server.16:45
hpfrantzy5myrights, Ive tried giving it full access16:46
hpfrantzy5TheLordOfTime: You don't have permission to access /IvyHarvest/index.php on this server.16:46
TheLordOfTimei can read.16:47
* TheLordOfTime is multitasking16:47
TheLordOfTimehpfrantzy5, what's the full directory path to the file?16:47
TheLordOfTimealso, who has ownership, and what user is Apache/PHP running as?16:47
TheLordOfTime(should be www-data if they're sane)16:47
hpfrantzy5user is the root user16:48
TheLordOfTimeyou didn't answer my question abotu who apache and php are running as16:49
hpfrantzy5TheLordOfTime: I started apache as the root user? Is that what you mean? I am a noob16:49
TheLordOfTimehpfrantzy5, right...16:50
TheLordOfTimeright now, i can't do hand-holding, because i'm multitasking user support, and server maintenance16:50
* TheLordOfTime doesnt' have any extra energy to spare just yet16:51
hpfrantzy5TheLordOfTime: thanks though bro.16:51
TheLordOfTimesorry.  someone'll either come and help you, or i'll come back from doing server maintenance and help.16:51
hpfrantzy5this is only affecting .php files [to any one who hears this]16:55
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yoyoz_Hey guys, how to install 3.2.0-35.55 kernel?19:57
BluesKajyoyoz_, if you're on 12.04 it's the default20:00
yoyoz_BluesKaj: right now I am on 3.2.0-35-generic20:00
yoyoz_BluesKaj: for some purpose20:00
yoyoz_BluesKaj: So how to switch to that?20:01
BluesKajyoyoz_, , have you updated/upgraded and dist upgraded lately20:03
yoyoz_BluesKaj: can you explain that?20:04
BluesKajyoyoz_, sudo apt-get update:sudo apt-get upgrade , then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade,  in the terminal20:05
heoyeabreakage coming20:06
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)20:06
BluesKajheoyea, not on 12.0420:06
yoyoz_BluesKaj: No, i need to upgrade only kernel. Just that, please20:07
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)20:07
heoyeause apt pinning20:08
heoyeato grab different branch for newer kernel20:09
yoyoz_Don't get it O_o20:10
yoyoz_heoyea: BluesKaj Previosly there was a command like sudo apt-get install linux-kernel-
BluesKajyoyoz_, https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports20:11
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syncsysI cannot install skype on 64 bit.21:50
syncsysany help?21:50
dniMretsaMsyncsys: what errors do you get?21:51
syncsys The "skype" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:21:53
syncsysDepends: skype-bin, but it is a virtual package21:53
syncsysI dont have skype-bin available21:54
dniMretsaMdo you have the partner repos enabled? it might be in there21:54
syncsysnot the source code though21:55
syncsysdniMretsaM,  iam on 64 bit21:58
dniMretsaMof course the source code isn't there. it's a proprietary program21:59
syncsysok. so why it isnt installing22:03
dniMretsaMyou don't need the source code to install the program22:04
syncsyswhat will sudo apt-get install -f do?22:11
syncsysdniMretsaM,   its removing all my packages.............22:14
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dniMretsaMthe -f option will fix all the dependency issues that your installed packages have22:15
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dniMretsaMsyncsys: what command are you running?22:17
syncsyssudo apt-get install -f22:18
dniMretsaMwhy are you doing that?22:19
syncsyssomebody said me that it will fix apt22:19
syncsysdniMretsaM,  what will it do?22:19
dniMretsaMI just told you. you could also read the apt-get man page22:20
dniMretsaMsyncsys: what is the output that you get when you run "sudo apt-get install skype"?22:21
syncsysiam in a biger problem  sudo apt-get install -fftware are removed by  now. all my so22:21
syncsys sudo apt-get install -f has removed all my software22:22
dniMretsaMthen why did you let it continue?22:23
syncsys sudo apt-get install -f22:24
dniMretsaMsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will get you the base system installed again22:24
syncsysit attemppts to fix.  thats what is written in man22:24
dniMretsaMyeah. but if it tells you that it's removing all your packages, obviously something else is wrong22:24
syncsyshm it removed all. now what should i do?22:25
dniMretsaMI already told you22:25
dniMretsaM"sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will get you the base system installed again"22:26
syncsysE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.22:26
syncsyswhat now.....22:27
dniMretsaMrun sudo apt-get install -f again. it's possible that it didn't finish removing everything22:27
dniMretsaM(which, I remind you, you should never have let it do)22:27
syncsysit has nothing to do new22:28
syncsysi ran it again.22:28
syncsysso what now22:28
dniMretsaMcan you install anything?22:29
syncsysbut not by -f22:30
dniMretsaMsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop doesn't work, right?22:30
syncsysno. it has alot of dependencies22:31
syncsysi think iam left with reinstalling kubuntu22:31
syncsysit even removed grupb22:31
dniMretsaMthen try sudo apt-get install -f kubuntu-desktop22:32
syncsyssame error22:32
dniMretsaMwhat error?22:32
syncsys  Recommends: python-qt4-dbus but it is not going to be installed22:32
syncsys                   Recommends: qapt-deb-installer but it is not going to be installed22:32
syncsys                   Recommends: quassel but it is not going to be installed22:32
syncsys                   Recommends: rekonq but it is not going to be installed22:32
syncsys                   Recommends: skanlite but it is not going to be installed22:32
FloodBotK1syncsys: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:32
syncsys                   Recommends: usb-creator-kde but it is not going to be installed22:32
syncsysDepends: lightdm-kde-greeter but it is not going to be installed22:33
syncsys                   Depends: okular but it is not going to be installed22:33
dniMretsaMdon't flood the chat.22:33
dniMretsaMwhat repos do you have enabled22:34
syncsysi have to reinstall i think22:34
syncsysdont know22:34
dniMretsaMthis can be fixed22:34
dniMretsaMfairly, yes22:35
syncsyswith all default softwares as the fresh install has?22:35
syncsysok. how?22:35
syncsysi only have comand line now22:35
dniMretsaMremove any PPA's you've added before. sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*22:36
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syncsys$  sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*22:36
syncsysrm: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/*': No such file or directory22:36
=== Guest33530 is now known as jambeedrum
dniMretsaMok, that's fine22:36
dniMretsaMput the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list in pastebin and give me the link22:37
dniMretsaMI need to see what repos you have enabled22:37
syncsysno pastebin. no browser22:37
syncsyswell no copaste either nowy p22:38
dniMretsaMuse pastebinit22:38
syncsysno copy paste22:38
syncsysmouse copy not working22:38
dniMretsaMsudo apt-get install pastebinit22:38
syncsysno keys22:38
syncsysi have to give up...22:39
syncsysi can install a fresh copy...........22:39
dniMretsaMwhat do you mean no keys?22:39
dniMretsaMuse the tool I told you to22:39
dniMretsaMsudo apt-get install pastebinit22:39
dniMretsaMthen use "cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit"22:40
syncsys pastebinit22:40
syncsysagain errors for dependancies22:40
syncsysi have to make a fresh install..........22:40
syncsysthanks for your time!! alot22:40
syncsyssee you in some time22:41
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syncsysi cant install software  like wine and skype in latest kubuntu x6423:32
syncsysanyone here?23:49
awaywhy's that, syncsys23:52
syncsysi cant install software  like wine and skype in latest kubuntu x64 http://www.pastebin.ca/229644823:54
awayI downloaded the .deb from skype's website and used dpkg -i on it and kaboom, it works fine23:55
syncsysaway,  you have x64?23:55
syncsysand what version of skype. i mean for what distro?23:55
awayI have the x3223:56
syncsysi said in the paste that i have 6423:56
awaywell, the skype website doesn't differentiate... try the .deb maybe23:57
awaydunno, might work :P23:57

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